HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110825Response to IPC Motion.pdfWILLIAMS. BRADBURY A T TOR N E Y SAT L ~~E'l'L)' 2011 AUG 25 PH 2: 35 August 25,2011 Ms. Jean Jewell Coinìssìon Secretay Idaho Publìc Utìltìes Coinìssìon 472 W. Washìngton Boìse,ID 83702 Re: IPC-E-11-10 Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed an origìnal and seven copìes of Interconnect Solar Development, LLC's Response to Idaho Power's Motìon ìn Opposìtìon to Grand Vìew Solar's Petìtìon to Intervene and Grand Vìew's Answer Thereto for filìng ìn the above referenced case. Than you for your assìstance ìn thìs matter. Please feel free to gìve me a call should you have any questìons. Sìncerely, "-R~0~ Ronald L. Wìlìams RLW/jr Enclosures cc: Peter Rìchardson 1015 W. Hays Street - Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-6633 - Fax: 208-344-0077 - ww.wiamsbradbur.com Ronald L. Wìlìams, ISB No. 3034 Wìlìams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boìse, ID 83702 Telephone: 208-344-6633 Fax: 208-344-0077 ron(£wìllamsbradbur .com RECEIVED 2011 AUG 25 PH 2: 35 Attorneys for Interconnect Solar Development LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) DETERMINATION REGARING THE FIRM ) ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH ) INTERCONNECT SOLAR DEVELOPMENT, ) LLC, FOR THE SALE AN PURCHASE OF )ELECTRIC ENERGY. ) ) Case No. IPC-E-II-lO RESPONSE TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION IN OPPOSITION TO GRAD VIEW SOLAR'S PETITION TO INTERVENE AND GRAND VIEW'S ANSWER THERETO COMES NOW, Interconnect Solar Development, LLC, ("Interconnect Solar" or "ISD") by and through ìts counsel of record, Wìlìams Bradbur, PC, and files tils response to Idaho Power's Opposìtìon to Grand Vìew PV Solar Two's Petìtìon to Intervene ìn the above reference matter and to Grand Vìew's Answer to Idaho Power's Motìon ìn Opposìtìon to Grand Vìew's ìnterventìon. 1. Interconnect Solar prevìously fied an Answer to Staffs Motìon to extend the schedule ìn thìs case whereìn ISD dìdnot object to Staffs need for addìtìonal tìme for dìscovery, but dìd poìnt out the critìcal path the ISD solar project was on and how the schedule also needed to recognìze the realìtìes of weather related constrctìon constraìnts. To that end counsel for ISD has been ìnformed by Staff counsel that the schedule wìll Response of Interconnect Solar Development Page 1 agaìn be adjusted to help accommodate lSD's project constrctìon needs, and ISD apprecìates Staf s accommodatìon on thìs poìnt. 2. Staff s first and second set of dìscovery requests to Idaho Power ìn thìs case suggested that Staff was consìdering recommendatìons to the Commìssìon that Idaho Power's applìcatìon of the IRP avoìded cost methodology used to establìsh the ISD contract rates should consìder alternatìve ìnput varìables. Specìfically, Staff confrmed ìt ìs consìdering proposìng two specìfic avoìded cost rate methodology adjustments: (ì) the use of capìtal costs of a sìmple cycle combustìon turbìne (SCCT) ìnstead of the capìta costs of a combìned cycle combustìon tubìne (CCCT), and (ìì) ìmplementatìon of a solar ìntegratìon charge or dìscount. 3. In response to thìs possìbìlty Interconnect Solar suggested that ìf Staff were to pursue these polìcy related questìons ìn the context of tils case, ìt would draw the attentìon of other qualìfyìng facìlìty developers ("QFs") as well as other utìltìes, and such broadenìng of the ìssues and parìes would be potentìally fatal to a successful, tìmely development of the ISD Murhy Flats solar project. That ìs now happenìng. Alternatìvely, ISD suggested to Staff that the polìcy questìons ìt was raìsìng ìn tis case were better raìsed ìn Case No. GNR-E-II-03. Thìs case was docketed on June 7, 2011, but no progress or filìngs have been made and no schedule has been establìshed. 4. Interconnect Solar would renew ìts request that the IRP polìcy questìons curently beìng raìsed by Staff ìn thìs case - as well as other equally ìmportt and potentìally off-settìng (from an avoìded cost rate settìng stadpoìnt) ìssues - be consìdered ìn Case No. GNR-E-II-0, on an expedìted basìs. Response ofInterconnect Solar Development Page 2 5. The two IRP polìcy ìssues ìdentìfied by Staff ìn tis case (avoìded plant capìtal costs and solar ìntegratìon costs) are two of the many and complex IRP methodology questìons that requìres ìmpute of multìple parìes and the thoughtful consìderatìon by the Commìssìon. For example, Staf ìn Case No. GNR-E-09-03 recommended establìshìng dìfferent avoìded costs rates for dìfferent QF technologìes. Usìng tils alternatìve avoìded cost methodology, a solar QF would receìve a solar based avoìded cost calculated usìng solar capìtal costs - ìnstead of gas-fired thermal generatìon costs. i Such a resources based avoìded cost methodology would also render moot the need to "guess" at what mìght be a "solar ìntegratìon" rate dìscount.2 6. It ìs also extremely unfaìr to ISD (and potentìally, to other parìes) for tis contract approval case to ìmplement a first-ever solar ìntegratìon charge, based on a "guess" by Idaho Power as to solar ìntegratìon costs. Idaho Power admìts ìt has no data on what, ìf any, solar ìntegratìon costs ìt may experience, but acknowledges ìt ìntends to study thìs ìssue ìn the near future. If that study confirms the potentìal for solar ìntegratìon costs ìn a gas-fired SAR avoìded cost world - and holds up to scrutìny ìn the context of a multì-pary proceedìng - then so bet ìt. But, as Staff noted ìn ìts comments ìn Case No. GNR-E-09-03: "Establìshment ofwìnd ìntegratìon charges has ilstorically been tìme consumìng and contentìous." 