HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110318Charlie Wind Comments.pdf: Peter J. Richardson (~SB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) RICHASON &- g'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street I Boise, Idaho 83702 i Telephone: (208) 93'-2236 Fax: (208) 938-79041==ç~l~.com :i:: :ç1lê =com i i Attorneys for Alpha jwind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Chalie Wind LLC, ipelta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC i ,. ?!i!tL,t:,; .f 17 P"'\!JF fì Ii: 43 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTE~ OF THE APPLICATION ØF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FORi A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIR ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BßTWEEN IDAHO POWER AND AtPHA WID, LLC IN TH MATTEk OF THE APPLICATION (\F IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR) A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMETB:ßTWEEN IDAHO POWER AN BRA VO WIN, LLC, 1 IN THE MATTR. OF THE APPLICATION ~F IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR¡ A DETERMATION REG..AR.. ING A lIR EN. ERGY SALES AGREEMENT B1:TWEN IDAHO POWER AN CIfIE WID, LLC ! ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-51 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,¡- COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIND LLC " ) CASE NO.IPC-E-IO-52 ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF BRAVO WIND LLC ) ) f. ) CASE NO.IPC-E-IO-53 ) ) ) ) ) COMMNTS OF CHAIE WIND ) LLC ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA nON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND DELTA WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND ECHO WID, LLC ~ i I ) CASE NO. IPC-E-Ul-54) I ) ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF DE~ TA WIN LLC i ) CASE NO.IPC-E-iq-55 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ICOMMENTS OF ECHO WIND LLC I I ICOMES NOW, Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Charlie Wlnd LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC, each of which is managed by Cotterel Win~nergy Center LLC i(collectively the "Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs"), and pursuat to thejIdaho Public Utilties Commission's ("Commssion's") Notice of Modified Procedure and Ord~r No. 32188, hereby files these Comments in the above-captioned matters.l For the reasons I set fort below, the ICotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs respectfly request that the Commssfon approve the Firm Energy Sales Agreements ("FESAs") with Idaho Power for each of the five/projects. ! 1 The relevant facts for each of these five projects are substantially siiWlar. Counsel for the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs has therefore filed a single set of Comitents applicable to all five projects to save the Commission and other interested paries from tht need to review fiveseparate sets of Comments. f ¡COMMENTS OF ALPHA WID LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTAWID LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC I CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 2 ' i I The five Coaerel WindEnergy Center LLCs are each located near Burley, Idaho, and are , INTODUCTION , each quaifyg facllities ("QFs") entitled to contracts with rates set at Idao Power's ful 1 i avoided costs, und~r the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURP A"), as i implemented by the I Idaho Public Utilties Commission. Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, ~d Echo Wind LLC will have an output of 29.9 megawatts ("MW"), and ¡ , Chalie Wind LLC ~ll have an output of 27.6 MW. Each will generate 10 average monthly megawatts ('~aMW") or less. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs and their predecessors and i parent companes began developing these wind projects in 2001, and possess rights to use all, i i federal, state, and ~vate lands necessar for the projects. They have proceeded though a I System Impact Stu~ with Idaho Power for interconnection of a larger overall output of 177 ¡ ! MW, under a queue ~osition which the projects stil retan. Interconnection is feasible basd on the existig studies. i i ¡ In total, the ¡developers of the five projects have spent approximately $7 millon. The ! I Cotterel WindEnergt Center LLCs' predecessor project was the finist in Idaho Power's June ¡ 2009 wid request fqr proposals ('~RFP"). i On October 48, 2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs provided Idaho Power with , , five stadard PURPl contracts contanig non-Ievelized rates in Order No. 31025, executed by ! I the Cotterel WindEt¡ergy Center LLCs. Afer Idaho Power, along with Avista Utilities and ¡ Rocky Mountan po~er, filed the Joint Motion to Reduce the Published Rate Eligibilty Cap on November 5, 2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each filed complaints against Idaho COMMNTS OF ALpHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA WI LLC,AN ~CHO WI LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-10-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 3 . Power on November 8, 2010, alleging they were entitled to standard PURP,f contracts and Idaho i iPower had uneasonably requied the projects to proceed though unecefsar interconnection and transmission processes in response to the QFs' contract submitts vlhen the QFs already i possessed the rights obtaned though Idaho Power's Large Generator Inte~onnection Process in ! its Open Access Transmission Tarff ("OATT"). Idaho Power and the totterel WindEnergy , Center LLCs agreed to stay the complait proceedigs and execute stad~d QF wind contracts. ¡ i On Friday, December 10, 2010, afer the QFs agreed to proceed thoug~ Idaho Power's new I interconnection and transmission process in response to Idaho Power's c4ntinued insistence to use that process, Idaho Power provided five executable contracts. The ~otterel WindEnergy Center LLCs executed the agreements on December 13, 2010, and sent tlem to Idao Power, i ! which executed the originals on December 15, 2010, and filed the contiacts for Commission approval on December 16,2010. On Februar 7, 2011, the Commssion issued Order No. 32176, ~herein it reduced the i eligibilty cap to 100 kilowatts ("kw") for wind and solar QFs, and stated th~ effective date of the i order would be December 14,2010. Idaho Power informed the QFs on Feb~ 23, 2011, that it ¡had incorrectly determined the QFs must proceed though the new transmission process, and i ¡stated it would instead continue the process under Idaho Power's OATT, '\hich is how the QFs i !iproposed proceeding all along. Because the Cotterel WindEnergy Ceijter LLCs meet any i ii grandfathering test for entitlement to the published avoided cost rates, tht Commssion should i COMMENTS OF ALPHA WID LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTAWIN LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC I CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O~51, IPC-E~10-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 4 i appove all five contacts.2 ! LEGAL BACKGROUND A. The Pablic Wtity Regalatory Policies Act of 1978's Mandatory Purchase Provisions i Ths case ifvolves the Commission's implementation of the mandatory purchase obligation of pUR A, which requires electrc utilities to purchase power produced by I cogenerators or sm.a¡i power producers that obtan status as a QF. 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2). i Congress's intent "Wa to encourage the promotion and development of renewable energy i itechnologies as alteitatives to fossil fuels and the constrction of new generatig facilties by , electrc utilities." Rpsebud Enterprises, Inc. v. Idaho Pub. Util. Commn., 128 Idao 609, 613, ¡ 917 P.2d 766, 780 n99.6). "Traditional electrc utilties were reluctat to purchase power from, i and sell power to, 4e nontraditional facilties." FERC v. Mississippi, 456 U.S. 742, 750, 102 i S.Ct. 2126, 2132-21b3 (1982). To overcome ths problem, "§ 210(a) (of PURPA) diects the 1, (Federal Energy R~guatory Commission ("FERC")), in consultation with state reguatoryi i authorities, to prom¥gate such rues as it determes necessar to encourage cogeneration and small power produeiion, includig rues requing utilties to offer to sell electrcity to, and \ purhase electrcity from, quaifyg cogeneration and small power production facilties." Id, 456 U.S. at 750-51, l02 S.Ct. at 2133. !i The price PURPA section 210(b) requies the utilities to pay to QFs in exchage for a I 2 The Cotterel! WindEnergy Center LLCs note that several pares to GNR-E-I0-04 have disputed whether th effective date of Order No. 32176 could be retroactively effective on December 14, 2010.1 For puroses of these comments, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs will use December ~4, 2010, as the effective date, without conceding tht the Commission had the authority to mak~ the reduction in the eligibilty cap retroactively effective. ~=l¿~t~ ::g tt¿' BRAVO WID LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 5 I, I QF's electrcal output is termed the avoided cost rate, which is the cost to tle utilty of producing , the energy itself or purchasing it from an alterntive source. 16 U.S.C. § ~24a-3(b), (d). FERC i promulgated regulations requirig utilities to compensate QFs for the utildes' full avoided cost. i 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b); Small Power Production and Cogeneration Jlcilities; .Regulations , ¡ i Implementing Section 210 of the Public Utilty Regulatory Policy Act of! 1978, 45 Fed. Reg. I12,214, 12,222-12,223 (Feb. 25, 1980). The U.S. Supreme Cour dire~tly afrmed FERC's i i "full-avoided-cost rue," American Paper Institute, Inc. v. FERC, 461 U~S. 402, 417-18, 103 ! S.Ct. 1921, 1930 (1983), and that rue is stil in effect today. ì FERC's regulations entitle QFs to long term contract rates set at thelutilities' full avoided ¡ costs at the time the QF commits itself to a legally enforceable obligation ~o deliver its project's , output. 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b), (d)(2)(ii); JD Wind 1, LLC, "Order Denying ~Request for i Rehearng, Reconsideration or Clarfication,''' 130 FERC ~ 61,127, ~ 23 kFebru 19, 2010). Furer, FERC's reguations require utilties to publish "stadard rates" atailable for long term ¡ contracts available to QFs below a state-implemented maximum generatin$ capacity. 18 C.F.R. I§ 292.304( c)(1 )-(3). The Idao Commssion requies utilities in Idao to ¡make the rates in the published rate schedule available to QFs that generate less than 10 aMW. $ee US. Geothermal, Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-04-8, Order No. 29634, p. 14 (2004). On i I Februar 7, 2011, however, the Commission reduced the eligibilty cap to 1100 kw for wid and solar QFs and stated the effective date of ths reduction would be Decembe~ 14,2010. See Order No. 32176, atpp. 11-12. ¡ ! COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE )\IN LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WID LLC i, CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-1O-54~ IPC-Ej-1O-55 PAGE 6 ' B. PURP A Gr~ndfatherig Criteria i When the pu~lished rates change, or beome otherwse unvaiable to a QF before the QF can obta a contrctJ the QF is entitled to grandfathered rates if it can "demonstrate that ~but for' the actions of (the ufilty, the QFJ was otherwse entitled to a power purchase contract." Earth Power Resources, I~c. v. Washington Water Power Company, Case No. WWP-E-96-6, Order i i No. 27231 (1997) ¡(findig utility delayed negotiations and therefore QF was entitled to grandfathered rate); tee also Blind Canyon Aquaranch v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC- i E-94-1, Order No. i5802 (1994); Snow Mountain Pine v. Maudin, 84 Or. App. 590, 600, 734 i i P.2d 1366, 1371 (19~7). I The most o~erous test the Commssion has ever used for determning grandfather i i eligibilty is the pre-ßled complait test. Ths test requies, prior to the effective date of the rate I change, the QF mus~ have obtaned an executed contract, or have filed a meritorious complaint at ! the Commssion all~ging it is entitled to a contract. See A. w: Brown Co., Inc. v. Idaho Power , Co., 121 Idaho 812,1816-18,828 P.2d 841, 845-47 (1992). The Idao Supreme Cour has never i mandated ths test a4 the Commission's only available way to test whether a QF had effected a i legally enforceable ¡obligation, and the Commssion has not applied ths onerous pre-filed ! complait test consi~tently. See, e.g., Blind Canyon Aquaranch, Order No. 25802; Earth Power, Resources, Inc., OrderNo. 27231. I COMMNTS OF AiPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WIND LLC, AND ECHO WI LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-1O~55PAGE 7 i ,PROCEDUR AND FACTUAL BACKGROUN A. Development Overview Boise-based Windland Inc. began development of the wind iiesource on Cötterel Mountan in 2001. Affdavit of Kevin Simmons, at ~ 3. Windland and SAbii Wind Energy Inc. ("SWE") entered into a Project Development Agreement in 2003 to Ijointly share in the development and costs associated with permitting a wind generating comp~ex of up to 200 MW I in capacity. ld at ~ 4. Although Windland retans a substatial financial ï4terest in the project's success, in 2008, SWE purchased the controllng interest in the project fr4m Windland and has been continuing the development, environmenta monitoring and marketin& of the project. ld at ~ 5. Since development began in 2001 the development parers have I performed extensivef wind data collection and analyses, constrctabilty reviews, an intensive ~d a very expensive i Environmenta Impact Study requied due to the project's location on ijd managed by the , United States Bureau of Land Management, and other related project develppment activities. ld. ¡ at ~ 6. To date, the parers have invested approximately $7 milion. ld ~~ ~ 7. They curently possess all real propert rights and permits necessar to build the QF pr~jects, as well as the necessar local zoning permits. ld. at ~~ 9-15. , In addition to a capital investment of close to $300 millon ~equired to complete i development of the QFs, the project will provide signficant local ~enefits in terms of ! constrction jobs (approximately 250) and ful time jobs (approximately 1 S), propert taes and other direct benefits for the local economy. ld. at ~ 8. COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WID LLC, CHAIE LIN LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC i CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 8 . B. Discussions tvith Idaho Power prior to PURP A submittal Because the Çotterel Mounta wid resource area lies withn the Idaho Power's servce terrtory and is very tlear the Idao Power transmission system, Windland began discussions with , Idao Power in 200l. Id at irir 20-21. In 2006, SWE bid the Cotterel Mountan Project into Idaho Power's RFP ¡seeking up to 150 MW of wind energy. Id at ir 22. Idaho Power did not select the Cotterel lvounta Project in that RFP, but Idaho Power subsequently solicited a proposa from SWE to sell the development rights to Idaho Power. Id. at ir 23-24. SWE ! expended tie. and 4xpenses to submit a detaled proposal, but Idao Power never responded to i SWE's proposal. Id.! at ir 24-25. i ì SWE biddedlthe Cotterel Mountan Project into Idao Power's 2009 RFP, as alSO MW I project. Id. at ir 26.1 In late 2009, Idao Power informed SWE that it had selected the Cotterel , Mounta Wind proj~ct as a short-list bidder. Id. at ir 27. After many months of negotiations, it 1 appeared to SWE th~t the fial contract terms were setted in July 2010. Id at ir 28. But Idaho i Power subsequently ~equested very signficant additional concessions and ultimately termated " i the negotiations andlclosed the RFP in sumer 2010. Id at ir 29. At that time, SWE was still interesed in continuhg the negotiations to reach a final agreement. Id at ir 30., ThOligh the tears, Windland and SWE have been engaged in the interconnection process i with Idao Power's! interconnction and transmission personnel though Idao Power's Large Generator Interconntction Process under its OATT. Id. at ir 31. Idaho Power first completed an interconnection feastbilty study on July 1, 2005, which indicated that up to 240 MW could be i safely injected into tle local tranmis~on system at cost acceptable to the development parers. I COMMES OF AtPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WIN LLC, AND ~CHO WIND LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-tO-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 9 ¡ ld. at ~~ 32-33. In October 2009, SWE re-activated the interconnection process witi Idao Power for a ! , project of a reduced size of 177 MW, and was told tht because no new I generation had been proposed in the area since the original Feasibilty Study in 2005 Idao I Power would move directly into the System Impact Study ("SIS") as Generator No. 302. ld. at ~ 34. Idaho Power completed the SIS on March 15,2010, which concluded tht the ful outputjof 177 MW could be i, i successfuly integrated into the Idao Power Transmission system at the polnt of interconnection without significant modifications to the transmission system. ld. at ~ 35.¡ The Project entered into a Facilties Study Agreement on April 22, 2010. ld. at ~ 36. In Jul~ 2010, Idaho Power , contacted SWE regardig the Facilty Design Study and began to arang~ a series of calls to discuss constrction costs and schedules to meet a December 2012 online d.te. ld. at ~ 37. C. The Qualifing Facilties' Contracts Submittals In fall 2010, SWE developed five quaifyng facilties at the Co~erel Mountan Wind Complex. ld. at ~ 38. Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind !LLC will each have an output of 29.9 MW, and Charlie Wind LLC will hlive an output of 27.6 , MW. ld. at ~ 39. These QFs will each generate 10 megawatts or lesk when the output is averaged over any given month. ld. The generation equipment of each i~ separated by at least , , one mile at the closest points. ld. In October 2010, the five projects werej each self-certified as quaifying facilties. ld. at ~ 40. On October 28,2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs provi4ed Idaho Power with , i. ifive standard PURPA contracts contaig the non-Ievelized rates in Order!No. 31025, executed COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WID LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, ipc-fi-l0-55 PAGE 10 by the Cottrel Win~nergy Center LLCs. ld. at ~ 41. These five contracts were mior images ì ! of the most recently I approved wind QF stadad contract at the time (from Case No. IPC-E-09- 25), with the eKcep~on tht the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs' contracts contaned different project specifics, lqwer rates contaned in Order No. 31025, and a higher delay liquidated ¡ daages securty anount of $45 per kw consistent with the most recent QF contracts. ld. at ~ 42 and Exlbits 1 - 5.3! SWE provided a cover letter with each of the contracts indicating that the i i QFs planed to use ia single point of interconnection and continue though the interconnection process aleady in Progress under Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. ld. at ~ 43 and Exhbits 1 - 5. SWE also c~ntacted Idaho Power transmission and interconnection personnel to inform them of the reducedloverall output of the projects to 147 MW and a change in tubine. ld. at ~ 44. But on Novemtir 4, 2010, Idao Power sent letters of understadig requirig that SWEi i agree, prior to exe~tion of the PURP A agreements, that SWE would proceed though new interconnection andltransmission processes. ld. at ~ 45. Idaho Power's proposed letters of i i understading requied a signatue agreeing to the new process with new milestones to be achieved before pO).er purchase contracts execution, and included draft Network Resource Integration Study Areements, and Transmission Capacity Application Questionnaies for each QF. ¡d. at ~ 46. i 3 These Octo~er 28th contracts are atthed as Exhbits 1-5 to the Affdavit of Kevin Simmons. In each or the individua cases, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs have attached only the Exhbit correspondig to the contract at issue in tht case. For example, only the October 28th contrtt submitt applicable to the Alpha Wind LLC project is fied with the Affdavit of Kevin Sitrmons in Case No. IPC-E-I0-51. ICOMMNTS OF A.PHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHARLIE WIND LLC, DELTA WIN LLC, AND l1CHO WI LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-JO-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 11 !Then, on November 5, 2010, Idao Power, along with Avista ¡Utilties and Rocky Mountan Power, filed the Joint Motion to Reduce the Published Rate Elig~bilty Cap. See Case, No. GNR-E-I0-04. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each filed co~plaits against Idaho ì Power on November 8, 2010, alleging they were entitled to stadard co~liacts and that Idaho Power had insisted on an unecessar interconnection and transmission process when the projects possessed rights acquired though Generator Interconnection Requ~st No. 302. See Case Nos. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, and TPC-E-I0-55. The i I Commission did not grant the immediate reduction in the published rate eligibilty cap requested i ¡by the Joint Utilties, and on November 19, 2010, Idaho Power and the ~otterel WindEnergy Center LLCs agreed to stay the complait proceeding in order to execute stadad QF wind , , contracts contaig the published rates. Affdavit of Kevin Simmons, at'¡ 4~. i On November 30,2010, Idaho Power tendered a draf contract for tach QF substatially i isimilar to the QFs' drafs modeled on the IPC-E-09-25 contract and delivered on October 28, 2010. Id at'¡ 50. Idaho Power agai insisted in a letter dated December ~, 2010, that the QFs agree to proceed though a different process for securg transmission ta Idaho Power's load center from that in the OATT under their existing Generator interconnèc~on No. 302. Id. at ~ ! 51. Because Idaho Power insisted ths new process was a prerequisite tb obtaning executed power sale contracts, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs had prpviously signed and , submitted the November 4,2010 letters of understading, and now each in4ividual QF submittd the Transmission Capacity Application Questionnaire on December 9, 201O~ Id at'¡ 52. On Friday, December 10, 2010, Idao Power tendered five executable contracts which COMMENTS OF ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC . CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 12 were substtially ~imlar to those submitted by the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs on October 28,2010. kJ at' 53. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs executed the agreements on December 13, tOlO, and sent them to Idao Power, which executed the originas on December 15, 201O,¡and fied the contracts for Commssion approval on December 16,2010. ld at' 54. On Decembtt 21,2010, Idaho Power's PURPA contracts admnistration deparent sent ! letters to each of thq QFs assertg that each project must sign a Network Resource Integration , Stuy Agreement ~d submit a deposit of $2,000 by Janua 3, 2011. ld at' 55. Idaho Power , stated ths was nece.sar under the new transmission process, outlined in its November 4,2010 letters of understa4ing, and tht if the QFs did not submit the deposit and the agreement by Janua 3, 2011, th~ network transmission request would be withdrawn. ld at "56-57. The letter provided for 90 delay in ths requiement for the intervening holidays. ld. at' 57. The Cotterel WindEnergt Center LLCs signed the Network Resource Integration Study Agreements on December 30, 2010, electronically mailed scaed copies to Idaho Power on Decembe 31,, i 2010, and sent the qriginals by overnght delivery on that same day to ensure that they would arve on Monday, Jliua 3, 2011. ld. at, 59. The QFs transferred the $2,000 for each QF by , wie transfer on Jan~ 3, 201 1. ld at' 60. i But on Febrt 22, 2011, Idaho Power refuded the $10,000 provided for the new , tranmission study grocess. ld. at , 61. Idaho Power stated in a letter from its trmission personnel on Febru 23, 2011, tht it approved SWE's chaes from the original Generator Interconnection req~est of 177 MW to a smaller interconnection of only 148 MW for PURP A COMMNTS OF AtPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA WIN LLC, AND ECHO WID LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E..l0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-I0-55,PAGE 13 ' i projects, and would proceed with the same Generator No. 302 under ~e Large Generation Interconnection Procedures of the OATT. Id at' 62. This is the process SWE requested Idaho Power follow for the QFs when SWE first submitted contraCts on OctoQer 28, 2010, and the process each QF alleged it was entitled to follow in the Complaits filed o~ November 8, 2010. , Id. at' 63. Idaho Power now apparently agrees tht the Cotterel WindEne~gy Center LLCs may proceed through the interconnection process under the OATT. COMMNTS iÁ. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each satisfy the grandf~the.. tests. There is no question that the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs eaqh entitled themselves ito long term contracts with rates set at the published avoided costs prior t~ the reduction in the i eligibilty cap, because each obligated itself to a legally enforceable ob~igation to deliver its i project's output before December 14,2010. See 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b), (d)(2)(ii). Each QF satisfies even the most strngent grandfather test ever used by the Commission , jbecause each had a meritorious complaint on file at the Commssion on Navember 8, 2010. See A. W Brown Co., Inc., 121 Idaho at 816-18, 828 P.2d at 845-47. Eac~ project's complaint 1 alleged Idaho Power had unjustifiably refused to accept a binding offer to! enter into a stadard, PURP A contract and unjustifiably required each QF to proceed though ~ new interconnection , i and transmission process, which would delay execution of contracts. See aomplaints, at" 7,9, i 16, Case Nos. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-10-54,1 IPC-E-1O-55. The allegations proved meritorious because Idaho Power agreed to exec~te stadad PURP A ! contracts. Indeed, each project had even executed Idaho Power's final ver~ion of the FESAs on i COMMENTS OF ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WIN LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC : CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-10-55 PAGE 14 December 13, 2010. Affdait of Kevin Simmons, at ir 54. That Idaho Power did not sign the agreements until D~cember 15, 2010 makes no difference because Idaho Power provided the fi FESAs itself pn December 10, 2010, and obviously had no remaing issues with the contract term. Id.~t ir 53. Furer, execution of fial ageements by both pares was delayed , by Idaho Power's r~sa to e:Kecute the FESAs (expressed in its letter dated November 4, 2010) i i until afer tJ~ QFs¡ agree.çl to proceed though a different interconnection and tranmission pro.cess, which Ida Power itself has subsequently stated to be the incorrect process. Id at irir i 43-46, 51-52, 61-63j Furer, the ~7 millon spent on developing the projects and the advanced stage of th~ir i matuty evidences ~eir intent to obligate themselves to the FESAs. See In the Matter of Cassia Wind to Determine fixemption Status, Case No. IPC-E-05-35, Order No. 29954, pp. 2-4 (2006) (fidig wid QF e~titled to grandfathered rates based on matuty of development of project when it ha merely ¡submitted a Completed application for interconnection study, includig the applicable fee, an~ had performed wind studies, commenced preliminar permttng and ! licensing activities, lmd made efforts to secure sites to place tubines). Prior to the rate change elte, the projects' ~anaging company had obtaed interconnection studies establishing the feasibilty to intercqect output in excess of that needed for the five QFs, Affdavit of Kevin Simmons, .at ir 35, ~ad obtaed all necessar real propert rights, id at ir 9-19, and had negotiated varous ~pects of the project with Idaho Power for several years, id at irir 20-54. Indeed, the Cottrel iWindEnergy Center LLCs were matue enough that their predecessor wind resource complex w~s the final bidder in Idaho Power's 2009 RFP. Id at irir 27-28. COMMENTS OF ALPllA WIND LLC, BRAVO WID LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTA, WID LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-IO-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 15 . Finally, knowledge of the contract terms fuer evidences the int~t of the QFs in ths case to obligate themselves prior to the effective date. See In the Matter lof the Application of Idaho Power Company for Approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement wii¡h Yellowstone Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-IO-22, Order 32104, p. 12 (2010) (approving df grandfathered rates , despite '1he apparent lack of any written documentation . . . evidencing tha~ the tenns of a power i purchase agreement were materially complete (before the rate change 1" i~ par because the QF , had "familarty with PUR A projects and the stadard terms of Idao Po~er' s power purchase agreements"). Each of the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs execu*d stadad PURPA agreements on October 28, 2010, a month and a haf in advance of Decemb~r 14, 2010. Affdavit ¡of Kevin Simmons, at ~ 42 and Exhbits 1-5. The terms of those contracts differed minimally from those provided by Idaho Power on December 10,2010, which the QFJ signed on December 13,2010. , B. The Contract terms and Idaho Power's most-current wind int~gration study allay the concerns raised in Idaho Power's Application regarding s)fstem reliabilty and cost. Idaho Power asserted in each of its Applications that ~1he request in ~s Application. . . is made with the specific reservation of rights and incorporation of the aveqnents set. fort in the Joint Petition regarding the possible negative effects to the (sic) both the ut~lity and its customers of additional and unettered PURP A QF generation on system reliabilty, ~tility operations, and, costs of incorporating and integrating such a large penetration level ofPVRPA QF generation ! COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WIND LtC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC ' CASE NOS. IPC-E-IO-51, IPC-E-10-52, IPC-E-10-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-1O-55PAGE 16 ' into the utility's system." Application, at p. 3.4 Because the terms of the FESAs in ths cae and the c\lent wid qitegration charge protects ratepayers, and because the projects obligated themselves prior to ~e effective date of the eligibilty cap reduction, the QFs submit that Idao Power's concern sijould not preclude Commssion approval of the contracts. ¡, First, the Oornssion should consider the system reliabilty and wind integration i diseussion iJ the !Nortwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition's (~~IPPC") Comments in GNR1E-10-04. See NIPPC Opening Comments, Case No. GNR-E-I0-04, pp. 13- 16 (De.c. 22, 2010). In those Comments, NIPPC pointed out tht, despite Idaho Power's , sttements in the Jo~t Motion regarding 1100 MW being nea Idaho Power's minimum loads, Idaho Poyver'sown tvnd integration study concluded that even at 1200 MW of wid capacity on the Company's systlm, wid would reach only 80% of its loads and it would do so only for a few hours per year. t$ee Enernex's Idaho Power 2007 Wind Study, Case No. IPC-E-07-03, p. 34 i (Febru 6, 2007). I The settlement tht resulted afer conclusion of that wid integrtion studyi made the avoided c~st rates available to wid developers at a rate reduced by $6.50IMWh for projects comig onlJne when Idao Power's cumulative wid power is "501 MWand above." See Order No. 3048$, at p. 8. There is no upper cap contaned in the order, and idao Power has i Inotavailed itself oflthe opportty since to update its wid integration stuy. Furer, Idaho Power's wind integr~tionstudy did not consider the fiing abilty of any of the Company's 744 i 4 Because Idaio Power's Applications in Case Nos. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0- 53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPf-E-I0-55 are substatially the same, these Comments will refer to them interchangeably as the the "Application." i COMMNTS OF ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WIN LLC, DELTA WID LLC, AND aCHO WI LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-IO-53, IPC-E-10-54, IPC-E-10-55 PAGE 17 MW of gas combustion tubine capacity that will be online by the tie the Fotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs are online in December 2014. See NIPPC Opening Commenrs, Case No. GNR-E- , 10-04, at p. 15. The Commission should also consider that the rates in thes~ PURPA agreements are lower than those in contracts and self-built projects recently approved £or Idaho Power. See NIPPC Reply Comments, Case No. GNR-E-I0-04, pp. 15-20 (Jan. 21,2011). Furher, the FESAs for each QF contan extensive protections for ratepayers which address the concerns raised by Idao Power's application. IdahoPo~er warants tht the Agreements comport with the terms and conditions of the varous Commss~on Orders applicable to PURA agreements for a wid resource. See Application, at p. 4 (citlig Order Nos. 30415, 30488, 30738 and 31025). According to those orders, the rate in the FIESA for each of the projects is reduced by the Idaho Power's wind integration charge. Order No. 30488, at pp. 8-9. The contracts also contain a Mechancal Availabilty Guaantee, which reqw.res reduced payment to the QF if its tubines are unavailable for inexcusable reasons. Id The ¡contracts require that i the QF share in the costs of wind forecasting. Id. The FESAs also provid~ for a reduced rate at times of the ~ay and months of the year when the energy is wort less tq Idaho Power due to demand and regional market conditions. See Order No. 30415. , Each QF has selected December 31, 2014, as its Scheduled Operatipn Date, and sections 5.3.2 and 5.8.1 of each FESA contans a liquidated damage and securty pr~vision of $45 per kw i of nameplate capacity for failure to achieve that date. That will requiii the 29.9-MW QFs ¡ (Alpha, Bravo, Delta and Echo) to each post $1.345 millon, and the 27.6+MW QF (Chalie) to post $1.242 milion as delay default securty afer Commission approval oftie contracts. COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE ivlND LLC, DELTA WIND LLC, AND ECHO WID LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-10-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-10-55PAGE 18 ! The QFs ha~e accepted the provisions in each Agreement and Idaho Power's approved Schedule 72 regardlg non-compensated curlment or disconnection of the QF for system , reliabilty I'uroses~ This provides Idaho . Power the right to exercise "non..compensated icurlment" at time~ ~~hen the generation being provided by the Facilty in cert operating conditions exceeds ~r approaches the minimum load levels of (Idaho Power's) system such that it may have a detrrQenta effect upon (Idao Power's) abilty to manage its thermal, hydro, and other resources in order to meet its obligation to reliably sere loads on its system." Application at pp. 7..8. Thus, eyen if there were evidence that system reliabilty issues may evolve in the futue, the contracts b,llow Idaho Power to tae reasonable steps to ensure system integrty. CONCLUSION For the reaso~s set fort above, Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Charlie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, Jd Echo Wind LLC, respectfly request tht the Commssion approve the ,, Firm Energy Sales Agrements with Idao Power for each of the five projects. Respectfly submi~d ths 17th day of March 2011, RICHASON & O'LEARY, PLLC R!~ Gregory M. Adams Attorneys for Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Chalie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC COMMENTS OF AtPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WI LLC, AND :aCHO WI LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-~0..51, IPC-E-1O..52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 19 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY tht on the 17th day of March, 2011, a tre an~ correct copy of the withi and foregoing ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, C~IE WID LLC, DELTA WID LLC, AN ECHO WI LLC and the AFFIDAVIT Of KEVIN SIMMONS was served as shown to the followig pares: i Lisa Nordstrom Donovan Waler Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwalker~idahopower.com lnordstrom~idahopower.com (x) U.S. Mai, Postage :prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered i ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Rady Allphin Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 rallphin~idahQPower.com (x) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( .) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail SignedJAGL Adam COMMENTS OF ALPHA WID LLC. BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC i CASE NOS IPC-E-I0-51 IPC-E-1O-52 IPC-E-1O-53 IPC-E-I0-54 IPC-E-I0-55. , , ,. . , ., PAGE 20 f Peter J. Richardson (lSB No. 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB No: 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 petertßricliardsonandolear .com greg.~ichasonandolear.com r"' ,,"= -,j"E-., tOf I j, I 11: 43 Attorneys for Alpha Wind, LLC, Bravo Wind, LLC, Chalie Wind, LLC, Delta Wind, LLC, and Echo Wind, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TH MATTER OF THE ) CASE NO. IPC-E..l 0..5 1 APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO ) THE ENERGY SALES POWER AND ALPHA WIND, LLC ) AGREEMENTS FOR ALPHA WIND, ) LLC ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO. POWER AND BRAVO WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND CHARLIE WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA nON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE i ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-52 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR BRAVO WIND, ) LLC ) ) CASE NO. IPC..E-IO-53 ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR CHARLIE ) WIND, LLC ) CASE NO. IPC..E..IO-54 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND DELTA WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA nON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND ECHO WID, LLC , ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROV AL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR DELTA WIND, ) LLC ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-55 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR ECHO WIND, ) LLC ) I, Kevin Simmons, do declare the following and if called to testify, would and could competently testify thereto: 1. I am over the age of 18, and am employed by Shell WindEnergy Inc. in Business Development. 2. I have directly worked on the development of the qualifying facilities known as Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Charlie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC, each of which is managed by Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC (collectively the "Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs"), and I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this affidavit based upon my work in the development of these projects. Summary of Development Efforts 3. Development of the Cotterel Mountain Wind Complex ("Complex") was begun by Boise-based Windland Inc. in 2001. 4. Windland and Shell Wind Energy Inc. ("SWE") entered into a Development Agreement in 2003 to jointly share in the development and costs associated with permitting up to AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 2 f 200 megawatts ("MW") of wind generation at the Complex. 5. Although Windland retains a substantial financial interest in the Complex's success, in 2008, SWE purchased the controllng interest in the Complex from Windland and has been continuing the development, environmental monitoring and marketing of the Complex. 6. Since 2001, the development parers have performed extensive wind data collection and analyses, constructabilty reviews, an intensive and a very expensive full Environmental Impact Study puruant to the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA"), and other related development activities. 7. To date the parers have invested approximately $7 millon dollar in these matu wind development projects. 8. In addition to a capital investment of close to $300 millon required to complete development of the QFs, the project will provide significant local benefits in terms of constrction jobs (approximately 250) and full time jobs (approximately 18), property taxes and other direct benefits for the local economy. Real Propert Rights 9. The Cotterel Mountain wind resourCe area is aligned along the approximately 14- mile-long Cotterel Mountan ridgeline. All 5 of the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC QFs are located in this wind resource area. 10. The associated transmission line runs north of the Complex for 19 miles to a location north of the Minidoka substation where it wil tie into Idaho Power's 138 kilovolt ("kv") Minidoka-Adelaide transmission line. 11. The entire Cotterel Mountain Wind resource area within which the QFs wil be located consists of over 5,500 acres, and is comprised primarily of Bureau of Land Management AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 3 . ("BLM") and Idaho State lands but also includes transmission easements that have been procured from four private landowners. 12. The BLM lands are secured puruant to a right-of-way (49-year lease) granted in August 2006. 13. The necessar lands managed by the State of Idaho are secured by a lease. 14. The four private landowners have granted easements across their respective properties. 15. All land use rights have been assigned to Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC. Local Zoning Approvals 16. In 2007, Cassia County granted the managers of the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC a conditional use permit for the building of the necessar trsmission line across the private landowners' propert. 17. The wind fars themselves are an approved land use and need no Conditiona Use Permit. 18. Minidoka County granted a Special Use Permit for a transmission and substation easement at the point of interconnection on the Idaho Power transmission line. 19. Both permits have been assigned to Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC. Discussions with Idaho Power for sale of energy and capacity 20. Because the Cotterel Mountain wind resource area lies within the Idaho Power's service terrtory and is very near the Idaho Power transmission system, Windland and SWE have always considered Idaho Power to be a logical purchaser of the output. 21. Windland began discussions with John Prescott, then Idaho Power's Vice President, Power Supply in 2002, and subsequently with Mr. Prescott's successor, Jim Miler, AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 4 f then Senior Vice President, Power Supply, in 2004. 22. In 2006, SWE bid the Cotterel Mountan Project into Idaho Power's request for proposals ("RFP") seeking up to 150 MW of wind energy. 23. Idaho Power did not select the Cotterel Mountan Project in that RFP. 24. Idaho Power subsequently solicited a proposa from the project in 2007, to sell the development rights to Idaho Power, and the parers expended time and expense to submit a detaled proposaL. 25. Idaho Power never responded to the proposal to sell the development rights to the wind resource area. 26. SWE bidded the Cotterel Mountan Project into Idaho Power's 2009 RFP, as a 150 MW project. 27. Idaho Power informed SWE in October 2009 that it had selected the Cotterel Mountan Wind project as the short-list bidder. 28. SWE engaged in many months of negotiations, and it appeared to SWE that the final contrct terms were settled in July 2010. 29. Idaho Power subsequently requested very significant additional concessions and ultimately tenninated the negotiations in August 2010. 30. At the time the negotiations ceased, SWE was stil interested in continuing the negotiations to reach a final agreement. Project Interconnection and Transmission 31. Windland and SWE have been engaged in the interconnection process with Idaho Power's interconnection and transmission personnel for years though Idaho Power's Large Generator Interconnection Process under its Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OA TT"). AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 5 , 32. Idaho Power assigned Generator Interconnection No. 302, and Idaho Power first completed an interconnection feasibilty study on July i, 2005. 33. The results of that study indicated that up to 240 MW could be safely injected into the local transmission system at cost acceptable to the development parners. 34. In October 2009, SWE re-activated the interconnection process with Idaho Power for a project of a reduced size of 177 MW, and was told that because no new generation had been proposed in the area since the original Feasibility Study in 2005 Idaho Power would mOve directly into the System Impact Study ("SIS"). 35. Idaho Power completed the SIS on March 15,2010, which concluded tht the full output of 177 MW could be successfuly integrated into the Idaho Power Transmission system at the point of interconnection without signficant modifcations to the transmission system. 36. The Project entered into a Facilties Study Agreement on April 22,2010. 37. In July 2010, Idaho Power contacted SWE regarding the Facility Design Study and began to arange a seres of calls to discuss constrction costs and schedules to meet a December 2012 online date. Qualifing Facilty Contract Regu.ests 38. In fall 2010, SWE decided to exercise its rights under the mandatory purchase provisions of the Public Utilties Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to sell the output under long- term contracts with Idaho Power. 39. SWE developed five projects for a cumulative output of less than it bid into the RFPs. Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC will each have an output of 29.9 megawatts ("MW"), and Charlie Wind LLC will have an output of 27.6 MW. These QFs are developed to each generate 10 megawatts or less when the output is AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 6 , averaged over any given month. The generation equipment of each QF is separated by at least one mile at the closest points. 40. In October 2010, the five projects were each self-certified as qualifying facìlties. 41. On October 28, 2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs provided Idaho Power with five standard PURP A contracts containing the non~levelized rates in Order No. 31025, executed by the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs. 42. These five contracts were mirror images of the most recently approved wind QF stadad contract at the time (from Case No. IPC-E-09-25), with the exception that the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs' contracts contained different project specifics, lower rates contaned in Order No. 31025, and a higher delay liquidated damages securty amount of $45 per kilowatt ("kw") consistent with the most recent QF contracts. I have atthed tre and correct copies of the October 28,2010 contract submittals as Exhibits 1-5 to this affidavit. 43. SWE provided a cover letter with each of the contracts submitted indicating that the QFs planed to use a single point of interconnection and continue though the interconnection process already in progress for Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. 44. SWE also contacted Idaho Power transmission and interconnection personnel to inform them of the reduced overall output of the projects to 147 MW and a change in tubine. 45. On November 4, 2010, Idaho Power sent letters of understanding requiring that SWE agree, prior to execution of the PURP A agreements, that SWE would proceed though new interconnection and transmission processes. 46. Idaho Power's proposed letters of understading required a signature agreeing to the new process with new milestones to be achieved before power purchase contracts execution, and included draf Network Resource Integration Study Agreements, and Transmission Capacity AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 7 " Application Questionnaires for each QF. 47. Then, on November 5, 2010, Idao Power, along with Avista Utilities and Rocky Mountan Power, fied the Joint Motion to Reduce the Published Rate Eligibilty Cap. 48. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each filed complaints against Idaho Power on November 8, 2010, alleging they were entitled to stdard contracts and that Idaho Power had insisted on an unecessar interconnection and transmission process when the projects possessed rights acquired though Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. The Commission docketed the complait cases as Case Nos. IPC-E-10-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-lO- 53, IPC-E-I0-54, andIPC..E-1O-55. 49. After the Commssion did not grant the immediate reduction in the published rate eligibilty cap requested by the Joint Utilties, on November 19, 2010, Idaho Power and the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs agreed to stay the complaint proceeding and execute standard QF wind contracts contaning the published rates. 50. On November 30, 2010, Idao Power provided 5 draf contracts substatially similar to the QFs' drafs modeled on the IPC-E-09-25 contract and delivered by SWE on October 28,2010. 51. Idaho Power again insisted in a letter dated December 7,2010, that the QFs agree to proceed through a different process for securng transmission to Idaho Power's load center from that in the OA TT under their existing Generator Interconnection No. 302. 52. Because Idaho Power insisted this new process was a prerequisite to obtaining executed power sale contracts, SWE had previously signed and submitted the November 4,2010 letters of understanding, and now each individual QFs submitted the Transmission Capacity Application Questionnaire on December 9,2010. AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 8 , 53. On Friday, December 10, 2010, Idaho Power tendered five executable contracts which were substantially similar to those submitted by the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs on October 28~ 2010. 54. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs executed the agreements on December 13, 2010~ and sent them to Idaho Power, which executed the originals on December 15, 2010, and fied the contracts for Commission approval on December 16, 2010. 55. On December 21, 2010, Idaho Power's PURPA contrcts administration deparent sent letters to each of the QFs asserting that each project must sign a Network Resource Integration Study Agreement and submit a deposit of $2,000 by Januar 3, 2011. 56. Idao Power stated ths was necessa under the new transmission process, outlined in its November 4,2010 letters of understanding, to study the ability to designate each project as a network resource. 57. Idaho Power's December 21 letter stated that if the QFs did not submit the deposit and the agrement by Januar 3, 2011, the network transmission request would be withdrwn. The letter provided for no delay in this requirement for the intervening holidays. 58. I understood this new process implemented under PURP A to be different from the process under which SWE had been proceeding pursuant to the OA TT. 59. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs signed the Network Resource Integrtion Study Agreements on December 30, 2010, electronically mailed scanned copies to Idaho Power on December 31, 2010, and sent the originals by overnight delivery on that same day to ensure that they would arve on Monday, Januar 3, 2011. 60. The QFs transferted the $2,000 for each QF by wire transfer on Januar 3, 2011. 61. Subsequently, on February 22, 2011, Idaho Power refunded the $10,000 provided AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 9 , for the new transmission study process. 62. Idaho Power stated in a letter from its transmission pesonnel on Februar 23, 2011, that it approved SWE's changes from the original Generator Interconnection request of 177 MW to a smaller interconnection of only 148 MW for PURP A projects, and would proceed with the sae Project No. 302 under the Large Generation Interconnection Procedures of the OATT. 63. This is the process SWE requested Idaho Power follow for the QFs when SWE first submitted contracts on October 28, 2010, and the process SWE alleged it was entitled to follow in the Complaints filed on November 8, 2010. 64. I understand that this OATT process will analyze Idao Power's abilty to bring the output to native load and identify wheter any network upgrades are required, and that Idaho Power nOW agrees with SWE's position that the Cotterel WindEnergy Center QFs may proceed though the interconnection process under the OATT. AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 10 J I declare under penalty of perjur under the laws of the United States and under laws of the state of Texas that the foregoing is tre and correct. DATED this J 5 day of March 2011. By ~L.~~ ~ Kevin Simmons AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 11 " STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ss. COUNTYOF~) On ths \ 5th day of March 201 1, before me, a Nota Public in and for the State of Texas, personally appeared Kevin Simmons, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrent and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntar act and deed for the uses and purses mentioned in the instruent. IN WITNSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and offcial seal the day and year first above wrtten. .-.....~ç........J.. -...'7. .,1 NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Texas Residing at~,1ei My Conuisiion expires J2f '1 )1 ¡ AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 12 L: L. ", ... BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-53 CHARLIE WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.1 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-51 FOR EXHIBIT NO.1 lj: if!, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-53 CHARLIE WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.2 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-10-52 FOR EXHIBIT NO.2 I ..i í p~,t 1 . Li, 1$. ,1.. f'.~ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-53 CHARLIE WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.3 OCTOBER 28,2010 PURPA CONTRACT SUBMITTAL FOR CHARLIE WIND LLC ~201! Octobe 28, 2010 ¡ ì'i PH 4: 44 Via Htind Delivery Rådy Allphin PUR A Contrcts Adminstrator Idaho Power Company 121 W. Idao Strt Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Charlie Wind LLC PUR A PPA Submittal Dear Mr. Allphin: I wrte on behalf of Chalie Wind LLC to rees tht Idaho Power counterNsign the enclosed power purchae agreement (pP A) for Charlie Wind LLC to sell the output of its wind enei'gy facity to Ida Powe as a qualifyng facilty (QF) under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PUR A). Charlie W'ind LLC intends for this subüiitt to fully obligate itself to the enclosed stdard PPA exected by Charlie Wind LLC to operate as a QF under 10 avere monthly megwatt (aM. I have also enclosed th Fonn 556 Notice ofSelfCermcation as a QF filed yesterday by Charlie Wind LLC with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. As you may be aware, Idaho Power has alady engag in extenive negotiations regarding a larger, single project with Cottl WinEnergy Center LLC at the wind site on Cotterel Mounta near Burley, Idaho. Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC is the parent compay of Chlie Wind LLC, an as such is tl"anrring to Charlie Wind LLC the development rights necessar to peor under the enclosed PP A. Thus, Idaho Power should be awa of this site and that it is mature and ready to be develop. The enclosed PUR A PP A contains the standard tates, te$, and conditions approved by the Idaho Public Utities Commission (Commission) for projects that will deliver under 10 aM. Thos tens include the rates in effect today (Order No. 31025) with th daily and seaonality load shape price adjustments (Order No. 30415), as well as the wind integation chage, mechancal availabilty guatee, and wind forecasting and cost sharing provions (Order No. 30488). For consistency with Idaho Power's PPAs, the enclosed Charlie Wind LLC PPA copied the tenus and conditions frm the most recently approved PUR A wind PPA for a project under 10 aMW -- the Idaho Winds LLC PPA, which is on file at the Commssion in Cas No. IPCNE-09-25. Other tha the Chalie Wind LLC s design and site specifics, the only difference frm the Idaho Winds LLC PP A is tht ofthe piice and the amount of delay secudty. The price schedules in the enclosed Mr. Allphin October 28, 2010 Page 2 PPA are derived from the non~leve1ized rate schedule in Order No. 31025 (not Orr No. 30744 as in the Idaho Winds LLC PPA). Additionally, the price schedules include a reuction of$6.501 MWh for the wid ingration chage during all hour and all yeas, as we assume that Idaho Power will be using the $6.501M charge at the relevant times per the wid integation chage caculation formula approved in Order No. 3048. Charlie Wind LLC intens to obligate itself only to the appropiiate rates utiliz that formula. Finaly, Charlie Wind LLC unrstas that Idao Power ha begwi requiring a delay securty of $45Ikw, whie the Idaho Winds LLC PP A executed a little over a yea ago utilized only a $201w delay serity. To avoid conflict, Charlie Wind LLC intends to obligate itself to the $4SIk delay secudty, and bas included that amount in the enclosedPPA. . . Charlie Wind LLC wil be near four other PURPA QFs -- Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC. Charlie Wind LLC will have its own meter to report generation to Idao Power, but eah of th five QFs will interconnect to Idaho Power's system at the single point of interonnction with the four other QFs. Tht point of interconnection will be the point stdied under Large Generor Request No. 302. Th requestseed trnsmission access for up to i 77 MW of capacity for Cottere1 WindEnergy Center LLC. Thus, there shol,ld be no issues with Idaho Power's abilty to acpt and integrate the 147.2 MW of cumulative output of Chalie Wind LLC and the four other nearby QFs. I look forward to heag back from you at your earliest convenence. Ver try yours, tííu.J Dick Willams Preident Charlie Wind LLC '" FIR ENGY SALES AOREEME BETWEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AN CHAIE WI LLC TABLE OF CONTENT Arle TIE i. Definitis II. No Reli on Ida Powe m. Warties N. Conditions to Accta of Energy V. Ter an Opon Date VI. Pu and Sale of Net Ener VI. Pu Prce an Metod of Paymt vm. Envinmenta Attbus IX. Facilty an Intercecon X. Mete an Telemet XI. RecorXI. Opons xm. Indecaon an In XI. Force Majeu XV. Liabilty, Decation XV. Seve Obligaons XVII. Waiver XVITI. Choice of Las an Venue XI. Disptes and Defaut XX. Goverenta AutrizationXX. Comon OrXX. Sucsors an Assignxx. ModcaonXX. TaxesXX. Notice XX. Additional Term and ConditionsXXTI. Seerbilitxx. CounteXX. Enti Agr Signtu App AAppdiB AppedixCAppendiDAppeE -1 - 10123/10 FI ENGY SALES AGREEME (10 aM or Le) Prjec Name: Che Win Prject Projec Numbe: 11 AGl, en into on this _ day of 2010 be CHAIE WI LLC (Seer), an IDAHO POWE COMPAN, an Ida cotion (Ida Pow), he soetme refeiied to collecvely as "Par" or individuy as "Par." WH, Seller wil deig co ow ma an op an elecc generon facilty; an WH, Seller wish to se an Ida Power is wi to pur, fi electc engy pr by th Selle's Facil. THORE, In consdeon of th mut covents an agen he se for the Par ag as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As us in th Agr an th apes at her, the followi tes shal have th followig meng: 1.1 "Avaity Shor Prce" - Th curt month's Mid-Columbia Maret Energy Cos mius the cut mon's Al Hour Enegy Prce spifed in pah 7.3 of ths Agt. If th cacuon rets in a value les than 15.00 Miwh the ret shal be 15.00 Millwh. 1.2 "Busin Days" - me any caen day that is not a Satday, a Sunday, or a NERC re holida. i.3 "Ç Net Ene Amout" - A monthy estte, pre and documen afer the fa by Sell, reew an ac by the Buyer th is th caculat monthy maum ene .2. 10123110 deveres (me in Kwh) fo ea inviua wi tuin, toed for th Facity to deteniIn th tota en th the Fac could have dever to Idaho Power du tht month ba upn: (1) eah wi tuin Nameplat Caty, (2) Sufciet Pre Mover avle fo us by each wi tu du th mon (3) inde of For majeu, (4) sceded matece or (5) incidets of Forc Ou an les Lo an Staon Use. If the duron of an ev ch as ite 3,4 or 5 abve (me on eah indivi oc an individua wind tuin) las for les th 15 mi th th event wi not be consde in ths caculaton. The Seller shl collec an ma ac dat to surt ths caculaton an shl kee ths da for a mium of 3 yea. i.4 "Cn" - Th Ida Publc Utilities Commison. 1.5 "C Yea - Th peod commencin eah caenda yea on th sa caen da as the Opon Dae an en 364 days th. 1.6 "De Liqda Daages" - Da payable to Idaho Power as caculated in paap 5.3. 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. 1.7 "Dey Per" - Al days pa th Scheuled Opraon Dat unti th Seller's Facil achieves th Opon Dat. 1.8 "Delay Prce" - Th curt mont' s ~d-Columbi Maret Ene Co mius the cut mo's Al Hour En Prce sp in pa 7.3 of ths Agrt. If ths calcuaton resuts in a value les th 0, the ret of ths cacuon will be O. i.9 "~Di Facty - Ida Power's Systms Opons Grp, or any subsuet gr de by Idao Powe. 1.10 "Effecve Da" - th date sted in the op parh of ths Fir Enegy Sal Agreet rereng the da upn whh this Fmn Ener Sales Agrent wa fuy execute by both Pares. 1.11 "Faeil - Th elecc geon faty debe in Appdi B of ths Agent 1.12 "Fp; Engy Da" - th da coeng at 00:01 hour, Mounta Tim, followi th day th Se ha sasfed th reuients of Arcle IV an the Sell begi deliver ener to Idaho Powe's syst at th Point of Deliver. - 3- 10123/10 1.13 ~'Fg¡ 0u - a pa or tota reon of a) th Facity's ca to pruc anor delive Net En to th Poin of Deliver, or b) Ida Pow's abilty to accept Net En at th Poin of Deve for no-ec re as a ret of Ida Pow or Facil: 1) equipm failur whh wa A2 th ret of negen or la of prtive mate or 2) reg to a tron prvide cunt or or 3) unlan prentave maten to re equipment tht lef un would re in faur of equipment pror to th plan mate peod 4) plan mate or conson of th Facilty or elecca li reui to see ths Facilty. Th Pares sb mae commally renale efort to peor ths unplaned preentave matece dur pe of low wi availabty. 1.14 "H Lo Hour" - Th day hour benning at 07:00 am en at 11:00 pm Mounta Tun, (16 hour) exclud al hour on al Sunys, New Yea Day, Memor Day, Four of July, La Da, Thgivi an Chr. i .15 "In En - Elecc en Seler doe not inten to gen. Invet ener is mor paly desbe in pah 7.5 of ths Agt. 1.16 "Jnon Facilti" - All equipment spifed in Idao Powe's Schedule 72. 1.17 "ItÏ Caty Deon" - Th pr by which Ida Power conf th un no or avere desgn condons th Facili wi gener at no more th 1 0 avere MW pe moth an is thor eligible to be pad the publish rate in accordance with Comssion Orer No. 29632. 1.18 "Li Lo Hour" - The daly hour be at i 1:00 pm en at 07:00 am Moun Tim (8 hour), plus al ot hour on al Sunys, New Yea Day, Memorial Day, Four of July, La Day, Th an Chr. 1.19 "LQ" - the loss of elecca ener exprse in kilow hour (kWh) ocg as a rest of th trmmon and trssion of ener beeen th Meteg Point an th point the Facility's ener is de to the Ida Power elecal syst. Th loss caculon formula will be as sped in App B of ths Agt -4- 10123110 i .20 "Ma Bn Refece Prce - Eighty-five pent (85%) of the Mid-Columbia Market En Cost. 1.21 "Ma.Bi;".. A De~u.t (ph 19.2.1) suject to pah 19.2.2. 1.22 "Ml?um Caty Amount' - the maum caty (MW) of th Facilty wil be as sp in Ap B of th Agrt. i .23 "Meccå Ava.ty" - th peen amunt caculate by Seller with 5 das af th en of eah mont of th Faclity's mothy ac Net energy divided by th Facty's Cacuat Net En Amun fu th aplicale month An daes due as a ret of the Seller faling sh of the Mecca Avaabilty Gu for eah month sha be de in acorde with pah 6.4.4 124 "Meica Avail Gwmte" shal be as defi in pah 6.4. 1.25 "Met Equient" - Al equipmt sped in Schedule 72, ths Agent and any adtion eqpme sped in App B reui to mea, rerd an telemet bi-dona powe flows fr th Seller's Facilty at th Metg Point. 1.26 ~ Poit' - Th phyca point at which the Met Equipmt is loc tht enbles ae mea of th Tes En an Net Enegy deliveres to Ida Powe at th Point of Delive fo th Facli th prvide al ne da to administ ths Agent. 1.27 "Mi-elumia Mat En Co" - Th monthy wegh aver of th day on-p and off-pe Dow Jon Mid-Colubia In (D Jone Mid-C Inde) prce for non-fi ene. If the Dow Jones Mid..olumbia Inde prce is disctiue by th rert agency, both Pares will mutyagee up a relacen index, which is similar to the Dow Jone Mid..o1wna In. The selec reacmen in wil be costnt with ot simar agts an a commnly us in by the ele in. i .28 "Namlate Caity" - The ful-loa elecca quaties assign by the designr to a genr an its pr move or ot piece of elecca eqpmen suh as trer and ciruit brer, uner st coons, exprss in am, kiovolt-ams, kiowa, volts or ot appmpdate unts. Usuly incated on a naepla atthed to the invidu mahine or devce. .5- 10123110 1.29 "Net Eii" - Al oftbe elecc engy pr by th Facty, les Sttion Use, less Losss, ex in kiowa hour (kWh) delive to Idao Powe at the Point of Dever. Subject to th te of th Agrme Sell comit to deli all Net Engy to Ida Power at the Point of Delive for the fu te of th Agent. Net Enegy doe not includ Inve Energy. 1.30 ~ Dl" - Th da commg at 00:01 hour, Mounta Tim, followi th day that al reem of pa 5.2 hae be colet. i.31 "Poit of Deliver' - The locon spfied in App B, wh Ida Powe's and th Se's elecca facilies ar inteconn and th en :f ths FàCity is delive to Idao Powe. i.32 "Pn Elca Prce" - Th prce, me and equipment th ar commonly an ory us in eleccal engg an option to ope elecc equipment lawfly, safely, dely, efciy an eccay. 1.33 ~e Qpti l)" - Th da spifed in App B wh Seller anticipa ac th Op Da. In esli ths date it is èX th th Seller renaly deniinths dat ba up th be knwn inortion in rega to equipmen avilty an conson sces. 1.34 ~~çbe 72" - Ida Powe's TarNo 101, Scheule 72 or its su scheules as apoved by th Commisson. The Seller shl be reponsible to pay al co of intennon an in of ths Fac into the Ida Power elecca syst as spifed with Schedul 72 an thsAg i .35 "S1t' - Theth peod ided in.pa 6.2.1 of th Agrent. i.36 "Spe Faces" - A4dions or alteons of trsson anor distrbuon lines an tror as debe in Sche 72. 1.37 "Ston Use" - Elecc en tht is us to ope equipment th is auliar or oterse re to th pron of electy by th Facilty. - 6- 101210 1.38 "Sufcient Pr Mover" - mea wi spe th is (l) equa to or grer th th geeron unt's manuf-sified minimum levels reui for th genon unt to pruc engy an (2) eq to or les th th genn unt's mauftu-spifed maxum levels at whch th gen un ca saely prce en. 1.39 "Sumlus En - All Net Energ produc by th Seller's Facilty an delivere by the Fac to th Ida Power elecca sy pror to th Opon Date. 1.40 "Tota Co of th Facilty" - the tota cost of st, equimet an appures. 1.41 "Win En Pr For - A for of engy deliveres fr th Facty prvided by an Ida Powe ad wi fog moL. The Facilty sh be reble for an alloc poon of th tota cos of th for moel as sped in App E. ARTICLE II: NQ RELICE ON IDAHO POWE 2.1 Seer li 1uveson - Seller wats an reese to Ida Powe th in en in ths Ag an th un by th Seller of the oblions se fort he Seler ha invega an detene th it is cable of peor hereunder and ha not relied up th advice, exence or exe ofIda Powe in connon with th trons contpla by thAgt 2.2 Sell Inepde B~ - Al prfeon or ex inludng, but no limte to, mgeet atys and acun th Seller may hae conste or relied on in unde the tr contlat by this Agt have be solely those of Seller. ARTICLE il: WARS 3.1 No War by Ida Powe - Any reew, acep or faure to reew Seller's deign spcaont equipment or facilti shall no be an enment or a conftion by Idao Pow an Ida Pow maes no waties, ex or implied regar any ast of Seller's desgn spficaon, equipm or facilities, inlud, but not limte to, saet, durbilty, reliailty, st caty. aduay or ecnoc feabity. -7 - 1013110 3.2 OuFacty St - Seller wats that the Facty is a "Qufyng Facty," as th tem is us ad defied in 18 CPR 292.201 et se. Af inal quficaon Seer wil tae suh st as may be reui to mant th Fac's Qu Faclity st du th term of ths Ag an 8e~s faur to mantai Quifg Facli st wi be a maal Breh of thsAg AlTIÇLE IV: CONDmONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENGY 4.1 Pror to th Fir Engy Da an as a coon of Ida Powe's acce of deliveres of ener fr th Seller, Seller sb: 4. i.l Sub prf to Ida Powe th all lice pets or apprvals ne for Seller's opon have be ob fr aplicale fed, st or loc aunties, inludg, but oot li to ev of coplice wi Sub B, 18 CF 292.201 et se. as a Quif Faclity. 4.1.2 Opn ofÇgl - Submt to Ida Powe an Opon Le signed by an atrney ad to prce an in goo st in th Sta ofIda prviding an opinon th Seller's lice pe an apval as se fo in pah 4.1.1 abve ar legaly an vadly isue ar held in th na of th Seller an ba on a renale inndt review, couil is of the opon th Sell is in su copli with sad pets as of the da of th Opinon Leer. Th Opon Let wi be in a form acle to Idao Powe an wi acwledge th th atey nmg th opon unst th Idao Power is relyi on sa opon. Idao Powe's a£ of th for wil no be unbly withd. Th Opinon Le wi be govered by and shal be in in ac with th leg opion accord oftbe Amca Ba Asciaton Seon of Bus Law (1991). 4.1.3 im CGCty Qeinaon - Submit to Ida Powe suh da as Idao Power may renably re to peonn th Inti Caty Deteinon Such da wi inlud but not be li to, Nameplat Caacity, equipment spificatons, pre mover da resource chaaccs oorm anor avere openg degn condon and Staon Use da. Upon rept of th inormaton, Idao Powe wi re th prvided da and if necsa, reuet adtiona da to cole th Inti Caty Detenninon with a rele tie. - 8- 1012310 If th Maimum Ca sped in Appeix B of th Agr an th cmule ma Namla Caty ra of th indu geon unts at ths Facilty is les th 10 MW, th Seller sh su deled, mauf-spc, verle da of th Name Caity ra of the ac invi generon un to be inled at ths Faclity. Upo veon by Idaho Power th th da provide eslishes the combin naeplat ra of th geon un to be ined at this Fac is le th 10 MW, it wi be dee th th Seller ha sa th Inti Caty Deienninaoo for ths Facil. 4.1.4 Namla Çl- Sub to Ida Power manufer's and engiri doumta th essh th Namla Capity of each invidua genon unt tht is inlud witbin ths en Faclit. Upon rept of ths da Ida Powe sh reiew th prvide da an deniine if th NamlacCaty spifi is renale ba up th mauf's sp geeimion rang for th spfic genn un. 4.1.5 Engjne's Cecaon - Submt an exec Engr's Cerficaon of Degn & Coon Adeuay an an En's Cecaon of Option an Mate (O&M Poly as dé"b in Commsson Or no. 21690. Thes ceca wil be in th form sped in Ap C but may be infied to th ext ne to regi th diffeien en disc proviin th cerfica. 4. i.6 InS\ - Subt wrtten prf to Ida Power of all ince re in Arcle XIII. 4.1.7 Inteon - Prde wrtt confon frm Idaho Powe's deliver bus unt th Sell ha sasfed al inteiecon reuients. 4.1.8 Net Reur Degp an Trasson Sece Re - Prde al da re by th Ida Powe deliver busin unt to ene th Se's Facty to be desgnte as a neork reur. Reve confation frm th Idao Powe deliver bu unt th th Se's Faeilty ha be degn as a net reure. Prvi al da rere for Ida Powe to submt a Tramiion Sece Req (TR) for th Seller's Facty. -9- 10i10 Recve confirn frm Ida Powe th the TSR ba be grte in suciet caty to mee or exce th Maxmn Caity and th Seller bas pad al cost as with any re'Uts of the TSR. 4.1.9 WriAc. - Re and obt wrtten confn fr Idao Powe th al coon to acta of engy have be fulled. Such wrtt confon shl be prvide within a coly rele ti followi th Seller's reue an wil no be unnaly witbldby Ida Powe. ARUCLEV: TEANOPEMTIONDATE 5.1 Iei - Subjec to th prvisi of pah 5.2 below, ths Ageeen shall bee effecve on the da fi wrtt an sh coue in ful forc an effect for a penod of twty (20) Con Yea frm th Opon Dat. 5.2 ~ Dae - Th Opon Da may occur only afer th Faclity ba aceved al of the followi: a) Achiev th Fir En Dat. b) Commisson apval of ths Agent in a form actale to Idao Powe ha be reved. c) Selle ba deons to Ida Powe~s sasfon tht th Facty is coplet an able to prvide engy in a consent, reliale an sa ma. d) Seer ha reues an Opon Da frm Ida Power in a wrtt formt. e) Seler ha reved wr confon fr Idao Powe of the Opon Dat. Ths confon will no be uneanaly withld by Idao Powe. S.3 Qpon Da Delay - Sell sh caus th Facili to aceve th Opaton Da on or befor th Scul Opon Da. 5.3.1 If th Opon Dat ocur af the Sche Opon Date but on or prior to 90 das pa th Scheed Option Dat, Seller sha pay Ida Power Delay Liquida -10 - 10123110 Daes cacued at th end of eah caen month af th Scheuled Opon Dae as follows: Delay Liquda Da ar eq to ((cut month's Intial yea mothy Net Enegy Am as sped in pa 6.2. i divided by th numbe of days in th cut mon) mul1ilied by the numbe of days in th Delay Per in th cuent mon) multiplied by the cm mon's Delay Prce. 5.3.2 If th Opon Da doe not occ with ni (90) days followi th Scheuled Opon Dae th Sele sh pay Id Power Delay Liquida Dames, in addion to thos prvide in pah 5.3.1, cacul as follws: For-five dollar ($45) mûltied by th Maximum Capity amoim with th Maum Capty Amt be mea in tW. 5.4 If se fals to achieve th Opon Da with ni (90) days afr th Scheuled Opon Dat an Seler ha ma no coiially reble eff to develop ths Facilty, Idao Powe wi tena ths Agren. If th Seller is ma commialy ree eff to deelop th Facil, Ida Po shn no tena ths Agt and additiona Delay Damges bend th cacu in 5.3. i an 5.3.2 wil be cacu an payale monthy us th delay da cacuaton debe in 5.3. i above for al days exce 90 days pas th Scheuled Opon Da un su ti as the Seller achieves th Opn Da or unti teon of ths Agen If Idah Pow determne th th Selle is no long mang commialy reble effor to develop th Facty Idao Powe sh teina ths Agment. 5.5 Seller sball pay Ida Powe any cacuted Delay Liqui Da with 7 days of wh Idah Powe cate an prts any Deay Liquida Daes bilin to th Seller. Seler's faur to pay th da within th sp tie will be a Mater Breh of ths Agreeent and Ida Powe may dr fu frm th Delay Sety prvi by th Se in an amount equa to th cacuat Delay Liquidate Dams. - 11- 10/2310 5.6 Th pa ag th th da Idaho Powe would inur due to delay in the Faclity acev th Opon Da on or befor the Scheuled Opon Date would be dicult or imble to prct with cety, an th th Delay Liquida Dames ar an appr apximaton of such daages. 5.7 Witn th (30) days of the da of a Comon Or as spifed in Arcle XX apvig ths Agr~ Seller sh po li sety ("Dey Sety') in a form as debe in Appdi D equa to or exc th amoun cacu in pagrh 5.7. i. Faiur to po ths Delay Secty in th ti spifed. abve wil be a Mat Brh of ths Agent an Idao Powe may te th Agr 5.7.1 Fort-five doll ($45) m\lplied by th Maxum Caity Amount with th Ma.Caty Amoun bein mea in kW. In the ev (a) Seler prvide Ida Powe wi ceficaton th (1) a geOì inmeon ag sp a scheule th wil enle ths Facty to achieve th Op Da no la th the Sculed Opon Dat ba be complet an the Seller ha pad aU re innnecon co or (2) a geeron intennon agt is substtially comlet an al ma co of intn have be idetified an ag upn an (b) th Seller is in colia with all te and cotioo of th geneon intetion agent, th Delay Secty cacuat in acrd with pah 5.7.1 will be reuc by te perct (1001'). If the Seller ha reive a reucon in th cacuat Dey Seur as spifed in pa an sutly (1) at Seller's re th genon inon agen sped in pa is re an as a rest th Facilty wi not achieve its Opration Date by th Sced Opon Da or (2) if the Seller do not maita complian wi the geon inon agent, th fu.amount of th Delay Sety as caculate in pah 5.7.1 will be subjec to ret an wi be du an owi with 15 Bus Days frm th da Ida Power re remet. Failur to tiy rei the Deay Sety wi be a Mat Breh of ths Agen -12 - 10/23110 5.7.2 Idaho Powe shan relea any reaing sety poed herder af al cacul Dela Li Dames ar pad in fu to Idao Powe and the eaer of (1) 30 days af the OpatIon Da ba be acev or (2) 30 days af th teinon of ths Agt. ARTILE VI PURCHA AN SALE OF NET ENRGY 6.1 Deer an Açç of Net Engy - Excet when eithr par's peorm is excuse as prvide he Idaho Powe wi puhas an Seller wi sel all of th Net en to Idao Power at th Poi of Delive. Al Invert En pruc by th Facilty will also be deliveed by th Se to Ida Powe at th Poin of Deiver. At no tie will the tota amount of Net En and/or Inve Engy pr by th Facty an delive by the Selle to the Poin of Deliver exce th Maui Capty Amt. 6.2 Net En Am - Seller in to pruc an deliver Net Energy in the followi moy am Thes amoun shal be consstt with the Mecca Avaiabty Guee. 62.1 miti Yea Monty Net En Amomits: seson 1 seasn 2 season 3 Month March Apil May kWH 7,06,00 6,498,00 6,657,859 July Augus November Dember 4..965,38 5,263,99 6,435,097 7,06,00 June september Ocober January February Total kWH's 6,212,107 5,341,725 6,670,988 6,738,454 6,2n,632 63,398,496 -13 - 1013/10 6.3 Unl excus by an event of Forc Majeur, Seller's faur to deliver Net energy in any Cont yea in an amount equa to at lea te pe (10%) of th su of th Intial yea Monty Net En .A as sped in pah 6.2 shl consti an even of det. 6.4 M~ça Ayaapilty Gu - Af th Opon Da ha be eslishe th Faèili sbl adeve a mium moy Mechaca A valabilty of 85% for th Facty for eah month du th ful te of th Agnt (the ~~Mechaca Avalabilty Gute"). Failur to ac the Mechanical Avality Gu shl ret in Ida Powe cacug da as spif in paap 6.4.4. 6.4.1 At the sa ti th Seler prvide th Monthy Powe Pron an Avaabity Rep (Apdi A), th Seller sh prvide and cefy th caculaton of th Faclity's cuent mo's Mechaca Avaiabity. The Seller shl includ a summar of all inforaton us to ca th Çaeuat Net en amount inlud bu not limte to: (a) For Ouge, (b) Fore Maeu evts (c) wi sp and th im of generon out an (c) sculed maene an Staon Use ÎDotinaton 6.4.2 Th Seller shl maintin an re for th yea deted documenon su th monthly caatOl of th Fac's Mechaca Avaiabity. 6.4.3 Idao Powe sh have th righ to reew and au th doumenta su th can of th Fac~s Mec Avaiabilty at renale ti at th Seller's offces. 6.4.4 If th cur mon' s Mechaca Avaablity is les th th Mechaca Avaabity Oùte, daag shl be equa to: ((85 pe of the mont's Cacul Net Energy Amount) mius the mo's ac ne ener deliveres) mulplied by th Avaiilty shal Prce. 6.4.5 Any da cacul in pa 6.4.4 wi be offse ag the cunt month's en paymt. If an und baane re af th da ar off agai the ener paym the Sele shn pay in fu th rening baan with 30 da of th da of the invoice. -14- 10123110 ARTICLE vn: PURGHSEPRE AN MEOD OF PAY 7. i Hea Lo Pu Prce - For al Net ener reived dur Heavy Load Homs, Ida Pow wi pay th non.levet engy prce in acrd with Commission Ord 31025, 30738 an adus in ac with Coon Orer 304 l 5 for Heavy Lo Hom en deliveres, and adjus in ace with Com Or 3048 fur the wi inon chage an with sei:mon fa aplied: He Lo Pur Poo se 1. (73.50) Yea MI 2011 40.02 2012 42.76 2013 45.36 2014 48.16 2015 51.16 2016 52.89 2017 54.59 2018 56.43 2019 58.25 200 60.12 2021 62.34 20 64.65 2023 61.05 204 69.55 205 72.14 202 74.35 2027 76.62 2028 78.96 2029 81.38 203 83.87 201 87.22 202 90.15 2033 93.19 203 96.34 5en2 - (120.00) Mills 69.45 73.93 78.18 8274 87.64 90.46 93.23 96.25 99.21 102.27 105.90 109.67 113.59 117.66 121.00 125.49 129.20 133.03 136.97 141.04 146.51 151.30 156.26 161.39 sen 3. (100.00%) MiIl 56.80 60.52 64.06 67.87 71.95 74.30 76.61 79.12 81.59 84.14 87.16 90.31 93.57 96.97 100.50 103.49 106.58 109.17 113.06 116.45 121.01 125.00 129.13 133.41 .15. 10123110 7.2 Ugb Lo Pu Prce - For all Net En reved dur Lig Lo Hour, Ida Powe wil pay th no-Ieveliz en prce in acrda with Commion Orer 3W25, 30738 an ad in acrd wi Commisson Orr 30415 for Ligh Load Hou Engy deliveres, and adjus in acrd with Coisson Or 30488 for th wid inegtion cha an with sealization fato appli: IJbt !, Pu Pr Yea 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 200 2021 202 203 2024 2025 20 2027 208 202 2030 2031 203 20 2034 Seso 1- (73.50%) Sean 2- (120.00) MìWh 34.67 37.41 40.01 42.81 46.81 47.54 49.24 51.68 52.90 54.n 56.99 59.30 61.70 64.20 66.79 68.99 71.27 73.61 76.03 78.52 81.87 84.80 87.84 90.98 Mi 60.72 65.19 69.44 74.00 78.91 81.73 84.50 87.51 90.47 93.53 97.16 100.93 104.85 108.92 113.16 116.76 120.47 124.29 128.24 132.31 137.n 142.56 147.52 152.66 8e3- (1oo.()O%) MiI 49.52 53.24 56.78 60.59 64.67 67.02 69.33 71.84 74.31 76.86 79.88 83.03 86.29 89.69 93.22 96.21 99.30 102.49 105.78 109.17 113.73 117.72 121.85 126.13 -16 - 10/23110 7.3 Alli Ep Pr - Th pnce to be us in th caculation of th Surlus Ene Prce and Delay Prce sh be th non-1eel en prce in acrd with commisson Or 31025, 30738 and adjus in ac with common Or 30488 fo th wi inteon chae an wi seasonaJizaon faor aplied: Al Ho. Py Pr sen 1- (73.50%) Yea Mi 2011 37.64 2012 40.38 2013 42.98 2014 45.78 2015 48.78 2016 50.51 2017 52.21 2018 54.05 2019 55.86 200 57.74 201 59.96 2022 S227 203 64.67 2024 67.17 205 69.76 20 71.96 207 7424 208 76.58 20 79.00 203 81.49 2031 84.84 202 87.77 203 90.81 20 93.95 Se2- (120.00) Mil 65.57 70.04 74.29 78.85 83.75 86.58 89.35 92.36 95.32 98.38 102.01 105.78 109.70 113.n 118.01 121.60 125.31 129.14 133.09 137.16 142.62 147.41 152.37 157.51 sen 3- (100.00%) M. 53.56 57.28 60.82 64.63 68.71 71.06 73.37 75.88 78.35 80,90 83.92 87.07 90.33 93.73 97.26 100.25 103.35 106.53 109.82 113.21 117.n 121.76 125.89 130.17 .17.. 10123110 7.4 glus En Prce - For al Surlu Ene, Ida Powe sh pay to the Seler th cu ni~s Make Ene Refer Prce or th Al hour Enegy Pr sped in pah 7.3, whcheer is lower. 7.S Int En - 7.5.1 In Ene îs elec en pruced by th Facility, ex in kWh, whch th SeHer deiver to Ida Pow at th Point of Deliver th exce 10,000 kW multiied by th ho in th sp mont in wh th ener wa delive. (For examle Janua cotans 744 hou. 744 hollS ties 10,00 kW == 7,44,00 kWh En deliver in Janua in exce of 7,44,00 kWh In.tb exale would be Invert Ener.) 7.5.2 Alth Seller inte to degn an ope the Facil to ge no more th 10 aver MW an thfore do not in to gener Inat Ener, Idaho Powe will ac In En th do not exce th Maum Capity Amount but will no purha or pay fo In Energ. 7.6 Paym Du Da - En paymts les th Wind Ene Prducton Foreting Monty Cost Alon (MCA) debe in App E an an oth paents due Ida Powe, will be di to th Seller withn 30 days of th da whch Idao Power rees an ac th doetaon of th mont Meca Availale Gute an the Net En acy deliver to Ida Po\V as sped in Ap A. 1.7 Çqntimn¡ Jlgti ofth Cgission - Th Agt is a spia co and, as suh, th ra te an eoon co in ths Agt wi be cons in ac with Idah Powe Cmy v. 1dg Puc Uti Cosson an Afer Energy In., 107 Ida 781, 693 P.2d 427 (1984), Idg Powe COÐY v. Ida Public Utities Copi§S 107 Idao 1122,695 P.2d 1 261 (1985), Afi; En, In. v.ldao Power Coy, III Ida 925, 729 P2 40 (1986), Secon 210 of th Puli Utities Re Policies Act of 1978 an 18 CFR §292.303-308. ARTICLE Vil: ENIRONMAL AITUT 8.1 Idah Power waive any claim to ow of Envinmenta Attbutes. Envionmta Attbu inlude, bu ar not limte to, Gr Tag, Gr Cerca, Renewale Ener Crets -18- 10123110 (RCs) an Tra Renle Ceca (TCs) di as with the pruction of engy frm th Seller'ts Facilty. ARTICLE IX: FACILITY AN INTERCONNCTION 9.1 De of Facilty - Seller will de, con inst, own opeat an ma th Facity an an Se'"wn Intetion Facli so as to allow sa an relile genon an delive of Net En an Inver En to th Idao Power Poin of Deliver for the fu te of thAgr 9.2 ~ec Fac - Exce as spcaly provide fo in ths Agr, th re Intemion Faces wi be in acrd with Scheule 72, the Geraon Inteon Pr an Ap B. Th SeBer is rensible for aU co asat wi this equipm as sped in Scule 72 an th Ge Intennecn Pro, inludi bu not li to intial co inur by Idah Powe for eqent cost, inon co an ongoing monthy Ida Power opns an ma exp. ARTICLE X: METE AN TELETRY 10.1 Met - Ida Pow shl, for th acwit of Seller, prvide, inl, an ma Metg an Telem Equipm to be loc at a mutuly ag upn locon to rerd an me powe flws to Id Powe in ac with ths Agrt an Scheule 72. The Metg Equipmt wi be at th loon an th ty reui to me, rerd and report th Facilty's net Ener, Staon us, Invert en an maum en delivees (kW) at th Poin of Deliver in a man to prvide Idao Powe ad en meaen da to adst ths Agr an to integ ths Facty's en prucon into the Idao Powe eleccal syst. 102 Telemet - Idao Powe wil in ope and ma at Seller's ex met, comuncaon an telemetr equien whch wil be cable of providing Idah Powe wi oo inus teleet of Seller's Net Ener and Inadver Ener pruc and delive to th Ida Powe Poit of Deliver to Ida Power's Design Disp Facility. -19- 10/2310 ARTICLE XI - RECORDS 11.1 Mate of Recrd - Seller sh ma at the Facilty or suh oter locon muty acle to th Pares ade tota geon Net Ene, Staon Use, Inadveren Ene an maum geon (kW) re in a form an co re by Ida Power. 11.2 Jwon - Eith Par, afr rele not to th oter pa, shl hae the nght, dung no bu ho to in an audit any or all geeron Net En, Staon Use, Invert en and maimum.gen (kW) re pe to th Seller's Facty. ARCLE XI: OPERTIONS 12.1 Çgpica - Ida Pow an th Selle shall mantin apprat operang councati thugh Idah Powe's Degn Dih Facilty in acrd with Apdi A of th Agren. 12.2 E¡gy Ac - 12.2.1 Ida Powe shl be excu fr acing an payi for Net Ene or acep Iner Ene whch wod have ot be pr by th Facli an deliver by the Sell to th Poi of Delive, if it is prven frm doin so by an even ofF orc maur, Forc Ou or te dinnon of the Facilty in ac with Schede 72. It for re oth tl an ev of For majeu or a For Oue, a tepo discnnon un Scule 72 exce Twe (20) days, be with the twenty-fi day of such ino~ cuent or reon Seller wil be de to be delive Net Engy at a rae equivaent to th pro ra day ave of th amun sped for th aplicable month in pa 62. Ida Powe will notify Seer whe th inten, curt or reuction is te 12.2.2 If: in th reble opon ofIdah Power, Seller's opeon of the Facilty or Inon Faclies is une or may otse aderly afec Idao Power's equipment, pel or se to it cume Ida Power may teporary dinn th Facil fr Ida Powe's trsson/distribuon sysm as spified win Schedule 72 or tae suh othr rele st as Ida power de ap. -20- 10/23110 12.2.3 Und no cir will th Seller deer Net En æior Inverent Ener fr th Facty to th Poin of Delive in an amoun th ex th Maum Caty Amun at any momen in ti. Seller's failure to limi delivees to th maum Caty Amount will be a Ma Br of th Agren 12.3 SC .Ma - On or beore Janua 31 of eah ca yea, Seller sh submt a writt pr matece sche of signficat Facilty mace fo th caend yea an Id Pow an Se sh mutly ag as to th acty of the pr scheule. The Pares de iiiion as to th ac of th Sell's tietle for scheduled mante will tae in consde Pi Elec Prce, Idao Powe sy reuits an th Seler's pr scule. Neith Par shaU unbly withld accece of th prpose maesce. 12.4 Mace Coon - Th Seler an Ida Pow sh, to th extt prca cordiat th ree lin an Fac mace schede suh tht thy ocur simultaeousy. 12.5 Cq Pror to Cut - Id Powe will mae a renae atpt to cont th Seller pr to exe it righ to in th intion or cul delivees fr the Seller's Facty. Seer un th in th ca of emereny cirumst, re tie opons of the elec sy anor unlan evts Idao Powe may not be able to prvide notice to th Seller pr to inon, curt, or reon of elec en deliveries to Ida Power. ARTILE XI INIFACnON AN INSURÇE 13.1 IagnilcaQl- Ea Pa sh ag to hold haes an to inde th ot Par, its offce, ag afli~ subsdiares, paen compy and emloyee ag al los, daag, exns an liit to th pe for itur to or de of pen or injur to prpe, prximtely caus by th inem pa's conson, owp, opeon or mace of, or by faiure of, any su pa's work or failties us in coon with th Agent. The infy Par sha, on the ot Par's re deen any sut aser a clai cover by th inty. Th indenmify Par shaJl pay al docnt co, includ rele at fee th ma be in by th ot Par in enorcing th innity. - 21- 10/23/10 13.2 J.at - durg th te of ths Agent, Sell shl se an contuousy ca the followi ince cover: i 3.2. 1 Comehenve Ge Lity In for both boy injur an prpe da wi limits eq to $ 1,00,00, eah oc, combi sine limit. 13.2.2 Th ab in cover sh be plac with an ince compy with an A. M. Be Comy ra:g of A- or be an shl inlud: (a) An ent naming Ida Powe as an adtiona inur and loss payee as applicale, an (b) A prvision stng th suc policy sh not be caled or the liits of lity re with si (60) da' prr wrtten notice to Idao Power. 13.3 Sell te Prge Criça of In - As reui in pah 4.1.6 he an anualy th, Sell sh fush Ida Po a cefi of ince, toge with th endorents re ther evdenin th cover as se for abve. 13.4 Sell tø Noti lGa Powe of Lo of Covere - If th inurce cover reui by paap 13.2 sh la fo any re Seller wi immately notify Idao Powe in wrti. Th noti will adse Idabo Powe of th spific ren for th lapse an th st Sell is tag to re th covere. Failur to prvi ths noce an to exptiously reinst or relac th covee wi cætu a Maal Breh of th Agrt ARTICLE XI: FORCE MAUR 14.1 As us in ths Agt, "For Maeu" or "an evt of For Maeue" me any caus beon th contrl of th Sell or of Ida Powe whch, desite the exerise of du digence, su pa is un to pren or over. Forc Maje includ but is not limte to, ac of Go fi, floo st, wa hoities, civ ste, stes an oter la diance, eauaes fi, lightning epdecs, sabo, or cha in la or reguaton oc af the Effve Date, whch, by th exeris of due di, it sha be une to overme. If eith pa is ren wholly or in -22- 10123110 pa unable to pe its oblons un ths Ag be of an even of For Maeu, both Pares sh be excu frm wh peormce is afeced by the evt of Fore Maeu, prde th: (1) The non-prming Par sh as so as is rely poble af th oo of th For majeu, give th other Par wrtt notice deribi th pacu of th ocur (2) Th suio of pefoce shl be of no gr sc an of no loner du th is re by the évent of For Majeur. (3) No obns of eith Par whch arse before the ocur cauin th suion of peorm an whch could an should ha be fuy peorm before su ooce shU be excu as a ret of suh ocur. ,ATICLE XV: LIAllIT: DEDICATION i 5. i Not in this Agr shl be coBS to cr any du to, any st of ca with re to, or an lilit to an pen no a Par to th Agr. No ung by one pa to th ot ~ an prvision of th Agt shl constu th decaon of th Par's syst or any poon thf to the oter Par or to th public or afec th st of Idao Powe as an in palic utlity corpon or Seller as an inde invidua or enty. ARTICL5 XV: SEVE OBLIGAITIONS 16.1 Exce whe spcaly st in th Agent to be othse, th dues obligaon an liilti of th Pa ar intede to be seer an no joint or collecve. Noth cotaed in ths Ag shn ever be cons to cr an asaton, tr pap or joint ven or impose a tr or pa du, obligan or lity on or with regard to eith Par. Ea pa sh be inviuayan seer liable for it own oblion uner ths Agrment. -23- 101210 ARTICLE XVII: W AI 17. i An waver at any tie by eith pa of its righ wi resp to a deult uner ths Ag or with respt to any otr ma ar in coon with ths Ageeent shan not be de a waver with ret to any subsuet defult or other matt. ARTICLE XV CHQICE OF LAWS AN VE 18. i Ths Agrt sh be co an in in ac wi the laws of th Sta of Id with rece to it choice of la prons. i 82 Venue for an ligaon ar ou of or relaed to th Agt wi lie in th Dict cour of th Four Judci Distct ofJdah in an fo the County of Ada ARTICL XI: DISPUTES AN DEFAULT 19.1 ~ - Al di reat to or arin under th Agr includ, but not lite to, th in of th te an condtion of ths Agrt, will be subm to th Commn for reut 19:i Notce ofDe - 19.2.1 Dets If eith Par fas to peor any of the te or conditions of ths Agrt (an "event of defat", th no-dti Par sh ca notice in wrti to be give to th deti