HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111129Motion for Summary Judgment.pdfRt-I'-.r-¡ rr-.. .:¡ l ~,,~¡"~ '. ~""t-VL.l --r..1 2011 NOV 29 Pl1 4: I ì~r.QJi:JB~ ATTOR.NEYS AT LAW .1j., Peter Richardson Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 pete r ~ rich ardso nan do 1 ea ry. com P.O. Box 1218 Boise, 1D 83707 - 515 N. 27th Sr. Boise, 1D 83702 29 November 2011 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No.lPC-E-11-15 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find an original and (7) copies of the MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF GRAND VIEW SOLAR PV II, LLC in the above case. An additional copy is included to be date stamped and returned to our offce. Sincerely,~ Nina Curtis Administrative Assistant to Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC enc!. Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYnchardsonandolear.com gregaYnchardsonandolear.com FlE(~E!\JE iun NOV 29 Prj 4: I ì Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRADVIEW SOLAR PV II, LLC, Complainant, ) ) Case No. IPC-E-1l-15 ) ) MOTION FOR SUMMARY ) JUDGMENT ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. COMES NOW Grand View Solar PV II, LLC ("Grand View"), and respectfuly moves the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), pursuant to Idaho Administrative Rules and Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure 56(a) and (c), to grant sumar judgment in its favor. Grand View has requested a stadard Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURP A") power purchase agreement ("PP A") with Idaho Power Company contaning Integrated Resource Plan Methodology ("IRP Methodology") rates valuing only the energy and capacity to be sold from Grand View's solar power generating facility. Idaho Power has uneasonably and ilegally refused to execute a PPA wherein Idaho Power disclaims ownership of the environmental attnbutes for which it will pay nothing in a contract containing the IRP Methodology rates. As explained in more detail below, the Commission's authorization ofIdao Power's proposed contract language regarding environmental attbutes would violate Section Page 1 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 21O(e) ofPURPA1, the Takngs Clauses of the U.S. and Idao Constitutions, and the Dormant Commerce Clause ofthe U.S. Constitution. Grand View therefore requests that the Commission issue a declaratory judgment that Grand View is entitled to a standard PURP A PP A wherein Idaho Power disclaims ownership of all environmental attbutes of Grand View's solar project, and order that Idaho Power enter into such a PP A with rates calculated under the methodology in effect on the date of the fiing of Grand View's complait. I. STATEMENT OF THE CASE A. Background on Environmental Attributes and Renewable Energy Credits This case involves a dispute over the ownership of valuable environmental attibutes of renewable electric energy generation. "To promote the constrction of renewable resources, a system was created that separates renewable generation into two pars: (l) the electrical energy produced by a renewable resource and (2) the renewable attributes of that generation." Idaho Power's Renewable Energy Credit Management Plan (hereinafter "ipca REC Plan"), IPUC Case No. IPC-E-08-24, p. 1 (Dec. 30, 2009). Paul Affidavit, Exhbit 2. The "renewable attibutes are referred to as renewable energy credits ('RECs') or green tags." ipCa REC Plan at 1. "One REC is issued for each megawatt-hour ('MWh') of electncity generated by a quaified resource." ipca REC Plan at 1. Twenty-five states and the Distnct of Columbia now have some form of renewable portfolio stadard that requires utilties to purchase a certn percentage of overall electnc generation from renewable energy sources or alternatively purchase unbundled RECs from renewable generators located in-state or out-of-state. Steven Ferrey, Chad Laurent, Cameron Ferrey, "Fire and Ice: World Renewable Energy and Carbon i 16 U.S.C.A. § 824a-3(e). Page 2 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT Control Mechansms Confront Constitutional Bariers," 20 Duke EnvtL. L. and Pol'y F. 125, at pp. 146-56 (Winter 2010). "A Green Tag is a tradeable environmental commodity attbutable to renewable energy generation." Idaho PUC Order No. 30868, p. i? "The same REC may not be claimed by more than one entity. . . ." IPCO REC Plan at 1. "An active market exists for the purchase and sale of Green Tags." Idaho PUC Order No. 30720, p. 1; see also Idaho Power Company's Application Requesting Approval of Sale of Renewable Energy Credits (hereinafter "IPCO OR REC Application"), Oregon PUC Docket No. UP 269, p. 3 (October 22, 2010) Paul Affdavit, Exhibit 3. ("Because utilities may buy and sell RECs, a market has developed. . . . "). For an entity sellng RECs from projects in this region, "counterparies consist pnmarly of investor- owned utilties ('IOU') that are subject to renewable energy standards and make up what is referred to as the 'compliance market.'" Idaho Power's Letter Filng Regarding Modifcation of REC Plan (hereinafter "IPCO REC Plan Modifcation Letter"), Oregon PUC Docket No. UP 269, p. 1 (June 6, 2011). Paul Affdavit, Exhbit 4. And "(t)he other main segment of the REC market is the 'voluntar market' which consists ofIOUs that purchase RECs as par of volunta 'green power' programs or businesses that wish to purchase renewable attnbutes as a voluntar business practice." Id. at 1. RECs are valuable. "As of September 30,2010, (Idaho Power) has received approximately $3.1 milion in net proceeds from these sales. . . ." IPCO OR REC Application, at 6. In some areas of the United States, RECs have sold in excess of $50 per REC (or MWh of electncity produced). Ferrey et al., 20 Duke EnvtL. L. and Pol'y F. 125, at n. 166 and 2 Case No. IPC-E-08-04. Page 3 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT accompanying text. Idaho Power's initial plan was to sell its RECs in the wholesale spot market. ¡PCO REC Plan Modifcation Letter at 1. But "the Company has found that most REC buyers in the compliance market have moved toward purchasing the majonty of their RECs under longer- term agreements though requests for proposals ('RFP')." ¡d. The Company now plans to bid into these REC RFPs for multi-year stnps ofRECs that will be produced in the future, which "may require the Company to commit to sellng a portion of its available RECs for up to a five- year period." ¡PCO REC Plan Modifcation Letter at 1-2. Finally, although RECs are valuable, by Idaho Power's own admission, "they are not necessar or usefu to Idaho Power's provision of utilty services to the public. Idao Power's ownership, or lack thereof, of RECs has no bearng on its abilty to provide safe, reliable, and efficient power to customers at just and reasonable rates." ¡PCO OR REC Application, at 8. (Emphasis provided.) B. Grand View's Negotiations with Idaho Power for a PURP A PP A Grand View is a self-certified qualifying facility ("QF") under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("FERC's") regulations implementing PURPA's mandatory purchase provisions. FERC Docket No. QFII-405. Grand View wil utilze photovoltaic solar panels installed at a site near Grand View, Idaho, to convert solar energy into clean renewable electric energy, which it plans to sell to Idaho Power. ¡d. Grand View has been in contact with Idaho Power for several months discussing contract terms and conditions, including that the project will have a nameplate capacity of20 megawatts ("MW"). Complaint at irir 5, 7; Answer at irir 5, 7. The draft PPA provided by Idaho Power, which includes all matenal terms to which it would have agreed but for inclusion of a clause clouding Grand View's title to the environmental attibutes is attched as Exhibit 1 to the Paul Affdavit. Page 4 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Pursuant to applicable Commission orders, Idao Power offered Grand View avoided cost rates calculated using the IRP Methodology for calculating the value of the energy and capacity from QFs sized above the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates. Complaint at p. 1; Answer at pp. 1_2.3 Idaho Power does not assert that its avoided cost rates offered to Grand View included an estimated avoided cost for anyting other than the value of the energy and capacity Grand View would deliver. Nor has Idaho Power asserted as a defense that the avoided cost rates offered to Grand View included the avoided cost of purchasing environmental attbutes from another source, or the avoided cost of building Idaho Power's own solar facilty. Idaho Power admits that the Idao Legislatue has not legislatively created RECs, and has not imposed a renewable portfolio standard on utilties operating in Idaho. Answer at irir 21, 22, and 23. Additionally, Idaho Power has denied "the factual insinuation that RECs are neither created nor exist in the state of Idaho," id., and Idaho Power therefore acknowledges that valuable RECs are created by projects in Idaho despite the lack of an RPS in Idaho. Idaho Power admits that it has disclaimed ownership of environmental attributes in PURP A PP As in the past, and that the Commission has approved contracts wherein Idaho Power waived (disclaimed) ownership of environmental attnbutes. ¡d. at ir 10. But Idaho Power has refused to disclaim ownership of environmental attributes for Grand View's solar project. Complaint at ir 9; Answer at ir 9. Instead, Idaho Power required a clause in the PURP A PPA stating: Under this Agreement, ownership of Green Tags and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), or the equivalent environmental attbutes, directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facilty sold to Idaho Power wil be governed by any and all applicable Federal or State laws and/or any regulatory 3 Although Idaho Power has not expressly admitted or denied Grand View's allegation that its solar project will have IRP Methodology rates, the PP A attached to the Paul Affdavit sets fort the IRP methodology rates in Section 7. See Paul Affdavit at Exhibit 1 § 7. Page 5 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT body or agency deemed to have authority to regulate these Environmental Attributes or to implement Federal and/or State laws regarding same. Answer at irir 11, 12, and 14. See Paul Affdavit, Exhbit 1 at § 8. Idaho Power asserts in its Answer that "Idaho Power does not believe that PURP A, nor this state's implementation thereof, requires it to disclaim any possible legal claim that it may have to the environmental attibutes associated with its purchase of power from a PURP A Qualifying Facilty ('QF') for the next 20 yeas." Answer at p. 2. Idao Power is concerned of the "potentially costly consequences for Idaho Power's customers should the Legislatue or other legal body determine some time during the proposed 20-year term of the contract that the environmental attributes from the purchase ofQF power in Idaho are in fact owned by the purchasing utilty and its customers." ¡d. The Company is also concerned that acquiring QF power without ownership of the environmental attributes "could have large and costly consequences for customers should the Company come under future federal and/or state renewable portfolio standards that require such environmental attbutes for compliance." ¡d. at p.3. But, rather than offer to purchase such environmental attributes to mitigate its risk of incurng this future compliance cost, Idaho Power proposed PURP A contract language that states the ownership of environmental attibutes will be determined by the applicable federal or state laws. ¡d. at p. 2. In other words, Idaho Power proposes a clause in this PURP A contract that will allow for the environmental attribute ownership to change if the law changes afer execution and Commission approval of the contract. On August 2, 2011, Grand View fied a complaint against Idaho Power for its failure to disclaim the ownership of the environmental attbutes for which Idaho Power will provide no compensation. Idaho Power fied its answer on September 6, 2011, and A vista Corporation has Page 6 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT subsequently intervened in this matter. Grand View now files this dispositive Motion for Sumar Judgment relying on the admissions in the pleadings and the limited facts contained in the attached Affdavit and Exhibits. The Affidavit and Exhibits include Idaho Power's own statements in its regulatory filings and very limited factual assertions regarding Grand View's project which Grand View expects to be undisputed. In short, the disputed issues before the Commission are purely legal, and expeditious resolution of the case at this stage of the proceedings would be in the interests of Idaho's qualifying facility developers, its utilties, and its retail electric customers. II. LEGAL BACKGROUND The mandatory purchase provisions of PURP A require electric utilties to purchase power produced by cogenerators or small power producers that obtain status as a QF. 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2). PURPA instructs FERC to promulgate implementing regulations, and directs the state public utilties commissions to implement FERC's regulations. 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2), (t). The price PURPA section 21O(b) requires the utilities to pay to QFs in exchange for a QF's electrical output is termed the 'avoided cost rate,' which is "the cost to the electric utility of the electric energy which, but for the purchase from such cogenerator or small power producer, such utility would generate or purchase from another source." 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(d). Subsequent to the enactment ofPURPA and FERC's regulations, several states have enacted renewable energy portfolio stadards ("RPSs"), and mandatory and volunta markets for tradable RECs have emerged to create a commodity separate from electncity and capacity produced by QFs. See American Ref Fuel Co., 105 FERC ir 61,004 (2003). In American Ref Fuel, Co., FERC found that "the avoided cost that a utilty pays a QF does not depend on the tye of QF, i.e., whether it is a fossil-fuel-cogeneration facility or a renewable-energy small Page 7 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT power production facilty." fd. at ir 22. FERC stated, "(t)he avoided cost rates, in short, are not intended to compensate the QF for more than capacity and energy." fd. FERC declared "that contracts for the sale of QF capacity and energy entered into pursuat to PURP A do not convey RECs to the purchasing utility (absent an express provision in (the relevant) contract)" or a rule or state law to the contrar. fd. at ir 24. FERC clarified, however, that "(A) state may decide that a sale of power at wholesale automatically transfers ownership ofthe state-created RECs, (but) that requirement must find its authonty in state law, not PURPA." fd. (emphasis added). FERC subsequently denied rehearing, and stated, "As those seeking rehearing recognize, only renewable energy small power production facilities have renewable attibutes, yet the energy from a cogeneration facility is priced the same as the energy from a small power production facility." American Ref-Fuel Co., 107 FERC ir 61,016, ir15 (2004). "If avoided cost rates are not intended to compensate a QF for more than capacity and energy, it follows that other attibutes associated with the facilties are separate from, and may be sold separately from, the capacity and energy." fd. at ir 16 (emphasis added). FERC additionally reasoned that cogeneration QFs are entitled to sell the thermal output from their projects as par of a separate transaction from sale of the electricity and capacity to the utilty, and thus "If the thermal output of a cogeneration QF is separately saleable, the renewable attributes of a small power production QF are similarly separate." fd. at ir 16 n. 9; appeal dismissed sub. nom., Xcel Energy Services fnc. v. FERC, 407 F.3d 1242 (D.C. Cir. 2005). More recently, FERC ruled that a state utilty commission has the authority to require a utilty to pay a separate, higher avoided cost rate stream for QFs providing the utilty with environmental attibutes that will help the utilty avoid real costs of environmental compliance. Cal. Pub. Uti!. Commn., 133 FERC ir 61,059 (2010) (order granting clarification and dismissing Page ~ - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT rehearng), rehearing denied, 134 FERC ir 61,044 (2011). California had enacted a state law, titled AB 1613, that required utilties to procure a specified amount of energy and capacity from combined heat and power facilties that met stringent efficiency stadards. FERC declared that the state commission could implement a two-tiered rate strcture, where AB 1613-compliant QFs receive rates based on higher, long-ru avoided cost rates reflecting more stnngent efficiency standards, and non-AB 1613 compliant QFs continue to receive rates based on lower short-ru avoided costs. 133 FERC ir 61,059, at ir 26. Even more recently, FERC again re-emphasized its prior rulings by rejecting an attempt by an Idao utilty - A vista - to obtain ownership of environmenta attbutes without additional compensation. See fdaho Wind Partners 1, LLC, 136 FERC ir 61,174 (Sept. 15,2011) (order dismissing rehearing). There, Avista requested FERC rule that the QF owns the RECs in a PURP A contract only if it is expressly allowed under state law or under the terms of a PURP A contract. fd. at ir 7. FERC dismissed Avista's request on the ground that Avista filed it afer the applicable deadline. fd. at ir 9. But FERC stated, "We also reiterate our holding in American Ref-Fuel, specifically, that under PURPA the sale and trading ofRECs are for the states to determine, and that this is not an issue that PURPA controls." fd. at ir 10. FERC therefore rejected Avista's attempt to secure a ruling that - absent a state law or contract provision to the contrar - the utility is the default owner of environmental attibutes in a PURP A contract. III. LEGAL STANDAR In ruling on a motion for sumar judgment, the Commission uses the same stadard contained in the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure. See Idaho PUC Order No. 28888, p. 12. "Sumar judgment under I.R.C.P. 56(c) is proper only when there is no genuine issue of material fact and the moving par is entitled to judgment as a matter oflaw." Ackerman v. Page 9 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Bonnevile County, 140 Idaho 307, 310, 92 P.3d 557,560 (Ct. App. 2004). "When ruling on a motion for sumar judgment, the tnal cour must determine whether the evidence, when construed in the light most favorable to the nonmoving pary, presents a genuine issue of matenal fact or shows that the moving par is not entitled to judgment as a matter oflaw." Chandler v. Hayden, 147 Idao 765, 769, 215 P.3d 485,489 (2009). "(T)he moving par bears the burden of proving the absence ofmatenal facts." fd. iv. ARGUMENT A. Idaho Power wil not compensate Grand View for more than energy and capacity in the IRP Methodology contract, and no Idaho law transfers the RECs to Idaho Power without payment. Thus, Grand View owns the RECs under existig law. 1. Idaho QF contracts only compensate QFs for energy and capacity. The Commission calculates the published avoided cost rates using a methodology "based on the estimated costs that a utilty would incur in constrcting a natual gas-fired combine cycle combustion turbine ('CCCT') power plant." Idaho PUC, Order No. 30873, at p. 3. The Commission publishes a "non-fueled" rate stream calculated with a forward gas price forecast for QFs not using fossil fuels. Idaho PUC Order No. 28945, at p. 7. This avoided cost rate stream is available to QFs regardless of whether they qualify for any paricular state's RPS, and is available even to old co-generation or hydropower facilities unable to qualify to create RECs. See Idaho PUC Order No. 28945, at p. 7.4 The Commission has also approved the IRP Methodology for QFs - such as Grand View - which are over the size limitation for published rates. See Idaho PUC Order No. 26576 4 Older QFs often canot create RECs of any marketable value because most REC-creating statutes include limitations on the initial in-service date of the renewable energy facilty. See, e.g,. Ferrey et aI., 20 Duke EnvtI. L. and Pol'y F. 125, at pp. 153-155; Ore. Rev. Stat. § 469A.020 (generally excluding facilities in service prior to 1995 as facilties that may generate Oregon RECs); Rev. Code Wash. § 19.285.030(10) (same for facilities in service prior to March 31, 1999 for Washington RECs). Page 10 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT (approving Stipulation to adopt methodology contained in Direct Testimony of Rick Sterling, Case No. IPC-E-95-09, Exhbit 101). The IRP Methodology compares the present value of the revenue requirements of the base case with one that includes the utilty's system including the QF to estimate the value of both capacity and energy delivered by the QF. Direct Testimony of Rick Sterling, IPC-E-95-09, Exhibit 101, p. 8. The IRP Methodology itself values all of the utilty's resources and therefore does not provide a value for the avoided cost of acquiring a renewable-specific resource, or otherwse include any adder for the value ofthe RECs a QF may convey. fd. Thus, the IRP Methodology - like the SAR methodology for published rates - compensates QFs for the estimated value of the energy and capacity alone, not for the avoided costs a utility may otherwse incur in acquiring any non-energy environmental attributes such as RECs. Indeed, the Idaho Commission vigilantly ensures that the avoided cost rates do not exceed the cost of energy and capacity alone. Idaho PUC Order No. 31057, at pp. 6-7 (stating, "It is well established that a utility canot be required to pay more for QF power than its avoided cost," and therefore a "delay in changing avoided cost rates. . . ultimately means that ratepayers are saddled with rates that are too high and therefore uneasonable"); see also Idaho PUC Order No. 31092, at p. 11. The same is true for the IRP Methodology rates. In the recent Interconnect Solar QF docket, Commission Staf identified a mathematical error in Idaho Power's calculation of the IRP Methodology rates for the Interconnect Solar QF, and argued the Commission should require a reduction of approximately $1 O/MWh in the contract rates corresponding to the amount of the error. See Idaho PUC Order No. 32361, at p. 1. Interconnect Solar argued that it had provided Idaho Power with other non-energy concessions - such as 50% of the QF's RECs for Page 11 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT no additional charge - which would more than compensate for the mathematical error. fd. at pp. 1-2. But the Commission stated, "this Commission would not be fufilling its role of ensuring just and reasonable rates if it approved an Agreement that contained a known computation error. Idaho Code §§ 61-301, 61-502. In other words, we are unable to approve the Agreement that is presently filed with the Commission due to a mathematical error." fd. at p. 2. The Commission therefore refused to compensate Interconnect Solar for the value of anything other than the estimated value of the energy and capacity. See Idao PUC Order No. 32384 (approving the Interconnect Solar PPA only with lower rates after correcting the calculation error). There is no question therefore that neither Idaho avoided cost model considers the costs of building or procuring a renewable-specific resource, and neither model explicitly or implicitly includes compensation to the QF for RECs or any other valuable environmenta attributes. 2. Because QFs are not compensated for environmental attributes and no law conveys them to Idaho utilties free of additional charge, QFs retain legal title to their project's environmental attributes. The Commission itself twce addressed ownership of environmental attibutes shortly after FERC's American Ref-Fuel, Co. orders. First, Idaho Power petitioned the Commission for an order declaring that QFs generating green tags must grant Idaho Power "a 'right of first refusal' to purchase those tags." Idaho PUC Order No. 29480, at p. 5. The other two investor- owned utilities in Idaho - PacifiCorp and Avista - both intervened and requested that the Commission determine the utilties own the environmental attbutes associated with QF generation. fd. at pp. 5-8. The Idaho PUC found that Idaho Power's petition did "not present an actual or justiciable controversy in Idaho and (wa)s not ripe for a declaratory judgment(.)" fd. at p. 16. The Commission noted the American Ref-Fuel, Co. orders and noted that the State of Idaho does not have a green tag program or an RPS. It stated: Page 12 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT Whle this Commission wil not permit ffdaho Power J in its contracting practice to condition QF contracts on inclusion of such a right-of-frst refusal term, neither do we preclude the paries from voluntarily negotiating the sale and purchase of such a green tag should it be perceived to have value. The price of same we find, however, is not a PURP A cost and is not recoverable as such by the Company. fd. at pp. 16-17 (emphasis added). Shortly thereafter, Idaho Power fied for approval of a PURP A contract containg the published rates for a non-fueled co-generation project, wherein Idaho Power expressly waived any claim to ownership of environmental attibutes. Idaho Power requested the Commission provide it with assurance that it would not be penalized in a futue ratemakng proceeding for waiving ownership of the environmental attributes. Idaho PUC Order No. 29577, at pp. 2-3. The Commission stated, "The State of Idaho stil has not created a green tag program, has not established a trading market for green tags, nor does it require a renewable portfolio standard." fd. at pp. 5-6. It again stated that the QF and the utility were free to separately negotiate for the sale of environmental attributes, but that the costs associated with the sale could not be recovered by the utility as a PURPA cost. The Commission ruled, "(a)s qualified above, the Commission finds it reasonable to approve the submitted Agreement and fuher finds it reasonable to allow payments made under the Agreement as prudently incured expenses for ratemakng puroses." fd. at p. 6. Thus, the Commission found it reasonable for the utilties to waive ownership of environmental attbutes because Idaho law did not convey them to the utilty. Decisions in neighboring states using similar avoided cost calculation mechanisms are also instrctive. For example, like the Idao Commission, the Public Utilty Commission of Oregon ("Oregon PUC") calculates the published avoided cost rates available to QFs under 10 megawatts with a surogate combined cycle combustion gas plant modeL. See fn Re Staff's fnvestigation Relating to Electric Utilty Purchases from Qualifing Facilties, Oregon PUC, Page 13 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Case No. UM 1129, Order No. 05-584, at pp. 26-27. The Oregon PUC ruled that the QFs retain the RECs because the "rates based on avoided costs do not include compensation for any social or environmental benefits that may be associated with a paricular facilty's generation of electricity." See fn Re Rulemaking to Adopt and Amend Rules Related to Ownership of the Non- energy Attributes of Renewable Energy (Green Tags), Energy Service Supplier Certifcation Requirements, and Use of Terms "Electric Utilty" and "Electric Company," Oregon PUC Case No. AR 495, Order No. 05-1229, at p. 8; see also Oregon Administrative Regulation 860-022- 0075 (2011) (codifying the same). Accordingly, Idaho Power's Oregon stadard QF contract on file with the Oregon PUC as par of its Schedule 85 contains an express waiver by Idaho Power ofRECs. The Montana Public Service Commission ("Montana PSC"), too, has determined that QFs retain ownership of environmental attibutes if they are compensated only for the energy and capacity. See fn the Matter of the NorthWestern Energy's Application for Approval of Avoided Cost Tarif For New Qualifing Facilties, Montaa PSC, Docket No. D2008.12.146, Order No. 6973d, p. 58 ir 136 (May 6, 2010). Montana QF Option 1 and Option 2 rates estimate the avoided cost of energy and capacity from non-renewable resources possessing no valuable environmental attbutes. 5 The Montaa PSC stated QF Option 1 and 2 rate contracts "must include provisions that explicitly address the disposition of RECs for the entire length of the contract." fd. p. 58, ir 136 and p. 60, ir 143. If the QF decides to convey the RECs to the utilty Option 1 rates previously estimated the value of Northwestern Energy's Coalstrip 4 (referenced as C4 or CU4) coal plant contract, Montana PSC Order No. 6973d, p. 57 ir 133, but recently the Montana PSC switched Option 1 rates to the estimated cost of energy and capacity from a blended market and new combined cycle gas-fired plant. fn the Matter of Northwestern Energy's Applicationfor Approval of Avoided Cost Tariffor New Qualifing Facilities, Docket No. D2010.7.77, Order No. 7108e, p. 16 ir 51 to p. 25 ir 70 (Oct. 19,2011). QF Option 2 rates use a market price index, and the October 19th order did not alter that approach. Montaa PSC Order No. 6973d, p. 59-60 ir 139; Montaa PSC Order No. 7108e. Page 14 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT 5 under the PP A, the utility "must adjust the . . . rates at the time a state or federal law or regulation results in actual costs to (Northwestern Energy) for C02 emissions." fd. at ir 136 Alternatively, "(n)on-C02-emmitting QFs that do not convey RECs to (Northwestern Energy) in a contract. . . may stil separately attempt to negotiate for the sale of RECs to (Northwestern Energy) or other interested entities at any time." fd. 6 Thus, Montana Q F s paid for the estimated value of non-renewable energy and capacity retain ownership of the RECs, and the QF PPA expressly addresses that ownership. These Oregon and Montana rulings are correct applications ofFERC's PURA framework. American Re.fFuel Co., 107 FERC ir 61,016, ir15 (2004). "If avoided costs are not intended to compensate a QF for more than capacity and energy, it follows that other attibutes associated with the facilities are separate from, and may be sold separately from, the capacity and energy." fd. at ir 16 (emphasis added). Just as the cogeneration QFs are entitled to sell the thermal output from their projects as part of a separate transaction from sale of the electricity and capacity to the utilty, "the renewable attibutes of a small power production QF are similarly separate." fd. at ir 16 n. 9; see also fdaho Wind Partners 1, LLC, 136 FERC ir 61,174 (Sept. 15, 2011) (order dismissing rehearng) (rejecting Avista's attempt to have FERC deem the utilty the default owner ofRECs in PURPA contracts entered into in state's without an express ownership rule). As in Oregon and Montana, no Idaho law curently vests ownership of environmenta 6 In QF "Option 3," the Montaa Commission allowed wind QFs to choose to take a levelized rate calculated based on the costs to the utilty to build and operate a wind plant. Montaa PSC Order No. 6973d, p. 61 ir 147. Wind QFs choosing this option, which provided a higher rate, had to agree to convey the RECs to the utility. fd. at p. 62, ir 148; see also Montana PSC Order No. 7108e, pp. 28-29 ir 77 (recent order terminating the Option 3 wind rate but reiterating the utilty should purchase RECs in Option 1 and 2 contracts to the extent it needs them). Page 15 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT attibutes to a utilty in an Idao QF contract. Thus, just as in Oregon and Montaa, under any reasonable interpretation of the curent QF rate mechansms and existing Idaho Commission orders implementing PURP A, Idaho QFs are the default owners the environmental attibutes. There is no question that RECs exist and have value. fPCO OR REC Application, at 6 (noting Idaho Power had sold $3.1 millon worth ofRECs from projects conveying it RECs). Yet the rate provided to QFs under both of the Idaho Commission's approved methodologies includes no express or implicit compensation for the value ofRECs. The rate in renewable QF contracts is the same rate that would be included in a contract for a fossil-fueled cogeneration QF too old to produce RECs. Just as an Idaho cogeneration QF retains and may separately sell the thermal output from its QF, a renewable QF retains and may separately sell the environmental attibutes. American Ref-Fuel Co., 107 FERC ir 61,016, ir 16 n. 9. The Commission has ruled it ''wll not permit (Idaho Power) in its contracting practice to condition QF contracts on inclusion of such a right-of-first refusal term (regarding RECs)." Idaho PUC Order No. 29480, p. 16. This ruling can be read as nothg other than an implicit rejection of the request by PacifiCorp and A vista in that case for a determination that they own the environmental attibutes. The circumstaces are no different today, and the rule remains that Idaho QFs being paid the SAR or IRP Methodology rates own and may separately convey their environmental attbutes and RECs for compensation in addition to the estimated value of the electric energy and capacity in the Idaho avoided cost rates. B. Idaho Power's environmental attributes clause is a reopener clause that would subject Grand View's QF to ongoing regulation and changed circumstances, and Section 210(e) ofPURPA therefore preempts its approvaL. In general, cours will recognize a contract reopener clause in a utilty contract - if agreed to by the contracting paries - as being effective and subjecting the contract to ongoing Page 16 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT regulation. See Energy Reserves Group, fnc. v. Kan. Power & Light Co., 459 U.S. 400, 416 (1983) (holding that such a "provision could be interpreted to incorporate all futue price regulation, and thus dispose of the Contract Clause claim"). Thus, the reopener clause proposed by Idaho Power - if agreed to by Grand View and approved by the Commission - would subject Grand View's QF to ongoing changes in regulatory conditions regarding REC ownership of its project. The problem with Idaho Power's contract clause is that Congress expressly intended that Section 210(e) ofPURPA prevent this tye of ongoing uncertainty in PURPA contracts. U.S.C. 824a-3(e); 18 C.F.R. § 292.602. "Congress did not intend to impose traditional ratemakng concepts on sales by qualifying facilties to utilties." American Paper fnstitute, fnc. .v. American Elec. Power Service Corp., 461 U.S. 402, 414 (1983) (citing legislative history). Congress recognized " 'that cogenerators and small power producers are different from electric utilties, not being guaanteed a rate of retu on their activities generally or on the activities vis-a vis the sale of power to the utilty and whose risk in proceeding forward in the cogeneration or small power production enterprise is not guaranteed to be recoverable.'" fd. (quoting the H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 95-1750). Federal law - such as Section 21 O( e) of PURP A - preempts any state action that "stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full objectives of Congress." Freehold Cogeneration Associates, L.P. v. Board of Regulatory Com'rs of State of NJ., 44 F.3d 1178, 1190 (3rd Cir. 1995). The Freehold cour held Section 21O(e) pre-empted a state commission order relying on a contract re-opener provision, and stated "we canot disregard the impact on cogeneration financing if a purchase power agreement is at any time in the futue subject to the arbitrary reconsideration by a state utility regulatory body." fd. at 1193; see also Page 17 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT fndependent Energy Producers Ass'n, fnc. v. CaL. Pub. Util. Commn., 36 F.3d 848,858 (9th Cir. 1994); New York State Electric & Gas Corp., 71 FERC ir 61,027, at pp. 24-26 (1995) (stating, "If we were to . .. allow the reopenig of QF contracts that had not been challenged at the time of their execution, financeabilty of such projects would be severely hampered. Such a result is not . . . consistent with Congress's directive that we encourage the development ofQFs."). Indeed, the Idaho Supreme Cour has so held. See Afton Energy, fnc. v. fdaho Power Co. ("Afton l'), 107 Idaho 781, 786-88, 693 P.2d 427,432-34 (1984). Idaho Power had proposed a PP A provision stating the "terms and conditions under this agreement are subject to change and revision by order of the Commission. . . ." fd., 107 Idao at 786,693 P.2d at 432 (emphasis added). But the Idaho Supreme Cour agreed with the Commission that this provision violated PURP A. fd., 107 Idaho at 788, 693 P.2d at 434. The Cour reasoned, "It is clear that both Congress and FERC, though its implementing regulations, intended that (QFs) should not be subjected to the pervasive utility-tye regulation which would result if the contract language proposed by Idaho Power were approved by the Commission." fd.; see also Idaho PUC Order No. 29632, p. 7 (rejecting a contract re-opener clause that could have allowed for termination of contract if Congress repealed PURP A). Other states have reached the same conclusion. See Smith Cogeneration Mgt. v. Corp. Commn., 863 P.2d 1227, 1240 (Okla. 1993) (PURPA prohibited state utilty commission from requiring a modification term in PURPA PPAs); Oregon Trail Elec. Consumers Co-op, fnc. v. Co-Gen Co., 7 P.3d 594, 605 (Or. App. 2000) (finding that "cours have uniformly held that state regulators canot intervene in the public interest and modify the prices fixed by a cogeneration contract because PURP A does not provide for such authority (typically termed 'utilty-type' regulation)"). The Oregon cour stated, "The flaw in this contract is that it sought to use a state Page 18 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT regulator, exercising utility-type authority, as the mechanism for modifying the prices set by the contract. PURPA bars that." fd. Here, Idaho Power's attempt to include a term in Grand View's contract purorting to allow the ownership of environmental attibutes to change throughout the term of the agreement is no different in any matenal regard from the similar provisions rejected by every state and federal authority to address the issue. The only difference is that, rather than being "at any time in the future subject to the arbitrar reconsideration by a utilty regulatory body," Freehold Cogeneration Associates, L.P., 44 F.3d at 1193, Idaho Power's new clause would leave Grand View subject to the ongoing arbitrary whims of futue Idaho legislatues. Much like the term rejected in Afton Energy, fnc., Smith Cogeneration Mgt., and Idaho PUC Order No. 29632, Idaho Power's PP A term would call for constant re-opening of environmental attibute ownership in the QF contract, and destroy the ability to rely on a projected revenue stream in financing the project. Indeed, FERC's recent ruling allowing Californa to require utilities to compensate QFs for actual avoided environmental costs - analogous to RECs - fuher underscores the applicability of Section 210(e) ofPURPA to RECs. CaL. Pub. Uti!. Commn., 133 FERC ir 61,059, irir 21,26. Although valuable environmental attributes such as RECs were not in existence when FERC promulgated its QF rules in 1980, FERC has now endorsed the use of environmental attributes as an additional revenue stream in PURP A contracts to QFs providing those attibutes to utilities. fd. A QF contract term regarding RECs must therefore comply with Section 210(e) ofPURPA and FERC's reguations, 18 C.F.R. § 292.602, by providing a QF with a lock in of long-term prices and terms based upon conditions in existence at the time the QF obligates itselfto the legally enforceable obligation. See also JD Wind 1, LLC, 130 FERC ir Page 19 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 61,127, irir 16,23 (Februar 19,2010), denying r'hg (citing 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)); JD Wind 1, LLC, 129 FERC ir 61,148, irir 25-29 (November 19,2009). The value to the utilty of the environmental attributes of the QF projects in the Cal. Pub. Uti!. Commn.case would be calculated on the date the QF incured its obligation just as any other component ofthe rates. The utilty in that case could not reduce its payments to the QF if at some future time the costs of environmental compliance tu out to be substantially less than estimated at the time of the QF contract any more than it could reduce payments if its alternative fuel or energy costs decreased. It follows that QFs choosing not to provide their environmental attbutes to the utilty- such as Grand View - are entitled to lock in avoided energy and capacity costs alone without being subject to a re-opener clause regarding ownership of the environmental attributes. Grand View simply wishes to obtain what FERC's rules intended to provide QFs like it from the beginnng - certinty regarding the avoided cost rates and terms of its contract that will allow it to calculate its revenue stream for puroses of financing its project. Idaho Power's re-opener clause does not allow that, and it therefore violates Section 21 O( e) of PURP A and FERC's implementing regulations and orders. C. The Commission's requirement of inclusion of Idaho Power's proposed environmental attributes clause would constitute a taking of Grand View's propert without just compensation in violation of the Takigs Clauses of the Idaho and U.S. Constitutions. The Fift Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Aricle 1 Section 14 of the Idaho Constitution each provide that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. U.S. Const. amend. V, cl. 4; Idaho Const. ar. 1 § 14. The purose of the takngs clause is to prohibit the "Governent from forcing some people alone to bear public burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be borne by the public as a whole." Armstrong v. United States, 364 U.S. 40, 49 (1960). Cours first examine whether the claimant possesses a property Page 20 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT interest that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. Ruckelshaus v. Monsanto Co., 467 U.S. 986, 1003-04 (1984). If such an interest is established, cours then examine whether the governent's action amounts to a compensable tang of that interest. fd. at 1005-06. When such a takng occurs, an aggrieved individual may fie a claim for "inverse condemnation," which is a shorthand description of the maner in which a property owner recovers just compensation for a taking of his property when condemnation proceedings have not been instituted. United States v. Clarke, 445 U.S. 253, 257 (1980). 