HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111116Hirsh Rebuttal.pdfBenjamin Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idaoconservtion.org Ri:r!,l'ii-'ì-i~ C _,j .C ! V¡: fJ' 2!'¡.1.".\i ¡16 PM 4= 25 Attorney for the Idao Conservtion League, the NW Energ Coalition, and the Snake River Aliance BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBliC UTIliTIES COMMISSION IN THE MAlTR OF THE APPliCATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-II-08 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY NANCY HIRSH November 16, 2011 1 Q. Pleas state your name and reasn for thi tesimony. 2 A. My name is Nancy Hirsh and I am the Policy Director for the NW Energ Coalition. I fied 3 diect testimony in this case on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition, the Idao Conservation 4 League, and the Snake River Allance - collectively the Conservation Paries - On October 7, 5 2011. I offer this rebuttal testimony to respond to the prefied diect testimony of Mr. Higgs of 6 the Kroger Company, and Dr. Readig of the Indusrial Cusomers of Idao Power, and Mr. Lobb 7 and Mr. English of the Idao Commission Staff. 8 9 Q. Pleas resnd to Mr. Higgins' diect testimony. 10 A. Mr. Higgs recommends the Commission reduce fundig for energy efficiency from the 11 curent rider level of 4.75% to 3.4%. Mr. Higgs explais that because the stipulation moves 12 $11.2 milion of demand response payments into base rates, the rider mus be reduced by an 13 equivaent amount to avoid "an unreasonable cost burden on customers."¡ He supports this 14 recommendation with two reasons. Fir, he calculates that applyig a 3.4% rider to the rate 15 increase proposed in the stipulation results in a $1.2 milion increase "relative to pro forma 16 levels.',i Second, Mr. Higgs compares a 3.4% rider to a selection of other western utilties. 17 Neither of these reasns is persuaive. 18 In regards to the level of fundig, Mr. Higgs does not provide any analysis of whether his 19 proposed level is sufficient to meet expected increass in progr activity levels to acquie cost 20 effective energy effciency on behalf of customers. Idao Power's 2011 IRP plans to increas 21 energy efficiency savigs by 15 - 17 aMW through 2021.3 Also, Mr. Higgs does not address the ¡ Higgs Direct at p. 5 In. 5-7.i Higgs Direct at p. 3 In. 11 - 18. 3 Idaho Power 2011 IRP, Table DSM-15 in Appendi C at page 77 (showig the annua forecastedoperational targets from all existing and new energy effciency progrs). Case No IPC-E-11-08 11/16/2011 1 Hirsh, N. Di - Reb Conservation Paries $7,592,938 back balance of prudent DSM spendig Idao Power may recover for prior progrs.4 Nor does he acknowledge the expected increases in Evaluation, Measurement and Verication efforts puruat to the 2009 Memoradum of Understandig. Instead of recognizing these planned increases in funding needs, Mr. Higg's proposes to leave DSM fundig at 2010 levels. Mr. Higg's comparson to other western utilties is not vaid as the sole basis to establish fundig levels for Idao Power energy effciency programs. Instead, a vad process to establish fundig levels must consider the potential for cost effective energy efficiency in the servce terrtory. Comparng rider levels to other utilties without considerig the potential for cost effective energy efficiency does not provide any useful insight to appropriate DSM fundig levels. Q. Pleas respnd to Dr. Readig's diect testimony. A. Dr. Readig states that reducing the rider level from the curent 4.75% to 3.8% "may be an equitable and justifiable path," but then joins the Staff recommendation to reduce the rider to 4.0%.5 He provides two reasons for his recommendation, neither of which is persuaive. Mr. Readig notes the Commission made a similar reduction in the Rocky Mountain Power 2010 rate case. Also, Dr. Reading explais that because $11.3 milion in demand response costs maybe moved into base rates the Commission should make a dollar for dollar reduction in the rider level to avoid an overa increase in DSM fundig.6 Neither reason is persuaive. Dr. Readig is correct that in Rocky Mountai Power's 2010 rate cae the Commission, in it~ final order, reduced the rider level in concert with movig demand response incentives into power costs. But the facts in this Idao Power case are distinct from that Rocky Mountai ca. 4 See Exhibit 802, Idaho Power's Response to the First Production Requests of the Idaho Conservation League, N. w: Energy Coalition, and Snake River Allianæ at Request No 4a.5 Readig Direct at p. 31 In. 20 - p. 32 In. 3. 