HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130805Response and Exhibits 1-18.pdfPeter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 I Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams.com greg@ richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, VS. IDAHO POWER COMPANY ) Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-I1-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll INTRODUCTION The ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issued Order No. 32861 in the above captioned matter on July 29,2013. In the final paragraph of that Order, the Commission issued the following directive to Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC ("Grand View"): []f Grand View has evidence that it created a legally enforceable obligation without conditions, then it may present such evidence to the Commission within seven days of the date of this order.l Grand View herein provides the requested evidence that it created a legally enforceable obligation no later than August 2,2011. ' Order No. 32861 at p. 22. Page I - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I THE COMMISSION'S "CLARIFICATION" FAILED TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE 2 From the outset, this docket was about whether it was reasonable for ldaho Power to 3 insist on an illegal clause in the draft contract that memorialized a legally enforceable obligation 4 ("LEO") that Grand View had separately created in the summer of 201 l. The existence of the 5 LEO is assumed and, indeed, is the very foundation of Grand View's August 2,201l, complaint 6 initiating this docket. Paragraphs five and six of the complaint assert: 7 5. Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC, has been actively engaged in the development8 of a solar electric generating project near to Grand View, Idaho that is designed to9 generate 20 MW of nameplate capacity. l0 I I 6. Grand View PV Soar Two, LLC, has made substantial investments2 in12 development of the project. The project is mature and entitled to obligate itself to a long- 13 term PPA for a PURPA QF pursuant to Idaho Power's IRP calculated avoided cost rates.3 t4 l5 Paragraphs thirteen and fourteen of the complaint assert: l6 13. Grand View Solar Two seeks a contract in which REC ownership is disclaimed 17 by Idaho Power. l8 19 14. Idaho Power has offered Grand View PV Solar Two with altemative language for20 the Commission's consideration to the effect that the REC ownership question will be 2l determined subsequent to the execution of the agreement pursuant to future law and/or 22 regulatory edict.a 2324 ldaho Power admitted, in its Answer, that the parties had agreed to all terms and 25 conditions of the contract that memorialized the LEO except for the question of REC ownership: 26 14. Idaho Power both admits and denies portions of paragraph 14. Idaho Power27 admits that it proposed language for the PURPA contract stating: 28 29 30 3l 32 JJ 34 Under this Agreement, ownership of Green Tags and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), or the equivalent environmental attributes, directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility sold to ldaho Power will be governed by any and all applicable Federal or State laws and/or any regulatory body or agency deemed to have authority to regulate these Environmental Attributes or to implement Federal and/or State laws regarding the same. 2 Later in this Response Grand View will provide evidence of those investments. 3 Formal Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC at p. 3 (August 2,2}ll).. o Id. at p. 4. Page2 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 14 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 Idaho Power admits that it agreed to Grand View's request to submit a signed contract for the Commission's review containing the proposed language cited above - to which ldaho Power would seek Commission approval, and to which Grand View would seek Commission rejection of, and Grand View would advocate that the contract remain silent as to REC ownership - and that the parties would accept the Commission determination approving or rejecting the language in the signed contract. Upon Idaho Power's agreement to this proposal by Grand View to submit the issue to the Commission in a Except for resolving the question of how, or whether, to address REC ownership in the contract, that was designed to memorialize the previously created LEO, the contract was complete as to every essentialelement. Price was known and agreed upon. Term was known and agreed upon. The parties were known and possessed the requisite legal authority to enter into the contract memorializing the previously created LEO. RECs were, at the time of the LEO creation, not a part of this Commission's PURPA implementation rules, orders or requirements. In fact, at the time of negotiations and creation of Grand View's LEO, the existing Commission order on the subject expressly declared that Idaho utilities may not condition the federally mandated purchase of QF power on a right of first refusal to also btty the QF's RECs.6 In August 201l, the Commission's existing rule that Idaho Power may not condition its federally mandated purchase of QF power on a right offirst refusal to also buy the QF's RECs fully supported Grand View's complaint that ldaho Power many not condition the LEO on a contract reopener regarding RECs. However, resolution of the REC ownership issue was not an essential element of the contract. The Commission acknowledged as much in its order on clarification: ' Idaho Power Answer at pp. 6 - 7. Emphasis provided. This language is found at Section 8.1 of the proffered contract. 6 See Order No. 29480 at 15 - 17. Page 3 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE Grand View filed this Complaint. I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 The Commission also observed that 'RECs exist outside of the confines of PURPA. PURPA thus does not address the ownership of RECs . . . States, in creating RECs, have the power to determine who owns the RECs in the initial instance, and how they may be sold or traded; it is not an issue controlled by PURPA.'7 When, in the summer of 201 1 , Grand View created its LEO, the Commission had not spoken on the question of REC ownership - other than to state that a LEO may not be forestalled by a utility's demand for a right of first refusalto purchase the RECs. It was not until December 201l, well after the creation of the Grand View/ldaho Power LEO, that the Commission relied upon PURPA to assert jurisdiction over REC ownership in its generic PURPA docket in Order No.32697.8 In its generic PURPA docket order (issued in December 201 I ) the Commission decided that RECs for a solar project like Grand View with a capacity in excess of 100 kW should be split evenly between the utility and the QF. Grand View Solar has a capacity in excess of 100 kW. Relying on its December 201 I decision, the Commission's instant order on clarification provides: Consequently, we find that $ 8.1 should be amended to reflect the ownership of RECs will be split 50/50 between the parties . . .We further find the phrase "at the time the contract is executed and approved" should be deleted from our prior Order No. 32580...We clarify that $ 8.1 is to be amended to divide REC ownership between Grand View and Idaho Power. Because the Commission's REC decision in the generic PURPA docket was issued well after the LEO was created in the summer of 201 l, the Commission's clarification cannot resolve Grand View's dispute with ldaho Power. Rather the Commission must look to its PURPA implementation regimen at the time the LEO was created. 'O.de. No. 32861 ap.4 - 5. Emphasis in original. Citations omitted. 8 Case No. GNR-E-l l-03 at p. 46. Page 4 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I THE REC OWNERSHIP ISSUE IS A DISTRACTION FROM 2 THE REAL ISSUE AT HAND 3 As the Commission observes, Grand View and Idaho Power had not come to an 4 agreement as to ownership of RECs. However REC ownership is a red herring and a mere 5 distraction from the real issue at hand, to wit: did Grand View obligate itself to sell its electrical 6 output to ldaho Power in the summer of 201 l? At the time of the creation of the LEO neither the 7 Commission nor the state legislature had addressed the question of REC ownership. No statute 8 or policy was in place, except that Idaho Power could not condition Grand View's LEO on an 9 agreement to grant ldaho Power a right of first refusal to purchase the RECs. Moreover, this l0 Commission has recognized that PURPA does not create RECs, and that ownership of RECs I I must be found in state law. In the absence of state law or policy in effect in August 2011, 12 establishing a 50/50 split of RECs, Idaho Power's insistence on REC ownership was completely l3 outside the context of the creation of a LEO under PURPA. Everything necessary for the parties 14 to go forward and conduct their affairs for the next twenty years was in place, known and l5 memorialized in the contract. 16 It should be underscored that REC ownership is unrelated to the price in the PPA. The 17 price, while an essential element to the contract, is set by the Commission and compensates the l8 QF only for capacity and energy. Idaho utilities must pay QFs full avoided cost for their energy l9 and capacity,e and avoided cost rates do not include payment for RECs.l0 It is true, as the 20 Commission pointed out, that Mr. Paul stated in his affidavit ldaho Power's REC reopener e See 16 U.S.C. $ 82aa-3(d); Amer. Paper Institute, Inc.v. Amer. Elect. PowerServ. Corp.,46l U.S. 402,417-18 (r e83). to Morgantown Energt Assoc., 139 FERC fl 61,066 at47 (2012) order deny'g recon. 140 FERC fl 61,233 (2012); Amer. Ref-FuelCo., 105 FERC6l,004(2003), reh'gdenied, l07FERC6l,0l6 (2004), dismissedsubnom.for lack ofjurisdiction, Excel Energr Services v. FERC, 407 F.3d 1242 (D.C. Cir. 2005). Page 5 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o'compromisesll Grand View's ability to raise the capital necessary to build and operate the project"l2 - likely even more so than a clause merely granting Idaho Power a right of first refusal to purchase the RECs. Yet Mr. Paul did not say that the lack of REC's would be fatal to the project. To be sure the loss of an ancillary income stream would affect any project, but would not necessarily make the project non-viable. Indeed, Grand View's subsequent actions belie any assertion that it was not taking its obligation to deliver to Idaho Power seriously. Those actions are detailed herein in a later section. Idaho Power's insistence on REC language objectionable to Grand View may have made it more difficult for Grand View to secure financing; however at no time did Grand View assert that it would not fulfill its obligation to provide the power it had committed to provide under the agreed upon term. The Commission infers that Grand View's offer was conditional upon resolution of REC ownership. However, nothing in the record supports that inference. At no time did Grand View state that it was conditioning or would condition its LEO upon the resolution of the REC issue. The REC issue was entirely separate from the utility's obligation to purchase the QF output under a LEO, and oll non-REC issues were mutuolly agreed to by the parties. Grand View did assert its position, at the time the LEO was created, that RECs were the property of the QF. Thus, Grand View created a legally enforceable, non-conditional, obligation that clearly meets the standards set forth in the Commission's order: Our finding that the offer was conditional and not a binding offer is supported by several Idaho Supreme Court cases. ln A.W. Brown v. Idaho Power Company, our Supreme Court examined a claim made by a QF that it had perfected a LEO and was entitled to prior avoided cost rates. [citation omitted] In discussing, the necessary criteria for a LEO, the Court state that the QF oomust show that but for the actions of the utility it was otherwise entitled to a contract [or LEO]." 1l The word compromise is defined as "depreciative". Webster's Il New Riverside Dictionary Riverside Publishing Company (1984). Depreciative is the context in which Mr. Paul's use the word by any reading of the language. '' Order No. 32861 at PP 3-4. Page 6 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I Hence the record shows that, but for Idaho Power's insistence on including a provision regarding 2 REC ownership, Grand View would have signed an enforceable contract, that memorialized the 3 LEO it had created. But at the time of the creation of the LEO, there were no Idaho RECs and 4 there was no Idaho policy on RECs other than the policy that RECs could not be used to frustrate 5 a QFs right to enter into a contract. And Idaho Power had no authority to insist on a right of first 6 refusalto purchase RECs - let alone outright ownership of RECs. Thus, but for ldaho Power's 7 extra-legal insistence that Grand View relinquish half ownership of the RECs, Grand View and 8 ldaho Power would have executed the contract attached to Grand View's complaint. Idaho 9 Power held up the execution of the contract on an irrelevant (to PURPA) issue, but the LEO was l0 created despite the utility's intransigence. Idaho Power had no right to insist on a provision I I regarding REC ownership because at the time, there was no state-sanctioned entitlement to RECs 12 as a pre-condition to a PURPA created LEOI3. As this Commission observed in its order on l3 clarification in this case, "The parties agreed and the Commission found that no ldaho law 14 specifically addresses the ownership of RECs."ra l5 The dispute over REC ownership assumed the existence of a legally enforceable l6 obligation. In other words, there would have been no dispute over REC ownership if Grand 17 View was of the opinion that it was not obligated to sell its output to ldaho Power under the fully l8 negotiated and agreed-to terms (RECs excepted) in the contract Idaho Power tendered to Grand 19 View for signature. Order 32861further states: 20 In that case [generic PURPA docket], the Commission found it was reasonable to equally 21 apportion REC ownership between the QF and the utility for solar projects larger than 22 100 kW, like the Grand View project here. [citation omitted] No party, including Grand23 View, sought judicialreview of that decision. Having decided the disputed issue of REC '3 Grand View does not intend to concede or suggest that conditioning a LEO on issues related to RECs is legal today even with the benefit of the Commission's order. '' O.de. No. 32861 at p. l. PageT - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 ownership in the PURPA investigation in Order No. 32697 (Dec. 18,2012, and affirmed in Order No. 32802 (May 6, z}l3),this issue is now decided.rs At all relevant times in which Grand View asserts it created a LEO, the issue was NOT decided. There was no direction from the Commission on the question of REC ownership and ldaho Power could not rely on any Commission precedent or state law to support its insistence on REC ownership. Idaho Power was well aware that the Commission's PURPA docket was proceeding during the summer of 201 l. But the creation of a LEO was not dependent on the eventual, and uncertain, outcome of the generic PURPA docket. The creation of a LEO was dependent on the rules and policies in effect at the time. PURPA does not condition the creation of a LEO on the utility's whimsical approach to contract negotiation. PURPA vests the unilateral right in the QF to obligate the utility (and itself) to a legally enforceable obligation to sell (on the QF's part) and to buy (on the utility's part) at avoided cost rates. APPLYING A NEW REC POLICY TO GRAND VIEW WOULD BE AN ILLEGAL RETROACTIVE AGENCY ACTION THAT WOULD IMPAIR GRAND VIEW,S CONTRACT RIGHTS AND DEPRIVE IT OF DUE PROCESS The Commission's initial policy statement apportioning RECs equally between the utility and the QF in Order No. 32697 is, in fact, a policy statement written on a blank page. Prior to the Commission's issuance of Order No. 32697 there was nothing - either in statute, administrative rule, or other state policy - to clarify.l6 The United State Supreme Court instructs: [T]he presumption against retroactive legislation is deeply rooted in our jurisprudence, and embodies a legal doctrine centuries older than our Republic. Elementary considerations of fairness dictate that individuals should have an opportunity to know what the law is and to conform their conduct accordingly; settled expectations should not '' Id. at p. lo. 16 With the sole exception found in the Commission's standing order that Idaho Power could not condition a contract on Idaho Power's right of first refusal to purchase the QFs RECs. Page 8 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 l4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 be lightly disrupted. For that reason, the "principle that the legal effect of conduct should ordinarily be assessed under the law that existed when the conduct took place has timeless and universal appeal.lT In implementing Federal law, agencies are prohibited from engaging in retroactive rulemaking unless that authority is expressly authorized by statute.ls Here, PURPA makes no allowance for retroactive implementation and doing so violates fundamental due process protections. To retroactively apply the Commission's initial policy statement (Order No. 32697) in its order on clarification (Order No. 32861) to the dispute between Grand View and ldaho Power violates both Article I, Section l0 of the United States Constitution and Article I, Section l6 of the Idaho Constitution because it impairs a valid legal obligation that existed prior to both the initial policy statement and the order on clarification. Article I Section l6 of the ldaho Constitution provides: No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts shall ever be passed.le Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution provides, in part: No state shall....pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts2o The above referenced sections from the United States' and ldaho's Constitutions prohibit the impairment of contractual obligations. Under PURPA however, a LEO created by a QF is no less binding on a utility than a standard commercial contract between the utility and a third party vendor or a ratepayer. Therefore, the same public policy underlying these constitutional protections should apply to protect a LEO from the impairment of its LEO with the utility. t1 Landgraf v. |JSI Film Products,5l I U.S. 244,265,114 S. Ct.ts See Bowen v. Georgetown University Hosp. 488 U.S. 204, 208, re Emphasis provided. 20 Emphasis provided. Page 9 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE 1483 (1994) 109 s. ct.469 (1988) I When deciding challenges under Article I, Section l6 of the Idaho Constitution, "ldaho 2 courts should apply federalanalytical principles when deciding challenges under article I, S l6 of the 3 ldaho Constitution because the state constitution is not more protective of contracts than the federal 4 constitution."2l The ldaho Supreme Court has long recognized the police power exception to the 5 contracts clause in the context of regulating labor contracts and public utilities. The rationale is that 6 public utilities affect "the public interest and the private rights ofcontracts in relation thereto are 7 subjected to the valid exercise of the police power by the legislature."Zz As applied to public utilities, 8 "The Court reiterated this exceptionin Agricultural Products Corporation v. Utah Power & Light 9 Company, holding that the state's regulation of utility rates pursuant to its police power including l0 statutory alteration of rate set by private contracts, was 'not a violation of the constitutional I I prohibition against impairment of contractual obligations.' 98 Idaho 23,29,557 P.2d 617 (1976).- 23 12 In CDA Dairy Queen, however, the ldaho Supreme Court went on to explain that "Of course, l3 the police power is not unlimited, and the state may not interfere with a utility contract unless it finds 14 that the rate 'is so low as to adversely affect the public interest-as where it might impair the financial 1 5 ability of the public utility to continue its service, cast upon other consumers an excessive burden, or l6 be unduly discriminatory.""o 17 In the Agricultural Products case cited above, the Commission was engaged in its police l8 power function in setting retail rates for a regulated utility. Here the Commission is not setting 19 rates and is not engaged in its police power role in protecting the utility from rates so low as to 20 be confiscatory. 2l The Federal framework for determining whether a legislative act violates the contracts 22 clause is a three-step analysis: ( I ) Has the challenged legislative enactment operated as a 2' CDA Dairy Queen, Inc. and Discovery Centre, LLC of Salmon v. State Insurance Fund ldaho Supreme Court Opinion No. 44, April 9, 2013, P 3. " 1d. at FN l. 23 Id. atP 7. 'o Id Page l0 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 17 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 substantial impairment of a contractual relationship? (2) If so, does the act serve "an important public purpose" (also referred to as a 'osignificant and legitimate public purpose");25 and (3) If so, is the act "reasonable and necessary to advance that purpose?"26 Regarding the first step, If a court determines that a legislative act has impaired a contract, it must then decide whether the impairment is substantial. In making this determination, courts consider several facts, such as whether the impairment eliminates an important contractual right, defeats an expectation of the parties, or creates a significant financial hardship for one party. Here the Idaho Commission's policy of retroactively reaching back to the time Grand View created its LEO to take one half of its RECs and give them to ldaho Power without compensation meet all of the factors for a determination that the impairment is substantial. It eliminated the contractual right for Grand View to selljust the capacity and energy from its project to Idaho Power and nothing more. It defeated the expectation of Grand View that it owned and could market the RECs it creates by operating the project and it does create a significant financial hardship for Grand View as evidenced by Mr. Paul's affidavit quoted in the clarification order. Clearly the first step is satisfied by eliminating Grand View's contract right, defeating its legitimate expectations and creating a significant financial hardship. The second step of the contract impairment test requires an analysis of whether the Commission's retro-active 'clarification' "serves 'an important public purpose,' and whether the act is 'reasonable and necessary' to advance that purpose."27 No public purpose, let alone an o'important" public purpose can be served by the Commission's order on 'clarification.' The order only affects one entity, Grand View Two. The forward looking policy order in the Commission's PURPA docket is not at issue. The clarification order is private in application, it 25 Id atP ro. 'u Id2' Id. atP lo. Page I I - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 serves no public purpose other than to punish a sole actor seeking to avail itself of its rights under PURPA. Because the Commission's decision serves no public purpose it unnecessary to proceed to the third step in the analysis and examine whether it is o'reasonable and necessary" to advance a public purpose. Cleary, the REC dispute was a distraction unresolved as of the time Grand View initiated this docket via a complaint in August 2011. But REC ownership did not need to be resolved in order for Grand View to create a legally enforceable obligation. FERC's ruling on this topic is instructive, and controlling: [T]he phrase legally enforceable obligation is broader than simply a contract between an electric utility and a QF and that the phrase is used to prevent an electric utility from avoiding its PURPA obligations by refusing to sign a contract, or as her from delaying the signing of a contract, so that a later and lower avoided cost is applicable. We further find that Idaho PUC's June 8 Order ignores the fact that a legally enforceable obligation may be incurred before the formal memorialization of a contract to writing.28 FERC further observed that: Courts have recognizedthat negotiations regarding terms that parties to the negotiations intend to become a finalized or written contract, may in some circumstances result in legally enforceable obligations on those parties notwithstanding the absence of a writing.2e By insisting on a term that it knew was objectionable to the QF, and that was not required by then existing law, Idaho Power was actively preventing the parties from executing the contract. But ldaho Power cannot use its delaying tactics to boot strap its argument that no LEO was unilaterally formed by Grand View. FERC made explicit that a LEO is not dependent upon resolution of issues not contained in its PURPA rules: " Cedq, Creek Wind, LLC, 137 FERC fl 61,006 , at P l5 (201l). 'n ld. atFN 62. Page 12 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll r2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 ln JD Wind 1, the Texas PUC refused to find that a legally enforceable obligation existed because, in its view, the QF was unable to provide "firm" power. The Commission disagreed with the Texas PUC and explained that the Commission's PURPA regulations do not contain any reference to "firm" power, and that Texas PUC's reliance on certain language in the regulatory text was incorrect. Similarly, Idaho PUC requires that a legally enforceable obligation can result from only a fully-executed contract. Like the requirement that a QF must provide '6firm" power, the requirement of a fully-executed contract is absent from the Commission's regulations.'o Just as FERC's regulations do not contain any reference to "firm" power they do not contain any reference to REC ownership, and just as the requirement of a fully-executed contract is absent from FERC's regulations, so is any reference to REC ownership. As emphasized above, the Idaho PUC had not asserted jurisdiction over RECs at the time Grand View created its LEO.3I Evidence of Grand View's sincere belief that ldaho Power had no claim to the REC is the fact that Grand View had initiated the process to actually sell the RECs generated by the project. In July of 201l, Grand View executed Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System ("WREGIS") Account Holder Agreement and paid the requisite fees in order to register with WREGIS. WREGIS registration is a necessary perquisite to actively marketing RECs in the Western United States for compliance with most states' RPS standards. Attached as Exhibit No. I is a copy of the registration agreement and the payment remitted to register. That Grand View's registration was accepted and is complete is evidenced by Exhibit No. 2 showing apage from WREGIS' "Active Account Holders" web site. Grand View is identified as WREGIS account holder No. 612. So Grand View not only believed it owned the RECs, it acted on that belief. Also in July of 201l, Grand View applied for pre-certification to sell its RECs into the California REC markets. Attached as Exhibit No. 3 is a copy of the certification by the 'o Id. atP 16. 3r Whether ldaho's unilateral assertion ofjurisdiction over REC ownership is tenable is not at issue here and even if it were tenable the decision may not be applied retroactively. Page 13 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I California Energy Commission ("CEC") that Grand View is pre-certified to participate in the 2 market created by the California Renewable Portfolio Standard. Certificate No. 61595C was 3 issued by the CEC in November, 2011. 4 GRAND VIEW HAS COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION AND CONTINUES TO ACTIVELY 5 ADVANCED THE PROJECT TN SPITE OF IDAHO POWER'S REFUSAL TO CEDE RECS 6 DEMONSTRATING THAT IT KNEW IT WAS OBLIGATED UNDER THE LEO 7 Of all the QFs that have come before this Commission seeking a LEO determination or to 8 be grandfathered, Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC is surely one of the most advanced. 9 Grand View is a self-certified QF under FERC Docket No. QFI l-405. Grand View first l0 requested a power purchase agreement from ldaho Power in March of 2010. In June of that year I I it executed a twenty five year land lease for the site. In July 2012, Grand View executed an 12 extension of the land lease for another twenty five year term. A copy of the Memorandum of l3 Amended and Restated Solar Park Lease Agreement is attached as Exhibit No. 4. Grand View 14 first obtained a conditional use permit ("CUP") to construct the site from Elmore County in I 5 December of 20 I 0. A copy of the first CUP is attached as Exhibit No. 5, and also included in l6 Exhibit No. 5 is an Elmore County Growth and Development Department letter clarifying the 17 legal description for the project. That CUP was due to expire in 2013, so Grand View applied l8 for and obtained a second CUP from Elmore County in March of 2013. This action preserved l9 Grand Views right to continue construction when the Commission determines that there is a LEO 20 between ldaho Power and Grand View. A copy of the second CUP is attached as Exhibit No. 6. 2l Grand View has commenced construction of the site and is now ready for the actual 22 installation of the electrical connection and panels. Attached as 7 are photographs showing the 23 site has been graded, surveyed and construction and service roads installed. Page 14 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 In addition to construction of roads and grading the surface, the project conducted a soils study in July of 201 l. A copy of the soils report and corrosivity letter from Shannon & Wilson, Inc. are attached as Exhibit No. 8 The project has been engineered, designed and is literally ready for installation of the solar panels. Attached as Exhibit No. 9 are engineering specifications and location maps of the project. THE INTERCONNECTION PROCESS IS COMPLETE AND COMMISSION PRECEDENT ON GRANDFATHERING LEO'S IS COMPELLING IN THIS CASE As will be discussed, and documented, in detail below, the interconnection process for the Grand View project is completed. All three stages of the process (feasibility study and agreement, system impact study and agreement, and facility study and agreement) have been completed and all fees associated with those stages of interconnection have been paid. The status of Grand View's interconnection process is significant in the Commission's determination of a LEO here because the Commission has relied on the status of the interconnection process in past cases dealing with the creation of a LEO (entitlement to grandfathered rates). In Order No. 3210432 the Commission made the following finding: Idaho Power's Application concedes that Yellowstone had neither signed a contract to purchase the QF generation on or before March 16,2010, nor had Yellowstone filed a complaint alleging that Idaho Power acted unreasonably or in bad faith by not signing an agreement before March l6 when the rates changed. However, Idaho Power maintains that the Yellowstone Project is entitled to the Order No. 30744 rates because it satisfied the following criteria: a. Interconnection and Transmission 32 In the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Approval of a Firm Energt Sales Agreement with Yellowstone Power, Inc. for the Sale and Purchase of Electric Energt, Case No. IPC-E-10-22, Order No. 321 04 (2010). Page 15 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I i. Filed an interconnection application; and 23 ii. Received and accepted an interconnection feasibility study report 4 for the project and paid any requested study deposits (or 5 established credit) for the next phase ofthe interconnection process 6 in accordance with Schedule 72; and 7 8 iii. Received confirmation from Idaho Power that transmission9 capacity is available for the project and/or received and acceptedl0 transmission capacity study results and cost estimates; andll 12 b. Power Purchase Agreement l314 i. An agreement was materially complete prior to March 16,2010,15 and except for routine ldaho Power final processing, an agreement 16 would have been executed by both parties prior to March 16,2010. 17l8 It is undisputed that Yellowstone met all of the interconnection and transmission criteria19 listed above. Idaho Power asserts that, in addition, the Power Purchase agreement 20 was materially complete and lacked only routine Idaho Power final processing.33 2l 22 The Power Purchase Agreement criteria for grandfathering a LEO for Grand View is discussed at 23 length above. As will be shown below, Grand View's progress on the Interconnection and 24 Transmission requirements for a LEO creation is much farther along that Yellowstone's, where 25 the Commission was sufficiently satisfied with the progress to grandfather the LEO for that 26 project. 