3 1 For comparison puroses, the 30 year levelized capacity costs for thee different generating resources are as follows: (i) $5.00 /kW for gas fied SCCT, (ii) $14.00/k for gas fired CCCT, and (ii) $28.00/kW for Solar - Flat Plate. See Idao Power Integrated Resource Plan, p. 84 of IRP Technical Appendix: htt://www.idahopower.comlpdfs/ AboutU s/PlanningForFuture/ir/20 11/201 1 IRP AppendixCTechnicalApp endix.pdf 2 As Staff noted in its comments in Case No. GNR-E-09-03: "If a wind SAR is adopted, wind integration charges would no longer have to be quantified." Staff Comments at p. 8. htt://www .puc.idaho.gov/intemet/cases/elec/GNR/GNRE0903/staff200909 1 8COMMENTS.PDF3 Id Response ofInterconnect Solar Development Page 3 7. As a final poìnt, ISD notes that yet another polìcy questìon - long-term REC ownershìp - that was to be, or should be, consìdered ìn GNR-E-ll-03 ìs now a contract dìspute ìssue ìn IPUC Case No. IPC-E-11-15. Thìs contrasts wìth the negotìated resolutìon of the REC ownersilp ìssue as between ISD and Idaho Power where the parìes reached a volunta agreement to share REC ownershìp over the lìfe of the contract. ISD was able to agree to tis REC sharìng provìsìon for two reasons: (ì) Idaho Power agreed to a 25 year contract lìfe, thus allowìng ISD to satìsfy financìng and debt servìce requìrements over tils longer period of tìme whìle accountìng for the lost revenue stream assocìated wìth half the potentìal REC revenues, and (ìì) ISD dìd not have the luxur of tìme ìn lìtìgatìng thìs ìssue before the Commìssìon, as apparently does Grand Vìew Solar. What appears perplexìng to ISD ìs Stafs focused concern on two potentìal IRP methodology practìces that, ìf changed, would render the Murphy Flats solar project financìally ìnfeasìble, whìle not acknowledgìng (at least at tis poìnt ìn tìme) the financìal benefit to ratepayers of ISD allowìng Idaho Power to own half the RECs for the Murhy Flats solar project for the next 25 years. WHREFORE, Interconnect Soar requests the followìng: 1. That the Commìssìon establìsh an accelerated schedule ìn GNR-E-ll-03 to ìnvestìgate IRP methodology questìons beìng raìsed by Staff ìn tis casé, as well as other resource specìfic avoìded cost polìcy questìons, such as should a solar avoìded cost be based on an avoìded solar power plant, 4 (i) That SCCT capital costs may be a more appropriate surogate avoided capacity cost than CCCT capital costs, and (ii) a solar integration discount may need to be applied to the IPC-ISD contract. Response of Interconnect Solar Development Page 4 2. That the Coinìssìon affrm for the puroses of thìs case Idaho Power's calculatìon of IRP based avoìded costs rates as practìced the Company sìnce 19955, for QF projects greater than 10 aMW and, more recently, for wìnd and solar projects greater than 100 kW, and 3. That the Commìssìon deny the Petìtìon of Grand Vìew Solar to ìntervene for the reason that thìs contract approval case wìll not be the case to consìder and ìmplement changes to the long-stadìng methodology used by Idaho Power to calculate IRP based avoìded cost rates for QF projects greater than 10 aMW and, more recently, for wìnd and solar projects greater than 100 kW. f) fh DATED: Thìs (/ r day of August, 2011. . /(MÁ tz.~ Ronald L. Wìlìams Wìlìams Bradbur P.C. Attorneys for Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 5 See IPUC Order No. 25884, Januar 31, 1995, directing Idaho Power to establish SAR based avoided costs based on the capital cost of a CCCT. See also implementation of that same avoided cost methodology and CCCT capital cost assumptions for QF projects larger than 10 aMW in Case No. IPC-E-IO-24, Rockland Wind. Response of Interconnect Solar Development Page 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certìfy that on thìs li day of August, 2011, a tre and correct copy of the foregoìng was served by the method ìndìcated below, and addressed to the followìng: Donovan E. Walker 0 US Maìl Lead Counsel 0 Facsìmìle Idaho Power Company 0 Hand Delìvery POBox 70 0 Overnìght Maìl Boìse,ID 83707-0070 ~E-Maìl Address E-Maìl: dwalker(£ìdahopower.com Randy C. Allpiln 0 US Maìl Energy Contract Admìn.0 Facsìmìle Idaho Power Company 0 Hand Delìvery POBox 70 0 Overnìght Maìl Boìse,ID 83707-0070 ~E-Maìl Address E-Maìl: rallphìn(£ìdahopower.com Krìstìne A. Sasser 0 US Maìl Deputy Attorney General 0 Facsìmìle Idaho Public Utilties Commission 0 Hand Delìvery PO Box 83720 0 Overnìght Maìl Boìse, ID 83720-0074 ~E-Maìl Address E-Maìl: krs.sasser(£puc.ìdaho.gov Randy Hemmer, Manager 0 US Maìl Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 0 Facsìmìle 3777 Twìlìght Drive 0 Hand Delìvery Boìse,ID 83703 0 Overnìght Maìl E-Maìl: randyhemmer(£clearre.net ~E-Maìl Address .~ !!tMll/~ Ronald L. Wìlìams Response of Interconnect Solar Development Page 6