HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110825Motion to Excuse Counsel.pdfDepartment of Energy Washington, DC 20585 l','" 20n AUG 25 AM 9: 59 Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 August 23,2011 Re: Case No. IPC-E-ll-08 Dear Ms. Jewell: The original and seven (7) copies of the Motion of the United States Department of Energy for Limited Admission and to Excuse Local Counsel in the above-captioned proceeding are enclosed herewith for fiing. At your convenience, please date stamp and retur the enclosed extra copy of the petition in the self-addressed and franed envelope which is enclosed herewith. Than you for your kind attention. Very truly yours, Arhur Perr Bruder Attorney for the United States Deparment of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 Arhur.Bruder~hq.doe.gov phone: (202) 586-3409 fax: (202) 586-4116 oi:ci:il\i- ..!- Mar M. McKnight Offce of Chief Counsel Idaho Operations Office United States Deparment of Energy 1955 Premont Avenue Mail Stop 1209 Idaho Falls, ID 83415 Bar No.: 5435 PHONE: (208) 526-5430 FAX: (208) 526-7632 201 I AUG 25 AM 9: 50 Arhur Perry Bruder Offce of the General Counsel United States Deparment of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 arhur.bruder~hq.doe.gov PHONE: (202) 586-3409 FAX: (202) 586-4116 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY POR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) MOTION OF AND CHARGES FOR ) THE UNITED STATES ELECTRIC SERVICE IN IDAHO ) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ) FOR LIMITED ADMISSION AND ) TO EXCUSE LOCAL COUNSEL Pursuant to Idaho Bar Commission Rule 227 and Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("IPUC" or "Commission") Rules of Procedure 19 and 43.03, the undersigned local counsel, Mary McKnight, hereby petitions the IPUC: (1) for limited admission of the undersigned, Arthur Perr Bruder ("applying counsel"), as the United States Deparment of Energy's ("DOE") legal representative in the above-captioned proceeding; (2) to excuse Ms. McKnight from attendance at all proceedings before it in that proceeding. Applying counsel certifies that: (l) he is an active member in good standing of the bar ofthe State of New York; (2) he maintains the regular practice oflaw as an attorney in the Office of the DOE General Counsel at the above-noted address; (3) he is neither a resident of nor licensed to practice in the State of Idaho; (4) DOE has requested that he appear in the above-captioned proceeding; (5) he was previously granted such limited admission in IPUC Case NO.E-08-1O. Both undersigned counsel certify that a copy of this motion has been served by electronic mail upon all of the other parties to this matter, that a copy of this Motion has been provided to the Idaho State Bar, and that the DOE Idaho Operations Offce is presently arranging to transmit, and shall within the next two weeks transmit, the required $200 fee to the Idaho State Bar. Local counsel: (l) certifies that the above information is tre and correct to the best of her knowledge, after reasonable investigation; (2) acknowledges that her attendance is required at all IPUC proceedings in the above-captioned matter in which applying counsel appears, unless the IPUC specifically excuses her from attendance; (3) requests that the IPUC excuse her from attendance at all such proceedings. A proposed IPUC order is attached hereto. DATED this "' i day of August, 2011. ~ilCw~~Ciight Local Counsel BarNo. 5435 ge" -Q. -a-_J_ Arhur Perr Bruder J Applying Counsel -2- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 ) ) MOTIONOF ) THE UNITED STATES ) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ) FOR LIMITED ADMISSION AND ) TO EXCUSE LOCAL COUNSEL ORDER GRANTING MOTION OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FOR LIMITED ADMISSION AND TO EXCUSE LOCAL OCUNSEL On or about August 24,2011, Mar M. McKnight, local counsel, and Arthur Perr Bruder, applying counsel, fied a motion ("motion") with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") for limited admission of Mr. Bruder in the above-captioned proceeding, (as per Idaho Bar Commission Rule ("ICBR") 227; Commission Rules of Procedure 19,43.03) and to excuse Ms. McKnght from attendance at all proceedings before it in the above-captioned matter. Mr. Bruder certifies that he is an active member in good standing of the New York State Bar and that he maintains the regular practice of law as an attorney in the Offce of the General Counsel of the United States Deparment of Energy ("DOE") at 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC. Mr. Bruder fuher certifies that he is neither a resident of, nor licensed to practice law in, the State of Idaho, and that he has previously been granted such limited admission in Commission Case No.E-08-1 O. Both Ms. McKnight and Mr. Bruder certify that this motion has been electronically served on all other paries to this proceeding, that a copy of this Motion has been provided to the Idaho State Bar, and