27 Grand View submitted its Small Generator Interconnection Request (SGIR"), with the 28 applicable fees, in March of 201 l. A copy of the SGIR is attached as Exhibit No. 10. On March 29 31,201I ldaho Power informed Grand View that it had o'receive all of the required materials" 30 and that "this application is now considered complete." See Exhibit No. I l. On May 19,2011, 3l Idaho Power issued the Draft Feasibility Report. See Exhibit No. 12. On May 23,201I ldaho 32 Power issued the Final Feasibility Study. See Exhibit No. 13. On June 2,201l, Idaho Power 33 tendered the System Impact Study Agreement. See Exhibit No. I 4. On August 25, 201 I , Grand '3 Id. at P 3. Underscoring in original Page 16 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 View executed the System Impact Study Report and tendered requisite study fees. See Exhibit No. I 5. On October 31,201l, Idaho Power issued the Final System Impact Study Report concluding, "Again, even assuming historical maximum generation at both Strike and Swan Falls, the Project can be added without any transmission capacity upgrades..." See Exhibits Nos. 16 and 17. On November 30, 2011, Grand View executed the Facilities Study Agreement and tendered the requisite study fees. See Exhibit No. 18. Clearly Grand View was diligently pursuing the interconnection by following the Schedule 72 process to a tee in belief that it had created a LEO. WHEREFORE, Grand View respectfully requests this Commission clearly articulate that Grand View had, indeed created a legally enforceable obligation prior to filing the complaint on August 2,201l, and confirm that ldaho Power has no claim to the RECs that may be created by the project. Respectfully submitted this 5th day of August, 2013 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 17 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE (lSB No. 3l9s) M. Adams (lSB No. 7454) I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 5tr day of August 2013, I served a true and correct copy of GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC's RESPONSE upon the following named respondents by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following; COMMISSION STAFF Don Howell Deputy Attorney General 47 4 W . Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 don.howel l@puc. idaho. gov IDAHO POWER COMPANY Lisa Nordstrom Donovan Walker l22l West Idaho Street Boise,ldaho 83702 lnordstrom@ idahopower.com dwalker@ idahopower. com Clint Kalich Avista Corporation 14l I E. Mission Ave. MSC-7 Spokane, WA99202 C I int.kal ich@avi stacorp.com Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave. MSC-23 Hand Delivery Electronic Mail Hand Delivery Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Electronic Mail U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Nina Curtis Page 18 - GRAND VIEW RESPONSE i'j- *' -' !!'!Ii i!ii rLc.!, Jr -J l_- r ' '' i I i:: aLJ I rll i Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 oeter@.richardsonadams.com sre s fa richard so nadam s. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-11-15 GRAND VTEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDERNO. 3286t Exhibit No. I Western Renewable Energy Generation lnformation System Account Holder Registration Agreement dwffiffiffiffiW BHd\{i N,ffiffiAMffi ffi ffiffiffi$ffiffi @ Westenn Renewable Energy Generation lmformatlon System WREGIS ACCOI.JFTT HOLDER REGISTRATION AGREEMENT (Also referred to as the "TERilIS OF LJSE"I June 2?,2007 Revispd May 1,2008 Revieed August 5, 2008 ii WREGIS Acccunt Hoider Registration Agreemeni Revised August 6, 2008 (,l1} Ownership and [.!ses of Data.......-..'.....".......,........,i3 (12) lnt€llectual Property .............-..."-'t& ({3} Confidentiality............... ................ f4 tf 4) Limited Warranty; Disclaimor of Urarranty ,-....17 ('15) Dlsclaimer of Responslbility for Me*sage Boards and Links... ...........-. tB (16) Limitation of l-iability; Romedios ............-......".'19 (17) Passwords. ............."..'!9 {f 8} VirusEs--...., ..............20 (f g) No Assignrnent. Transfer, or Encurnbrance by Account Ho|der............."................. 20 (2O) Force Majeure................ ^,,.......,,.,2O lll WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised .qugust 6, 2008 t30) Entire Agreernent...,........,,. 28 ATTACHMENT x: Definitions........... ..........30 iv WREGTS Account l'{older Regis$ation Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 ACCCIU'UT HOLDER, REG'STruIflOIV AGREEfrilENT OR TERfi{S OF USE This Account Holder Registration Agreement (Agreement) is entered into on this date ,-'KJi and between Account o{[usinesg at (add city, state and zip)T.S N5-1OZ- (Account Holder) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), having its principal place of business at 155 Norih 400 West, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT 84103. The Account Holder Registration Agreement is abbreviated throughout as "Terms of Use'or uAgreement." Capiklized terms used throughout the document have the meanings given when introduced or in Attachment 1 - Definitions. 1. The Western Renewable Energy Generation lnformation System (WREGIS) is an independent and automated web-based renewable energy registry and tracking system that receives Data on renewable energy generation, creates merchantable renewable energy certificates (*RECs" or'Certificates'), registers the transfer of Certificates within and without the WREGIS system, and allows reporting on such transfers. When used herein, .WREGI$" is meant to encompass all hardware, sofhrvare, and inierfaces that are used in the operation of and/or that comprise the systern and are made available to Account Holders by WECC under this Agreement. A Certificate is created in increments of one megawatt hour (MWh) of reported renewable energy generatiorr. 2. WREGIS covers the same geographic region as the Western lnterconnection and WECC. WREGIS will issue Certificates for registered renewable energy Generating Units lscated within the Western lnterconnec'tion and for registered renewable energy Generating Units located in states and provinces within WECC, 3. WREGIS is not a trading system for either RECs or energy but instead emulates a banking system. WREGIS Certificates are the cunency of the banking system end may be used to verify compliance with state and provincial policy mandates, and to protect the integrity of voluntary green power markets. 4. WREGIS is a joint effort of the Western Governors'Asssciaiion, the Weetern RegionalAir Partnership and the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commiseion (Energy Gommission), 1 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreoment Revised August 6, 2008 5. 6. 7. 10. 1'1. 12. 8. 9. collectively lcnown as the Founding Sponsors. WECG has agreed to be the institutional home of WREGIS, and the Energy Commission has agreed to provide funding for WREGIS development and initial operations at WECC. WREGIS is intended to be financially self-supporting through fees paid by Account Holders. A goalof WREGIS is to provide accurate and reliable Certificates reflecting actual renewable energy generation. WREGIS is intended to be policy neutral and will not determine whether Certificates are el(7ible for particular regulatory programs or voluntary markets. Another goal of WREGIS is to protect against double or multiple counting of the same renewable energy. The Energy Commission is sponsoring WREGIS to meet California's legislative mandates to ensure that renewable generation output sold in California is counted only once for the purposes of the renewables portfolio standard (RPS} in California or any other state. WREGIS is not intended to establish legaltitle to Certificates but instead to accurately track who is registered as possessing Certificates. Persons must address any issues regarding ownership or security interests in the Certificaies outside of WREGIS. Any person who wishes to use WREGIS must register as an Account Holder and establish an account within WREGIS. All Account Holders must enter into this Agreement with WECC before using WREGIS. Only Account Holders may create or register Certificates, WECC administers WREGIS consistent with WECC's Bylaws and reliability mission, and is subject to obligations $et forth in a contract between WECC and the Energy Commission, which is posted at the WREG I S Website: v., ijii.\'. r:.! ie! :s. c :'.1. WREGIS is governed by the WREGIS Committee, which is a cornmittee of the WECC Board of Directors, and is established under WECC's Bylaws. A Charter approved by the WECC Board of Directors authorizes governance by the WREGIS Cornmittee. The WREGI$ Committee represents both industry and governmeiltal interests. The WREGTS Director oversees the day-to-day operations of WREGIS. The WREGIS Director is employed by WECC to rnanage WREGIS on behalf of WECC. The WREGIS Director is assisted by the WREGIS Staff and where neces'gary, contracts with service providers to perform the program and adrninistrative operation functions needed to support the information system and WREGIS participants. lnitially, the Energy 2 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised Auoust 8. 2008 13. Commission has contracted with APX, lnc. to provide the software (including technical operations and maintenance) and to host web services for the softryare. WREGIS accounts can be accessed only by using the secure WREGIS Website. An Account Holder must be approved by the WREGIS Director, must agree to this Agreement, must abide by the Operating Rules, must follow applicable lnterface Control Documents, and must pay the fees required by this Agreement. An Account Holder will be able to access its WREGIS accounts and Data on the WREGIS Website by logging into WREGIS using its username and password. Some Generator Owners or their duly authorized agents may agree with their Balancing Authority for the Balancing Authority tc act as their Qualified Reporting Entity in order to report their respective Output to WREGIS. A Balancing Authority Account Holder may report Output on behalf of Generator Owners or their duly authorized agents that have designated the Balancing Authority Account Holder as their Qualified Reporting Entity. This Agreement states the terms and aonditions for registering renewable energy Generating Units and establishing an account with WREGI$. NOW, THEREFORE, acknowledging that the success of WREGI$ will depend on the truth, accuracy and completeness of the declarations made below and on these terms and conditions, the undersigned agree and represent that: {f } Parties This is a binding ccntract between the Account Holder and WECC. Account Holder and WECC are individually referred to herein as "Party'and collectively as .Pafiies.' Acceptance of Terms Account Hoider's use of WREGIS (including the secure WREGIS W-ebsite located online at !*ieg€Siil i$ subject to the following Agreement (and as ii may be modified from time to time). $ubject to the provisions of Section 2(e), by accessing its account through the secure WREGIS Website, Account Holder accepts and agrees to be bound by this Agreement. Account Holder's use of WREGIS is governed by the version of the Agreernent in effect on the date the WREGIS 3 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement 14. 15. (2) h. Revised August 6, 2008 c. Website is accessed by Account Holder. Account Holder agrees to comply with the requirements of this Agreement and, in the event of a failure to comply, agrees to be subject to the default and termination provisions of this Agreement. WECC will maintain a copy of the current version of this Agreement on the WREGIS Website. Subject to the provisions of Section 2(e), by signing this Agreement, Account Holder is also subject to the VI/REGIS Operating Rules in effect on the date the secure WREGIS Website is accessed by Account Holder. Account Hokler agrees to comply with the requirements of the Operating Rules and, in the event of a failure to comply, agrees to be subject to the default and termination provisions of this Agreement. Each and allof the provisions of the Operating Rules are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement as though set forth fully herein. WECC will maintain a copy of the curent version of the Operating Rules on the WREGIS Website. Subject to the provisions of Section 2(e), by using WREGIS, Account Holder is also subject to the protocols of the lnterface Control Documents in effect on the date the secure WREGIS Website is accessed by Account Holder. Account Holder agrees to comply with the requirements of the applicable lnterface Control Document and, in the event of a failure to comply, agrees to be subject to the default and termination provisions of this Agreement. Each and allof the provisions of the lnterface Control Doeuments are hereby ineorporated by reference into this Agreement as though set forth fully herein. WECC will maintain a current copy of the lntedace Control Documents on the WREGIS Website. TJVECC or its successors in interest, if any, may modify or amend this Agreement, Operating Rules, or lnterface Control Documents at any time, upon providing (1) a minimum of 15 days prior written notice to the Account Holder if such modification or amendment is a technical change neoessry for the continued operation of WREGIS and, (2) a minimum of 60 days prior written notice to the Account Holder for any other proposed modification or amendment. Such notices shall contain the terms of the proposed modification or amendment. lf practicable, such process sha[[ (a) provide for at least a 30-day period for consideration of the proposed amendment prior to its adoption and, (b) afford each Account HoHerwith a reasonable opportunity to participate in such proceedings. Account Holder agrees that by accessing its account through the secure WREGIS website-after having received appropriate written notice of the modification of the Agreement, Operating Rules, or lnterface Control Documents in accordance with this Section Z-Aecount Holder signifies agreement to be bound by the modified Agreement, Operating Rules, and lnterface Control Documents. d. e. 4 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 (3) f. 5 WREGIS Account Flolder Registration Agreement lf at any time Account Holder no longer agrees to this Agreement, the Operating Rules, and the lnterface Control Documents-as each is currently written or as they may be modified in the future-Account Holder shatl provide written notice to WECC, in accordance with Section 10(c), of its termination of this Agreement and shallcease to access or otherwise use WREGIS and the secure WREGIS Website, but shall be entitled to a final statement of the Account Holder's account and other infermation reasonably requested by the Account Holder, including an accounting of the number of Certificates attributable to the Acrount Holder. $ervice Description WREGIS is an independent, automated, weFbased, renewable energy registry and tracking system that receives Data on renewable energy generation, logs generation Data, allows for the review and/or dispute of Qutput, uses the OutBut for issuing WREGIS Certificates and tracks, via Certificates, renewable energy transactions occurring within the Western lnterconnection. WREGIS allows for differentiated roles and permissions for various types of authorized Account Holders of the systern as to management of accounts, Data access and reporting as more fully specified in the Operating Rules. WREGIS will produce electronic Certificates based on Output. A WREGIS Ceilificate represents all of the attributes from one MWh of electricity generation from a renewable Generating Unii registered with the WREGIS tracking system. One Certificate will be created for each whole MWh of renewable energy that is produced. Each account will have sub-accounts established to allow the Account Holder to transfer Certificates. The rules on sub-accounts are specified in the Operating Rules. Account Holder agrees thatWREG|S does not establish legaltitle to Certificates in any form. Any issues that might arise regarding the ownership or security interest in Certificates, or whether the transferred Certificate is considered a forward contract' under the laws of a state or the laws of the United States, will be addressed by the Account Holder outside of WREGIS. WECC will not address any such ownership issues or have liability with respect to any such ownership issues. a, b. d. A Revised August 6, 2008 (4)Output Reporting WREGIS issues Certificates only for Output. lt is the responsibility of the Generator Owner and/or its agent to supply Output in accordance with the timelines incorporated in the WREGIS Operating Rules. lf the Qualified Reporting Entity, designated reporting entity (using protocols described in an lnterface Control Document), a Self-Reporting lnterface, or Account Holder or its Agents or assigns fails to supply all required Output on registered Generating Units to WECC according to the dates specified in the Operating Rules, the Account Holder and Generator Owner will automafically be notified of the missing Output. The WREGIS Director may reguest submission of reasonable and consistent supplemental or additional Data from the Account Holder responsible for the Generating Unit in order to secure the missing Output. lf the WREGIS Director determines that Data from an Account Holder is required for the determination of compliance by anotherAccount Holder with this Agreement, Operating Rules, or lnterface Control Documents; the WREGIS Director shall so notrfy the Account Holder and the Account Holder shall have 30 days from such notice, or a mutually agreeable extension thereof, to provide the requested Data to the WREGIS Director. An Account Holder may also request the WREGIS Director to request from another Account Holder, Output or Data required for the requestiftg Account Holder's compliance; however, such a request shall not relieve the Account Holder of any obligations to provide requested Output. lf any Data is requested of Account Holders that is not listed in $ection 13(b) or Section 13(c), such request willfirst be submitted to the WREGIS Committee for review and action. The WREGIS Committee will notice and hold a public WREGIS Committee meeting to dlscuss the request and witt make a determination of the confidentiality status of any new Data being requested. lf approved, the request is subject to the WREGIS change Gontrolprocedure as detailed in the Operating Rules. {5} Authorized Users a. An Account Holder can be any Person with the capacity to sue or be sued under the law of a state or a federal government. An Acc0unt Holder may include one or more of the following types of organizations or entlties: Generating Unit owner or representative, Gerrerator Unit aggregator, community choice aggregator, small utility aggregator, investor-owned utility (lOU), municipal utility, ruralelestric cooperative, irfigation district, electricity service provider, joint power authority, retail marketer, broker, tribal organization, customer-owned utility, public interest organieation, 6 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement a. Revised August 6, 2006 b. federal marketerlpower administration, wholesale marketer, state program director, provincial program director, qualified independent party, Balancing Authority, other load serving entity, or other legalentity. An Account Holder vuho has account Registration and permissions for an account may designate a Person outside of the Account Holder's organization to serve as an Agent or other authorized user on the account. This is accomplished by the Account Holder submitting a Notice of Agent Designaiion. The Agent shall have only those WREGIS permissions and privileges a$ expressly granted by the Account Holder in the Notice of Agent Designation. The Notice of Agent Designation shall not be effective until written acknowledgement is issued by WECC. Such Notice of Agent Designation must be revoked by written notification from the Account Holder in the Notice of Agency Termination. ln such event, the Account Holder will provide such wriften notification to WECC and such termination of the Notice of Agent Designation will not be effective until written acknowledgement is issued by WECC. Such acknowledgementwill be made to the Account Holder by the WREGIS Director within five business days of WECC's receipt of written notification of revocation of the Notice of Agent Designation. The rights granted herein are granted only to Account Holders and their Agents. ln the case of an Agent, the terms of the Notice of Agent Designation specifu who is to pay WREGIS fees to WECC. ln the case of an assignment of Registration permissions by a Generating Owner, the Notice of Assignment of Registration Rights specifies that the Assigned Account Holder (the one registering the Generating Unit) is to pay to the WECC registration fees, if applicable. lf an Affiliate wishes to use WREGIS, it must apply for its own Registration, agree to this Agreement, abide by the Operating Rules, follow the applicable lnterface Control Document, and pay the required fees. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall run to the named Parties and theirAgents for those WREGIS permissions and privileges expressly granted to the Account Holder. The Account Holder agrees that any of its employees or Agents to whom the Account Holder has provided access to WREGIS willfully comply with this Agreement, Operating Rules and the applicable lnterface Control Documents, and further agrees to rnake such compliance a condition of any agreement that Account Holder may create for this purpose. d. A 7 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 200E (6) Grant WECC grants to Account Holder, and its authorized agents, a non- exclusive non-transferable license to use WREGIS sofrtrare at the WREGIS Website subject to this Agreement, Operating Rules and lnterface Control Documents in force. Before granting Account Holder acc€ss, Account Holder shall (1) complete and submit this Agreement to the WREGIS Director, (2) complete and submit Account Holder Registration Data (onJine after obtaining temporary status to use WREGIS as a Registrant) to the WREGIS Director, and (3) pay the applicable fees due under this Agreement and Operating Rules. Account Holder's use under the license shall be subject to the followi*g limitations: 0 Account Holder shall not (a) loan. shere, publish, republish, disclose, transmit, display, sell, ticense, lease or distribute any portion of WREGIS software to any third party, (b) disassemble, decode, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer, copy, reproduce WREGIS software, or (c) loan, share, publish, republish, diselose, transmit, display, sell, license, lease, distribute, disassemble, decode, decompile, reverse engineer, copy, reproduce, or use WREGIS as a basis for a directory or daiabase prepared for commercial sale or distribution. Account Holder shall not modify the format of any WREGIS generated report, but such resiriction does not include the information contained therein. (ii) Account Holder shall not rernove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary noticas contained in WREGIS. (iii) Account Holder shall not knowingly infringe or misappropriate WREGIS software. {iv} WECC represents and warrants that it has received from the Energy Commission, all necessary rights to allow Account Hotder to use WREGIS in accordance with this Agreement. WECC reserves all rights in \IYREGIS not expressly granted to Account Holder in this Agreement. Account Holder acknowledges that the WREGIS sofiware does not belong to Account Holder. Except as provided in this Agreement, Account Holders shallnot obtain, have, or retain any right, title, or interest in or to WREGI$ or the WREGI$ software or any part thereof pursuant to this Agreement. I WREGIS Aecount Holder Registralion Agreement e. b. Revised August 6, 2008 d. ln using the WREGIS Website, Account Holder agrees: (i) Not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise abuse, WREGIS or any services, system regourceg, accounts, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the WREGIS Website or affiliated or linked sites; (ii) Not to disrupt or interfere with any other usefs use and enjoyment of the WREGIS Website or affiliated or linked websites; (iii) Not knowingly to upload, post, or otherwise transmit through or oft the WREGIS Website any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; (iv) Not to copy, use, frame, or utilize framing techniques to enclose any WREGIS or WECC trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including the images found at the WREGIS Website, the content of any text or the layouUdesign of any page or form contained on a page and expressly excluding information contained in reports) without WECC's express prior written consent; (vi Not to use meta tags, cookies, or any other "hidden text" created by Account Holder utilizing the WREGIS or the WECC name, trademark or product name without WECC's express prior written consent; (vi) Not to .deeplink" to the WREGIS Website without WECC's express prior written consent; ivii) Not to create or use a false identity on the WREGIS Website; (viii) Not to attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the WREGIS Website or portions of the WREGIS Website that are restricted from general access or portions of the WREGIS Website that are assigned specific Account Holder acess permissions outside of the Account Holder's own access permissions; (ix) Not to post any materialthat is knowingly false or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law; (x) Not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned or lawfully licensed by Account Holder or by WECC: and I WREGIS Account Holder Registration,A,Ereement Revised August 6. 2008 (xi) ln addition, Account Holder agrees to comply with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations, including but not lirnited to United $tates export restrictions, that relate to use of or activities on the WREGIS Website. (7) Fees Account Holder agrees to pay all applicable Fees, including Annual Fees and Volumetric Fees, collectively referred to herein as the "Fees", that WECC eharges for using WREGIS. AllVolumetric Fees will be calculated monthly. Fees may change from time to time. WECC may, at its sole discretion, increase or decrease the Fees at any time, upon providing 60 days' prior notice to the Account Holder. WECC shall notify Account Holder of any WECG process to change the Fees by first publishing the notice on the WREGIS Website. lf practicable, such process shall (a) provide for at least a 30 day period for consideration of the proposed change prior to its adoption; and (b) afford each Account Holder with a reasonable opportunity to participate in such proceedings. Any changes in the fee structure will be publicly noticed and discussed at a publicWREG|S Committee meeting and approved by the WREGIS Committee prior to being implemented. ln no event shall any portion of the Fees paid to WECC be prorated or refunded to Account Holder upon termination of the Agreement. Likewise, Account Holder's obligation to pay any and all Fees due to WECC shall sulive the tennination of such use or eccess. a. A schedule of Fees to be charged each type of Account Holder will be posted on the publicly accessible WREGIS Website. lnitially, WECC will charge most Account Holders both an Annual Fee and a Volumetric Fee. The fee matrix on the WREGIS Website details which fees each type of Account Holder will be charged. Annual Fees will be salculated in the anniversary month that the account was approved. The full payment of the Annual Fee will be required prior to the WREGIS Directo/s approval of the New Account Registration. No Annual Fee will be charged to: (1) non-transacting state, provincial, or federal regulators; (2) Qualified Reporting Entities whose sole purpose is to report generation output on behalf of a Generating Unit that is not owned by the reporting entity (e.9., the California lndependent System Operator Corporation); and (3) voluntary program directors, such as; Green-e, Low-lmpact Hydro, or Ecologo. Certificate lssuance Volumetrie Fee. WECC shallassess Account Holder a Volumetric Fee for the issuence of a Certificate. Account Holder shall pay a fee per M\Mr of issued WREGIS Ceftificates. The Certificate lssuance Fee shall be calculated monthly based on the number of Certificates issued. 10 WREGIS Account HoldEr Registration Agreement ,,tLl- Revised August 6, 2008 Certificate Transfer Volumetric Fee. WECC shell assess Account Holder a Volumetric Fee for the transfer of a Certificate from one Account Holder to another, The Account Holder initiating the transfer shall pay the Fee on each Certificate transferred to another Account Holder, whether the transfer is scheduled (Standing Order Transfer or Forward Certificate Transfer) or non-scheduled (ad hoc). The Certificate Transfer Fee shallbe calculated monthly based on the number of Certiftcates of which the transfer was initiated by the Account Holder and accepted by the intended recipient. Certificate Retirement, Reserve, or Exported Volumetric Fee, WECC shall assess a Volumetric Fee for retiring, reserving, or exporting a Certificate. AllAccount Holders that retire, reserye, or export Certificates shall pay the Volumetric Fee on each Certificate retired, reserved, or exported. The Certificate Retirement, Reserye, or Export Fee shall be calculated monthly based on the number of Certificates retired, reserved, or exported. {8) Payments and Taxes The Fees shall be non-refundable and are due and payable within 30 days from the date of WECC's invoice. Account Holderwillpay allapplicable sales, use, value added taxes, and other taxes levied in connection with Account Holder's use of WREGIS, other than taxes based on the income of WECC. (g) Late Fees Account Holder acknowledges that late payment of any Fees owed to WEGC may cause WECC to incur extra administrative and other costs and expenses. [f Account Holder fails to pay any amounts or charges that Account Holder is obligated to pay under the tenns of the Agreement within fifteen days of the due date, then Account Holder shallbe responsible to pay to wEGC a late fee equat to one and one-half percent (monthly interest rate) computed on the overdue amount. Account Holder reserves the right to dispute the amount of the Volumetric Fee charges for a period of g0 days following payment by Account Holder. Aeceptance of any late fee shall not constitute a waiver of Account Holder's default with respect to such late payment, nor prevent WECC from exercising any other right$ 0r remedies available to WECC under the Agreernent or applicable law. 11 WREGIS Account Holder Registrartion Agreement (t f. Revised August 6, 2O0B (10) Term and Termination a. Terrn. This Agreement becomes operative on the date on which Account Holder has (1) completed and submitted to the WREGIS Director Account Holder Registration Data (on-line after obtaining temporary status to use WREGIS as a Registrant), (2) indicated on the WREGIS Website Account Holder's unqualified acceptance of this Agreement, (3) Paid atl Fees due under this Agreement and Operating Rules, and (4) submitted to the WREGIS Director two signed copies of this Agreement. This Agreement shall continue in effect until one of the Parties terminates this Agreement pursuant to the terms of this Section 10 (Term and Termination), or the Agreemerrt expires or terminates by operation of law pursuant to the terms of this Section. b. Termination for Default. lf WECC finds Account Holder in default in the performance of any of its obligations under Section 21 (Default; Remedies; Nonwaiver of Default) of this Agreement, WECC may terminate this Agreement, inctuding Account Holder's access to WREGIS, upon giving 15 days written and electronic notice to Account Holder and an opportunip to cure in accordance with Sec'tion 21(a) hereof, unless othenarise provided herein. c. Termination for Convanience by Either Party. Either Party to this Agreement may terminate this Agreement and Account Holder's access to WREGIS, without cause, by providing at least 60 days written notice to the other ParU. Account Holder's obligation to pay any and all Fees due to WECC shall survive the termination of such use or access. d. Termination Required by Law. WECC may terminate access to or Account Holder may cease use of WREGIS if required to do so by any statute, regulation, tariff, order, or ordinance enacted by a governmental authority having jurisdiction over Account Holder or WECC, or by any order or other decision of a court of law or governmental agency, as required by said statute, regulation, tariff, ordinance, order, or decision. At least 60 days written notice of said termination of access or cessation of use of \rt'REGlS shall be given by the Party terminating the access to, or ceasing the use of, WREGIS under this subsection, unless a shorter notice period is required or permitted by the applicable statute, regulation, ordinance, order, or decision. e. Provisions that Survive Termination. The following Sections survive terminaiion of this agreement: Sec{ions 7 (Fees), 10 (Term and Terminationi, 11 (Ownership and Uses of Data), 12 (lntellectual Property), 12 WREGIS Account Holder Registratiofl Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 13 (Confidentiality), 14 (Limited Warranty; Disclaimer of Warranty), 15 (Disclaimer of Responsibility for Message BoardE and Links), 16 (Limitation of Liability; Remedies), 19 (No Assignrnent, Transfer, or Encumbrance by Account Holder), 20 (Force Maieure), 21 (Default; Remedies; Nonwaiver of Default), 22 (Waiver), 23 (Governing Law), 24 (Dispute Resolution), 25 (Audit; Continuing DuU to Report Enors; Audit Standard),27 (Severability), and Aftachment 1 (Definitions), arrd any other provisions which reasonably should or must survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, or which it is reasonable to conclude that the Parties intended to survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, shallsurvive termination of the Agreement. f. Reinstatement. WECC, at its sole discretion, may reinstate an Acoount Holder's aCIcess to WREGIS after the account has been terminated for Account Holde/s Default, upon a determinaiion that the problem that led to the Account Holder's termination has been satisfactorily resolved. There is no limit on the amount of time that WECC may place an Account on inactive status. lf the Account Holder passed the date for hi#her annual registration ufiate while in termination, the Account Holder must update registration data before the WREGI$ Director will reinstate any permission to access or use WREGIS. A new account must be created for this Account Holder and approved by the WREGIS Director for the Account Holder to have any permission to access or use WREGIS, at which time allforms must be resubmitted and the annualAccount Holder fee must be paid. g. Tenmination due to lntellectual Property lnfringement Claim. Either Pa$ may immediately terminate the Agreement at any time after receiving notice from a third-party alleging infringement of the third-party's intellectual property rights. Termination willbe effective upon delivery by one Party of written notice to the other ParU.Account Holder information that WECC has control over shall be delivered to the Account Holder as promptly as feasible. t11) Ownership and Uses af Dab a. The Parties agree that Account Holder rnay directly, or through others on its behalf, report Data to WREGIS. The Parties also agree that the Account Holder will continue to own the Confidential lnformation reported to WREGIS by or on behalf of Account Holder. Once Data is received by WREGIS, it will be collected, stored, manipulated, and displayed in a manner unique to WREGIS. oData" includes Static Data and Dynamie Data. "Data" does not include WREGIS software. 