6 Readig Direct at p. 31 In. 11 - 17. Dr Readig refers to Idao Power's application for the $11.3 milion amount. The Stipulation fied in this case moves $11,252.265 in demand response incentive payments into base rates. Case No IPC-E-11-08 11/16/2011 3 Hirsh, N. Di - Reb Conservtion Paries The record in the Rocky Mountai case did not include any information about the level of DSM fundig necess to support existing and planed new progrs. In contrast, my diect and rebuttal testimony in this cas provides factua support to increase the overa size of the Idao Power's DSM fundig pie by shifting some costs into rates whie maitaiing curent rider leveL. Just like Mr. Higgs, Dr. Readig does not provide evidence that his recommendation provides sufficient fundig to meet planned DSM progr activities. A dollar for dollar reduction results in overal DSM fundig remaiing at 2010 levels despite plans to increase progr activities identified in the 2011 IRP, increase EM&V, and recover the back balance owed to Idao Power. In fact, Dr. Readig calculates that maitaiing the rider at 4.75% wil generate an additional $7.5 milon for energy efficiency progrs. Ths is roughy equa to the remaiing back balance owed to Idao Power--a balance customers pay a 1 % interest rate on.7 Dr. Reading's recommendation to reduce the rider level is not supported by persuaive analysis nor is it in the public interest. In fact, Dr Readig's testimony provides another reason for maitaining the curent rider level-it allows Idaho Power to collect the back balance so that ratepayers do not incur a 1 % interest chage. Q. Pleas respond to Mr. I.bb's diect tesimony. A. Mr. Lobb recommends the Commission reduce the curent rider level from 4.75% to 4.0% for two reasons. He explais that DSM fundig throug both bas rates and the tarff rider at 4.0% "wi be significantly greater than needed to support exising Company DSM progrs.''6 . Mr. Lobb then defers to staff witness Donn English for thi analysis. I wil review Mr. English's testimony later. Mr. Lobb also explais repeatedly that reducing the tarff rider "helps mitigate the 7 See Exhibit 802, at Request 4b. 8 Lobb Direct at p. 19 In. 25 - p. 20 In. 3. Case No IPC-E-11-08 11116/2011 4 Hirh, N. Di - Reb Conservtion Paries increase in base rates(.)"9 Whe mitigating base rate increases is a laudable goal, reducing energ efficiency fundig is not an appropriate means to achieve this end. As the Commission has stated before energy efficiency fundig provides "powerful tools customers can use to mitigate the impact of rate increases.''¡o Instead of reducing fundig for these tools, the Company's curent application to retur $30 milion to ratepayers under the accumulated deferred investment tax credits mechanism is an appropriate, and far larger, tool to mitigate base rate increases. II Q. Pleas respond to Mr. Engli's diect testony. A. Mr. English does provide some analysis to support the staffs recommendation to reduce the rider level, but this analysis is not persuaive. The main flaw in Mr. English's analysis is that he compares 2010 DSM fundig levels, not expense levels. Mr. English explais "Staff understands the need to provide the Company with a consistent revenue stream to better match the expenses charged to the Energy Efficiency Rider account."12 Movig demand response and custom efficiency payments into base rates is a solid first step because it provides a means to track revenues and expenses going forward for these programs. But maitaiing the rider at 4.75% is another critical step to better match revenues with actua and expected expenses for cost effective energy effciency and related activities. Mr. English states in his testimony ((Idao Power has routinely spent more on DSM programs than it has collected throug the DSM Rider."13 Despite this recognition, he then calculates that, after removig expenses for demand response and custom efficiency inæntives, 9 Lobb Direct at p. 2 In. 15-17, p. 19 In. 17-18, p. 20 In. 11-14 and In. 19-23; English Direct at p. 6 In. 20 - 22. 10 Order No. 30560 at 6, IPC-E-08-03 (citing Order No. 29026 at 20) II See Order No. 32394, IPC-E-11-22 Notiæ of Idaho Power's Application for an Extended and Modifed Accunting Order to Amorize Additional Accumulated Deferred Income Tax Credits. 12 English Direct at p. 6 In. 9 - 12. 13 English Direct at p. 5ln 13-14. Case No IPC-E-11-08 11116/2011 5 Hirh, N. Di - Reb Conservtion Paries the rider, in 2010, provided fundig of $18,159,357. But Idao Power spent over $26,000,000.14 Mr. English also notes severa additional expenses that wi be charged to the energy effciency rider account, includig $8 million in the unrecovered back balance.ls Ths brigs the revenue stream needed to match expenses to $34 milion jus to maitai 2010 progr levels. Mr. English goes on to explai that a 4.0% would generate $34.8 milion in 2011.16 Ths leaves roughy $800,000 in headroom for expected growth in cost effective DSM programs and related activities. One area of growig costs is increasing levels of evaluation measurement and verication. In response to discovery requests, the Staff states they ((lack sufficient information from which to quatify the cost of retaiing a thid partyevaluator.',17 Idao Power intends to increas spending on thid pary evauators by $145,000 in 2011.IS Mr. English properly notes another source for growig costs--increasing paricipation in existing and new progrs identified in the 2011 IRP .19 In a discovery response, the Staff explains that Idao Power has increased progr expenses by $740,951 in only the first three quarter of 201 1.20 Furher, Idao Power's 2011 IRP plans to increase energy efficiency gains by roughy 15 aMW per year.21 Since the curent rider revenue does not match curent expenses that provided 21 aMW in 201022, maintaiing the rider at 4.75% in a critical step to providig a consistent revenue stream to better match expenses chaged to the energy efficiency rider account. Any ((headroom" created by the staff proposal is already swallowed by maintaining 2010 progr levels, returing the back 14 English Direct at p. 5 In 14-17. 