1. Grand View's RECs and its going concern business value are compensable propert rights. In analyzing whether a claimant possess a propert interest, cours describe the term "property" as referring to "the group of rights inhering in the citizen's relation to the physical thing, as the right to possess, use and dispose of it." United States v. General Motors Corp., 323 u.s. 373, 377-378 (1945); see also Lingle v. Chevron u.s.A. fnc., 544 U.S. 528,539 (2005); Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp., 458 U.S. 419, 435 (1982). Propert interests "are about as diverse as the human mind can conceive," Florida Rock fndustries v. United States, 18 F.3d 1560, 1572 n. 32 (Fed.Cir.1994), and the Takings Clause "is addressed tô every sort of interest the citizen may possess." General Motors, 323 U.S. at 378; see also Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003, 1019 (1992) (real property); Monsanto Co., 467 U.S. at 1003-04 (intagible trade secret property); United States Trust Co. v. New Jersey, 431 U.S. 1, 19 n.16 (1977) (contract rights); Roth v. Pritikin, 710 F.2d 934, 939 (2d Cir.1983) (copyright); Leesona Corp. v. United States, 599 F.2d 958,964 (Fed. Cir. 1979). Transferrable propert created by governent programs is compensable propert under the Takngs Clause. See e.g. Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia v. Lieberman, 336 A.2d 249,257-59 (Pa. 1975) (collecting cases and awarding compensation for lost value ofliquor Page 21 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT license associated with condemnation of liquor store premises); see also Members of the Peanut Quota Holders Ass'n v. United States, 421 F. 3d 1323, 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (finding property right existed in governent issued peanut quota and stating the "right to transfer is a traditional hallmark of property."). Grand View's interest in the transferrable environmenta attbutes of its solar QF is a compensable property interest. As the Commission and Idaho Power have acknowledged in prior orders and filings, RECs are indeed valuable and transferrable. Grand View clearly owns the RECs for which Idaho Power wil not pay and which no law transfers to Idao Power. Grand View agrees with Idaho Power that in the current REC market a sale of a forward stnp of RECs up to five years is more valuable than sellng RECs on the spot market, and like Idao Power, Grand View wishes to sell its RECs in that maner. See fPCO REC Plan Modifcation Letter at 1, Paul Affidavit at irir 18-23. There can be no doubt that Grand View's right to transfer a five- year forward strip of RECs through the interstate market that exists today is a compensable property interest. See Andrus v. Allard, 444 U.S. 51, 65-66 (1979) (labeling the right to dispose of property-e.g., through commercial transactions-as "one traditional property right" and one "strand" of the "bundle" of property rights an owner possesses). Likewise, another strand in the bundle of property rights possessed by Grand View is the going concern value ofits QF business. See Kimball Laundry Co. v. United States, 338 U.S. 1, 8-13 (1949) (holding going concern value oflaundr was compensable property right); Coeur d'Alene Garbage Service v. Coeur d'Alene, 114 Idaho 588, 591, 759 P.2d 879,881 (1988) (collecting cases and applying Idaho Constitution to find property interest in trash collection company); State v. Saugen, 169 N.W.2d 37, 42-46 (Minn. 1969) (liquor store). The going concern value of Grand View's development efforts to date include items such as its real Page 22 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT property lease, its efforts and expenditues in evaluating the solar capability and feasibility of the project, and its good wil obtained in negotiations with the landowner, possible REC purchasers, and others. All of these items make up the going concern value of Grand View's QF, which Grand View could transfer today in exchange for moneta compensation. This going concern value is a compensable propert interest separate and distinct from the RECs. Kimball Laundry Co., 338 U.S. at 8-13. 2. Commission approval of Idaho Power's environmental attributes clause would constitute a taking. Where the governent requires an owner to suffer a permanent physical invasion of her property - however minor - it must provide just compensation. See Loretto, 458 U.S. at 435 (state law requiring landlords to permit cable companies to install cable facilties in aparent buildings effected a taking). A second categorical rule applies to regulations that completely depnve an owner of all economically beneficial use of her property. Lucas, 505 U.S., at 1019; Boise Tower Associates, LLC v. Hogland, 147 Idaho 774, 773, 215 P.3d 494,503 (2009); Coeur d'Alene Garbage Service, 114 Idaho at 591, 759 P.2d at 881 (collecting Idaho cases and applying Idaho Constitution to find taing of garbage collection business by City action curiling its business).7 Since what the owner had was transferable value, ''the question is, What has the owner lost? not, What has the taker gained?" Kimball Laundry Co., 338 U.S.at 12-13 (finding compensable taing when governent took temporar possession of a laundr); Yancey 7 Even when the claimant stil retains economic value of its property, just compensation may be required by weighing relevant factors set forth in Penn Central Transp. Co. v. New York City, 438 U.S. 104, 124 (1978). Grand View maintains that Idao Power's environmental attibutes clause would effect a direct appropnation of private property required for a categorical taking, thus precluding the need to engage in balancing the Penn Central factors. Grand View nevertheless submits that Idaho Power's PPA clause would also constitute a tang under application of the factors set forth in Penn Central. See Ruckelshaus, 467 U.S. at 1005-1016; Cienega Gardens v. United States, 331 F.3d 1319, 1337-53 (Fed. Cir. 2003); NRG Co. v. United States., 24 CI.Ct. 51, 56-63 (1991). Page 23 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT v. United States, 915 F.2d 1534, 1541-42 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (finding a compensable tang where ''the Yanceys had no choice but to sell their birds for substatially less than their value"). In Armstrong, the Cour found a compensable tang of the claimants' liens on uncompleted boat hulls seized by the Governent pursuat to a contract. Armstrong, 364 U.S. at 48-49. "Since ths acquisition was for public use, however accomplished, whether with an intent and purose of extinguishing the liens or not, the Governent's action did destroy them and in the circumstances of this case did thereby take the property value of those liens within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment." fd. "And it matters not whether (the propert was) taen over by the governent or destroyed, since, as has been said, destrction is tantaount to tang." General Motors, 323 U.S. at 384. Because authorizing Idaho Power's proposed environmental attbutes clause would cloud Grand View's clear title to valuable environmental attbutes without any compensation, Commission approval of the clause over Grand View's objection would constitute a categorical taking. As noted above, Idaho Power itself recognizes that RECs are most valuable right now sold as a long-term forward stnp of up to 5 years. See fPCO REC Plan Modifcation Letter at 1. But Grand View canot sell such a forward stnp for any time period beyond the next sitting of the Idao legislature because Idaho Power's proposed contract clause clouds title beyond that time. Paul Affdavit at irir 18-23. Inclusion of such clauses in QF PPAs would leave the QFs with no choice but to cut a deal sellng their RECs for "substantially less than their value," Yancey, 915 F.2d at 1542, or to retain RECs with a title so clouded they could not be sold at alL. That this is, in fact, the case is highlighted by the recently approved Clark Canyon power purchase agreement with Idaho Power. See Case No. IPC-E-II-09. In the Clark Canyon PPA, Idaho Power and Clark Canyon Page 24 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT recite that they had agreed to address REC ownership in a separate agreement not filed for approval with the Commission: "Ownership of Environmental Attibutes associated with the Facility is determined in a separate agreement between Idaho Power and the Seller." See Case No. IPC-E-II-09, Idaho Power Application at p. 3. Paul Affdavit, Exhibit 5.1. In response to Commission Staff discovery requests, (Paul Affidavit, Exhibt 5.4) Idaho Power explained that it reached an agreement with Clark Canyon to split ownership of the RECs in half - with the Seller retaining ownership in the first ten years of the 20 year PP A and Idaho Power retaning ownership in the last ten years of the agreement. Idaho Power admitted that it did not compensate Clark Canyon for that transfer. In other words, Clark Canyon gave away half of its RECs, simply to obtain clear title to any RECs. See Staff and Cark Canyon Comments, Paul Affidavit, Exhbits 5.2 and 5.3. Idao Power offered the same 50/50 spllt to Grand View. Paul Affdavit at ir ir 27-28. Idaho Power's clause simply destroys the value of the RECs. Furher, the impact of such a clause would undermine Grand View's entire going concern business by removing RECs to be produced by the solar QF as a futue revenue stream. Paul Affdavit at ir ir 25-29. Idaho Power's stated purose for the clause is to protect its ratepayers from a futue change in the law that may require it to obtain its own RECs, not that Idaho Power intends to pay for the RECs. Answer at pp. 2-3. To authorize such the clause under ths reasoning would be a classic case of requiring an individua (Grand View) to forfeit its propert (valuable environmental attibutes and going concern value of its QF business) for public benefit (reduced regulatory risk for Idaho Power's customers) without any compensation. The Commission would therefore be subject to an inverse condemnation proceeding whereby a cour would order it to compensate Grand View for (1) the value of its environmental attbutes impaired by Idaho Page 25 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT Power's contract clause, and (2) the going concern value of Grand View's business impaired by taking of the environmental attibutes. The Idaho PUC Staff has concured with Grand View's position on ownership of environmental attbutes on at least two occasions.8 In Case No. IPC-E-04-02 Idao Power sought a declaratory order from the Commission approving a PP A clause that granted Idaho Power a nght of first refusal to purchase green tags from PURP A developers. In that case the Commission Staff took a position essentially identical to Grand View's argument on the takngs issue: The PUC's Staf stated: Arguably what Idaho Power proposes is an impermissible "taking" of propert. The Fift Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, "nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation." This provision is called the "taings clause." Idaho Power requests a Commission Order granting the utilty by regulatory fiat a "right of first refusaL." It proposes no compensation to the QF for that right. Electric utilty purchases of energy and capacity from PURPA QFsare mandatory. 18 C.F. R. § 292.303(a). The environmental attributes associated with renewable QF projects are curently separate from the capacity and energy sold to Idaho utilties. They are not bundled together as a matter of law. Nor is the cost to purchase environmenta attibutes included in an Idaho utilty' avoided cost. To the extent those attibutes have value and provide additional developer incentive. Staff believes they should remain with the developer. . . . no argument has been advanced nor authority cited to justify or require placing any regulatory restriction by this Commission on their ownership. Staf Comments IPC-E-04-02, March 19,2004 at p. 7. (Emphasis provided). II II II II II 8 Case No. IPC-E-04-02 in which Idaho Power sought a right of first refusal for RECs it acknowledged belonged to the developer. Case No. IPC-E-04-16 referenced above. Page 26 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT D. Any action by the IPUC in this case to cloud a QF's title to RECs created by neighboring states' RPS laws would unduly burden interstate commerce for protectionist purposes and therefore violate the Dormant Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. The Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution provides that "Congress shall have Power. . . To regulate Commerce. . . among the several States. . . ." U.S. Const., Ar. I, § 8, ci. 3. The Dormant Commerce Clause, however, also imposes limitations on states in the absence of congressional action. "It is well settled that actions are within the domain of the Commerce Clause if they burden interstate commerce, or impede itsfreeflow." C&A Carbone, fnc. v. Town of Clarkstown, New York, 511 U.S. 383, 389 (1994) (emphasis added). "The central rationale for the rule against discrimination is to prohibit state or muncipal laws whose object is local economic protectionism." fd. at 390. State laws requinng that goods be processed in-state prior to entering interstate commerce are per se invalid because such laws block the flow of interstate commerce at the state's borders. See, e.g., id. at 390 (striking down town ordinance requiring non-recylable solid waste to be processed at designated facility within municipality before shipping); South Central Timber Development, fnc. v. Wunnicke, 467 U.S. 82, 100 (1984) (striking down Alaska regulation that required all Alaska timber to be processed within the state before export); New England Power v. New Hampshire, 455 U.S. 331, 339 (1982) (holding that law restncting exports of hydropower violated commerce clause by hoarding resources for State's economic benefit). In c.A. Carbone, fnc., the Cour specifically noted the ordinance requiring local processing of solid waste favored only a "single local proprietor," rather a class of in-state processors, and held "ths difference just mar de) the protectionist effect of the ordinance more acute." C&A Carbone, fnc., 511 U.S. at 392. "Discrimination against interstate commerce in favor of local business or investment is per se invalid, save in a narow class of cases in which Page 27 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT the muncipality can demonstrate under rigorous scrutiny, that it has no other means to advance a legitimate local interest." fd. at 392. (distinguishing Maine v. Taylor, 477 U.S. 131 (1986), where the Court upheld a restnction on importtion of baitfish because Maine had no other way to prevent spread of parasites and local economic interests were not that state's justification for the ban). Here, Idaho Power proposes that the Commission authorize a clause in Grand View's PP A - over Grand View's objection - that will cloud Grand View's title to an interstate commodity created by other states' RPS laws - RECs. Because RECs are most valuable sold in forward strips up to at least five years into the futue, fPCO REC Plan Modifcation Letter at 1, Idaho Power's proposed language will burden the flow of an interstate commodity - a forward strip ofRECs. Nobody will purchase Grand View's five-year stnp ofRECs if the Commission approves a PPA that clouds title to Grand View's ownership of those RECs. See Paul Affdavit at ir ir 18 - 23. Indeed, with Idaho Power's proposed contract clause, it is unikely any buyer would purchase RECs from Grand View to be generated any later than the next session of the Idaho legislatue. The burden on interstate commerce is undeniable. Idaho Power's stated purose for its PPA clause clouding ownership and impairing the free flow of this interstate commodity is for the local economic protection of Idaho Power and its customers by reducing Idaho Power's regulatory risk solely at Grand View's expense. See Answer at pp. 2-3. Idaho Power's hope that it wil someday retroactively own the RECs under Idaho or federal law, without paying for them, is not a legitimate local basis unelated to economic protectionism. Instead, it would be local protectionism of Idao's invester-owned electnc utilties that would burden the interstate flow of goods created by neighboring states' Page 28 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT RPS laws, and it would therefore violate the Dormant Commerce Clause. C&A Carbone, fnc., 511 U.S. at 390. Furhermore, the practical effect of Idaho Power's proposed clause clouding ownership to RECs is analogous to the ilegal in-state processing requirements. Idaho does not have an RPS law that creates "Idaho RECs," and the Idaho legislatue has stated no purose whatsoever - let alone a legitimate purose - to require QFs to sell any RECs to the utility.9 Thus, requiring QFs to sell RECs to an Idaho utility prior to allowing the RECs to enter interstate commerce would unlawfly require the RECs to be processed in-state prior to entering interstate commerce. See C&A Carbone, fnc., 511 U.S. at 390; South Central Timber Development, fnc., 467 U.S. at 100; New England Power, 455 U.S. at 339. Idao Power's proposed PPA clause has the same effect on the interstate flow of RECs as the other per se invalid in-state processing laws because in order to obtain clear, marketable title to a long-term strip ofRECs a QF must agree to gift some RECs to Idaho Power. The practical effect of the PP A clause is to stop the flow of the RECs at the border, so that Idao Power can obtain substantial value from a commodity for which it refuses to pay. That the goods may then enter interstate commerce after passing though Idaho Power's hands is of no moment because local protectionist motive would stop the original owner - Grand View- from sellng its RECs to the buyer of its choice in interstate commerce. See C&A Carbone, fnc., 511 U.S. at 390-93. Likewise, Idaho Power's proposed PPA clause is not saved by the fact that- if adopted as a stadard QF contract clause - it would treat in-state QFs and out-of-state QFs the 9 Indeed, just the opposite is tre. The Idaho Legislatue has affrmatively declared that it is the policy ofthe State ofIdaho to not adopt a renewable portfolio standard. 2007 fdaho Energy Plan Januar 26, 2007 at p. 44. The proposed 2012 Idaho Energy Plan also contains a policy statement against the adoption of any sort of a renewable portfolio standard. 2012 Draft Energy Plan at. p. 94. Page 29 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT same. The Supreme Cour directly rejected the same argument in C&A Carbone, fnc. and noted that the obvious protectionist motive for a "single local propnetor" only makes the protectionist effect "more acute." fd. at 392. E. Clearly Grand View is being Coerced into Giving Idaho Power its RECs -- Or Where is the Consideration Being Offered to Grand View for Clear Legal Title to Grand View's RECs? Idaho Power seeks to place a condition on the execution of PURP A contacts that gives it ownership of one half of the RECs generated by the Grand View project. See Paul Affdavit. It is axiomatic that every contract to be valid must be supported by consideration, see Sirius v. Erickson 144 Idaho 38, 42, 156 P.3d 539 (2007), and a contract that is based on ilegal consideration is not enforceable. See Trees v. Kersey 138 Idaho 3, 6, 56 P.3d 765, 769 (Idaho 2002). Here, Idaho Power is not offering "good and valuable" consideration for Grand View's RECs. Instead, Idaho Power is coercing Grand View to surender ownership of half of the RECs in exchange for its forbearance from insisting on a clause in the agreement that destroys the value of the RECs for both paries - even though Idaho Power admits it has no use for RECs in its provision of utilty serivce. As discussed above, Idaho Power has no legal right to Grand View's RECs. Hence, not only is Idaho Power failing to offer consideration, it is actually insisting on a clause that is not legally sustanable. Even if forbearance from insisting on the reopener clause constitutes a proper form of consideration, the coercive (and arguably ilegal) maner in which it is obtained does not constitute adequate consideration to support a contract transferrng REC ownership to Idaho Power. Idaho Power's actions are akin to the situation in Nolan v. California Coastal Commn 483 U.S. 825, 107 S.Ct. 3141 (1987). There, the Supreme Cour overted a ruling by the Californa Coastal Commission that conditioned a building permit on the landowner's grant to Page 30 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT the state of an access easement across his propert. The Supreme Cour found that there was no relationship between the conditions necessar for a building permit and an access easement for the public to access a beach. Like here, there is absolutely no relationship between Idaho Power's reach for Grand View's RECs and the rates, terms and conditions in the PURPA mandated power purchase agreement that is approved by the Idaho PUC. As the Supreme Cour observed: The evident constitutional propriety disappears, however, if the condition substituted for the prohibition utterly fails to fuher the end advanced as the justification for the prohibition. When that essential nexus is eliminated, the situation becomes the same as if Californa law forbade shouting fire in a crowded theater, but granted dispensations to those willng to contnbute $100 to the state treasury. While a ban on shouting fire can be a core exercise of the State's police power to protect the public safety, and can thus meet even our stnngent standards for regulation of speech, adding the unelated condition alters the purose to one which, while it may be legitimate, is inadequate to sustain the ban. ... Whatever may be the outer limits of "legitimate state interests" in the tangs and land use context, this is not one of them. In short, uness the permit condition serves the same governental purose as the development ban, the building restriction is not a valid regulation ofland use but "an out-and-out plan of extortion." JE.D. Associates, fnc. v. Atkinson fd. at 837. Likewise, uness Idaho Power's insistence on one half of Grand View's RECs -- or else it wil impose a reopener clause in the PP A -- serves some purose under PURP A , it is not a valid contract clause but "an out-and-out plan of extortion." The New Hampshire Supreme Cour was even more direct under similar facts: Muncipal officials having authority to adopt ordinances and regulations have a constitutional duty to observe these (private property) protections. They may not attempt to extort from a citizen a surender of his right to just compensation for any part of his propert that is taen from him for public use as a price for permission to exercise his right to put his property to whatever legitimate use he desires subject only to reasonable regulation. Page 31 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT J.E.D. Associates, fnc. v. Atkinson 121 N. H. 581, 584,432 A.2d 12, 15 (1981). It would not be appropriate for this Commission to become complicit in Idaho Power's out-and-out plan to coerce Grand View into giving its RECs up without compensation. Idaho Power has established a pattern of preying on developers who are anious to move their projects forward, thereby forcing them to agree to the ilegal extraction of their RECs in exchange for a clause in the power purchase agreement giving clear title to the remaining RECs to the developer. A recent case in which the Commission approved a power purchase agreement between Clark Canyon Hydro and Idaho Power provides a good example.IO In its application for approval of the Clark Canyon PP A, Idaho Power recited that "Ownership of Environmental Attributes associated with the Facility is determined in a separated (sic) agreement between Idaho Power and the Seller."ii In response to Staff s inquiry in the Clark Canyon Application Docket as to why the paries negotiated a separate contract addressing environmenta attibutes, Idaho Power explained: Idaho Power initially proposed reservation of rights language for the contract that would preserve for Idaho Power and its customers the right in this contract should the rules, regulations, laws or legal status as to the ownership of RECs in PURP A contracts be clarified or changed to abide by such change in law.12 As an alternative to this reservation of rights, the paries saw a mutu value to both the project and to Idaho Power and its customers in clarifying the ownership ofRECs and negotiated the separate agreement whereby the project retans all RECs for the first ten years of the contract and Idaho Power owns all RECs for the last ten 10 fn the Mater of the Application of fdaho Power Company for a Determination Regarding the Firm Energy Sales Agreement with Clark Canyon, LLC, for the Sale and Purchase of Electricity IPUC Docket No. IPC-E-II-09 11 Idaho Power Application, Case No. IPC-E-09-11, at p. 3. Paul Affdavit, Exhibit 5.1. 12 This is identical to the language Grand View is challenging in the instant proceeding. Page 32 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT years of the contract. There is no monetar payment for RECs in the agreement. The project receives clarfication as to ownership and retains RECs for the first 13ten years... It is clear from Idaho Power's own explanation that by insisting on a clause that neither par can live with due to the uncertinty surounding title should law or regulations affecting RECs change at some point in the future, that it is forcing the developer to surender half of the RECs in exchange for Idaho Power willingness to drop that clause. This is a classic case of "The act or practice of obtaining something or compellng some action by ilegal means, as by force or coercion." Extortion, Blacks Law Dictionary 9th ed. (West 1999). Here Idaho Power is coercing the developer to give Idaho Power half of its RECs by insisting on inserting an clause in the PPA that destroys the value of the RECs. F. The Commission should reject any reliance by Idaho Power on distinguishable cases regarding REC ownership in other states. Idaho Power and A vista will no doubt rely on decisions from some other states determining that a utility owned RECs under PURP A contracts pre-dating any creation of any mandatory or volunta REC markets. See fn Re Ownership of Renewable Energy Certifcates, 913 A.2d 825, 828 (N.J. Super. App. Div., 2007) (citing Edward A. Holt et al., Who Owns Renewable Energy Certifcates? An Exploration of Policy Options and Practice, at xiv (Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2006), available at http://eetd.lbI.gov/ea/emp/reports/59965.pdf)). These cases are distinguishable from the sitution in the present case for several reasons, and the Commission should not rely upon them. First, those cases relied upon a factual scenario where the PURP A contracts pre-dated the existence of RECs. The leading case followed by others arose in Connecticut. See 13 fd. Idaho Power Response to the third question in Staffs First Production Request, emphasis provided. Paul Affidavit, Exhbit 5.4. Page 33 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Wheelabrator Lisbon, fnc. v. Connecticut Dept. of Pub. Uti!. Control, 531 F.3d 183 (2nd Cir. 2008). There, the waste-to-energy QF at issue entered into a power purchase agreement pursuat to PURPA in 1991. fd. at 186. "In 2002, the specific credits at issue. . . became marketable by the creation of a market for such credits pursuant to the laws of several states, including Connecticut." fd. The Connecticut Supreme Cour held that the Connecticut state commission had reasonably concluded the term "electricity" in the applicable state statute implementing PURP A and in the contract "necessarily included the renewable attbute that later was 'unbundled' from the energy and represented by the certificates." Wheelabrator Lisbon, fnc. v. Dept. of Pub. Uti!. Control, 931 A.2d 159, 176 (Conn. 2007). The Connecticut Supreme Cour concluded that because the 1991 contract assigned ownership to the utilty, the state commission's decision did not constitute a taking in violation of the state constitution. fd. at 177. The federal distnct cour likewise rejected a challenge under the tangs clause on the ground that the RECs "were created after the paries entered into the (contract)." Wheelabrator Lisbon, fnc. v. Connecticut Dept. of Pub. Uti!. Control, 526 F.Supp.2d 295,306 (D. Conn. 2006).14 The Second Circuit held that the Connecticut state commission did not violate Section 210(e) ofPURPA by modifying the original agreement because it "did not order the renegotiation of the terms of the Agreement but simply exercised its authority to interpret the Agreement's provisions." Wheelabrator Lisbon, fnc, 531 F.3d at 189. Second, unike the Idaho Commission which vigilantly ensures that PURP A contracts do not contain rates above the avoided cost of energy and capacity, some of the states to find RECs passed to the utilty relied upon a finding that the PURPA contracts compensated the QFs for 14 The QF did not appeal to the Second Circuit with the takng argument. Page 34 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT more than the energy and capacity alone. fn Re Ownership of Renewable Energy Certifcates, 913 A.2d at 830 ("when it approved the contracts at issue, (the state commission) required the utilities to pay and allowed appellants to receive substantially more than the mere value of the electncity, and that it did so specifically because the electricity was produced with renewable resources") . These cases are distinguishable and inapplicable to the circumstaces here because at the time of contracting in this case the paries clearly recognize the QF projects will generate RECs marketable in mandatory and volunta markets outside of Idaho. Indeed, the Grand View contract directly contemplates creation ofRECs by defining them. To pretend they do not exist and are not valuable is indefensible. Furer, because of the RECs obviously exist and Idaho Power wil not pay for more than the mere value of the electricity, destrction of the value of the RECs to Grand View without any compensation would clearly constitute a tag. Compare to fn Re Ownership of Renewable Energy Certifcates, 913 A.2d at 830 (addressing contracts containing compensation for "substantially more than the mere value of the electncity"); Wheelabrator Lisbon, fnc, 526 F.Supp.2d 295,306 (D. Conn. 2006) (finding no taking because RECs "were created afer the paries entered into the (contract)"). Unlike in the Connecticut case, Grand View's challenge under Section 210(e) ofPURPA argues that Idaho Power's REC clause is itself an impermissible contract modifier or reopener, not a subsequent modification of the terms of the contract. See Wheelabrator Lisbon, fnc, 531 F.3d at 189. Finally, those cases did not even address the question of whether the Dormant Commerce Clause allows the Idaho Commission to impose a protectionist policy requiring the RECs to pass though Idaho Power's hands before entering interstate commerce. V. CONCLUSION Page 35 - MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT The Commission's authorization of Idao Power's proposed contract languae regarding environmenta attbutes would violate Section 210(e) ofPURPA, the Takngs Clauses of the U.S. and Idaho Constitutions, and the Dormant Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Grand View therefore requests that the Commission issue a declaratory judgment that Grand View is entitled to a standard PURP A PP A wherein Idaho Power disclaims ownership of all environmental attbutes of Grand View's solar project, and order that Idaho Power enter into such a PP A with rates calculated under the methodology in effect on the date of the fiing of Grand View's complaint. Respectfully submitted this 29th day of November 2010. RICHASON AND O'LEARY, PLLCxl /J.. ;f"'-'""i:¿ 'Q,¡íuJJ Peter 1. Richardson (lSB No: 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Attorneys for Complainant .. Page 36 - MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 29th day of December, 2011, a tre and correct copy of the with and foregoing MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT in Case No. IPC-E-II-15 was served in the maner shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell Commsion Secreta Idao Public Utiities Commssion POBox83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 X Hand Delivery ~ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Kns Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 X Hand Delivery ~ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Donovan E. Walker Jason B Wiliams Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 dwaler§idahopower.com jwillamsaYidahopower.com -X Hand Delivery _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Clint Kalich A vista Corporation 1411 E Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane W A 99202 clint.kalichaYavistacorp.com _ Hand Delivery XU.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane W A 99202 michael.andreaaYavistacoro.com _ Hand Delivery XU.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail ~~~ Nina Curis Administrative Assistat REr.'- !\/C". ..' t: ,\" .,: Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYrichardsonandolear.com gregaYnchardsonandolear.com 2011 NOV 29 PH 4: l ì Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant, ) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. I, Robert A. Paul, do declare the following and if called to testify, would and could competently testify thereto: 1. I am over the age of 18, and I have personal knowledge of each of the facts set fort in this affdavit. 2. I have been involved in development of renewable energy projects, including wid and solar projects, for over thrty years. 3. Curently, I am the manager of Alternative Power Development, Northwest, LLC, which is an Idaho limited liability company. 4. I have directly worked on the development of the Grand View PV Solar Two project since its inception. AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT PAUL PAGE 1 5. Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC is an Idaho limited liability company formed for the purose of developing a 20 MW solar project near Grand View, Idaho. 6. Alternative Power Development, Northwest, LLC is the managing member of Grand View PV Solar Two. 7. I actively paricipated in the negotiations with Idaho Power Company for a power purchase agreement for the Grand View PV Solar Two project as a qualifying facilty under the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978. 8. I have attached as Exhibit 1 a copy of the draft power purchase agreement provided to Grand View PV Solar Two by Idaho Power along with the transmittl email from Mr. Randy Allphin of Idaho Power. 9. The contract contains stadard Idaho .Power PURPA contract provisions with which I am familar from my work on past projects, with the exception of the clause regarding ownership of RECs. 10. In past PURA contracts, I understood Idaho Power affirmatively waived ownership of the environmental attbutes of the generation. 11. I also understood that the Idaho Public Utilties Commission routinely approved, without expressing any concern, those PURP A contracts in which Idaho Power affirmatively waived the ownership of the environmental attbutes of the generation. 