13 WREGIS Account Holder Rsgistration Agreement Ravised August 6, 2008 b. The Pafties agree that WECC has the right to use and allow others lo use Data reported to WREGIS as WECC reasonably deems appropriate, provided however, that Confidential lnformaiion can only be used and disclosed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. c. Data in WREGIS will be maintained to provide an aocurate tracking database and to protect against double or multiple counting of the same Certificates. WECC has the right to retain Account Holder's Confidential lnformation in WREGIS even if Account Holder's account is terminated. [f an Account Holder's account is terminated, WREGIS will continue to treat Account Holder's Confidential lnformation according to the provisions of Section 13. (12) lntellectual Property Copyright and/or other intellectual property laws may protect WREGIS, and any and all content of WREGIS, and any unauthorized use of the WREGIS softyvare may violate such laws retated to their protection. Except as expressly provided herein, WECC does not grafit any express or implied right or license of any kind to Account Holder under any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret informatisn with respect to WREGI$. Account Holder acknowledges that Account Holder does not acquire any ownership rights by downloading copyrighted material from WREGIS. (13) Confidentiality a. WECC agrees not to use or dlsclose Confidential lnformation contained in WREGIS except as authorized by this Agreement. b. The following is deemed Confidential lnformation: . Gross generation (MWhs) of each electricity Generating unii;o Net generation (MWhs) of each electricity Generating Unit;. Electricity (MWhs) consumed on site by the Generating unit owner,other than for Generating Unit use (monthly);o Street address of the Generating Unit;o lf aggregate metering of Generating units, number and names of Generating Units on the meter; " Capacity factor of each electricity Generating Unit;o Total number of certificates in Account HoHers Account end eachSubaccount; and 14 WREGIS Account Hotder Regislration Agreement Revised Augusi 6, 2008 . Those portions of communications between Account Holder and WECC regarding WREGIS that contain any of the aforementioned information that would be treated as Confidential lnformation.. The amount and timing of Certificate transfers, including transfers from one Account Holder to another and transfers among the subaccounts of an Account Holder will be treated as confidential (except with respect to a third party to whom the Account Holder has granted access). c. The following Data reported to WREGIS is considered public informatio* and witl not be treated as Confidential Information:r Account Holder company name, address, and allcontact information;. Agent's company name, address, and all other contact information;. Generating Unit Name;. Facility owner name, address, and allother contact information (other than the Generating Unit street address);o Nameplate capacity of the Generating Unit;n Generating Unit type of prime mover; " Energy source, and/or fuel type(s) used at Generating Units;o For multi-fueled Generating Units, the fuels consumed each month as a percentage of the total fuel used each month for electricity production; " Othereligibilitycharacteristics;a Date when Generating Unit went into first commercial operation;n Name of facility operator, address, and contact information (other than the Generating Unit street address);. Meter serialor identification number; " Revenue meter by county, province, state, country;o Statement of fact that Generating Unit is or is not within WECC's region; ' Name of Balancing Authority for the Generating Unit;. Name of utility to which Generating Unit is physically interconnected to;. Statement of fact that the Generating Unit is or is not a Qualifying Facility:e Facility Ownership type (a range of options);c Statement of fact that the Generating Unit has or has not received California Supplemental Energy Payments;. Statement of fact that the Facility has or has not received State/Provincial public benefits funds or support;o Statement of fact that the Facilifl has or has not received FederalTax Credits;o FERC Hydro licensing information including license identifier, date of [ast license or application pending information;. Statement of fact that the Generating Unit has or has not been Repowered and date if it has been Repowered;. State/provincial program eligibility/certifications; 15 WREGIS Account Flolder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, zOOe a o Statelprovincial RPS eligibilities information as may be required for one or more states/provinces; Statement of fact, whether the Facility is outside of United States- Defined Protected Areas indicator; Certified "Low-impact" information for eligibiiity; and lnformation on Certification or Eligibility for Voluntary or other Mandatory Programs such as Greene-e, Ecologo, and similar programs- The WECC shall protect Account Holdefs Confidential lnformation from inadvertent disclosure and from disclosure to any third party except as authorized by Account Holder or this Agreement. WECC, its employees, members, agents, and assigns willprotect and maintain Confidential lnformation provided by Account Holder to WECC pursuant to the provisions of this Section 13, and WECC shallobtain from all its employees, members, agents, and assigns to whom such Confidential lnformation is provided their agreement to comply with this Agreement. Confidential lnformation may be aggregated with other information in WREGIS and included in Public Reports as described more fully in the WREGIS Operating Rules, so long as it is sufficiently aggregated such that a third-party reviewer could not determine the actualgeneration produced by a Generating Unit registered with WREGIS over any specified period of time or attribute any Confidential lnformation to a particular Account Holder. lnformation in WREGIS that is considered Confidential lnformation that cannot be sufficiently aggregated or masked (such as Generating UniUFaoility street addresses) such that a ihird-party reviewer could determine the actualGenerating Unit registered with WREGIS, or attribute any Confidential lnformation to a particularAccount Holder cannot be included in public reports. lf WECC is requested or required, by subpoena, oral deposition, interrogatory, request for production of dscuments, administrative order, or other legalor regulatory process, to disclose any Confidential lnformation of Account Holder, the WREGIS Director shall notlff the Account Holder in writing as promptly as feasible using commercially reasonable efforts so that Account Holder may, if it so chooses and at its own expense, challenge the disclosure or seek an appropriate protective order. WECC shall reasonably cooperate with Account Holder in resolving the dispute. To the extent that the WREGIS Director and WECC have complied with the preceding provisions of this Section 13, WECC shall not be deemed to have violated its confidentiality obligations under this Agreement as a result of disclosing Account Holder's Confidential lnformation to a third perty pursuant to a subpoena, oral deposition, interrogatory, request for production of documents, administrative order, or other legalor regulatory pro@ss. d. f. 10 WREGIS Account Holder Regislration AEfeement Revised August 6, 2008 ln addition to the confidentiality requirements as specified in this Agreement, WECC will require adherence by the WREGIS Director, the WREGIS Committee, the MdECC Staff and any persons with access to such Confidential lnformation, to applicable confidentiality protocols designated by WECC. These documents will be available for review on WECC's website, n iip : i';'w rtw. i+recc. o;zi For purposes of this Agreement, no arbitrator engaged pursuant to Sectiqn 24 of this Agreement shall be deemed a third-party so long as such person has agreed in writing to be bound by the confidentiality obligations applicable to WECC under this Agreernent and the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The obligations of confidentiality in this Agreement shall survive its termination without limitation in duration for so long as information continues to meet the definition of Confidential lnformation. (14) Limited Wananty; Disclaimer of Warranty a. NEITHER PARTY, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 25 (b), WARRANTS THAT THE DATA tN WREctS tS ACCUMTE, GORRECT, COMPLETE, OR CURRENT. b. SOFTWARE PROGRAMS USED FOR WREGIS AND THE WREGIS WEBSITE ARE PROVIDEB "AS IS" TO THE ACCOUNT HOLDER. WECC MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT OR TO THE ADESUACY OR PERFORMANCE OF SOFTWARE PROGRAMS U$ED FOR WREGIS AND THE WREGIS WEBSITE; AND, EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY WARRANTED lN SECTION 6(bXiv), WECC HEREBY DISGLAIMS ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON. INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARI$ING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. WECC DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS IN WREGIS wlLL BE ERROR FREE OR BUG FREE. However, WECC will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the accuracy, correctness, completeness, and eurrentness of the WREGIS software, in accordance with updates and other information provided by the WREGIS sofhrare vendor. 17 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement t. Revised August 6, 2008 WECC is not responsible for the acts or omissions of parties other than WECC who input Data into WREGIS or from vuhom Data is obtained for inclusion into WREGI$. Account Holder is solely responsible for the protection, security, and management of usage and security of its computer network. WECC will not mmpensate Account Holcler for damages incurred to the eLtent due to security violations of the security of Account Holdefs computer network, nor shall Account Holder make deduc,tions or set offs of any kind for Fees due to WECC resulting from security violations of Account Holder's computer network. WECC will have no liability for any claims for intelleciual property infringement, except for claims due to its own actions, but will flow down any rights it may have to indemnity that it receives by virtue of its contract with the Energy Gommission and the rights that may flow from APX, lnc. to the Energy Commission and WECC. (r 5) Disclaimer of Resp onsibility for ltfessage Boards and Links a. WREGIS will have the capability to host message boards (Boards) on the area of the WREGIS Website open to the public. WECC lS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MATERIAL POSTED BY ANY PARTY OTHER THAN WECC IN ANY MESSAGE BOARD, BULLETIN BOARD, CHAT ROOM OR rN ANY OTHER FORUM AT WREGTS (TOGETHER, THE "BOARDS"I. WREGIS is merely providing access to the Boards for informational purposes. The Boards are not to be used for commercial transactions. Account Holders agree that all commercial transactions involving Certificates willtake place outside of WREGIS. b. ln using the Boards, the Aecount Holder will not post, upload, transmit, distribute, or otherwise publish on the Boards any materialthat is: libelous, defamatory, obscene, abusive, pomographic, threatening, or an invasion of privacy; or an infringement of intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, copyrights and trademarks, of any person or entity; or material that is illegal in any way or advocates illegal activity; or a message posted by a user imperconating another; 0r personal information such as messages which identify socialsecurity numhers, account numbers, addresses, or employer references; or chain letters of any kind; or any advertisement or solicitation of funds, goods, or services. Account Holder agrees to limit the subject matter posted, uploaded, etc. to information directly related to WREGIS Certificates. WECC reserves the right to monitor and delete any postings deemed inconsistent with its policies, this Agreement or the Operating Rules. WECC also reserues the t8 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement d. Revised August 8, 2008 right, at its discretion, to terminate access by any user of the Boards who violates any of the Agreement or Operating Rules. Although WECC will make reasonable efforts to monitor materials in Boards, in no event does it as$urne any particular obligation to do so or assume liahility for failing either to monitor the Boards or to remove specific material. c, WECC makes no claim or representation regarding, and accepts no responsibility for, the quality, content, nature, or reliability of sites accessible by hyperlink from the WREGIS Website, or sites linking to the WREGIS Website. The linked sites are not under the controlof WECC and WECC is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any review, changes, or updates to such sites. The inclusion of any linlt does not imply affiliation, endorsement, or adoption by WECC or WREGIS of any information contained therein. When leaving the WREGIS Website, Account Holder understands that WREGIS'terms and policies do not govern the accessed website, and Account Holder will review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data-gathering practices, of that website. (16) Limitation of Liability; Remedies NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR DIREGT, GENERAL, SPEGIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER INDIREGT DAMAGES REGARD!.ESS OF CAUSE. EACH PARTY $HALL BE ENTITLED TO SEEK SPECITIC PERFORMANCE OF TI.IIS AGREEMENT" (NT) Passwords Account Holder agrees to assume sole responsibility for the security of any passwords issued by WREGI$ to Account Holder for accessing WREGIS. Account Holder shall restrict and controlthe use, copying, and security of its username and password to WREGIS among Account Holder's employees and agents and, to the extent reasonably within its control, prevent access to WREGIS except by those permified to have access according to this Agreement. Each Party agrees to immediately notify the other Party of any suspected unauthorized use of Account Holder's password(s), account, or any other suspected breach of securi$. 19 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Reviserl August 6, 2G08 {18) Viruses WECC shalltalte reasonable efforts to protectWREGIS from being infected by viruses, including supplying virus protection software. However, WECC assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for viruses that may infect Account Holdefs equipment or other property on ac@unt of Account Holder's access to use of any information or the use of WREGIS. (19) l\lo Asslgnment, Transfer, or Encumbrance hy Account Holder Neither this Agreement nor any rights under this Agreement may be assigned, sublicensed, encumbered, pledged, mortgaged, or otherwise transferred by Account Holder, in whole or in part, whethervoluntary, or by operation of law, without the epress prior written consent of IYECC, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. (20) Force Fllajeure Neither Party shall be deemed to have breached any provision of this Agreement, Operating Rules, lnterface Control Documents, or other applicable agreements or protocois related to WREGIS as a result of any delay, failure in performance, or intenuption of service resulting directly or indirectly from acts of God, network failures, acts of civil or military authorities, civildisturban@s, wars, terrorism, fires, floods, riots, embargoes, transportation contingencies, fuel shortages, interruptions in third-party telecommun ications, or lnternet equ ipment or service, other catastrophes, or any other occurrences which are beyond the claiming Pafty's reasonable control and which, by the exercise of due diligence, the claiming Party is unable to overcome or avoid or caluse to be avoided. {21) Default; Remedies; Nonwaiver ol Default a. Defaull The occurrence of any of the following shall be considered a "Defaulf': (i) Account Holder has failed or refused io abide by the Operating Rules or the lnterFace Control Documents or failed or refused to perform any of its material duties or obiigations under this Agreement, other than those set forth below in Sections 21(a){ii), (aXiii), (aXiv), (aXv), and (a)(vi), which default is not substantially cured within 15 days after written notice is given to Account Holder specifying such default; provided however that if the nature of Account l-lolder's default is such that more than 15 days are 20 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6. 2008 b. reasonabty required to cure, then such default shall be deemed to have been cured if Account Holder comrnences such performance within Said 15 day period and thereafter diligently completes the required action within a reasonable time thereafter, (ii) Account Holder fails to pay any of the Fees or other charges due to WREGIS within 90 days of their due date. (iii) Acoount Holder, its employees, agents, or contrac'tors alter, tamper with, intentionally damage, or destroy (1) WREGIS, the WREGIS Website, oTWREGIS Software or any portion thereof, or (2) the Data, Output, or other Confidential lnformation of other users of WREGIS. (iv) Account Holder uses WREGIS in any manner that, directly or indirectly, violates any law, rule, code, or regulation or aids any unlawful act or undertaking. (v) All or substantially all of Account Hotder's as$et$ are attached or levied under execution (and Account Holder does not discharge the same within 60 days thereafter); a petition in hankruptcy, insolvency, or for reorganization or arrangernent is filed by or against Account Holder (and Account Holder fails to secure a stay or discharge thereof within 60 days thereafter); Account Holder is insolvent and unable to pay its debts as they become due; Account Holder makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; Account Holder talres the benefit of any insolvency adion or law; the appointment of a receiver or irustee in bankruptcy for Account Holder or its assets if such receivership has not been vacated or set aside within 30 days thereafier; or, dissolution or termination of existence of Account Holder if Account Holder is not a natural person. (vi) Knowingly, intentionally, or with willful ignorance, falsifying or misrepresenting any Output or Data input into WREGI$ by Account Holder as required in Section 3(c). ln addition to the defaults described above, the Parties agree that if Account Holder receives writen notice of a violation of the performance of any partioular materialterm or condition of this Agreement three or more times during any 12-month period, regardless of whether such violations are ultimately cured, then such conduct shall, at WECC's option, repre$ent a separate Default. Remedies. Upon the occurrence of any Default, the Parties shall have the following rights and remedies, in addition to those stated elsewhere in ?1 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6. 2008 this Agreement and those allowed by law or in equity, any one or more of which may be exercised without further notice to Defaulting Party: (l) lf any of the items enumerated in section (a) occurs, Account Holder is in default and WECC may suspend Account Holder's access to WREGIS, upon giving 15 days written and/or electronie notice to Account Holder. lf there is a dispute regarding the occurrence of a default, the Parties shallfollow the provisions of Section 24 (Dispute Resolution) to settle the matter. WECC, in its sole discretion, may reinstate an Account Holder's access to WREGIS after the account has been suspended for Account Holde/s Default, upon a determination that the problern that led to the Account Holder's suspension has been satisfactorily resolved and payrnent made for allfeeg and late charges (sanctions) due and owing. There is no limit on the amount of time that WEGC may suspend an Account. lf the Account Holder passed the date for his/her Annual Regishation Update while in suspension, the Account Holder must update Registration Data before all permissions will be reinstated by the WREGIS Director. (ii) lf a Party is in Default, the Party not in Default may terrninate this Agreement as provided in Section 10 (Term and Termination). (iii) Upon termination of the use of WREGIS, Account Holder shall be obligated to pay to WECC allmonies due to WECC, which shalt include any interest and late fees due hereunder. d. Nonwaiver of Default by accepting partial payment. WECC 's receipt of less than the full amount qf Fees due shall not be construed to be a waiver of default but shall be construed as a payment on account then due, nor shall any statemenl on Account Holde/s check or any letter accompanying Account Holdefs check be deemed an accord and satisfaction or a waiver of default. t22) Waiver No waiver of any provision, condition, requirement, Default, or breach of this Agreement will be effective unless setforth in a written instrument executed by the Party granting the waiver, Any $uch waiver will be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which it is given and will not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or of the same Default or breach upon any recurrsnce. No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising any right (including without limitation any remedy available to a Par$) under this Agreement will operate as a waiver of such right, nor will any single or partial 22 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agr€emeni Revised Ausust 6. 2008 exercise of any right preclude any other or further exercise of that right or any other right. (23) Governing Law Except for any state agency or governmental eniity, Account Holders that are prohibited from using any other state's laws than their own (in which case their state law without regard to its rules on conflicts of laws shallbe used), or in the case of a federal government Account Holder federal law shall apply, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah without regard to its rules on conflicts of laws. Unless expressly preempted by the laws of the United States of America, the Parties expressly agree that the Uniform Computer lnformation Transactions Act shall not apply to this Agreement. (24) Dispufe Resof{rfion ln the event of a dispute, controversy, or claim raised or asserted by the Account Holder, the Parties shallfollow the following dispute resolution procedures. a. FIRST STEP. Account Holder and the WREGIS Director shall first atternpt in good faith to resolve the dispute by informal oral andlor written discussion(s). The Account Holder shall identify the issues and the reliet sought. b. SECOND STEP. lf the Parties cannot resolve the dispute at the First Step and the Account Holder wishes to further pursue the matter, then Account Holder shall set forth the dispute in a writing entitled "Notice of Dispute" and send it, together with any supporting evidence, to the WREGIS Director. The Notice of Dispute shall in good faith describe the issue(s) in the dispute, the legal authority or other basis for the Account Holder's position, the evidence that supports the Party's position, and the remedy sought. The WREGIS Director (or designee) shall review the written dispute and confer with the appropriate Account Holder, and WECC to review and consider the dispute in good faith. The WREGIS Director (or designee) shall issue to the Parties a good faith written recommended resolution of the dispute within 15 business days after receipt of the Account Holder's Notice of Dispute, lf the issues or evidence are complex, the WREGIS Director may for good cause extend the time for issuance of a recommended resolution by a reasonable amount of time not to exceed 20 calendar clays. lf the wREGls Director invokes such an extension, the reason for the extension shallbe stated in writing and immediately provided to Account Holder. The written recommendation of the WREGIS DireAor (or designee) shall include a recornmended 23 WREGIS Account Holder Rsgislration Agreement Revised August 6. 2008 c. resolution of the dispute together with a good taith informal explanation of the reasons for the re@mmended resolution. Neither Party shall be formally bound by the recomrnended resolution nor by any written submissions they may make to the WREGIS Director, although such submissions may be entered into evidence at a later dispute resolution process, if any, including arbitration or litigation. THIRD STEP. Should the Account Holder disagree with the WREGIS Director's recommended resolution of the dispute, Account Holder may appealthe matter in writing to the WREGIS Committee by forwarding a written "Notice of Appeal'along with the written materials previously submitted to the WREGIS Director and a copy of theWREGIS Director's written recommended resolution of ihe dispute. The WREGIS Committee shall consider and decide the dispute as soon as possible at the next committee meeting and issue a written decision thereon to the Account Holder. FOURTH STEP. Except for any state agency or governmental entity Account Holder's for which binding arbitration of disputes is not permitted by law, should the Account Holder disagree with the WREGIS Committee's decision and wish to further pursue the dispute, Account Holder may proceed to arbitration on the terms and conditions set forth below by sending the WREGIS Cornmittee and the WREGIS Director a written Notice of lntent to Arbitrate, as described below, speciffing the dispute and the relief sought. The dispute and any related controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use, or the breach thereof, or any other claim or controversy between the Parties, shallthen be decided by binding arbitration administered by the AAA under iis CommercialArbitration Rules and Supplementary Procedures for Online Arbitration then in effeet. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdietion. The Parties shall mutually select one arbitrator with legal expertise in intellectual property, web-based tracking systems, and/or any one area of legalexpertise that is substantially involved in the dispute, within 30 days of instituting the arbitration; otherwise the AAA shall select the arbitrator. Any hearings will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Parties hereby waiving any claim or defense that such venue is not convenient or proper. Neither Party may dispute the validity of this Agreement, the Operating Rules, the lnterface Control Documents, and/or protocols related to WREGIS. Any request for emergency or injunctive relief rnay be submitted under lfls A,Mrs Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection. The arbitrator shall have no authority to award punitive damages or any other damages other than specific pedormance, and may not in any event make eny ruling, finding 0r award that does not conform to the terms and conditions of these Terns of Use, Unless required by Iaw or mutually agreed in writing by the Pafiies, neither ParV nor the d. 24 WREGIS Aceount l{otder R@istretion Agreement Rsvised August 8, 2008 arbitrator may disclose the existence or results of any arbitration Prisr ts initiating erbitration or rny other form of leoal or equilable proceedinghereunder.tneParty$eeKingtoarbitrateQrresolveanisst,le (Demanding Party) ehallgive the other Pa{ et leest 30 daye wriften Notice of Intent to Arbitrate deseribing the elaim with panicuhriry and ine amsunt of the cleim as to whiah it intends te initiate the action together with all supporting documentation available to the Demanding Perty. Each Party shall be responsible for the payment of all of its defense costs assoeieted with the resolution of said dispute whether in arbitration or before a COun 0T law, including but not llmited to any filing fees, arbitrator feee, attorney fees, and other coste incutred in guch Proooading F'or (i) State ageney or governmEntal ontity Aeerunt l{nldorE for urhieh binding arbitretion of dispute is not permitted by law; or (ii) Account !