HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110725Petition to Intervene.pdf3TIER Environmental Foecast Gr()up Adoctes for the West Alas Hoin Finc Corpotion Allnce to save Energ A1em Energy Resouce Organiation Ameica Rirs The Aplo AllinceAu~Il En founda(e ArMovatio PrCi Ut Bo of OrCI of AsCf CøWeCI So Th Ql Tru eoit Ac PaP of OregCi Ac Panerhi As. ofldah~on 5e GrPDa Stki Fotat an Sp. 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Où 11 Vi CTro. ti Divsio Waon CAWl &wro Counl wa SlatUn wrgy Pram Wo 10. tq An Econ LiatA WO ~Ul for a Suta Hum. VÍsid ~ NW Energy CoalitioHËCEfVED for a clean and affordable energy future 281 f JUL 25 PJ1 3: 05 July 22,2011 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Dear Ms. Jewell, Pursuant to Commission Order 32272, please find attached the NW Energy Coalition's Petition for Late Intervention to the Public Utilties Commission in Case No. IPC-E-ll-08. This petition is being filed electronically to the Commission and all. other paries in the Case. Four copies are being submitted to the Commission via maiL. Nancy Hirsh Policy Director NW Energy Coalition 8111st Ave., Suite 305 Seattle,'WA 98104 Seattle: 811 1st Avenue, Suite #305, Seattle, WA 98104. (206) 621-0094 · (206) 621-0097 fax Salem: (503) 851-4054. (503) 390-6287 fax .~" www.nwenergy.org. nweclQnwenergy.org 0 July 22, 2011 Nancy Hirsh. NW Energy Coalition 811 1st Ave., Suite 305 Seattle, WA 98104 Ph: (206) 621-0094 RECEI r\L~)- 20il JUL 25 Pif 3: 05 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELEClRIC SERVICE IN IDAHO CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08) ) ) ) ) ) PETITION FOR LATE INTERVENTION NW ENERGY COALITION COMES NOW, The NW Energy Coalition ("Coalition") and pursuant to this Commission's Rules of Procedure, Rule 71 IDAPA and 073 hereby requests permission for late intervention in the above- referenced case, IPC-E-11-08. The name and address of this intervener and our interests in this case are presented as follows: . A. The Coalition's business address is: NW Energy Coalition 811 lt Ave Suite 305 Seattle, WA 98104 206-621-0094 B. The Coalition wil be represented in this proceeding by Nancy Hirsh, Policy Director of the Coalition. Correspondence in this docket can be sent to the above address or via email to: nancy(gnwenergy.org. Ms. Hirsh's cell phone is: 206-409-9217 C. The Coalition is a non-profit organization under section 50l(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Coalition has 11 organizational members located in Idaho, representing more than 100,000 citizens. The Coalition's primary purpose is to promote an energy future that is clean, reliable, affordable, and equitable. Due to its historic and ongoing work with utilty companies and others to achieve these goals, the Coalition possesses unique interest in the outcome of this proceeding. D. The Coalition has a special interest in this proceeding for the following reasons: (1) Coalition members wil be directly affected by rate changes for the residential class; (2) the fixed cost recovery mechanism and rate design modifications that are proposed in this proceeding may PETITION FOR LATE INTERVENTION July 22,2011 affect customer investment in energy efficiency and affordabilty for low-income customers; and (3) treatment of demand response incentives as power supply expenses could impact overall commitments to energy efficiency and the strategy for DSM investments. The Coalition intends to examine these and other issues in this proceeding. We believe that our parcipation in this proceeding will assist the Commission and the Paries in working toward a successful outcome by bringing our considerable energy effciency and rate design expertise to the case to protect its interest in ensuring adequate and effective DSM investments thoughout the Pacific Northwest region. E. The Coalition offers this pròcess considerable expertise arising from its long-term role in advocating for DSM investments in Idaho and across the region. The Coalition has been a member of the Idaho Power Energy Effciency Advisory Group since 2003. Petitioner, Nancy Hirsh, has participated in Commission sponsored workshops on DSM incentives and is a member of the Idaho Energy Efficiency Task Force. The Coalition has previously been granted intervener status in cases regarding Idaho Power before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including a rate case (Docket No. IPC-E-03-13). F. The Coalition applies for late intervention under IDAPA due to a death in the family of Ms. Hirsh and an extended absence from the office. The Coalition has no intention of unreasonably broadening the issues, burdening the record or delaying the proceedings through its intervention. G. To further support the PUC and other partes in this case and to speed responsiveness of the Coalition, the Coalition requests Electronic Service Only for document distribution in this proceeding. For the foregoing reasons, the Coalition requests the Commission grant its Petition for Late Intervention in this matter. July 22,2011 Respectfully submitted, Nancy Hirsh, Policy Director NW Energy Coalition 81118( Ave, Suite 305 Seatte, WA 98104 206-621-0094 nancy (g nwenergy .org PETITION FOR LATE INTERVENTION July 22, 2011