HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110912Avista Petition to Intervene.pdf~lt:,i ~~~'V'STA. Corp. 2011 SEP 12 f.\f1 9: 21 September c Utilities Commission ashington Street , ID 93702 Petition of Avista Corporation to Intervene IPUC Docket No. IPC-E-1l-15 Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven copies of the Petition of Avista Corporation to Intervene in the above-referenced docket. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this fiing. Sincerely, rz. Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Enclosures Michael G. Andrea (ISB No. 8308) Senior Counsel A vista Corporation 1411 East Mission, MSC- 23 Spokae, W A 99202 Phone: (509) 495-2564 Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 RECEIVED 2011 SEP 12 AM 9: 21 UTI Attorney for A vista Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSION PV SOLAR TWO, LLC Complainant, v. ) ) ) NO. IPC-E-1l-15 ) ) PETIION OF A VISTA ) CORPORATIONTOINTERVENE ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY Defendant. Pusuant to the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion's ("Commssion") Rules of Procedure 53 and 71 though 73, A vista Corpration ("A vista") hereby petitions to intervene, and to appear and parcipate as a pary, in the above-captioned matter. 1. Name and Addres of Petitioner A vista Corpration 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, W A 99202 2. Nature of Business A vista is a corpration created and organzed under the laws of the State of Washington with its principal offce in Spokane, Washington. A vista is an investor- owned utility engaged in, among other thngs, the business of generating, transmittig, and distrbuting electrc power to wholesale and retal customers in Idaho and Washington. A vista also provides natura gas service to customers in Idao, Washington, Page - 1 PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION TO INRVENE and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, charges, services and practices are regulated, in par, by ths Commssion. 3. Names of Repreentatives All communications, pleadngs, and orders with respect to ths proceedng should be directed to: Clint Kalich Manager, Resource Planning and Analysis A vista Corpration 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane, W A 99202 Phone: 509-495-4532 Fax: (509) 495-4272 E-mail: clint.kalich(gavistacorp.com Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel A vista Corpration 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, W A 99202 Phone: 509-495-2564 Fax: (509) 777-5468 E-mail: michae1.andrea(gavistacorp.com 4. A vista's Interest in this Preeing On August 2,2011, Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC ("Complainant") fied a formal complaint against Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") to initiate the above- captioned proceedng. In its complaint, Complaintat alleges that it requested that Idaho Power "execute a stadard Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") power purchase agreement ("PPA") for qualifying facilties ("QFs")." Complaint at 1. Complainant furter alleges: "Idao Power has not negotiated in good faith in response to Grad View's attempt to include terms in the stadard PPA to the effect that Idaho Power does not own the environmenta attrbutes associated with the electrcal production from Grd View's proposed solar electrc PURA project." Complaint at 1-2 (footnote omitted). Accordingly, Complainant "requests that the Commssion issue a declartory judgment that it is entitled to a PPA with a clause in which Idao Power explicitly disclaims ownership of the environmenta attbutes." Complaint at 2. Page - 2 PETITION OF A VISTA CORPORATION TO INRVENE On September 1, 2011, the Commssion issued a Notice of Review and Notice of Intervention Deadline ("Notice") in Case No. GNR-E-II-03, which initiates phase thee of the Commssion's investigation and review ofPURA issues.! In the Notice, the Commssion stated that it "anticipates that the scope of ths inquir wil also include (but is not limited to) considerations regarding. . . renewable energy credits. . . ." Accordingly, the primar issue raised by the Complainant in the above-captioned proceeding (i.e., the treatment of RECs generated by or associated with QFs) is likely to also be at issue in Case No. GNR-E-II-03. Accordingly, in order to address the issue of treatment of RECs in a single forum, ths proceedng should be stayed until such time as the issues in GNR - E-II-03 are resolved. Ownership of environmenta attrbutes (sometimes referred to as "RECs") associated with PURP A QFs is not settled in Idaho. Where a utility constrcts and owns a PURA-equivalent resource, such resource would create REC's and the value of such RECs would not come at a cost exceeding the resource. The utility's customers would, therefore, receive the benefit of the value of the RECs generated by or associated with a utility-owned PURA-equivalent resource. It follows that the utility's avoided cost is inclusive of RECs and RECs generated by or associated with a QF should be assigned to the utility for the benefit of the utility's customers. Alternatively, to the extent RECs generated by or associated with a QF are not assigned to the utility, the price paid by the utility for the PURPA power should be reduced to reflect the lost value to the utility. i Phase 1 was initiated on November 5,2010, by a request filed by Idao Power Company, Avista, and PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountan Power, for the Commission to initiate an investigation to address varous avoided cost issues related to PURA in Case No. GNR-E-lO-04. Phase 2 was initiated by a Notice of Inquiry, Notice of Intervention Deadline, Notice of Scheduling an d Notice of Technical Hearng issued by the Commssion on Februar 25, 2011 in GNR E-11-01. Page - 3 PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION TO INRVENE As noted above, the issue of ownership of RECs is not yet settled in Idaho. In this proceeding, Complainant requests that the Commssion order Idaho Power to expressly disclaim ownership of any environmenta attrbutes associated with a QF. In order to resolve the dispute, the Commssion may need to determne ownership of RECs associated with QFs in Idaho in ths proceeing. As an investor-owned utility that does business in the State of Idaho, any determnation regarding ownership of RECs by ths Commssion in ths proceeng may create precedent that wil diectly impact A vista. A vista, therefore, has a direct and substatial interest in ths proceeing. No other pary can adequately represent Avista's interest in ths proceeding. Accordingly, good cause exists to grant Avista's motion to intervene. 5. Conclusion For the forgoing reasons, A vista respectfully requests that, if ths proceeng is not stayed pending resolution of the issues in GNR-E-II-03, the Commssion grt Avista's petition and allow Avista to intervene as a pary in the above-captioned proceeding. Respetflly submitted ths 9th day of September 2011. AVISTA CORPORATION ~o Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Page - 4 PETIION OF AVISTA CORPORATION TO INRVENE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 9th day of September 2011, tre and correct copies of the foregoing Petition of A vista Corporation to Intervene were sent to the following persons via regular maiL. Kris Sassar Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Peter Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary 515 N. 27th St. PO Box 7218Boise, ID 83702 Donovan E. Walker Jason B. Wiliams Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Page I~CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE