HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120227Affidavit Gregory Adams.pdf0,' i= r. r: Î \I i: nj. .&''Ji-Il'."i_ llJr~~r~QJiiE~ 20lL FEB 27 PH~: 26 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Tel,208-938-7900 Fax, lO8-9.3-7904 1'.0. Box 7218 Boi.e,ID 83707 - S15N.27rhSr.Boise,ID 27 Febru 2012 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83702 RE: SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. 39151-2011 IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-61 IPC-E-I0-62 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please fid the AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS for filing on behalf of the Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC (10-61) and Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC (10- 62) in the above-referenced docket. We have enclosed an original and eight (8) copies, as well as an additional copy for you to stap for our records. Please contat me with any questions. Sincerely,~ Nina M. Curis, Admnistrative Assistat Richardson & O'Lear PLLC enc1. Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB No: 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27tl Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~chardsonandolear.com greg~richardsonandolear.com Attorneys for Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC and Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TH MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRC ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND GROUSE CREEK WID PAR, LLC (10-61) AN GROUSE CREEK WID PAR II, LLC (10-62) GROUSE CREEK WID PAR, LLC AND GROUSE CREEK WID PAR II, LLC, Petitioners/Appellants, v. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, Respondent, Respondent on Appeal, and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent- Intervenor/Respondent on Appeal AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-10-61, IPC-E-1O-62 PAGE 1 ) SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. ) 39151-2011 ) ) ) IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-61) IPC-E-I0-62 ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ) ADAMS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I, Gregory M. Adams, do declare the following and if called to testify, would and could competently testify thereto: 1. I am over the age of 18, and make ths afdavit based upon personal knowledge. 2. I am an attorney at the law firm of Richardson and O'Lear, PLLC, in Boise, and am one of the attorneys of record for the Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC, and the Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC in Idaho Public Utility Commssion Case Nos. IPC-E-I0-29, IPC-E-1O-30, IPC-E-I0-61, and IPC-E-I0-62, and Idaho Supreme Cour Docket No. 39151-2011. 3. I have attched as Exhibit 1 to ths Afdavit a tre and correct copy of the Complaint of Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC against Idao Power Company, fied in Idaho Public Utility Commission Case Nos. IPC-E-I0-29, on November 8, 2010. 4. I have attched as Exhibit 2 to ths Afdavit a tre and correct copy of the Complaint of Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC against Idaho Power Company, fied in Idaho Public Utilty Commssion Case Nos. IPC-E-I0-30, on November 8, 2010. Furer your affiant sayeth naught. DATED Februar 27, 2012.~ o M.Adams AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-61, IPC-E-1O-62 PAGE 2 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. )COUNTY OF ADA On ths 27th day of Febru 2012, before me, a Nota Public in and for the State of Idaho, personally appeared Gregory M. Adams, personally known to me to be the person who executed ths instrent and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntar act and deed for the uses and puroses mentioned in the instrent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my had and official seal the day and year first above wrtten. ,..........,i" "1 ,..' .j pi M. C l¡ b, I.#~, ",,,\ "f ~ ....~..~' ,~ .."~ IJ "~ .: i: .;. * !~ :~ "',) .. I...... .. ....v ~.... 'll'b .."o.