12. Grand View PV Solar Two had no objections to Idaho Power's draft contract other than the clause clouding ownership of the RECs. But for that clause, I would have signed the power purchase agreement on behalf of Grand View PV Solar Two. 13. I authorized attorneys at Richardson and O'Lear to file the complaint in this proceeding. AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT PAUL PAGE 2 14. I understand the factual assertions in the complaint to be tre and correct based on my own personal knowledge, and I hereby incorporate the factual allegations therein by reference. 15. I have experience in negotiating the sale of renewable energy credits ("RECs") generated from renewable energy projects, including another solar quaifying facility currently being developed near Grand View, Idaho. 16. I have reviewed several documents Idao Power has fied before regulatory regarding its REC Management Plan. 17. I have attached as exhibits the following Idaho Power filings which I have reviewed: (Exhibit 2) Idao Power's Renewable Energy Credit Management Plan IPUC Case No. IPC-E- 08-24 dated December 30,2009; (Exhibit 3) Idao Power's Application Requesting Approval of Sale of Renewable Energy Credits, Oregon PUC Docket No. UP 269 dated October 22, 2010; (Exhibit 4) Idao Power's Letter Filng Regarding Modification of REC Plan filed in Oregon Docket No. UM 269, dated June 6, 2011; (Exhibits 5.1 - 5.4) the Application, Staff Comments and the Reply Comments of Clark Canyon and IPCo responses to Staff discovery in Docket No. IPC-E-II-09. 18. I know that there curently exists a market for RECs and that the market includes both forward stnps of varing lengths of time as well as wholesale spot markets. 19. To effect such sales I must provide the buyer certainty that I own and will own the RECs I sell from the project over the term of the contract. 20. If I had clean title to the RECs I would attempt to sell them from the Grand View PV Solar Two project in a forward stnp of at least five years. 21. RECs. 22. All forward sales of RECs require that the seller be able to prove ownership of the Idaho Power's proposed contract provision in the Grand View PV Solar Two AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT PAUL PAGE 3 project states that REC ownership will be determined by applicable state or federal laws. 23. I canot sell Grand View PV Solar Two's RECs with Idaho Power's REC clause in the PP A because ownership of the RECs is dependent upon a subsequent change in state or federal law. That lack of certinty places a cloud over the title of the RECs. 24. The business plan for the Grand View PV Solar Two project includes an additional revenue stream for the sale of the RECs. 25. Without fair compensation from Idaho Power for the RECs at their ful market value, and without the ability to sell the RECs to another purchaser at their full market value, the Grand View PV Solar Two project's financial viabilty will be compromised. 26. I also expect that the project's profitabilty would be compromised at the power purchase rates offered by Idaho Power if we are unable to sell the RECs, and therefore my abilty to raise the capital necessar to build and operate the project would also be compromised. 27. Idaho Power offered to eliminate the cloud on title to the RECs in exchange for my giving it, without compensation, one half of the RECs generated by the project. 28. The abilty to sell only one half of the RECs from the project compromises the financial viabilty of the project. 29. The ability to sell only one half of the RECs from the project likewise compromises my abilty to raise the capital necessar to build and operate the project. I declare under penalty of perjur under the laws of the United States and under laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing is tre and correct. DATED this ~,~Rob~ day of November 2011. AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT PAUL PAGE 4 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF C?) On this q/!! day of November 2011, before me, a Notar Public in and for the State of Idaho, personally appeared Robert Paul, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrent and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntar act and deed for the uses and puroses mentioned in the instrent. IN WITNESS WHREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and offcial seal the day and year first above wntten. ".'",',; t;'¡:rt! IJill". ~.~ 0' LE #4"##~.. "t A h #,,," \J ....... 'rr "....:-.. .. ,~ c... ...-= $ ~: 01 AR Y ~ :.s :~ _ i~:.. . .... . ., 1".. :... ",v...lI. .)0...:. ic ~ PuB'" : 0 ::.- -. ..,::,~.. .. "' :-" dl' ........ ~~'.... ''''#R A 'FE or \: ."....#l'~d.,.f!_.., ...~,;~"... Residing ate ff í ~ /cI~) My Commission expires 03", /0.. CYO/6- AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT PAUL PAGE 5 Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYrichardsonandolear .com gregaYrichardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRAD VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ~ AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 1 TRASMITTAL EMAIL AND DRAFT POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT Peter Richardson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Allphin, Randy (RAllphin~idahopower.coml Thursday, March 10,2011 2:00 PM 'robertapauI08~gmail.com' Peter Richardson; Walker, Donovan Draft Grand View Solar II purchase power agreement Grand View Solar II draft PPA 3-10-2011.doc Mr. Paul, As you requested attached is a draft PURPA purchase power agreement for your proposed Grand View II 20 MW solar project. The pricing contained within this proposed agreement is based upon the energy shape you provided that we then used to execute the IRP pricing modeL. This draft agreement is for discussion purposes only and Idaho Power reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time until both parties have executed an agreed upon document. Only after agreement by both parties, execution of an agreement by both parties and approval of th e Agreement by the Commission shall a binding commitment exist. Please review and contact me with any questions you may have. Randy -.. .... r 1 Th tron may conta inormon th is prvieged, confdenô anor exem¡í frm disclos un aplicable Jaw. If you ar not th innded reipen you ar heby notied tht an dilos. copy diution orus of th inormtion criihein (inlud an reli thn) is STRCTY PROHIIT. If you reeive ths tron in er, plea immly contt th seer an desty th mari in its entty, whethr in elecc or ba co formt Th you. !SIG:4d793bcf3341693223914! 1 Aricle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE Definitions No Reliance on Idaho Power Waranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Term and Operation Date Purchase and Sale of Net Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Environmental Attbutes Facility and Interconnection Metering and Telemetr Records Operations Indemnification and Insurance Force Majeure Liabilty; Dedication Several Obligations Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governental Authorization Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severabilty Counterpars Entire Agreement Signatues Appendix A AppendixB AppendixC AppendixD Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (Solar Project - Greater than 100 kW) Project Name: Grand View Solar II Project Number: TilS AGREEMENT, entered into on this _ day of 2011. between Paries agree as follows: ANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parie ' WHREAS, Seller wil design, constrct, 0 WHREAS, Seller wishes to sell,. c energy produced by the Seller's Facility. THEREFORE, I nts hereinafter set forth, the pendices attched hereto, the following terms 1.1 ergy less than i 10% of the monthly Net Energy Amount as specified ent less any Net Energy that is determined to be Surplus Energy as specified within this Agreement. 1.2 "Commission" - The Idaho Public Utilties Commission. i.3 "Contract Year" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. -1- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 1.4 "Delay Liquidated Damages" - Damages payable to Idaho Power as calculated in paragraph 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.8. 1.5 "Delay Period" - All days past the Scheduled Operation Date until the Seller's Facility achieves the Operation Date. 1.6 "Delay Price" - The current month's Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost minus the curent month's All Hours Energy Price specified in paragraph 7.2 of this Agreemen If this calculation results in a value less than 0, the result of this calculation wil be O. 1.7 "Designated Dispatch Facilty" - Idaho Power's Syste Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. 1.8 "Facilty" - That electric generation facilty 1.9 "First Energy Date" - The day co the day that 1.10 t 11:00 pm Mountain Time, (16 1.11 ours from hour beginning at 3 :00 pm through hour 1.12 1.13 equipment specified in Schedule 72. 1.14 "Light Load Hours" -y hours beginning atll:OO pm, ending at 7:00 am Mountain Time (8 hours), plus all other hours on all Sundays, New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 1.15 "Losses" - The loss of electrcal energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occuring as a result of the transformation and transmission of energy between the point where the Facilty's energy is metered and -2- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only the point the Facilty's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula wil be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.16 "Market Energy Reference Price" - Eighty-five percent (85%) of the Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost. 1.17 "Material Breach" - A Default (paragraph 19.2.1) subject to paragraph 19.2.2. 1.18 "Maximum Capacity Amount' - The maximum capacity (MW) the Facilty wil be as specified in accurate measurement of the Test . s Agreement and any additional Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.19 "Metering Equipment" - All equipment specified in S equipment specified in Appendix B required to flows between the Seller's electrc generation 1.20 "Metering Point" - The physical p at enables 1.21 "Mid-Columbia e of the daily on-peak and off- prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow e reporting agency, both Paries wil mutually the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index. The selected other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the 1.22 oad electrical quantities assigned by the designer to a generator and its electrical equipment, such as transformers and circuit breakers, under standadized conditions, expressed in amperes, kilovolt-amperes, kilowats, volts or other appropriate units. Usually indicated on a nameplate attched to the individual machine or device. 1.23 "Net Energy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facilty, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) delivered to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. Subject to the -3- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only terms of this Agreement, Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. 1.24 "Operation Date" - The day commencing at 00:01 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.25 "Point of Delivery" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller's electrcal facilities are interconnected and the energy from this F cility is delivered to the Idaho Power Operation Date. "Prudent Electrcal Practices" - Those practices, me ment that are commonly and electrical system. 1.26 ordinarily used in electrical engineering and 0 dependably, effciently and economically. 1.27 tes achieving the Operation Date. It is expected that 1.28 "Schedule 72" - I ule 72 or its successor schedules as approved by all costs of interconnection and integration of s specified within Schedule 72 and this Agreement. 1.29 . paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.30 r alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in 1.31 that is used to operate equipment that is auxilar or otherwise related to the production of electrcity by the Facilty. 1.32 "Surplus Energy" - Is (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facilty and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds 110% of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facilty and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system in any month where the Net Energy delivered for -4- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only that month is less than 90% ofthe monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specifed in paragraph 6.2. or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facilty to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.33 "Total Cost of the Facilty" - The total cost of strctures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE II: NO RELIACE ON IDAHO POWER 3.1 or failure to review Seller's design, Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warants and repre Idaho Power that in entering into2.1 this Agreement and the underting by Seller of the 0 t fort herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing experience or expertise of Idaho Power in c Agreement. 2.2 Seller Independent Experts - All endorsement or a confiration by Idaho Power and d or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, 'ties, including, but not limited to, safety, durabilty, reliability, strength, capacity,conomic feasibility. 3.2 Seller warants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facilty," as that term is used and defined in 18 CFR 292.201 et seq. After initial qualification, Seller wil take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facilty's Qualifying Facilty status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintan Qualifying Facility status wil be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Facilty's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. -5- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY 4.1 Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition ofIdaho Power's acceptance of delivenes of energy from the Seller under this Agreement, Seller shall: 4.1.1 Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessar for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but 4. 1.2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Pow Qualifying Facilty. not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpar B, er signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in th permits and approvals as set forth in p held in the name of the Se counsel is of the o Power is relying on said opinion. t be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter accordance with the legal opinion accord of the daho Power manufacturer's and engineenng documentation plate Capacity of each individual generation unit that is included and also the total ofthese components to determine the Facilty rating. Upon receipt of this data, Idaho Power shall review the provided data and determine if the Nameplate Capacity specified is reasonable based upon the manufactuer's specified generation ratings for the specific generation units. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Constrction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No. 21690. These certificates wil be in the form -6- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessar to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1.5 Insurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Aricle XIII. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written confination from Idaho Power's delivery business unit that Seller has satisfied all interconnection requirements. 4.1.7 Network Resource Designation - The Seller's Facilty h been designated as a network 4.1.8 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain wri resource capable of delivering firm energy up to t t of the Maximum Capacity. . on from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptace of energy hav n confirmation shall be provided within a commercially re 5.1 t shall become effective on the date first written riod of twenty (20) Contract Years 5.2 fter the Facilty has achieved all of the following: Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been c)ated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facilty is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe maner. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a wrtten format. e) Seller has received written confination from Idaho Power of the Operation Date. This confiration wil not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. 5.3 Operation Date Delay - Seller shall cause the Faciltytxe "Facility"l to achieve the Operationtxe -7- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only "Commercial Operation"l Date on or before the Scheduled Operation Datetxe "Commercial Operation Date"l. Delays in the interconnection and transmission network upgrade study, design and constrction process that are not Force Majeure events accepted by both Parties, shall not prevent Delay Liquidated Damages from being due and owing as calculated in accordance with this Agreement. 5.3.1 If the Operation Date occurs after the Scheduled Operation Date but on or prior to ninety (90) days following the Scheduled Operation Date, Seller s ii pay Idaho Power Delay Liquidated 5.4 Damages calculated at the end of each calendar er the Scheduled Operation Date as follows: Delay Liquidated Damages th's Initial Year Net Energy Amount as specified in par r of days in the curent the curent month) 5.3.2 following the Scheduled Operation Damages in addition to those by the Maximum Capacity with the Maximum "Delay Liquidated Damages"l ate within ninety (90) days following the Scheduled Operation ial Breach and Idaho Power may terminate this Agreement at any time rial Breach. Additional Delay Liquidated Damages beyond those calculated in 5.3 .1 wil be calculated and payable using the Delay Liquidated Damage calculation described in 5.3.1 above for all days exceeding 90 days past the Scheduled Operation Date until such time as the Seller cures this Material Breach or Idaho Power terminates this Agreement. 5.5 Seller shall pay Idaho Power any calculated Delay Damages or Delay Liquidated Damages within seven (7) days of when Idaho Power calculates and presents any Delay Damages or Delay Liquidated Damages bilings to the Seller. Seller's failure to pay these damages within the specified time wil be a -8- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Material Breach of this Agreement and Idaho Power shall draw funds from the Delay Security provided by the Seller in an amount equal to the calculated Delay Damages or Delay Liquidated Damages. 5.6 The Paries agree that the damages Idaho Power would incur due to delay in the Facility achieving the Operation Date on or before the Scheduled Operation Date would be diffcult or impossible to predict with certinty, and that the Delay Liquidated Damages are an appropriate approximation of such damages. a) Filed for interconnection and is .with all payments and requirements 5.7 Prior to the Seller executing this Agreement, the Seller sha b) Received and accepted c)to fie an initial transmission d) on costs and any costs associated ansmission capacity to enable the project to be network resource. If final interconnection or complete at the time the Seller executes this r understands that the Seller's obligations to pay Damages and amages associated with the projects failure to achieve the Operation cheduled Operation Date as specified in this Agreement is not relieved terconnection or transmission processes and schedules. 5.8 Within thir (30) days of the date of a final non-appealable Commission Order as specified in Aricle XX approving this Agreement, the Seller shall post liquid security ("Delay Security") in a form as described in Appendix D equal to or exceeding the amount calculated in paragraph 5.8.1. Failure to post this Delay Security in the time specified above wil be a Material Breach of this Agreement and Idaho Power may terminate this Agreement. -9- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 5.8.1 Delay Security The greater of fort five ($45) multiplied by the Maximum Capacity with the Maximum Capacity being measured in kW or the sum of three month's estimated revenue. Where the estimated thee months of revenue is the estimated revenue associated with the first three full months following the estimated Scheduled Operation Date, the estimated kWh of energy production as specified in paragraph 6.2.1 for those three months multiplied by the All Hours Energy Price specified in pargraph 7.2 for each In the event (a) Seller provides Idaho P ith certification that (1) a generation interconnection agreement specifyin at wil enable this Facility to achieve the Operation Date no later th Date has been completed and , the Seller has paid all requir in compliance with all terms and ent, the Delay Security calculated ten percent (10%). tly (1) at Seller's request, the generation in paragraph is revised and as a result the its Operation Date by the Scheduled Operation Date or (2) if ot maintain compliance with the generation interconnection agreement, fthe Delay Security as calculated in paragraph 5.8.1 wil be subject to and wil be due and owing within five (5) business days from the date Idaho Power requests reinstatement. Failure to timely reinstate the Delay Security wil be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 5.8.2 Idaho Power shall release any remaining secunty posted hereunder after all calculated Delay Damages and/or Delay Liquidated Damages are paid in full to Idaho Power and the earlier of, 1) thirt (30) days after the Operation Date has been achieved, or 2) sixty (60) days after the Agreement has been -10- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only terminated. ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY 6.1 Delivery and Acceptace of Net Energy - Except when either Par's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power wil purchase and Seller wil sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. Net Energy produced by the Facilty and delivered by the Seller at any moment in 6.2.1 Amount wil be a Material Breach oftime to the Point of Delivery that exceeds the Maximum C this Agreement. 6.2 Net Energy Amounts - Seller intends to produ amounts: 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every thee months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates beyond those generation estimates previously provided. This information wil be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in -11- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only accordance with paragraph 25.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5th day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts in a timely maner, Idaho Power wil use the most recently provided 3 matching months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.1 for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount 6 No later than the Operation Date, by wri e given to Idaho Power in accordance Beginning with the end of mediate next thee o later than 5:00 PM of the 5th day may revise all other previously 'lure to provide timely written notice of changed ount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the in paragraph 12.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of ecified in paragraph 12.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of t unreasonably rejected accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy in paragraph 6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension under paragraph 12.2.1 or 12.3.1 occurs wil be reduced in accordance with the following: Where: NEA Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) -12- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only SGU a.) IfIdaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 12.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtilment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. 6.3 b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 12.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. TGU Sum of all of the individual units at this Facility as sp i agreement. ings of the generation ix B of this RSH Actual hours the F reduced or suspende TH A ) X (RSH ) .) TH licable Surplus Energy calculations for only the as excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller orce Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract t least ten percent (l 0%) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMNT 7.1 Base Energy Purchase Price 7.1.1 During the months of March, April and May Idaho Power shall pay the non-Ievelized Heavy Load Energy Price for all Base Energy received during Heavy Load Hours and the Light Load -13- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Energy Price for all Base Energy received during Light Load hours for each year as specified below: Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 203 2031 below: Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Heayy Load Energy Price Mils/kWh 67.16 70.61 71.93 73.26 74.63 76.03 77.45 78.89 80.37 81.88 83.41 84.97 6.57 Light Load Energy Price Mils/kWh 61.81 65.26 66.58 67.91 69.28 70.68 72.10 .54 r and December, Idaho Power shall pay the non-Ievelized Heavy ergy received during Heavy Load Hours and the Light Load Energy received during Light Load hours as for each year as specified Heavy Load Energy Price Mils/kWh 109.64 115.28 117.43 119.62 121.85 124.13 126.44 Light Load Energy Price Mils/kWh 100.91 106.55 108.70 110.88 113.1 1 115.39 117.71 -14- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 128.81 131.22 133.68 136.19 138.73 141.34 143.99 146.69 149.45 152.26 155.11 158.04 161.00 120.07 122.48 124.94 127.45 130.00 132.60 135.25 137.95 140.71 143.52 146.38 149.30 152.27 7.1.3 During the months of July and Augus Standard Energy Price fì 201 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 10 . 112.9 115.08 117.23 119.41 121.65 123.91 126.23 128.60 131.01 133.47 135.96 138.51 141.11 143.76 tandard Hours, the uring Light Load Hours for each Heavy Load Peak Energy Price Light Load Energy Price MilslkWh 115.12 121.04 123.30 125.60 127.94 130.34 132.76 135.25 137.78 140.36 143.00 145.67 148.41 151.19 154.02 -15- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only MilslkWh 100.91 106.55 108.70 110.88 113.11 115.39 117.71 120.07 122.48 124.94 127.45 130.00 132.60 135.25 137.95 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 146.46 149.21 152.01 154.88 157.78 156.92 159.87 162.87 165.94 169.05 140.71 143.52 146.38 149.30 152.27 7.1.4 During the months of June, September, October, Januar and Februar, Idaho Power shall pay the non-Ievelized Heavy Load Energy Price fì Base Energy received during Heavy Load Hours and the Light Load Energy P .Base Energy received during Light Load hours as specified below: Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 201 2020 21 7.2 All Hours Energy Price - The price to be used in the calculation of the Surlus Energy Price and Delay Damage Price shall be the non-Ievelized energy price for each year as specified below: March, April and May July, August, November and December June, September, October, Januar and Februar -16- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 7.4 Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 MilslkWh 64.78 68.23 69.55 70.88 72.25 73.65 75.07 76.51 77.99 79.50 81.03 82.59 84.19 85.81 87.47 89.16 90.88 MilslkWh 105.76 11 1.40 113.54 115.73 117.96 120.24 122.56 124.92 127.3 1 MilslkWh 88.13 92.83 94.62 96.44 98.30 100.20 102.13 104.10 106.11 108.16 110.25 112.37 114.54 116.75 119.00 121.30 123.64 6.02 128.46 130.93 7.3 to the Seller the lower of the s, less any payments due to Idaho Power wil be s of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the nergy actually delivered to Idaho Power as specified in 7.5 Commission. This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement wil be constred in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilties Commission and Afton Energy Inc., 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d 427 (1984), Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilties Commission, 107 Idaho 1122,695 P.2d 1 261 (1985), Afton Energy Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, 111 Idaho 925, 729 P.2d 400 (1986), Section 210 of the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 CFR §292.303-308 -17- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE VII: ENVIRONMNTAL ATTRIBUTES 8.1 Under this Agreement, ownership of Green Tags and Renewable Energy Certificate (RECs), or the equivalent environmental attibutes, directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facilty sold to Idaho Power wil be governed by any and all applicable Federal or State laws and/or any regulatory body or agency deemed to have authority to regulate these Environmental Attibutes or to Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as maintain the Facility and any implement Federal and/or State laws regarding the same. 9.1 Design of Facility - Seller wil design, cons Energy to the Idaho Power Point 0 9.2 Interconnection Facilties - Exce the required 2, the Generation Interconnection ection Process, including but not limited to initial tallation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power o 10.1 the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering utually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with this Agreement and Schedule 72. The Metering Equipment wil be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facilty's Net Energy, Station Use, and maximum energy deliveries (kW) at the Point of Delivery in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. -18- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 10.2 Telemetr - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense communications and telemetr equipment which wil be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaeous telemetr of Seller's Net Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. ARTICLE XI - RECORDS records in a form and content acceptable to Idah h other location mutually acceptable11.1 Maintenance of Records - Seller shall maintan at the Facil to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Ener se, and maximum generation (kW) 11.2 Inspection - Either Par, after reasonable n business hours, to inspect and audit any or all Use, and maximum generation (kW) records pertainin 12.1 in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. 12.2 ting and paying for Net Energy which would have ilty and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it so by an event of Force Majeure, or temporary disconnection of the 'th Schedule 72. If, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, a ection under Schedule 72 exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such interrption, curtilment or reduction, Seller wil be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power wil notify Seller when the interrption, curtilment or reduction is terminated. 12.2.2 If, in the reasonable opinion ofIdaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facilty or Interconnection -19- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Facilties is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may temporarily disconnect the Facilty from Idaho Power's trsmission/distribution system as specified within Schedule 72 or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 12.2.3 Under no circumstances wil the Seller deliver Net Energy from the Facilty to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Ca city Amount at any moment in time. 12.3 of this Agreement. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximu ty Amount wil be a Material Breach 12.2.4 If Idaho Power is unable to accept accepting the Facility's energy, Ida Power wil have no incur. 12.3.1 utage due to equipment failure which is not caused ect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative may, after giving notice as provided in pargraph d all deliveries of Net Energy to Idaho Power from the Facilty ation unites) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries wil begin at the sta of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 12.3.2 and wil continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount wil be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 12.3.2 If the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in -20- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only paragraph 12.3.1, the Seller wil notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries wil be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller wil, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with XX that wil contain the begining hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Sel r to initiate a Declared Suspension of 12.5 Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power wil review t entation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the d outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as sp Idaho Power's acceptace of the Seller's forced outage as an based upon the clear documentation provided b an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, di Facilty. 12.4 year, Seller shall submit a written proposed mainte ity maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho ptability of the proposed schedule. The Paries d timetable for scheduled maintenance wil tae into , Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred asonab y withold acceptace of the proposed maintenance schedule. Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their intenance schedules such that they occur simultaeously. 12.6 Contact Prior to Curilment - Idaho Power wil make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to interrpt interconnection or curail deliveries from the Seller's Facilty. Seller understads that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrical system, and/or unplaned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to interrption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. -21- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE XII: INEMNIFICATION AND INSURNCE 13.1 Indemnification - Each Par shall agree to hold harless and to indemnify the other Par, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to propert, proximately caused by the indemnifying Par's (a) constrction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of 13.2.1 Comprehensive General Li ment or (b) negligent or intentionalsuch Part's works or facilties used in connection with this acts, errors or omissions. The indemnifying Par shall ther Par's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The .shall pay all documented costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may b 13.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreemen insurance coverage: with an insurace company with an A.M. Best Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as (b)ing that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liabilty out sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 13.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.6 herein and anually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set fort above. 13.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 13.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller wil immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice wil -22- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taing to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage wil constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XIV: FORCE MAUR 14.1 As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond exercise of reasonable foresight such par coul rcise of due diligence, such Par isthe control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure inclu ot limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilties, civil strife, strikes and es, earhquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or d to avoid and by the exercise of due dilgence, it shall of an event of Force Majeure, both vent of Force Majeure, provided that: soon as is reasonably possible after the occurence ar written notice describing the particulars of ance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration y the event of Force Majeure. (3)of either Par which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of pedormance and which could and should have been fully pedormed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. ARTICLE XV: LIAILITY; DEDICATION 15.1 Limitation of Liabilty. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constred to create any duty to, any standad of care with reference to, or any liabilty to any person not a Par to this Agreement. Neither -23- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only par shall be liable to the other for any indirect, special, consequential, nor punitive damages, except as expressly authorized by this Agreement. Consequential damages wil include, but not be limited to, the value of any environmental attibutes. 15.2 Dedication. No undertaking by one Par to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Par's system or any porton thereof to the Par or the public or affect the status ofIdaho Power as an independent public utilty corpor ion or Seller as an independent individual or entity. Except where specifically stated in this Agr , obligations and liabilties16.1 of the Paries are intended to be several and not J d in this Agreement shall ever be constred to create 17.1 respect to a default under this Agreement or ion with this Agreement shall not be deemed a It or other matter. II: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 18.1 tred and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State ofIdaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 18.