HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120626Formal Complaint Letter.pdft 1' S Bonnie Menth 306 Shadetree Trail Twin Falls, 1D 83301 June 15, 2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P 0 Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RECEIVED 201? JUN 21 AM 8:31 IDAHO FULLh UTILITIES COMMISSION E-'- -oq Attn: Consumer Complaints: This is to serve notice of a formal complaint against Idaho Power Company et al, their subsidiaries, business partners and affiliates, contractors and sub contractors whom are complicit in knowingly continuing to install and operate devices that emit pulsed, modulated, microwave radio frequency (RF) signals that were/are in the licensed and unlicensed microwave spectrum RF widths/bands which harmfully invaded my person and caused and continue to cause physical, emotional and mental harm without my consent, permission and or knowledge. Said RF signals caused and continue to cause my brain and surrounding tissue to expand and contract rapidly, which in turn, caused my internal hearing mechanism to oscillate in time with said Radio Frequency pulses and modulation; such that my inner-cranial hearing mechanism was induced and stimulated to hear unwanted harmonics of said pulsed, modulated, frequencies/signals. The noise and effects of said signals induce emotional distress, exhaustion, headaches, muscle cramps, elevated blood pressure, irregular heart beat, sciatic pain, vertigo, nervous tension, nausea, earache, insomnia, agitation, difficulty concentrating, despair, anger and helplessness. All of the above conditions did cause and continue to cause diminished capacity and or the ability to focus and perform daily activities or routine. The noise and radiation impact has stolen the quality of life my family and I once enjoyed; with no other recourse but to focus on a daily basis, requiring all my time and energy fighting to get this problem mitigated. The State continues to avoid their regulatory responsibilities, thereby allowing Idaho Power Company to continuously emit this pollution into the air and into my home. In addition, Idaho Power Company et al did knowingly and willfully withhold their knowledge of the fact that said emissions were and are occurring from their electricity transmission. These said Radio Frequency Signals did and are in fact an invasion of my physiological person and are an infringement of my human rights. It is a violation of trespassing and nuisance laws. It is a violation of the Federal EPA Air Pollution Regulations. The State has an obligation to enforce such Regulations holding Idaho Power Company responsible for immediate mitigation of these pure tones, which is a noxious air pollutant . . This document is to serve as a formal complaint. I expect the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to issue a docket number attached to this complaint allowing due process of the civil laws pursuant to the State of Idaho. Respectfully submitted, lv Bonnie Menth References: 1)Johnson Liakouris AG. Radiofrequency (RF) sickness in the Lilienfeld study: An effect of modulated microwaves Archives of Environmental Health; May/Jun 1998; 53, 3. 2)Santini R, Santini P, Le Ruz P, Danze JM, and Seignel M. Survey Study of People Living in the Vicinity of Cellular Fhone Base Stations. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 4149, 2003 3)Hyland GJ. Physics and biology of mobile telephony. The Lancet, Vol 356, November 25, 2000. 4)Marha K, Musil J, and Tuha H. Electromagnetic Fields and the Life Environment. 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