~" '" ,ç OF \\) Pi'"'It ,,,i.It.h.,....... n NV J' CMiJç ~Y PUBLIC for the State of Idaho Residig at ~O I se , ( .D My Commission expires ~ Iter !1, i AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-61, IPC-E-I0-62 PAGE 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 27th day of Febru, 2012, a tre and correct copy of the withn and foregoing AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS was served as shown to the following paries: Commission Staf Krstine Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Krs. Sasser~puc.idaho. gov ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (x) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Lisa Nordstrom Jason Wiliams Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwa1er~idahopower.com jwillams~idahopower.com lnordstrom~idahopower.com ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (x) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail Rady Allphin Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 rallphin~idahopower.com ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (x) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile (x) Electronic Mail ~ AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-61, IPC-E-I0-62 PAGE 4 AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-10-61, IPC-E-10-62 EXHIBIT 1 Complaint of Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC against Idaho Power Company, filed in Idaho Public Utility Commission Case Nos. IPC-E-10-29, on November 8, 2010 Peter Richardson RECEIVED -. -8 '"'::2=23 lGAHO PUBliC tJlTlES COMMISSiON ~ fb: I . 1/:: l i I ...auATTORNBYS AT LAW Tel: 208.938.7901 Fax: 208.938.7904 peter4Prichardsonan dol ear,.. com P.O. Boi: 7218 Doia.IO 83707 - SlS N. 27th St. BoÍle.10 83702 November 8, 2010 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Seretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, 10 83702 CASE NO..1 ~- 6. -ID-Q r Dear Ms. Jewell: We are enclosing an Original and seven (7) copies of the FORMA COMPLAINT OF GROUSE CREEK, LLC vs IDAHO POWER COMPANY. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, ~.'14 -ÚJi\~ Nina~is Administrative Assistant to Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary PLLC Pete J. Richadsn (lSB # 3195) Grgory M. Adas (ISB # 7454) Ricbadson& O'lear, PLLC 515 N. 27tl Str P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idao 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 pechardsnadolea.com grg~charsonadolea.com RECEIVED 2Øl8lW -8 P"'2;23" lDAHOPUBUC , UTtUTIES, COMMISSION Attrneys for Complait BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILS COMMSSION ) ) Ca No. J:ç.-(D-,; , )~ FORM COMPLAI ) ) )1 INRODUCTON Grus Creek Wind Park, LLC,Complait, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendat. 2 Ths is a form complait filed by Grous Creek Wind Park, LLC with the Idao Pulic 3 Utilities Commssion (the "Commssion") purt to Idao Admstrve Rules3L.0L.0i.054. 4 Grous Creek Wind Park, LLC reuest th Idao Power Compay ("IclahoPower") execut a ' 5 stdad Public Utity Reguatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PUR A") power purha agrment 6 ,,("PP A'') for quaifg facilties ("QFs") under 1 0 averge monthy mega-watt ("aMW") for 7 Grous Creek Wind Park, LLC's renewable energyQF. Becaus Idao Power ha not negoti 8 in good faith in response to Grouse Crek Wind Park, LLC's atempt to obligat itslftothe 9 te 'of a stdad PP A' at the published avoided cost rates, GruS Cre Wind Park, LLC 10 respetfly reques tht the Commssion issue a declarory judgment tht Grous Crek Wmd Page 1 - FORM COMPLAT 1 Park, LLC is entitled to suh a PP A and fuer rests th the Commsion order Idao Power 2 to enter into a PPA at the rates in effect on the da of ths fili (er to Or No. 31025). 3 PRELIARY MATTERS 4 Copies of al pleags and other correspndence in th ma should be seed upon 5 counel for Gruse Crek Wind Par, LLC at: 6 Peter J. Richadson7 Grgory M. Ada8 Richaon & O'Lear, PLLC9 515 N. 27tl Str 10 P.O. Box 721811 Boise, Idao 8370212 Telephone: (208) 938-790113 Fax: (208) 938-7904 pergchanadolear.com14 gr~charsonadolear.com 15 16 In support of th Complat, Grouse Crek Wind Park, LLC alleges as fòllows: 17 IDEN OF PARTIES 18 1.,Idao Power is an Idao Corption with its pricipa plac of business at 1221 19 West Idao Stret, Boise, Idao 83702. Idao Power Company is an electc company and a 20 public utlity subjec to the jursdction and reguation of the Idaho Public Utiities Commssion 21 purt to i.C. § 61-129. Idaho Power is subject to the jursdcton of thè Commssion, the 22 Publc Utility Commssion of Orgon, and the Federa Energy Reguatry Commssion 23 ("FERC"). 24 2.Growe Crek Wind Park, LLC is a Delawa lited liabilty compay, duly 25 registed to conduct business in th State ofIdao. Grus Creek Wind Park, LLC's addrss is 26 Grous Creek Wind Park, LLC, c/o Wasath Wind Intennounta, LLC, 2700 Homeste Road, 27 Suite 210, Park City, Uta 84098. Grus Creek Wind Park, LLC has the rights to develop and Page 2 - FORM COMPLAIN energy or capacity over a speified te. See 18C.F.R. § 292.304d)(2)(ü). Thus, "aQF, by commtt itself to sell to an elecc utity, also commts the elecc utity to buy frm th QF; these commitments resut either in contrts or in non-contrctu, but bidig, legally enforceale obligatons." JDWind I, LLC, ''Notice of Intet Not to, Act and Declaatory Orer~" 129 FERC , 61,148, at p. 10-11 (Novembe 19, 2009). Page 3 - FORM COMPLA 1 FACTAL BACKGROUN 2 5. Gruse Creek Wind Par LLC, and its precssors have be acvely engaged 3 in the development of the Grous Creek Win Park, LLC wid project. The prject ha a 4 naeplate capacity ratig of 21 MW, an is designd to generate no more than 10 average 5 monthy mega-wat. 6 6. Grous Crek Wind Park, LLC, and its precessors, have mae substatiål 7 effort in development of the project, and the project is matu an entitled to obligate itslf to a 8 long-te PPA for a PUR A QF under 10 aM entitled to the published rates; 9 ' 7. Grous Creek Wind Park, LLC, and its preessors, have be in conta with 10 Idao Power for a substtial amount of tie regardig the site and the spcifics of 11 internnection, trssion, and sae of its output. The Gruse Creek Wind Park, LLC prject ,12 wi intennec with the Ra River Rur Elecc Copeve, an whee th outut thoug 13' Bonnevie Powe Admon (''BPA'') for deliver of the outut to Ida Power's sy at the 14 Midoka subston. 15 8. Grouse Crek Wind park, LLC obligat itslf to ente into the stadad PUR A 16 PPA at a tie When the rates in Or No.3 1025 were applicable to its projec, by providig 17 IdahoPower with the projec's spificatons an stti tht it inteded to obligate itslf to a 18 stdad PUR A PPA contag all of the tes and condtions approved by the Commssion. 19 9. Despite Grouse Creek Wind Park, LLC's effort"Idao Power ha acte in bad 20 fath by requig completion of unecss inteonnecon prcesses and trmission servce 21 reuest prior to executig the PP A and refuing to enter into an agement without a puntive 22 delay liquidate dages securty prviion reuing Gruse Creek Wind Park, LLC to post 23 $45/kw naeplate cacity. Grous Crek Wind Park, LLC ha expssed a willgness to agr Page 4 - FORM COMPLAI 1 to a delay sety daes claus renaly cacul by the Commssion to ap~ 2 Idao Powe's daes in th event of a delay defaut, and Grus Cree Win Park, LLC 3 remai commtt to such a provision deed reasnable by the Commsion. With Grus 4 ' Creek Wind Park, LLC's commtnent to such a provision, Idao, Power's insistence on 5 completon of the protrte inteconnection an tranmission prcesses pnor to executg a 6 PPA is uneasnable. 7 10. ' Addtionay, afer the close of busess on Friday, Novembe 5, 2010, Grous 8 Creek Wind Par LLC leaed of Idao Power's joint petion and motion, with Rocky 9 Mounta Power and Avista Corporation, fied in Commsion Ca No. ONRE-10-04, 10 requeg the Commssion imediatly lower th eligibilty ca for published ras frm 10 '11 aM to 1 ÖO kilowatt of naeplate capacty. Idao Powe acd in bad fath by faig to notify 12 Grous Creek Wind Park, LLC tht it would file ths Joint Motion to lower the eligibilty cap for 13 published avoided cost rates prior to execut the PPA to which Grous Creek Wind Par LLC " 14 ha ben atempting to obligat itslf. 