-lolders (x) who are Balaneing A.uthorities and are Qualified Reporting Entities acting solely in the capacity of reporting Output on behalf of a Generating Unit that is not owned by the Qualffied Reporting Entity (e.9. an independent system operator ) and (y) whose tarlffs specffy a dlspute resotution process which governs the dispute; thE Account Hotder shallsend the WREGTS Committee and the WREGIS Director a llilfllil illillll illilllllil illnlilIil illtfliltt llt lltlllil il! flltililil|Iflill o. arbitrator may disclose the existence or results of any arbitration hereunder. Prior to initiating arbitration or any other form of legal or equitable proCeeding hereunder, the Party Seeking to arbitrate or resolve an issue (Demanding Party) shallgive the other Party at least 30 days written Notice of lntent to Arbitrate describing the claim with particularity and the amount of the claim as to which it intends to initiate the action together with all supporting documentation available to the Demanding Perty. Each Party shall be responsible for the payment of all of its defense costs associated with the resolution of said dispute whether in arbitration or before a court of law, including but not llmited to any filing fees, erbitrator fees, attorney fees, and other costs incurred in such proceeding. For (i) State agency or governmental entity Account Holders for which binding arbitration of dispute is not permitted by law; or (ii! Account Holders (x) who are Balancing Authorities and are Qualified Reporting Entities acting solely in the capaeity of reporting Output on behalf of a Generating Unit that is not owned by the Qualified Reporting Entity (e.9. an independent system operator ) and (y) whose tariffs specify a dispute resolution process which governs the dispute; the Account Holder shall send the WREGIS Gommittee and the WREGIS Director a written Notice of lntent for Resolution, specifying the dispute, the relief sought, and a planned alternative course of astion to resolve the dispute other than the binding arbitration process specifred in this Agreement. The Parties agree that neither may bring a claim nor assert a cause of action against the other, in any forurn or manner, more than one year after the cause of action accrued, except where the Party could not have reasonably discovered the tacts giving rise to the claim within one year. (25) Audit; Continuing DUU to Report Errors; Audit Sf,andard a. WECC reserves the right to audit Account Holder's relevant records to verify any information submitted by Account Holder to WECC under this Agreement. This right shall survive for a period of three years afrer the expiration or termination of this Agreement and Account HoHer shall maintain its records in accurate, cornplete, and readable form for at least that period of time after expiration or termination of this Agreement. b. The accuracy of all information provided by Account Holder to WREGIS is of the essence in this Agreement. Account Holder hereby agrees, represents, and vyarrants that it will use reasonable efforts to ensure ihat allthe information it, its Agents, or its employees provides to WREGIS shallto its knowledge be true, complete, and accurate at the time the information is provided to WREGIS. Should Account Holder discover that 25 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement e. f. g, h. Revised August 6, 2008 any information provided or that waE previously provided to WREGIS is untrue, incomplete, or inaccurate, Account Holder shall immediately notify the WREGI$ Director in writing of the particular untrue, incomplete, or inaccurate information and shall provide a true, aecurate, and complete update of said inforrnation to the best of its ability, as soon as is practical. This shall be an ongoing obligation of Account Holder during the term of this Agreement. {26) Order af Precedence Any inconsistency in this Agreement, its attaohrnents, the Operating Rules, the lnterface Control Documents, and each of their respective most cunent effective versions, shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: {27) a. 1. This Agreement; 2. Attachment(s) to this Agreement; 3. Operating Rules; and 4. lnterface Control Documents. Severability lf any provisions of this Agreement, including any provision of this Agreement and its Attachments, Operating Rules, and the lnterface Control Documents, is held to be unenforeeable, illegal, or in violation of a tariff or legal order of a governmental agency by a court of law or governmental agency with jurisdiction over the matter, then if the essential terms and conditions of the Agreement remain valid, legal and enforceable, such provision shall be deemed severed and shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement, including the other provisions of the Attachments, Operating Rules, and the lnterface Control Documents which will at alltimes remain in fullforce and effect. Further, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no provision of this Agreement (including any provision of any Attachment or other agreement incorporated into this Agreement) shall operate to obligate an Account Holder which is: (A) a Balancing AuthoritY, and also b. (i) 28 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised,August 6, 2008 (ii) (B) a Qualified Reporting Entity acting solely in the capacity of reporting Output on behalf of a Generating Unit that is not owned by the Qualified Reporting Entity to undertake any action which the Account Holder determines to be in violation of the Account Holde/s tariff, or of orders imposed upon such Account Holder by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (.FERG') or other governing agencylentity with jurisdiction over Balancing Authority-Account Holder. lf such Account Holder reasonably believes that any portion of this Agreement might cause or is causing a violation of its tariff or orders imposed by FERC or other governing entity, then Account Holder shall deliver to the WREGIS Director written notice, signed by a senior executive (vice president, president, or person of equivalent capacity), of Account Holder's determination. This nqtice shallcite the relevant provisions of the Agreement and of the tariff or orders forming the basis of the notice. Upon receipt of this notice, the terms of the Agreement specified in the notice shall be immediately and temporarily suspended as they apply to this Account Holder. lf this Agreement's essential terms and conditions are thereby affected and impaired, the Parties shall meet and confer, within three business days of such notice, or as otherwise mutually agreed. At this meeting, which may be by telephone, the Parties shall make good faith efforts to identi$ a mutually acceptable plan to resolve the issue, so long as its essentialterms and conditions may be carried out. The Parties may, for example, develop amendments to the Agreement (and/or incorporated document), or agree to a waiver of the provision (subject to Section 22lWaiverl of the Agreement), explore potentialamendments to the tariff, or undertake any other actions to resolve the conflict identified by the Account Holder. ln the event that the Parties are unable to reach a resolution or agree on a written plan to include action and timelines, within five business days after the date of the notice, then either Party may terminate this Agreement for convenience pursuant to Section 10 (c) lTermination for Convenrbnce by Either Partyj herein, except that the terminating Party may, at its option, set the termination date to be effective immediately or for any other time up to 60 days from the date of the notice of termination; and provided further that any provislon suspended by the Account Holder's notice will remain suspended through to such termination. lf the Parties have agreed upon a mutually acceptable written plan pursuant to (iii) abovb, but one Parly reasonably believes that actions (iii) (iv) (v) 27 WREGIS Account Holder Registration A,greement Revised August6, 20OB specified in the plan are not being canied out as agreed, then that Party may provide written notice to the other Party. That other Party will have 15 days following the date of the notice within which to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the first Party that the plan willbe carried out as agreed. lf the Party serving notice (i,e. the first Party) is not reasonably satisfied within the 15 day period, therr either PaO may, at its option, terminate the Agreement as provided in the preceding subsection. (28) Alotices All notices reguired to be in writing under this Agreement, unless otherwise provided for herein, shall be delivered in person or by first class, registered, or certified mail (postage prepaid), or by overnight courier service to the address of the Party as either Party may specifo in writing. Service shall be effective on the earlier of aclual receipt or the second business day after the day of mailing (via first class mail). For service of electronic notice, it shall be deerned received on the first business day after said notice was seni to the other Party's +-mail address as designated in writing by such other Party. (29) Capitalized Terms Any capitalized terms contained herein that are not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings as such terms are defined in the WREGIS Operating Rules. (30) Entire Agreement This Agreement, including any and allexhibits attached hereto, and the Operating Rules constitute the entire agreement of the Parties and supersede any preprinted or conflicting terms in any other prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements and any and allother communication. 28 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 200E By: lN WITNESS WHEREOF, WECC and the Account Holder have each caused this Agreement to be executed by their respeclive duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written. WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATI NG GOUNCIL (signature) Name: Title: (ACeOUNT HOLDER) ritre: lYlGn(i3i0ri ',filerrrbif _ WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreemenl Revised Auottst 6. 2009 ATTACHMEi f 1: Definitrons Account Holder: A WREGI$ Account Holder is a party that has registered with WREGI$ and has established an Accountwithin WREGIS. Active Gertifieates: An active WREGIS ceftificate is a certificate that is held in a WREGIS Active Sub-account. Such certificates may be traded" transferred, exported, retired, or reserved at the discretion of the holder of the Active Sub-account or their agent. Active Sub-account: The Active Sub-account is the holding place for all active WREGIS certificates, lf the Account Holder has Generating Units associated with the account, or is the designated representative of a Generating Unit owner, its Active Sub-account will be the first point of deposit for any WREGIS certiflcates created that are associated with the Generating Unit lD number, unless the certificate is subject to a Forward Certificate Transfer. An Active Sub-,account may be associated with one or more Generating Units. Affiliate: An Affiliate of an entity is any entity that (1) is (a) a subsidiary of such entity or (b) any partnership, limited liability company or joint venture 0r other form of entity which aets cornmercially in which such entity or any subsidiary thereof is directly or indirec'tly a partner, member, or venturer; or (2) directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such entity, including any limited partnership of which such other entity or any Affiliate thereof iS the general partner. For purposes of this Agreement, a ten percent or greater ownership interest shall be deemed to constitute a rebuttable presumption of "control." An entity controlled by or operating as a unit, agency, or subdivision of a local, state, or provincial gevernment or the federalgovernment shall not be considered an Affiliate of any other entity controlled by or operating as a unit, agency, or subdivision of the local, state, or provincial govemment, or a federal govemment. Agent: An entity outside of the Account Holde/s organization that has been authorized by the Account Holder to act on its behaffwithin WREGIS. Assignment of Registration Rights: The proess by which the owner of a Generating Unit can assign the right to register that Generating Unit in WREGIS to another entity. tsalancing Authority: The area operator that is responsible fcr matching generaticn and ioaei, for maintaining scheduied interchange witl-t other balancing authority areas, and for maintaining the frequency, in real'tlme, cf 30 WREGTS Account Holder Registration Agreement a. b. d. e. f g. Revised August 6, 2OoB h. the electric power systems. Certificate: The term "Certificate," as used in this document, refers to a WREGIS Certificate. A WREGIS Certificate represents all of the renewable and environmental attributes from one MWh of electricity generation from a renewable energy Generating Unit registered with the WREGIS tracking system or a certificate imported from a Compatible Certificate Tracking System that has been converted to a WREGIS Certificate. WREGIS will create exactly one Certificate per MWh of generation that occurs from a Registered Generating Unit or that is imported from a Compatible Certificate Tracking System. Disaggregation of Certificates is not currently allowed within WREGIS. Compatible Certificate Tracking System (Compatible Registry and Tracking System): A Compatible Certificate Tracking System is a generation tracking system that has an operating agreement with WREGIS regarding the Conversion and transfer of certificates between tracking systems pursuant to a protocol developed between the WREGIS Director and the Director of the other tracking system for converting certificates from another tracking system into WREGIS certificates. Gonfidential lnformation. lnformation treated as Confidential !nformation is listed in Section 13. B. Confidentia! lnformation does not include information which can be established by written documentation (1) to have been publicly known prior to submittalto WECC; (2) to have become publicly known, without the fault of WECC, subsequent to submittalto WECC; (3) to have been received by WECC at any time from a source other than Account Holder, so long as with respect to information submitted by a third party WECC has no reason to believe that the third party (a) is not lawfully in possession of the information or (b) is in violation of any contractual, legal, or fiduciary obligation to Account Holder with respect to the information; (4) to have been independently developed by employees or agents of WECC without access to or use of such information disclosed by Account Holder or their agents to WECC; (5) is common technical information; and (6) to have been submitted to WECC by the Account Holder for purposes other than those relating to this Agreement and not othenruise protected by a confidentiality obligation. Conversion: A process by which certificates from a Compatible Certificate Tracking System are made available for import into WREGIS. The process involves designating the certificate as exported from the Compatible Certificate Tracking System according to the protocolagreed upon jointly by the Director of the Compatible Certificate Tracking System and the WREGIS Director. After such designation is made, the WREGIS Director will issue a corresponding WREGIS Certificate that can be used within WREGIS. i. 31 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement k. Revised August 6, 2008 Gustomer-Sited Distributed Generation: Distributed generation is a parallel or stand-alone electric Generating Unit generally located in or close to a load center or customer's site (near the point of consumption) and on the customer's side of the meter. The generation produced by the distributed generation Generating Unit is used to provide electricity to the customer for a portion of its load. For WREGIS purposes, these are typically smaller installations such as those located on residential premises. m. Data: Data means all recorded information, including Output and Confidential lnformation, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded that is submitted to WECC and WREGIS pursuant to this Agreement. n. Dynamic Data: Dynamic Data is variable information that is associated with a specific MWh from a registered Generating Unit, such as Certificate seria! number or date of generation. o. Export Sub-account: The Export Sub-account is the Account Holder's designated sub-account for Certificates that have been exported out of WREGIS to a Compatible Certificate Tracking System. WREGIS Account Holders may have multiple Export Sub-accounts corresponding to the various compatible tracking systems to which exports are made. p. Forward Certificate Transfer: Normally, the first point of deposit for WREGIS Certificates is the account to which a Generating Unit is associated. With a Forward Certificate Transfer, the Account Holder to which the Generating Unit is registered requests that the Certificates be directly deposited into one of their own Export, Retirement, or Reserve Subaccounts or into another WREGIS Account Holder's Active Subaccount when the Certificates are created. As a result, the first point of deposit for Certificates subject to a Forward Certificate Transfer is their other specified sub-account or the specified Active Sub-account of another Account Holder. After this initial deposit, Certificates subject to Fonrrrard Certificate Transfers shall be treated like any other Certificate for all purposes. q. Generating Unit: Any combination of physically connected generators, reactors, boilers, combustion turbines, and other prime movers operated together to produce electric power. When a single facility is electrically interconnected to the utility utilizing a single meter, but represents multiple Generating Units of the same renewable generating technology and fuel type, such facility may be registered and reported as a single Generating Unit within WREGIS. r. Generator Owner: The persons or legal entity that owns Generating Unit(s). 32 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 u. v. w- v. lnterface Control Document (lGD): An lnterface Control Document contains the protocolfor collecting and transferring data from other computer systems to the WREGIS application for the purposes of integrating data between the two systems in question. The lnterface Control Document identifies the data formats, guidelines and processes that must be met in order for the data to be effectively transferred and accepted. Examples of lnterface Control Documents that will be used in WREGIS are the Qualified Reporting Entity ICD (found in Appendix D of the Operating Rules), State, Provincial and Voluntary Program ICD (found in Appendix C of the Operating Rules) and the WECC Billing System lCD. Output. Output shall mean reported renewable generation data from a Registered Generating Unit contained in standardized data files delivered to WREGIS by Qualified Reporting Entities, or by Account Holders, or by designated reporting entities using protocols described in an lnterface Control Document, or a Self-Reporting lnterface. Person: A person includes any natura! person, firm, association, organization, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, district, province, county, city and state, and any of the agencies and political subdivisions thereof. Qualified Reporting Entity: An organization providing renewable Output on a unit-specific basis for the purpose of creating WREGIS Certificates that has met the Qualified Reporting Entity Guidelines established in the WREGIS Operating Rules and agreed to in the lCD. Registered Generating Unit: A Generating Unit that has registered its facility with the WREGIS Director Registration: The act of filling out the forms, providing required documents and paying Fees necessary to establish an Account or register a Generating Unit in WREGIS. Such forms may be obtained from the WREGIS Director. Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS): Generally, a Renewables Portfolio Standard is a legislative or administrative requirement on electrical utilities, wholesale markets, or load-serving entities in a jurisdiction to include a designated percentage of renewable electricity in their generation/retail portfolio. Retirement Sub-account: A Retirement Sub-account is used as a repository for WREGIS Certificates that the Account Holder wants to designate as retired and remove from circulation. Once a Certificate has been transferred into a WREGIS Retirement Sub-account, it cannot be transferred again to any other account or Subaccount. 33 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 aa.Retirement of Certificates: Retirement of Certificates is an action taken to remove a Certificate from circulation within WREGIS. The WREGIS Account Holder may initiate retirement for Certificates in its own account(s) or the WREGIS Director can forcibly retire any Active Certificates for cause. Retirement is effectuated by transferring Certificates into a Retirement Sub- account. bb.Self-Reporting lnterface: A Generating Unit Self-Reporting input screen within the WREGIS application which allows Self-Reporting Generating Units to manually enter their Generating Unit output. The protocol for entering data via Self-Reporting lnterface will be documented in the lnterface Control Document for Reporting Entities (Appendix D of the Operating Rules). cc.Standing Order Transfer: A recurring, automatic transfer of WREGIS certificates from an Account Holder's Active Sub-account to one of their other sub-accounts, or to an Active Sub-account held by a different Account Holder. dd.Static Data: Static data is distinct from Dynamic Data and describes the attributes of the Generating Unit that do not change based on actual operation. Static information is entered at Registration and generally includes information related to the characteristics of the generation facility such as technology type, ownership or location, See Appendix B-1 and B-2 of the Operating Rules for a list of WREGIS Static Data Fields. ee.WECC: The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) is a regional forum for coordinating and promoting regional electric service reliability in Western Canada and the Western United States. lts service territory extends from Canada to Mexico including the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico, and al! or portions of the 14 western states in between. The States that are fully included in WECC are: Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, ldaho, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. Texas, South Dakota, and Nebraska are partially included within WECC. A map of WECC can be found at http://wm,v.wecc.bizldocumentsiconstant/nerc int.pdf. All references in the Agreement to WEGC as a "Party" to this Agreement shall also be deemed to apply to any duly-selected successor in interest to WECC, if any. ff. WECC Staff: The WECC Staff means those employees of WECC, including personnel hired by WECC or on behalf of WREGIS on a contractua! basis, designated as responsible for the administration of WREGIS. 34 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 gg. Western lnterconnection: The interconnected electrical systems that encompass the region of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council of the North American Electric Reliability Council. The region extends from Canada to Mexico. lt includes the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, the northern portion of Baja California (Mexico), and all or portions of the 14 western states in between. hh.WREGlS Director: The WREGIS Director is the individual hired by WECC with the authority to oversee the administration and implementation of WREGIS, and its Operating Rules and lnterface Control Document on behalf of WECC. ii. WREGIS Softvvare: Certain software comprising part of WREGIS, including related source code, interface, and software applications but not hardware. ii. WREGIS Website: The related collection of web pages and interfaces associated with WREGIS that is accessible via the lnternet. 35 WREGIS Account Holder Registration Agreement Revised August 6, 2008 (n & "lJoo I "l sl ,8*lst lrloool(,o 4tOI')l E]L s B2 {. ILd HzFIEtrlorlEl frla*FI8tr.OoE\F. a4El co coF-tHNQH F. !-{42Xfio 0)frl rq u)H 'FlFIO Oda co tll E6 Pfi 38 H r;[fii:1 ,ri: ijl ?Bl3 AUG -5 PI{ h: l+ I l!r, il, ,.r ijTii_i'i!::lr tl:. . ., i::.;;. Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 I Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com sreg@ richardsonadams. com Attomeys for Complainant GRAND VTEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE TIIE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. tPC-E-l l-15 GRAND VTEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 3286r Exhibit No. 2 WREGIS ACTIVE ACCOUNT HOLDERS ca c.l a C) ti il(h d () c) O B r.iO B 0.) a -t' 9. d L{() X(.) g oa CB d =(.) CBa tr o Xo-oO.of-rqs() BIE ,r,A. Erl! 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E0!,E.F 'E.F!r-= fl;:iiq iig nt' dtl(9o uo q 9!o [t,L 0lucl lleLOruo(9U nton1 Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, tdaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax:(208) 938-7904 oeter@richardsonadams. com sres@richardadsonams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VTEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-11-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 Exhibit No. 3 Pre-Certifi ed Eligible for California' s Renewables Portfolio Standard EFloIooFlF}fo trtoB H)dH. 0qtso E -o BFl op Hts. BFl Efop. o noHPo dDuEoa EoFlF} BEtsoo aF}DHPrp Flg \.! U, (/, o oo\q q) Fl. otspt{)A. u.o { FU aoFJprt -J {I Fo tro(o FriadItteIG ot s NoHl.{ sotrt+o& Itri o TII sGtE b ottL TGS. .a=tt G.t trF}oF. ET(c ;.t 8d& sG Et aoF.F.l hIJL o Lo D!TtrIP. F.,H HE6bal. Uar I.trO -f Fih9H5 -l -a B-'$.ho ks$s) Bildf, +E il$ Qq- d'g.u* s 3 S$s, s: il$ 8EE.d S E's'$ 3 QS3 $i aE Esi; RBsSPR}E t$*$ YEIgc oqi g *d+q.,sq6""Gq+ s$ -f,o9 **Uo8pFXr' r{16"s5 oh{ crtogto ziilzeEooHFat! E Ee=2 8E?z 36c,H =FryS. AF:FiiJ \,IJHi L:;;H Aaa Y=eEE BXEOE ".rOD!J*iHEE=<AHc23> !jEEgE H!JBEH a3a*E1llZ4ln-)x=aoE ;iEHEcal!DO-lCatZFE@cazvl EEEEg =FHHEo >FpFr, 'rads ><g4 EO!.:i E EE5 tr1 JaOE 16-l41 <V. 1x l_ FtrOFHhF; =EE'otaroztrrEFi -ll H EdF 15 r<ll'-lrnU zU Ed EIo2ao Eo lioEtr -loza UlrDIHrt> IE Iao \oo\ alrN !t NIoo =d a-' a_ Pi'l L: l+2 Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27tr Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com gre g@ richardsonadams. com Attomeys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 Exhibit No. 4 Memorandum of Amended and Restated Solar Park Lease Agreement EXHIBIT B RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Grand Mew PV Solar Two, LLC Attn: Peter Richardson 515 N. 27s Street Boise, ldaho 83702 (Space above this line for Recorder's use only) THIS MEMORANDUM OF AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of SOLAR PARK LEASE 2O12, by and between J. R. Simplot Company ("Lesso/'), and Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC('Lessee"). WHEREAS: A. On the date hereol the Parties have entered into an Amended and Restated Solar Park Lease {greement (the "Agreement') forthe use and purposes of solar energy development and related rights, fansmission lines and facilities installation, solar and weather monitoring and access on and across certain land which is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by this reference (the "Propertf): B. The term of the Agreement (the'Term"), shall begin on the Effective Date and shall continue for twenty five (25) years from the commencement of Commercial Operations (the "Commercial Operations Date'); on the last day of such twenty five (25) year period the Agreement shallexpire (the.Expiration Date'). As used herein, the term "Commercial Operations' shall mean the first production and sale of solar energy or energy cledits by Lessee or its successors or assigns on the Property or any portion thereof. Either party may file a supplemental memorandum of the Agreement setting forth the expiration date of the Term. ln addition, the parties agree that Lessor may file a notice of termination of this Agreement upon the expiration of the term or in the event of earlier termination of the Agreement. C. The Parties desire to enter into this Memorandum of Amended and Restated Solar Park Lease Agreement which is to be recorded in order that third parties may have notice of the lease of the Propefi and of the existence of the Agreement. I I I I I I 17 I lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Memorandum of Solar Park Lease Agreament as of the date set forth above. J. R. Simplot Company Q. -q-^\o/ 18 NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Feb, 4 , 2o-!-\ before me, the undersigned ) ss. ) On .t ,J I : stateot v ha' t Coung ot f tz l 2O_/& , before me, the uMersigned known to me or proved to me on the of s-atisfactory evidene to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within insfrument; and ac{<nowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/herftheir signature(s) on the inslrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the pereon(s) ac'ted, executed the instrument.ev tu; 19 State of Deho County of.Ado Notary Public, personally D , ,appeareo -"' lG berf P@tr l personalty known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument; and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/herfthelr authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/herltheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of wtrich the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. -(sF n ll i )A*^cn a-tntrs ,^ . My commiesibn Expires: 2 rq ,!2J $ Expires: /AJ_?_Jfuz EXHIBIT C EXGEPTIONS TO LESSOR'S FEE TITLE OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY scrED(trE o y'ltoo)ltl oatEoFR,trY ArdlratoFlEuRrr{c!: PErlur^lf,ll{T," EJ I. Name of lnsur6d: J.R. SIM}LOT COMPAMY 2. Tho estatg or lnter6t in ths land $filch is covgred by thls Pollq, l8i IIEE SI!{PLB 3. TItl€ to thB estale or lntsrest in the land is vetted in: J.R. SIWI.OT COXPAIIY 4. The land hsreln do6dib6d ls encufl$ered by ths followlng mortgagg or lrust deed, and assigrmeols: NONE and lhs nrortgages or lrusl doeds, il any, slrcuvn in Schectule B hffoof. Ths land relened lo h thls Pollcy is d€scrlbed as follows: TRACT I TOI{.\!sIIIP 4 SOUTH, MNGE 1 EAST, BOI,SE NERIDIAI{' sBcTr,oN 3tr stsEl TOlIlrsHtP t SOlIlH, RAIGE 4 EAST' BO1SE HERIDTAN, sBcrION 4: NtilSWl SEcrIoN 5: Blswl, sHlsxl, AND LOT 4 SEOIIoII 6: LoTS t ANII 2 Tf,ACI IT TOI0IISHIP 5 SOUIH, RANGE 4 EAST, SECTION 6: SECTION 7.. SECTION 8: ELUonE cot ilry, tDAI(o EIJ{ORB COIJNTY, IDAIIO sEt , SlNrdl, Nr{}sl0l BOISB MERIDI.AN, ELI{ORE COUI'}IY' IDII.SO slNEt, SEI BINSI Nl S6tIEDI'LE A OlYtlara Form 8€order Form No. mBo Gs. l/Bg) fth Pollcy volld only ll Scftlduls B ftB attrhad. 17 4704v EXHIBIT C Gon't. oL94-89-572 13 0194 93 000562 SCHEDULE B Follcy l{umb*:otmra ErcEPn(nl8 r"O* g6vSnAOE Ihls poflcy doee not lnrure agalntl bs. or damagc (and [ie Conpony rlrfll not pay ooels, atlomeye' leee or erpamae) whloh arhe by rrsson oft Ocll{tl Exccpllonr: (1) Rlghts or clalmo of porlleg ln poseesslon nol shorvn by lhe puula rseords. (a Enoroachmonis. ovodags, boundary llne dlapdea. ard en, olh€r matl€rB wtrlch rroold bs ditcloaad by an accut"ls guwqy or hspedion of lhe promlsec lhcludlng, but not lhnad t(', hrufilclont o, lmpakEd scce8l, or mEttors conitadlctoty lo eny suruoy plat rhorvn by dto pubffc r€cordi. O Ersammta, or clslms ol .as.mon6, not 3hown by fie p.t[c recordr. (41 Any ll6n, or righl to a llcn. lor serulc*, labor. o, malorisl horotolor€ or herEfl€r furnlEhod, lmposod by law and not thown by lho puUlc recoda (6) (a, Unpatontod mlolng c'latm; (b) re6eNallono or erc€ptloosln palsnts orin AcdE aulhorlzlng ths lseuBncg ttlereof, (clw.ter rlghtc, clalme or tltl6 lo w8ter, whe0rer or not th€ manors ercqled und6r (a). (b), or (c) aro shown by the publlo recordc' (6) Taxor or tpeotEl a$r€qilngols whioh ar€ not itroun ea exlgilng llans bt, tha r€oodl ol Bny tarlng Edhorlty lhat l6vl6 laxat or e6s€€6ments on roel ptopsrty or by the publlc rrcords. Proa€edlngo by a Publlc sgoncy whlch mry toault ln laxs! or asBoBsmenlr, or notlcoa of such proce;dlngi, ntrether or not Bhosn by lha t6corda ol ruch agency or by the publlo tscordE. Sp6cLl Exc.ftlon.i Thc mongrgo. lf rny. rcbncd io ln llom 4 of Schedule A. 1. Gsneral Earee for Ehe yeor 1990, which. are s lien and are rrot yat due or payable. 2. Reservatloue and terEg as Eet forward ou Deed fron hllLson Land corpany, Ioc., Eo Tbooaa T. Nlcholeoo and Dlaae Nlcholsou, husba$d ald wtfe, and Carl V. Nlcholeon, a olngle ilarri recorded !{arch 13, 1974 aeIrstr$nent No. t57236, recordg of P.lrore County, Idaho. 3. Subordinaclon Agreonent betneen Thomae T. Nleholson and DianaNlcholaon. hueband and wife, and Carl U. Nlcholson, a sLngle nan; and Jaek ['1. Eolland' a aingle nan; recorded Mareh l?t lg74 ae fustruuent No. 1t7237, records of Elmote Couuty, Idaho; plth refereuce to [oter lfcense and saeer ElBhEs. 4. Pouer Llne Easeuc,nt deEed llerch 17' L975, grauted by Totl Nlcholeon and Elana Nlcholso,n, hushard eud wlfe, to [daho Pouer Corpany,a corporaElotr: Eecorded June f0. 1975 ac IoettilEent [o. 163716, recordsof Eluore County, Idaho; over and acroas SlsBl' Sec. 31, T4S, R4E,8.M., Elnore CouaEy' fdaho. 5. Power Llne EaeeDeot alated Herch 22t 1975. Sranted by Tom NlcholEon and C. E. l{l,cholson, Jr. to Idaho Power Goopanyr a corporatiodi rEcorded Septeuter 25, t975 aa lratrurelE No. 16493?' recorda of Elmore CouEty, Idehol over aud across the F.ast 25 foet, aleo Ehe Norch 25 feet of the East 300 feet of the sElNl{l, Sec. 5, T5S. R4E, B.M., Elnorc CouEtyr tdaho. SCHEOULE B (BTAIIOARO GOVEnAGE, olrreE Fflm - l9{I7 Feord€r FoIm No. 9t28 (Fev. 189) Sei.dutc B ol lhb Pollary coElslt o, 18 47O4v EXHIBTT C Gon't. 0194-89-5i2 13 0194 93 000562 SPECIAT EXCEPTIONS CONTTNUED 6. Power Llne Easement dated Aprtl 9, 1975, greuted by C e T Ranchee, Inc., to ldaho Power Corpany, a corporatlon; recorded Herch 5, 1976 as InstruoeDt No. l67t5l, recorde of Elmore CounEy, Idahol over and acroBe the North I0 feet of the NtrlSEi and the NElSEl; rhe Eaet 25 feetof the NEtSEt and Ehe $ElSEl, all ln $ee. 5i the East 25 feet of the NEINE} of Sec. I and a 25 Foot strtp of land lytng on che North alde ofthe Nl,rlSWl of Sec. 4 exteEdlng 50 fact Eaet from the qrrar:teE corner colunon Eo Seculons 4 and 5; all thls property located in'll5S, R4li, 8.H., Elmora County, Idaho. 7. Power Llnc Eaeenent Branced by Ton Nlcholson and Dlnnn Ntclroleon, Itusband aud w-lfe, co ldaho Power Coupanyr rr eorporat.lou; recorded furgust4, 1976 as InsErunent No. 159609, records of Eluore County, Idabo, overand across a portlon of Sec. 6, T5S, R4E, 8.M., more portlculsrrty deecrlbed as beglnutng at lhe North quarter corner; Eherrce tho Weet l0 Eeet of the EasE HaIf of Sec. 6 for a dletance of 3600 Eeet. 8. Power f,lne Easement EranEed lry Tou Nlcholson and Dlaoa NLcholson,hla wlfe, Eo Idaho Po{er Coupany, a corporationl recorded Auguut 4, 1976aa lnstrumerit No. 169610, recorda of ltrlnrore L'ountyl ldaho, over, on entlircross rhe NElSEltrIWl , sec. 5, T5S, R4E, B.M. 9. Power Llne Eaeement dsted.Iuly 22, 1981, granted by C-T Ranches,fnc. r Eo Idaho Power Courpanyr o corporaEtotr; recoraled Novenber 4, lgElas InsErument No. 205544, recordg of Elnore County, Idaho; over and ileroaEr the Soutb 5 feet of UWtSllt of $ee.4, T5S, R4E, B.ll.r Elmore County, fdaho. 