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement wil lie in the Distrct Cour of the Fourth Judicial District ofIdaho in and for the County of Ada. -24- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE XIX: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 19.1 Disputes - All disputes related to or arising under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, wil be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 19.2 Notice of Default 19.2.1 Defaults. If either Par fails to perform any of t rms or conditions of this Agreement 19.3 (an "event of default"), the non defaulting P cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Par, specifying the m default occurred. If the defaulting Par shall fail to cure such defau er service of such notice, or 0) day period and then fails to diligently 19.2.2 Date and thereafter for the full term of this 19.3.1 of compliance with the provisions of pargraph 13.2. If Seller fails to wil be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; 19.3.2 Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller wil supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O&M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which Certification of Ongoing 0 & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the -25- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only required certificate wil be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and 19.3.3 Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. In addition, Seller wil supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller wl1 update the documentation described Part of this Agree in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails tain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 0 he documentation required by this paragraph, such failure wil be Seller submitting to Idaho Power eviden 20.1 21.1 the Commission's approval of all terms and p d declaration that all payments to be made to Seller urred expenses for ratemaking purposes. XXI: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 22.1 terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Part shall become effective without the written consent of both Paries being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstading the foregoing, any par which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may conveyor transfer substantially all of its electric utilty assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need of consent or -26- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only approval by the Seller, succeed to all of Idaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This aricle shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity tht it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXII: MODIFICATION 25.1 ing and signed by both Paries and23.1 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is' subsequently approved by the Commission. 24.1 Each Par shall pay before delinquency all ta paid when due, could result in a li directed as follows and shall be considered deposit in the U.S. Mail, first-class, p Telephone: Cell: FAX: E-mail: Copy of document to: -27- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Telephone: Email: To Idaho Power: Original document to: 26.1 Senior Vice President, Pow Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Email: L row Either Par may change the ove, by providing writen notice from an authorized perso S AND CONDITIONS which are attached hereto and included by Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer's Certifications Forms of Liquid Security ARTICLE XXII: SEVERAILITY 27.1 The invalidity or unenforceabilty of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceabilty of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be constred in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. -28- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE XXII: COUNTERPARTS 28.1 This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterpars, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instent. ARTICLE XXX: ENTIR AGREEMENT 29.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Paries c nceming the subject matter hereof and subject mattr hereof. Idaho Power Company supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or wrtten agr their respective names on the dates set fort By Dated Dated "Seller" -29- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only APPENDIX A A -1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHIG REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation wil be submitted to: adequately administer this Agreement. Th Idaho Power Company Att: Cogeneration and Small Power Produ POBox70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The meter readings required on this report wil be the r r Meter Equipment measurng the Facilty's total energy production and Station U energy payment calculation and payment pro calculate the actual payme reading information that wil be gathered as described in it -30- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONmLY POWER PRODUCTION AN SWITCHIG REPORT Month Year Project Name Project Number: *Breaker 0 Reason Lack of Adequate Prime Mov Forced Outage of Facilty Disturbance of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systems Cause Unknown Other (Explain) Address City State Zip MeteredFacilty Output Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: kW Net Generation Breaker Open in Date Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the switching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. DateSignature -31- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only A-2 AUTOMATED METER READING COLLECTION PROCESS Monthly, Idaho Power wil use the provided Metering and Telemetr equipment and processes to collect the meter reading information from the Idaho Power provided Metering Equipment that measures the Net Energy and energy delivered to supply Station Use for the Facility recorded at 12:00 AM (Midnight) ofthe last day of the month.. Once the Facilty has achieved its Operation Dat for a reasonable period of time, the Parties may mu requirement. roduction, Station Use, the maximumThe meter information collected wil include but not be limited to e generated power (kW) and any other required energy measur A-3 ROUTINE REPORTING consistent manner Reporting and leave the following information: leave the following information: ication - Project Name and Project Number . Approxi te time outage occurred . Estimated day and time of project coming back online -32- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Seller's Contact Information 24-Hour Project Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contact information Name: Telephone Number: -33- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only APPENDIXB FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVRY Project Name: Grand View Solar II Project Number: B-3 B- 1 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY Var Capability (Both leading and lagging: Leadi B-2 LOCATION OF FACILITY Near: Sections: the Scheduled First Energy Date. as the Scheduled Operation Date. er recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. -34- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only B-4 MAIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT This value wil be which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facilty to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. B-5 POINT OF DELIVRY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both P the point of where the Sellers Facilty's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electri . Schedule 72 wil determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facilty. an integral par of this Agreement. B-6 LOSSES Ifthe Idaho Power Metering equip the exact energy deliveries by the Seller Losses wil be calculated for this re the exact energy deliveries by Delivery, a Losses calculation wil be en the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point o et at 2% of the kWh energy production recorded on At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the s (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc.) of all of the e Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power wil culation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh Losses attibuted to the electrical equipment between the Facilty and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh losses calculations. -35- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only B-7 METERIG AND TELEMETRY Schedule 72 wil determine the specific metenng and telemetr requirements for this Facilty. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetr equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications wil include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment,provided equipment, and all costs B-8 associated with the equipment, design and installation of o Power provided equipment. Seller wil arange for and make available at Seller's cost 'on circuit(s) compatible with Idaho Power's communications equipment and dedic facilities capable of providing Idaho Power rmation on the Facilties d by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, install wil be in accordance with Schedule of the Monthly Operation and I from this Facilty until a Network Resource accepted by Idaho Power's delivery business unit. Federal "FERC") rules require Idaho Power to prepare and submit the NR. n Idaho Power needs to prepare the NRD is specific to the Seller's Facilty, Idaho Power's ity to file the NRD in a timely manner is contingent upon timely receipt of the required information from the Seller. Prior to Idaho Power beginning the process to enable Idaho Power to submit a request for NR status for this Facilty, the Seller shall have completed all requirements as specified in Paragraph 5.7 of this Agreement. Seller's failure to provide complete and accurate information in a timely manner can significantly impact Idaho Power's abilty and -36- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only cost to attain the NR designation for the Seller's Facilty and the Seller shall bear the costs of any of these delays that are a result of any action or inaction by the Seller. -37- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only APPENDIXC ENGINER'S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY 3. The undersigned on behalf of himself /herself and , hereinafter collectively referred to as"es and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engin 2. That Engineer has reviewed the E Power as Buyer, and bject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as and is hereinafter 4.Project, is located in Section County, Idaho. 5.nt provides for the Project to fuish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a 6.perience in the design, constrction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and -38- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only built to appropriate stadards, adherence to said O&M Policy wil result in the Project's producing at or near the design electrcal output, effciency and plant factor for a year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordace with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, tre and accurate to the best ofhis/er knowledge and therefore sets his/her hand and seal below. By -39- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only APPENDIXC ENGINER'S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales The undersigned , on behalf of himselVherself and hereinafter collectively referred to 'neer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: i. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engi Power as Buyer, and 3. That the cogeneration or small po and hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4.Project, is located in Section County, Idaho. 5.es for the Project to fuish electrical energy to 6.erience in the design, constrction and operation of electric power 7.ic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. -40- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substatially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project wil continue producing at or near its design electrical output, effciency and plant factor for the remaining 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statem (P.E. Stamp) years of the Agreement. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accor relying on Engineer's representations and opinions conta' knowledge and therefore sets his/her hand and seal belo Date -41- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only APPENDIXC ENGINER'S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned hereinafter collectively referre 'neer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: i. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional En 2. ent", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and 3.ubject of the Agreement and this Statement, is identified a and is hereinafer 4.Project, is located in Section County, Idaho. 5.t provides for the Project to fuish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a 6.xperience in the design, constrction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. -42- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and constrction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prie mover conveyance system, Seller fuished Interconnection Facilties and other Project facilties and equipment. 9. That the Project has been constrcted in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrcal Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 11.That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in 5.2 of the Agreement, in 10. That the design and constrction of the Project is such that with maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of pedormi Agreement and with Prudent Electrical Practices for a interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying this Statement. 12. That Engineer certifies that the abo knowledge and therefore sets hislher hand and By (P .E. Stamp) Date -43- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only APPENDIXD FORMS OF LIQUID SECURITY The Seller shall provide Idaho Power with commercially reasonable security instrments such as Cash in the reasonable judgment of Idah efined below or other forms ofliquidEscrow Security, Guarantee or Letter of Credit as those terms financial security that would provide readily available cas o Power to satisfy the Delay Security requirement and any other security requirement wi . For the purose of this Appendix D, the term creditworthiness of the entity prov'of the obligation it rating by Standard & Poor's 1.ds in an escrow account established by the Seller in Paries equal to the Delay Security or any other required er shall be responsible for all costs, and receive any interest eared d maintaining the escrow account(s). 2. Guarantee or Letter of Credit Security - Seller shall post and maintain in an amount equal to the Delay Security or any other required security amounts: a) a guaraty from a par that satisfies the Credit Requirements, in a form acceptable to Idaho Power at its discretion, or b) an irrevocable Letter of Credit in a form acceptable to Idaho Power, in favor of Idaho Power. The Letter of Credit -44- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Draft for Discussion Purposes Only wil be issued by a financial institution acceptable to both paries. The Seller shall be responsible for all costs associated with establishing and maintaining the Guartee(s) or Letter(s) of Credit. -45- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 2ih Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYnchardsonandolear.com gregaYrichardsonandolear .com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 2 IDAHO POWER'S RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDIT MAAGEMENT PLAN IPUC CASE NO. IPC-E-08-24 ~~~~'f-,"'~i-.~":K'\b,,*'~-;~~~~ø.A"'tY,wr~r~;;i~~IDA~POqo An IDACORP copany ~~,,-9~'\~:r,ij~~~i!:~"I¡'i~~c";-'.:'í~~\t~~a;~\,:;r~,~,"'~\:~'J":~!,':~"%~'i'~';;*&,*Jl,~~'; usA D. NORDSTROM Senior Consllnordstm(/idahor.com ~~I;~ìWJi;-'f~~ci~..~~~~~ December 30, 2009 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utlities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-08-24 - REC ManagementPlan Dear Ms. Jewell: In Order No. 30818, the Commission directed Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company") to formulate a business plan that describes how it wil manage Green Tags generated in 2009 and later. Enclose with this letter is Idaho Powets Renewable Energy Credit ("RECj Management Plan describing the sænariosunderwhich Idaho Power wil likely acquire RECs and how it intends to manage them going forw. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitte to contact me at 388- 5825. Very truly yours, cß.vß '1 01~ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise. 10 83702 RECEIVED IDAHO POWER REC MANAGEMENT PLAN 2009 DEC 30 PH It: i¡a Renewable Energy Credits IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMlSS¡ON To promote the construction of renewable resources, a system was created that separates renewable generation into two parts: (1) the electrical energy produce by a renewable resourc and (2) the renewable attributes of that generation. These renewable attributes are referred to as renewable energy credits ("RECs") or green tags. The entit that holds a REC has the right to make claims about the environmental benefits associated with the renewable energy from the project. One REC is issued for each megawatt-hour ("MWh") of elecricity generated by a qualified resourc. Elecricit that is split from the REC is no longer considered renewable and cannot be marketed as renewable by the entity that purchases the electricit. A REC must be retire once it has been used for regulatory compliance and once a REC is retired, it cannot be sold or transferr to another part. The same REC may not be claimed by more than one entit, including any environmentl claims made pursuant to electricity coming from renewable energy resources, environmental labeling, or disclosure requirements. State renewable portolio standard caRPS") requirements also typically specify a "shelf life" for RECs so they cannot be banked indefinitely. Idaho Power's RECs Idaho Power Company (" Idaho Power") is currntly receiving all of the RECs from the 101 megawatt ("MW") Elkhorn Valley Wind Project in norteast Oreon. The Elkhorn Valley Wind Project is expected to provide approximately 300,000 RECs to Idaho Power annually throughout the tenn of the power purchase agreement ("PPA") that expires in 2027. Idaho Power is also receiving RECs from the 13 MW Raft River Geothennal Project. For the first 10 years (2008-2017) of the agreement, Idaho Power is entitled to 75 percent of the RECs from the project for generation that exceeds a monthly average of 10 MW. For the send 10 years of the agreement (2018-2027), Idaho Power is entitled to 51 percent of the RECs generated by the Raft River Geothermal Project. 1 Regulatory Treatment of Idaho Power's RECs In late 2008, Idaho Power filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utlities Commission in Case No. IPC-E-08-24 asking to retire RECs received as part of the long-term power purchase agreements for generation from the Elkhom Valley Wind Project and the Raft River Geothermal Project. Because the state of Idaho does not have a RPS, these RECs could be either voluntarily retire or sold. Idaho Powets Application indicated that these RECs needed to be retired in order for Idaho Power to represent to its customers they were receiving renewable energy from these projecs. In May 2009, the Commission issued Order No. 30818 directing Idaho Power to sell eligible 2007 and 2008 RECs from these projects and include the proceeds in the Company's 2010 Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") calculation. The Order also instructed Idaho Power to file a business plan addressing the disposition of future RECs by the end of 2009. Idaho Power's REC Management Strategy Idaho Power believes there is a reasonable likelihood that a federal renewable energy standard ("RES") wil be passed by Congress that wil require the Company to obtain and retire RECs for compliance. Idaho Power. also believes it is prudent tor! continue acquiring ownership of RECs associated with renewable resources to minim'ize the impact when a federal RES is implemented. However, because of currnt ecnomic conditions and recent increases in costs and customer rates, the basic philosophy of Idaho Powets REC Management Plan is to sell its RECs in the near-term and retum . the customers' share of.the proceeds through the PCA mechanism while continuing to acquire and hold long-term contractual rights to own RECs for use in meeting a future federal RES. Proposed federal RES legislation includes a shelf life for RECs. thereby allowing the holder to "bank" RECs for a period of time. The abilty to bank RECs is important to Id~ho Power because the number of RECs required to comply with a federal RES is expected to fluctuate depending on hydrologic conditions. The proposed federal RES legislation would allow Idaho Power to deduct generation from its hydroelectric resources from the sales base used to calculate the number of RECs required annually. 2 In above average water years, Idaho Powts REC reuirement will be lower because of increased production frm hydroelectric resources. In low water years, Idaho Powets hydroelectric resources will produce less elecricit and the number of RECs required wil increase. With the abilit to bank RECs, Idaho Power would be able to save additional RECs from good water years and rely on banked REGs to meet requirements in low water years. Therefore, Idaho Powets REC Management Plan is as follows: 1. Existing Long-Term PPAs. For existing . project, such as Elkhorn Valley Wind Project and the Raft River Geothermal Project, in which Idaho Power receives REGs as part of a long-term power purchase agreement, Idaho Power plans to sell the near-term RECs and return the customers' share of the proceeds through the PCA while continuing to acquire and hold long-term contractual rihts to own RECs for use in meeting a future federal RES. 2. Existing PURPA and REC Generating Contrct. For existing PURPA and other REC generating projects that provide output to Idaho Power under mid- to long-term contracts (such as Fossil Gulch Wind Project or the Arrwrck Hydroelectric ProjectClatskanie Exchange), if a mutually agreeable price can be . reached with the project owner, Idaho Power may enter into contrct to purchase the project's RECs on a mid- to long-term basis with the expection that the REG acquisition costs wil be treted as a PGA expense. In this situation, Idaho Powets intent is the same - to sell the near-term RECs and return the customers' share of proceeds through the PCA while continuing to acquire and hold long-term contrctual rights to own REGs for use in meeting a future federal RES. 3. New Long- Term PPAs. For new long-term power purchase agreements, like the rently filed Neal Hot Springs Geothermal contract (Case No. IPG-E-09-34), Idaho Power intends to continue to acquire long-term rights to the RECs under these agreements. As noted above, Idaho Power intends to sell the near-term RECs and return the customers' share of the proceds through the PCA while contnuing to acquire and hold long-term contractual rights to REGs for use in meeting a future federal RES. 3 4. Qualifed Reneable Projects. To the extent Idaho Powets small hydroelectric projects can be certifed as renewable under other states' renewable portolio standards, Idaho Power will consider selling the near-term RECs as opportunities become available and retum the customers' share of the proceeds through the PCA. 4 Peter 1. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYrichardsonandolear.com gregaYnchardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 3 IDAHO POWER'S APPLICATION REQUESTING APPROVAL OF SALE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS OREGON PUC DOCKET NO. UP 269 OCTOBER 22,2010 McDowell Rackner& Gibson PC . . . . . ADAM LOWNEY Direct (503) 595-3926 adam~mcd-Iaw.com October 22,2010 VIA ELECTRONIC AND U.S. MAIL PUC Filng Center Public Utilty Commission of Oregon PO Box 2148 Salem, OR 97308-2148 Re: UP _ - In The Matter of IDAHO POWER COMPANY Application Requesting Approval of the Sale of Renewable Energy Credits Attention Filng Center: Enclosed for filng in the above-referenced docket are an original and one copy of Idaho Power's Application Requesting Approval of the Sale of Renewable Energy Credits. Please contact me with any questions. Phone: 503,595.3922. Fax: 503.595.3928 · www,mcd-Iaw.com 419 Southwest 11th Avenue, Suite 400. Portland, Oregon 97205-2605 1 2 3 4 5 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF OREGON UP In the Matter of IDAHO POWER COMPANY APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER AND WAIVER OF PAPER SERVICE 6 Application Requesting Approval of the Sale of Renewable Energy Credits 7 8 9 Idaho Power Compa~y ("Idaho Powet' or "Company") requests an order from the 10 Public Utilty Commission of Oregon ("Commission") determining that ORS 757.480 does 11 not apply to the sale of Renewable Energy Credits ("RECs") because they are not utilty 12 propert necessary or useful to the performance of Idaho Power's duties to the public. In 13 the alternative, pursuant to ORS 757.480(1)(a) and OAR 860-027-0025 the Company seks 14 approval from the Commission for the sale of RECs and requests that the Commission issue 15 an accounting order authorizing Idaho Power to enter into contracts and record the net 16 proceeds from the sale of RECs as a regulatory liabilty for the benefit of its Oregon 17 customers. Pursuant to OAR 860-013-0070(4), the Company respectfully waives paper 18 service in this docket.19 I. Introduction 20 This Application addresses the sale of RECs obtained by Idaho Power that will not 21 be used to comply with Oregon's Renewable Portolio Standard ("RPS"), which applies to 22 Idaho Power beginning in 2025.1 Because the Company does not anticipate that RECs 23 obtained now will be necessary to comply with the RPS in 2025, the Company has begun 24 sellng RECs and anticipates that it wil continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 25 26 1 See ORS 469A.055. PAGE 1 APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 Here, Idaho Power seeks a finding by the Commission that Oregon's utilty property 2 transaction statute, ORS 757.480, does not apply to the sale of RECs because RECs are 3 not utilty property. The Company believes that because RECs are commodities they should 4 be treated in a manner comparable to the Company's sale of sulfur dioxide emission 5 allowances ("S02"), which are not governed by ORS 757.480. 6 While the Company maintains that ORS 757.480 should not govern REC sales, it 7 recognizes that this position is a departure from current Commission practice. The 8 Company also acknowledges that it believes it can work within the Commission's ORS 9 757.480 framework for REC sales. Therefore, if the Commission applies ORS 757.480, 10 Idaho Power seeks approval to sell both Oregon-eligible and non-eligible RECs in 2010 and 11 going forward. Because these sales are considered to be in the public interest the proceeds 12 will be recorded as a regulatory liabilty for the benefit of the customer and included as an 13 offset to the Oregon Allocated Power Cost Deviation calculated as part of the annual Power 14 Cost Adjustment Mechanism (" PCAM") , similar to the Company's treatment of its S02 15 allowance sales in previous years. Authorizing these sales is also consistent the 16 Company's REC management strategy, which the Commission concluded is reasonable 17 and in the best interest of customers. 18 Idaho Power acknowledges that if ORS 757.480 applies, this application is not timely 19 filed because it has already sold RECs in 2010. Thus, the Company seeks approval for the 20 sales that have already occurred. Because the Commission has never ruled in an Idaho 21 Power docket that ORS 757.480 governs REC sales, the Company did not understand that 22 it required pre-authorization before sellng RECs. Although these sales occurred without 23 Commission authorization they were beneficial to Idaho Power's customers and can be 24 given the same accounting treatment as sales occurring after Commission authorization. 25 26 PAGE 2 APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 2 A. II. Background Commission Treatment of REC Sales. 3 In 2007 the Oregon legislature passed Senate Bil 838 ("SB 838), codified as ORS 4 Chapter 469A. SB 838 established Oregon's RPS, which requires a certain percentage of 5 the electricity utilties provide to their Oregon retail consumers be produced by eligible 6 renewable resources.2 Utilties demonstrate compliance with the RPS using RECs, which 7 can be obtained from either utilty-owned resources or by purchasing qualifying RECs. 8 Because utilties may buy and sell RECs, a market has developed and Oregon 9 utilties have begun sellng RECs on that market. In Order No. 07-083 the Commission 10 approved Portland General Electric's ("PGE") application to sell "Tradable Renewable 11 Energy Credits" and record the proceeds from those sales in a property sale balancing 12 account.3 PGE's application sought authorization to sell RECs under ORS 757.480, which 13 requires a utilty to seek Commission approval prior to sellng "property of such public utility 14 necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public...of a value in excess of 15 $100,000."4 16 Thereafter, in Order No. 10-022-the final order approving a stipulation in 17 PacifiCorp's Docket UE 210 general rate case-the Commission noted: 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 ORS 469A.052-055.3 Re Portland General Electric Application for Approval to Sell Tradable Renewable Energy Credits, 24 Docket UP 236, Order No. 07-083 at 1 (Mar. 5, 2007). 25 4 ORS 757.480(1)(a).5 Re PacifiCorp Request for General Rate Revision, Docket UE 210, Order No. 10-022 at 15 (Jan. 26 26, 2010). The Commission's rules governing treatment of REC sales include reporting requirements, but they do not explicitly require a utilty to seek preapproval of REC sales. Commission Order No. 07-083 makes clear, however, that the sale of RECs wil be treated as a property sale with gains on sale being placed in a property sales balancing account for return to customers.5 PAGE 3 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 In response to Order No. 10-022 PacifiCorp filed an application pursuant to ORS 2 757.480 requesting approval to sell RECs that were not eligible to meet Oregon's RPS.6 3 The Commission approved this application in Order No. 10-210. That order also required 4 PacifiCorp to seek separate approval if it intended to sell Oregon-eligible RECs.7 Thus, 5 PacifiCorp filed an Application to do so on August 26, 2010, which opened Docket UP 266. 6 The Commission has never ruled in an Idaho Power docket that ORS 757.480 7 governs the sale of RECs nor has the Commission issued an order addressing Idaho 8 Power's RECs. However, in the Company's 2009 Integrated Resource Plan docket, LC 50, 9 Staff analyzed the Company's REC management strategy, which indicated that the 10 Company intends to sell all RECs, and concluded that it is reasonable.s The Commission 11 agreed noting that the Company's "REC management strategy is in the best Interest of 12 customers, will reduce rates, and will provide the ability to meet future (renewable energy) 13 standards..9 14 B.Idaho Public Utilties Commission Treatment of REC Sales 15 Although the state of Idaho does not have a RPS, the Idaho Public Utilties 16 Commission ("I PUC") has addressed the question of RECs in several orders relating to 17 Idaho Power. In Order No. 30818 the IPUC ordered Idaho Power to sell its RECs generated 18 in 2007 and 2008 by two qualifying renewable energy facilties and account for the proceeds 19 from the sale of the RECs in the Company's annual power cost adjustment.1o These are the 20 6 Re PacifiCorp Application Requesting Approval of Sale of Renewable Energy Credits, Docket UP 21 260, Order No. 10-210 at 1 (June9, 2010). 22 71d. at 2.6 Re Idaho Power Company's 2009 Integrated Resource Plan, Docket LC 50, Staffs Final 23 Comments and Recommendations at 11 (July 9, 2010) ("Staff believes that the Company's REC management strategy, as approved by the IPUC, is reasonable."). 24 9 Re Idaho Power Company's 2009 Integrated Resource Plan, Order No. 10-392 at 13 (Oct. 11, 25 2010).10 Re Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Retire its Green Tags, Case No. IPC-E- 26 08-24, Order No. 30818. at 4-5 (May 20, 2009). PAGE 4 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 sales that occurred in 2010. In that same order the IPUC ordered the Company to formulate 2 a business plan describing how the Company intends to manage RECs generated in 2009 3 and beyond.11 4 On December 30, 2009, Idaho Power filed its REC Management Plan with the IPUC. 5 This plan consists of four elements: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.For existing, long-term power purchase agreements in which Idaho Power receives RECs, the Company plans on sellng the near-term RECs. For existing PURPA and other REC generating projects that provide power to Idaho Power under mid- to long-term contracts, the Company may enter into contracts to purchase the RECs. If the Company does obtain RECs under these contracts they wil also sell the near-term RECs. For new long-term power purchase agreements, the Company likewise intends to sell near-term RECs. 2. 3. 4.For Idaho Power's small hydroelectric projects that can be certified as 15 qualified renewable projects, the Company intends to sell near-term RECs. 16 This plan provides benefits to the Company's customers because it allows the 17 proceeds from the REC sales to be refunded to customers through the Company's power 18 cost adjustment, while ensuring that the Company acquires and holds long-term contractual 19 rights to RECs for use in meeting future RPS. The IPUC accepted the REC Management 20 Plan as filed by the Company.12 This is the same REC Management Plan that the 21 Commission found reasonable in Order No. 10-392. 22 23 24 11 In Oregon, OAR 860-083-0400 requires all electric company's subject to ORS 469A.052 to fileimplementation plans with the Commission. Because Idaho Power is governed by ORS 469A.055 25 and not 469A.052, it is not required to comply with this rule. 12 Re Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Retire its Green Tags, Case No. IPC-E- 26 08-24, Order No. 32002 (June 11, 2010). PAGE 5 APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 C.Company REC Sales. 2 In response to the IPUC order requiring it to sell RECs the Company began doing so 3 in 2010. Additionally, as directed by IPUC Order No. 30818, dated May 20, 2009, the 4 Company is including those sales as an adjustment to its Idaho Power Cost Adjustment 5 ("PCA") true-up. Similar to treatment of RECs in the Idaho jurisdiction, the Company is 6 seeking approval to credit the net proceeds from the sale of RECs in the Company's annual 7 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism filing. As of September 30, 2010, the Company has 8 received approximately $3.1 millon in net proceeds from these sales, of which the current 9 Oregon jurisdictional percentage is approximately 4.78 percent. 10 11 12 II. DISCUSSION A.The Commission Should Rule That ORS 757.480 Does Not Apply to REC Sales. 13 Although it is a departure from past orders, the Commission should nevertheless rule 14 that ORS 757.480 does not apply to the sale of RECs. ORS 757.480(1)(a) requires utilties 15 to obtain Commission approval prior to a transaction that sells 16 17 18 19 the whole of the propert of such public utilty necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public or any part thereof of a value in excess of $100,000, or sell, lease, assign or otherwise dispose of any franchise, permit or right to maintain and operate such public utilty or public utilty property, or perform any service as a public utilty. 20 Thus, this statute applies only to the sale of propert "necessary or useful in the 21 performance" of the utility's duties to the public.13 Here, RECs are neither property as 22 defined by ORS 757.480 nor necessary or useful to Idaho Power in the performance of its 23 duties to the public. 24 25 13 See also ORS 757.480(4) ("This section does not prohibit or invalidate the sale, lease or other disposition by any public utility of property which is not necessary or useful in the performance of Its 26 duties to the public."). PAGE 6 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11 th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 First, RECs are commodities and not propert and therefore are not subject to ORS 2 757.480(1)(a). In Order No. 05-1229, which adopted rules related to the ownership of 3 RECs, the Commission recognized that RECs are commodities independent of the 4 electricity they are associated with.14 The Commission noted that RECs are a "discrete 5 commodity to be owned and managed by the owner of the generating renewable energy 6 facilty,"15 and the rules adopted by the Commission specifically "identify(J (RECs) as a 7 commodity.,,16 8 Moreover, the Commission has recognized that ORS 757.480 does not apply to 9 commodities, such as sulfur dioxide emission allowances.17 In Order No. 05-983, the 10 Commission adopted Staff's report finding that the federal Clean Air Act ("CAN') specifically 11 defined sulfur dioxide emission allowances as commodities and not property.18 Based on 12 that defnition, Staffs report stated: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 Re Public Utility Commission Rulemaking to Adopt and Amend Rules Related to Ownership of the 20 Non-Energy Attributes of Renewable Energy, Docket AR 495, Order No. 05-1229 at 7 (Nov. 28, 2005) ("The recent development of 'green tags' as a commodity in energy markets has arguably unbundled 21 renewable energy Into two products: megawatts of electricity and the non-energy attributesassociated with each megawatt."). 22 15 Order No. 05-1229 at 7. 23 16 Order No. 05-1229 at 8; see e.g., OAR 860-022-0001(4) (RECs are "non-energy attributes" ofgeneration from renewable resources). 24 17 Re Idaho Power Company Requests Blanket Authoriy to Sell Surplus Sulfur Dioxide Emission Allowances, Docket UM 1205, Order No. 05-983 (Sept. 13, 2005). 25 18 See 42 USC § 7651 b(f) ("Such allowance does not constitu a propert right"). 26 19 Order No. 05-983 at App. A at 2. ORS 757.480 grants the Commission authority to approve utilty transactions to sell, lease, assign or otherwise dispose of property necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public. Staff's counsel advises that since the CM amendments of 1990 declare sulfur dioxide emissions to be commodities rather than property, no waiver of ORS 757.480...is needed by Idaho Power to sell sulfur dioxide emission allowances.19 PAGE 7 . APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 Like sulfur dioxide emission allowances, RECs are also commodities and therefore the 2 Commission should conclude that DRS 757.480 does not apply when RECs are sold. 3 Second, even if RECs are property, they are not necessary or useful to Idaho 4 Power's provision of utilty servces to the public. Idaho Power's ownership, or lack thereof, 5 of RECs has no bearing on its abilty to provide safe, reliable, and effcient power to 6 customers at just and reasonable rates. Arguably, RECs impact only the Company's abilty 7 to provide service to the extent they are required to satisfy Oregon's RPS. The RPS does 8 not apply to Idaho Power, however, until 2025. Even if RECs are ICproperty" under DRS 9 757.480, because they are not necessary or useful today, the Company does not need 10 Commission authorization for their sale. 11 Because RECs are not property useful and necessary to the provision of utilty 12 servces DRS 757.480(1)(a) does not apply when RECs are sold. Thus, the Commission 13 should rule that DRS 757.480(1)(a) does not apply to REC sales, as the Commission 14 concluded with respect to sulfur dioxide emission allowances. 