Par, sp th ma in whch suh defat occur. If th deting Pa shal fa to cu su deful with th six (60) days af sece of suh notice, or if th defa Par tely de to th ot Par th th defat ca be cur within a coerially renale ti bu not withn su si (60) day peod an then fails to digent pur such cur th th noef pa may, at its opon, tete ths Agren anor pur its leg or equile rees. 19.2.2 Ma Bre - Th notice an cu prvion in pah i 9.2.1 do not aply to de indefi in th Ag as Maal Brehe. Maal Brehe mus be cu as exously as poble followi ocur of the bre -24- 10123110 19.3 Sety fu Per - Pr to the Opon Da an th for the ful te of ths Agrent, Seller wi pr Idah Powe with th followi: 19.3.1 1n - Evde of compli with th prvisions of pah i 3.2. If Seller fa to coly, su faur wil be a maal Breh and may only be cu by Seller sulyig eviden tht th re in coverge ha be relad or re; 19.3.2 Engne's Cecaon - Ever th (3) ye af th Opon Da, Seller will suly Id Powe with a Cecaon of Ongoin Opons an Maite (O& frm a Reg Prfe Eng li in th Sta of Idao, whch Cecaon of Onoin O& sh be in th form sp in Ap C. Seller's faur to suly th reui cecat win be an eve of defat Suc a defa may on be cur by Seller prviding th reui ceca; an 19.3.3 Lice an Per - Du th fu te of th Agent, Seller sh maita coplian with al pe an lice described in pah 4.1.1 of th Agent. In adtion Sele will suly Ida Powe wi copie of any new or adtiona pets or licens. At lea ever fi ~ Yea, Seer wi up th dotaon debe in pah 4. i .1. If at any ti Seller fa to mata coplian wi the pets an lice debe in pah 4.1.1 or to prvi th doon requi by ths pah, su fame wil be an event of defaut and may ony be cu by Seller subm to Ida Powe evide of compliace :f th perm agcy. l\TICLE XX: GOVEAL AUTORITION 20.1 Ths Agr is sujet to th jucton of thos goveren agencies ha con1r1 over ei Par of th Agent ARTICLE XX: COMMSSION ORDER 21. i Th Ag sh beco fiy effecve up the Comisson's ap of al ter an prviion hef withut che or cotion and declaraton th al payments to be mae to Seller hesbl be allowed as pny incu ex for ra puse. ARTICLE XX: SUCCESORS AN ASSIGNS -25 - 10123/10 22.1 Ths Agent an al of th te an prvion herf sh be bining upn an inur to th befit oftl re suc an asgn of th Pares he, exce th no asignt heref by ei Pa sh bee effve wiut th wlItt cot of both Par beg fi ob Suc cons shal not be unnably witheld. Not th foreoin~ any pa whch Idao Powe may colida1 or in whch it may merge, or to whch it may coveyor trfer sutiy al of its elecc ut as sb aumaticaly, withut fuer ac and withut nee of cons or ap by th Seller, su to all of Ida Powe's ngh, oblatons an interts un this Ag Th arle shll no prt a fiin en with rerd or seur ngb fr exer all ri and rees avaable to it mider law or cont. Ida Powe shl have th righ to be no by th fi entity :t is exersi su ngh or reedes. ARTICLE xx: MODIFICATON 23.1 No mocaon to ths Ag shal be vad unes it is wrtig and sign by both Pares an suy aproved by th Comission ARTICLE XX: TAXS 24.1 Ea pa shl pay bere dey al taes an oth goverenta chages whch, if faed to be pad when du could re in a li up th Facity or th Inerection Facilties. .A1JCLE XX: NOTICES 25.1 Al wrtt noce un th Ag shl be di as follows an sh be consider delive wh fa~e-led an coed wi desit in th U.S. Mal, fi-clas poe prd, as follows: -26 . 10123110 IN WIS 'WF, Th Par he ha caus th Agt to be execed in di re na on th da se fo be TdM Pow Cny .. By By Da Da Dick WillPr rD~tt(.p DaB.MirSr. Vic Pre Deive l1da Po .29- 1013110 APPENIX A A-I MONTY POWE PRODUCTON AN AVAIABILITY REPORT At th en of ea month th followi re docon wi be submitt to: Ida Powe Coy Ann: Coon an Sma Power Pron P o Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707 Th me rein re on ths re wi be th re on the Ida Powe Met Equipme me th Fac's tota en proon delive to Idao Powe an Staon Usae an th maum ge en (kW) as re on th Mee Equi and/or any oth re en me to adualy adis ths Agreet. Ths doc sh be th docnt to eø Ida Powe to be th enei paymen cacuaton an payment prss. Th meer regs on ths re sh no be us to cacu the ac paymt, bu in wi be a check of the auma me reg inÐmon th will be gather as deribe in ite A-2 below: Th re sh al inlud th Seller's caulaton of th Mechaca Availabty. - 30- 1012110 Idallo Power Compay Cog aD Sm Power Prueton MONTHLY PO'W PRODUCTON AN AVAIILIT RERT Prje Nå: Month Prjec Numbe Yea Ad City Pho Num Sta Zi- P Md,~,-..'Ne Facil Out StaonUsa St UsaeMet Num Elí ofMom kWh Me Reg: Bein of Moutb kWh MeDi: Times Me Const: kWh for th Mon Met De: kW ~fè Meø Aya QpSe Cacu Mec Ava As sped in ths Agr th Seller sh inlud with ths mony rert a su sten of th Mecli Avalabi of ths Facilty for the calen mont. Ths sum sha inc de as to how th Seer cacu ths value an suar of th Facilty da us in the cacu Ida Power an th Seller shl wotk toge to muty develop a su rert tht prvide th re da. Idah Powe re th rit to review th detaled da us in thcacW as aUwed withi th Ag. sig Date - 31- 101210 A-2 AUTOMATE ME REING CQLLCTION PROCESS Mætby, Ida Powe will us th prvide Met and Telemetr equipm an prcess to coll th me teng inrmon fr th Ida Powe prvide Met Equipmt th meaur the Net En an en deliveied to suy Stan Use for th Faeiity re at 12:00 AM (Midn) of th las day of th month Th me inon collec wi inlude but no be limite to en pron Station Use, th maum ge po (kW) an any ot reui en meents to adualy administth Ag A-3 ROtm REPORTIG Ida Powe Co Inormon Da En Prucm Re Cal daly by 10 a In., 1..800356328 or 1-8035-109 an leave th followi inon: · Prje Ideificaon - Prjec Nam and Prjec Numbe. Curnt Met Re · Es Gen for the cmrt day· Es Oeon for th ne day Pl aw Uimlan fI ou Cai..oo34S-1319 an leave th followi inrmon: · Prjec Idencaon - Prjec Name an Prject Numbe . ApXI ti out OCUled Es da an ti of prec cong ba onl Se's Cçnta Iion 24..Hou Prje ORon ContNai: Telepho Numbe: CellPbne: fm Qq Çgt. InonponTelephon Nube: -32- 1013110 APPENIXB FACILITY AND POIN OF DELIVY PROJECT NO. Che Win LLC B-1 DESCRIUON OF FACILIT (Mt i1ut th napùe ra an V.AR capbility (bh lead an la of all geat unitsto be in in th Foeilil.) Th Facilty wi co of 12 Siem wi tuin with individua gen nala ra of2.3 MW for ea un for a tota Facil gen naeplat rati of 27.6MW. with a maum Facli out of27.6 MW. Eah geerating un ha a retive powe cailit (V AR capil) of i,1 i 4 kV Ar deiver (lagg) to 1,1 14 k V Ar co (lea). Seller an Ida Power may muty ag to subson an ti pnor to th Opon Da, a different máufac and/or mol wi tu pr th th ag naat rag of the Facilty doe not exce 28 MW. If the seller wishe to sutu differt wid tu, th Seller sha prvide deted spta of th pr su wi tues to Ida Powe. Idaho Power wi then rew ths deed iDoræ an eith ac or reec th Seller's prpo substtu wind tu. Ida Powe ao of th substu wi tuin wi be re by bot cofimiaton th the inon is able to acomod th substu wid twnes an th th sutu wid tues ar acle unde ths Ag. Ony af Idao Power's acpte of th substu wid tu sh th Seller be alowe to inl th sutute wi tuines, whch acep sh not beuny wild. -33- 10123110 B-2 LOCATION OF FACILIT Nea Buiey~ ID Sen: 256 Seon: 30& i Seon: 1 Seon: 2 Townp: TUS Rae: RZSE County: Caa. ID Townip: II is Ra: R26E County: Caa. ID Towp: T12S Ra: R25E County: Ca ID Townp: Tl28 Ran: R2E County: Ca ID De ofInon Lo: On-site in Seon 25, TItS, R25E, Elm County, Ida. Innn with an existng Ida Powe 138 kV distbuon li. Exac point of inconnon to be ded as pa of th Ida Power deliver bu unt's inteon sty pr. Nea Ido Power Subson: Midoka subson. B-3 SCHBl)ULED FIRT ENRGY AN OPERTION DATE Seer ba so Oc 31. 2014 as th Scheuled Fir Ener Dat. Seer ha selec Debe 3 i. 20 i 4as the Sceded Opaton Dat. In meki th sele~ Sellèr re th adua te of the Facilty an coeton of al re in pah 5.2 of ths Agt mus be coplet pror to th pr be gran an Opaton Da. ß. MA CAPACrlY AMOUN: th vaue wil be 27.6 MW whch is cons with th value prvide by th Seller to Ida Powe in acco with Scheule 72. Th vaue is th maim en (M th poy cod be delive by the Sener~ s Facilty to th Ida Pow elecca sy at any mom in ti. B-5 POIN OF DELRY "Poi ofDeve mea unes otse ag by both Paes, th poin of wh the Se~s Fac's en is delivere to th Ida Powe electrca syst Scheule 72 wil detemune th spfic Poit of Delive for ths Facity. The Point of Deliver idetified by Sce 72 wi be an iB pa of th Agent. - 34- 10/23110 B- LOSSES If th Ida Power Met equipment is cable of me th exac engy delivees by th seller to th Ida Powe eleccal sy at th Poin of Deliver, no Lo will be cacuat for ths Facty. If th Idah Powe Met is unle to mea the ext en deveres by th Seller to th Id Powe elecca syst at th Point of Deliver, a Loss cacuon will be eslished to me th en los (kWh) be th Seller's Facty and th Ida Powe Point of Deliver. Th loss ca wi be inal se at 2% of th kWh en pructon rerded on th Faclity geon me equipm. At suh ti as Seller prvide Idao Powe with th electrca eqen spifcaion (trormer los spcaons, condr si, et) of al of th elecca equi be th Facit an th Ida Power elecca sysm, Idaho Powe will confgu a re los eacul forul to be ag to by both Paes an us to caculate th kWh Loss for th re te of the Ag If at any ti dug the te of ths Agent, Ida Power deinin th th lo cacu do not corry reflect th ac kWh los attribut to th elecca equipmt be th Facit an th Idao Power elecca syst Ida Power may adjust th caat an revely ad th prous mont's kWh loss caculatons. B-7 MEG AN TELEMEY Scul 72 wi detrlUine th spc metg and telem reuint for ths Fac. At th minim th Met Equipm an Telem eqpment must be able to prvide an re hoy engy delive to th Poit of Delive an any oth engy meaen re to adinst ths Ag. 'I spcaon will includ bu not be limit to eqpment spca~ equipm locon Ida Power prvided equipment, Seer prvide equipmt an al cost as with th equipment, design and inlaon of th Idao Power prvide eqpment. seller wi are for an make avaable at Sellets cost communcaon ciuit(s) compble to Idao Powes coeaon eqt an de~ to Idaho Pow us terminang at th Ida Powe Fao cale of pr Ido Pow wi cotiuous inus inonaton on th Facilties en prn. Ida Powe prvi equipm wil be own an maintaed by Ida Powe, with to co of puha, inat optin, an mate, inludng adstve co to be rebu to Ida Powe by th Seller. Payment of th cost wi be in acrd with Scheule 72 - 35- 1013110 an th to mete cost wi be inlud in th cacuaton of the Monty Opon an Ma Cha sp in Scedule 72. -36 - 10123110 APPBNIXC ENGINER'S CERTIICA nON OF OPERTIONS & MAANCE POLICY Th uigi , on beha of hilf an , li conecvely refer to as "Enee," her st and cefies to th Sele as follows: 1. Th En is a Lice Prfesion En in goo sting in th Sta ofIda. 2. Th Engne ha reviewe th Engy Saes Agren he "Agrent", be Idaho Powe as Buyer,. an as Sener, da 3. Th th co or sm powe prucon prjec which is th sujec of th Agt an th Stt is ide as lPo Facilty No. an is hein refer to as th "Prect". 4. Th th Prje whch is coony knwn as th Prjec is locte in Se _Townsbip_Rae-- Bois Merdia County, Ida. 5. Th Engne re th th Agent prvide for th Projec to fu elecca en to Ida Power for a tw (20) yea pe 6. Th En ha sutial exen in th deig cotion an opon of elecc powe pla of th sa ty as th Pr 7. Th En ba no ecnoc relatonp to the Degn Engee of ths Prject. 8. Th En has reewed and/or suse the review of th Policy for Opon an Maia r0&M) for ths Prjec an it is hi prfesson opinon th prvide sad Prject ha be degn an but to apro st adce to sad O&M Policy will ret in the Prjec's pr at or ne th desgn elecca ou effcieny and plat fac for a twen (20) ye pe. 9. Th en re th Ida Powe, in accrd with pagrh 5.2 of th Agt, is relyi on Engnee's retaons an opioos cont in th Staen -37 - 10123110 i O. Th en ce th th ab stents ar coplet~ tr an acur to th be ofhis ki ái thor Sè hi ba an se below. By (p.E. Sta) Da -38- 10/23110 AfPEIXC ENGINR.'S CER.TIICATION OF ONGOING OPERTIONS AN MAANCE 1' unrs , on be ofbiinlf an hein collecvely reer to as "Engi," heby st an ce to th Seer as follows: 1. Th En is a Lice Prfeion En in go st in the State of Idaho. 2. Th Enginee ha review th En Saes Agent, he .. Agent', be Ida Pow as Buyer, an as Seller, da 3. Th th cogeon or sml powe pron prject which is th sujec of th Agt an th Sta is identied as IPCo Facty No. an hein refer to as th "Prec". 4. Th th Pr whch is commony knwn as th Prec is loc in Seon _Town_Ra-- Bois Merdian County~ Idao. 5. Th En reze th th Agen prvide for th Prjec to fu elecca ener to Ida Powe for a twty (20) yea peod. 6. Th En ha sutial exen in th degn coctn an òpoo of elecc powe pl of th sa ty as th Prjec. 7. Th Enne ha no ecnomic reatp to th Degn Engee of ths Prec. 8. Th Enee ha ma a physica inon of sad Pr its opon an maite re si th la prous cefied intion. It is En's profesiona opon, ba on th Prec's ap, th it onin O&M ha be susttialy in acce with sad O&M Policy th it is in rely goo ope8ting condition; an tht if ad to sad O&M PolicY co, th Prje wi cotiue pruc at or ne its design elec out effcieny an pla fa for th rening _ yea of the Agent. 9. Th En re th Ida Power, in acrdce with paph 5.2 of the Agrt, is reyi on En's reta an opons conta in ths Sta - 39- 1013/10 i O. Th En ce th th abve sten ar complete, tr an acurte to th be of hi knwl an thor se hi had an se below. By (p.E. Stap) Dat -40. 10123110 APPENDIXC ENGIN'S CERTICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTON ADEQUACY Th un , on beha of hilf and heeift collecvely reit to as "Ener," heby st an ce to th seler as foows: 1. Th 'B. is a Lice Prfeon Engi in go st in th Sta of Ida. 2. Tht En ha reviewe th Fir En Saes Agr li "Ag", be Ida Powe as Buyer, an as Seller, da 3. Th th cogeon or sm powe pron prjec whch is th subjec of th Agr an th Stent, is idtied as IPCo Facilty No and is heina refer to as th~~. 4. Th th Prje whch is commy knwn as th Prjec, is loc in Seon_Town ~-' Coty,Idao. 5. Th Eii re th th Ag prvide for th pr to fush elecca en to Ida Powe for a twty (20) yea peod. 6. Th Ei ha subsntal expen in th degn coon an opeon of elecc powe pl of th sa ty as ths Prje 7. Th Engiee ha no ecnomìc relaonp to the Degn Enee of ths Prjec an ha mae th aæys of th pla an spon intly. 3. Th Enne ha revied th eng deign an conson of th Prject, inlud th cil ~ elecca work geng eqent, pr mover conveyan syst Seler fued Innnon Faces an ot Pro failties an equipmen 9. ~ th Pr ha be co in acrd with sad plan an spcaon, al apoale co an consstt wi Pr Elecca Prce as th te is desbe in thAgr - 41 - 10123110 10. Th th degn an conson of th Prjec is su th with reanale an pru op an ma prce by Se, The Prjec is caable of peoring in acrd wi th taìD of th Ag an with Pr Elecca Prs for a twty (20) yea peod. 11. Th En re th Idaho Power, in acrd with paph 5.2 of th Agr in ing th Prec with its syem is relyi on Enne's retans an opinon co in th S1en 12. Th En cees th th abve st ar complet, tr an ac to th best of hi kn an thfo se hi ha an se below. By (p.E. Stap) Da -42- 10123110 APPENixp FORMS OF LIQUI SECUR Th Se. sll prvi Ida Powe with coeIcly rele sety ints suh as Cas Esw Sety, Gu or Le of Cr as thse te ar defi below or ot form of liqud fiMÐ se that woul prvi rey avalabe ca to Ida Powe to sasfy th Delay Seurty an any oth seurty reuien wi ths Agen For th pu of th ap D, th te "Cret Requi" sh me acle fiial crtwine of th enty prvidi the sety inent in reaton to th te of th obligaon in th reble judgment ofIda Powe, prvide th any gu and/or letr of cret issued by any ot sty wi a sh-te or l~term inveent gr credt rag by Sta & Poor's Co or Moy'" s In Se In. shl be deed to hae acle ficr. 1. Ca Esro Se - se shl desi fu in an es acun eslihe by the Seller in a bain in acle to bo Par equa to the Delay Sety or ot reui se am (s). The Sell sball be reble for al co an reve any inte ea 8S wi esshng an maiRig th esw acunt(s). 2. Ou or Le of Crt sety - Seer shall po an maintain in an amount eq to the Dey Se or other re sety amoun: (a) a guty frm a pa th safies th Cre R.~ in a for acble to Idao Powe at its discon or (b) an irvocble Le of Cre in a for acle to Ida Powe, in favor of Ida Power. Th Le of Cret wi be is by a fi intitution acle to both pa. Th Selle sh be reble for al co asiat with esshng an mainta th Gutes) or Les) of Cret. -43- 1013110 APPENE WI ENGY PRODUCTION FOREASTIG As sp in Commisson Or 30488, Ida Pow shal mae us of a Win En Prduon Foie mol to fo th en pron :f th Facty an ot Qufyng Facty wi geon re Seller an Ida Powe wi sh th cost of Win En Pron For. Th Facilty's sh ofWmd engy Prti Fore is de as spifed below. Se sh wi no be gr th 0.1 % of th tota en paym ma to Selle by Ida Powe du th prous Contac Yea. a. For ev mont of ths Agt bennng with th fi fu mont af the Fir En Da as sped in App of th Agent, th Win en Pron Foriug Monty Cos Alocon (MCA) wi be due an payable by th Seller. Any Win en Prcton Forng Monty Cos Alocon (MCA) th ar not rebu to Ida Pow shl be dect fr engy payments to th Seer. . As th value of th 0.1% ca of th Facliti tota engy payments will not be knwn un th fi Contr Yea is complet, at th en of the fi Contrac Yea any pr alon th exce th O. i % ca sh be adjus to reflec th 0.1% ca an if th Facilit ha pa th mony alloc a reft win be inud in equa monty am ove th enng Con Yea. If the Fac ha not pad th mothy allocon th amt due Id Powe wil be ad acgly an th un baane will be de frm th en Contr yea's en paym. b. Dm th fi Co ye, as the value of the 0.1% ca of the Facilties tota en pa wi not be known unti th fi Cont Yea is complet, Ida Powe wil ded th Facli's cacu sh ofthWin Ene Prucon For co sp in it d each mo du th fi Cot Yea an subsquetly refund any ove (pym th exce th ca) in eq mothy amunts over the enuin Con Yea. c. Th cost alocon foul deciibed below wil be reewe an revi if ne on th las day òf any mo in whch th cumulatve MW nala of wind prjec have -44- 101210 Commiss apprve ag to delive en to Idao Powe ha be rese by an acon of th Corriniison. d. Th mothy co alocaton will be ba up th followi fora: Wh:tøt MW aM is equa to th to nalaæ ra of all QF wi prje th ar unde co 10 prvie ener to Ida Powe Compay. '1å MW lF is eq to nalae ra of th Facil as spifed in App B. A...;wII IM Pr F!! Cos (AFC"t) is eq to th tota anua co Ida Pow inur to prvide WIn En Pruction Forsrng Idao Power wi es th AFCost fo th cu yea ba upn th prou ye's co an ex co for th cut yea. At yea-e, Ida Power will co th.ac co to th es co an any di:feiens be th es AFCost an th ac AFCo wi be inluded in th ne ye's AFCo. ABul Cos AI (ACA) = AFCos X (F I TM An Mou Cos Alti (MA) = ACA I 12 e. Th WIn En Pr Forg Monthy Cost Allocon (MCA) is du an pable to Idho Power. Th MCA will fi be net ag any monthy engy paym owe to th Sell. If th ne of th MCA ag the moy engy paym rets in a bala be due Ida Powe, th Facilty shll pay this amt wi 15 days of th da of th payment invoice. -45- 10123110 I f z~ ~ Jii9ri~.Ut~..Wr~d&;.i;.,~- 113" LL,OO ê ., FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC Form 556 ~::;~~:~~no~~~~:~~:ii::t:~I~F) Status for a Small Power,'." r.. OM Control i# 1902-075 Expati 5/3/2013 1 a Full name of applicant (legal entity on whse behalf auafffyng fatillty statûs is sought for th~1iclnty) ::::, -".," ,Charlie Wind LtC .;~:~': . :.'