15 11. Idao Power prvide Grus Cree Wind Par, LLC with no advance notice of 16 its intent to reuest th the Commssion mae the PPA sougt by Grouse Crk Wind Park, ,17 LLC unvailale. 18 19 20 21 22 23 P~e 5 - FORM CONæ~ 1 LEGAL CLA 2 Complant's Cla for Relief 3 Idaho Power is in violation of PUR A, FERC's relations and orders, and the 4 Commsion's orders by faig to provide Grouse Crek Wind Park, LLC with a power 5 purehase agrment with pubUshec avoided eos rates in Order No. 31025. 6 12. Grous Crek Wind Park, LLC re-alleges and incorpras all precedi 7 paraphs. 8 13. Grous Crek Wind Park, LLC ha attmpte in good faith to engage in 9 negotiatons to obtan a fuly execute power purcha ageement to deliver energy and capity 10 to Idao Power from the Grus Crek Wind Par LLC wid project. 11 14. Grous Crek Wind Park, LLC commtt itself to sell energy and capacity frm 12 its QF to Idao Power at a tie when th rats in Orr No.3 i 025 wer applicable to its QF, 13 and, consequently, Gruse Creek Wind Pm, LLC commtt Idao Power to buy frm the QF at 14 those ras. 15 15. These commtments result in non-entr but bindi, legaly enforceable 16 obligations. 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii); JD Wind 1, LLC, 129 FERC' 61,148, at pp. 10-11. 17 ' 16. By negotiatg in ba faith and by failin to execute a PPA, Idao Power is in 18 violation ofPURA, FERC's implementig reguations, and the Commssion's order. See 16 19 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2); 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii); Blind Canyon Aquaranch v. Idao 20 Power Compan, Case No. IPC-E-94-1, Order No. 25802 (November 1994). 21 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 22 WHREFORE, Grous Crek Wind Park, LLC respey request tht the 23 Cossion issue an Orde: Page 6 - FORM COMPLAI 1 1.Declang th Idaho Power is in violaton ofPURA, FERC'sImp1ementi 2 reguatons, and the Commsson's order. 3 2.' Req Idaho Power to execte a'stdad PUR A power purha agment 4 ,'with Gruse Crk Wind Park, LLC at idao Power's avoide cost ras on fie for QFs under 10 5 aM in Order No. 31025. 6 3.Grti any other relief th the Commssion dee necsa. , ~~V" Resy submitt th.. day of Novembe 2010. RICHASON AN O'LEAY, PLLC_tLQ.~Peter 1. Richadsn (lSB No: 3195) Grgory M. Ada (ISB No. 7454) Attrneys for C~mplat P~e 7 - FORM CONWLAT CERTICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY th on the ~~y of November, 2010, a tre and corr copy of the with and foregoing FORM COMPLAI BY GROUSE CREEK WI PAR LLC wa seed by HA DELIVERY, to: . Jea Jewell Commssion Sec Idao Public Utiities Commssion 472 West Washington Boise, Idao 83702 Jea.jewelltIuc.idao;gov~ P~e 8 - FORM COMW~ AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY M. ADAMS IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-IO-61, IPC-E-10-62 EXHIBIT 2 Complaint of Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC against Idaho Power Company, filed in Idaho Public Utilty Commission Case Nos. IPC-E-10-30, on November 8, 2010 J", (t;, 11 i / ,: i l/atOt IWATTORNEYS AT LAW Peter Richardson Tel: 208.938.7901 Fu: 208.938.7904 pete r. t icharclioiiuclol eary. co m P.O. Box 1218 Bois in 83707 . 515 N. 27th St. Bois. in 83702 November 8, 2010 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, 10 83702 CASE N0Gt O-/ΕΎ-tC/-3ó Dear Ms. Jewll: RECEtVEO 7B'NOV-8 PH 2:22 IOAHOPUBUÇ UnUTIES COMMiSSION We are enclosing an Oriinal and seven (7) copies of the FORMAL COMPLAINT OF GROUSE CREEK II, LLC vs IDAHO POWER COMPANY. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, '~)\\CU~Nina M. Curtis Adminisrative Assistant to Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary PLLC Pet J. Richaon (ISB # 3195) Grgory M. Ad (ISB # 7454) Richaon & O'Lear, ,PLLC 515 N. 27th Str P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idao 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 pe~charsonadolear.com greg(chanadolea.com , . RECEiVED mt:.MO ~8' Pl2:;22 IDAHOPUBUC UllUTIES COMMISSION Attorneys for Complait BEFORETBE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITS COMMSSION ~ casNo.