15 Englsh Direct at p. 5 In. 5-7. 16 English Direct at p. 5 In. 17-18. 17 See Exhibit 803 Staff Respone to the First Production Requests of ICL, NWEC, and SNA at Request No. 3c.IS See Exhibit 803 at Request No 2. 19 English Direct at p.5 In. 24 - p. 6 In. 6. 20 See Exhibit 803, at Request No 1. 21 Idaho Power 2011 IRP, Table DSM-15 Appendi C at p. 77 (showing the annua forecasted operational targets from al existing and new energy effciency progrs)22 Idaho Power 2010 DSM Annual Report at p. 8 (system number). Case No IPC-E-11-08 11116/2011 6 Hirsh, N. Di - Reb Conservtion Paries balance, increasing EM&V spendig, and supporting already incured and furher expected program growth in 2011 and 2012. Q. Do you have any concludig remarks? A. The testimony of Mr. Higgs and Dr. Readig do not provide analytical or factua support for their recommendations. The Staff witnesses do provide some analysis, but their recommendation does not ((provide ample revenue for expansion of DSM progrs as claied by Mr. English, nor is it ((significantly greater than needed to support existing Company DSM programs" as claied by Mr. Lobb. Accordigly, the Commission should maitai the rider level at 4.75% as this level, along with movig certai costs into base rates, does provide a consistent revenue stream to better match forecated DSM expenses. Case No IPC-E-11-08 11/16/2011 7 Hirh, N. Di - Reb Conservtion Paries Benjamin Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahoconservation .org Attorney for the Idao Conservtion League, the NW Energ Coaltion, and the Snake River Allance BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBliC UTIliTIES COMMISSION IN THE MAlTR OF THE APPliCATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS IN TH STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF NANCY HIRSH EXHIBIT 802 Idao Power's Response to the First Production Requess of the Idao Conservation League, NW Energy Coaltion, and Snake River Allce November 16,2011 LISA D. NORDSTROM (IS8 No. 5733) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) JASON B. WILLIAMS (lS8 No. 8718) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 .Inordstromcmidahopower.com dwalkercmidahopower.com jwilliamscmidahopower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MAnER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC )SERVICE IN IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Idaho Conservation League, N.W. Energy Coalition, and Snake River Allance to Idaho Power dated October 25, 2011, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE. NW. ENERGY COALITION. AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 1 REQUEST NO. .1.: Please provide the dollar amount Idaho Power has spent each year on evaluation, measurement and verification of all Demand Side Management programs for 2008, 2009, and 2010. Please include the total costs for both internal and extemal reviews as well as labor, overhead, materials, and any other expenses. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. .1: In 2008, Idaho Power spent $86,856 on third-part evaluations for its demand-side management ("DSM") programs. In 2009, the Company spent $206,483 on third-party evaluations for its DSM programs, plus an additional $139,034 on an energy effciency potential study. In 2010, as stated on page 11 of the Demand-Side Management 2010 Annual Report, the Company spent $293,000 on third-part evaluations of its DSM programs. Only evaluation expenses for studies conducted by third parties are directly tracked and accounted for in program expenses. The response to this Request was prepared by Pete Pengily, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Willams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 2 REQUEST NO.2: Please provide Idaho Power's most recently available forecast of spending for evaluation, measurement and verification of all Demand Side Management programs for 2011 and 2012. RESPONSE TO. REQUEST NO.2: In 2011, Idaho Power forecasts that it will spend approximately $438,000 on third-party program evaluations. In 2012, the Company forecasts that it wil spend approximately $380,000 on third-part program evaluations. The response to this Request was prepared by Pete Pengily, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason 8. Willams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 3 REQUEST NO.3: Please answer the following regarding Company's evaluation plan for 2010-2012 found on pages 4-6 of Supplement 2 of Idaho Power's 2010 Demand Side Management Annual Report. a. Does Idaho Power stil intend to follow the plan as described? b. Would a reduction in the Energy Effciency Rider level change this evaluation plan? If the answer is yes, please describe how so. If the answer is no, please describe how the Company intends to adjust program budgets to maintain the evaluation plan while stil acquiring all cost effective energy efficiency. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: a. Throughout 2010, Idaho Power made minor revisions to its evaluation plan. In 2011, Idaho Power has made very few revisions to its plan and those revisions served to broaden the scope of the evaluations. The Company does not plan any major changes to the 2012 plan, but if any are anticipated, they wil be included in the Company's Demand-Side Management 2011 Annual Report. Program evaluation is an important facet of Idaho Powets DSM operational activities. Idaho Power has increased the frequency and the breadth of evaluations since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for Prudency Determination of DSM Expenditures ("MOU"), which specifies the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff's expectations of utilties' evaluations. Idaho Power relies on evaluations by third-party contractors, internal analyses, and regional studies to ensure the ongoing cost-effectiveness and overall effectiveness of programs through validation of program processes, energy savings, and demand reduction. The results of Idaho Power's evaluation efforts are used to enhance or initiate program changes. Annually, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, NW. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 4 Idaho Power publishes its evaluation plan for three years in the Demand-Side Management Annual Report, Supplement 2. As stated in Idaho Power's Demand-Side Management 2010 Annual Report, on page 13 under "Program Evaluation": "Although the evaluation plan is expected to be used for scheduling evaluations, the timing of specific program evaluations wil be based on considerations of program evaluation needs, and other relevant regional studies." b. No. The level of Idaho Energy Effciency Rider ("Ridet') funding does not and has not determined Idaho Power's level of spending and/or evaluation of its DSM efforts. The response to this Request was prepared by Pete Pengily, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason 8. Willams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 5 REQUESTNO.4: Page 127 of Idaho Power's 2010 Demand Side Management Annual Report indicates the Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider was underfunded by $17,592,938. In Order No. 32331, the Commission found all 2010 DSM spending was prudent. a. What is the most recent balance in the Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider account for expenses incurred in 2010 but yet to be recovered by the Company? b. If ratepayers owe the Company for prudently incurred energy efficiency expenses does the Company collect an interest charge on this amount? If so, how much? c. If ratepayers owe the Company money for prudently incurred energy efficiency expenses does the Company plan to recover these funds in a single year or over several years? BESP()NSET()BEguEsr NO.4: a. As of the end of 2010, the Idaho Energy Effciency Rider account unfunded balance was $17,592,938. This balance was considered prudently incurred by the Commission in Order No. 32113. Through Case No. IPC-E-10-27, Order No. 32245, Idaho Power was allowed to place $10 milion of this $17 milion of the Idaho Energy Effciency Rider account unfunded balance from 2010 into the 2011 Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") for recovery. The amount included in the PCA is anticipated to be fully recovered by the end of May 2012. The remaining prudently incurred Rider expenses from 2010 of $7,592,938 wil be recovered by current year Rider funding. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, NW. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 6 b. Idaho Power is currently allowed to collect or pay 1 percent annual interest on the balance of the Energy Efficiency account depending on whether it has a positive or negative balance. Under Commission Order No. 32109, Idaho Power is directed to collect andlor pay 1 percent annual interest on all customer deposits in 2011. c. Although timely cost recovery for DSM expenses is one of Idaho Powets goals, as a practical matter, this is somewhat diffcult. The Company's ultimate goal with Rider funding is to match revenue with expenses over time. However, revenues and expenses wil not match in a single year. The response to this Request was prepared by Pete Pengily, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Willams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER - 7 REQUEST NO.5: Idaho Power's 2011 Integrated Resourc Plan forecasts increasing energy effciency acquisitions from both existing and new programs or measures. Please describe the method for quantifying these projections. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: Idaho Powets methods of projecting future energy effciency acquisitions from both existing and new measures are explained in detail on pages 39-41 of the Company's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan. Copies of pages 39-41 are attached. The response to this Request was prepared by Pete Pengily, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Willams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 15th day of November 2~1. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE TO IDAHO POWER ~ 8 Benjamin Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahoconservtion.org Attorney for the Idao Conservtion Leage, the NW Energ Coaltion, and the Snake River Alance BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBliC UTIliTIS COMMISSION IN THE MAlTR OF THE APPliCATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF NANCY HIRSH EXHIBIT 803 Staff Response to the First Production Requests of ICL, NWC, and SNA November 16,2011 DONALD L. HOWELL, II KARL T. KLEIN DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION POBOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NOS. 3366/5156 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorneys for the Commission Staff '~'J rw'." r;, 1\1 -: t '-j1".i.I" I..' , " i I I- 1-'" I: 0 I2ul1 nO\ J Ti I ' '\1'11 I'il i.. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY) TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-1l-8 COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVA nON LEAGUE, N.W. ENERGY COALITION, AND SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its attorneys of record, Donald L. Howell, II and Karl T. Klein, Deputy Attorneys General, responds as follows to the Idaho Conservation League, N.W. Energy Coalition and Snake River Allance's First Production Request to Commission Staff. REQUEST NO.1: Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Donn English, pages 5 - 6, where Mr. English describes the Idaho Power's plans to increase energy effciency activities over 2010 levels. Please quantify the cost of these increased energy effciency activities. RESPONSE NO.1: Staff objects to the extent this request asks Staff to speculate. Stafdoe not know which specific programs Idaho Power intends to implement, or which existing programs Idaho Power intends to expand. Consequently, Staff cannot quantify the cost of increased STAFF'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL, NWEC AND SNA i NOVEMBER 15,2011 energy effciency activities. Subject to this objectiont Staff notes that financial information provided to those present at the Octobe 14,2011 meeting of the Idaho Power Energy Effciency Advisory Group inicates that Idaho Power ha currently expensed $3 I to 1 0,999 through September 30,2011 on DSM compared to $35,370,048 for the same period in 2010. Further, approximately $5. i milion of incentive payments made through the Company's Custom Effciency program have been capitalized as a regulatory asset. Combining the expenses thrugh September 30, 2011 with the amount capitalized indicate that Idaho Power has spent $36, i J 0,999 on DSM through September 30, 201 I, which is $740,951 (2.1%) greter than the same period in 2010. REQUEST NO.2: Please refer to Idaho Power's 2009 Demand Side Management Potential Study. a. Dos the Idaho PUC staff expect Idaho Power to acquire the economic potential for energy effciency identified in this study? b. If the answer is yes, please describe how setting the Energ Effciency Rider level at 4% supports this expetation. c. If the answer is no, please explain how the Idaho PUC Staff detennines if the Company is fulfillng the Commissionts directive to acuire all cost effective energy effciency. RESPONSE NO.2: Staff objects to the extent this request seeks previously unwrtten and unpublished opinion or policy statements. See RP 225.0 i .a. Subject to this objection, Staff answers this reuest's subpart as follows: a. Staff has formed no such expetation. Rather, Sta expects the Company to abide by Commission Ordr No. 32245, which state tht "Idaho Power should continue to pursue all cost.effective DSM." See Order No. 32245 at 5. b. Staf believes that setting the Energy Effciency Rider level at 4% provides the Company with suffcient revenue to abide by Commission Order No. 32245. Furtherore, per that Order, should Idaho Power identify additional cost effective DSM programs, it should "continue to pursue all cost-effective DSM - even in excess of Energy Efficiency Rider revenues." ld Thus, the Company may exceed the 4% Rider fund revenue. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICLt NWEC AND SNA 2 NOVEMBER 15,2011 c. The Commission did not direct the Company "to acquire all cost effective energ effciency." Rather, the Commission has direted that Idao Power "should continue to pursue all cost-effective DSM." Staff believes the Company is making a goo-faith effort at following the Commission's directive. REQUEST NO.3: Please refer to Idaho's evaluation plan for 2010 - 2012 found on pages 4 - 6 of Supplement 2 of Idaho Power's 2010 Demand Side Management Annual Report. a. Does the Idaho PUC Staff believe this evaluation plan is suffcient both in timing and in the depth of each evaluation? b. Does the Idaho PUC staff believe the Company should increas the use of third pary evaluators? c. Please quantify the Idaho PUC Stafrs understanding of the cost of retaining a third party evaluator? RESPONSE NO.3: Staff objects to the extent this request seeks previously unwntten an unpublished opinion or policy statements. See RP 225.01.a. Subject to this objection, Staff answers this requests subparts as follows: a. Yes. Staff believes the Company's evaluation plan is suffcient becaus the plan is generally consistent with the 2009 Memorandum of Understanding ("MOll) signed by representatives from Idaho's three Investor Owned Utilties and Commission Staff. b. Please see Attchment No. 1 of the MOU referenced in the response to Request No. 3(a) for Stafrs position on a utilty's use of third-party evaluators. A copy of the MOU is attached to this response. c. Staff lacks suffcient information from which to quantify the cost of retaining a third- pary evaluator. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL, NWEC AND SNA 3 NOVEMBER 15,2011 DATED at Boiset Idah, this /')l( day of November. 1U f;fL- Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Techical Staff witness: Rady Lobb i:lIsç:preispip Il.8dkkkl staff respo to ot 1_3.do STAFF'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL, NWEC AND SNA 4 NOVEMBER 15,201 i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 16th day of November, 2011 I delivered true and corrct copies of the foregoing REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF NANCY HIRSH to the followig via the method of servce noted: Han d delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Origial, nine copies, and one CD provided) Idaho Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Electronic Mai Only: Idaho Power Lisa D. Nordstrom Donovan E. Waler Jason B. Wiliams Idao Power Company 1221 West Idao Street Boise, Idao 83707-0070 lnordstrom~idaopower.com dwale~idaopower.com lwiliams~idaopower.com Dr. Don Readig 6070 Hil Road Boise, Idao 83703 dreadi~mindsprig.com IIPA Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Baiey, Charered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 elo~racinelaw.net GregW. Said V.P. Reguatory Affairs Idao power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise ID 83707-0070 gsaid~idaopower.com Anthony Yankel 29814 Lae Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140ton~kel.net CAPAI Brad M. Purdy Attorney At Law 2019 N. 17thst" Boise, Id 83702 bmpurd~hotmai.com DOE Steven A. Porter Assistant Genera Counsel Electricity and Fossil Energy United States Deparment of Energ 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washigton, DC 20585 Steven.porte~hq.doe.gov ICIP Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 pete~richardsonandolear.com gre~richardsonandolear.com Arthur Perr Bruder Attorney -Advisor United States Deparment of Energ 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washigton, DC 20585 Arthur.brude~hq.doe.gov IPC-E-11-08 1 Certificate of Servce Mr. Dwight Etheridge Exeter Associates 5565 Sterrett Place, Suite 310 Columbia, MD 21044 detheridge~exeteraciates.com Kroger John R Hammond, Jr. Batt Fisher Pusch & Alderman, LLP U.S. Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 500 P.O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 E-mai: jrh~battfisher.com Kur J. Boehm Boehm, Kurz & Lowr 36 E. Seventh St., Suite 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 KBoehm~BKLlawfrm.com Micon MarV. York, ISB No. 5020 Holland & Har LL Suite 1400, U.S. Bank Plaza 101 South Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 2527 Boise, Idao 83701-2527 Myork~hollandhar.com Thorvald A. Nelson Mark A. Davidson Holland & Har LLP 6800 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Ste. 500 Greenwood Vilage, CO 80111 Tnelson~hollandhar.com Madavidson~hollandhar.com Snake River Allance Ken Miler, Clean Energy Progr Director Snake River Allance P.O. Box 1731 Boise, Idao 83701 Kmile~snakeriveralance.org NW Energy Coalition Nancy Hirsh, Policy Director NW Energy Coalition 811 Fir Avenue, Suite 305 IPC- E-11-08 Seattle, Washigton 98104 Nan~nwenerg.org Hoku Materials, Inc. Dean J. Miler McDEVITT & MILLR LL 420 East Bannock Boise, Idao 83702 J oe~mcdevitt -miler. com Heathe~mcdevitt -miler. com Scott Paul, CEO Hoku Materials, Inc. One HokuWay Pocatello, Idao 83204 Spaul~hokucorp.com ~~- Benjamin J. Otto 2 Certificate of Servce