10. Fower LLoe Easeuent dsted Hay 23, 1984, granted by Ioo Nteholeon aod Dlana t{i,choleon, to Idaho Power Compatry; recorded $eptember 27, 1984as Inatrument No. 224724, recordr of Ehore Councy, Tdaho; ovcr and across tbc 6WlNl{t, Sec. 5, T5S, R4E, Elmore County, rdaho. tI. Powet Llne Easenent dated January 23, 1987, granted by Ton Ntcholson and Dlane Nlcholson to tdaho Po$er Conpany, a corporation;recorded June 24, L987 as lBstruqenE No, 24L674, recorde of Elmore Countyl fdaho; on, over and aeroaa tbe SEI of Sec, 6, '[5S, R4E, B. M. 19 4704v Peter J. Richardson (tSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax:(208) 938-7904 oeter@richardsonadams. com sre sfa ri chard son adams. c om Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE TTIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-l l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 Exhibit No. 5 Elmore County Conditional Use Permit vAR-2010-10 BEFORE TIIE PLAIYNING AI\[D ZONING COMMISSION OF ELMORE COI]NTY IN RE: VAR-2010-10 Variance for lot Coverage in Agriculture Zone FINDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER Applicanh ) Grand View Solar PV Two' LLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,ID 83702 This matter having come before the Planning and Zoning Commission of Elmore County, on the 15m day of December, 2010, for a public hearing, held pursuant to public notice as required by law, on a request for a variance oflot coverage for a proposed solar generating facility at SW1/4 of NE1/4 &.Wllz of SEI/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, B.M., in a Agriculture (Ag) zone. The Commission heard from the applicant and representatives in support of the application. The Commission received written testimony, information, and exhibits both to the application. Upon conclusion of all public hearings, the Commission duly considered all that was presented to them from the public hearings held before them. Based upon all this information, the Plaruring and Zoning Commission now makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: t. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant has applied for a variance oflot coverage in an agriculture zone for a proposed solar generating facility at SWI/4 of NE1/4 & Wl/z of SEI/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, 8.M.. Notice of public hearing has been given. The property in question is zoned Agriculture (Ag), pursuant to the Zoning and Development Ordinance of Elmore County. The property is designated general agriculture/grazing "Ag" in the duly adopted Comprehensive Plan. Relevant criteria and standards for consideration of this application are set forth in the Zoning and Development Ordinance Section 6-3-10 and Idaho Code $ 67-6516. The existing land uses in the immediate area of the property in question are agriculture and BLM. Special conditions and circumstances do not exist which are peculiar to the land involved and which are not applicable to other lands in the same district 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. FCO VAR-2010-t0 Approved and would not therefore prevent compliance and establish undue hardship for the owner. The Commission has granted a similar variance to the north of this property along Simco Road. 7. Special conditions or circumstances do not exist that were not a result of the applicant's action. By increasing the lot coverage on this property the existing agriculture operations on irrigated grounds directly to the northwest will be better preserved. 8. The applicant has demonstrated a hardship as required by the zoning code. The Commission granted a similar variance to the north of this property located along Simco Road. 9. That granting of the variance requested shall not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the Zoning and Development Ordinance to other lands, structures or buildings in this same distict under the same circumstances. A similar project was approved one (l) mile to the east in March 2010.10. That the granting of the specified variance will not be detrimental to the public's welfare or injurious to other property in the area in which the property is situated. No agency made any comments stating that the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. 1 l. That such variance will not have the effect of altering the interest and purpose of the Zoning and Development Ordinance and the County's Comprehensive Plan.12. The variance request is in conjunction with a conditional use permit (CUP) application for a solar electical generating facility. 13. The variance is in harmony with and in accordance with the Elmore County Comprehensive Plan and this Ordinance (Title 6).14. Variance is required when the lot coverage is more than 25 percent as per the Zoning and Development Ordinance Table 6-8-12(a). Based on the foregoing FINDINGS OF FACT, the Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission hereby makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I . The requirements of Idatro Code Section 67-6509 have been met. 2. The action taken herein does not violate Chapter 80 of Title 67 of the Idatro Code. 3. The applicant has met the requirements of Elmore County Ordinance Section 6-3- 10. Based on the forgoing CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, the Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission hereby enters the following: ORDER The application for a request for a variance oflot coverage for a solar generating facility at SWl/4 of NEl/4 &WLlz of SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, 8.M., should be and is hereby GRANTED pending approval from the Elmore County Board of Commissioners. FCO VAR-2010-10 Approved CHAIRPERSON PATTI OSBORN VICE CHAIRPERSON K.C. DI.JERIG DEBBIE LORD RUSTY TRAIL BETTY VA}.I GTMLUWE SUE FISH JIM MARTIN ED OPPEDYK VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE ABSENT VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE *Effective at 12:01 A.M. on te /{/L dav ot danuar)t zOtt DATED this Sl4. day of danuaZ.tt 20lt A decision made by thc Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission may be appcalcd to the Board of Elmore County Commissioners provided the appcal is submitted in writing to said Board within tcn (10) calendar days of Commission action. Questions concerning appeals or deadlines should be asked of the Elmore County Growth and Development Department or the Elmore County Clerk. FCO VAR-2OIGIO Approvcd Reviewed and approved on this day of Elmore County Board of Commissioners Arlie Shaw, Chairman Wes Wooten, Commissioner Al Hofer, Commissioner 2011 by the FCO VAR-201G10 Approvcd Alan Chrlsty Dfuectu Bob Yt/lnterfeld Building Off'r,ial / Codo Enfol'cer Beth Bresnahan Planner I Kacsy Hultenius Adminidratin Assislanl 520 East 2d South Street Mountain Home, lD 83647 Phone: (208) 587-21 42 exf,2il Far (208) 587-2120 November 7,2011 Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC 515 N. 27h Street Boise, lD 83702 Re: Legal Description for CUP-2010-16 and VAR.2010.10 To Whom lt May Concem: The purpose of this letter is to provide clarification to some possible discrepancies for the legal descriptions of an approved project for a solar farm for an electrical generating facility, case numbers CUP-2010-16 and VAR-2010-10. The department understands that the approved FCO's for this project do not show the same legal desoiption identified on the attached site plan. However, the department can find no problem with the location identified on the attached site plan for this project for the following reasons: 1. The public hearing announoement attached to this letter encompasses the area on the attached site plan. 2. The project is still located on the same paroel of ground. The project will still be located on parcel RP05S04E061810. This is the approved parcel for the mentioned CUP and Variance. Therefore, the department will recognize the legal description as S1r2 NEl/4, SElr4, Section 6, Tournship 5 South, Range 4 East, B.M. Totaling an approximate area of 240 acres. Please contact the department if you have any questions regarding this letter. Elmore County Growth and Development Department ffi Dirsctor Elmore County Growth and Development Attachments: 1. Map for Public Hearing Announcement 2. Grand Vlew site plan CC: Bryan Appleby, P.E. 3832 S. Montague Avenue Meridian, lD 83642 Iiili- l",- tI ::-:i ?{j13 fi{JS -5 i}i{ tl: r+2 Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 I Fax:(208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams.com gre g@ richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !:", : i ii 1 i i'5-;, '1'.., -'. --i - ,'_j:.r_-l l. " r I Case No. IPC-E-11-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 Exhibit No. 6 Elmore County Conditional Use Permit cuP-2013-02 BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF ELMORE COUNTY lN RE: CUP-2013-02 Conditional Use Permit For a Solar Electrical Generating Facility FINDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER Applicant: Grand View Solar PV Two, LLC 515 N.27th Street Boise, !D 83702 This matter having come before the Planning and Zoning Commission of Elmore County, ldaho, the 6th day of March, 2013, for a public hearing, held pursuant to public notice as required by law, on a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed solar electrical generating facility. Property is located in SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, 8.M., and is zoned Agriculture (Ag). The Commission heard from the applicant in suppoft of the application. The Commission received written testimony and information in regards to the application. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Commission duly considered all that was presented to them. Based upon all this information, the Planning and Zoning Commission now makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant has applied for a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed solar electricalgenerating facility in SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, B.M. Notice of public hearing was sent to surrounding property owners and agencies on February 8, 2013, published in Mountain Home Newspaper on February 1 3, 201 3 and posted on property on Febru ary 26,2013. The property in question is zoned Agriculture (Ag), pursuant to the Zoning and Development Ordinance of Elmore County. The property is designated general agriculture/grazing "Ag" as a land use classification in the duly adopted Elmore County Comprehensive Plan. The existing land uses in the immediate area of the property in question are agriculture and BLM. The proposed conditiona! use will, in fact, constitute an allowed conditional use in that zone, as determined by the Land Use Matrix and Zoning District regulations Chapter I of the Elmore County Zoning and Development Ordinance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. FCO CUP-2013-02 Grand View Solar PV Two, LLC Approved 7. The proposed conditional use will be in accordance with goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and with all the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Ordinance. 8. The proposed conditional use will be served adequately by existing essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer or the person responsible for the establishment of the proposed conditional use shall adequately provide any such services. 9. The proposed conditional use will have vehlcular approaches to the property, which shall be so designed as not to create an interference with tratfic on surrounding public streets. Access will be otf of Highway 67 and Frederick Road. 10.The proposed conditional use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to be harmonious with the existing or the intended character of the general vicinity and such use will not change the essential character of the same area. There will be limited visibility from public roads and highways. 1l.The proposed conditional use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses. 12.The proposed conditional use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimentalto the economic welfare of the community. 13.The proposed conditional use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment or conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of the environment, or excessive production of tratfic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. 14.The proposed conditional use will not result in destruction, loss or damage of a naturalor scenic feature of major importance. l5.Similar projects were approved one (1) mile to the east in March 2010. 16.This parcel has an approved variance for lot coverage in agriculture zone. 17. Previous approved conditional use permit that has expired. Based on the foregoing FINDINGS OF FACT, the Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission hereby makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The requirements of ldaho Code Section 567-6509 have been met. 2. The action taken herein does not violate Chapter 80 of Title 67 of the ldaho Code. 3. The applicant has met the requirements of the Zoning and Development Ordinance Chapter 27 tor a Conditional Use Permit as shown above in the findings of fact. FCO CUP-2013-02 Grand View Solar PV Two, LLC Approved Based on the forgoing CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, the Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission hereby enters the following: ORDER The application for a Conditional Use Permit for a solar generating facility located in SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, 8.M., should be and is hereby APPROVED with these additional conditions: ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 1. The proposed use will comply with allthe requirements of section 6-8-95 of the Elmore County Zoning and Development Ordinance. 2. All outstanding fees, if any, must be paid prior to the issuance of an EImore County building permit. 3. The proposed use will be constructed in substantial conformance with the master site plan. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, an overall site plan must be approved by the County Engineer to ensure drainage and storm water management is adequate. 5. Failure to comply with any of the conditions will result in revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. 6. Granted approval for a period of two (2) years. COMMISSION VOTE: CHAIRPERSON PATTI OSBORN VICE CHAIRPERSON K.C. DUERIG DEBBIE LORD BETTY VAN GHELUWE SUE FISH JIM MART]N ED OPPEDYK JEFF BLANKSMA VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE VOTED AYE DArED this fu4l,ta^v a lrla,rr1L 201s. ATTEST: Alan Christy, Director FCO CUP-20f3-02 Grand View Solar PV Two, LLC Approved *Etfective at 12:01 A.M. on tne jO+L day of 2013. A decision made by the Elmore County Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Board of Elmore County Commissioners provided the appeal is submitted in writing to said Board within ten (10) calendar days of Commission action. Questions concerning appeals or deadlines should be asked of the Elmora County Grovrrth and Development Department or the Elmore County Clerk. FCO CUP-2013-02 Gnrnd View Solar PV Two, LLC Approved r=a::l''"' ?*l: fiUG -5 Fi{ L: l+2 Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) li':'r:'i ' Richardson Adams' PLLC uTlt'1T:i:i.'-t:;I"j ' li;' r ') 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com gre g@ richardsonadams. com Afforneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, )Complainant, ) Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 )vs. ) cnaND vrEw soLAR pv rwo, rDAHo powER coMpANy, I il-?i RESPONSE ro ORDER No' Respondent. ) --- - ) Exhibit No. 7 Photographs of Grand View Two Site I :rala^* .Ji:--i:'..tr\---- I:^i:f:"i i i* -iaY- r**,n r 1" ik ""'r !ffifi'i4 . a- i):;*r{F _!"f ^."l-l ..:. 1, Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, [daho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 I Fax:(208) 938-7904 oeter@.richardsonadams.com sres@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 4rt''! !t!3 f(L i., iii.-, -.i Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 3286t l+2 Exhibit No. 8 Shannon & Wilson, [nc. Soils and Corrosivity Reports ffi fi r n s!#l$)loN aw Hi€N* I DlF,, AI.ASKA CAUFOR}IIA coLoRAo0 FLORIDA r"rIssouRr OREGON WASHINGTON June 1,2012 Mr. B. Clare Lees Altemative Power Development NW, LLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 RE: GRAND VIEW SOLAR PROJECTS, ELMORE COUNTY,IDAHO Dear Mr. Lees: At your request, we reviewed the boring logs and laboratory testing results for the Grand View Solar Projects Gy-2, GV-3, and GV-4, near Grand View, Idaho. The review was made to assist us in forming an opinion regarding the potential corrosivity of the site soils. The soils at the subject sites are similar to those encountered at an adjacent site. Therefore, in our opinion, similar corrosivity potential is likely. [n order to quantifu the specific conditions, additional sampling and testing must be completed. Based on our experience, soils at the subject sites are potentially very corosive but of neutral pH. If the corrosivity potential is as anticipated, the foundation piles recommended in our geotechnical report should be galvanized. Galvinization should meet ASTM lntemational Designation: Al23 - Standard Specificationfor Zinc (Hot-Dtpped Galvinized) Coatings on lron and Steel Products. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (509) 942-6303. Sincerely, SHANNON & WILSON,INC. 303 WELLSIAN WAY o P.O. BOX 967 RICHLAND, WASHINGTON 99352 509'946.6309 FAX 509"946"6580 TDD: 1-800-833-6388 Vice President 22-t-02855-002 ffi H H B S,.I{ANNON AW LSp"N, ! NF,, 303 IVELLSIAN WAY o P.O. BOX 967 RICHLAND, WASI{INGTON 99352 509"946"6309 FAX 509"946"6580 TDD: 1-800-833-6388 ALASKA COLORADO FLORIDA FIISSOURI oREGON r.YASlllf.lGTOll RE: July 1 1, 201 1 Mr. Robert A. Paul Alternative Power Development Northwest, LLC 515 Nofth 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY; GRAND VIEW SOLAR TWO PROJECT; ELMORE COUNTY, IDAHO Dear Mr. Shannon & Wilson, Inc. is pleased to present this geotechnical engineering report for the proposed Grand View Solar PV Two LLC, Grand View Solar Two Project in Elmore County,ldaho. We conducted the study in general accordance with our proposal dated May 4,2011. This report provides recommendations for earthwork, driven pile foundations, and IBC seismic design. We appreciate the opporlunity to work with you on this project. Should you have comments or questions regarding this reporl, or if we can be of additional service to you on another phase of this work, please contact us. Sincercly, SHANNON & WILSON,INC. DJB:LJR /djb tr@ Dee J. Bumie, P.E. Branch Manager 22-1-02855-002 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Sxarunou & Wrsor, Irc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.0 FIGURES I Vicinity Map 2 Site and Exploration Plan 3 Pile Capacity 4 Lateral Pile Capacity APPENDICES Exploratory Boring Logs Laboratory Test Results Important Information about Your Geotechnical Engineering Report A B C 22-l-02855 Gredview Soltr Trc. gr.doc 22-t-02855-002 Snannon & Wrson, Ittc. GBorscHNrcAL ExcrxpnruNc Sruoy Guxo Vruw Sor,aR Two Et wtoRB CouxtYr IuHo 1.0 INTRODUCTION Shannon and Wilson, Inc. is pleased to present the results of our geotechnical engineering study for the proposed Grand View Solar Two Project approximately l8 miles west southwest of Mountain Home in Elmore County, Idaho. Our scope of work included: o Drilling 4 exploratory borings; o Conducting laboratory testing; o Performing engineering analyses; and . Preparing this report. This report provides recommendations for earthwork, site road development, driven pile foundations, and Intemational Building Code (IBC) seismic design criteria. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The 20-MW project is located in the area listed in the following table and shown in Figure I - Vicinity Map. Phase No.Ar@. acnes Subdivision Section Townshin Ranse 2 80 40 E%,SE% SE%.NE% 6 6 5S 4E The previously farmed site is currently out of production. The site is mantled with previous crop and grassy vegetation, and is relatively level with some gentle sloping. We understand the collection systems will consist of rectangular photovoltaic panels supported on fixed geometry frames. The frames will be supported on shallow, driven piles. Current planning indicates the piles will be 25-foot long, 8-inch X 8-inch X 50-lbs per ft steel beams. Estimated penetration is approximately l5 feet, depending on the conditions encountered. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATIONS The field exploration program included four auger borings (B-7 through B- l0) drilled on May I I , 2011. Haztech Drilling of Meridian, Idaho, under subcontract with Shannon & Wilson, drilled the borings using a CME 75 truck-mounted drill rig equipped with hollow-stem augers. The borings extended to 21.5 feet below the ground surface at each location and were evenly spaced across the 22-l -02855 Gmdview Solu Tw gt.doc 22-l-02855-002 SNanNon & Wrson, Inc. site. We located the borings using a hand-held GPS unit. The Site and Exploration Plan (Figure 2) shows the approximate boring locations. The boring logs are presented in Appendix A. During the drilling process, we obtained disturbed samples at the ground surface and at 5-foot intervals using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The SPT consists of driving a 2-inch outside diameter split-spoon sampler l8 inches into the soilbeneath the casing with a 14O-pound hammer, free-falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the split-spoon through each 6-inch increment is recorded. ASTM D 1586 defines the SPT resistance, or N-value, as the number of blows required to drive the sampler from 6 to 18 inches below the casing. The SPT N-value provides an indication of the relative density or consistency of the soil and is plotted on the boring logs. The following terminology was used to describe the relative density or compactness of the subsurface soils: SOIL DENSITY AI\[D CONSISTENCY TERMINOLOGY Cohesionless (srsnular) Soils Cohesive (clavev) Soils Relative Densitv Penetration Resistance firlows ner foot) Relative Consistencr Penetration Resistance (blows ner foot) Very Loose Under 4 Verv Soft Under2 Loose 4-10 Soft 2-4 Medium Dense l0-30 Medium Stiff 4-8 Dense 30-50 Stiff 8 - 15 Very Dense Over 50 Verv Stiff 15 - 30 Hard Over 30 The strata boundaries were estimated in the field based on the drill rig action and the SPT sampling. The soil conditions are known only at the exploration locations on the date explored and should be considered approximate. Actual subsurface conditions between exploration locations may vary. The subsurface conditions are known only at the test pit locations on the date explored and should be considered approximate. Actual subsurlace conditions may vary between test pit locations. 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing included moisture contents, sieve analyses, and atterberg limits on selected samples. The laboratory test results in presented in Appendix B. 5.0 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS The Geologic Map of the Elmore County (ldaho Geologic Survey Digital Atlas of Idaho - November 2002) maps the site as Pleistocene basalt lava (Qb) with adjacent areas mapped as Quaternary alluvial deposits (Qa). Nearby areas (to the east) are mapped as Quatemary surficial 22- l -02855 Crmduew Sold Two.grr doc 22-l-02855-002 Snanuoru & WrsoN, INc. cover, including colluviums, fluvial, alluvial fan, lake, and windblown deposits (Qs). Soils encountered in the borings appear to correlate more closely to the Qs description. The borings indicate that approximately 5 feet of loose to medium-dense sandy SILT (ML) which comprises the till zone from the prior farming operations. Below the till zone, the sandy SILT becomes medium dense to dense with depth. The clay content increases with depth resulting in the soil grading to slightly plastic ML/CL at approximately l0 feet below the surface. The density also tends to increase with depth becoming generally dense in the bottom of the borings at2l.5 feet. The borings did not encounter groundwater. Based on well logs in the area, we anticipate that groundwater occurs at depths greater than 150 feet. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General The borings indicate that approximately 0 to 5 feet of loose to medium-dense sandy silt soils in the agricultural till zone. Medium dense to dense sandy silt with increasing clay content typically underlie the surface soils. The plasticity and moisture content of the in situ soils generally increases with depth. In our opinion, the proposed solar panel frames can be supported on relatively shallow driven pile foundations, as proposed. The following sections present earthwork, drive pile foundation, and IBC seismic design recommendations. 6.2 Boring Backfill The borings for this study were backfilled in accordance with the State of Idaho and local requirements. 6.3 Earthwork Surface vegetation, topsoil, debris, and existing fill material must be stripped from shallow structure foundations, pavement, and areas to receive structural fill. Based on the borings, we estimate that approximately 6 inches of material must be stripped to remove the vegetation and topsoil. Topsoil may be stockpiled and used in future landscape areas, if desired, but should not be used for structural fill. The native sandy silt soils may be used for structural fill or backfill. However, the fine grained soils are moisture sensitive and may be difficult to compact during wet weather. Once the surface is stripped, the top 12 inches of the exposed subgrade beneath structural fill, pavemento and shallow foundation areas must be compacted. The subgrade should be compacted to 22-l-02855 Grmdview Soltr Trc gtr.doc 22-t-028s5-002 Sxarunou & WrsoN, INc. a minimum in-place dry density of 92 percent of the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation: D 1557, Laboratory Compaction Charqcteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort. Utility trenching and backfilling should be accomplished in accordance with ldaho Standards for Public Works Construction (ISPWC). Based on our explorations, we anticipate that conventional excavation equipment can accomplish the proposed excavations. Utility trenches should be backfilled using structural fillcompacted as specified below. Sufficient backfill should be placed over the utility before compacting with heavy compactors to prevent damage. Structural fill and all backfill should be placed in maximum 8-inch thick loose lifts, and compacted to a minimum in-place dry density of 95 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum laboratory dry density. If imported material is required for general backfill or structural fill, we recommend using a material such as a well-graded, 2-inch-minus, pit run sand and gravel with less than 5 percent fines, or crushed rock. 6.4 Excavations/Slopes In our opinion, OSHA Soil Type C best describes the soil conditions at the site. Type C soils may have maximum temporary slopes of I .5 Horizontal to I Vertical ( I .5H: I V). The site soils may cave when dry and excavated vertically. Permanent cut and fill slopes should be constructed with inclinations no steeper than 2H: I V, and must be protected from both wind and water erosion. Erosion protection may consist of a vegetative cover or a minimum 3-inch layer of coarse concrete aggregate conforming to the requirements of ITD Specification 703.03 "Concrete Aggregate Size 3." 6.5 Foundations The proposed solar panel support frame structure may be supported on shallow driven pile foundation embedded into the native soils. We analyzed the vertical and uplift capacity of the preferred 8X8X50 H-pile section driven to a maximum 20 feet below the surface elevation and into the underlying medium dense to dense sandy silt. We understand the anticipated maximum penetration is approximately l5 feet. We assumed the ground surface elevation as +100 feet. We estimated pile capacities versus depth under static loading conditions for the preferred piles. We assumed that the piles will not develop a plug during driving. The estimated pile capacity versus depth plots for static conditions are presented on Figure 4. The plot assumes the soil conditions encountered in boring B-8, which represent approximately the average site conditions. Because overburden thickness, soil density, groundwater elevation, and variations in soil parameters, pile order lengths should arbitrarily add at least 5 feet to the estimated lengths. The 22-l-02855 Crodview Solu Tw gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 Snnnnon & WrsoN, INc. designer should use the results carefully, realizing that the capacities are estimates and that subsurface conditions can vary from the conditions encountered at our borings. The pile uplift capacity should be estimated using the skin fiction capacity presented on Figure 3. The allowable capacity may be increased by l13 for short-term transient loading conditions. 6.6 Lateral Load Resistance Because of the relatively shallow embedment depth anticipated, we calculated the allowable lateral loads resistance acting on the piles using the method describe in the 2009 International Building Code Section 1807.3 Embedded Posts and Poles. Allowable lateral load versus pile embedment depth for load application heights of 5, 7.5, and l0 feet above the ground surface are shown in Figure 4. Shallow building footings may be resisted by passive earth pressures acting against the sides of the footings and friction forces on the bottom of the footings. For lateral displacement design, the ultimate passive resistance of compacted, level backfill may be assumed equal to a 350-pcf equivalent fluid pressure. We recommend neglecting passive pressure within 2 feet of the ground surface. We recommend using a 0.35 friction coefficient to calculate sliding resistance between the footing bottom and the native sandy silt. 6.7 Seismic Considerations 6.7.1 IBC Seismic Design Criteria Based on the site geology and the soil conditions encountered in the explorations, we recommend the following2009lBC seismic design criteria. Site Class D (StiffSoil Profile) Ss 0.461 Sr 0.088 Fa 1.59 Fv 2.40 6.7.2 Liquefaction Liquefaction can occur when loose, gxanular, saturated soils (generally within 50 feet of the surface) are subjected to ground shaking. Based on the anticipate groundwater depth and the sandy silt at the site, it is our opinion that the potential for liquefaction at the site is low. 22-l-02855 Grodview Sold Tw.gtr.doc 22-r-02855-002 Snnnruoru & Wrsou, Inc. 6.8 Drainage We recommend against allowing water to accumulate next to the pile foundations. We recommend grading the area under the collector panels to drain away from the piles. All surface runoff should be directed away from foundation areas by grading. 6.9 Construction Considerations Variations in soil conditions are possible at the site and may be encountered during construction. The geotechnical engineer should be retained to provide construction observation services during the earthwork, excavation, and foundation phases of the project. Construction observation allows the geotechnical engineer to observe the actual soil conditions exposed in the excavations and determine if the proposed design is compatible with the design recommendations, and if the conditions encountered at the site are consistent with those observed during the geotechnical study. Construction observation is conducted to reduce the potential for problems arising during and after construction. However, in all cases, the contractor is responsible for the quality and completeness of their work and for adhering to the plans, specifications, and recommendations on which their work is based. We recommend retaining Shannon & Wilson, Inc to review the construction plans for the proposed structures, and to provide construction observations services during site grading and foundation installation. We anticipate that our services would include verifying subgrade soils, and observing fill compaction and pile installation. We can provide construction observation services on a time and expense basis. 7.0 LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based upon site conditions as they presently exist. We further assume that the site explorations are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; i.e., site conditions are not significantly different from those disclosed by the field explorations and observations. If subsurface conditions different from those encountered in the field explorations are observed or appear to be present beneath the excavations during construction, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations, where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of this report and the start of construction at the site, if conditions have changed because of natural forces or construction at the site, or if the design or loading configurations change, we recommend that we review this report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations concerning the time lapse or changed conditions contained in this report. 22- l -02855 Gmdview Sold Tm.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 Sn-rnru nta:tu 8r \f1/rusel[,,t, Il, NC" The scope of services did not include any environmental assessments or evaluations regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air, on or below the site, or for the evaluation or disposal of contaminated soils or groundwater, should any be encountered. This report was prepared for the use of Alternative Power Development Northwest, LLC, and their design team, in the design and construction of the proposed Grand View Solar Two project in Elmore County, Idaho. This report was made for a specific set of proposed structures and locations on the site. Vatiations fi'om the structure types or locations discussed in this repo( should be analyzed by Shannon & Wilson to assess the potential geotechnical impacts of those variations on the foundation recommendations included in this repofi. As an integral part of this report, we have prepared the attached "Important Information about Your Geotechnical Engineering Report," (Appendix C) to help you more clearly understand its use and limitations. SHANNON & WILSON,INC. Dee J. Bturie, P.E. Vice President DJB:LJR/ljr 3fif-* 22-l-02855 Grandview Solar Trvo.