~..¡\ .......::,1 b Applcant stret address clo Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC 150 N. Dairy Ashford Rd. Building C1 Suite 356 0 1c City Houston ..... .., .~"1d State/province TX 1 e Postal code 17079 1f Countiy (if not United States)1 9 Telehone number 832-337-2537 c:o.-..io ESo~c:- c:o..¡ ((j¿Õ.Q.c: 1h Has the Instant facility ever prevusly be certifed as a OF? Yes 0 No IZ 11 lfye, provde the docket number of the last know OF fili perlmng to thIs facili: QF ~ - ~ - _ 1J Underwhicñ certlflcatlon prcess Is the applicant maldng thIs filing? I8 Notice of self-certifation 0 Application for Commission certflcatlon (r~ulres flllng(se noe below) fee; see "Filng Feeu setion on pae 3) Note: aootice of self"Certifcatin Is a notice by the applicant itself that Its fadlit coplies with the requirements for QF sta. A note of self-ceifitin do oot establsh a proceedirigí and the Commiion dos not revw a nQtce of sef"'erttlon to veri compliance. See the 'Wt to Ext From the Commission After You File" secion on page 3 for more Information. 1k What tyli(s) of OF stas Is the applicant seking for its fadlity? (check aU that apply ~. Qtng sillpO'er production façity status 0 qualifying cogeneration fadity status 1 J What is the purpe and exed effiv date(s) of this filig? i8 Orlnl,l celftlon; facilit expeed to be InstaUed by 101.31/14 and to begIn operation on 12/31/14 o Chnges) to a prusly cert1fdfaflit to be efecve on Odent tysl of chang(s) below, and describe change(s) In the Miscellaneous sen startng () page 19) o Name change and/or ot administrativ change(s) o Change in owel'hip o Change(s) afcting plant equipment fuel use, power prucion capait and/or cogenE!tion thermal output o Supplnt or cotin toa previou filing submitted on (decribe th supplement or coeet()n In the Mlscellaneou$ setion startng on page 19)o o o (I o 1 In If any of the follwing three statements Is true, check the box(es) that descrlbè yor situation and complete the fom to the exent poible, explaining any special circumstances In the Miscellaneous seion starting on page 19. o The instant fadlit complies wi the Commission's OF reqirements by virtue ()f a waiver of cern reulatinspreviousl granted by the Commission In an order dated (specify any other relevant waiver orders In the Miscellaneous secon startIng on page 19) o The Instant facility would comply with th Comtnssion's Qf requirements If a peltn for waivr submitted concurrentlywlth this application Is granted The lnstt.facillty CQmples with the CpmmlS$lon's regiiiations, but h~s speial circurnstn.es, such ~s the o emploent of unique or Innovative technologies not contemplated by.th struetreofthls fori'i that ma~ the demonstratio of compIlance via this form diffcult or Impossible (describe In Misc. section strting on p. 19) o . FERC Form 556 Page 6 . All FaclfitJes . 2a Name of contact person 2b Telephone number Kevin Simmons 832-337-2537 1c Which ofthe following describes the contact person's relationship to the appicant?(dieck one) 0 Applicant (self)~Employee, owner or partner of applicant autorize to represent the applli;nt e:0 0 Employee of a copany afliated wih the applicnt autried to represent the applicant on thlsmat~r +:~0 Lawyer, consultant, or other representati authoried to represnt the applli;nt on ths matter E 2d Company or organization (If applicant isan indMuaL check here and skip to line 2e)0i.name J2 Cotterel t'1ndEnergy center LLCe:-.i 2e Stree address (if same as Applicant,check here and skip to line 3a)0U .f 150 N.Dairy Ashford Rd. e:Building C,Suite 35600U2fCit 29 State/province Houston TX 2h Posal code 2i Country (if not United States) 77079 3a Facillty name e:Charlie Wind LLC0+:3b Street address (if a street address doe not exist fo the fality, check here and sklpto fine 3c)~(0 ,u0.. "'C(0 3c Geographic coprdinates: If you indicated that no street address exl~s f()rr9:urfaCilit by chcJ(jngthe~iß lin~3blCthen you mus speofy the latitude and longitude coprdlnates of the façJlltY in degrees (to three deqrrlplaces);Use0+:the following formula to convert to deòdegrees from degrees. minutes and seconds: de(imêll~:rees;: to degrees + (rninutes/6Q) + (secondS/3600). See the "G~raphtCoordlnates secion on page 4 ft). help. If yonuu:provided a street address for yor facIlty In line 3b, then specifýg th geographIc coOrinates belbwtsoptlonaJ.p 0 East(+)E8. North (+)C Longitue 113 469 degrees Latitde 42 421 degreesQ)1&Wes (-)o South (-)32~3d CitY (If unincorporated,check here and enter nearest city)0 3e State/prov.nce Burley Idaho 'ü(0 3f Connty (or check here for indepel'dent city)0 3g Country (if not Uiiited ~tes)u. Cassia Identify the electric utilites that are contemplated to transact with the facUity. VI 4a IdentIfy utilIty interConnecting with the facllityQ) :E Idaho Power Company-;i~4b Identify utilitIes providing wheeling service or check here if none ~enc: B 4c Identify utilitlespurchasing the useM electric power output. or check here if non 0toIdahoPowerCompanyVIc:~4d Identify lltifltles providing supplementary power, backUp power, maintenance ptWgt,åndlorlnterrtitible powerf-service or check here if none 0 Idaho Power Company o o o 4) ., o FERC Form 556 Page 7 ~ AU Faciltie Sa Ol owersbtp .aof.efeet date or opration date: IdentIfy aU di owoersof th facIllñøfdfng lt fe$l 10 percet equilntèrest. For øah identledower, afso (1) mdkate whthe that owner Is an eletric:utlllt, as dened in setin 3(22) of th Fedral Por Act (16 U.S.c. 796(22)), or a hoding company, as dened ll setion 1262($) of the Public Util H()in Compaty Ac of 205 (42 US.c. 16451 (8)), and (2) for ower Which are electric uties or holdng companies, prove th percentage of eqtyinteres in the fal1~ held by that ower. If no dir owners hold at least 10 percent equty Intere~t in the facIIlty, then provide the required inforation for the tw dire owers with the largest eqity interest in the facilty. co+:~(J0-o -g RJ 0-:2l: ~ ~ Fullleal na of di owners 1) Cötterel WindEnergy Center LLC 2) 3) 4) 5) õ) 7) 8) 9) 10) Electrc utility or holdmg company IfVes, % eqIty interest 100% l % % % % % % % % o Cbetk hereand .c"ntlue in the MiscelJaneQL section starting on page 19 if additional space Is needd Sb Upst Q.e. inciret) ÇYnership as of efective date or opEration ~te: Identi allupsrem (I.e., indirect) owner of the faility that both (1) hold at least 10 percent equity interest In the facility, an (2) are electric utflitles, as Øenedin seion 3(2) of th Feøeral Pow Ac (16 US.C. 79622)), or holdng COpaies, as dened In sectio 126($) of the poblc Uttlftyl:olin Company Act of ~oos (42 U.s.c. 16451(8)). Als proVide the percentage of equity Intest tn thefacitt heIØ by stch owners. (Note that, because upseam owners may be subsIdIarie of one another, total percent. eqity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.) Check here if no such upstream owners exist. ~0 % equit inter % % % % % %---- % % % % vesO No ig VesO No 0 YesD No 0 VesO NoD YesO No 0 VesO No 0 VesO No 0 YesO No 0 VesD No 0 YesO No 0 FulllegJ names of eletric utilit or holding copany upstream owners t) 2) 3) 4) S) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) D Check here and continue in the Miscéllaneous section starting on page 19 if addItional space is needed Se Identify the facllty operator Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC FERC Form 556 Page 8 - All Fadlls ..::0-C-~~(1CW 6a Describe the prlmaryElnE!ltylnput (checkone main categoiyand, .if applicable, onestJategry) o Biomass (specif ~ Renewable resources (specify) D.Geothennal o landfll gas 0 Hydro power - river 0 Fossilftel (specif) o Manure digester gas 0 Hydro power - tidal 0 Coal (not waste) o Munldpalsolidwaste 0 Hydropoer-wave 0 Fueloil/diesel o Sewage digester gas 0 Solar - photovotaìc 0 Natural gas (not waste)o Wood 0 Solar - thermal Otberfosllfuelo (describe on page 19) o Other biomass (describe on page 19) cg Wind D Waste (specify type below in fine 6b) 0 Other renewable resourc;e 0 Otherfdesribe on page 19)(describe on page 19) 6b If you spedfred "wase" as the primary enegy inplt in line 6a, indicate the ty of waste fuel used: (chec;k one) o Waste fuel listed In 18 C.F.R. § 292.202(b) (speàf one of the followlng) o Anthracite culm produced prIor to July 23, 1985 o Anthracite refus tht has an average heat content of 6tOOO Btu or less per pound and has an averageash content of 45 percent or more o Bituminous coal refuse that has an average heat content of 9,500 liu per pound or les$ and has anaverage ash content of 2S percent or more Top or bottom subbitumi0\js coal produçeon Fee;erallands or on Indian lands that has been o determined to be waste by tHe United States Depaent of the InterlotsBureauoftand Managemerit (6LM) or that is 19cated on. non-Feclal or non-ln(lan lanas?i.si~e of lll.M'$Juti(tlol''Woved that the applicnt shOW that the laer coal is anèxten$lon of thåt determined byBi. to be\Naste Coal refu proded on Federal lands or onlntan landsthatllas beendeærmlned ~()bewaste by tf o BLM or that is located on non Federal or non..ndfan lands outsdeof BlM'sjU$dlclQ,provded that appliÇånt shOws that the latter is an exension of thatdêtermined by 6LM to bewåste o Lignite produced in assodation with the production ofmontan wa and llgnlte that becomes exp$~as a result of such a mining operation o Gaseous fuels (except natural gas and sythetic gas from coal) (describe on page 19) Waste natural gas from gas or oll wells (describe on pae 19 how the gas meets the requirements of 18 o C.F.R. § i.400 for waste natural gas; Indude With yor flUng any materials necesary to demostrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. § 2.400) o Materials that a government agency has certifed for disposal by combustion (describe on pae 19) o Heat from exothermic reactions (describe on page 19) 0 Residual heat (describe on pae 19) o Used rubber tires 0 Plastic materials 0 Refinery off-gas 0 Petrolem cole Other waste energy input that hêlS little or no commerclal vêllue and exists in tHe absence of the quling D failty industry (describe In the Mlscenaneous secton starting on page 19; indude a discussion of the fuel's lac of commercial valUe and existence In the absence of th.e qualifying faciliy industr) 6c Provide the average energy input, cakulated on a calendar year basis, In terms of Btulh for the followingfosil fuel energy Inputs, and provide the related percentage ofthe total average annual energy Inplt to the facilty(18 C.F.R. § 292.202(j). F()r any oil or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (H:l C.F.R. § 2,92.202(m)). Fuel Natural gas Oil-based fuels Coal Annual average energy input for specled fuel o Btul o Btulh o Btul Percentag oHotal annual enery Inplt 0% 0% 0% PERC Form 556 Page 9 - All Facities"il'~ tfemam .grO$.s .ant O'axlmumnetelearlC: powet prodiQn c:apa øt.the ~dJttat the PQlnt(s) of déliver by completing the WØksheetbtlo. (lespond to all items. If any of thepa.raltlc loas andorloes idtied in line 7b throuh 7e- are negligible, êler zero for those lines. 1a Th maimum gros por production capaty at the terminals of the indivdual generatOls)und the-most faorable antklpted design conditiOns 27,600 kW ~.P~êl$,¡ti stnpower.used at th farlllty t( runequipmentwhkhls neessary and lntegral to tbe~rpra.du(t process (boderJeepumpstfatlsters of.ce or maintenancel:uiting dlrely re to the operationofthe powerg~eratlng faetli, etcJ. If this fadiit IncR.Øes non- ~rproøtJcti.onproceses (f()r lnstênç~ pow consmed by a cogneratin facil'sthermal hO$t) , do oot Include any power consumed by the non-poer proclctlon actlVtles in yourreport parasltk station power. 0 kW 7c Elecical losses In interconnecton transformers o kW 1d Electcal losses in AC/C converson equipment, If any o kW 7e Other lnterc:oonectlon losse in powe lines or faclltles (other than transformes and AClDC C:on~rso~ equipmnt) between the termInals of the generat(r(s) and the point of interçonnectlon wl. tll .lltllitv "1 f oïal deductons from gross power proclcton capait = 7b + 7c + 7d + 7e o kW 0.0 kW 0co.¡: to Ei- i2r: 79 Maximum net power producton capacity = 7a - 7f 27,600.0 kW 7h Description of facility and primary components: DerIbe theJacilit and its operation. Identify aft boilers, heêt reovery steam Øenerators, prme moves (any met:hanlcl equipment driving an electric generaor), electril ~atQtlphotovtak so.lar eq!lmeAt, ful cell eqpment åhd/orotherprarypor gehetion equipent iß. in ~ll~~t),~s~fcornponents should Inclde (asapplkable) spclfictions of the nominal capacites fómecltMfCaf.ot etctrl~outjJ, or steam genertion oftfie ldetledeqipment. . For eac piece of eaipment ider, de. md~ehowmany pieces of that type of equpment are inclo in the plant, and which components are normalf operating or normalf In stndby mod. Provde a desr!ltion of how the compoents ClP~rate as a ~A.pli~nts for cogeneratIon facilites do not need to describ operations of s.)'ies that are dearl depleted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration failits attched mass and heatbalancdlagram;howísuQ appllcntsshuld provide any. necery deSCpti .needed to understnd the sequential operation of the fait depIcted in their mass and heat balance diagram. If additional space Is needed, continue in the Miscelneous section starting on page 19. .~ 'utou.-toU.--r:..u ~ The Charlie wind facility will consist of 12 Siemens SWT~101 wind turbines with individual generator nameplate readings of 2300 kW each which feed into a comn collector system. The individual generating units have reactive power capabilities Of 1,114 kVAr lagging and 1,114 kVAR leading. Unless otherwise constrained, the facility will operate during weather conditions favorable to energy ptoduction (hub height wind speeds betw~~n 4 and 25 mis, temperatures b~tween -25 and +35 degrees C and during periods where wind turbulence levels \-¡ould unreasonably fatigue the machines) ?1hile estimated values have been provided in lines 7a ~ 7f, there is some uncertainty in these numb~rs relating to the degree of possible generator o~er-efficiency, uncertainty in the length of the èollectionsystem, uncertainty in soil electrical properties, whether to assume that there would be time periods when all 12 turbines are operating at full capacity and other considerations. Given that some of these factors could cause a slight over- estimate of actual loss values while others could result in a slight underestimate, we currently take the conservative view that the facility output nameplate will be 27,600 kW. FERC Form 556 Page 10 - Small Power Production Information Required for Small Power Production Facility If you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifyng small poer production facllity stus for yOur facility, then you must respond to the Items on this page Otherwse, sk pae 10 Pursuant to 18 CF.R. § 292.204a), the poer producton capaàt of any smaD power productjonfacili~,t0ether with the power production capacity of any other small powr producion fadl1îes thet use the $Bme energy resource, are owned by thesameperson(s) or its afliates, and are located att~e same site, may not.ej(ceed 80 megawatt. To demonstrate compliance wit thls size limitation, or to demonstate that your fadity is exempt from this size limitation under the Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentlves Act of1 990 (Pub. L. 101-575, 1 tl Stat. 2834 (1990) as amended by PUb. L. 102-46, 105 Stat. 249 (1991)), responi:Io lines 8a through Be below (as appltcable). (IUc: .!2 è9- 00. ._E .. o ,~U E \. ._o --c: ~0,_.'¡ vi G .cq: .. 'e '~ ~ e ~c: ~.!2 E0. ~ ~ '5 U ~"+ a:o OJ c: VIo ::~.. tt (IU :: q= LL 'f ..OJ :i:U 3= Sa Identify any facilities with electrical generating equipment located within 1 mile of the electricl generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities Identlfied in lins 5â(jtSb, or their affil~tes, holds at least a 5 percent equity interest. Check here if no such facilties exist. i: FacUity location Root docket it (city or county, state) (if any) (l Common ownerts) Maximum net power producon capacit kW1) 2) 3) QF QF --- --kW WiQF o Check here and continue In the Miscellaneou seion strtg on paQ'.19 if additionl space is needed Sb The Solar, W1nd,Waste, and Geotherl Powr Producion Incentiv Act of 199(len~ve.~) provIdes ... exemtion from th size limitations In 18 C.F .R, § 292.204(a) .~ cerninnidlitles thatwerecerti~ed pr.lr to 1995. Are you seing exemption from the size limitations In 18 C.F,lt §i92.ít)a) by virteofthe lnceAtives Act? D Yes (continu at line 8e bèlow) L8..No.(sfdpllnes 8c through Be) 8c Was theoriginalnotice of sef"Certfkation oraplkation.for Commlsslocertltkattonofthefadlity filed orlt)r before.Oeerber31,1994? YesD No D ad Did construction of the fadlitcommence on or before Decem bet 31, 1999? VesO No 0 Se if you answered No triUne Bd, indicate wheher reasonable diigence was exercise toward the completion of the facility, taking Into account all facor relevant toconstrueion? Yes 0 No OW youal\weteôYes. providea brietnarratlv explanatlon In theMlscellaeos seon sta~ on page t90fthe constructioniimelne (rri particular, describe why construction stared so long after the faiUty was certfled) and the diiig.ence exercid toward completion of the faciity. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 292.i0(b), qualifying small power production façltltles may ",se fossil fuels.. înrnlnimal amounts, for only the following purposes: igniton; start-up; testing; flame stabiliztion; c;ontrøl use¡ allevlation or preveAtion of unanticipated equipment outageS¡ and aUeviation or prevention of emerQ'ncies, dtectly affting the public health, safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power øutags. The amout of fossil fuels used for these.purposes may not exceed 25 percent of the total energy input of the facility durtng the 12-month periQd beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any c;ndar year theeaftr, 9a Cerifcation of compliance with 18 CF.R. § 292.iob) with respect to use offossll fuel: ~ Applicant cerfies that the facilit wIll use fossil fuels exclusively for the purpoes6sted above. 