that DOE's Idaho Operations Offce is arranging to transmit, and shall within the next two weeks transmit, the necessary $200 fee to the Idaho State Bar. COMMISSION FINDINGS The Commission has reviewed and considered the DOE Motion for Limited Admission and to Excuse Local Counsel in the above-captioned proceeding, and the practice rules and Rules of Procedure (meR Rule 227 and Commission Rules of Procedure 19 and 43.03.). Based on the filings of record and certified representations of Ms. McKnight and Mr. Bruder, we find that reasonable grounds have been demonstrated to justify granting limited admission of Mr. Bruder as legal counsel for the DOE in the above-captioned proceeding. We further find it reasonable to excuse Ms. McKnight from attendance at proceedings before the Commission in this matter. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Commission has jurisdiction in the above-captioned proceeding and in regard to the Motion. ORDER ", In consideration of the foregoing and as more paricularly described above, IT is HEREBY ORDERED that Arhur Perr Bruder is granted limited admission in Case No. E-11-08 as legal counsel for the United States DOE, and that Ms. Mary M. McKnight is excused from attendance at IPUC proceedings in this matter. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission at Boise, Idaho, this _ day of _' 2011. MACK A. REDFORD, COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: -2- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 23d day of August, 2011, I: (l) transmitted a true, correct and complete original, and seven true, correct and complete copies, of the foregoing document, the United States Deparment of Energy's Petition for Limited Admission and to Excuse Local Counsel in IPC-Case No. E- 11-08, by overnight service, properly addressed and prepaid, to: Jean D. Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 (2) electronically transmitted it as an attachment to an email, to the following persons at the email addresses shown: Idaho Power Company (Exh. Nos. 001-100) Lisa Nordstrom, Gregory Said, Donovan E. Walker, Jason B. Wiliams 1221 W. Idaho St. 83702 PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83 707-0070 Inordstrom(áidahopower.com;dwalker(áidahopower.com jwiliams(ã4idahopower.com; gsaid~dahopower.com Idaho Public Utilties Commission (Exh. Nos. 101-200) Donald L. Howell, II, Karl Klein 472 W. Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 don.howell(fpuc,idaho. gov; kari.klein~puc.idaho .gov Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association (Exh. Nos. 201-300) Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chartered 201 E. Center PO Box 1391Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 elo~racinelaw.net Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, OH 44140 tony~yanei.net -1- Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (Exh. Nos. 301-400) (Simplot and Rate 19 Group) Peter J. Richardson, Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 peter(ãrichardsonandoleary .com;greg(ãrichardsonandoleary .com Don Reading 6070 Hil Road Boise, ID 83703 dreading(ßmindspring.com The Kroger Company (Exh. Nos. 501-600) Kur J. Boehm Boehm, Kurz & Lowery 36 E. Seventh St., Suite 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 kboehm~bkiiawfrr.com Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies 2155. State St., Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 mail khiggins~energystrat.com John R. Hammond, Jr. Batt Fisher Pusch & Alderman, LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 1015. Capitol Blvd., Suite 500 (83702) PO Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 jrh~battfisher.com Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (Exh. Nos. 601-700) Brad M. Purdy, Attorney at Law 2019 N.l7 St. Boise, ID 83702 brnpurdy~hotmail.com Idaho Conservation League Exh. Nos. 801-900) Benjamin J. Otto 710 N. Sixth Street 83702 PO Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 botto~idaoconservation.org -2- Micron Technology Inc. (Exh. Nos. 701-800) MaryV. York Holland & Har, LLP 101 S. Capital Blvd., Suite 1400 Boise, ID 83702 myork~hollandhart.com Thorvald A. Nelson, Mark A. Davidson, Fred Schmidt Holland & Har, LLP 6380 S. Fiddlers Green Circle Suite 500 Greenwood Vilage, CO 80111 tnelson(ãhollandhart.com; madavidson(ãhollandhart.coID; fschmidt(ãhollandhart.com; lnbuchanan(ãhollandhart.com; dennytemp(ãyahoo.com; gccarter~ur-inc.com Richard E. Malmgren Sr. Asst. General Counsel Micron Technology, Inc. 800 South Federal Way Boise, ID 83716 remalmgren~micron.com Snake River Allance (Exh. Nos. 901-1000) Ken Miler PO Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 kmiler~snakeriverallance.org NW Energy Coalition (Exh. Nos. 1001-1100) Nancy Hirsh, Policy Director 811 1st Ave. Suite 305 Seattle, WA 98104 nancy(ánwenergy.org 02/&~ Arhur Perry Bruder Attorney for the United States Deparment of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 Arhur.Bruder~hq.doe.gov phone: (202) 586-3409 August 23,2011 -3-