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 lrle mt 80z 3NoHd zrccs oHVot 'NVlolu3m IAV3n9vINOn SZeS€'3 d'Ag3'tddv 3 NV US oHvot 'l-rNnoc 3uot'[']3 oM-L u\nos M3lA oNVU9 c11 'OM.t- Ad U\nOS M3tA 0NVU3 r_tlru3d f sn lvNotltoNoc 2lol =di+l^t i ;IEEE= .- a zl-,)4 Ep E 8I;aEc E, d [ls-_::E Aiq EdE I >l a.itEE E EI :e:iEI s El E;+:s,!i El=Eai Q- : zlEH* OIEEU ,lEl e- *l: FBEiE 9lr *HFE: 3l i="e El Eee;ol !E9:dl *i6 s Al E:dFol 66tsL ;z, EE5! ee-e -eEs g* 56 * 68Eib i iE =Y q i E es Y ; i= I ;3;r ; trIE3 il:E i ig:E j .IT E ::Ia EB::; ;E:::,"Ez e g^q. OaiE t EB*E E!.d9 F :F69 pi!I:e: i*::r:5rEsit un6Ec=. :EgSHI:E!83*E ffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffi ci:r\t d,:a!?F\oz L,)Faq cn IL t Ir.la l+ a >€IU rr.: (22L.-r>tzo--=t.Il^=oY" r:r YLJ -O i2,-lZu)oF& LJ z a rl.1F q LJJ JJ !z -.)fi. ItJ,lU c F+ & F]c @ HF+ Qz &u UFl FJA B Fr |+ & Fi @ FEF< ni=z &u .c.f>6F_lrJ ioo Eb tJJOar EE>o-ooEi EEo.6 bE,o-ctx(E.=eAl=. a ='E.otbE :;Eq I t:9lo= c)E-6(,c,Xo, .wgO_o. -^ o.(E9(E>d> oco (!ooJ CDc Lo_cootzlUJI Ernl EEl n 6o'6' L(L Oa}EF(EgiO(E--oo)@6}Egtr !cg(, 2E{Hd3z8oJ = cllKNE,oJo.x IIJoz EiU'= ci€2E .EzP.o;OE,JE =Ecoi ZEoiz.EZF<E-6o3 110 105 100 A95oo o o otr90 85 80 75 tltimate ca$acity lriplt 12 14 16 tI r IT I \ at \ \ \ \I \t \\ \ II I \' PileA - W8(8x8)a8 Ultimate Pile Gapacitv Grand View Solar Two Elmore County, ldaho tNF., ;;12-Jul11 22-1-02855-002 35 30 25 E tr .9 G otr1s 10 010203040506070 Ultimate Capacity (kN) Plle E ila PileA - W8(8x8)a8 Pile B - 8" HW Pipe Pile C - Ultimate Pile Capacity Grand View Solar Two Elmore County, ldaho 4 DATE 7t12t2011 PROJECT NO, 22-1-02855-002N9* fiB Snanron & WrsoN, INc. APPENDIX A EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS 22-l-02855 Grmdview Sol{ Trc.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART TYPIGAL DESCRIPTIONSMAJOR DIVISIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 2OO SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) l;+itla.OI IA/ELL.GMDED GRAVELS, GMVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES GMVELS WITH FINES SILTY GRAVELS, GMVEL - SAND - SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL. SAND - CLAY MIXTURES SAND AND SANDY SOILS MORE THAN 507o OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO.4 SIEVE CLEAN SANDS (L|TTLE OR NO F|NES) IA/ELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED SANDS GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE bR NO FINES SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURESSANDS WITH FINES CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WTH SLIGHT PLASTICITY FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 2OO SIEVE SIZE SILTSAND #Ss',P-lM',J; CLAYS INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOWTO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CI.AYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY SILTSAND "-L',^1UJR iifll * CLAYS INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS'iiiii HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS SolL DESGRIPTION II.i o-oo o-oE a ooE.Eoa trL lJ-trd) E> O-(D> Oo Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 30-inch drop)A Blows per foot ,6 AA AT Loose, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); slightly plastic; dry. 5.0 2't.5 "_L Ii-2 I;-3 I;{ ,.I 5 !Eo fo U oz 10 15 20 Hard, tan/brown, silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND Sample Not Recovered Standard Penetration TestI NOTES 1. The boring was performed using drilling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries betr,\,een soil typ the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussbn in the text of this report is nocessary for a prop€r und€rstandir nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundu/ater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. 0 20 40 6( O o/o Water Content PlasticLimit l_ H LiquidLimit Natural Water Content ?s, and rg of the Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING 8.7 June 2011 22-1-02855-002 o. neret to nEr lat expElEugil ur lyrnwEr lecs dru uErtrnuun!. 6. USCS designation is based on visual-rnanual dassification and selecled hb testing.tJl#U,?"1.|=*,Sk*9#&,[19' I FG. A-2 3o SOIL DESCRIPTION 9II .iooo 6-o Ea ooo. E(Ua ;EL lLE0) =6 5tr> o-(9> E Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 30-inch drop)A Blows per foot ,i AN AT Loose, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); non to slightly plastic; dry/damp. 5.0 21.5 F,I !"r t.l *I *I 5 I lo cU oz 10 15 20 Very stiff to hard, brown, silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND* Sample Not Recovered I Standard Penetration Test NOTES 1. The boring was performed using drilling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent tfE approximate boundaries bet\rleen soil types, and the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necsssary for a propor undsrstanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundu,ater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. 0 20 40 6( O % Water Content PlasticLimit |- ff LiquidLimit Natural Water Content Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING B€ June 201 1 22-1-02855-002 expEnauon symDs, 6. USCS designation is based on visual.manual classification and selected lab testing.t#,#g,,o"L*'Skg9#;l#,9' I FIG. A-3 Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 30-inch drop)A Blows per foot Medium dense, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); slightly plastic. 15.0 21.5 Hard, brown, silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND O 20 40 * Sample Not Recovered O % Water Content f Standard Penetration Test plastic Limit }__.- Liquid Limit Natural Water Content NOTES 1. The boring nas performed using driling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries betvrieen soil types, and the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in th6 text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundr,nater level, if indicated above, is for the date specilied and may vary. 5. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes and definitions. 6, USCS designation is based on visual-nnnual classification and selec{ed lab testing. Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING B.9 June 201 1 22-1-02855-002 SHANNON &WLSON,INC.G@lehni€l and Envionrental Consullants s 6 a.J t 5 SolL DESCRIPTION 9tJ- -io.oo E-oEa ooo. Eoa g!,L lJ-=s ;ii(E =tr> o.(9> E Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 30-inch drop)A Blows per foot 20 40 6( Loose, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); slightly plastic; dry. 5.0 21.5 I I\-2 I;.3 Ii4 ,.,I 5 !goE-o U oz 10 't5 20 Very stiff to hard; brown/tan/ silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND* Sample Not Recovered I Standard Penetration Test NOTES 1. Th6 boring was performed using drilling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries beh,veen soil typ the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a propor understandir nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specilied and may vary. 0 20 40 6( O % Water Content PlasticLimit l- -ff LiquidLimit Natural Water Content es, and u ofths Grand View Solar Two Projecl Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING B.1O June 201'1 22-1-02855-002 c. Keler to nEY Ior explanarpn oI slmrcEr (rues aflq ucltrnuglls. 6. USG designation is based on visuaFnranual dassification and selected hb testing.#ATU,,o#.*,Sk*9#;,llL9' I Ftc. A-s Snannon & WrsoN, INc. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 22-t-02855 Grudviw Solr Trc.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 EaerWiigg As-ls Moisture Content Percent: : Shannon & Wilson PROJECT; Grandview Solar Projecl SAMPLE SOURCE: B-7, S-2, D=5' DATE SAMPLEDi 512412011 MATERIALTYPE: Native PROJECT NUMBER: 1 l-151 WORK ORDER#I 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 6117-5 DATE TESTED: 5127t2011 TESTED BY: SB 1106lrdofdt bt. fab'ara,ttA 9N02 1509)469.?08 Oll'tcc (fl9)169-707OFar Liouid Limit Plestlc Limit Plast. lndex 23914 Medium Plasticity s .JEo =o(, o 6 = 25.OYo 24.O% 23.0% 22.0% 21.0o/o 20 00h 19 0o/o Llmit 40 50 60 Llquld Llmlt (LL) Jr E Jo oo IL 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 \-. REVIEWED BY: EaerWii#g ITO6ldnid*e. fdkina, fA 9NA2(ile)469.?0ffafrce (fi9)4693070fax CLIENT: Shannon & \Mlson PROJECT: Grandview Solar Project SAMPLE SOURCE: 8.8.S-3,D-1 O' DATE SAMPLEDT 51241201 1 MATERIAL TYPE: Natlve PROJECT NUMBER: 1'1-15'l WORK ORDER#: 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 6117-6 DATE TESTED: 512512011 TESTED BY: S.B. Percent Passino: Soecs: lOOo/" Sleve Percent Sleve SIze: Passlnq: Soecs: Size: 3" #821t2" #10 1 1t2" #20 1 1t4" #30 1" #40 3t4" #50 5/8', #60 1t2" #80 3/8" #100 1t4" #200 80% 76% 63.4n/o Grain SIze Dlstribution 100% 90o/o 80o/o 7}o/o {o,60% .; o5}o/o I 4}o/o E 30% HA 200/o 10o/o 0o/o 0.0010.010.11 Graln Slze, mm 1001000 lt I tt I t I 'I1+-{--,LJ-..H. I I It I I I tlt r l. IT1-a--',Il-l:-. tt I l.l'{ -LLJ-.tl ILll-it!.!i'i'ir--i-r :il:n'ffr.t-r*:Hnft+?F;J I,}I Irl-Ii lrl{-{-;{----It Iftsr .+SieveResults +LoalerBound +UpperBound REVIEIIVED BY: Eaer _ siffi tt06t dmiba fakina, llf, 9N02 [509)469,1058 Ofiict 1fi9)16930IO fat & Wilson PROJECT: Grandview Solar Project SAMPLE SOURCE: B-9, S-2, D=5' DATE SAMPLED: 5124120'1 1 MATERIAL TYPE: Native PROJECT NUMBER: 1 1-15'l WORK ORDER#: 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 6117-7 DATE TESTED: 512712011 TESTED BY: SB D Z2t6 - As-ls Moisture Content Percent Llouid Limit Plastlc Limit Plast. lndax 24 10 '.t4 Medium Plastrcity It-tqutd unit craph I - s tocoC) o 6 = 27.OYo 26.0olo 25.Ooh 24.V/o 23.0% 22.0o/o 21-Ooh 20.00h 19.0o/o 18.070 17 Oolo 60 50 t.o:it530o !zoo- 10 0 40 50 60 Llquid Limit (LLl r10100 REVIEWEO BY: EaerW 7fi6bnm:dtAw. Yakina, Illl 9N02(fl9)469s0di otficc [il9)469-10V)fax GLTENT: Shannon & \Mlson PROJECT: Grandview Solar Proiect SAMPLE SOURCE: B-10, S-4, O-15' DA,TE SAMPLED: 51241201 1 MATERIAL TYPE: Native ECT NUMBER: 11-151 WORK ORDER #: 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 6117-8 DATE TESTEDI 512512011 TESTED BY: S.B. Sleve PercentSlze: Passinq: Sp€csi 3', 2'1t2" z', 1 1t2" 't 1t4u 1u 3t4. 5/8" 1t2" 3/8" 1t4" Sleva Slze: #4 #8 #10 #16 #20 #30 #40 #50 #60 #80 #'t00 #200 Percent Passlnq: Soecs: 100% 100% 90% 87olo 74.3clo Grain Slze Dlstributlon 100% 90o/o 80Yo 7001o tE'60% .i o50Yo fl 4}o/o Eo3}o/o bo- 20o/o 1Oolo 0o/o 1000 100 10 I 0.1 0.01 0.001 Graln Size, mm -+SieveREsulls +LoryerBound -UpperBound IJlrIJtt -t- L::r:a--11Lt_l -ar, .LLItrt I tt I I | .i l:---l{t--1 i:-:1f-:lii+i t{+.1kii! -t--I'l l tJ+ltt!.! If::ssxi. . t! --;:{ ---Ji rl I II tt t, lrtrtIt+iH+ttJJJLll r!a!Jt1 I +ttt itlrl. l{+1,. I t.ar H*l'''1Y!,.-riII--r tt I I I ..,:i REVIEWED BY: BAER Testing, fnc. : Grandvlew Solal CUENT Shannon & Wlson SAMPLE SOURGE: See tselov DATE SAMPLED:524/'2011 MATERIALTYFE: NAIVE DATE TESTED: 512512011 JOB NUMBER: 11-151 WORK ORDER NUMBER 6117 $AMPLE NUMBER: See Below TESTED BY: S.B, Deviation of Skndar(s NO YES rrrrsspraet RlitvlARlis: R,EVIEITED BY: PO Box er3 Yakima, Washingtou gggoT Phons 5o9-4593o68 Faxr 9o9-469-3o7o Sxeuron & WrsoN, INc. APPENDIX C IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT 22-l{2E55 Grudview Sol{ Tw.gtr.doc 22-r-02855-002 -I I I SHANNON & WILSON, lNC. =ll, Geotechnicaland Environmentalconsultants Attachment to and part of Report 22- I -0285 5 -00 I Julv 11. 201I Alternative Power Development NW, LLC Grand View Solar Energy Proiect Date: To: Important Information About You r Geotechnical/Environ mental Report CONSULTING SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND FOR SPECIFIC CLIENTS. Consultants prepare reports to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report prepared for a civil engineer may not be adequate for a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, your consultant prepared your report expressly for you and expressly for the purposes you indicated. No one other than you should apply this report for its intended purpose without first conferring with the consultant. No party should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the consultant. THE CONSUI.JTANT'S REPORT IS BASED ON PROJECGSPECIFIC FACTORS. A geotechnical/environmental report is based on a subsurface exploration plan designed to consider a unique set of project-specific factors. Depending on the project, these may include the general nature of the structure and property involved; its size and configuration; its historical use and practice; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; other improvements such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities; and the additional risk created by scope-of-service limitations imposed by the client. To help avoid costly problems, ask the consultant to evaluate how any factors that change subsequent to the date ofthe report may affect the recommendations. Unless your consultant indicates otherwise, your report should not be used: (l) when the nature of the proposed project is changed (for example, if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garugq or if a refrigerated warehouse will be built instead of an unrefrigerated one, or chemicals are discovered on or near the site); (2) when the size, elevation, or configuration of the proposed project is altered; (3) when the location or orientation of the proposed project is modified; (4) when there is a change of ownership; or (5) for application to an adjacent site. Consultants cannot accept responsibility for problems that may occur if they are not consulted after factors, which were considered in the development of the report, have changed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE. Subsurface conditions may be affected as a result ofnatural processes or human activity. Because a geotechnical/environmental report is based on conditions that existed at the time ofsubsurface exploration, construction decisions should not be based on a report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Ask the consultant to advise ifadditional tests are desirable before construction starts; for example, groundwater conditions commonly vary seasonally. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and, thus, the continuing adequacy ofa geotechnicaUenvironmental report. The consultant should be kept apprised ofany such events, and should be consulted to determine ifadditional tests are necessary. MOST RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENTS. Site exploration and testing identifies actual surface and subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. The data were extrapolated by your consultant, who then appliedjudgmentto render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions. The actual interface between materials may be far more gradual or abrupt than your report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from those predicted in your report. While nothing can be done to prevent such situations, you and your consultant can work together to help reduce their impacts. Retaining your consultant to observe subsurface construction operations can be particularly beneficial in this respect. t/2011 A REPORT'S CONCLUSIONS ARE PRf,LIMINARY. The conclusions contained in your consultant's report are preliminary because they must be based on the assumption that conditions revealed through selective exploratory sampling are indicative ofactual conditions throughout a site. Actual subsurface conditions can be discemed only during earthwork; therefore, you should retain your consultant to observe actual conditions and to provide conclusions. Only the consultant who prepared the report is fully familiar with the background information needed to determine whether or not the report's recommendations based on those conclusions are valid and whether or not the contractor is abiding by applicable recommendations. The consultant who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the adequacy of the report's recommendations if another party is retained to observe construction. THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT IS SUBJECTTO MISINTERPRETATION. Costly problems can occur when other design professionals develop their plans based on misinterpretation of a geotechnical/environmental report. To help avoid these problems, the consultant should be retained to work with other project design professionals to explain relevant geotechnical, geological, hydrogeological, and environmental findings, and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to these issues. BORING LOGSAND/OR MONITORING WELLDATASHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE REPORT. Final boring logs developed by the consultant are based on interpretation offield logs (assembled by site personnel), field test results, and laboratory and/or offrce evaluation of field samples and data. Only final boring logs and data are customarily included in geotechnical/environmental reports. These final logs should not, under any circumstances, be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings, because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. To reduce the likelihood of boring log or monitoring well misinterpretation, contractors should be given ready access to the complete geotechnical engineering/environmental report prepared or authorized for their use. Ifaccess is provided only to the report prepared for you, you should advise contractors of the report's limitations, assuming that a contractor was not one of the specific persons for whom the report was prepared, and that developing construction cost estimates was not one of the specific purposes for which it was prepared. While a contractor may gain important knowledge from a report prepared for another party, the contractor should discuss the report with your consultant and perform the additional or alternative work believed necessary to obtain the data specifically appropriate for construction cost estimating purposes. Some clients hold the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming responsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing the best available information to contractors helps prevent costly construction problems and the adversarial attitudes that aggravate them to a disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY. Because geotechnical/environmental engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against consultants. To help prevent this problem, consultants have developed a number ofclauses for use in their contracts, reports and other documents. These responsibility clauses are not exculpatory clauses designed to transfer the consultant's liabilities to other parties; rather, they are definitive clauses that identif where the consultant's responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved recognize their individual responsibilities and take appropriate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your report, and you are encouraged to read them closely. Your consultant will be pleased to give full and frank answers to your questions. The preceding paragraphs are based on information provided by the ASFE/Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences, Silver Spring, Maryland ffi H H H P, "m"NoN aw! F,P"N, ! llp,, ALASKA coLoRAoo FLORIDA t'lt5souRl OREGON U/ASHINGTOI.I July I l,20ll Mr. Robert A. Paul Altemative Power Development Northwest, LLC 515 North 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 RE: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY; GRAND VIEW SOLAR TWO PROJECT; ELMORE COUNTY, IDAHO Dear Mr'. Paul: Shannon & Wilson, [nc. is pleased to present this geotechnical engineering report for the proposed Grand View Solar PV Two LLC, Grand View Solar Two Project in Elmore County,Idaho. We conducted the study in general accordance with our proposal dated May 4,2011. This report provides rccommendations for eafthwork, driven pile foundations, and IBC design. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Should you have comments or questions regarding this repofi, or if we can be of additional service to you on another phase of this work, please contact us. Sincerely, SHANNON & WILSON,INC. Dee J. Bun:ie, P.E. Branch Manager DJB:LJR /djb 303 VVELLSIAN YYtrY " P.O. BOX 967 RICHLAND, WAS|-INGTON 99352 509,946"6309 FAX 509"946"6580 TDD: 1-800-833-6388 22-t-02855-002 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.0 Sxanuor & Wrsoru, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTIO SITE DESCRIPTION FIELD EXPLORA LABORATOR SUBSURFACE CONCLUSION ...,,,,....2 6.1 General .................3 6.2 Boring Backfill 6.5 Foundations 6.6 Lateral Load Resistance......... ............5 6.7 Seismic Considerations............ ..........5 6.7.1 IBC Seismic Design Criteria .........5 6.7.2 Liquefaction 7.0 LTMITATIONS FIGURES I Vicinity Map 2 Site and Exploration Plan 3 Pile Capacity 4 Lateral Pile Capacity APPENDICES Exploratory Boring Logs Laboratory Test Results Important Information about Your Geotechnical Engineering Report 6.0 A B C 22-l-02855 Grildview Solu Trc gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 Sxnruruoru & Wrsoru, Irc. GoorucuNrcAl ExcnnoRrxc Sruoy Guxo Vrnw Solln Two ELnnoRr CouxrYr Io*Io 1.0 INTRODUCTION Shannon and Wilson, Inc. is pleased to present the results of our geotechnical engineering study for the proposed Grand View Solar Two Project approximately l8 miles west southwest of Mountain Home in Elmore County, Idaho. Our scope of work included: o Drilling 4 exploratory borings; o Conductinglaboratorytesting; o Performing engineering analyses; and . Preparing this report. This report provides recommendations for earthwork, site road development, driven pile foundations, and lnternational Building Code (lBC) seismic design criteria. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The 20-MW project is located in the area listed in the following table and shown in Figure I - Vicinity Map. Phase No.Area. acres Subdivision Section Townshio Ranse 2 80 40 E%,SEY4 SE%.NE% 6 6 5S 4E The previously farmed site is currently out of production. The site is mantled with previous crop and grassy vegetation, and is relatively level with some gentle sloping. We understand the collection systems will consist of rectangular photovoltaic panels supported on fixed geometry frames. The frames will be supported on shallow, driven piles. Current planning indicates the piles will be 25-foot long, 8-inch X 8-inch X 50-lbs per ft steel beams. Estimated penetration is approximately l5 feet, depending on the conditions encountered. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATIONS The field exploration program included four auger borings (B-7 through B-10) drilled on May I l, 2011. Haztech Drilling of Meridian, Idaho, under subcontract with Shannon & Wilson, drilled the borings using a CME 75 truck-mounted drill rig equipped with hollow-stem augers. The borings extended to 21.5 feet below the ground surface at each location and were evenly spaced across the 22-l-02855 Credview Sol[ Tw.gfi.doc 22-t-02855-002 Snannon & Wrson, Inc. site. We located the borings using a hand-held GPS unit. The Site and Exploration Plan (Figure 2) shows the approximate boring locations. The boring logs are presented in Appendix A. During the drilling process, we obtained disturbed samples at the ground surface and at 5-foot intervals using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The SPT consists of driving a2-inch outside diameter split-spoon sampler l8 inches into the soil beneath the casing with a 14O-pound hammer, free-falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the split-spoon through each 6-inch increment is recorded. ASTM D 1586 defines the SPT resistance, or N-value, as the number of blows required to drive the sampler from 6 to 18 inches below the casing. The SPT N-value provides an indication of the relative density or consistency of the soil and is plotted on the boring logs. The following terminology was used to describe the relative density or compactness of the subsurface soils: SOIL DENSITY AIID CONSISTENCY TERMINOLOGY Cohesionless (eranular) Soils Cohesive (clavev) Soils Relative Density Penetration Resistance (hlows ner foot) Relative Consistencv Penetration Resistance (hlows ner foot) Very Loose Under 4 Verv Soft Under 2 Loose 4- l0 Soft 2-4 Medium Dense l0 - 30 Medium Stiff 4-8 Dense 30-50 stiff 8- l5 Very Dense Over 50 Verv Stiff l5 - 30 Hard Over 30 The strata boundaries were estimated in the field based on the drill rig action and the SPT sampling. The soil conditions are known only at the exploration locations on the date explored and should be considered approximate. Actual subsurface conditions between exploration locations may vary. The subsurface conditions are known only at the test pit locations on the date explored and should be considered approximate. Actual subsurface conditions may vary between test pit locations. 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing included moisture contents, sieve analyses, and atterberg limits on selected samples. The laboratory test results in presented in Appendix B. 5.0 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS The Geologic Map of the Elmore County (ldaho Geologic Survey Digital Atlas of Idaho - November 2002) maps the site as Pleistocene basalt lava (Qb) with adjacent areas mapped as Quaternary alluvial deposits (Qa). Nearby areas (to the east) are mapped as Quaternary surficial 22-l-02855 Greduew Solil Trc grr doc 22-t-02855-002 Sxaruuon & WrsoN, INc. cover, including colluviums, fluvial, alluvial fan, lake, and windblown deposits (Qs). Soils encountered in the borings appear to correlate more closely to the Qs description. The borings indicate that approximately 5 feet of loose to medium-dense sandy SILT (ML) which comprises the till zone from the prior farming operations. Below the till zone, the sandy SILT becomes medium dense to dense with depth. The clay content increases with depth resulting in the soil grading to slightly plastic ML/CL at approximately l0 feet below the surface. The density also tends to increase with depth becoming generally dense in the bottom of the borings at 2l .5 feet. The borings did not encounter groundwater. Based on well logs in the area, we anticipate that groundwater occurs at depths greater than I 50 feet. 6.0 CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General The borings indicate that approximately 0 to 5 feet of loose to medium-dense sandy silt soils in the agricultural till zone. Medium dense to dense sandy silt with increasing clay content typically underlie the surface soils. The plasticity and moisture content of the in situ soils generally increases with depth. In our opinion, the proposed solar panel frames can be supported on relatively shallow driven pile foundations, as proposed. The following sections present earthwork, drive recommendations. 6.2 Boring Backfill pile foundation, and IBC seismic design The borings for this study were backfilled in accordance with the State of ldaho and local requirements. 6.3 Earthwork Surface vegetation, topsoil, debris, and existing fill material must be stripped from shallow structure foundations, pavement, and areas to receive structural fill. Based on the borings, we estimate that approximately 6 inches of material must be stripped to remove the vegetation and topsoil. Topsoil may be stockpiled and used in future landscape areas, if desired, but should not be used for structural fill. The native sandy silt soils may be used for structural fill or backfill. However, the fine grained soils are moisture sensitive and may be difficult to compact during wet weather. Once the surface is stripped, the top l2 inches of the exposed subgrade beneath structural fill, pavement, and shallow foundation areas must be compacted. The subgrade should be compacted to 22-l-028J5 Grmdview Solu Tw.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 Sxaruron & Wrson, Iuc. a minimum in-place dry density of 92 percent of the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation: D 1557, Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort. Utility trenching and backfilling should be accomplished in accordance with ldaho Standards for Public Works Construction (ISPWC). Based on our explorations, we anticipate that conventional excavation equipment can accomplish the proposed excavations. Utility trenches should be backfilled using structural fill compacted as specified below. Sufficient backfill should be placed over the utility before compacting with heavy compactors to prevent damage. Structural fill and all backfill should be placed in maximum 8-inch thick loose lifts, and compacted to a minimum in-place dry density of 95 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum laboratory dry density. If imported material is required for general backfill or structural fill, we recommend using a material such as a well-graded, 2-inch-minus, pit run sand and gravel with less than 5 percent fines, or crushed rock. 6.4 Excavations/Slopes In our opinion, OSHA Soil Type C best describes the soil conditions at the site. Type C soils may have maximum temporary slopes of I .5 Horizontal to I Vertical ( I .5H: I V). The site soils may cave when dry and excavated vertically. Permanent cut and fill slopes should be constructed with inclinations no steeper than2H: lV, and must be protected from both wind and water erosion. Erosion protection may consist of a vegetative cover or a minimum 3-inch layer of coarse concrete aggregate conforming to the requirements of ITD Specification 703.03 "Concrete Aggregate Size 3." 6.5 Foundations The proposed solar panel support frame structure may be supported on shallow driven pile foundation embedded into the native soils. We analyzed the vertical and uplift capacity of the preferred 8X8X50 H-pile section driven to a maximum 20 feet below the surface elevation and into the underlying medium dense to dense sandy silt. We understand the anticipated maximum penetration is approximately l5 feet. We assumed the ground surface elevation as +100 feet. We estimated pile capacities versus depth under static loading conditions for the preferred piles. We assumed that the piles will not develop a plug during driving. The estimated pile capacity versus depth plots for static conditions are presented on Figure 4. The plot assumes the soil conditions encountered in boring B-8, which represent approximately the average site conditions. Because overburden thickness, soil density, gloundwater elevation, and variations in soil parameters, pile order lengths should arbitrarily add at least 5 feet to the estimated lengths. The 22-l-02855 Gmduew Solu Tw gt.doc 22-t-02855-002 Snannou & WrsoN, INc. designer should use the results carefully, realizing that the capacities are estimates and that subsurface conditions can vary from the conditions encountered at our borings. The pile uplift capacity should be estimated using the skin fiction capacity presented on Figure 3. The allowable capacity may be increased by l13 for short-term transient loading conditions. 6.6 Lateral Load Resistance Because of the relatively shallow embedment depth anticipated, we calculated the allowable lateral loads resistance acting on the piles using the method describe in the 2009 International Building Code Section 1807.3 Embedded Posts and Poles. Allowable lateral load versus pile embedment depth for load application heights of 5, 7.5, and l0 feet above the ground surface are shown in Figure 4. Shallow building footings may be resisted by passive earth pressures acting against the sides of the footings and friction forces on the bottom of the footings. For lateral displacement design, the ultimate passive resistance of compacted, level backfill may be assumed equal to a 350-pcf equivalent fluid pressure. We recommend neglecting passive pressure within 2 feet of the ground surface. We recommend using a 0.35 friction coefficient to calculate sliding resistance between the footing bottom and the native sandy silt. 6.7 Seismic Considerations 6,7.1 IBC Seismic Design Criteria Based on the site geology and the soil conditions encountered in the explorations, we recommend the following2009lBC seismic design criteria. Site Class D (StiffSoil Profile) Ss 0.461 Sr 0.088 Fa 1.59 Fv 2.40 6.7.2 Liquefaction Liquefaction can occur when loose, granular, saturated soils (generally within 50 feet of the surface) are subjected to ground shaking. Based on the anticipate groundwater depth and the sandy silt at the site, it is our opinion that the potential for liquefaction at the site is low. 22-l-02855 Gilduew Solu Trc gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 Sxauuon & WrsoN, INc. 6.8 Drainage We recommend against allowing water to accumulate next to the pile foundations. We recommend grading the area under the collector panels to drain away from the piles. All surface runoff should be directed away from foundation areas by grading. 