15 B.In the Alternative, the Commission Should Approve the Sale of RECs. 16 If the Commission concludes that DRS 757.480 does apply to REC sales, then 17 consistent with Orders Nos. 07-083 and 10-210, the Commission should grant Idaho 18 Power's request for authorization to sell RECs. These transactions wil prove beneficial to 19 Idaho Power's customers because the net proceeds from the sales will be recorded as a 20 regulatory liabilty for the benefit of the customer and included as an offset to the Oregon 21 Allocated Power Cost Deviation calculated as part of the annual Power Cost Adjustment 22 Mechanism (ICPCAMIC), similar to the Company's treatment of its 802 allowance sales in 23 previous years. Moreover, the first year Idaho Power must comply with Oregon's RPS is 24 2025; therefore, banking RECs currently owned by the Company is not necessary for RP8 25 compliance. The Commission previously examined the Company's REC management 26 strategy, which calls for the sale of all RECs, and concluded that it was in the best interests PAGE 8 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11 th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 of customers.20 These sales are consistent with the public interest because not only will 2 they not harm Idaho Power's customers, they wil provide a clear and significant benefit.21 3 Because the market for REC sales is fluid and constantly changing, the Commission 4 should authorize Idaho Power to sell RECs in 2010 and beyond. This blanket authorization 5 wil ensure that the Company is not hindered in its abilty to respond to changing market 6 conditions because it must seek pre-approval for each REC transaction. Thus, Idaho Power 7 can pursue more favorable transactions without delays caused by seeking preapproval. 8 In addition to providing prospective authorization to sell RECs, the Commission 9 should also approve the REC sales that have already occurred this year. Thus far, Idaho 10 Power has received approximately $3.1 millon through September 30,2010, on a system- 11 wide basis for the sale of RECs. Notably, the Commission's RPS rules specifically did not 12 include a pre-sale approval requirement2 and the Commission had never ruled in an Idaho 13 Power docket that ORS 757.480 applied to the sale of RECs. Thus, the Company intended 14 to treat the sale of RECs in the same way it treats the sale of S02 allowances, the net 15 proceeds of which are accounted for in the Company's annual Power Cost Adjustment 16 17 20 Order No. 10-392 at 13. 18 21 See, e.g., In the Matter of a Legal Standard for Approval of Mergers, Docket UM 1011, Order No. 19 01-778 (Sept. 4, 2001) (liThe remainder of the statutory scheme, those statutes governing transfer,sale, affiliated interest transactions, and contracts, either expresses no standard (for instance, ORS 20 757.480, .485) and has been read to require a no harm standard, or contains a 'not contrary to thepublic interest' standard (ORS 757.490. .495.)") (emphasis added); In the Matter of the Application of 21 PacifiCorp, Docket UP 168. Order No. 00-112. at 6 (Feb. 29. 2000) (regarding the sale of theCentralia generating plant); In the Matter of Portland General Electric. Docket UP 158, Order No. 00- 22 111, at 2 (Feb. 29. 2000) (regarding the sale of the Colstrip generating units); In the Matter of theApplication of Portland General Electrc, Docket UP 165/UP 170. Order No. 99-730, at 7 (Nov. 29, 23 1999) (regarding the sale of the Centralia generating plant).22 See OAR 860-083-0005 to -0500. The initial rules proposed by Staff required utilities to seek 24 Commission approval prior to the sale of bundled RECs. See Re Rulemaking to Implement sa 838 Relating to Renewable Portolio Standard, Docket AR518-Phase II. Order No. 09-299 at 12 (Aug. 3, 25 2009). However, prior to hearing, Staff removed the requirement and proposed instead a disclosure requirement. See OAR 860-083-0400(5)(c). The Commission approved Staffs revision noting that 26 U(a)n after-the-fact reasonableness rule for such transactions is sufficient." Order No. 09-299 at 12. PAGE 9 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 Mechanism filng.23 Because REC sales are in many ways analogous to S02 allowance 2 sales, the Company believed it was reasonable to treat them in a comparable manner. 3 However, with the filng of PacifiCorp's Application in Docket UP 266, the Company has 4 become aware that the Commission treats the sale of RECs as a property sale under ORS 5 757.480. 6 Idaho Power's customers are not prejudiced by these previous sales, even though 7 they occurred without Commission authorization. As noted above, the Company has 8 received approximately $3.1 million in net proceeds through September 30,2010, which wil 9 be refunded to customers system wide. The Company's current accounting treatment 10 allows the Company to easily account for any net proceeds allocated to Oregon in a 11 regulatory liabilty account for the benefit of the customer and subsequently included as an 12 adjustment in its annual PCAM filng. The inclusion in the PCAM filing is consistent with that 13 required by the IPUC. Therefore, the Commission should grant authorization for the RECs 14 sales that occurred prior to this application. 15 Recognizing that the Commission's past orders authorizing PGE and PacifiCorp to 16 sell RECs included reporting requirements, the Company proposes that the Commission 17 adopt the following requirements. These proposed conditions will ensure that the 18 Commission is able to regularly monitor Idaho Power's transactions, while the Company will 19 be able to pursue transactions on the most favorable available terms. 20 21 22 23 24 25 1.Idaho Power wil provide the Commission access to all books of account, as well as documents, data, and records that pertain to the sale of RECs. Idaho Power wil record all net proceeds from the sale of RECs in a regulatory liabilty account and wil report the net proceeds for all transactions 2. 26 23 See Order No. 05-983. PAGE 10 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11 th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 with supporting documentation in its annual PCAM filng for Commission review. 3.The Commission reserves the right to review all financial aspects of these transactions in any rate proceeding or alternative form of regulation. Idaho Power wil provide the Commission notice of any material changes to its REC Management Plan. iV. Compliance with OAR 860-027-0026(1) Filng Requirements Address 4. A. 9 The Company's exact name and address of its principal business office are: 10 Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 11 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, 1083702 12 13 14 B. State in which incorporated; date of incorporation; other states in which authorized to transact utilty business Idaho Power is a corporation organized on May 6, 1915, under the laws of the State 15 of Maine. Idaho Power migrated its state of incorporation from the State of Maine to the 16 State of Idaho effective June 30, 1989. It is qualified as a foreign corporation to do business 17 in the states of Oregon, Nevada, Montana, and Wyoming in connection with its utilty 18 business. Idaho Power is authorized to provide retail electric service in Idaho and Oregon. 19 C.Comm unications and notices 20 All notices and communications with respect to this Application should be addressed 21 to: 22 Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 23 PO Box 70 Boise, 1083707-0070 24 Telephone: 208-388-5317 Facsimile: 208-388-6936 25 Email: Inorstrom(§idahopower.com 26 Christa Bearry Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, 1083707-0070 Telephone: 208-388-5996 Facsimile: 208-388-6936 Email: cbearry(§idahopower.com PAGE 11 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue. Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Lisa Rackner 1 McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Ave., Suite 400 2 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: 503-595-3925 3 Facsimile: 503-595-3928 Email: IisaØlmcd-law.com Adam Lowney McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Ave., Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: 503-595-3925 Facsimile: 503-595-3926 Email: adamØlmcd-law.com 4 Wendy Mclndoo 5 McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Ave., Suite 400 6 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: 503-595-3922 7 Facsimile: 503-595-3928 Email: wendyØlmcd-law.com 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 D.Principal officers Name Title J. LaMont Keen President & Chief Executive Officer Darrel T. Anderson Executive Vice President of Administrative Services and Chief Financial Officer Daniel B. Minor Executive Vice President of Operations Lisa A. Grow Senior Vice President of Power Supplv Rex Blackburn Senior Vice President and General Counsel Patrick A. Harrinaton Corporate Secretary N. Vern Porter Vice President of Delivery Engineering and Operations Warren Kline Vice President of Customer Operations John R. Gale Senior Vice President of Corporate Responsibiltv Steve R. Keen Vice President of Finance and Treasurer Dennis C. Gribble Vice President and Chief Information Oficer Luci K. McDonald Vice President of Human Resources Jeffrev L. Malmen Vice President of Public Affairs Lori D. Smith Vice President and Chief Risk Officer Ken Petersen Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting Oficer Naomi C. Shankel Vice President of Supplv Chain The address of all of the above officers is: 1221 W. Idaho Street PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83702 PAGE 12 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11 th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 E.Description of business; designation of territories served 2 The Company is an electric public utilty engaged principally in the generation, 3 purchase, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy in an approximately 24,000 4 square mile area in southern Idaho and in the counties of Baker, Harney, and Malheur in 5 eastern Oregon. A map showing Applicant's service terrtory is on file with the Commission 6 as Exhibit H to Applicant's application in Docket UF 4063. 7 8 9 F.Statement showing for each class and series of capital stock: brief description; amount authorized; amount outstanding; amount held as required securities; amount pledged; amount owned by affliated interests; amount held in any fund 10 Idaho Power requests the Commission waive the requirements of OAR 860-027- 11 0025(1)(f) because this transaction does not involve the acquisition or sale of financial 12 instruments. A grant of this waiver wil not impede the Commission's analysis of this 13 Application. 14 15 16 G.Statement showing for each class and series of long-term debt and notes: brief description of amount authorized; amount outstanding; amount held as required securities; amount pledged; amount held by affilated interests; amount in sinking and other funds 17 Idaho Power requests the Commission waive the requirements of OAR 860-027- 18 0025(1)(g) because this transaction does not involve the acquisition or sale of financial 19 instruments. A grant of this waiver will not impede the Commission's analysis of this 20 Application. 21 22 H.Purpose of application; description of consideration and method of arriving at amount thereof 23 The Company seeks approval of the sale of both Oregon eligible and non-eligible 24 RECs sold in 2010 and beyond. The Company seeks authorization to record the net 25 proceeds from the sale in a property transaction balancing account for subsequent refund to 26 customers. The value of each sale wil be determined by good faith negotiations. PAGE 13. APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11 th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 In addition, the Company seeks approval for past REC sales occurring in 2010, 2 which total approximately $3.1 millon in net proceeds. The sales price for each REC 3 already sold was determined through an arms length transaction between Idaho Power and 4 the counterparty. 5 6 i.Statement of facilties to be disposed of; description of present use and proposed use; inclusion of all operating facilties of partes to the transaction 7 The Company intends to dispose of both Oregon eligible and non-eligible RECs sold 8 in 2010 and beyond. These RECs were generated in 2007 and beyond and are not 9 currently used to satisfy Oregon's RPS. 10 11 J.Statement by primary account of cost of the facilties and applicable depreciation reserve 12 No cost of facilties or depreciation reserves are implicated in these sales. 13 K.Required filings with other state or federal regulatory bodies 14 No other state or federal filngs are required to authorize the sale of RECs. 15 16 L.Facts relied upon by applicant to show transaction is within the public interest 17 A proposed transaction must be consistent with the public interest for Commission 18 approval.24 A transaction is consistent with the public interest when it will not harm the 19 Company's customers.25 As described in Section ilLS. above, the proposed transactions 20 satisfy this standard because the Company will be able to sell RECs that are not needed for 21 compliance with Oregon's RPS. The proceeds of these sales will be returned to customers. 22 Reasons relied upon for entering into the proposed transaction; benefits to customers Please refer to subsection Labove. M. 23 24 25 24 See OAR 860-027-0025(1)(1). 26 25 See, supra n. 21. PAGE 14 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11 th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 N. Amount of stock, bonds, or other securities, now owned, held or controlled by applicant, of the utilty from which stock or bonds are 2 proposed to be acquired 3 This requirement is not applicable to this transaction and therefore Idaho Power 4 requests the Commission waive the requirements of OAR 860-027-0025(n). This 5 transaction does not involve the acquisition or sale of financial instruments. A grant of this 6 waiver wil not impede the Commission's analysis of this Application. 7 O.Statement of franchises held; date of expiration; facilties of transferees 8 This requirement is not applicable. Idaho Power requests the Commission waive the 9 requirements of OAR 860-027-0025(0) because this transaction does not involve the 10 acquisition or sale of financial instruments. A grant of this waiver wil not impede the 11 Commission's analysis of this Application. 12 13 v. Compliance with OAR 860-027-0025(2) Filng Requirements Exhibit A. Artcles of IncorporationA. 14 Due to the burdensome nature of this requirement, Idaho Power respectfully 15 requests a waiver. The production of the Articles of Incorporation also would not advance 16 the Commission's analysis of this application. The transaction at issue here does not affct 17 the Company's corporate structure or governance. 18 B.Exhibit B. Bylaws 19 Due to the burdensome nature of this requirement, Idaho Power respectfully 20 requests a waiver. The production of the Bylaws also would not advance the Commission's 21 analysis of this application. The transaction at issue here does not affect the Company's 22 corporate structure or governance. 23 C.Exhibit C. Resolution of directors authorizing transaction 24 This transaction does not require a resolution of the directors for authorization. 25 26 PAGE 15 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 D.Exhibit D. Mortgages, trust, deeds or Indentures securing obligation of each party 2 3 This transaction does not involve any mortgages, trusts, deeds, or indentures 4 securing the obligation of any party to the transaction. 5 6 7 Exhibit E. Balance sheet showing booked amounts, adjustments to record the proposed transaction and pro fonna, with supporting fixed capital or plant schedules In confonnlty with the forms In the annual report The sale of the assets did not materially affect the Company's balance sheet. Idaho E. 8 Power respectfully requests that the requirement to provide pro forma information be waived 9 because the subject transaction is not expected to materially affect the Company's financial 10 statements. 11 F.Exhibit F. Known contingent liabilties 12 There are no known contingent liabilties associated with this transaction. Idaho 13 Power respectfully requests a waiver of this requirement because the Company is unaware 14 of any contingent liabilties that remain outstanding as of the date of this Application. 15 16 G.Exhibit G. Comparative income statements showing recorded results of operations, adjustments to record the proposed transaction and pro forma, in confonnity with the form in the annual report 17 The sale of the assets wil not materially affect the Company's income statements. 18 For the reasons set forth in Section V.E above, the Company respectully requests a waiver 19 of these requirements 20 21 H.Exhibit H. Analysis of surplus for the period covered by income statements referred to In G 22 The sale of the assets does not materially affect the Company's income statements. 23 For the reasons set forth in Section V. E above, the Company respectfully requests a waiver 24 of these requirements 25 26 PAGE 16 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 I.Exhibit I. Copy of contract for transaction and other written instruments 2 Because of the confidential nature of these contracts, the Company requests a 3 waiver of this provision. 4 J.Exhibit J. Copy of each proposed journal entry to be used to record the transaction5 6 Please refer to the attached Exhibit J for a sample journal entry that reflects how 7 these transactions wil be recorded. 8 9 K.Exhibit K. Copy of each supporting schedule showing the benefits, if any, which each applicant relies upon to support the facts required by (1)(1) ofthis rule and reasons as required by (1)(m). 10 The Company relies upon this Application and attached documentation to provide 11 support for OAR 860-027-0025(1)(1) and (1)(m) and respectfully requests a waiver of this 12 filng requirement. 13 VI.Prayer for Relief 14 Idaho Power respectfully requests a Commission order finding that ORS 15 757.480(1)(a) does not apply to REC sales. In the alternative, if the Commission concludes 16 that ORS 757.480(1)(a) does apply to REC sales, the Company requests an order finding 17 that the sale of the RECs will not harm Idaho Power's customers and is consistent with the 18 public interest and authorizing Idaho Power to enter into contracts in 2010 and beyond and 19 1/11 20 111/ 21 1/11 22 1/11 23 1/11 24 IIII 25 111/ 26 1/11 PAGE 17 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 1 record the net proceeds from the sale of RECs as a regulatory liability for the benefit of its 2 Oregon customers. 3 4 DATED: October 22,2010. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY Lisa Nordstrom Lead Counsel PO Box 70 Boise, I D 83707 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company PAGE 18 - APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Oregon Renewable Energ Credit ("REC") Filng Accounting Entries Account Account Description (1) Dr. Cr. 131 254 Cash Other Regulatory Liabilty $XXX.XX $XXX.XX This entry Is to record cash received (net of variable transaction fees) from the sale of Renewable Energy Credits ("RECs") for Oregon's jurisdictional portion which Is currently 4.78%. 254 411.8 (2) Other Regulatory Liabilty Gains from Disposition of Allowances $XXX.XX $XXX.XX This entry is to record Idaho Power's gain from the sale of REC's for the Company's sharing percentage, at 10%, as incentive to maximize the the value of the RECs. 254 431 (3) Other Regulatory Liabilty Other Interest Expense $XXX.XX $XXX.XX This entry is to record interest accrued on the Other Regulatory liabilty account balance for the benefit of the Oregon customers at the Company's allowed rate of return. 254 182.3 (4) Other Regulatory Liabilty Other Regulatory Asset - Current Year PCAM $XXX.XX $XXX.XX This entry is to provide the benefit to the Company's Oregon customers by offsetlng the current years PCAM's deviation from the forecast. Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYrichardsonandolear.com gregaYrichardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Complaiant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ~ AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 4 IDAHO POWER'S LETTER FILING REGARING MODIFICATION OF REC PLAN FILED IN OREGON DOCKET NO. UM 269 JUE 6, 2011 a_. AA IOACOR cony Tim Tatum Manager. Cost of Service ttatum(idahopøwer .com June 6.2011 Vikie Bailey-Goggns Public Utility Commssion of Oregon 550 Capitol Street N.E., Suite 215 P.O. Box 2148 Salem, OR 97308-2148 RE: Idaho Power Sales of Renewable Energy Cerficates ("REC"), UP 269, Order No. 11-086 Dear Ms. Bailey-Goggs: On March 15, 2011, the Orgon Public Utì1ty Commission ("Commssion") issued Orer No. 11-086 approving the sale of RECs by Idaho Power Company ("Company") under its REC Mangement Plan. Under the curently approved plan, the Company sells its RECs in the nea- ter and retus the cuomer' share of the proce thugh the power cost adjustment mechansm while continuing to acuire and hold long-ter contrct rights to own RECs for use in meeng a futue federal renewable energy stadard. Since the plan was approved, the Company has had success selling its RECs into the wholesale or spot market. However, recet developments in the REC market have force the Company to reevaluate its REC sales apprach. In rect month, the Company has obsered a reducton in the demand for RECs in the spot market frm counteraresthat purchas RECs for compliance purposes. These counterares consist prmarly of invesor-owned utì1ties ("IOU") that are subjec to reewable energy stadards and make up what is refered to as the "compliance market". The other mai segment of the REC maret is the "volunta market" which consists ofIOUsthat purchae RECs asplU of voluntar "gree power progrs or businesses that wish to purchas reewable attbutes as a volunta business practice. REC sales into the volunta market have also becme increaingly more diffcult to execte due to limited buyer and have tyicaly brught lower prces than transactions in the copliance market. Upon investigating the cause of ret change in the REC market, the Company has foutd that most REC buyers in the compliance maret have moved towar purchasing the majority of theì RECs under longer-ter agreements thugh requests for proposals ("RFP"). Ths change in market conditions has made it extremely diffcult for Idaho Power find spot maret buyer for its RECs in rect months. As a rest, the Company is plang to include biddig into REC RFPs issued by compliance buyers in its REC saes stategy. Ths approach may reuire the Copany (008II.DO; I)1221 W.ldah St. (83702) P.O. BÐx70 Boise. 108307 Page 2 of2 to commt to sellig a porton of its available RECs for up to a five-year perod. Until now, the Company has limited its REC trsactions to agrents with a maxum ter of two-year. Because the Company is awar of the possibilty tht it may become subject to a feder renewable energy standa in the futu, it plans to evaluate each REC sales agreeent with an eye towar minimizing its risk exposure under futue requirements. Order No. 11-086 direcs the Company to "provide the Commission notice of any materal changes to its REC Management Plan." Whle ths new apprach may requi the Company to enter into sales agreements for up to five year, the Company believes tht the aproach is consistent with the intent of the curently apprved REC Management PIan and does not constitute a materal change. Idaho Power fuer believes that ths modified aproach will provide the Company with a beter opportty to maximize the value of its RECs to the benefit of its customer. Although Idaho Power is not requestig any spefic action by the Commission at ths tie. the Company feels it is importt to notify the Commission of this modification to its previous REC saes strtegy. If the Comssion prefer that Idaho Power fonnally clarfy its REC Management Plan to addrs these maximum five-yea contract, please so advise. ZI7!Tiin Tatu TET:kt cc: Maur Galbraith, OPUC Mar Hellman OPUC Lisa Rackner LìsaGrow Johny Andern Greg Said Jasn Willams Reguatory Files (0081 L.OO; I l Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYnchardsonandolear.com greg(irichardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ~ AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 5.1 IDAHO POWER APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH CLARK CANYON, LLC FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY IPC- E-II-09 DONOVAN E.WALKER Led Consel dwalkerØdahopoer.com -iIDA~POGÐ An IDACORP cony ~ \;; \r~!1_tAO i.J ,-LJ. ..' '" ~"0il \Ji.I\ \T\ E:::. ~F~J. .h_.' . May 24, 2011 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-11-09 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND CLARK CANYON, LLC Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing please find an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Application in the above matter. uJ~ Donovan E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise. 10 83707 . --,~~. -::--' .;."-: DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) JASON B. WILLIAMS Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388~5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalkercmidahopower.com Inordstromcmidahopower.com RECEIVED ioii HAY 24 PH 2: 2S .. lO/\f10 pL.I:,~,! 1''-''\. UlllI1-It?, r ",~;.;¡~~.i';;::, ,,,OFrPJí~~. IOld"1711;..,... fi Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-09 A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE ) FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT FOR ) APPLICATION THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ) ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY AND CLARK CANYON, LLC. ) ) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with RP 52 and the applicable provisions of the Public Utilit Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), hereby respeclly applies to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") for an Order accepting or rejecing the Firm Energy Sales Agreement ("FESA") between Idaho Power and Clark canyon, LLC ("Clark Canyon" or "Seller") under which Clark Canyon would sell and Idaho Power would purchase electric energy generated by the Clark Canyon hydroelectric project ("Facilit) located near Dilon, Montana. APPLICATION - 1 In support of this Appliction, Idaho Power represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. Sections 201 and 210 of PURPA, and pertinent regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), reuire that regulated electric utlities purchase power produced by cogenerators or small power producers that obtain qualifying facilty ("QF") sttus. The rate a QF receives for the sale of its power is generally referrd to as the "avoided cost" rate and is to reflec the incremental cost to an electric utilit of electric energy or capaci or both, which,. but for the purchase from the QF, such utilit would generate itself or purchase from another sourc. The Commission has autority under PURPA Sections. 201 and 210 and the implementing regulations of the FERC, 18 C.F.R. § 292, to set avoided costs, to order elecric utilties to enter into fixed-term obligations for the purchase of energy from QFs, and to implement FERC rules. 2. Clark Canyon proposes to own, operate, and maintain a 4.7 megawatt ("MW") (Maximum Capacit Amount) hydroelectric generating facilty to be located near Dilon, Montana. The Facilty will be a QF under the applicable provisions of PURPA. The FESA for this Facilit has been executed by Kim Johnson, Execute Vice President for Clark Canyon, LLC. II. THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT 3. On May 20, 2011, Idaho Power and Clark Canyon entere into a FESA, a copy of which is attched to this Application as Attachment NO.1. Under the. terms of this FESA, Clark Canyon elected to contct wih Idaho Power for a 20-year term using the non-Ievelized published avoided cost rates as currntly established by the Commission for energy deliveries of less than 10 average megawatt ("aMW"). This APPLICATION - 2 APPLICATION - 3 Idaho Power will monitor compliance wih these initial requirements. In addition, Idaho Power wil monitor the ongoing requirements through the full term of the attached FESA. 7. The FESA, as signed and submited by the parties thereto, contains non- levelized published avoided cost rates in conformity with applicable Commission Orders. All applicable intercnnection charges and monthly operation and maintenance charges under Schedule 72 wil be assessd to Clark Canyon. The Facilty is currntly in the generator interconnecion process. Assuming that Seller continues to provide necessary technical information and make payments for intercnnection materials and studies in a timely manner, Idaho Power's Delivery business unit will be able to proce with its interconnection and transmission study processes, which ultimately results in a Schedule 72 Generator Intercnnection Agreement, or "GIA" betwen Clark Canyon and Idaho Power. PURPA QF generation must be designated as a network resource ("DNR") on Idaho Power's system. Upon resolution of any and all upgrades required to acquire transmission capacit for this Facilit's generation, and upon execution of the FESA and the GIA, this Facilty may then be designated as a netwrk resource. 8. Clark Canyon has been advised that it is Clark Canyon's responsibilit to work wih Idaho Power's Delivery business unit to ensure that suffcient time and resourcs wil be available for Delivery to construct the intercnnection facilties, and transmission upgrades if require, in time to allow the Facilty to achieve the March 31, 2013, Scheduled Operation date. Seller has been furter advised that delays in the intercnnection or transmission process do not constitute excusable delays in achieving the Sèheduled Operation date, and if Seller fails to achieve the Scheduled Operation date at the times specified in the FESA, delay damages will be assssed. APPLICATION - 4 9. Clark Canyon has also been made aware of and accpted the provisions of the FESA and the Company's approved Tari Schedule 72 regarding non- compensated curtailment or disconnection of its Facilit should certain operating conditions develop on the Company's system. Accrding to the stndard provisions in Article XII of the FESA, curtailment wihout compensation may occur if there is an event of Force Majeure, a Forc Outage, or a temporary disconnectn .of the Facilty in accrdance wih Tari Schedule 72. If the generation from the Facilty wil have an adverse effect upon Idaho Powets service to its customers, Idaho Power may temporarily disconnect the Facilty from Idaho Powets transmission/distribution system as specifed within Schedule 72, or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. The parties' intent and undersnding is that non-cmpensated curtilment would be exercised when the generation being provided by the Facilty in certain operating conditions exceeds or approaches the minimum load levels of the Company's system such that it may have a detrimental efect upon the Company's abilty to manage its thermal, hydro, and other resources in order to meet its obligation to reliably serve loads on its system. 10. Section 21 of the FESA provides that the FESA wil not beme effectve until the Commission has approved all of the FESA's terms and conditions and declare that all payments Idaho Power makes to Clark Canyon for purcases of energy wil be allowed as prudently incurr expnses for rate making purposes. II.. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 11. Idaho Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectully reuests that this Application be processe under Modifed Procedure; i.e., by wren submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 APPLICATION - 5 et se. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stnds ready to prepare and prent its testmony in such hearing. IV. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 12. Communications and service of pleadings, exhibits, orders, and other documents relating to this proceing should be sent to the following: Donovan E. Walker Lead Counsel Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwalkertidahopower.com Randy C. Allphin Energy Contract Administrator Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P.O. Bo)(70 Boise, Idaho 83707 rallphin£midahooower.com V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 13. Idaho Power Company repectlly requests that the Commission issue an Order: (1) authorizing that this matter may be processed by Modified Proceure; (2) accepting or rejecing the Firm Energy Sales Agreement betwen Idaho Power Company and Clark Canyon, LLC, without change or condition; and, if accepted, (3) declaring that all payments for purchases of energy under the Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Idaho Power Company and Clark Canyon, LLC, be allowed as prudently incurr expenses for ratemaking purposes. Respectlly submitted this 24th day of May 2011. £lÝ,úf£LDONOVAN E. WAlKER ç Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION - 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 24th day of May 2011 I serv a true and corr copy of the witin and foreoing APPLICATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Clark Canyon, LLC Kim L. Johnson Executive Vice President, Business Development Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC c/o Symbiotics, LLC 2000 South Ocean Boulevard #703 DelRay Beach, Florida 33438 Hand Delivered -l U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX X Email kim.johnson(Briverbankpower.com ~()~ Donovan E. Walker APPLICATION - 7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-11-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.1. Aricle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FIR ENRGY SALS AGREEM BETWEN IDAHO POWE COMPAN AN CLA CANON, LLC TABLE OF CONTS 'IlLE Defitions No Reliace on Idao Power Warties Conditions to Acceptace of Ener Ter and Option Date Puchase and Sale of Net Energ Puchas Prce and Metod of Payment Envionmental Attbutes Facilty and Interconnection Metg and Telemetry Record Opertions Indemnfication and Insurce Force Majeur Liabilty; Dedcation Sever Obligaons Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Goverenta Authorition Commsion Orer Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additiona Ters and Conditions Seerbilty Counterar Entir Agrement Signs Appendi A AppendiB AppendiC AppdiD FIR ENRGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) Projec Name: Clark Canyon Hydrelecc Prjec Numbe: 41455600 TIS AGREEMENT, enter into on ths ~day of Jl4V 2011 beee, CLAR CANON, LLC (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPAN, an Idao corpraon (Idao Power), heriner sometimes referr to collecively as "Pares" or individuay as "Par." WISSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design constret, own mainta and operate an electc generon facilty; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idao Power is willig to purhase, fi electc ener produced by the Seller's Facilty. THEREFORE, In considertion of the mutu covets and agrents hereft se fort, the Pares agr as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINIONS As used in ths Agrment and the appendices attached hereto, the following ters shl have the following meanngs: 1. i "Base Energy" - Monthy Net Energy less any Surlus Energy as calculated in pargrph 1.32. 1.2 "Commssion" - The Idao Public Utilities Commssion. 1.3 "Contrct Year - The peod commencing each caenda yea on the same calenda date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereaft. 1.4 "Delay Liquidated Damges" - Damages payable to Idaho Power as calculated in Aricle V. 1.5 "Delay Perod" - Al days past the Scheduled Option Date until the Seller's Facilty achiev the Opertion Date. - 1. 1.6 "Delay Prce" - The curt month's Mid-Columbia Market Ener Cost mius th cut month's All Hour Ener Prce speified in pargrph 7.3 of ths Agrent. If th calcultion results in a value less than 0, the result of ths calculation wil be O. 1.7 "Designted Disptch Facilty" - Idao Power's Sys Operations Grup, or any subsequent grup designted by Idao Power. 1.8 "Effecve Date" - The date staed in the opg paph of ths Fir Ene Sales Agent reretig the date upon which ths Fir Ener Sales Agent was fuy executed by both Pares. 1.9 "Envionmenta Attbutes" - mean any and all crts, beefits, emssions rections, offs, and alowances, howsoer entitled, attbutable to the genertion from the Facilty, and its avoide emssion of pollutants. Envinmenta Attbutes include but ar not limte to: (1) any avoide emssion of pollutats to the ai, soil or wate such as sulfu oxides (SOx), nitrgen oxides (NOx), carn monoxide (CO) and other pollutats; (2) any avoide emssions of cabon dioxide (C02), mete (CH4), nitrous oxide, hydrfluorocabons, peuorocarns, sulfu hexafuoride and other greeouse gass (GHOs) tht have been detered by the Unite Nations Intergoverenta Panel on Climte Change, or otherise by law, to contrbute to the ac or potential that of alteng the Ea's climate by trpping heat in the atmospher;l (3) the reprtg rights to thes avoided emissions, such as REC Reportg Rights. REC Reprtg Rights ar the right of a REC Puhaer to rert the ownerhip of accuulated RECs in compliance with feder or state law, if applicable, and to a fed or state agency or any other pary at the REC Puhase's discretion, and include without litation those REC Reprting Rights accruing under Secion 1 605(b) of The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and any preset or futu fed, state, or local law , reguation or bil, and intetiona or foreign emissions trdig progr. RECs are accumulated on a MWh basis and one REC reresents the Envionmenta Attbute associated with one (1) MW of energy. Envionenta Attbutes do not include (i) Avoided emssions mayor may not have any vaue for GHG compliance purses. Although avoided emssions ar includd in th list of Envinmental Attbutes, ths inclusion does not create any right to us those avoide emssions to comply with any GHG reguatory progr - 2- any energ, capacity, reliabilty or other power atbutes frm the Facilty, (ü) proucton ta crets associated with the constrction or operion of the Facilty and other ficial incetives in the form of crts, reuctions, or alowances associated with the Facilty tht ar applicable to a state or feder income taxation obligation, (ii) the cash grt in lieu of the investent tax cret puruat to Section 1603 of the Amenca Recover and Reinvestment Act of 2009, or (iv) emssion reduction crts encuberd or use by the Facilty for compliance with local, ste, or fede opertig and/or air qualty peits. i. i 0 "Facilty" - That electrc genertion facilty descbed in Appendi B of ths Agrent. 1. i "Firt Ener Date" - The day commencing at 00:01 hour, Mountai Time, followig the day that Seller ha satisfied the reuiments of Aricle IV and the Seller begis deliverg energy to Idao Power's system at the Point of Deliver. 