~E~~ ) ~ FORM COMPLAIT ) ) ) 1 INODUCTION Grouse Crek Wind Park II, LLC,Complait, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY,Defendat 2 Ths is a formal complaint fied by Grus Creek Wind Par n, LLC With the Idao 3 Public Utilities Commssion (the "Common") purt to Idao Admstve Rules 4 Grous Crek Win Park ll, LLC reuest tht Ido Power Compay ("Idao 5 Powef') execute a stad Pulic Utity Reguatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PUR A'') power 6 purha agrment ("PPA") (or quag failties ("QFs") uner 1 0 average monthyinega- 7 watts ("a.) for Grus Crek Win Park n, LLC's reable energy QF. Bec Idao 8 Power ha not negotiate in good faith in reSpnse to Grus Creek Wind ,Par II, LLC's atmpt 9 " to obligate itslf to the te of a stada PP A at the published avoide cost ras, arus Creèk 10 , Wind Park II, LLC respectly reuest that the Commssion issue a declartory judgment tht Page 1- FORM COMPLAI 1 Grus Crek Wind Park II, LLC is entitled to such a PP A and fuer request th the 2 Commission ord Idao Power to ente into a PPA at the rates in èffect on the date of ths filin 3 (erat to Order No. 31025). 4 PRELIMARY MATTRS 5 Copies of all plea and oth corrspondence in ths matt should be seed upon 6 counl for Grouse Creek Wind Park n, LLC at: 7 Pete J. Richadson8 Grgory M. Adas 9 ' Richadson & O'Lear, PLLC10 515 N. 27tl Stret11 P.O. Box 721812 Boise, Idao 8370213 Telephone: (208) 938-790114 Fax: (208) 938-7904 pe(jchanalea.com15 grg(chaonadolear.com 16 17 In support of this Complat, Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC alleges as follows: 18 IDENTIT OF P ARTIJ£S 19 1.Idao Power is an Idao Corpration with its prcipal plac of business at 1221 20 West Idao Stret, Boise, Idao 83702. Ida Power Company is an electrc compay and a 21 public utility subject to the jursdicton an regution of the Idao Public Utilities Commssion 22 purt to I.C. § 61-129. Idao Power is subject to the jursdction of the Commssion, the 23 Public Utility Commssion of Oregon, and the Feder Energy Reguatry Commssion 24 ("FERC"). 25 2.Grus Creek Wind Park n, ,LLC is a Delaware lite liabilty compay, duly 26 registeed to conduct business in the State of Idao. Gruse Creek Wind Par II, LLC's address 27 is Grous Crek Wind Park II, LLC, c/o Wastch Wind Interounta LLC, 2700 Homest Page 2 - FORM COMPLAIT 1 Road Suite 210, Park City, Uta 84098. Grus Crek Wind Park II, LLC ha the rightsto 2 develop and dispose of the outut of the Gruse Creek Wind Par II, LLC wjdprjec whi~ is 3 a quaifyg facilty under the Públic Utity Reguatory Policies Act of 1978. 4 JUSDICTON 5 3. Ths ca involvesPURA'savoided cost prviions an PERC implemnti , 6 reguations theret, which PURA di stas to implement See 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3 (a)-(); 7 FERC v. Mississippi, 456 U.S. 742, 751 (1982). In Idao, the Commission possesses jursdcton 8, over complaits regardig ras of public utilities, includi PURPA rates. I.C. §§ 61-129, -SOl. 9 -502, -503, -612; see also Afton Energy Inc. v.Idaho Power Co., 111 Idao 925, 929, 729 P. 2d 10 400,404 (1986). The Commssion hajursdcton to issue declatory judgments regardig 11 utlity contrcts puruat Idao's Deiartory Judgment Act I.C. § 10-1203. See UtahPower 12 an Light v. Idaho Pub. Utilities Commission, 112 Idao 10, 12, 730 P.2d 930,932 (1986). 13 APPLICABLE LAWS AN REGULATIONS i 4 4. Section 210 of PUR A reuis elecc utties to purha powe prouced by ,15 sm powe producrs that obt QF sta un seQn 201. 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2). FERC 16 rues prvide QFs with the option of sellin eleccity an capaity to a utiity bas on the 17 utility;s "avoided costs" at the tie the QF incurs a legay enorcable obligation to deliver 18 energy or capacity over a specified ter. See 18 C.F.R. § 292.304d)(2)(iì). Thus, "a QF, by ,19 commttg itslf to sell to an elecc utility, also commts the electc utity to buy frm the QF;, " 20 these commtments result either in contr or in non-entr, but bindi legaly., 21 enorceable,obligations." JD Wind 1, ac, "Notice of Intent Not to Act and Declaratory Order," 22 129 FERC ~ 61,148, at p. 10-11 (Novembe 19,2009). 