6.9 Construction Considerations Variations in soil conditions are possible at the site and may be encountered during construction. The geotechnical engineer should be retained to provide construction observation services during the earthwork, excavation, and foundation phases of the project. Construction observation allows the geotechnical engineer to observe the actual soil conditions exposed in the excavations and determine if the proposed design is compatible with the design recommendations, and if the conditions encountered at the site are consistent with those observed during the geotechnical study. Construction observation is conducted to reduce the potential for problems arising during and after construction. However, in all cases, the contractor is responsible for the quality and completeness of their work and for adhering to the plans, specifications, and recommendations on which their work is based. We recommend retaining Shannon & Wilson, Inc to review the construction plans for the proposed structures, and to provide construction observations services during site grading and foundation installation. We anticipate that our services would include verifying subgrade soils, and observing fill compaction and pile installation. We can provide construction observation services on a time and expense basis. 7.0 LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based upon site conditions as they presently exist. We further assume that the site explorations are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; i.e., site conditions are not significantly different from those disclosed by the field explorations and observations. If subsurface conditions different from those encountered in the field explorations are observed or appear to be present beneath the excavations during construction, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations, where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of this report and the start of construction at the site, if conditions have changed because of natural forces or construction at the site, or if the design or loading configurations change, we recommend that we review this report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations concerning the time lapse or changed conditions contained in this report. 22-l-02855 Grilduew Solu Trc gtr doc 22-t-02855-002 Sn-uuvmclru 8{r. Wuusont, Lm{:" The scope of services did not include any environmental assessments or evaluations regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air', on or below the site, or for the evaluation or disposal of contaminated soils or groundwater, should any be encountercd. This report was prepared for the use of Alternative Power Development Northwest, LLC, and their design team, in the design and construction of the proposed Grand View Solar Two project in Elmore County, Idaho. This report was made for a specific set of proposed structures and locations on the site. Variations fi'om the structure types or locations discussed in this reporl should be analyzed by Shannon & Wilson to assess the potential geotechnical impacts of those variations on the foundation recommendations included in this report. As an integral part of this report, we have prepared the attached "Impoftant Information about Your Geotechnical Engineeling Report," (Appendix C) to help you more clearly understand its use and limitations. SHANNON & WILSON,INC. Dee J. Bumie, P.E. Vice President DJB:LJR/ljr lz<'ilt/ or/l/'/ n I pR0Ff- 22-l-02855 Grandvierv Solar Two.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 /r/e t8r'802 SNoHd zrce8 0HVor 'NVrctu3n 3nv3n9vlNoy{ sz08€']d 'A83]ddv f NVAUS 1r- I.(Lllio oHvot 'A].Nnoc 3uovt]3 oMl u\nos l StA 0Nw0 C'11 'O/v\J'Ad U\nOS MllA oNvde llti'tuld 3sn "lvNoU-loNoc zol = E rli EI d:E i SltaEr t- Eli* xol3: ;alg-"i3 fr =iis6 liic E:*EE zl #l= E9e * =t a F] *EE} 3i E*E; al ?;Ee 6tFl EI o ul l f <l - ot I sE I Hie f;E;z6 4EIeEit EE*lE a;eF ngl xr; !, 'll''E --"€ t -d ;E :Ex* 2tP _1I I 6gE: igh tr6 128 P5a z frE4 eE E! BC l i t"I .E .EI Es E9I 68 r EElteb r i5Ii:E I :E I}E: i E: Hl sai l Ela: t6l I3F - *43F -ul -?r ; r:?z ::l EP? : Ief,g E 5I !;g E ;i;E E;lEr69 6 :883 E =l ;6"^? :r:r=? ElEieEEg dtEEEE: El :8559d :?!389-r '/_"l,,'i F--r--r-- ai "ir+il I?F\o 4LJA=UVHJ>E;ri ^[-H}, 'Lg-e<3?<; F >J te =crARa?i - 69n'e,*A r=l iEl+J -^L _ TYF< !-{ O46)aor-' F>nHAD:>v (4:a<14ilir|1 r r JVFH:vi !z Ir Jt!Qd, A t. \') (_ E-t4 -c..P>(E1 rrJ too Eb]UOarEB>o-o (g E.ep- BEo-6b;,o-cDxF.; =U'='E.otbE(E; F_6Eq I -o>o= o-a6@(Eho)P 6.=.wsO_O.:0(Ev(U>d> U'co (UooJ o,c.E o(D 6o olzl IIJ IoluJlJI 6o'p' (L 9.9FOrE(E-oo@6}E.9il tc Eo zq1Hd3z8o+ =NKNtoJo.x UJoz TJR @= ci€2E .PzR.o;OEJE =Eoafi ZEoozEz=<ETEo6 .J 'l-I \It \ \I \ I \I I \\\ I \ 110 105 100 95 oo tro .E otr90 85 80 75 tJtimate ca$acitv f mpl9 12 14 16 PileA - W8(8x8)48 Ultimate Pile Capacitv Grand View Solar Two Elmore County, ldaho FIGURE SMNNON EWI.SON.IIoEolEcts{rcrL ^Ho civrnorxEilr^t coieul DJB 12-Jul11 22-1-02855-002 35 30 25 E .9 IE orII 15 10 010203040506070 Ultimate Capacity (kN) F o E PileA - W8(8x8)48 Pile B - 8" HW Pipe Pile C - Ultimate Pile Capacity Grand View Solar Two Elmore County, ldaho 4 DJB 7112t2011 22-1-02855-002 Snaunon & WrrcoN, INc. APPENDIX A EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS 22-l-02855 Grmdview Sols Tw.gtr.doc 22-r-028ss-002 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART oob o ooof MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONSGRAPHLETTER COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 2OO SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO 4 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) li;3ri,!!.!!GW \A/ELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES )v\JovL to"olor,Qo"9c GP POORLY.GRADED GMVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVELS WITH FINES APPRECIABLE AMOUN'I OF FINES) ff:t!rii.tt GM SILTY GRAVELS, GMVEL - SAND - SILT MIXTURES a/ta GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURES SAND AND SANDY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO.4 SIEVE CLEAN SANDS (LTTTLE OR NO F|NES) SW \A/ELL.GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SP POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES SANDS WTH FINES APPRECIABLE AMOUNI OF FINES) SM SILry SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURESffiscCLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 2OO SIEVE SIZE SILTSAND #33i'#$']oCLAYS ML INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WTH SLIGHT PLASTICITY CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOWTO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY SILTSAND "-E!i?Ri|Ul * CLAYS MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS ru CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY 'iliil,OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICIry, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WTH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CI-ASSIFICATIONS s Ea ot SolL DESCRIPTION II.io.oo o-oEo oo,o- Eoa EL IJ-Co, XaE itr> o.rD> oo Standard Penetration Resistance (140|b. weight, 30-inch drop)A Blows per foot ,o l A( Loose, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); slightly plastic; dry. 5.0 21.5 "_[ I Ii3 Ii4 "I 5 EEoc o cu oz 10 15 20 Hard, tan/brown, silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND* Sample Not Recovered I StandardPenetrationTest NOTES 1. The boring uras performed using driling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries betuEen soil typ the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in the toxt of this report is necessary for a prop€r understandir nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater lev6l, if indicated above, is for the date specilied and may vary. 0 20 40 6( O % Water Content Plastic Limit l-H Liquid Limit Natural Water Content :s, and g of the Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING 8.7 June 2011 22-1-02855-002 c. Kerer ro KEY Ior expEnalton or symDoE, cooes ano oeflntilons. 6. USC.S designation is based on visual-.manual classification and select€d lab testing.SHANNON &WLSoN,lNrc. I Frc. A.2 =oiit oaIot SOIL DESCRIPTION tr ! o.o)o o-oEo ooo.EoU) OL iLC0) r> o-(rl > o)o Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 30-inch drop) Blows per foot ,n illl Af Loose, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); non to slightly plastic; dry/damp. 5.0 21.5 1 I I)-2 Ir{ Ii-4 -I 5 ooo fo U oz 10 15 20 Very stiff to hard, brown, silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND Sample Not Recovered Standard Penetration TestI NOTES 1. The boring was performed using drilling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries betu,een soil types, and the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in the t€xt of this report is necessary for a prop€r understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundu/ater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. 0 20 40 6( O % Water Content PlasticLimit !- # LiquidLimit Natural Water Content Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING B{ June 2011 22-1-02855-002 5. Keler to KEY ror expEnallon oI symoo6, cooes ano oernluons. 6. USCS designation is based on visual-manual classific€tion and selected lab testing..JI*TI!,.l'r.*,HhS9"};l[X*c I Frc. A-3 Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 30-inch drop)A Blows per foot Medium dense, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); slightly plastic. 15.0 21.5 Hard, brown, silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND O 20 40 * Sample Not Recovered O % Water Content I StandardPenetrationTest plasticLimit |- .- LiquidLimit Natural Water Content NOTES 1. The boring was performed using drilling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries bet!\€en soil types, and the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in the text of this report is n€cessary for a proper understanding of th€ nature of lhe subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and rnay vary. 5. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes and definitions. 6. USCS designation is based on visual.manual dassiflcation and selecled hb testing. Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING 8.9 June 201 1 22-1-02855-002 Standard Penetration Resistance (140 lb. weight, 3O-inch drop)A Blows per foot Loose, tan, fine grained, sandy SILT (ML); slightly plastic; dry. 21.5 Very stiff to hard; brown/tan/ silty CLAY (CL); low to medium plasticity; damp. Bottom of Boring Completed 511112011 LEGEND O 20 40 * Sample Not Recovered O % Water Content I Standard Penetration Test plastic Limit |:__.-_l Liquid Limit Natural Water Content NOTES 1. The boring raas performed using drilling methods. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries bet$/een soil tlDes, and the transition may be gradual. 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. 5. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes and definitions. 6. USCS designation is based on visual-rnanual dassification and selected hb testing. Grand View Solar Two Project Elmore County, ldaho LOG OF BORING B.1O June 201 1 22-1-02855-002 Sxannon & WrsoN, fNc. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 22-l-02855 Grmdview Solr Trc.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 BaerWiigg lfi6bnofdtbt.Yab'nz,lA 9N02(509)469.?Odt ottlce 1f,9)169-70mfat CLIENT; Shannon & PROJECT: Grandview Solar Proiecl SAMPLE SOURCE: B-7, S-2. D=5, DATE SAMPLED: 5 t24l2O1 1 MATERIALTYPE: NAtiVE NUMBER: 11-15.I WORK ORDER *z 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 61'17-5 DATE TESTED: 5127 1201'l TESTEDBY: SB Asis Moisture Content Percent 14.5Yo Liouid Limit Plastic Limit Plast. lndex 23914 Medium Plastioity s .JEo Eoo oo = 25.Ooh 24.O0/o 23.0% 22.0% 21.Oo/o 20 0o/o 19 Oo/o Liquld Llmit IFr".ii"lr, ct,"rtILr.-t 40 50 60 Llquld Limit (LL) 60 50 Eoo E530 € .8 zo TL 10 0 110100 ---,,\-,..\ \- REVIEWEO BY: BeerWii#g 1706lcdtid Ave Yakina, ll{l 9802(fls)4693068 Ofiice(il9)46930mfax GLIENT: Shannon PROJECT: Grandview Solar Project SAMPLE SOURCE: B-8,S-3,D-l0' DATE SAMPLED: 512412o11 MATERIAL TYPE: NAtiVE NUMBER: 11-1 WORK ORDER #:6117 SAMPLE NUMBER:6117-6 DATE TESTED: 512512011 TESTED BY: S.B. ANAL Slev€ Percent Slze: Passlno: SDec6: 3', 2112" 1 112" 1 114" 1', 3t4" 5/8" 1t2" 3/8" 1t4', Sleve Size: #4 #8 #10 #16 #20 #30 #40 #50 f60 #80 #100 #200 Percent Passino: Specs; ,100% 80% 76% 63.4% Grain Slze Distrlbution 100o/o 90o/o 80o/o 70% { TD60% tq,, 50o/o I 40o/o Eu3Oo/o bA 20o/o 10o/o 0% lJ,--Ll-l--:--Ll''-t-- .t-,-f-L-I -t-. II I I 'I I Il':;--r aItt rtItl+ttt I I I il+r{+tJlltl 10 1 Graln Slze, mm 0.1 0.01 0.001 .+SievEResults +Lo,verBound +UpperBound REVIETIVED BY: EeerWfi#,g ,106bndd,hL takina.ltA 9802 {&9)469.to8otfa'l$9)46930mfat CLIENT: Shannon & Wilson PROJECT: Grandview Solar Proiect SAMPLE SOURCE: B-9, S-2, D=5' DATE SAMPLED: 51241201 1 MATERIAL TYPE: NAtiVC PROJECT NUMBER: 1 1-151 WORK ORDER #: 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 61 17-7 DATE TESTED: 512712011 TESTEDBY: SB COITIIENT As-ls Moisture Content Percent Llouid Limit Plastic Llmlt Plast. lndex 24 10 14 Medium Plastcity @r.,**fl :e o Eoo o .E3 27.0o/o 26.O'/" 25.Oo/o 24.V/o 23.00h 22.0o/o 21-O% 20.0%,l9.070 18.070 17.Oo/o ---.-r\-:---r\__ --_______ a 40 50 60 Llquid Limlt (LLl REVIEWED BY; EaerWtiffiff 7106ltln'dtAle. Yakina,ll/r 9N02(fl9)469-?0fi 0lfrce(fl9)4693070fax CLIENT: Shannon & \A/ilson PROJECT: Grandview Solar Project SAMPLE SOURCE: B-10, S-4, D-15' DATE SAMPLED: 51241201 1 MATERIAL TYPE: Native NUMBER:'11-15 WORK ORDER #i 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: 6117-8 DATE TESTED.. 512512O11 TESTED BY: S.B. Sleve Percent Slze: Passinq: Soecs: 3' 2112" z', 11t2" 1 1l4u 1u 3t4', 5/8' 112" 3/8', 114" Sleve Slze: #4 #8 #10 #15 #20 #30 #40 #50 #60 #80 #t 00 #200 Percent Passlnq: Soecs: 10O"1" 90% 87% 74.3% Grain Slze Dlstributlon 100% 90o/o 80o/o 700/o {tr60% 6o50o/o f 4}o/o Eo307o bo- 20% 1Oo/o Oo/o i ttttat Itr I tl l t'l t I:{.t +l+.-iitI i i. i11-l itt ,i; T*tl rtr, t ,r l,tllTa-t I t, t.t.! -lI -l r-l-tLLLttt iii ri l t,I 1000 100 I Grain Size, mm 0.1 0.01 0.001 +SieveResults +LcrWerBound -UpperBound REVIEWED BY: BAER Testing, fnc. PROJECT:Solar Projeet CLIENT Shannon & Wlson SAMPLE $OURCE: See tselow DATE SAMPLED: 52.42'011 MATERIALTYPE: ,TE 1 JOB NUMBER: 11-151 WORK ORDER NUMBER 6117 SAMPLE NUMBER: See Below TESTED BY: S.B. Deviatiun of Sundards NO YES rtl'yuerplamr REtv{ARLS: REVIEWEDBY; $eve Eaer Vice PresBent PO Box z4 Yakimq Washingtou 989o7 Phone: 5o9-4593o68 Faxl 6o9-469-3o7o Sxenruou & WrsoN, INc. APPENDIX C IMPORTAI\T INFORMA'TION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT 22-t42E55 Gredviow Solr Trc.gtr.doc 22-t-02855-002 -I I I SHANNON &WILSON, !NC. =ll, Geotechnicaland Environmental consultants Attachment to and part of Report 22- I -02855-00 I Date: To: Julv I l. 201 I Altemative Power Development NW. LLC Grand View Solar Enerey Proiect Important Information About You r Geotech nicaUEnviron mental Report CONSULTING SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND FOR SPECIFIC CLIENTS. Consultants prepare reports to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report prepared for a civil engineer may not be adequate for a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, your consultant prepared your report expressly for you and expressly for the purposes you indicated. No one other than you should apply this report for its intended purpose without first conferring with the consultant. No party should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the consultant. THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT IS BASED ON PROJECT.SPECIFIC FACTORS. A geotechnical/environmental report is based on a subsurface exploration plan designed to consider a unique set ofproject-specific factors. Depending on the project, these may include the general nature of the structure and property involved; its size and configuration; its historical use and practice; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; other improvements such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities; and the additional risk created by scope-of-service limitations imposed by the client. To help avoid costly problems, ask the consultant to evaluate how any factors that change subsequent to the date ofthe report may affect the recommendations. Unless your consultant indicates otherwise, your report should not be used: (l) when the nature of the proposed project is changed (for example, if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refrigerated warehouse will be built instead of an unrefrigerated one, or chemicals are discovered on or near the site); (2) when the size, elevation, or configuration of the proposed project is altered; (3) when the location or orientation of the proposed project is modified; (4) when there is a change ofownership; or (5) for application to an adjacent site. Consultants cannot accept responsibility for problems that may occur if they are not consulted after factors, which were considered in the development of the report, have changed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE. Subsurface conditions may be affected as a result of natural processes or human activity. Because a geotechnical/environmental report is based on conditions that existed at the time ofsubsurface exploration, construction decisions should not be based on a report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Ask the consultant to advise if additional tests are desirable before construction starts; for example, groundwater conditions commonly vary seasonally. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and, thus, the continuing adequacy ofa geotechnical/environmental report. The consultant should be kept apprised of any such events, and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are necessary. MOST RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENTS. Site exploration and testing identifies actual surface and subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. The data were extrapolated by your consultant, who then appliedjudgment to render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions. The actual interface between materials may be far more gradual or abrupt than your report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from those predicted in your report. While nothing can be done to prevent such situations, you and your consultant can work together to help reduce their impacts. Retaining your consultant to observe subsurface construction operations can be particularly beneficial in this respect. A REPORT'S CONCLUSIONS ARE PRELIMINARY. The conclusions contained in your consultant's report are preliminary because they must be based on the assumption that conditions revealed through selective exploratory sampling are indicative of actual conditions throughout a site. Actual subsurface conditions can be discerned only during earthwork; therefore, you should retain your consultant to observe actual conditions and to provide conclusions. Only the consultant who prepared the report is fully familiar with the background information needed to determine whether or not the report's recommendations based on those conclusions are valid and whether or not the contractor is abiding by applicable recommendations. The consultant who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the adequacy of the report's recommendations if another party is retained to observe construction. THE CONSURANT'S REPORT IS SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION. Costly problems can occur when other design professionals develop their plans based on misinterpretation of a geotechnical/environmental report. To help avoid these problems, the consultant should be retained to work with other project design professionals to explain relevant geotechnical, geological, hydrogeological, and environmental findings, and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to these issues. BORING LOGS AND/OR MONITORING WELL DATA SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE REPORT. Final boring logs developed by the consultant are based on interpretation offield logs (assembled by site personnel), field test results, and laboratory and/or office evaluation of field samples and data. Only final boring logs and data are customarily included in geotechnical/environmental reports. These final logs should not, under any circumstances, be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings, because drafters may commit erors or omissions in the transfer process. To reduce the likelihood of boring log or monitoring well misinterpretation, contractors should be given ready access to the complete geotechnical engineering/environmental report prepared or authorized for their use. Ifaccess is provided only to the report prepared for you, you should advise contractors of the report's limitations, assuming that a contractor was not one of the specific persons for whom the report was prepared, and that developing construction cost estimates was not one of the specific purposes for which it was prepared. While a contractor may gain important knowledge from a report prepared for another party, the contractor should discuss the report with your consultant and perform the additional or alternative work believed necessary to obtain the data specifically appropriate for construction cost estimating purposes. Some clients hold the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming responsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing the best available information to contractors helps prevent costly construction problems and the adversarial attitudes that aggravate them to a disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY. Because geotechnical/environmental engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against consultants. To help prevent this problem, consultants have developed a number ofclauses for use in their contracts, reports and other documents. These responsibility clauses are not exculpatory clauses designed to transfer the consultant's liabilities to other parties; rather, they are definitive clauses that identify where the consultant's responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved recognize their individual responsibilities and take appropriate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your report, and you are encouraged to read them closely. Your consultant will be pleased to give full and frank answers to your questions. The preceding paragraphs are based on information provided by the ASFE/Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences, Silver Spring, Maryland U20lr i:!'l.r, ' ?iil.1*l_fi -S pil rr: ilZ Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) ::.; ; . j. , Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) l-j ii-i'jt,,,,.1',, : ., Richardson Adams, PLLC ' j''" I ': 515 N.27s Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams.com gre g@richardsonadams.com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, )Complainant, ) Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 )vs. ) cnaND vtEw soLAR pv rwo, rDAHo powER coMpANy , J !l-?i RESPONSE ro ORDER No' Respondent. ) ) Exhibit No. 9 Engineering and Site Layout Documents llNnOC:lUOn]! O iL U\ftrs Ad rrEI ONYlIE CTI'O,\,LI t|VlOS Ad lrUM (I{vtfi , ul\tu3d fsn lvNollloNoc IrIi ili+ IIiE ist E!_; iiIi rlEi is3lrli I;dE iEl3!d IgI Eii Eitr!5 IIit 3it!1. lir rIrll.III{ EE _3 -gBs isrEi ! tiarb: eliE: E E: ;rE ? SEEE -E ;ii;:tii; i;E I Eri! rI!!9 E iE-Bg !i;i;il,iiililiilri iiftfri ts ! ffiffiffiffi ffiffiffi ffiffiffiffi |ffiffiffi_ffilffi tri trJ$ d, a F€zotroE!ta l&o ;{, leo6t; dEso !!<zor^o>*F =zosBF uJ L'+Utr{,.96>_JI tt)Utrdoo. zoEIF UoJ -l-l oz JroJtquc & e F< & Jca) tu HF< ez &u UFlFl o BH & FJoa to B 14 ez &() t !r:crl-rlEEi Eo-coEr!tEca!c.o6ooJgiI otrilJ iilir$r5l s1l!; uti;,rIE ti rEhitl H;i 3-r E l" Iii!l;l j i I tlsl rlq r if; iin 'i rit I I619-+--"ls . EH Hl -s; ;E!r ol[1" i"s = =;l--+-. i:l1l,gi::I!' il:=ig fai -tqjo o7o Fs 6EIi lilIii efiniiE !f,i!:I I g fltrlsiITsl'li ;;;; iEiEllte til . -!,. ! liel Ei;t;i rE E g illiiI rj-i' i I dt ol qi I it_..-*.G;r.+ $'' ': ,. "'l4 i.ili *, '!.fl i llsr1tl ."It ,o'lli itiii. il ',,_1t "ni iJliii:f.- . . ", ir-t ..''I,,t' ...'r I I |.j.rEliIIt,rt,-i/,tiliri:ll . *1. i.--+--','1" 'i I .)lf,ts' lo-L lmtzlo TDo)(orooA) oJo <3<o).io)!r.-oE.= or>g cL(cIX!) (/,)9,-9(D =o250 =.(D =id oo. qJ Ea =6_6'='9.dsz(oJ(Dqa9o s3 €8.Oqo<Eeo6m9-oo4m-- q)<;t= EaEil z tr, mx!l-onN)IN)-+6sz99! (Jt!Ez o 6 =CL tr#3€9oaio'_dO-0, -{a5 1' .0.oo Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454\ Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27tr Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams.com gre g@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 ExhibitNo. 10 Small Generator lnterconnection Request SIT{ALL GENERATOR INTERCOI\I\IECTION REQUEST (Applieation Form) Transmission Provftlcr: ID.A,HO POfilER COMPAFIY Desigrated Contact Person: Rowena Bishop Address: Telephone Number: Fax: E-Mail Address: l22lW.Idaho Steet, Boise ID 83702 208-388-26s8 208-3884il7 tbishop@idahopower. com An Intercomection Request is considered complete when it provides all 4plicable and correct informaion required below. Preemble end Instmctions An Interconnection Customers who request intercomection must submil this Interconnection Reguest by hand delivery, mail" e-mail, or fax to tlre Trmsmission Provider. Proccssing Fce or Deposit: lf the lnterconnection Request passes ALL screens of SGIP Section 2-2.l,tb ryplication may be sbmitted under the Fast Track Proe,esg and the aon-rofundable prmessing fee is $500. Please contact ldaho Porver if you have my questions. All Interconnection Requsts submitted under the Study Procesq whether a new zubmission or an Interconnection Request that did not oass the Fast Traok Process. shall submit to tlre Transmission Provider a dcpoeit not to o(cced S1,000 tovnards fte cost oftte frcibility sudy. Interconnection Customer lnformation Legal Nme oftte Interconnection Customer (or, if m hdividual, individual's narre) Nmc: 6tn.t conactPcrson,Tobu-qr R. Fo u U MdlinsAddress: 5 t 5 tU.. Ofl' S"r(*af Stm:-.JO zip: E 3',)o.\- Frility Loc*ion (if ditrercnt ftm above):trL-^lD Y ie.*l .IO retcphoae @"y)"7 6! --BLl:L!9-{Tolephone (Evening): For: cJ.o8.93S.?to4 E-Mait Adftess:; CD rr-. Alternuive contact Inform*ion (if different from the lutercomectior customer) 1 -,:-> .- \ coutactNnnq J i- r<t- -Ri "HsRlSo J riuq h< n".B<-L Address: 5 r 5 . N, ?!' 9[l*+e-f Telephone (Day): ]o R 'i 38 ?1o I relcphme @vaing)' Jr-l 3 I g'7 .,\p \ I rocf,oB,'l 3.3.'77o4 EMail Address: psr<,$.9,< ;- u+.RJ,s.,,J I ;..i o I i<*\' (c * Apprication - t' gU;:,HIm#HmXLar Generating FacilE If capacity additionto existing facility, please describe: Will the Small Generating Facitity bo usd for ary of &e following? To Srryply Powsto &e Imerponnection Customer? Yes -No(To Sr4[lyPowerto O&crs? YesX No -For installdions u locations with existing electic service to which the proposed Small Generating Facility will interconnect, provide: (E:risting Account Number*) [*To be provided by the tnterconnection Customs if the local elecric service provido is different from tte Tranmission Providerl Contact Narne: Title: e Address: Telephone (Day): Fa:r: Telephone (Evening): E-MaiI Address: Requested Point of Irtercomection , CXc- 4Zn t Interconnection Customer's Requested In-service Dfrr;: I o,/ JJai / F,mrry source:! sola - wind -Hydrro -Hy&o Tne (e.g. Rrm-of-Rivo): _Diqial _NdralGas _PudOit _ Orher(suet)"e) PrimeMover: _FuelCell _RecipEngine _GasTurb GareraorNamcplateRatirg: fOo **C$"rcal)GmamNameptr*ekV*, d lmerconnecion Custmcr or Custmer-Site Lm* /h *W (ifnone, so state) Tpical Reactive lnad (iflnoum), {) List components of fte Small Generating Facility equiparent package tbat are currently certified: lvlaximrm Ph]r$cal Expo,rt C4ability Requesed ZU , COO ya1 Equipment TypeI.-S*(r.,irJ .rU ! te.fei' Induction )( Irvertet - 2. gtfAat' P'{ rvto}.;al5 3. f cc,fe-re r-z'Ltri5ft*r{l€3- 4. 5. Is the prime mover corrpatible with the certified protective rclay package? X yes Nameplm Onput Power Raing in kVA: (Summcr) lnterconnection Request Elwation:Single phase _Jhree phase Small Gcnerating Facilitv Inforration D*aapply only to ihe Small Generating Facility, not the Interconnection Facilities. ,*PVT. _Steaur Turb _Other_Mioroturbine Type of Genermor _Synshronors Certifuing EntityL.5Ar-"^ =- Grnerator (or solr collector) Manufactuer, Model N;;& Number: S d ALf fH, 'J Frt*r'r ilA- v' t zt t-t t VersionNumbsr: N lA NmeplaeOxputPowerRatinginkW: (Svwl?Jtt>c-,cs (Whter) TUOo<; Individual Generffir Power Factor R*edPowcrFacton r;r,qi, O.? A b{ U srABt-d ) c.l tf ${'>Arll+L Total Number of Generatons in whd fann to be interconoeoted pursuant to this InverterManufacturer, ModelN*me&Ntrmber(ifused): 9N,-icoi-.l (Lc{t,'t.'-cc--( - \(:'Vt ) List of adjustable set points for the protective equipmerrt or softrvare: .= o " ., tl-.i *L -- c\ Reouest. je-e. Lt,\e_- [trr_u'Ii\ P, Small Generating Facility Characteristic Data (for inverter-based machines) Ivlax design fault contn'bution cunent ?ffi. [- d Instaotaneous - or RMS? Harmonics characteristi.r. ( L' ,'3" 1r, -T- rt ) Start-up requiremeirts: .. -_a.l<- c .\ '/" Small Generating Facility Characteristic Data (for rotating machines) RPMFrequency: N /A(*) Neutal Grounding Resistor (If Applicable): Synchronous Generators : DirectAxis SlmchronorsReagtance,Xd: N lA P.U. Direct AxisTransieotReact&@, X6: P.U. Dfuect Axis Subfansieut Reactmce, X"6: P.U. Negdive Sequence Reacmcg Xz: _ P.U. Zero Sequence Redance, lh: KVA Base: Field Volts: Field Amperes: lnduction Generators: MotoringPower(kw): Ni I A Iz2t or K (He*ing Time Constant): _ Rotor Resistance, Rr: Stator Resistance, Rs: Stator Reactance, Xs: RotorReactmc€, Xr: Mapetizing Reactmcg )(m: Short Circuit Reactance, Xd": Exciting Current: Temperature Rise: Frane Size: P.U. Design Letter: r Rea&ve eo*er neqoired Itr Vils (No Load): Reactive Power R{rirea n vrs (rull lrrd4[ Total Rotating Inertiq H: perG;;mA B"s€ Note: Please contact the Trasmission Provider rior to submitting the Interconnection Request to deermine if tho socoified informarion above is required. Is the tmsformer: single phase _three phase? Transformer Im@ance: o/o on kVA Base IfThree Phase: Excitaion and Govefsor Svstem Data for S!.ochronous Gerner&rs Oolv Provide appropriate IEEE model block diagram of excituion system, goveruor qyst€m and power system stabiliz€r (PSS) in accordmce with &e regional reliabit$ council criteria A PSS may be d*ermined to be required by applicable studies. A copy of the mmufactuer's block diagrm may not be substituted- Intercouncctbn tr"acilitics Informatinn Will a trmsformer be usd bcnccn the gen€rdor ard the point of common coupting? _Yes lNo WiIl tte trmsf,ormer be provided by ihe InErconnoction Cfrstomer? _Yes J_No Transformer Data (If Apolicable" for Interconnestion Custom€r4wrcd Trmsf,ormer): size: !/A tvn Transformer Primary: _ Volts _Delta 'Wye _ lf,/ye Grormded TransformerSecondary:_Volts_Dela Wye WyeGrounded Trmsformr Tertiry:Volts Delta _Wye_ Wye Grounded Transformer Fuse Daa fif Applicable. for Int€rconnection Chstom€r0wned Fuse): (Attach copy of firse menufachrrer's Minimum Melt and Total Clering Time-Current Curvos) Murufacnuer r...} { A Type:Size: Speed: Interconnectins Circuit Breaker (if apolicable): Marufacturer, CWi)e F-, isuw.eiL rl,pe rJC,rlA ^?i t'.