1.12 "Heavy Load Hour" - The daly hour beginng at 7:00 am, endig at i i :00 pm Mountain Time, (16 hour) excludig all hour on all Sundays, New Yea Day, Memorial Day, Indepndence Day, Labor Day, Thgivig and Chstmas. i. i 3 "Indverent Energy" - Elecc ener Seller does not inted to generte. Indverent energy is more pacularly descbed in pagrph 7.5 of ths Agrent. 1.4 "Inteconnection Facilties" - All equipment speifed in Schedule 72. i. i 5 "Intial Capacity Determnation" - The proess by which Idao Power conf tht unde norm or averge design conditions the Facilty wil generate at no more th i 0 average MW per month and is therfore eligible to be paid the published rates in accordce with Commssion Order No. 29632. 1.16 "Light Load Hours" - The daly hour begig at i 1:00 pm, endig at 7:00 am Mountai Time (8 hour), plus all other hour on all Sundays, New Year Day, Memorial Day, Indepdence Day, Labor Day, Thsgiving and Chrstmas. 1.17 "Losses" - The loss of eleccal energy expressed in kilowatt hour (kWh) occug as a result of the trsformation and trsmission of energy beween the point wher the Facilty's ener is - 3- l metered and the point the Facilty's energy is deliver to the Idao Power electrca syste. The loss cacuaton forula will be as spfied in Ap B of ths Agement. i. i 8 "Market Energy Refernce Pnce" - Eighty-five pet (85%) of the Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost. i. 1 9 "Material Brech" - A Default (pgrph 19.2. i) subject to pagrph 19.2.2. 1.20 "Maxum Capacity Amount" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facilty will be as specifed in Appendix B of ths Agrent. 1.2 i "Meterg Eqipment" - All eqpment spifed in Schedue 72, this Agrement and any adtional equipment specifed in Appendi B reui to measur, reord and telemeter bi- ditiona power flows beeen the Sellers elecric genertion plant and Idao Power's system. 1.22 "Mid- Columbia Market Energy Cost" - The monthy weighted averge of the day on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-fi energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Colwnbia Index price is discntiued by the rerting agency, both Paries will mutuly agr upon a relacement index which is simlar to the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index. The selected relacment index wil be consistt with other simlar agrents and a commonly use index by the eleccal industr. i .23 "Nameplate Capacity" -The ful-load electrcal quatities assigned by the designer to a genertor and its prime mover or other piece of eleccal equipment, such as trsformer and ciruit breaker, unde stadaed conditions, expsse in ampes, kilovolt-amper, kiowatts, volts or other appropriate unts. Usualy indicated on a nameplate attched to the individua machie or device. 1.24 "Net Energy - All of the elecc energy prodce by the Facilty, less Losses, expresed in kilowatt hours (kWh) delivered by the Facilty to Idao Power at the Point of Deliver. Subjec to the terms of ths Agreement, Seller commts to deliver all Net Energy to Idao Power at th Point of Deliver for the full ter of the Agrment. Net Energy dos not include Inadverent Energy. 1.25 "Opertion Date" - The day commencing at 00:01 hour, Mountain Time, following the day tht all requiements of pargrph 5.2 have be completed. - 4- 1.26 "Point ofDeliveiy" - The location specified in Appedi B, where Idao Power's and the Seller's electrca facilties are interconnecte and the energy frm ths Facilty is deliver to the Idao Power electrcal system. 1.27 "Prdet Elecrica Prctices" - Those practces, methods and equipment that ar commonly and ordly used in electrcal engieeg and opetions to operte electrc equipment lawfuy, safely, depdably, effciently and ecnomically. 1.28 "Renewable Energ Cerificate" or "REC" mea a cerficate, cret, alowance, green tag, or other transferble indicia, howsoever entitled, indicating generation of reewable ener by the 'Facilty, and includes all Envinmenta Attbute arsing as a resut of the genertion of eleccity associate with the REC. One REC rereents the Envinmenta Attbutes associate with the genertion of one thousand (1,00) kWh of Net Energy. 1.29 "Scheded Opertion Date" - The date spifed in Appedi B when Seller anticipates achievig the Opertion Date. It is expeced th, the Scheduled Option Date provided by the Seller shal be a reaonable estimate of the date th the Seller anticipates that the Seller's Facilty shal achieve the Option Date. 1.30 "Schedule 72" - Idao Power's Tarff No 101, Schedule 72 or its successor schedules as approved by the Commssion. The Seller shl be respoible to pay al costs of intercnnection and integion of ths Facilty into the Idao Power electrcal system as spified withi Schedule 72. 1.31 "Season" - The thr perod identified in pargrph 6.2.1 of ths Ageement. 1.32 "Speial Facilties" - Additions or altetions of trsmission and/or distrbution lines and trformer as described in Schedle 72. 1.33 "Station Use" - Electrc energy tht is use to opte equipment tht is auxliar or otherse related to the production of electcity by the Facilty. As ths Facilty is not located in the Idao Power serce tertory, Idao Power ha no rensibilty or abilty to prvide Station Use to ths Facilty. - 5- 1.34 "Surlus Energy" - Is (1) Net Energy proed by the Seller's Facility and deliver to the Idao Power electrcal system durg the month which excee 110% of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corspondig month speified in pagrph 6.2, or (2) if the Net Energ prouced by the Seller's Faclity and deliver to the Ida Power elecca syst dung the month is less th 9(1o of the monthy Net En Amount for the corrspndig month speified in pargrh 6.2, then all Net Ene deliver by the Facility to the Idao Power electrcal system for tht given month, or (3) all Net Energy proced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facilty to the Idao Power electrcal system pnor to the Option Date. 1.35 "Total Cost of the Facilty - The total cost of strctus, equipment and appurences. ARTICLE ll: NO RELIACE ON IDAHO POWER 2.1 Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warts and reresents to Idao Power tht in enteg into ths Agrent and the underg by Seller of the obligations set fort her Seller has investigated and detered th it is capable of peormg hereunder and ha not relied upon the advice, experence or expeise ofldao Power in connecion with the trsactions contemplated by this Agrement. 2.2 Seller Indeendent Expers - All professions or exps including, but not limited to, engiee, attorneys or acountants, th Seller may have consulted or relied on in undeg the tractions contemplated by this Agment have be solely those of Seller. ARTICLE il: WARIES 3.1 No Warty by Idao Power - Any review, accetace or failur to reew Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilties shl not be an endorsent or a confation by Idao Power and Idao Power makes no warties, exprese or implied rearing any asect of Seller's design, spefications, equipment or facilties, including, but not limted to, safety, durbilty, reliabilty, strengt, capacity, adequay or economic feasibilty. 3.2 Qualifyg Facilty Status - Seller wart.s tht the Facilty is a "Qulifyng Facilty," as tht ter -6- is used and defied in 18 CFR 292.20 I et se. Afer initial qualification, Seller wil tae such steps as may be reui to maitain the Facilty's QufYg Facilty status durg the te of th Agement and Seller's failur to maitan Quifyg Facilty sta wil be a Materal Breach of ths Agreement. Idao Power rerves the right to review the Facilty's Quag Facilty status and associated support and compliance docents at anytme dur the ter of this Ageement. 3.3 FERC Licens (only applies to hydro projects) - Seller warts tht Seller posseses a vad license or exemption frm licening frm the Feder Energy Regulatory Commssion ("FEC") for the Facilty. Seller reognes tht Sellers possession and retention of a valid FERC licen or exemption is a materal par of the consideon for Idao Power's execution of ths Agrement. Seller will tae such steps as may be reui to maita a vald FERC license or exemption for the Facilty durg the ter of ths Agrent, and Seller's failur to maita a valid FERC lice or exemption wil be a materal breach of ths Agrement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENRGY 4.1 Pror to the Firt Energy Date and as a condition ofIdao Power's acceptace of deliveres of energy from the Seller unde ths Agreement, Seller shal: 4.1. Submit prof to Idao Power that all licenes, perts or approvas necssar for Seller's opertions have be obtaied frm applicable feder, state or loc authorities, includig, but not limted to, evdece of compliae with Subp B, 18 CFR 292.201 et seq. as a cefied Quifyg Facilty. 4.1.2 Opinon of Counsel. Submit to Idao Power an Opinon Letter signed by an attorney adtted to practice and in goo stadig in the State of Idao providig an opinion tht Seller's licens, perits and approvals as set fort in pargrph 4.1.1 above ar legally and validly issued, are held in the nae of the Seller and, based on a reanable independent review, counsel is of the opinon tht Seller is in substatial compliance with sad permts as of the date of the Opinon Letter. The Opinon Le wil be in a fon -7- aceptable to Idao Power and wi acknowledge tht the atorney rederig the opinon unrstands tht Idao Power is relyig on said opinon. Idao Power's acceta of the form wil not be unasonaly witheld. The Opinon Lettr wil be govered by and shall be interreed in accordce with the legal opinon accord of the American Bar Association Section of Busess Law (1991). 4.1.3 Intial Capacity Detetion - Submit to Idao Power such data as Idao Power may reasonably re to peorm the Inti Capty Deteron. Such data will include but not be limted to, Nameplate Capacity, equipment spifications, prie mover data resoure chaertics, norm and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use da. Upon reeipt of ths informtion, Idao Power wil review the prvided data and if necssa, reuest addtiona da to complete the Intial Capacity Detertion withi a reasonable time. If the Maxum Capacty spified in Appdi B of ths Agrent and the cuulative maufact Nameplate Capaity ratig of the individual genertion unts at ths Facility is less than 10 MW. Th Seller shl submit detled, maufactu, verifiable data of the Nameplate Capacity ratings of the ac individua genertion unts to be intaled at ths Faclity. Upon verification by Idao Power that the data provided establishes the combined Nameplate Capacity ratig of the genertion units to be intaled at this Faciltyis less than 10 MW, it will be deeed that the Seller ha satisfied the Initial Capacity Detertion for this Facilty. 4.1.4 Nameplate Capacity - Submit to Idao Power maufactu's and engieeg docuentation that esablises the Nameplate Capacity of each individua genertion unit that is included with ths entir Facility. Upon receipt of ths data, Idao Power shal review the provided data and detne if the Nameplate Capacity specfied is reonable bas upon the manufac's speified generon ratigs for the specific genertion unts. - 8- 4.1.5 Engiee's Cerfications - Submt an execte Enginee's Cerification of Deign & Constrion Adeuay and an Engiee's Cerification of Opertions and Maitece (O&M) Policy as desribed in Commssion Or No. 21690. Thes ceficates wil be in the form speified in Appedix C but may be modfied to the extent necessa to recogniz the differt engieeg disciplies prviding the cerifcates. 4.1.6 Ince - Submit wrtt proof to Idao Power of all inurce requi in Arcle xm. 4.1.7 Internnecon - Prvide wrtten conftion frm Idao Power's delivery business unt that Seller ha satisfied all interconnection reuirements. 4.1.8 Network Resurce Deianation - The Seller's Facility has bee designated as an Idao Power network resour capable of deliveng fi ener up to the amount of the Maximum Capacity at the Point of Deliver. 4.1.9 Station Usage - The Seller shal prvide evidece tht argeents have been made to provide eleccal serce to supply the Seller's Station Usage frm an entity other than Idao Power. 4.1.10 Written Accetace - Reuest and obtai wrtten conftion frm Idao Power tht al conditions to acceptace of energy have be fufilled. Such wrtt conftion shall be provide with a commercially reonable tie following the Seller's reuest and wil not be uneasonably witheld by Idao Power. ARTICLE V: TER AN OPERATION DATE 5.1 Ter - Subject to the provisions of pagrh 5.2 below, ths Agrent shall become effecve on the dae fit wrtten and shal contiue in ful force and effect for a perod of twenty (20) Contrt Year fr the Operation Date. 5.2 Opertion Date - The Option Date may occur only afer the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the Firt Ener Date. b) Commssion approva of ths Agrement in a form acceptable to Idao Power has - 9- bee reved. c) Seller bas deonste to Idao Powers safaon th the Facilty is complet and able to prvide ener in a consistent, relible and safe maer. d) Seller ba requeted an Option Date frm Ida Power in a wrtten formt. e) Seller ba reved wrtten confiion from Idao Power of the Option Da. Ths confion wil not be unbly witheld by Idao Power. 5.3 Opraon :Date Pe1 - Seller shall caus the Facity to achiev th Opon Date on or before the Sched Option Dat. Delays in the intercnnecon and trmission netork upgre stdy, deign àI constction proess tht are Dot Forc Majeu evts acceted by both Pares, shall DO prvent Delay Liquida Damges fr being due and owig as calcuated in accorce with ths Agrent. 5.3.1 If the Option Date occu afr the Scheuled Option Date but on or pror to 90 days following the Schedued Opion Date, Seller sha pay Ido Power Dèlay Liquda :Dges calculted at the end of eah calenda month afer the Scheduled Operation Date as follows: Delay Liquidate Damges ar equa to ((Cut month's hitial Yea Net Engy Amunt as spified in pargrph 6.2.1 divided by the numbe of days in the cut month) multiplied by the numbe of days in the Delay Per in the curt month) multiplied by the cut month's Delay Prce. 5.3.2 If the Option Date doe not occur with niney (90) days following the Scheduled Opion Date the Seller shl pay Idao Power Delay Liqudated Damages, in addtion to those prvide in pargrph 5.3.1, caculated as follows: Forty five dollar ($45) multiplied by the Maxmum Capacity with the Maxum Capaity being meaur in kW. 5.4 If Selle fails to achieve the Option Date withn ninety (90) days following the Scheduled Option Date, such faur wil be a Mater Brech and Idao Power may terte ths Agent at any tie until the Seller curs the Matea1 Breh. Addition Delay Liquidate - 10- Damges beond thse cacuat in 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 will be caculte and payable usin the Delay Liquidaed Damge caculation desbe in 5.3. I above for all days excee 90 days pat the Scheduled Option Dae until such tie as the Seller cu th Mater Breh or Ido Power terines ths Ageeent. 5.5 Seller shal pay Idao Power any calcla Delay Damges or Dela Liquidate Damge with 7 days of when Idao Power calcuate and presets any Delay Damage or Delay Liquida Damges bilings to the Stller. Seller's failur to pay these &mge with the speified tie will be a Materal Brech of ths Agrent and Ida Power shl drw fu fr. the Delay Securty provide by the Seller in an amount equa to the calcated Delay Damges or Delay Liquidated Dams. 5.6 The Pares ag tht the daes Idao Power would incu due to delay in the Facilty achig the Option Date on or before the SCheduled Option Dae would be diffcult or impsible to prct wit certy, and tht the Delay Liquidated Damges ar an aproprate approxion of such dages. 5.7 Pror to the Seller executg ths Agt, th Seller sha have: a) Filed for inteonnecon and is in compliane with al payments and reuits of the interecion proess b) Received and acceed an intennection feaibility stdy for ths Faclity. c) Prvided al infortion reuir to enble Idao Power to fie an inti trission capacity request. d) Received the relts of the inti trmission caacity reues and have agree they ar accetable to the Seller. e) Acknwledge rensibilty for all internnectin costs an any cots asociated with acquig adequa fi trssion capaci to enable th projec to be classified as an Idao Power fi netork resour. 5.8 Within thy (0) days of the date of a fial non-apeaable order as spified in Arcle XX apprvig th Agent Selle shll post liquid securty ("Delay Secty") in a fo as - 11- describe in Appdix D equa to or exceeng the amount caul in par 5.8.1. Faiur to post ths Delay Securty in the time spified above will be a Mater Brech of ths Agreeent and Ido Power may ternate th Agent. 5.8.1 Dey Seçty The gr of fort five ($45) mullied by th Maxmum Capaity with th Maxum Capacity be meaur in kW or the su of th moth's estimted reene. Wher the este th moth of reenue is th estted reenue asciated with the fit th full month following the estimted Scheduled Opraon Date, the estimted kWh of en prouction as specified in pagrph 6.2.1 for those th months multiplied by the All Hour Ener Pnce spefied in pargrph 7.3 for eah of thse th month wil be used. In the event Seller prvide Idao Power wit cerfication tht, (1) a geertion interonnecon agrt speify a scedule th will enble ths Facilty to achieve the Operation Date no later th the Scheduled Operon Date ha ben copleted an the Seller ha paid all re internnecon costs, or (2) a genertion interonnecion agrent is substialy comlete an all maten costs of inercnnecon have be identified and ag upon and th Seller is in copliance with all ter and condition of th genertion intennecion agent, the Delay Securty calculated in acordce with pagrph 5.8.1 wil be reuced by ten peent (10%). 5.8.12 If the Seller ha received a reuction in the caculate Delay Securty as spified in pagrph 5.8.1. and subseently, (1) at Seller's reue, the genertion internnecon agrent spified in pagrph 5.8.1. is revised and as a result the Facilty wíl not achieve its Option Date by the Scheled Operation Date, or (2) if the Seller does not maintà compliance with the generion interonnecion agrent, the full amount of the Delay Seurty as caculated in pargrph 5.8.1 wil be subjec to reintateent and wil be due.an owing with five (5) business days from th date Idao Power reess reintatement. Faiur - 12- to tiely reintate the Delay Secty wil be a Materal Breach of ths Agent. 5.8.2 Idao Power shall relea any reg securty pote herunde after all calculated Delay Damge and/or Delay Liquidated Dages ar pai in ful to Idao Power and the ealier of, (1) 30 days after the Option Date ha be acev or (2) 60 days afer the Agren ha be terted ARTICLE VI: PUCHAEAN SALE OF NE ENGY 6.1 Deìye and Acctace of Net En .. Excet when either Par's perormce is excus as prvided hein Idao Power wil purha and Seller wil sell al of the Ne Energy to Ido Power at the Point of Deliver. All Inadveren Ene pruced by the FacHity will also be deliver by the Seller to Idao Power at the Point ofDeliveiy. At no tie wil th tot amount of Net Ener and/or Inveen Ene prduced by th Facilty and deliver by the Seller to the Point of Delive excee the Maxum Capcity Amount. 6.2 Net Ener Amouts - Seller inten to prouce and delive Net Ener in th followin monthy amounts: 6.2.1 Inal Yea Monthly Net Energy Atouts: Month kWh Seasn 1 Marh April May Sean 2 July Augut NovemberDebe Seaon 3 June Septembe OctoberJan Febru - 13- 736,848 840,000 1,807,322 2,613,46 2,290,535 1,009,517 959,191 2,460,261 1,456,776 1,099,227 783,848 696,290 6.2.2 Ongoig Monthy Net Ener Amuns. Seller sha intially provide Ida Power with one yea of monthy gention estes (Iti Yea Monthy Net Ener Amounts) and beging at th end of month ni an eve th mont therer prvide Idao Power with an addition th months of forar gention estites beond thos genertion estite prevously provide. Th inortion will be prvi to Ido Power by wrtt notice in acrdce with pah 25.1, no later tha 5:00 PM of the Slh day followi th end of the prous month. If the Seller does not prvide the Ongoing Monthly Net En Amounts in a tiely ma, Idao Power will use the most reent thr (3) month of th Initial Yea Mothy Net Ener Amounts spifed in pagrph 6.2.1 for the next th (3) mont of monthy Net Ener amoun. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjusent ofl'et Ene Amount No later th the Opertion Date, by wr notice given to Idao Power in accordae with pargrph 25.1, the ~ller may rese all of the preously \ prvided Irtia Yea Monthy Net Ener~ Amounts.i Begiing with the en of the 9t month after the Opraion Date and at th end of ever t. month ther: (l) the Seller may not revise the immate next th (3) month of prviousy provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by wrtt notice given to Idao Power in acordce with parph 25~1, no later th 5:00 PM of the 5lh day following th end of the previous mont the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Ener Amounts. Failut t-O provide timely wrtten notice of chged amounts wil be deed to be an elecon of no change. 6.2.4 Idao Power Adjustment. of Net En Amount ~ If Ida Power is excus frm acceping the Seller's Net Ener as spified in pagrph 12.2.1 or if the Seller declar a Suspeion of Ener Deliveres as spcified in pargrh 12.3.1 and th Seller's declår Suspension of Energy Deliveres is acepted by Idao Power, the Net Ener .14- Amount as specified in pagrph 6.2 for the spific month in which the reucon or suspeio unde pah 12.2.1 or 12.3.1 occur wil be reuce in accordce with the followig: Wher: NEA = Cu Month's Net Ener Amount (Parh 6.2) sou = a.) If Idao POwer is excu fr accetig the Seller's Net Energy as speified in paph 12.2.1 this value Will be equa to the perentage of eulient as spfied by Idao Power multiplied by the TGU as defied below. b.) If the Seller delars a Suspesion of Ener Deliveres as specfied in pargrph 12.3.1 ths vaue will be the sum of the individul genon uns siz raings as speified in Appdi B that ar impaced by the ciumtance causing th Seller to dela a Suspn of EnDelivees. . TGU = Sum of all of the individu genertor ratings of the geeron unts at ths Faclity as spified in Appx B of thagrent. RSH "" Act hour the Facilty's Net Ener deliveres wer eitherreuc or sude un parh 12.2.1 or 12.3.1 TH = Actu total hour in the cut month Resulting fortul beg: Adjusted ( ( ) ( H Net Ener = NEA - ~ii X NE X FfN Amount ) ) Ths Adjusted Net Energ Amount will be us in applicable Surlus Energ calcultions for only the speific month in which Idao Power was excused frm acctig the Seller's Net Ener or the Seller declar a Suspension of Ener. 6.3 Unless excu by an event of Force Majeu, Seller's failur to delier Net Ener in any Contr Yea in an amout equa to at leat ten peent (10%) of the sum of the Intial Yea Net Energy Amounts as speifi in paph 6.2 shal constitute an event of default. .15- ARTICLE vn: PURCHE.PRICE AN MEHOD OF PAYMNT 7.1 Bas Ener Heayy Load Puha Prce - For al Ba En reve durg Heavy Load Hour, Idao Power wil pay th no~leveliz en price in acor with Commsion Order 31025 with senaon facrs aplied: Year Seaon 1 - (73.50 %) MilsWh Season 2 - (120.00 %) Season 3 - (100.00 %) MillsWh MilslWh 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 49.26 51.86 54.66 57.66 59.39 61.09 62.93 64.75 66.62 68.84 71.5 73.55 76.05 78.64 80.85 83.12 85.46 87.88 90.37 93.72 96.65 80.43 84.68 89.24 94.14 96.96 99.73 102.75 105.71 108.77 112.40 116.17 120.09 124.16 128.40 131.99 135.70 139.53 143.47 147.54 153.01 157.80 67.02 70.56 74.37 78.45 80.80 83.11 85.62 88.09 90.64 93.66 96.81 100.07 103.47 107.00 109.99 113.08 116.27 119.56 122.95 127.51 131.50 7.2 Base Ener Light Load Puhae Price - For all Base Energy reived durg Light Load Hour Ido Power wil pay the non-leveliz engy price in accordce with Commission Ord 3 i 025 with~sontion factors aplied : Sean 1 - (73.50 %) MilslWh~Seaon 2 - (120.00 %) MilslWh Sean 3 - (100.00 %) MilslWh 2012 2013 2014 43.91 46.51 49.31 71.69 75.94 80.50 59.74 63.28 67.09 -16- 2015 52.31 85.41 71.17 2016 54.04 88.23 73.52 2017 55.14 91.00 75.83 2018 57.58 94.01 78.34 2019 59.40 96.97 80.81 2020 61.27 100.03 83.36 2021 63.49 103.66 86.38 2022 65.80 107.43 89.53 2023 68.20 111.35 92.79 2024 70.70 115.42 96.19 2025 73.29 119.66 99.72 2026 75.49 123.26 102.71 2027 77.77 126.97 105.80 2028 80.1 1 130.79 108.99 2029 82.53 134.74 112.28 2030 85.02 138.81 115.67 2031 88.37 144.2 120.23 2032 91.30 149.06 124.22 7.3 AU Hout Ener Prce - The price to be used in the calculation of the Suilus Ener Prce an Delay Dage Prce shal be the non-levlize ener prce in acordce with Comion Orde 3 i 025 with seoniztion factors aplied: ~Sean 1 - (7350 %) MilslWh Season 2 - (120.00 %) MillWh Seaon 3 - (100.00 %) Milsl 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 46.88 49.48 5228 55.28 57.01 58.71 60.55 62.36 64.24 66.46 68.77 71.7 73.67 76.26 78.46 80.74 83.08 85.50 76.54 80.79 85.35 90.25 93.08 95.85 98.86 101.82 104.88 108.51 112.28 116.20 120.27 124.51 128.10 131.81 135.64 139.59 63.78 67.32 71.3 75.21 77.56 79.87 82.38 84.85 87.40 90.42 93.51 96.83 100.23 103.76 106.75 109.85 113.03 116.32 - 17- 2030 2031 2032 87.99 91.34 94.27 143.66 149.12 153.91 119.71 124.27 128.26 7.4 Surlus EnergyPrce - For al Surlus Ene, Idao Power sha pay to the Seller the curt month' $ Maret Ene Refee Pnce or the Al Hou Ener Pr sped in pagrh 7.3, whichever is lower. 7.5 Inver Ener- 7.5.1 Inadveren Engy is e1eetc engy produced by the Faclity, expresse in kWh, which the Seller deliver to Idao Power at the Point of Deliver tht excee 10,00 kW multilied by the hour in the spific month in whch the en was deliver. (For examle Janua contains 744 hour. 744 hour times 10,00 kW = 7,440,000 kWh. Energy delive in Janua in excess of7,440, 000 kWh in ths exaple would be Inveren Ener.) 7.5.2 Althugh Seller inteds to deign and operte th Facilty to genere no mor th 10 avege MW and therfore dos not inte to genere Indvent Ener, Idao Power wil acep Inveren Energy tht doe not exce th Maxum Capaity Amount but wil not purhae or pay for Invernt Energy. 7.6 PaYmt Due Date - Undispted Energy payments, les any payments due to Ida Power will be disbured to the Seller with th (30) days of the date which Idao Power reeive and acep th doentation of the monthly Net Energ actuy deliver to Idao Powe as speified in Appendix A. 7.7 Cotiuing Jurtion of the Comission .Ths Agent is a spe contr and, as such, the rates, ters and conditions contaed in ths Agrent wil be consted in accordce with Ido Power Compa v. Ido Publc Utilies Commission and Af Engy Inc., 107 Idao 781, 693 P.2d 427 (1984), Idao Power Compa v. Idao Puc Utili COIssion, 107 Idao 1122,695 P.2d 1261 (1985), Afn Ener. Inc. v. Ido Power_Comany, 111 Idao 925, 729 P.2d 400 (1986), Setion 210 of the Pulic Utilty Reguatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 - 18- CP §292.303-308 ARTICLE vm: ENlRQNENTAL ATS 8.1 Owerhip of Envita Attbutes is d.ed in a sete agent be Ida Power and the Seller. ARTICLE IX: FACllY AN INCONNON 9.1 Design.QfFacilty - Seller wil deign constt, instl, own, opete and mata the Facilty and an Sell-owned Intennecon Facties so as to allow sae and reliable genertion and deliver of Net Ener and Inverent Ener to the Idao Power Point of Deiver for the fu ter of the Agrent. ARTICL X: METERIG AN TEMETY 10.1 Metri ~ Idao Powe shal, for the account of Seller, provide, instal, and mata Meterg Equipment to be located at a mutuly agr upon locaon to reor an meas powe flows to Idao Power in acorce with ths Agreet and Schedle 72. Th Meterg Equipment will be at the loction and the ty reui to measur, record an rert the Facilty's Net Energy, Station Use, Indverent Ener and maimum ener delivees (kW) at the Poit of Delive in a maer to provide Ido Power adeuate energy measurent data to admster ths Agent and to integrte ths Facilty's energy production in the Idao Power eleccal systm. 10.2 Telem - Idao Power will intal, opee and maiai at Sellets expee councations and teleetequipment which will be capable of prvidig Ida Power with continuous intaeous telemet of Seller's Net Ener and Indver Ener pruced and delive to the Ida Power Point of Deliver to Ida Power's Designated Dispach Facility. ARTICLE XI - RECORDS 11. Maince of Recor - Selle shl maintain at the Faclity or such other location mutuly -19- acceble to the Paries adequae tota geeron, Ne En, Station Use, Invet Enegy and maimum geeraon (lW) re in a for and content actable to Idao Power. ' 11.2 Inon - Either Par, af resonable noti to th other Par, shll have the right, durg non business hour, to int and audit any or all geerion. Net Ener, Station Use Inverent Ener and maum genertion (kW) records pe to th Sellers Facilty. ARTICLE XU: OPERTIONS 12.1 Communcati. Idao Power and the Seller sha ma aprite opetig commcation thugh Idao Power's Deignted Disath Faclity in acordace with Apdi A of ths Agent. 12 .2 Ener Accepce - 12.2.1 Idao Power shll be ~cuse fr acceting and payig £o Net Enegy or acepti Indve En which would have oterse be prduc by the Facility and deliver by the Seller to the Point of Deliver, if it is preented frm doing so by an event of Force Majeu, or tempo discnnon of the Facilty in accore with Schedule 72 or if Idao Power deterns tht curil, interption or recton of Net Ener or Indvert Energy deliveres is necsa ~ause of line conson, electca sytem matece reents, emerencies, eleccal system opeing conditions, or electrcal sytem reliabilty emgecies on its sys or as other re by Prdent Eleccal Prctces. If, for rens other th an event of Force Majeu, a tera disonnon under Schede 72 exce twenty (20) days, benng with the twenty-fi day of such inteption cuilment or reuction, Seller wil be deed to be deliverg Net Ener at a rate equivalent to the pr rata daly avege of the amounts spified for the applicable month in pagrh 6.2. idao Power wíl notify Seller whe the intepton, culmen or reuction is terii. 12.2.2 If, in the renable opinon of Idao Power, Sellers opon of the Faclity or Interconnecon FaciHties is unfe or may otherwise advery affec Idao Powers - 20- equipmen, peonnel or serce to its cuomer, Ido Power may temray disconec the Facity fr Idao Power's trinsion/distbution syste as spe with Schedule 72 or ta such other renale stes as Idao Power des approrie. 12.2.3 Under no circes will th Seller deliver Net En and/or Indvent En frm the Faclity to the Point of Deliver in an amount tht exce the Maxum Capacity AmUnt. Seller's faur to lit deliveres to the Maxum Capacity Amt will be a Materal Brech of th Agen. 12.2.4 If Idao Power is unble to accep the ener frm th Facilty and is not excu frm accepg the Facilty's ener, Ido Power's dages shal be limited to only th value of the ested energy th Ida Power was unble to accep. Idao Power wil have no respnsibility to pay for any other cots, lost reenue or constial dage th Facilty may incur. 12.3 seller Dela Suspesion of Ene Deveres 12.3.1 If the Seller's Facility expenences a for outage due to equipment failur which is not cause by an event of Force Majeu or by negec diair or lack of adequae prventative maiteance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after givig notice as provide in parh 12.3.2 below, tèJporaly suspnd all deliveres of Net Ener to Idao Power fr the Faciity or frm individu genertion unt(s) within the Faciit impacted by the forc outae for a peod of not less th 48 hour to cor the forced outge condtion ("Declar SusPeion of Ener Deliveres''). The Seller's Delar Suspesion of Ener Deliveres wil begi at the st of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone nocation as spfied in pagrh 12.3.2 and will contiue for th time as spfied (not les than 48 hour) in the wntten notification prvide by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Dela Susion of Energy ocur the Net Ene Amount wil be adjusted as spified in pagrh 6.2.4. 12.3.2 If the Seller. desis to intiate a Delar Susion of Ener Deliver as provided in - 21- pargrph 12.3.1, th Seller wil notify th Designted Distch Facity by telephoe. The begi hour of th Dela Susion of Ene Deliveres wil be at th earliest th next full hour aft mag telephone cotact with Idao Power. The Seller wil, within 24 hou af the telephon cont provide Idao Power a wrtten notce in acrdce with XXV th wil cota th begig hour an durtion of the Dela Suspen ofEngy Deliveres an a deption of the conditions tht caus the Seller to intiate a Declar Suson. of Ener Delivees. Idao Power wil review th doenon provde by th Selle to detere Idao Power's actace of th descnbe forc outage as quafyg for a Delared Suspsion of Ener Deliveres as spified in pargrph 12.3.1. Ido Power's aceptace of the Seller's forced outae as an acceble forc outage will be bas upon th clea documtation prode by the Seller tht .the forced outage is not due do an event of For Majeue or by neglect, diai or lak of adeuate preventive maitence of th Seller's Facilty. 12.4 Scheuled Mateice - On or beor Janua 31st of eah calen yea, Seller sha submt a wrtten proose ntintee scedule of signficant Facilty matece for th calenda yè8 and Idao Power and Seller sha mutuly agr as to the acceptabilty of the propsed scheule. The Pares deterition as to the accilty of the Seller's tietble for scheduled matence wil tae into considertion Prut Eleccal Prctces, Ida Power sýSte reuits and the Seller's prefer scheule. Neither Pary sha uneaonbly withold acceptae of th pro matece schedule. 12.5 MiiÎItece Coordiation - The Seller and Idao Power shl, to the ext prtica, cord th respctve line and Facilty maitece scheules such that they ocur simltaneously. 12.6 Contact Prr to Curent - Ido Power will mae a reonable iltt to cotact th Seller prior to exerising its rights to intept interonecon or curl deveres frm the Seller's Facilty. Seer undeds tht in the cae of emery citac~ re tie options of the elecca system, and/or unlaed events, ida Power may not be able to prvide notice to the Seller pror to inteption cuilment, or reuction of electrcal energy deliveres to -22- Idao Power. ARTICLE xm: INCATION AN INSURCE 13.1 Inification - Each Par shal agr to hold baless and to indemify the ot Par, its offce, agét~ afliates, subsidianes, part coany and employees again all loss, dage, expe and liability to th péon for inur to or deth of pen or injur to proper, prxÎtate1y caus by th infy Par's. (a) consction ownhip, operon or matenance of, or by failur of, any of such Par's work or falities use in connÎon with th Agrement, or (b) negigent or ineniona acts, errs or omissions. The indemfy Par sha, on the other Par's reuest, defend any sut aserg a c1ai cover by ths inty. Th indefyg Par shall pay all docuente costs, inludig reasonable atorney fee th mày be ined by the oter Par in enorcg ths indety. 13.2 In - Dung the ter of ths Agen, Seller sbaH seure and contiuousy car th following Ìlurce coverge: 13.2.1 Comprhenive Gener Liability Ince for both boy inur and prpe dage with liits equa to $1,00,000, eah OCCUIce, combined single limt. Th dectible for such inurce sh be conisten with curt Inurce Industr Utility prces for simiar proy. 13.2.2 The above Însurce cover sh be placed with an insuce company with an AM. Best Compay rating of A- or beter and shal inlude: (a) An endoent naing Idao Power as an addition insur an los paye as applicable; and (b) A prvision sttig tht such policy shall not be caceled or the liits of liabilty reduce without sixty (60) days' prior wrtten notice to Idao Power. 13.3 Seller to IEvide Cerificate of In - As reui in parph 4.1.5 herei and anually therfter, Seller shal fuh Ido Power a cerificate of insuce, toger wit th enorsents reui ther, evidenci the coverge as se fort above. -23- 13.4 Selle to NotIôo Power of Loss of Cover - If the insce cove reui by pargrh 13.2 shlapSè for any re Seller wil imedately notify Idao Power in wrtig. Th notice wil advise Idao Power of the spifc reson for the lapse and the steps Seller is tak to reinstte the covege. Failur to prvide ths notice an to expetiouly reintae or relace the coverage wil constue a Mateal Bre of th Agent. ARTICLE XI: FQCEMA 14.1 As used in ths Ageeent, "Force Maje" or "an event of Force Majeur" mea any cau beynd the cotrl of the Seller or of Idao Power which, despite the exerse of due diigece, such Paty is unble to pret or overome. Force Majeu includ, but is not lited to, acts of God, :f, floo storm, war, hoilties, civi stfe, stres and other labor distce, eauaes, fi, lightn, epidemics, saboge, or chages in law or reguation occuig af the efecve date, which, by the exercise of reasntble forsight such pa cod not renably have be expeted to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it sh be unable to overome. If . either Pary is rede wholly or in pa unble to peorm its obligations unr ths Agrent becus of an ev of Force Majeu, both Pares shall be excuse frm whateer perrmce is afec by the event of Forc Majeu, provided tht: (1) The non-peing Par shl, as soon as is renably posible af th occurce of the Force Majeu, give the oth Par wrtten notice desbing the paicu of the occe. (2) The susenion of perorce sh be of no grter scope and of no longer dur th is requi by the event of Forc Majeu. (3) No obligations of either Par which arse befor th occurce causing the susion of peore and which could and should have be fuly permed before such occurce shal be excu as a result of such ocure. -24- ARTICLE XV: LIILITY; DEDICAIION i S. i Limtation of Libilty. Nothg in ths Agent shal be constr to cre any duty to, any stada of car with referce to, or any libilty to any person not a Pary to this Agent. Neith pa shal be liable to the other for any indict, speia. consuential, nor puntive dages, except as exply author by ths Agrent. 15.2 Dediction. No unde by one Par to the other under any prvision of ths Agrent sha contitute the decation of that Par's system or any portn therf to the Par or the public or affect the sttus ofIdao Power as an indept public utity corpration or Seller as an indedet individua or enty. ARTIÇLE XV: SEVER OBLIGATIONS 16. i Except wher specifcaly state in ths Agr to be otherse, the duties, obligations and liabilties of the Pares ar intended to be sever and not joit or collective. Nothg conta in ths Ageeen shall ev be constr to crate an association, trst, parerhip or joint ventu or impose a tr or parerhip dut, obligation or liability on or with regard to eith Par. Each Par shl be individualy and severly liable for its own obligtions under ths Ageeent. ARCLE XV: W AIER 17.1 Any waver at any tie by either Par of its nghts with respet to a default unde this Agren or with respec to any other matt arsin in connecion with ths Agrment shal not be deeed a waive with repet to any subsuent defaul or other matter. ARTICLE xv: CHOICE OF LA WSAN VEN 18.1 Ths Agrent shal be consted and inter in accordce with the laws of the State of Idao without referce to its choice of law provisions. 1 8.2 Venue fo any litigation aring out of or related to this Agent wil lie in the Distrct Cour of - 25- the Four Judicial Distct ofIda in and fo the County of Ada. ARTÎCLE XI DISPUTS AN DEAULT 19.1 Dites - Al diutes related to or arsin unde ths Agr includig, but not lited to, the interio of the ter an conditions of ths Agrent, will be submitted to. the Commssion for resolution. 19.2 Notice of Defat 19.2.1 Defaults. If either Par fais to peorm any of the te or conditions of ths Agrent (an "event of default'), the nondfaultig Par shl cause notice in wrtig to be given to the defaultig Par, spify th maer in which such default oo If the defaultig Par sha fai to cu such default with the six (60) days after seice of such notice, or if the defaulting Pary rebly deonstrte to the other Par tht the default can be cur wi a cotterally renable ti but not with such six (60) day peod an then fals to diligently pue such cu, th the nodefaulti Par may, at its opon, terte ths Agrent and/or purue its leg or equitable reedies. 