23 Page 3 - FORM COMPLAT 1 FACTUAL BACKGROUND 2 5. Grus Creek Wind Par II, LLC, and its prssors have ben actively 3 engaged in the development of the Gruse Crek Wind Park n, LLC wid projec The projec 4 has a naeplate caaCity rag of 21 MW, an is deigned to generte no more th 10 averae 5 monthy mega-watt. 6 ' 6. Grous Crek Wind Park n, LLC, and its precessors, have ma substti ,7 effort in development of the prjec and the projec is matu and entitled to obligate itslf to a 8 long-term PPA for a PUR A QF un 10 aM entitled to the published ras. 9 7. Grus Crek Wind Park II, LLC, and its preecsors, have ben in contat with 10 Idao Power for a substial amount of tie regardig the site an the spcifcs of 11 interconnection, trmission, and sae of its outut. The Grus Creek Wind Park II,LLC ' 12 ,prjec wi innn with the Ra Rive Rur Elecc Cooperave, and wheel the output 13 throug Bonneville Powe Admon ("BPA") for deliver of the out to Idao Power's 14 syst at the Midoka subston. 15 8., Gruse Creek Wind Park II, LLC obligate itslf to enter into the stda 16 PUR A PPA at a time when the ras in Or No. 31025 we aplicable to its project, by 17 providi Idao Power with the prjec's speifcaons and stti th it intede to obligat 18 itSlf to a stada PUR A PP A contag all of the tenn and conditions approved by the 19 Commssion. 20 9. Despite Gruse Creek Wind Par II, LLC's effort, Idao Powe ha acte in bad 21 faith by requirig completion of unecssa intercnnecon prcesses and trmission serce 22 request prior to executg the PP A and refuing to ente into an ageeent Without a puntive 23 delay liquida daes securty provision requi Grus Creek Wind Park II, LLC to post Page 4 - FORML COMPLAI Page 5 - FORM COMPLAIN 1 LEGAL CLAI 2 Complaant's Cla for Relief 3 Idaho Power is in violation of PUR A, FERC's relations and orders~ and the 4 Commision's orders by faig to provide Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC with a power 5 purchase agrment with publihed avoided cost rate in Order No. 31025~ 6 12. Grouse Creek Wind Par II, LLC re-alleges and incorpras all preg 7 paagraphs. 8 13. Grouse Creek Wind Park II, LLC ha atpted in good faith to engage in 9 negotiatons to obta a fuly execute powe purchae ageeent to deliver energy and capity , 10 to Idao PQwer frm the Gruse Crek Wind Par II, LLC wid projec. i 1 14. Grus Cre Wind Park II, LLC commtted itslf to sell en and caity i 2 from its QF to Idao Power at a tie when the rates in Orer No. 31025 wer aplicable to its 13 QF, and, consuently, Grus Crek Wind Park II, LLC commtted Idao Powe to buy frm ' 14 the QF at those raes. 15 15. These commitments result in non-entrctu, but bindig, legally enforceable 16 obligations. 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ü); JDWind 1, UC, 129 FERC 1 61,148, at pp. 10-11. 17 , 16. By negotiatng in bad faith and by failing to execut a PP A, Idao Power is in 18 violation ofPURA, FERC's implementig reguatons, and the Commsion's orders. See 16 19 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2); 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii); Blind Canyon Aquaranch v. Idaho 20 Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-94-1,Order No. 25802 (November 1994). 21 22 23 Page 6 - FORM COMPLAI 1 PRAYER FOR RELIE 2 WHREFORE, Grous Crek Wind Park n, LLC resptfy reu:est th the 3 'Commssion issue an Order: 4 1.Delarg tht Idao Power is in violaton ofPUR A, PERC's implementing 5 reguatons, and the Commssion's order. 6 2., Requi Idao Power to execut a stda PUR AJKwer purhas ageeent 7 with Gruse Crek Wind Park II, LLC at Idao Power's avoided cost ras on file for QFsunder, ' 8 10 aM in OrerNo~ 31025. 9 3.Grg any other relief th the Commssion deesnec."':",. . , eft " Resptfly submittdtbis.f day of Novembe 2010. RICHASON AN O'LEAY, PLLC ~BNO:31~) Grgory M. Ada (lSB No. 7454) Attrneys for Complait Page 7 - FORM COMPLA CERTICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIY that on th~daY of Novembe, 2010, a 1r an corr copy of the with and foregoing FORM COMPLA BY GROUSE CREEK WIN PAR II, LLC wa sered by HA DELIVERY, to: ' Jea Jewell Commssion Secre Idao Public Utities Commssion 472 West Wasngton Boise, Idao 83702 J .' ewell uc.idao. ov ...,... Page 8 - FORM COMPLAINT