}-:' LnadRating(Amps): L3 o InterruptingRating(Amps): /?r Su c Tripspeed(Cycles): Cuti vte-i Interconnection Protective Relays (If Applicable): If Microprocessor-Controlled: List of Functions and Adjustable Setpoinb for the prrotective equipment or software: Setpoint Function Minimum Maximum l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If Disorrete Conroonents: (Enclose Cory of ary Proposed Time-Overcurre. t Coorrrdinatim Curves) t{andacnltr' / / O. Ty?e: - Style/Cralog No.: - Proposed Sefring: Ivlmufacturer: - Type: - Style/CcalogNo.: _ Prryosed Sdting: Maufrcmrer: - T}rye: - Style/Ccalog No.: _ Prqosd Seting: IvImu&cnner: - Type: -- Style/CaalogNo.: - Proposod Scting: brmu&ctu€r: - Typq - StyletC*atogNo.: - Proposed Serning: Clrrent Transforoer Dm (If AUplioable): (Enclosc Copy of Mmufacurcds Excitatim and R*io Correctim Cuves) lvlmrfrctorcr: til Coofff{ R ge--ose,e*- Accuracy Class: - ProposcdRaio Comection: -MmfacfirEr: Accurary Class: - Propos€d R.cio C.onnection: -Pomtial Trmsforma Dm CIf Aoptcable): L,lm Tlpe:Accuracy Ctass:Ntl Proposed Raio Connestion: 175': O13 tJ,1rvtl,ntZ a,.bztdmuffirer: Tlpe:Accurasy Class: - Proposed Ratio Connectiolt: - Gcncral Information Enclose copy of site electrical one-line diagram showing the configuraion of all Small Generating Facility equipment current and potential cirouie, and protection md contol schernes. This one-line diagrarn must be sigped and smped by a licensed Profess.ional Engineer if the Small Generaing Facility is larger ftm 50 kW. Is One-Line Disge Enclosed? _!Yes _No Enolose copy of my site doomentrim tha indicaes the precise physical location of the proposed Small Generuing Facility (E USGS topographic map or other diagram or doctmeartation). Proposed locdim ofprotective interface equipment on pqperty (include address if different from the Interconnection Customcr's addrcss) Enclose copy of my site dooumentcim tha describes ad detailg fte operdion of &e protection and contol schemes. Is Available Docunentation Enclosed? Y. yes No Enclose copies of schematic drawings for all protection and coufol circuits, relay orrreot circuitq relay poteotial circuis, md alrm/monitoring circuits (if ryplicable). fue Schmatic Drawings Enclosed? X-vo -NoAoo.llcant Simature I hereby c€rtify rhd, to tre best ofrny knowledge, all the information provided in this lnterconneaion Request is true and conect. For Interconnection Customq: 3-I(i -aoll ==r:.r l',"-'l ?813 EUG -5 Pii L: l+2 Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27s Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 oeter(E rich ard son ad am s. co m greg@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !.1" - I . I r-rr tai n-r-r 11a1. r i . !: ! i - _- i ,1 Case No. IPC-E-l l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 Exhibit No. I I March 31,201l, Letter from Rowena Bishop SEffi*. An IDACORP ComDanY March 31,2011 via email and Csrtifi ed Mail # 7 00928200002837 3 | 69 I Robert Paul 515 N 276 Street Boise, lD 83702 Ph 760-861-1104 Re: Grand View Solar Two- Project # 369 Dear Mr. Paul: Thank you for your Generator lnterconnection application for the Grand View Solar PV Two Project to be connected to the Idaho Power system at Elmore County, Idaho (see attached copy). Since we have received all of the required materials, this application is now considered complete. As you may be aware, we are required to post certain information to our OASIS (Open Access Same Time Information) website. Please refer to the website periodically to view a list of current projects at http://www.oatioasis.com/IPCO/index.htnl under GENERATOR INTERCONNECTION INFORMATION folder, onthe left side of the screen. For your reference, enclosed is a copy of Idatro Power Company's Facility Connection Requiranents which may or may not apply to your project. More information about the Generation Interconnection process can be found on the ldaho Power website at: htto://www.idahopower.com/AboutUVBusinessToBusiness/Generationlnterconnect/default.cfrn Idaho Power must comply with regulatory requirements to provide a list of completed study reports and provide copies of final study reports upon request to the public. All study reports will be subject to any confidentiality requirements that arise from receipt of proprietary information from you. Federal regulations do not allow us to release Critical Electrical Infrastructure Information. All study reports will be provided to you in redacted format, unless a signed Non-Disclosure Agreernent is received for this project (see attached NDA). Since you will be selling the project output to Idaho Power Company-Power Supply (as a Network Resource-NR, or as a PURPA), transmission studies for moving this energy to the load or a point of delivery inside of our system will be included in the Generator lnterconnection studies. You should still contact Randy Allphin for your Power Sales contract under a parallel process. He can be reached at 208-388-2614. At this time, Idaho Power Company will assign a planning engineer for this project, and we will contact you in the near future to schedule a Scoping Meeting. Page I of2 For your review, I am attaching a copy of the standard Interconnection Feasibility Study Agree,ment that needs to be executed by you soon after our Scoping Meeting. Please feel free to contact me with yotr questions about the Generator lnterconnection Process anytime. I will forward this application to our T&D Planning Leader, Marc Patterson, who will be evaluating your request. Sincerelv.W Operations Analyst Ph 208-388-26s8 Encl Application Idatro Power Company's Facility Connection Rquirements Non-Disclosure Agreement for Generators Standard lnterconnection Feasibility Study Agreement Cc (via email): Marc Pattersor/IPC Randy Allphir/IPC Page2 of2 i i.i:i..".. .., . Inlj i:ijt -[ p:j r;: t1l Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 1 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com sre g@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 Exhibit No. l2 Generator [nterconnection Feasibility Study Draft Report May 19, 201I GENERATOR INTERCONNECTION FEASIBILITY STUDY For integration ofthe proposed GENERATION INTERCONNECTION PROJECT #369 In ELMORE COLJNTY,IDAHO To the IDAIIO POWER COMPANY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DR,A.TT REPORT May 19,2011 JH General lnterconnection lnformation Queue Date of Reouest Location Totalffiwl Station or Trans Llne for POI ProJected ln-Service Date Type of facility (comblned cycle, base load, CT, fuel tvnel 369 29 Mar 201 1 EImore Countv 8. 20 Canyon Creek Substation Oct 2011 Solar Generator lnterconnection Feasibility Study Short Gircult Analysis Results System Changes Rcquired: [Y"s EINo Ifyes, a dcscription ofchanges required: Power Flow Analysis ResulG System Changes Required: XYes flNo lfyes, a description ofchanges required: An 8MW interconnection will require a generation interconnection and protection package. To serve the full 20MW project the station transformer must be rcplaced witb a 44.8MVA transformer and the distribution circuit must be rebuilt between the Point of Interconnection and the substation. Good Faith Gost Estimate Intercounection cost estimate- Total cost estimate: $225,000 for 8MW, $1,480,000 for 20MW. This cost doesn't includc costs ofcustomer owned substation and distribution. System lmpact Study Required? Eves fJHo Dercrlptlon Esdmated Cost First 8MW Generation Interconnection and Protection Paokage $225,000 Estimated Cost to Serve 8MW s225,000 Full Project Generation Intercoruroction and Protection Package s225,000 44.8MVA Transformer s72s,000 Other station upgrades and labor $505,000 Distribution Circuit Rebuild s25,000 Total Estimated Cost to Serve 20MW s1,480,000 -1- nf *[1:,j,"'; ?l!l AliG -5 ff! !: [J Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) ,-.: , : . . GregoryM.Adams(IsB# 7454) '.,ti1-ii;,-1--,.., . ., ,,,.:, Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27tr Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 1 Fax: (208) 938-7904 oeter@.richardsonadams.com { e s.(A.richard son ad am s. co m Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, )Complainant, ) Case No. IPC-E-11-15 )VS. ) CNEND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO,) LLC's RESPoNSE To oRDERNo. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, ) 32861Respondent. ) ) Exhibit No. l3 Generator lnterconnection Feasibility Study Final Report May 23,2011 GENERATOR INTERCONNECTION FEASIBILITY STUDY For integration ofthe proposed GENERATION INTERCONNECTION PROJECT #369 In ELMORE COUNTY,IDAHO To the IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FINAL REPORT May 23,20ll JH Genera! lnterconnection lnformation Queue Date of Reouest Location Total (MW) Station or Trans Line for POI Projected ln-Service Date Type of facility (combined cycle, base load, CT, fuel tuoe) 369 29Mar 201r Elmore Countv 8, 20 Canyon Creek Substation Oct 201I Solar Generator Interconnection Feasibil ity Study Short Gircuit Analysis Results System Changes Required: lYes XNo Ifyes, a description ofchanges required: Power Flow Analysis Results System Changes Required: XYes ENo Ifyes, a description ofchanges required: An 8MW interconnection will require a generation interconnection and protection package. To serve the full 20MW project the station transformer must be replaced with a 44.8MVA transformer and the distribution circuit must be rebuilt between the Point of Interconnection and the substation. Good Faith Cost Estimate Interconnection cost estimate. Total cost estimate: $2251000 for 8MW, $1,480,000 for 20MW. This cost doesn't include costs of customer owned substation and distribution. System lmpact Study Required? Xyes E tto Description Estimated Cost First 8MW Generation Interconnection and Protection Package $225,000 Estimated Cost to Serve EMW $225,000 Full Project Generation Interconnection and Protection Package $22s,000 44.8MVA Transformer $725,000 Other station upgrades and labor $s0s,000 Distribution Circuit Rebuild $25,000 Total Estimated Cost to Serve 20MW $1,480,000 Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams.com gre g@ richardsonadams.com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VTEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. June2,20ll BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !.:r {--!! t-:'' I 't! Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 l+3 Exhibit No. l4 Letter From Orlando Ciniglio ffiffi*. An ll.lf llEF L.JmFJfl! June2,20ll Certified Mail # 70090820000123019 l2l Robert Paul 515 N 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 760-86r-l 104 RE: Project # 369 - Grand View Solar 2 Dear Robert: Enclosed is the Final Feasibility Study Report for the above-referenced project. The feasibility analysis indicates that modification/addition of some facilities will be required to integrate the network resource capacity addition of your project into the Idaho Power system. Please note, the Feasibility Study alone does not provide any transmission rights nor determines the necessary network upgrades to move the project energy to the load or a point of delivery in our system. Idaho Power requires further studies to evaluate the system integration requirements for this project, and the physical constraints of existing facilities. Enclosed is a System Impact Study Agreement (SISA) that describes the studies required, the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, and the required work schedules. Idaho Power must also receive the following data in order to begin studies. Idaho Power Companv Data requirements for Generation Interconnection Proiects Idaho Power requires transient stability data, useable in the General Electric PSLF software program, for generation interconnections studies, as well as, future WECC electrical grid simulations once the project is put in-service. Generation developers are required to provide the transient stability data which is appropriate for the generators they utilize in their projects. Transient stability modeling data falls into two basic categories; user written models (EPCL i epcmods) and GE PSLF standard models. Whilp either type of model can be used for the generation interconnection studies, GE PSLF standard model data is preferred as it is required for future WECC electric grid simulations and is also required by ldaho Power prior to interconnecting your project to the ldaho Power system. User written models (EPCL / epcmods) provided as part of the transient stability data for the turbine(s) in your project, are only good as long as the response obtained by the corresponding generic models in PSLF results in similar performance. ' jl 1 r'r ll3 lli rl (a-'i l:-i:i t'f-j fi;ri l,i li,:,rir l,:, ii.i0i If only user written models are provided initially, you will be required, before interconnection to our system can be permitted, to submit parameter values for your project's corresponding generic models in order for us to adequately validate its performance. A Restudy for system impact will be required should the generation installed end up being different than what was specified and studied during the System lmpact Study phase. Corresponding parameters for the generic models will need to be provided for the actual equipment and the plant response re-evaluated by IPCO Planning before interconnection to our system would be allowed. The supplier you ultimately select for your project needs to be responsive to your request for data for the GE PSLF standard models. We suggest you make this requirement known to any suppliers you are considering. Please contact me promptly if you have any questions about these data requirements. Enclosed are two System Impact Study Agreements (SISA) for the above-referenced generator interconnection project. In order to proceed with this application, Idaho Power must receive your agreement by signing and submitting all of these items by July 15.2011. otherwise your application will be deemed withdrawn: l. Two (2) signed SISAs, 2. the requested data described above (Idaho Power Company data requirements), and 3. a $10,000 deposit. Please submit to: Idaho Power Company, Attention: Rowena Bishop, l22l West Idaho Street, Boise, ID 83702. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,- ,_,iirl i i hlSr+ln r'-tu:f-'.,-: Orlando Ciniglio Leader, System Planning Engineering 208.388.2248 Enclosures: Final Feasibility Study Report two SISAs for signature C (via email): Rowena Bishop/IPC Marc Pafferson/lPC :.ill,,i. l,..l.l"r* ii tu-.i J.J-ii Pft F,.'r jn E(,ric. lii.!i:iU.l Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) -:C'-:':::: -' Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson Adams, 'LLC ?fi1 ilili} _5 i=rl lr, l+3 515 N. 27th Street I : P.O. Box 7218 l-ili i: -.' : . , ... .,. Boise,Idatro 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com gre e@richardsonadams. com Attomeys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, )Complainant, ) Case No. IPC-E-11-15 )vs. ) cnaND vIEw soLAR PV Two,) LLC's RESPoNSE To oRDER No.IDAHO POWER COMPANY, ) i2getRespondent. ) ) ExhibitNo. l5 System Impact Study Agreement August 26,2011 Small Generator System Impact Study Agreement Grand View Solar 2 -Projecl# 369 System Impact Study Agreement +F THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into ttrisl6 201 1, by and b"t*."nG(l^olp \/i..,,-t flf SoL.q(lIuro ct.u organized and existing under the laws of the State of ("Interconnection Customer,") and Idaho Power Company a Corporation existing under the laws of the State of ldaho, ("Transmission Provider"). lnterconnection Customer and Transmission Provider each may be referred to as a "Party," or collectively as the "Parties." RECITALS WHEREAS, the Interconnection Customer is proposing to develop a Small Generating Facility or generating capacity addition to an existing Small Generating Facility consistent with the lnterconnection Request completed by the Interconnection Customer on, March 30,2011; and WHEREAS, the lnterconnection Customer desires to interconnect the Small Generating Facility with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System; WHEREAS, the Transmission Provider has completed a feasibility study and provided the results of said study to the Interconnection Customer (This recital to be omitted if the Parties have agreed to forego the feasibility study.); and WIIEREAS, the lnterconnection Customer has requested the Transmission Provider to perform a system impact study(s) to assess the impact of interconnecting the Small Generating Facility with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System, and of any Affected Systems; NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of and subject to the mutual covenants contained herein the Parties agreed as follows: L0 When used in this Agreement, with initial capitalization, the terms specified shall have the meanings indicated or the meanings specified in the standard Small Generator Interconnection Procedures. 2.0 The Interconnection Customer elects and the Transmission Provider shall cause to be performed a system impact study(s) consistent with the standard Small Generator Interconnection Procedures in accordance with the Open Access Transmission Tariff. 3.0 The scope of a system impact study shall be subject to the assumptions set forth in Attachment A to this Agreement. 4.0 A system impact study will be based upon the results of the feasibility study and the technical information provided by Interconnection Customer in the Interconnection Request. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to request additional technical information from the Interconnection Customer as may reasonably become necessary consistent with Good Utility Practice during the course of the system impact study. If the Interconnection Customer modifies its designated Point of lnterconnection, 5.0 Small Generator System Impact Study Agreement Grand View Solar 2 - Project # 369 Interconnection Request or the technical information provided therein is modified, the time to complete the system impact study may be extended. A system impact study shall consist of a short circuit analysis, a stability analysis, a power flow analysis, voltage drop and flicker studies, protection and set point coordination studies, and grounding reviews, as necessary. A system impact study shall state the assumptions upon which it is based, state the results of the analyses, and provide the requirement or potential impediments to providing the requested interconnection service, including a preliminary indication of the cost and length of tirne that would be necessary to correct any problems identified in those analyses and implement the interconnection. A system impact study shall provide a list of facilities that are required as a result of the Interconnection Request and non-binding good faith estirnates of cost responsibility and time to construct. A distribution system impact study shall incorporate a distribution load flow study, an analysis of equipment interrupting ratings, protection coordination study, voltage drop and flicker studies, protection and set point coordination studies, gounding reviews, and the impact on electric system operation, as necessary. Affected Systems may participate in the preparation of a system impact study, with a division of costs among such entities as they may agree. All Affected Systems shall be aftorded an opportunity to review and comment upon a system impact study that covers potential adverse system impacts on their electric systems, and the Transmission Provider has 20 additional Business Days to oomplete a system impact study requiring review by Affected Systems. If the Transmission Provider uses a queuing procedure for sorting or prioritizing projects and their associated cost responsibilities for any required Network Upgrades, the system impact study shall consider all generating facilities (and with respect to paragraph 8.3 below, any identified Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) thal on the date the system impact study is commenced - 8.1 Are directly interconnected with the Transmission Provider's electric system; or 8.2 Are interconnected with Affected Systems and may have an impact on the proposed interconnection; and 8.3 Have a pending higher queued Interconnection Request to interconnect with the Transmission Provider's electric system. A distribution system impact study, if required, shall be completed and the results transmitted to the Interconnection Customer within 30 Business Days after this Agreement is signed by the Parties. A transmission systern impaot study, if required, shall be completed and the results transmitted to the Interconnection Customer within 45 Business Days after this Agreement is signed by the Parties, or in accordance with the Transmission Frovider's queuing procedures. 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Small Generator System Impact Study Agreement Grand View Solar 2 - Project # 369 10.0 A S10,000 deposit will be required from the lnterconnection Customer upon execution of this agreement by the Interconnection Customer. ll.0 Any study fees shall be based on the Transmission Provider's actual costs and will be invoiced to the Interconnection Customer after the study is completed and delivered and will include a summary of professional time. 12.0 The Interconnection Customer must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit without interest within 30 calendar days on receipt of the invoice or resolution of any dispute. If the deposit exceeds the invoiced fees, the Transmission Provider shall refund such excess within 30 calendar days of the invoice without interest. IN WITNESS TIIEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their duly authorized officers or agents on the day and year ftrst above written. Printed: Orlando Ciniglio Title: System Planning Leader Date: t-t- )0\\- customer:Gpo"ro Y;"", W g,^(-tlo, Luc ,tr,. \oo.t.6.il,U,. f,Vnntc{\. Date B - qS- Ao /) Small Generator System lmpact Study Agreement Grand View Solar 2 - Project # 359 Attachment A Assumptions Used in Conducting the System lmpact Study The system impact study shall be based upon the results of the feasibility study, subject to any modifications in accordance with the standard SmallGenerator lnterconnection Procedures, and the followlng assumptions: 1) Designation of Point of tnterconnection and conflguration to be studied. ldaln Power lnterunn*tlon Polrrt Lat/Long Coordinstes 43'.0r'.23.fl"N 776'.O7',O2.57"W GPSCoordinohs 43deg 7.392i1mln N 116deg 1.U18 minW (see attoched site plan) 2) Designation of alternative Points of lnterconnection and configuration. 1) and 2) are to be completed by the lnterconnection Customer. Other assumptions (listed below) are to be provided by the lnterconnection Customer and 'w,/1 I o lI1|-oEl. zHEn! YI F:lewHa>2,iz3,UVEU<3 F-i*g<q!6 Fl ! =5 Li -\rJ r Ft-!ai\ )(n ,EZE2 " iErnZ-z n!'/\JI"t \y' r+6F F- {lD;3fr4i. 'ei'4n' E6H z o'iv s ,ttl i:E;ri;59i;'3:ii- ei ; n issr:iE i:s*El=:;:: E=i;s1i Erd: E E;iEI EI6E ! E::: t;!i g E;ir nr.; r ;c^ E i3EC 5 i5i:! i:EE ;!;;9ic9 a c9-A8 ET39 Eqgg eaET tE i!gt g 5r 'tt; 5I ! E,itE6t'.tc: I nl{ :t<:l< i,l's 6:l E dt r5t'l I'* ;E iEglts rf;tT ;: ?14 iar6 i!r;l E ;EE l' eil ls..1! Irt: l* ls El IIRlotilot2 Eto:ts.'l! tntc lot5 IE rFiS tE!:il lE IgEf IEr sltE EI? li IE(F I; !!iil3! HiIE oC!I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GRANO VIEW SOLAR PVTWO, LLC GRANDVIEWSOLAR TWO ELMORE COUNTY. IOAHO BRYAN E, APPLEBY, P,E, 3632 S, MONTAGUE AVE MERIDIAN, IDAHO 63642 PHONE 208.,184.3747;;id;il l?ifir;ffifr,aNo+H2sPoo l--aisrmr v Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) fuchardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com gre g@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. i_i i* a.l 1_;"::t., -' ?il!3 fiLit -5 Pii L, Lr3 ii.,;. r: , -.i l I !':-:: I ,' l' ' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-l l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 32861 ExhibitNo. l6 October 31,2011, Leffer from Orlando Ciniglio reffi*. An IDACORP Company October 3l,20ll Via email & Certified Mail # 700908 200 00 1,23 0 19824 Robert Paul 515 N 27m Street Boise,ID 83702 760-861-1 1 104 RE: Grand View Solar 2 Project #369 Dear Robert: Enclosed is the Final System Study Report for the above-referenced project. Please contact Don Streebel at 208.388.2777, if you wish to discuss the SISR. Under the generator interconnection process, you must schedule the technical meeting (and/or provide your coflrments about the SISR) to be held by November 10, 2011. Also enclosedn are two copies of the lnterconnection Facility Study Agreement (FSA) to begin the next phase of the project. The FSA describes the design phase, the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, and the work schedules required. In order to proceed, and for your application to remain in the Generator lnterconnection study queue, Ida]ro Power must receive the 2 copies of the signed FSA, the completed Attachments, and the deposit by Decanber 15.2011 otherwise your application will be deemed withdrawn. The deposit under this FSA is $30,000 based on the estimated engineering costs. The submittal should be sent to: Idaho Power Company, Attention: Rowena Bishop, 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID 83702. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, q,[*ttt-0, Orlando Ciniglio Leader, System Planning Engineering 208.388.2248 Enclosures: C: Final System lmpact Study Report two Facility Study Agreements Rowena Bishop/IPC Don Streebel/IPC 1221 W ldaho 5t (83702) PO Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27tr Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@rich ardsonadams.com gre g@ richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VTEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ?tlt? Eilr'.i i.I i.: HU:_; !-=;:!.1i ;,'.": l i ilil-i ;'; .--, Case No. IPC-E-I l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDER NO. 3286t l+3t) 1.5i tl Exhibit No.l7 Transmission Service & Generation Interconnection System Impact Study Report November 2,2011 (This Exhibit is protected and Grand View is restricted from releasing its contents to those persons who have entered into a non-disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company) TRANSMISSION SERVICE & GENERATION TNTERCONNECTION SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY REPORT for TNTERCONNECTTON OF GRANDVTEW SOLAR 2 (Gt#369) 20 MW OF NETWORK SERVICE Rev 0 November 2,2011 OFFICIAL USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE, DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH OR SHARE This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non-disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. dws O ==f::'jl:l-: ?t:l fi:J$ -5 Pii l.r: l+3 Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams.com ereg@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for Complainant GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORB THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. IPC-E-l l-15 GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV TWO, LLC's RESPONSE TO ORDERNO. 32861 Exhibit No. l8 Facilities Study Agreement November 30,201I Facilities Study Agreement THIS A between Srganized is made and entered into this. t:il day of, gotfi wlritt U 20ll by and ,a and existing under the laws of the State of 'Ak rr,c ', ("Inierconnection Customer,") and tdaho Power Company, a Corporation existing under the laws of the State of Idaho ("Transmission Provider"). lnterconnection Customer and Transmission Provider each may be referred to as a'Party," or collectively as the "Parties." RECITALS WHEREAS, the lnterconnection Customer is proposing to develop a Small Generating Facility or generating capacity addition to an existing Small Generating Facility consistent with the Interconnection Request completed by the lnterconnection Customer on 3€0[[ and WHEREAS, the lnterconnection Customer desires to interconnect the Small Generating Facility with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System; WHEREAS, the Transmission Provider has completed a system impact study and provided the results of said study to the Interconnection Customer; and WIIEREAS, the Interconnection Customer has requested the Transmission Provider to perform a facilities study to specifu and estimate the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement and construction work needed to implement the conclusions of the system impact study in accordance with Good Utility Practice to physically and electrically connect the Small Generating Facility with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of and subject to the mutual covenants contained herein the Parties agreed as follows: When used in this Agreement, with initial capitalization, the terms specified shall have the meanings indicated or the meanings specified in the standard Small Generator Interconnection Procedures. The Interconnection Customer elects and the Transmission Provider shall cause a facilities study consistent with the standard Small Generator Interconnection Procedures to be performed in accordance with the Open Access Transmission Tariff. The scope of the facilities study shall be subject to data provided in Attachment A to this Agreement. The facilities study shall speci$ and estimate the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement and construction work (including overheads) needed to implement the conclusions of the system impact study(s). The facilities study shall also identiff (l) the electrical switching configuration of the equipment, including, without limitation, transformer, switchgear, meters, and other station equipment, (2) the nature and estimated cost of the Transmission Provider's 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Small Generator Facilities Study Agreement - I - Grand View Solar 2 - Project #369 5.0 Interconnection Facilities and Upgrades necessary to accomplish the interconnection, and (3) an estimate of the time required to complete the constnrction and installation of such facilities. The Transmission Provider may propose to group facilities required for more than one Interconnection Customer in order to minimize facilities costs through economies of scale, but any Interconnection Customer may require the installation of facilities required for its own Small Generating Facility if it is willing to pay the costs of those facilities. A deposit of $30,000 is due upon execution of this agreement by the Interconnection customer. ln cases where Upgrades are required, the facilities study must be completed within 45 Business Days of the receipt of this Agreement. In cases where no Upgrades are necessary, and the required facilities are limited to lnterconnection Facilities, the facilities study must be completed within 30 Business Days. Once the facilities study is completed, a facilities study report shall be prepared and transmitted to the Interconnection Customer. Barring unusual circumstances, the facilities study must be completed and the facilities study report transmitted within 30 Business Days of the Interconnection Customer's agreement to conduct a facilities study. 9.0 Any study fees shall be based on the Transmission Provider's actual costs and will be invoiced to the Interconnection Customer after the study is completed and delivered and will include a sunmary of professional time. 10.0 The Interconnection Customer must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit without interest within 30 calendar days on receipt of the invoice or resolution of any dispute. If the deposit exceeds the invoiced fees, the Transmission Provider shall refrrnd such excess within 30 calendar days of the invoice without interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their duly authorized officers or agents on the day and year first above written. Transmission Provider: Idaho Power Company - Delivery 6.0 7.0 8.0 Signed: '{ * /{-l- Printed Name: Fn,, /'l+r f - Title: P^orro- LtL.\r tL Date: /> - tq -u Date: lil Sol Lo t t Small Generator Facilities Study Agreement - 2 - Grand View Solar 2 -Project#369 Attachment A to Facilities Study Agreement Data to Be Provided by the Interconnection Customer With the Facilities Study Agreement 1. Provide location plan and simplified one-line diagram of the plant and station facilities. For staged projects, please indicate future generation, transmission circuits, etc. On the one-line diagram, indicate the generation capacity attached at each metering location. (Maximum load on CT/PT) On the one-line diagram, indicate the location of auxiliary power. (Minimum load on CT/PT) Amps 2. One set of metering is required for each generation connection to the new ring bus or existing Transmission Provider station. Number of generation connections: One (l) 3. Will an alternate source of auxiliary power be available during CT/PT maintenance? Yes 4. Will a transfer bus on the generation side of the metering require that each meter set be designed for the total plant generation? No (Please indicate on the oneJine diagram). 5. What type of control system or PLC will be located at the Small Generating Facility? Not Applicable 6. What protocol does the control system or PLC use? Not Applicable 7. Please provide a 7.5-minute quadrangle map of the site. Indicate the plant, station, transmission line, and property lines. 8. Physical dimensions of the proposed interconnection station: Pole Mounted POI on 34.5 kV Distribution System Small Generator Facilities Study Agreement - 3 - Grand View Solar 2 -Project#369 9. Bus length from generation to interconnection station: Pole Mounted POI on 34.5 kV Distribution System 10. Line length from interconnection station to Transmission Provider's Transmission System. Approximately 1.25 miles of 34.5kV distribution to IPC Substation 11. Tower number observed in the field. (Painted on tower leg)*: Not Applicable 12. Number of third party easements required for transmission lines*: Not Applicable * To be completed in coordination with Transmission Provider. 13. Is the Small Generating Facility located in Transmission Provider's service area? Yes 14. Please provide the following proposed schedule dates: Date: C- \b l}.-Begrn Construction Generator Step-Up Transformers Ou,"t Receive Back Feed Power Generation Testing Commercial Operation Date: 9- Qo )\ oate: //-qi.'5 id\ Small Generator Facilities Study Agreement - 4 - Grand View Solar 2 - Project#369 l, To FI,coiJ.Psirlltr l-)ia' Z llo -H '-ai9 FU C-i T, Ct) -\\/O .lu -.D7 r\1IE-o- HA-a F-li{'OA-n \J @\,m9F9-\:A'"i \ -lv rI P !i! !l uE, I, ,, ]'t fii ti'li E-'!!E,i ' It i{ ill iri ^ L.'r,A--hrjrr--f lL..r.'t-'..FL t d--t-j fffi*: ff I -r,::- lll 'l,H I lir:lll "---p:lr=ffia1;l ] l- -.,- ,liILataT lr,il',|!ril ! HF''.w:Elt'11.]|:lllr r-'l!lt -]__fy41=ffi |:l I irlfP[fre--.+ rrp-rur--ill rm==**-_rif a_!rllffi-l[-ffi-{J\Ej - lrrl - m- rg*E--- !,i llElrri gp=:ffi #ffifi# 13= o eI r aa EF"iPfr ?22Ltug!< _<sldE E;gifrz<ytsgE F# \a29 v. A?a4o =agE EE3i'lEraafrA;V s \.\ $ rII EI 5I t!,I ____.1-E irI EEitiEiEEllii iiEiiiEii'6l: EE?:E;:eiit EcE, E ^ il lilr li fiTf, TE i: EI it ?r iEBi Ea rxi ;lt,ii.ii 'iltbi EB E I 5 t Itg: s i a .l ff iEg Fl8:.lt 1lo IE IB lolo f? tl l9 !t8!15.' t,s19ta to Itlzlot€l! IE 'IEE F' !!EE IH i"ilEi'iE iiiil;iii EEIIIE E {q ,EEilf; l= IE s-- i,F, olCI'o' a CONOITIOML USE PERMIT GRAND VIEW PI' SOLAR TWO. LLCGMNDVIEWPVSOI.ARTWO ELMORECOUNTY, DT BRYAN E APPLEBY, P.E. 3632 S. MOiITAGUE AVE. MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 PHONE 2oa./4a4.3747 a :1_ 3_ I rsmmtc'w lcnrrovrEw+AltoPte\Po ltle mt 80z 3NoHd zr90s oHVor 'Nvroru3II 3AV3nevtNOy{ SZ€8€ 3 d 'A83]ddv'3 NVAUS ;*",.,1,,m I&f() ,-t"*vot 'A.lNnoc 3uoyt]l oMl u\nos Ad M3lA 0NW0 C'll 'OM1U'!nOS Ad M3lA ONV8o t_ll/ru=d 3sn "rvNou_toNoc ---,------:.::l=l---- E. 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