19.2.2 Matal Bres - Th notic and cure prvisions in pah 19.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in ths Agent as Material Breches. Mater Breaches must be cur as expetiously as poible following occunce of the brch. 19.3 Secty for Perormce .. Pror to the Opon Da and therfter for the full ter of ths Agrent, Seller wil provide Idao Power with the following: 19.3.1 Inurce - Evidence of compliace with the provisions of parh 13.2. If Selle fails to comply, such falur wil be a Materal Breh an mày ~. be cu by Seller suplyig evdece th th reuire inur coverge ha be relace or reintated. 19.3.2 Engiee's Cerations - Every th (3) yea aft the Option Date, Seller wil supply Ida Power with a Cerfication of Ongoing Options and Maitence -26- (O&M) frm a Register Profession Engiee licensed in th Stae of Ida, whìch Cerifieaon of Ongoig 0 & M shall be in th fo spefied in Ap C. . Seller's failur to supply th reui cerficate will be an even of default. Suc a default. may only be cu by Seller prvidi th reui ceifcate; and 19.3.3 Licenes and Pets - Dug the fu te of ths Agren Seller shl ma copliat:e with al pets an lice descbe in pah 4.1. .of this Agt. In addtion Seller will suly Idao Power wi copies of any new or additon pets or licenses. At leat ever fift Contrt Yea, Seller wi upd th documntation descbed in Pargrh 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fals to matain compliance with the pets and licen desbe in pagrph 4.1.1 or to provide th docentaon reui by th pagrh, such failur wi be an event of default an may Q! be cu by Seller subtting to Idao Power evde of complian frm th pett agey. ARTICLE XX: GOVERWALAUTORTION 20.1 Th Agent is subjec to the jursdcton of those goveenta agenies havig contrl over either Par of th Agrent. ARUCLE XX: COMMISSION ORER 21.1 Ths Agt sh beme fily effective upon the Commion's approval of al ter and provisìons herof without change or condition and delartion that aU payments to be made to Seller heredeshall be allowed as prently incu exps for rag purp. ARTICLE xx: SUCCESSORS AN ASSIGNS 22.1 Ths Agrement an al of the te and prvisions herof shal be bindig upon an inur to the beefit of the repetive succsor and assigns of the Paries hero. except that no asignt he by either Par shall become effctive without the wrtt const of both Paries beg fi obtaed. Such const sh not be unnaly witheld. Notwthtading the forgoing, -27- any par which Idao Power may cosolidate, or into which it may mere, or to whih it may convey or trfer substatily al of its elecc utiit asse, shal automcaly, without fuer act, and without need of const or aproval by the Seller, sucd to all of Idao Power's nghts, obligaons and intests un ths Agren. Ths arcle shal no prent a fiing entity with reded or seur rights frm exerg al rights and reedes avalable to it unde law or CòItr. Idao Power sh have the nght to be notified by the ficing entity th it is exeisi suh rights or reedes. ARTICLE xx: MODIFICATION 23.1 No modification to ths Agrent shal be valid uness it is in wrtig and signed by both Pares and subsuently appved by the Comssion. ARTICLE XX: TAXS 24.1 Eah Par sh pay before delinueny al taes and other governenta ches which, if failed to be paid whe due, could result in a lien upn the Faclity or th Inteecti Facilties. ARTæLE XX: NOTæES 25.1 All wrtten notices under ths Agrent shall be dited as follows and shall be conside deliver when faxed e-mailed and confued with depsit in the U.S. Mail, fit-class, potage praid, as follows: -28- To Seller: Orginal document to: Clark Canyon Hydr, LLC C/O Syibwtics LLC Ki Johnon 2000 S. Oce Blvd # 703 DelRay Bech, Flonda 33438 Telephone: (561) 330-7974 Mobile (816) 728-3533 E-mal: vice.lamarCâlsymioticsenet.çgm E-ma Coyto:ki.johnn~veer.comElbe.~symbiotièergy.co To Idao Powr: Qngi doent to: Vice Prsidet, Power Supply Idao Power Comy PO Box 70 Boise, Ida 83707 Email: Lgrow~ìdaopwe.com Copy of docent to: Cogeertion an Sm.L Power Production Idao Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Ida 83707 E-mal: ral.~idahopower.com Either Par may chage the conta peron anor addrss inontion listed abve, by providing wrtt notce frm an autored pe resentig th Par. ARTICt£ XX: APDmONAL TER AN CONDITIONS 26.1 Ths Agt includes th followi appdices, which are atched heo an includèd by refere: Appendi AAppdiß AppdixC Generion SCheduling an Reprtg Facilty and Poin of Delive Engi's Cerfications - 29- AppediD Form of Liqud Secty ARTICLE xxvn: SEVEILITY 27.1 Th inidity or unenorbilty of any te or proviion of th Agrent shall not affec the Vaidi or enorcbilty of any oth ter or provision and th Agrt sha be constr in all oter re as if th invad or unorceable tè or provision wer omitt ARTICLE xx: COUNTS 28.1 Ths Agent may be execute in two or more countes, eah ofwbich sha be deed an original but all of which togeter sha constitute one and the sae ínen. ARTICLE XXIX: EN AGREEEN 29.1 Ths Agren constitutes the enti Agent of th Pares conceg the subjec ma herf an supees al pror or contempoeous or or wrtten agts betwee the Pares concethe subjec ma herf. -30- IN WISS WHREOF, The Paries hero have cau ths Agett to be execute in their reive names on th das set fort below: Idao Power Compay Cla Canyon, LLC By ~~ia. tk if LisAGrw. Sr. Vice Preident, Powe Supply Dat 5. LO~ , 1 Date t5- \8- \1 "Idao Power "Seller" - 31- APENDIX A A -1 MONTY POWE PRODUCTION AN SWITHIG RERT At the en of each month the followg reuir docenion wil be submited to: Id Power Company Att Cogeneron and Smal Power PrUCtiOn POBox 70 Bois, Ido 83707 The meer regs reir on th re wil be the readings on the Idao Power Mete Equipment meaur the Faclity's tota energy pruction and Station Usage deliver to Ida Powe and the mamum geerted ener (kW) as reor on the Met Equipment and/or any other reui ener measurents to aduaely admste ths Agrent. Ths doent shl be the document to enble Idao Power to begi the ener payment caculation and payment proess. Th meter regs on ths rert shal not be used to caculate the ac payment, but ins wil be a check of the automted meter reg informtion th will be gather as desnb in ite A-2 below: - 32- Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and sma Power Prducton MONTY POWER PRODUCTION AN SWICHIG RET Project Name Month Year Prjec Numer: Addr at) Meter NUD: End of Moth kWh Meter Rea: Be of Month kWl Met: Dierce: tiies Mtete Cont: kWh for the Month: Meter Ded: Brakr Open R.ecrd pate Tim Meter _. ..Brear Qpior Reasn C9des Laek of Adequate Prme MO'er Force Outa of Faei Dibáee of 1P0 System Seheduled Maitece Téf of Protection Systems Caus Unknown Otr (Expai) i 2 3 4 S' 6 7 State Zip Fadlty~Station~ Phone Number: StationY!Metéred Mm"'" Ge kW Net Genen = Breer Cl Red Date li M* *1 ßg I ii I I hery cert tht the above meter re are true and correct as of Mit on the lat day of the above òI and that the swhi reord is aettte an compete as required by the Fi Energ Sal Agnt to whieh I am a Pái. Sigtüe -33- Date A-2 AUTOMATED MET REING COLLCTON PROCESS Monthy, Idao Power will use th prde Met an Telemet equient and prses to collect the meer redig inrmtion frJí the Idao Power prvide Metg Equipmt th measus the Net Ener and en deliver to suly Staon Use for the Facilty rede at 12:00 AM (Midnght) of the las day of the month.. The Jíeter inortion oollected wil include but no be limted to ener proucon, Station Use, the inimum geer power (lW) and any other reui ener measurents to aduaely adtst th Agrent. A-3 ROUTIN RERTING Once the Facility ha achieved its Option Date and ha opeed in a reliable and consistet iner for a resonable peod of time, the Pares may mut agr to modfy th Routine Rertg requirent. Ido Power Contat Infortion DalyEn Pruction Reprtin¡ Call daly by 10 a.m., 1-800-356-4328 or I..SOO-635-1923 and leave the following inonnaton: . Projec Idetification.. Prject Name and Prject Number . Curt Meter Reag · Estite Genertion for the cut day · Esimted Geertion for th next day Plaed an Unanned Prje outages Call1-SQQ-345-1319 and leave the following inortion: · Prject Idenficaton - Prject Nam and Prject Numbe . Approxie time outàge occu . Estimted day an tie of projec coming back onlie - 34- Seer's Conta InonatiQn 24.Hou Prec Opertiona Contact Name: Telephone Numbe CellPhon~ Bret Smith (541) 330:8779 (208) 521~2473 PrjectOi~site Contact inormon Name: Telephone Numbe: Bret Smith (208) 521-2473 - 35- APPENDIXB FACIL AN POIN OF DELIVERY Prjec Name: Clar cayo Hydelecc Prjec Numbe 4145560 B-1 DESCRITION OF FACILIT (Must include the Nameplate Capacity rating an V AR capility (bot leaing and laggg) of all generation units to be inluded in tke Facility.) Th 4.7 MW Clark Canyon Hydr LLC prject is located at the Clk Canyon da on the Beaverhed River in Beverhead County nea the town of Dillon Mr. Long:44.99, La:-112.8S. Cla Canyon Hydro to build a lie to deliver power dily to Idao Power at the Peteron Subston loted in Southwest MOílta south of the town of Dilon MT. Var Capability (Both leading and laggng) Le is ~ Laggg is ~ B-2 LOCATION OF F ACIL Nea: Dillon, MT Geogrphic Coordies: Lo 44.99, Lat -112.85 County Beverd Deription of Interconnecon Lotion: Connec dily to the Ida PoWer Pet-enSubsttion B-3 SCHULD FIRT ENEGY AN OPERTION DATE Seller has selec Noveiher 1. 2012 as the Scheuled Firt Energy Date. Seller ha select March 31. 2013 as the Scheduled Option Dat. In ing these selecons, Seller reogts tht aduate testig of th Facilty and completion of all requients in pargrph 5.2 of ths Agrent must be complet prior to the prjec being grted an Option Date. 8-4 MAIM CAPACIT AMOUN: Ths value will he 4.7 MW whieh is COílSÌsten with th vaue provided by the Seller to Idao Power in aooOtce with Schedule 72. This value is the mawn energy (M) tht potentily - 36- cod be deliver by the Seller's Facilty to the Ida Power elecca sysem at any moment in time. B.S POIN OF DELIVERY "Poin of Delivery" meai, uness oterise agred by both Pares, th poin of wher the Seller's Facilty energy is delivere to the Idao Power eletnca sysem. Scheule 72 wil detee the spific Point of Deliver for ths FacHty. Th Poin of Deliver idetified by Schede 72 wil beome an integr pa of ths Agrt. B-6 LOSSES If the Idao Power Met equipment is capale of meg the exact ener delivees by the Seller to the Ido Power eleccal system at the Point of Deliver, no Loses wil be calcued for ths Facilty. If the Ida Power Meter is unble to mea the exac en deliveries by the Seller to the Idao Power eleccal syem at the Point of Dever, a Losses calculation wi be estblished to meaur the ener losses (kWh) beee the Selle's Faclity and th Idao Power Point of Deliver. Th loss calculation will be intialy set at 2% of the kWh engy prodcton record on the Facilty geertion inng eqipment. At such tie as Seller provide Idao Power with the eleccal equiment speifcations (trsforer loss speificaions, conductor sizs, etc.) of al of the electnca equipment beee the Facilty and the Idao Power eleccal sysem Idao Power wil congu a rese loss cacuion forula to be agr to by both paries and us to calcute the kWh Loses for the reai ter of th Agrent. If at any tie durg the ter of ths Agt, Ida Power detnes that th loss calcution do not corrly reflect the acua kWh losse attbute to the eleccal equipment betee the Facilty and the Idao Power elecca syem, Idao Power may adjus the caculn an reactively adjust the previous month's kWh loss calcUlations. B.7 METERG AN TELEMETRY Schedule 72 wi detere the spific meterg and teleet reents for th Facil. At the miui the Meter Equipmet and Telemetiy equipIit must be able to provide an .37. reord hourly en deliveres to th ~oint of Deliver and any other ener meaurents reed to adster thi Agt. Th speificaons wil inlude but not be limte to equipment spificatons, equipment loctioll Idao Powe provide equipmen, Seller prvide equipment, and all cost assoiated with the equipmen, design and ination of the Ida Power provided equipment. Seller wil arge for and mae available at Seller's cost councation ciruit(s) compatible with Idao Power's comuncations equipment an dedcated to Idao Powers use, teinti at Idao Power's facilty capable of providig Idao Power with couous intaeous inorition on th Facty's enetproöton. Idao ~ower provide equipment wil be owned and maintaed by Idao Powèr, with tota cost of purhae,. intaation, option, an maienance, includig adtrtive cost to be rebur to Idao Power by the Seller. Payment of these coss wil be in acordàce with Schee 72 and the total meerig cost wil be includ in the cacuation of the Monthy Option an Maience Chas speced in Schede 72. B-8 NEORK RESOURCE DESIGNATION Idao Power caot acct or pay for generon frm ths Facility un a Network Resur Designtion ("NR") application ha be acceed by Ido Powe's deliver business unt. Fed Ener Reguator Commssion ("PEC") Rules req Ido Power to pre an submit the NR. Because much of the information Idao Power nee to preare the NR is spific to the Seller's Faci1ty, Idao Power's abilty to file the NR in a tily nier is contgent upon timely reeipt of the requid information frm the Seller. Pror to Ida Power begig the proess to enble Ida Power to submit a reuet for NR sttu for ths Faclity, the Seller shll have complet al reuients as speifed in Pargrph 5.7 of ths Agélt. SeDer;s faiure to prode comple and acCllte inrma.tÎ in a tiely manner can signcant impact Idaho Power's abil and cost to attai the NR desigtion for the Seler's Faci and tbe Seer sba be the costs of any of these delays tbat ar a resul of any actn or inacon by tbe SeDer. - 38- APPENixc ENGINERiS CERTIFICATION OF OPERTIONS & MANANCE POLICY The undeigned . on behaf of hielf and herinfter collecively refer to as "Engi," heby stte and cerfies to th Seller as follows: i. Th Engiee is a Lice Professiona Engiee in good stadig in the Stte ofIdao. 2. Th Enginee ha reviewed the Ener Sales Agent, herin "Agent," beee Idao Power as Buye, an as Seller, date 3. Th th cogeertion or small power proucon projec which is th subjec of the Agrent and ths Staement is idetified as IPCo Facilty No. an is he refe to as the "Prject" 4. Th the Prjec, which is commony known as the Prjec is locted in Secon _ Townhip Rage . Boise Merdian County, Idao. S. Tht Engi reognzes tht the Agent provide for the Projet to fuh elecca en to Id Power fur a yea peod. 6. Th Engiee has substtial expen in the deign constnon and opration of electrc power plans of the sae ty as ths Prject. 7. Tht Engi ha no ecnomc relationship to the Design Engiee of this Projec. 8. Th Engi ha reviewed and/or supese the review of the Policy for Option an Maintence ("O&M") for thi Projec and it is his prssional opiron that, provide sad Project ha be deigned an built to approprate standads, adhe to sad O&M Policy wil reult in th Projec's proding at or nea the design elecal outt, effciecy and plan far for a fift (15) . yea peod. .39- 9. Th En regns tht Idao Power, in accordace with pagr 5.2 of the Agren is relyig on Engees reresetaons and opinon cont in th Staent. 10. Tht Engir cees th the aboe stts ar complet, tr and accute to the bet of his kiowledgeand therefore se his ha an se below. By (P.E. Stap) Date -40- APPENDIXC ENGINER'S CERTIFICATIN OF ONGOING OPERTIONS AN MANANCE The tmergned , on behaf of hilf and herer collecvely refe to as "Engiee." herby stte and ceres to the Seller as follows: 1. Th Engee is a Lice Prfesiona Engiee in goo stag in th State ofIdao. 2. Th Engiee ha reviewed the Ener Sales Agrent, herr "Agent," between Idao Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. Tht the cogention or sm power proion prjec which is th subjec of the Agent and ths Statement is idetied as IPCo Facilty No. an hereifter refer to as the "Prjec" . 4. Tht the Projec which is commony know as the Prjec, is locted in Secon _Townhip Rage , Boise MediaI Coun, Idao. 5. That Engiee reog tht the Agrent provide for the Project to fush electrcal ener to Id Power fot a tw (20) yea peod. 6. That Engiee bas substtial expence in the design constiction and operation of eleco poer plats of the sae ty as ths Prjec. 7. Tht Eng ha no economc relationhip to the Design Engiee of ths Prject. -41- 8. Th Engiee ha ma a physica inon of sad Prec, it op an maience rerd sine the la prous ce intion. It is Engiee's prfessiona opinon, ba on the Prjects appece, that its ongoing O&M has be substtialy in acordce with sad O&M Policy; tht it is in realy good optig codition and tht if adherce to said O&M Policy contiue, the Project wil contiue prcig at or ne its deign elecca outp, effciency an plat facor for th reg yea of the Agrt. 9. Tht Engiee regns tht Id Power, in ace with pah 5.2 of the Agen, is relyi on Engiee's resetaons and opinons conted in ths Stateent. 10. Tht Engi cerfies tht the above staements ar conilete, tre and accurte to th bet ofhi knowlede and thfor sets his had an se below. By (P .E. Sta) Date -42- APPENixC ENGINER'S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTON ADEQUACY The undeigned , on beh of hilf an herer collecvely refer to as "Engiee", heby states and cerifes to Idao Power as follows: l. Th En is a Licese Prfeona Engee in go stadig in the State of Idao. 2. That Engiee ha reewed the Fir Ene Saes Agent, heiner "Agenti, beteen Idao Power as Buye, and as Sellet, da J 3. That the cogenertion or sma power prueonprjec, which is . the subject of the Agent and ths Statement, is idtifed as IPCo Facilty No and is her refer to as the "Prjec" . 4. Tht the Prject, which is coonly known as th Prject, is loete in Seon .. Townsp Rage , Boise Merdi County, Id. S. That Enginee reognze th th Agrt provides for the Prjec to fush elec ener to Idao Power for a twenty (20) year perod. 6. Tht Engieer ha substatia expeence in the deign constron an opon of elecc power plants of the same tye as th Prjec. 7. Th Engiee ha no econom relaonship to the Deign Engiee of th Prect and has ma the anysis of the plans an spifcations indedetly. 8. Th Engiee ha reviewed the engierg design and constion of the Prjec inludig the civil work, eleccal work, generating equipment, prie mover conveyance system, Seller fushed Interonecion Facilties and oter Prjec facilties an equipment. - 43- 9. Th the Prjec ha be cons in acrd with sad pla an spficaon, all applicable cods and consistt wi Prt Elecca Prce as th te is de'b in the Agent. 10. That the design and conseton of th Prjec is suc tht with reonble and prude operaion and matence prices by Seller, the Prjec is capable of peorm in acco with th ter of the Agt and with Prdent Eleccal Prices for a year penod. 11. Tht Bngiee regnzes tht Idao Power, in accordce with pah 5.2 of the Agent, in intennecg the Prjec with its sysei is relyi on Engees rereentations an opinoll contaed in ths Stateent. 12. Tht Engiee certes that the above stateients ar complete, tr and acte to the be ofhi knowledge an ther ses his had and se below. By (p.E. Sta) Date -44 APPENlD FORMS OF LIQUID SECUR Th Seller shl prode Idao Power with commerialy reonble seurty instents such as Cas Esw Seurty, Guate or Le of Cret as those tei ar defied below or oter form of liquid fici seythat would prvide rey avaable ca to Idà Power to sasfy the Delay Securty reuient with ths Agt. For the puse of ths Appdi D, the ter "Cret Requients" shal m.ea aceptale fici crtwortes of th entity providig the sety inent in relation to th ter of the obligation in the renable judent ofIdao Power, prvided th any gute and/or let of crt issu by any other entity with a short-ter or long-ter investent gr crt rating by Stada & Poor's Corpraon or Mooy's Investor Sece, Inc. sha be deeed to have acceptable ficia critwors. 1. Cash Escrow Secty - Seer sha desit fus in an escrw account esblished by the Seller in a ban insttution accetable to both Pares equa to the Delay Sety. 2. Gutee or Le of Cret Secty - Seller shal post aid mata in an amount equa to th Delay Securty: (a) a guty frm a par tht satisfies the Cret Reuiren, in a form acceble to Idao Power at its discion, or (b) a Leer of Cret in a form accetable toldao Power, in favor ofIdao Power. The Le of Cret wil be issue by a ficial institution accepble to bo paies. -45- Peter 1. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYnchardsonandolear.com gregaYrichardsonandolear .com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRAD VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) ) VS. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 5.2 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF IPC-E-II-09 KRSTIE A. SASSER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION POBOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0357 BARNO. 6618 RECEIVED , 2011 JUN 29 PM 2: 31 iDAHO PUbL¡Ç UTlLîT1ES COMi¡WjSION Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Sta BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILmES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FORA ) CASE NO. IPC-E-ll-09 DETERMINATION REGARING THE FI ) ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH CLAR) COMMNTS OF mE CANYON, LLC FOR THE SALE AND ) COMMISSION STAFF PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. ) COMES NOW the Sta of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and though its Attorney of record, Krstine A. Sasser, Deputy Attorney General, and in respons to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedur issued in Order No. 32252 on June 1,2011, in Case No. IPC-E-11-09, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On May 24, 2011, Idao Power Company filed an Application with the Commission requesting acceptace or rejecion of a 20-year Firm Energy Sales Agreement (Agreement) between Idao Power and Clark Canyon, LLC (Clark Canyon) dated May 20, 2011. The Application states that Clark Canyon would sell and Idao Power would purchae electrc energy generated by the Clark Canyon hydrelectrc project (Facilty) located nea Dilon, Montaa. The Application states that Clark Canyon proposes to own, operate and maintain a 4.7 MW (maximum capacity, nameplate) hydroelectrc generating facilty. Application at 2. The Facilty wil be a QF under the applicable provisions ofPURA. The Agreement is for a term of 20 year and contans STAFF COMMENTS 1 JUE 29, 2011 the curent non-Ievelized published avoided cost rates established by the Commission in Order No. 31025 for energy deliveries of less than 10 average megawatts ("aMW"). Clark Canyon selected November 1,2012, as its Scheduled First Energy Date and March 31,2013, as its Scheduled Operation Date. Application at 3. Idaho Power asserts that varous requirements have been placed upon the Clark Canyon facilty in order for Idaho Power to accept the Facilty's energy delivenes. Idao Power staes tht it will monitor the Facilty's compliance with initial and ongoing requirements though the term of the Agreement. The Application maintans that all applicable intercnnection chargesand monthly operation or maintenance chages under Schedule 72 wil be assessed to Clark Canyon. Idaho Power states that the Facilty is curently in the generator interconnection process. "Upon resolution of any and all upgrades required to acquire trsmission capacity forthis Facilty's generation, and upon execution of the FESA and the GIA, ths Facilty may then be designated as a network resoure." fd. at 4. Clark Canyon and Idao Power have agrd to liquidated damage and securty provisions of$45 per kW of nameplate capacity or the sum of th month' estimated revenue. Agreement ir 5.3.2, 5.8. i. Ownership of environmental attbutes (i.e., Green Tags, Renewable Energy CreditsICs) associated with ths Facilty are addressed in a separte agreement. Application at 3. Idaho Power states that the Facilty has also been made awar of and accepted the provisions in the Agreement and Idaho Power's approved Schedule 72 regarding non- compensated curlment or disconnection of its Facilty should certn operating conditions develop on Idaho Power's system. The Application notes that the paries' intent and understading is that "non-compensated curlment would be exercised when the generation being provided by the Facilty in certn operting conditions exceeds or approaches the minimum 10ad levels of (Idao Power's) system such tht it may have a detrmenta effect upon (Idao Power's) abilty to mange its theral, hydro, and other resources in order to meet its obligation to reliably serve loads on its system." ¡d. at 5. By its own terms, the Agreement will not become effective until the Commission ha approved all ofthe Agreement's terms and conditions and declares that all payments made by Idaho Power to Clark Canyon for purhass of energy will be allowed as prudently incured expenses for ratemakng purses. Agrment' 2 i. i . STAFF COMMNTS 2 JUE29, 201 i STAFF ANALYSIS With few exceptions, the rates, terms and conditions contained in the Agreement ar identical to those contained in other recently approved PURA contracts. Consequently, Staffs comments will not address the stadard rates, terms and conditions, and instead will focus only on those thngs that make this Agreement unque. One unique featur of ths Agreement is tht ownership of environmental attbutes is determned in a separte agreement between Idao Power and Clark Canyon. Another unque featue of this project is that the Facilty is not located in Idao but is seeking a contract containing Idaho's published avoided cost rates. Both issues are discussed in more detail below. Environmental Attribute Ownership As the Commssion is awar, there is curently no renewable portfolio stadard in Idao or requirement that utilities possess environmenta attbutes. Furermore, neither the Commission nor the Idao State Legislatur has issued orders or passed legislation specifying who-the utilty or the project owner-owns the RECs and is entitled to sell them. . Neverteless, RECs ar produced by PUR A projects in Idao and they undeniably have value if sold. The Commssion has previously stted, "The utilty and the QFs are free to voluntaly contract and negotiate the sale and purchae of such green tags should environmenta attbutes be perceived by the contracting paries to have value. The price of the same we find, however, is not a PURP A cost and is not recoverable as such by the Company." Case No. IPC-E-04-16, Order No. 29577, p. 6. In all prior Idao Power PURPA contracts in which RECs ar produced by a project, Idao Power has voluntaly waived any right or claim to ownership of RECs and i 00 percent of the RECs have been claimed by project owners. In the Clark Canyon contract, however, the pares have negotiated a SO/50 sharng ofRECs. Idaho Power informed ~ta that it initially proposed reservation of rights languae for the contract that would preserve for Idaho Power and its customers the right to RECs in ths contract should the rues, regulations, laws, or legal sttus as to the ownership of RECs in PURP A contrts be clarfied or changed to abide by such change in law. Ultimately, the paries saw a mutu value to both the project and to Idao Power and its customers in clarfyng the ownership of RECs and negotiated the separate agreement whereby the project retas all RECs for the firs ten year of the contract and Idaho Power own all RECs for the las ten year of the contr. There is no moneta payment for RECs in the Agreement. The project receives clarfication as to STAFF COMMNTS 3 JUE 29, 2011 ownership and retans RECs for the firs ten year to obtan what value it can to help offset project costs. Furermore, Idaho Power and its customers receive clarfication as to the ownership and get ownership of all RECs for the last ten years to either obtan what value it can for the RECs, which flows back to customers, or retire such RECs in order to clai the environment attbutes of the energy on its system or to meet possible futue renewable portolio stdads. Sta regnzes that agreement between the paes regarding REC ownership seems to be exactly the typ of negotiation contemplated by the Commission when it issued Order No. 29577. Neverteless, the sharng argement negotiate in this case is a clear depare from the REC ownership argements Idaho Power has agreed to in prior PURP A contracts. In a separte PURA agreement recently filed by Idaho Power (lPC-E-l 1-10, Interconnect Solar Development LLC.)I, Idao Power and the project owner have negotiated an agreement in which REC ownership is split 50/50 thoughout the entire 25-year term of the contrac rather than ownership being split SO/50 between the firs and last halves of the contrct terms as in ths Agreement with Clark Canyon. Although Staffhas no objection to the REC ownership argements agreed to between Clark Canyon and Idao Power in this case, the varety of ownership argements demonstrated in recent Idaho Power contrcts may be an indication that consistent ownership rues or laws need to be established in the futue. The Clark Canyon Facilty is Located in Montana The Clark Canyon Facilty is not located in Idaho but is seeking a contract contaning Idaho's published avoided cost rates. The Facilty will be directly connected to Idahô Power's Peterson substation which is also located in Montaa. A relevant question is whether Clark Canyon should be entitled to receive Idao's avoided cost rates und6l Idaho's rules and regulations, or whether the project should be subject to Montaa's rates and rues because the point of delivery is in Montaa. In general, in order for a facilty located outside Idao to be eligible for an Idao QF contract, the Commission's policy has been that the QF must either deliver power directly to a substation located within Idao, or alternatively, thtthe QF must pay wheeling charges to have the power delivered to an Idao substation. Curently, there are six facilties located outside Idaho that have PURP A contracts with Idaho utilties at Idao avoided cost rates, and several others have been proposed. i An application was fied in Case No. IP~E-i 1*10 on June 17,2011. STAFF COMMENTS 4 JUE 29, 2011 There are thee prior cases which ar instrctive of the Commission's position on this mattr. In the first cas, Earth Power Energy and Minerals, Inc. vs. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-92-29. Ear Power proposed to develop a 9.9 MW geothennal project in Nevada that would deliver power to Idao Power's Humboldt substation in Nevad. Earh Power ha requested Idaho avoided cost rates and contended that Idao Power was obliged to negotiate a contract with it in accordace with Idao Commssion rues and requirements. At the time of the complaint, Idao Power stil served 1200 retail customers in Nevada; consequently, Idaho Power was subject to the regulatory authority and jursdiction of both the Idaho Commission and the Nevada Commission. Idaho Power argued. however. that the Idaho Commission lacked jursdiction over this paricular contract beause both the facilty and the point of interconnection were located in Nevada. Initially, the Idaho Commssion dismissed the complaint and declined to exercise its jursdiction because it appeared that the Nevada Commssion intended to do so. Reference Order No. 25174. However. shortly thereafer. the Nevada Commission dismissed the complaint becaus it believed tht the Idaho Commission was most capable of setting avoided cost rates for Idaho Power. Subsequently, the Idaho Commission authorized Ea Power, at its discretion. to fie a new complaint. However. no complaint wa ever filed. so the mattr was never fully resolved. Nevereless, what was made clear was that jursdiction under PURP A is shared by all state regulatory authorities who exercise "ratemaking authority" over multijursdictional utilities. Reference PURA Section 210. A second relevant case was Island Power Company, Inc. vs. PacifCorp. Case No. UPL-E-93-04. Island Power proposed to develop a 4.4 MW hydro project at the Clark Canyon Dam, coincidentally, a nearly identical facilty at the same exact location as is being proposed in ths case. One signficant difference, however, was that Island Power proposed to wheel the power from Montaa to Idaho and deliver to either the Goshen or Jefferson substations both located in Idaho. At the time of the complaint, PacifiCorp was providing retal electrc service both in Monta and Idaho. Island Power alleged that PacifiCorp was refusing to acept delivery of power in Idaho and was refusing to pay Idao avoided cost rates. PacifiCorp indicated that it was willng to purcliase the power only if it was wheeled nort to a PacifiCorp substation in Monta and alleged that the Idao Commission had no jursdiction because the project was to be sited in Montaa. In its decision in the cae. the Commission, as in the Eath Power case, stated tht jursdiction was shared by all state regulatory autorities who exercise "ratemaking authority" over the utilty. The Commssion noted tht although the project was to be sited in Montaa, the STAFF COMMENTS 5 JUE 29. 2011 proposed point of delivery to PacifiCorp was in Idao. The Commission denied a motion to dismiss fied by PacifiCorp to the complait fied by Island Power for failur to negotiate a contrct. Shortly afer the Commission issued its decision. an avoided cost case was opened that resulted in a lowering of avoided cost raes. Island Power's initial complaint then transformed into a dispute over whether Island Power was entitled to grdfathered rates. The Commission rued that PacifiCorp wa required to purchase the output of the Clark Canyon project at an Idaho delivery point, but that Island Power was not entitled to grdfathered rates. Reference Order No. 25245. Island Power, however. never chose to pursue a contract. A thd relevant case was Vaagen Bros. Lumber, fnc. vs. The Washington Water Power Company, Case No. WWP-E-94-6. In ths case, Vaagen Brothers had a i 979 power sales agreement with Washington Water Power (WW) that had expired in 1994. Vaagen Brotherswas seeking a new contract with WWP as a PURP A QF puruat to the Idao avoided cost methodology and rates. The facilty was located in WW's service terrtory in the stte of Washingtn. with a point of interconnection also in Washington. Vaagen Brothers fied a complaint with the Idao Commssion seeking to force WWP to enter into a contract. WWP had retal electrc service terrtory in both the state of Washington and Idaho. just as it does now. and was therefore under the regulatory jursdiction of both the Idao and Washington Commissions. Under the facts of this case, the Commssion found tht it had concurent jursdicton with Washington, but believed that the Washington avoided cost rates and rules should apply, subject to the jursdiction of the Washington Commission. The Commission distinguished this case from the Ear Power and Island Power cases stating, "Vaagen is an existing facilty sited in the Washington servce terrtory of the utilty that it wishes to sell to. the Washington Water Power Compay. The established point of delivery is in the state of Washington." The Commission fuer stated that the Washington Commssion had established a regulatory framework for PURA in Washington, and that although Idao did have concurent jursdiction with the Washington Commission. "common sense dictates tht there are some instaces when we should elect not to exercise our jursdiction." Subsequent to the Commission's decision, Vaagen Brothers negotiated a PURPA contract with Idaho Power at Idao's avoided cost rates; however, Vaagen Brothers pays a wheeling charge to deliver the power to Idao Power's system in Idao. Clark Canyon is slightly differet th the other thee cases discussed above. Clark Canyon is a QF located in the state of Monta with a proposed point of interconnection dirctly to Idao Power's Peterson substation in the stte of Montaa. There would be no different STAFF COMMENTS 6 JUE 29. 201 i interconnecting utilty and subsequent wheel of the power in order to reh Idao Power. A signficant distingushing featue in this case, however, is tht Idao Power has no retal electrc service terrtory in the state of Montaa; therefore, the Montaa Commission has no reguatory framework for PURPA that is applicable to Idao Power. NortWestern Energy own trsmission lines that are immediately adjacent to the proposed Clark Canyon facilty, and PacifiCorp jointly owns trsmission facilties that are equidistat to Idao Power's transmission facilties (approximately 11.5 miles away). Nonetheless, as long as it is willng to pay the necessar interconnection costs, there is nothng that prevents Clark Canyon from choosing which utiltys tranmission system it wishes to interonnect. Under these facts, and purt to the dirction provided by the previously discussed Commission Orders above, Sta believes that that the Idao Commission does, in fact, have sole jursdiction in this matter, and that Idao Power has an obligation to enter into a PURP A contract under Idaho's rules, regulations and rates. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the Firm Energy Sales Agrement between Clark Canyon LLC and Idao Power be approved as fied. Sta fuer recommends that the Commission declare that all payments for purchases of energy under the Agreement be allowed as prudently incurd expenses for ratemakng puroses. Respectfully submitted this i. ~ It day of June 20 i 1. ¿f;.¿l ~.QAstÃ. Saser -- Deputy Attorney General Technical Sta: Rick Sterling i:umisc:commentsipcel 1.9ksrp commnts STAFF COMMENTS 7 JUE 29, 2011 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THT I HAVE THIS 29TH DAY OF JU 2011. SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-II-09, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID. TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER LEAD COUNSEL IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: dwalker(ßidaopower.com RANDY C ALLPHIN ENERGY CONTRCT ADMIN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: rallphin(ßidahopower.com ~~ SECRETARY: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYrichardsonandolear.com gregCirichardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR II, LLC, Complainant,) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 5.3 REPL Y COMMENTS OF CLARK CANYON IPC- E-II-09 Peter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 Gregory Adams ISB No. 7454 Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Tel Fax: (208) 938-7904 Fax peteraYnchardsonandoleary.com greg(ßrichardsonandoleary .com Attorneys for Clark Canyon Hydro RECEIVED 20" JUt -6 PH~: 4 , I c~ I~, 1~¡ () UTiLITiES BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TH MATTR OF THE APPLICATION OF) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CASE NO. IPC-E-II-09 DETERMINATION REGARING THE FIR ) ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH ) REPLY COMMNTS CLAR CANYON, LLC FOR THE SALE AN) OF CLAR CANYON, LLC PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY ) ) ) COMES NOW, Clark Canyon, LLC ("Clark Canyon") and provides it's Reply Comments to the Comments of the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Staff") in the above captioned matter dealing with the Application of the Idaho Power Company ("Company" or "Idaho Power") for approval of a PURP A agreement with Clark Canyon. i. SUMMAY Clark Canyon is appreciative of Staff's review of the Agreement between it and Idaho Power and respects Staff's duty to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of such agreements. Neverteless, Clark Canyon is concerned that Staffs Comments addressing the separate REC ownership agreement it entered into with Idaho Power may reflect a misunderstanding relative to the Commission's role with respect to RECs. The purose of these Reply Comments is to provided some context as to why Clark entered a separate REC agreement and express concern relative to Stas conclusion that "the varety of ownership arangements demonstrated in recent Idaho Power contracts may be an indication that consistent ownership rules or laws need to be established in the futue." Staf Comments at p. 4. II DISCISSION - THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION HAS NO JUISDICTION OVER REC OWNERSHIP The question of ownership ofRECs was addressed by the Commssion in 2004 in a docket in which it was asked by Idaho Power to determine the ownership of marketable environmental attbutes associated with the sale of renewable energy from a PURA qualifying facility to Idaho Power. See Case No. IPC-E-04-2. In that docket, the Staff fied Comments that contained an extensive legal analysis of the question of the Commission's jurisdiction to even address that question, let alone rue in favor of one of the paries to the PURP A agreement then pending before the Commission for approval. See Comments of the Commission Staff IPC-E- 04-2Id (March 19,2004). Staffbegan its legal analysis by asking a series of relevant questions: Staff contends that the initial question before the Commssion is one of jurisdiction. Does the Commssion have the statutory authonty and jursdiction to determne who owns the "environmental attibutes" associated with a QF project that requests a PURP A contract and proposes to sell capacity and energy to a regulated utilty? If PURP A and FERC rues do not address and do not require a QF developer to sell "environmental attibutes," to the purchasing utilty can the Commission in its implementation ofPURPA restrict their sale to other paries? If the Commission has the authority under PUR A, should it restrict their sale? Can the Commission requie as a PURP A contract condition that a QF grant a purchasing utilty a "right of first refusal" to purchase the "Green Tags" associated with the QF facilty? fd. at pp. 5 - 6. Reply Comments- IPC-E-I 1-09 2 Sta properly began its analysis of the questions posed by addressing the basic jurisdictional issue: It is well settled that the Idaho Commission is a creatue of statute and derives its general authority vis-à-vis electric utilties from Title 61, Idaho Code. Under State Law, the Commssion has authority over retal service. Wholesale power transactions are regulated by the Federal Energy Reguatory Commission (PERC). The Federal Power Act defies "sale at wholesale" as any sale to a person for resale. 16 U.S.C. § 824(d). Therefore, all QF sales to an electnc utilty are wholesale transactions. fd. at p. 6. Having reached the basic conclusion that PURPA sales are not subject to this Commssion's jurisdiction, but are in fact subject to the exclusive jurisdiction ofFERC, the Stafs analysis next tured to what powers federal law, though FERC, has delegated to ths Commission relative to PURPA: Under federal authority, i.e., PURPA and the implementing regulations ofFERC, the Idaho Commssion has the authority to set avoided costs, to order electric utilties to enter into fixed term obligations for the wholesale purchase of energy from quaifyg facilties and to implement FERC rues regarding such purchases. fd. Emphasis provided. The next question addressed by the Sta in their Comments is the relationship between RECs and PURP A and the relevant FERC ruings addressing that relationship: FERC in the Order cited by Idaho Power in its Petition (105 FERC ir 61,004) states that the contract sale of QF capacity and energy entered into pursuat to PUR A does not convey renewable energy credits (RECs) to the purchasing utilty (absent an express provision in the contract to the contrary). FERC notes that RECs are relatively recent creations of the States and suggested that "States, in creatig RECs, have the power to determne who owns the REC in the intial instance, and how they may be sold and traded." "It is not" FERC states, "an issue controlled by PURP A." fd. Consistent with Stas recommendations in that case, the Commssion rejected Idaho Power's request for a right of first refusal and rejected PacifiCorp's and Avista's arguents in that case Reply Comments- ¡PC-E- I 1-09 3 that the utilities owned the RECs in an Idao PUR A contract. Specifically the Commission stated: While this Commission wil not permit (fdaho Power J in its contracting practice to condition QF contracts on inclusion of such a right-of-frst refusal term, neither do we preclude the paries from voluntaily negotiating the sale and purchase of such a green tag should it be perceived to have value. The price of the same we find, however, is not a PURP A cost and is not recoverable as such by the Company. Order No. 29480, at pp. 16 - 17 (emphasis provided). The QF's logically own the RECs because the rates on the avoided costs of a gas-fied power plant do not include compensation for any social or envionmenta benefits that may be associated with a paricular facilty's generation of electncity. It is clear from Stas analysis that there are no RECs created in a PUR A contract with an investor owned utility in Idao. It is also clear that if RECs exist at all, one must tu to state law to discern how and whether they exist and who owns them. Stas analysis of the status of RECs in Idaho was directly on point: Staff notes that Idaho is not a State that has established a renewable energy portfolio standard for electnc utilties. Nor is it a State that has by legislation created green certificates, green tags, renewable energy credits (RCs) or tradable renewable certficates (TRCs) or established a market for the same. Nor also is Idaho presently a state that has provided tax incentives or credits for the developnient of renewable energy. (footnote on pending ta legislation omitted) In short, there appears to Sta to be no hook that gives the Commssion jursdiction over "environmenta attbutes," not under PUR A or federal law (including the Energy Policies Act of 1992), and not under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. fd. at pp 6 - 7. Emphasis provided. Staf was unequivocal in its conclusion that the Commission has no subject matter jurisdiction over the question of REC ownership. Instrctive to the Coniission as it contemplates Staffs curent comments on REC ownership is Staffs 2004 observation on Idaho Reply Comments - IPC-E-II-09 4 Power's attempt to build. a fight of first refusal to REC ownership in PUR A contracts approved by this Commssion: Arguably what Idaho Power proposes is an impermssible "tang" of propert. The Fift Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, "nor shall private propert be taken for public use without just compensation." This provision is called the "tangs clause." Idaho Power requests a Commission Order granting the utilty by regulatory fiat a "nght of first refusal." It proposes no compensation to the QF for the right. Electnc utilty purchases of energy and capacity from PURP A QFs are mandatory. (citation omitted) The environmental attbutes associated with renewable QF projects are curently separate from the capacity and energy sold to Idaho utilties. They are not bundled together as a matter of law. Nor is the cost to purchase environmental attbutes included in an Idaho utilty's avoided cost. To the extent those attibutes have value and provide additional developer incentive, Staff believes they should remain with the developer. At ths time, no arguent has been advanced nor authonty cited to justify or require placing any regulatory restriction by ths Commission on their ownership. fd. at p. 8. Stas comments are as apropos today as they were in 2004. Indeed, the Idaho Legislatue has clearly established a state policy against the concept of a mandatory renewable portfolio stadard - which is arguably the only state policy upon which one could conjure up an arguent that RECs belong to the utilities in the PUR A context. In 2007, the Idaho Legislatue adopted the Idaho State Energy Plan which unequivocally rejects the concept of a mandate that utilties acquire renewable energy sources: Whle the Committee endorses renewable resources in general because of the many benefits they provide, it declines to adopt specific tagets or standards out of concern that setting arbitrar tagets could confict with the goals of maintaining Idaho's low-cost energy supply and ensurng access to affordable energy for all Idahoans. The Commttee is also concerned that adopting firm tagets may not provide sufficient flexibilty for Idaho energy providers given the rapid development of new energy technologies. 2007 Idao Energy Plan, (Janua 19,2007). Thus, the Idaho Legislatue has provided the Commission with policy guidance to the effect that there be no mandated renewable portfolio stadard and that Idaho's utilties have no obligation to, per se, acquire renewable energy. Reply Comments - IPC-E- 1l-09 5 CLAR CANYON, LLC'S REC EXPERIENCE WITH IDAHO POWER Clark Canyon voluntaly gave up ownership of its RECs durg the last ten years of the curently pending power purchase agreement for the sole reason that it was under extreme time pressure to execute the agreement for fiancing and other external reasons. It has been Clark Canyon's position, consistent with the Stas comments cited above, that it owned and will own all RECs associated with renewable projects it develops in Idaho uness it voluntaly gives or sells those RECs to another par. Idaho Power improperly insisted on contract language that would have put a cloud on the marketability of RECs. Clark Canyon did not have the resources or the luxury of time to engage in protracted negotiations and possible litigation against Idaho Power to prevent the power company's "taking" of the value of Clark Canyon' RECs. As a result of a compromise, and in exchange for removing the offending languge, Clark Canyon agreed to give Idaho power clear title to all RECs beginng in year eleven of ths twenty year contract while retaning clear title in years one though ten. Sta s comments that perhaps, "ownership rues or laws need to be established in the future" are, for all of the foregoing reasons, off the mark. Ownership rues and laws are unecessar in light of the fact that REC ownership unequivocally and legally lies with the renewable energy developer. Franly, what is needed is for Idaho Power to cease flexing its unequal bargaining strengt vis-a-vis QF developers and stop insisting on a cut of the action for which it refuses to pay and for which it has no legal claim. CONCLUSION Clark Canyon, LLC urges the Commssion to approve its Power Purchase Agreement with Idaho Power as quickly as possible and without reservation. Whle appreciative of Sta s concern with regard to Idaho Power's having engaged in a "varety of (RC) ownership . Reply Comments - ¡PC-E- I 1-09 6 arangements," the solution is for the Commssion to direct Idaho Power to retu to the status quo ante in which "in al prior Idaho Power PUR A contracts in which RECs are produced by a project, Idao power has voluntaily waived any nght or clai to ownership ofRECs and 100 percent of theRECs have been claied by project owners." Staf Comments at p. 3; see Order No. 29577. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED THIS 6th day of July 2011. Richardson & O'Lear, LLP Byß(~ Peter J. Richardson Clark Canyon, LLC Reply Comments - !PC-E- 11.09 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 7th day of June, 2011, a tre and correct copy of the withn and foregoing REPLY COMMENTS OF CLAR COUNTY HYDRO, LLC, was served in the maner shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell Commssion Secreta Idaho Public Utiities Commssion POBox83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 X Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Donovan E Walker Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 dwalkerrfidahopower .com _ Hand Delivery X U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Lisa Grow Vice President, Power Supply Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise il 83707-0070 Igrowrfidahopower .com _ Hand Delivery XU.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Randy Allphin Cogeneration & Small Power Development Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise ID 83707-0070 _ Hand Delivery XU.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail ~Cus Nina Curis Admstrative Assistat Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peteraYnchardsonandolear.com gregaYrichardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PVSOLAR II, LLC, Complainant, ) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-15 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT A. PAUL ) ) ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. EXHIBIT 5.4 IDAHO POWER RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF IPC- E-II-09 ( \" RECEIVED 201\ JUN 23 PM I.: S2 I!IDA~POR~ An IDACORP company DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker~idahopower.com If'. r, ¡.. n p." ¡(.:;L. ,~; ,. lJhi' v . ,~,~~."." ¡ t':,:in H lJ-I~ILI'fl'"'C: r.i )1"I.J.¡¡V"", ....." 11;_"'_.' \~.- '._' June 23, 2011 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-11-09 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA TlON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH CLARK CANYON, LLCi FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing please find an original and three (3) copies of Idaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in the above matter. 1¿¡~ Donovan E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures 1221 W.ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) JASON B. WILLIAMS Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker(ëidahopower.com jwilliams(ëidahopower.com RECEIVED 20r I JUH 23 PM~: 52 ir)ArfC~ .Pij f.'i. ¡(: UTILITIES COÌ'M¡ŠSION Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE ) FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH ) CLARK CANYON, LLC, FOR THE SALE ) AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company dated June 2, 2011, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1 REQUEST NO.1: Please provide a copy of the Environmental Attributes agreement between Idaho Power and Clark Canyon LLC referred to in Section 8.1 of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1: Please see the attached Agreement for Transfer of Ownership of Environmental Attributes. The response to this Request was prepared by Donovan E. Walker, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 2 REQUEST NO.2: This Firm Energy Sales Agreement appears to be the first for Idaho Power in which a separate agreement has been executed concerning Environmental Attributes. Please explain why a separate agreement for Environmental Attributes was executed. Please generally describe the ownership arrangement and financial considerations between the parties as reflected in the Environmental Attributes agreement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: With regard to Environmental Attributes, or Renewable Energy Certificates ("RECs"), and Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") contracts, the Commission has stated, "The utilty and the QFs are free to voluntarily contract and negotiate the sale and purchase of such green tags should environmental attributes be perceived by the contracting parties to have value. The price of the same we find, however, is not a PURPA cost and is not recoverable as such by the Company." Case No. IPC-E-04-16, Order No. 29577, p. 6. Idaho Power initially proposed reservation of rights language for the contract that would preserve for Idaho Power and its customers the right in this contract should the rules, regulations, laws, or legal status as to the ownership of RECs in PURPA contracts be clarified or changed to abide by such change in law. As an alternative to this reservation of rights, the parties saw a mutual value to both the project and to Idaho Power and its customers in clarifying the ownership of RECs and negotiated the separate agreement whereby the project retains all RECs for the first ten years of the contract and Idaho Power owns all RECs for the last ten years of the contract. There is no monetary payment for RECs in the agreement. The project receives clarification as to ownership and retains RECs for the first ten years to obtain what value it can to help offset development costs, etc. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 Furthermore, Idaho Power and its customers receive clarification as to the ownership and get ownership of all RECs for the last ten years to either obtain what value it can for the RECs, which flows back to customers, or retire such RECs in order to claim the environment attributes of the energy on its system or to meet possible future renewable portolio standards. A separate agreement was executed, as opposed to including all terms and conditions within the PURPA agreement, because that was the preference of the project. The response to this Request was prepared by Donovan E. Walker, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 4 REQUEST NO.3: Please provide a map showing the location of the proposed point of interconnection (Peterson substation) in relation to the location of the Clark Canyon facilty and any other utilty substations and transmission facilities of 69 kV and higher. Please clearly identify those facilties owned by Idaho Power and those owned by other utilties. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: The requested map is attached hereto. Please note that north is to the top of the map. The solid colored lines running off the map to the west from Bannock and Peterson are Idaho Power lines. The dashed lines are owned by other utilties. The purple dashed line, furthest to the east, as well as the dashed pink line running between Bannock and the purple dashed line on this map are Northwestern lines. The orange dashed line is the AMPS line, owned by. Northwestern and PacifiCorp. Clark Canyon has proposed to build its own line from its project to interconnect with Idaho Power at Idaho Power's Peterson substation. The information in the response to this Request was prepared by Jared Hansen, Engineer II, T&D Planning, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Donovan E. Walker, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 5 REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a copy of the transmission feasibilty study and any other transmission studies completed for this project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: A copy of the Feasibilty Study Report is attached hereto. No System Impact Study was needed. The Facility Study is underway and is due from Idaho Power by July 22, 2011. The response to this Request was prepared by Donovan E. Walker, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 6 REQUEST NO.5: Reference the following prior Commission Cases and associated Orders: IPC-E-92-29 Earth Power Energy and Minerals, Inc. vs. Idaho Power Company; Order Nos. 25174, 25249 UPL-E-93-4 Island Power Company, Inc. vs. PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power & Light Company; Order Nos. 25245, 25528 WWP-E-94-6 Vaagen Bros. Lumber, Inc. vs. The Washington Water Power Company; Order No. 25176 Please discuss whether Idaho Power considered any of these cases and orders in determining whether: a. The Idaho Commission has jurisdictional authority to approve a PURPA agreement for a facilty not located in Idaho and not delivering power to an substation located in Idaho, and b. Whether Clark Canyon is entitled to published avoided cost rates in Idaho when the facilty is not located in Idaho and does not deliver power to a substation located in Idaho. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: The cases cited above establish that the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") has jurisdictional authority over PURPA matters beyond the borders of the state of Idaho. The Commission has established that it has federally derived jurisdiction pursuant to PURPA over any utilty that it has ratemaking authority over. Additionally, the Commission has stated that this federally derived jurisdiction over a multi-state utilty may exist concurrently with other state regulatory authorities that also have ratemaking authority over the utilty. Through the cases cited above, the Commission has discussed certain circumstances where it IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 7 determines whether it wil elect to exercise that jurisdiction or not. Idaho Power believes these cases result in the simplest answer to both a. and b. above being "yes." The Earth Power case, IPC-E-92-29, Order Nos. 25174 and 25249, concerned a project and interconnection located in the state of Nevada attempting to enter into a PURPA contract with Idaho Power pursuant to the Idaho Commission's rules, regulations, and rates for PURPA Qualifying Facilties ("QFs"). At that time, Idaho Power had retail electric service territory in both the state of Idaho and Nevada, and was under the regulatory jurisdiction of both the Idaho and Nevada Commissions. The Idaho Commission stated that it had concurrent jurisdiction with the Nevada Commission, and initially declined to exercise such jurisdiction and deferred to the Nevada Commission. The Commission discussed that its PURPA jurisdiction is derived from federal law, which is not bounded by geographic limits. The Commission also referenced the series of four different Idaho Supreme Court Afton Energy cases as support for its decision. Order No. 25174 at p. 7, citing Afton Energy, Inc., v. Idaho Power Co., 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d 427 (1984); 111 Idaho 925, 729 P.2d 400 (1986); 114 Idaho 852, 761 P.2d 1204 (1988); 122 Idaho 333, 834, P.2d 850 (1992). Noting Afton's location in the state of Wyoming, the Commission stated: The circumstances were different in Afton as compared to Earth Power because Idaho Power Company did not have a service territory in Wyoming that was regulated by the Wyoming Public Service Commission. Therefore, the Wyoming Commission did not have the jurisdiction conferred by PURPA. This distinction does not relate to the question whether we have jurisdiction. However, it did mean that there could be no issue of whether we should exercise our jurisdiction in that case. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 8 Both parties agree, and we concur, that the Nevada Public Service Commission has jurisdiction concurrent with ours to determine the rates for the Earth Power project and to resolve disputes between the parties. Our record shows that the Nevada PSC is actively asserting its jurisdiction. In this circumstance, when a project is located within another state and when the commission in that state is exercising the jurisdiction conferred upon it by PURPA, we find that we should decline to assert our jurisdiction. In circumstances such as these we wil assert our jurisdiction only if the commission of the other state declined for some reason to exercise its jurisdiction. We also emphasize that we wil not be a forum for relitigation of issues ultimately decided by the Nevada PSC. We wil not entertain requests that we second-guess the decision of another commission. Order No. 25174, pp. 7-8 (emphasis in original). Upon the Nevada Commission's subsequent dismissal of Earth Powets pending case before it and its deferral to the Idaho Commission, Idaho chose to then exercise its jurisdiction. The Island Power case, UPL-E-93-4, Order Nos. 25245 and 25528, concerned a Montana OF proposing to sell its output to PacifiCorp ("UP&L") pursuant to the Idaho Commission's rules, regulations, and rates for PURPA OFs. Similar to the facts in Earth Power, UP&L had retail electric service territory in both the state of Montana and Idaho, and was under the regulatory jurisdiction of both the Idaho and Montana Commissions. However, unlike Earth Power, Island Power proposed to wheel its output from Montana to either the Jefferson or Goshen substations, and make delivery to UP&L inside the state of Idaho. The Idaho Commission found that it had jurisdiction, and under these facts, that it would exercise such jurisdiction to require UP&L to contract with the OF pursuant to Idaho rules, regulations, and rates. The Commission stated that it found it reasonable to exercise its jurisdiction in this matter because, although the project is IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 9 sited in Montana, the proposed point of delivery to UP&L is in Idaho where the Idaho Commission has established avoided cost rates for UP&L. The Vaagen Brothers case, WWP-E-94-6, concerned a OF project located in the state of Washington, with an interconnection to Washington Water Power ("WWP") in the state of Washington. Vaagen Brothers had a 1979 power sales agreement with WWP that had expired in 1994. Vaagen Brothers filed a complaint with the Idaho Commission seeking a contract with WWP pursuant to the Idaho avoided cost methodology and rates. WWP had retail electric service territory in both the state of Washington and Idaho, and was under the regulatory jurisdiction of both the Idaho and Washington Commissions. Under the facts of this case, the Commission found that it had concurrent jurisdiction with Washington, but that it would decline to exercise such jurisdiction and defer to Washington. The Commission distinguished this case from the Earth Power and Island Power cases stating, "Vaagen is an existing facilty sited in the Washington service territory of the utilty that it wishes to sell to, the Washington Water Power Company. The established point of delivery is in the state of Washington." The Commission further stated that the Washington Commission had established a regulatory framework for PURPA in Washington, and that although Idaho did have concurrent jurisdiction with the Washington Commission, "common sense dictates that there are some instances when we should elect not to exercise our jurisdiction." Clark Canyon is somewhat different than the other three cases discussed above. Clark Canyon is a OF located in the state of Montana with a point of interconnection to Idaho Power's facilties in the state of Montana. However, Idaho Power has no retail electric service territory in the state of Montana and therefore the Montana Commission IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -10 has no regulatory framework for PURPA that is applicable to Idaho Power. Clark Canyon is delivering its power to Idaho Power's facilty at Idaho Power's Peterson substation, where it directly interconnects with Idaho Power. Although Idaho Power's Peterson substation is located in the state of Montana, there is not a different interconnecting utilty and subsequent wheel of the power in order to reach Idaho Power. Under these facts, and pursuant to the direction provided by the previously discussed Commission Orders above, Idaho Power is of the opinion that the Idaho Commission would find that it has jurisdiction in this matter and, additionally, that it would choose to exercise that jurisdiction to require a PURPA contract under Idaho's rules, regulations, and rates applicable to PURPA. The response to this Request was prepared by Donovan E. Walker, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 23'" ~1f ~ DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 23rd day of June 2011 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Clark Canyon, LLC Kim L. Johnson Executive Vice President, Business Development Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC c/o Symbiotics, LLC 2000 South Ocean Boulevard #703 DelRay Beach, Florida 33438 Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -- Email Kris.Sasser(Çpuc.idaho.gov Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail FAX -- Email kim.johnsoncariverbankpower.com Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -- Email petercarichardsonandoleary.com¿;;;~m Donovan E. Walker IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -12 BEFORE THE .IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-11-09 'IDAHO POWER COMPANY RESPONSE TO STAFF'S P.RODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1 AGREEMENT FOR TRANSFER OF OWNRSHIP OF ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRffUTES This Agreement for Transfer of Ownership of Envionmental Attbutes ("Agreement") is entered into this -2dayof &v ,201 I, between Clark Canyon, LLC, an Idaho. Limitedi Liabilty Company, ("Clark Canyon") and Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), hereinafter sometimes refered to collectively as the "Pares" or individually as a "Pary." WITNSSETH: WHEREAS, Clark Canyon is the owner and operator of a to-be-built 4.7 megawatt ("MW") small hydro generation project. WHEREAS, the Pares entered into that cerain Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Clark Canyon, LLC and Idaho Power Company dated Ala-v:l , 2011 whereby IdahQi Power would purchase the energy output of the Facilty. WHEREAS, the FESA Aricle 8 specifies that ownership of Environmental Attbutes is detenined by a separate agreement; WHEREAS, the Paries desire to enter into ths Agreement to transfer the ownership of the Environmental Attbutes that result from electc generation at the Facilty begiing in Contract Year eleven (11) of the FESA. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Paries agree as follows: 1. Definitions. The following term as used in this Agreement shall be defined as follows: I 1.1. "Environmental Attbutes" meas any and all credits, benefis, emissions reductions, offsets, and allowances, howsoever entitled, attrbutable to the generation from the Fací1ty, and its avoided emssion of pollutants. Environmental Attnbutes include but ar not limited to: (1) any avoided emission of pollutats to the air, soil or water such as sulfu oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants; (2) any avoided emissions of cabon dioxide (C02), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocabons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) that have been deterined by the United Nations Intergoverental Panel on Climate Change, or otherse by law, to contrbute to the actual or potential theat of alterng the Earh's climate by trapping heat in the atmosphere; (3) the reporting nghts to these avoided emissions, such as and without limitation, REC (as that ter is defined herein) reportng rights. REC reportng rights are the right of a REC owner or purchaser to report the ownership of accumulated RECs in compliance with federal or state law, if applicable, and to a federal or state agency or any other pary at the REC owner's/purchaser's discretion, and includes, without limitation, those REC reporting rights accruing under Section l605(b) of The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and any present or future federal, state, or 10cal law, reguation or bil, and international or foreign emissions trading program. Environmental Attnbutes are accumulated on a MW basis and one REC represents the Environmental Attnbutes associated with one (1) megawatt hour ("MWh) of energy. Environmental Attnbutes do not include (i) any energy, capacity, reliabí1ty or other power attbutes from the Facílity, (ii) production tax credits associated with the constrction or operation of the Facílty and other fiancial incentives in the form of credits, reductions, or allowances associated with 2 the Facilty that are applicable to a state or federal income taxation obligation, (iii) the cash grant in lieu of the investment tax credit pursuant to Section 1603 of the Amencan Recover and Reinvestment Act of 2009, or (iv) emission reduction credits encumbered or used by the Facilty for compliance with local, state, or federal operating and/or air quality perits. 1.2. "Contract Year" shall have the same meaning as defined in the FESA. 1.3. "Facilty" shall have the same meaning as defined in the FESA. 1.4. "Renewable Energy Cerificate" or "REC" means a cerficate, renewable energy credit or any other credit, allowance, Green Tag, or other transferable indicia, howsoever entitled, indicating generation of all renewable energy by the Facilty, as deterned by any and all federal and/or state law or reguation, and includes alI Environmental Attbutes ansing as a result of the generation of electncity by the Facility. One REC represents the Environmental Attbutes associated with the generation of one thousand (1,000) kWh of Net Energy (as that term is defined in the FESA). 2. For good and valuable consideration receipt of which the Paries hereby acknowledge, Clark Canyon agrees to transfer to Idaho Power ownerhip of all Environmental Attbutes associated with the Facility beginnng with the first hour of the first day of the 11th Contract Year and for the remaining ter of the FESA. 3. Environmental Attnbute Accountig and Transfers. The Pares shal cooperate to ensure that all Environmental Attbute cerfications, nghts and reportng requirements are created, maintained and completed by the responsible Pares. 3 3.1. Accounting for Environmenta Attbutes. Each Par, at its sole expense, will be responsible to establish and maintai a Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System ("WRGIS") account or other Environmental Attrbute account and/or tracking and reportng system that enables the Environmental Attrbutes associated with the Facilty to be created, cerfied, validated, tranfered and reported. 3.2. Transfer of Ownerhip Rights to Idaho Power. For the term of the FESA, the Pares shall cooperate, provide furter assurances, and take alI necessar commercially reasonable actions to document, record, create, effect and enable the transfer of the Environmental Attrbutes associated with the Facilty to Idaho Power's WREGIS account or any other Environment Attbute accounting and trackig system selected by the Paries. 3.3. Ownership Rights. Each Par shall report under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 or under any applicable program only the Environmental Attbutes that such Par own, and shall at all other times refrain from reorting the Environmental Attbutes owned by the other Party. 3.4 Right of Peaceful Ownership: Neither Pary will cause or suffer to be caused any petition, litigation, action, proceeding or cause, whether before courts, commissions, legislative bodies, trbunals, councils or any other place that would have the effect or purose to take away or diminish the value of the other's ownership of the Envionmental Attbutes. 4. Facilty Operation. Clark Canyon shall operate the Facility pursuant to commercially reasonable business practices and prudent utility practice so as to not jeopardize the current or futue Environmental Attrbutes created by the Facilty. 4 5. Miscellaneous. 5.1. Several Obligations. Excet where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilties of the Pares are to be sever and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be constred to create an association, trst, parerhip or joint ventue or impose a trst or parerhip duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Pary. Each Pary shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under ths Agreement. 5.2. Waiver. Any waiver at any time by either Par of its nght with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters ansing in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. 5.3. Choice of Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be consted and interreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. Venue for any litigation ansing out of or related to this Agreement wil be in the Distrct Cour of The Four Judicial Distrct ofIdao in and for the County of Ada. 5.4. Default. If either Pary fails to pedorm any of the ters or conditions of this Agreement (an "Event of Default"), the non-defaulting Pary shall cause notice in wnting to be given to the defaulting Pary, specifyng the maner in which such default occurred. Ifthe defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default withn sixty (60) days after serce of such notice, or if the defaulting Pary reasonably demonstrates to the other pary the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not withi such sixty (60) day penod and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the 5 non-defaulting Pary may, at its option, terinate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. 5.5. Successors and Assigns. Ths Agreement and all of the ters and provision hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assign of the Pares hero, excet that no assignent hereof by either pary shall become effective without the wrtten consent of both Pares being fist obtaied. Such consent shall not be uneasonably witheld. Notwithstading the foregoing, any pary which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may conveyor tranfer substantially alI of its electrc utilty assets, shal automatically, without fuer act and without need of consent or approval by Clark Canyon, succee to all of Idaho Power's nghts, obligations and interests under this Agreement. 5.6. Modification. No modification to this Agreement shall be valid uness it is in wnting and signed by both Pares and subsequently approved by the Commission. 5.7. Notices. All written notices under this Agreement wil be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when faxed, emailed and confirmed with deposit in the U. S. Mail, first class, postage prepaid, as follows: 6 ... To Clark Canyon: Onginal document to: Clark Canyon Hydr, LLC C/O Symbiotics, LLC Kim Johnson 2000 S. Ocean Blvd #703 DelRay Beach, Florida 33438 Telephone:(435) 752-2580 E-mail: vince.1amar(fsymbioticsenergy.com E-mail copy:kim.johnsonafverbankower.com To Idaho Power: Ongínal docuent to: Vice President, Power Supply Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Email: Lgrow~dahopower.com Copy of document to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 E-mail: rallphinßYidahopower.com 5.8. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceabilty of any other ters or provision and this Agreement shall be constred in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable ter or provision were omitted. 7 II, 5.9. Counterars. Ths Agreeent may be executed in two or more counterars, each of which shal deeed an origial but alI of which together shall constitutes one and the same instrment. 5.10. Entire Agreement. Unless otherse provided for herein, this Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concering the subject matter hereof and supersedes all pnor or contemporaneous oral or wrtten agreements between the Paries concering the subject matter hereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Paries hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set forth below: Idaho Power Company Clark Canyon, LLC. By F Gli~~A) Sr. Vice President, Power Supply Dated 5-2-0-/1 Dated t;- 18- " "Idaho Powef'"Seller" 8