4) . 9b Certification of compliance wIth 18 CF.R. § 292.204tb) with respect to amount of fossil fuel used annually: Applicant certfies that the amount of fossil fuel used at the fadUty will not, in aggregte, excee 25 i: percent of the total energy Input of the fadlit during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first prodces electric energy or any calendar yea thereafter. FER( Form 556 Pagé 11 - Cogneration Facilities Infprmatlon.Reaulred for Cogeneration Facility If yo. friln.Nn1ktba you are see .qufylng ooer facllitystasJor)'ur facUlt. then you must respond tothlt()pa~ 11 t~ 13. Qt~ slp~ll throu 13. PuUånt to 18 C.F.R.§ 292.202(c), a .cogentlon fàêil produs electric enrgy and fos of useful thermal 0 energy (suh as hea or steam) us for indrial commerdal, heati, or coofingptS¡ through th seuential use of energy. Puuall to 18 c.F.R. § 292.202(s), RsequentlaJ use" of energy means the folowing (1) for a toplng- Cye cogeration !acIDty, the use of reje heat from a por production process In sufdent amounts in a theral applicatio or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained In 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(a); or (2) fo a bottoming-cle cogeneration fadllt, the use of at least same rej heat from a thermal applicatin or prces for por pruetOt' c:o.-.. í! c:CJ 0 c: .- (J ..en too Eu 0-\¡í! c:(J -c:(J~ o10a What types) of .cogenerat tecnology dos the facilit represt? (chec al that. apply o Toppm-acle cogeneration 0 Bottmln-ele cogerilon 10b To hep demonstrate the seqntial operation of the cogeneration prss, and to suppor complian wih other requirments such as th opeting and efcinc stndards, include with your filing a mass at heat balancdJgram depietgaverage annual operatig conditions. This dtagraminust Indud certin itms and meet certain requirements, as desribe below. You must chec ne to the desription of eah requiremnt below to certif that you hav compIled with these requirements. Check to certify corphance With Indiced reqirettt o o o o o o o D o Reuirement Diagram must show orientation Wihin system piping and/or duet of all prie moers, heat recVé steam generaor boilers, elri genrator, and condénsers (as applcable), as well as any oter prma eqlptrelent to the cogneration process. Any aveag annual valu required to be repoed in JlnèS lOb, 12a, 13a, 13b. 13d, 13f, 14a, 15b,lSd and/or 1Sf must be comped overthe antJatec hours ofoperaton. DIagram must spefy all ful Inputs by fuel type and. avrage annual rate in Btul Fuel fo supplementa firing shoul bespe separatel and clrly labeled. All specatlo of ful Input should use lo heating values Diagram must spedfy averge gross elecic outp In kW or MW fo each generaor. Diagram mus specJ average mechanical outpu (that Is, any mechnkal energy take of of the shaf of the prime moversforporpoes not directly relaed to electric pQW geeration) In horspower, If any. Typally, a cogeneratinfacUlty has no mechanical output. At each point for which working fluid flw conditions are required to be specified (see beow), soch flow condition data must Inetud mass flow rate (in ib or kg/s), teperature (In"F, R, "C or K), absoe pressure (In psla or kPa) and enthalp (In Stollb or kJ/kg). Exception: For systems where the working fluid is liqid only (no vapor at any PQrit in the cy) and where the type of liquid and specifi heat of that liuid are clearly indicted on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous seon $trting on page 19, only mass flow rate and temperature (not pressure and enthiP) need be spdfled. For reference, speciflc heat at stndadcondltlondor pore lIqid water is approximately 1.002 BtuJ (1b*R) or 4.195 kJJ(kg*K). Diagram must specify working flid flow conditiOns at input to and output from each steam turblne or other eXpnsi turine or back-presure turbine. Diagram must speify working fluid flow conditions at delivry to and return from each thermal appication. Diagram must speif working fluid flw conditions at make-up water inputs. FERC Form 556 Page 12 - Cogeneratin FaciUtles 3i V\:: (I..:e J3 Ü m ~ ~ § "' ''¡C ~ :: (IU-c: i- (I ~ 0) ~ (3 ãi E E 0(1 ~ .=: ..:: :: 0" 0-(1 ..ex ::i. 0a ~o C1N i- Ü ~c: w a. '-LU 0 EPAet 200S cogeneration facllitles: The Energy policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a newsection 210(1') of the Public Utility Regulatoi Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), 16 USC 824a-3(n), with additional requirements for any qualifying cogeneration facilty that (1) is seeking to sell elect energy purnt to section 21 OofPURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneration facility on August 8, 2005, or had not filed a sef-eertificatlon or application for Commission certlfcation of QF status on or before Febuary 1, 200 Thee requirements were implemented by the Commission In 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d). Complete th lines below, carefully following the instructIons, to demonstrate whether thee additional requiremnts apply to yo cogeneration facilty and, If so, whether your facility complies with such requIrements. 11a Was your facility operating as a qualifying cogeneration facilty.on or before Augvs 8, 200S? Yes 0 No 0 '0 11 b Was the Initial filing seeking certification of your facility (whether a notice of sef-eertIficatlon or an application ., for CommIssion certification) fied on or before February 1, 20061 Yes 0 No 0 If the answer to either line 11 a or 11 b Is Yes, then continue at line 11 c below. Otherwise, if the answers to both lines 11a an411b are No, skip to line 11e below. 11c With respect to the design and operation of the facility, have any changes been Implemnted on or after ., February 2,2006 that affect general plant operation, afft use of thermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plants capacity on February 1, 206? o Yes (contInue at line 11 d below) No. Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d) at this tÎle. However, it may be o subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facillty. At Slh.time, the applicant would need to recertify the facility to determine eligibility. Skip lines 11 d throug h 11 j. 11dDos the applicnt contend that th changes identifId in Une 11 c are not so significant as to make tlie facility ., a "new" cogeneration failty that would be subject to th 18 C.F.R. § 29i.205(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provide In the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a description of any relevant changes made to o the facility (including the purpo of the changes) and a discon .of why the facllty should not be considered a "new" cogeneratin fadlity in light of these changes. Skip lines 11 e through 11 j. No. Applicant stipulates to the fact that It is a "new' cogeneation facilty (for purposes of determining the o applicabilty of the requirements of 18 C.F.R. § 29i.205(d)) by virtue of modifications to the facillty that Were initiated on or after February 2, 2006. Continu below at line 11 e. 11e WILL electic energy from the facUlty be sold pursuant to sectlo21 0 of PURP A? '0 o Yes. The faCility Is an EPA~t 2005 cogeneration facility. You must demonstrate compliance with 18 (.FA §292.205 (d)(2) by continuing at line 11 f below. No. Applicant cerifes that energy wil not be sold pursuant to setion 210 of PURPA. Applicant also cerifies o its understanding tliat it must recertify Its facility in order to determine compliance with the requirements of18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d) before selling energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA in the future. Skip lines 11f throuh 11 j. 11flsthenet power producton capacity of your cogeneration facility, as indicated in line 7g above, less than or 0 equal to 5,00 kW? Yes, the net power production capacity Is less than or eqal ttl 5,00 kW. 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(4) provdes a rebutable presmptio that cogeneration facilties of 5,000 kWand smaller capacity comply wIth the o requirements forfundametal use of the faciUtys energyoutputin 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2). Applicant .. certifies its understanding that, should the powe production capacity of the facility increase aboe 5,000 kW, then the facilty must be recertified to (among othrthlngs) demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. § 292.20S(d)(2). Skip lines 11 9 through 11j. No, the net pOwer production capadty is greater than 5,.OOOkW. Demonstrate compliance with the o requirements for fundamental use of the facilitys energy output in 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2) by continuing on the next page at line l1g. fERC fo 556 Pag 13 - Cogeiiratlon Facilities ~::C(J .-ll ~ :: 0- um- e: V\ (J .5YE :! n: .--0 u e: tf:i cu. 0.. ...J2 ~V\ '-.. (JC C (J (JE oi(J 0'- U 'S E tr 0~~in ~o 0-o ..N ::.. 0U ~ c: oiQ. i-W (J iEÕ Unes 11g thrUg l1kbègUld the applicant through the process of demQlstrting complanee with th reirements for. Dfu~ntal1.seD of th fa(il1s energ output. 18 C.F.R. § 292.2OS(d)2). Only repond to the lines on this pae If the Instructions on the prevIous pae direct yo to do so. OtheriSe, ski this pa. 18 c..R § 292.205(d)(2) requires that the electticJ,thermal, chelcal and mechanlcal output of aii EPAå: 2005 Cogenertio fadlit is use~fuintallyforindurlal, commerlaL reidential or instonalpurpose and Is no intended funda.mentaliy for sale to an eIectl' utili, taking into account technogk;L" effdenc, economic, and varible theral e~er9Y recrements, as ~ll as state law applcable to sas ofeteetc energy from a qulif faqlto it host fadlity. If yo we dled on the previous page to repond to the item on this pae, then your facftlty Is anEPAet 200$ cogeneration facilit that Is subjec to this "fndamental useD reuirement The Commls.k:'s relations provde a twooronged approach to demonstràting compliance with the ~irementdoTfundamntal us of the faditys energy ou~ Firs the Comission has established in 18 C.F.R. § 292.2()5(d)(3) a "fundametaiuse testa that can be used to deonstrate complnce with 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2). Undr the fundamental use tes, a facilit is consiered to comply with 18 C.F .R. § 292.20S(d)(2) if at least 50 percent oftl"faclitys total annual energy outpu (including elecrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) Is us fo Industrlal, commercial, resIdential or institutIonal purposes. Seclan applicant fora fadlit ~t do not pas the fundament;.l use testJlay provide a narrative explnation ofansuor for rt coliteltI that theJad noneth mee the requjrementthat the elecrial, thermal, diemlcl and mechanIC oupu of an EPAc 2005 cogneration facility Is use fundamentally for Industrial, commerçlal, redentialor instituona purse and Is not Intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taki into account techiyloglcl, efenc, ~onomic and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state la appicle to sales of elecic energy from a quahfyng faclUty to Its host failty. Complete lines 11g throgh 11j below to deine comphanc with the fundamental use test in 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(3). Compilies 11g through 111 even if you do not intend to relY upon the fundamental use test to demonstrate eomlançe with 18 C.F.R. § 292.2S(d)(2). 119 Amourt of eieclc~I, therma,~ chemical. and mechanical energy output (net of ¡nterna geatloplntlo and pa~ic lo) expected to be usd annually for industrial,commercil, reential or Irstiion purposes and not sold to an electric utility MWh 111\ Total amount of elerical, therl, chemIcal and memanical energy expected to besold to an electric utilit MWh 11i Percentae of totalannualenergy outpu excted to be used for Industrial, oftcommercial, residential orinstitutionaIpurposs at1d not sod to a utilty W=loo*l1g/(11g+11h) 0 % 11J IS the response inlinè 11 I grèater than or equal to 50 percent? Yes. Yourfadllty complis\Vlth 18 CF.R. § 292.205(d)2) by virtue of passg the fundametal use test proVied in 18C.F.R. § 292.i05(d)(3). Appfcat certif its undrsnding th lfit is to rely upon passing o t~e fu~rYentêil us test as a pasis for complIng with 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2), then the facllty must comply wIth the fundamente use test both In the 12-month perd beginning with the date the fadlity first pruce e1~tilc energy, and in aU subsequent ailel'dar years. No. "out faalit does not pass the fundamental us test. Instead, you must prVIde In the Miscellaneos Sêtlo~stàrtg oripage 19 aiirrati explaiitlo of and sup for why yourfacilty meets th reuir~thåtthe electrical, thermal, chemical and mechaniail ouut of an EPAc 205 cogeneration facili is use fundamenta fotlndustrialt commerdal, resldtfal orlnstltional purp and Is not Inten.ded fuentall f(lrsate to an elelc utilty, taking Intoaccòurt ted'nological, efienc, economIc, andvarlable theral enrgy l'equfteents, as wen as state lêiWS appicable to sates of electrlc energy from a QF to Its host fadlity. Applicants proving a nanatl explanation of why their faclJity shoul be found to o comply with 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2) In spite of non-compliance with the fundamental use test may want to reView paragraphs 47 through 61 of Order No. 671 (accessible from the Commission's QF website at ww.ferc.gov/QF, which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanaton. Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above wlU establish the standard that that facili must comply wit, both for the 12-month period beginning with the date the factllt flrst produes eletric energy, and In all subsequent calendar yers. See Order No. 671 at paragraph 51. As such, the applicant should make sur that it reports appropriate values on linès 11 9 and 11 h aboe to serve as the reevant annual standard, taking Into account expected variations In producion conditions. " FERC Form 556 Page 14. Topping-Cycle Cogenertion Faciliies Information Required for Topping..Cyde Cogeneration Fadlity If you indicate in line iOa that your facilty represents topping-cycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the Items on pages 14 and 15. Otherwise, skip paes 14and 1 S. The thermaLenergy output of a topplng-ccle cogertin faálit"is the ne energy made avaUabfeto an industrial 0 or commercial process or ~ in a heating or cooling application. Pursuant to sectons 292.202tt),(d) and (h) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. §§ 292.202(c), (d) and (h), the thermal energy outpllt of aÇllio/Ing top.p1ng- cycle cogeneration failit must be usefl. In connecion wih this requirement describe the thermal output oftlle topplng-ccJe cogeneration fadlity by responding to lines 12a and 12b below. (1u y C) +-C ::.- C.C. +-a. ::~O I. too EVI i-VI (1 (1 ..C i- ~VI~ 12a Identify and descrbe each thermal host and speCIfy the annual averae rate of thrmalo1.pumade available to each hosHor each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal outut, proide the data for each us inseparate rows. Average annual rate of thermal OUtput attrbutabl to use(nt of heat cøntainedl.J' pracesS retum or make-p water) Name of entity (thermal host) taking thermal output Thermal host's relationship to facilit Thermal host's use of theal output Select thermal hosts relationship to facilty Select thermal host's us of thermal ouput Select thermal host's relationship to facilty Select thermal host's use of thrmal ouput Select thermal host's relationship to faclit Select therml host's use ofthermal oi;tput Selct therml host's reltionsrn to facilty Select thermal hosts use of thermal output Select thermal host's reiationship to facility Select thermal host's use of themal output Select thermal host's relationship to facility Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btulh o Chek here and continue in the Miscellaneous sectn startng on pae 19 If addiional space Is need 12b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output: At a minimum, pride a brief desciption of each use of the thermal output identified above. ln some cases, thIs brief descrption is sufcient to demostrate usefuln. However, If your faciltys use of therma output is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then yo must provide addiional detaIls as necessar to demostrate uselness. Your applictin may be rejected and/or addltional information may be required if an inscient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: If you have previously received a Commission certification appoving a specic us of thermal output related to the instant f(lcilit, then you need only provide a brief description oftha us and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifyng your facility with the indicated use Such exmption may not be used If any change creates a material deiation from the prevously authorizd us If additional space is needed, continue In the Miscellanes section starting on page 19. 1) 8tu/h 2) 8tu/h . 3) Btulh 4) Btuh 5) Btulh 6) FERC Form 556 Page 15 - ToppIng-Cycle Cogenerati Fadlitles "' Cæ 0 Ø) ',pc 12.- :: .. ulO _- tt~Uo (J(J .a- ttU :;y~en c c: (Jõ.:üo.E t2 w Apcanfo fales f'en tople techn must dèmllstratecoplan with th top- 0 cye operang st~ and,ifapca. efiênc stan.Sei(n29.205(a)0) of the CQlssi's r~la~s (l~Ç.F.R~ .~.. 292.205(a)(1 n establshes the opating standard fo topping-cle cQQeneratin faclls: the usel thenal ene,outptmust be no less than 5 peent of the. total eniiyoutput. Secion 292205(a)(2) (18 (,.R. § 292.205(a)() esis th efency stda fOr toping~~e coeneratin facit for WhiC mstatiotdMmtced on or after March t 3, 198 th usl power oututof the faUity pls oOétf the useful theral enout must (A) be no les t~n 42.Spel'en of tbê total energ Input of natura gas and oil to the fa and (alfthelJ thrmleneou is les tha 15 pecent oftb toenrg oupu ofthe facilit, be no les tha 45 pecet of the tot erel inpu of natural gas and 011 tQt! facilit. To densrate compliance with t!toppig-cyde operti anor effcy standas, or to denstrate that you factlity Is exmpt from the effdenc standard based on the date that installation commenced. respon to liles 13a throgh13lbe. ' If yO Indkated Illlilie 10a that you fadltty represents bo topping-cyle and bottoming-eyd cogeneratioii tec~y, then respond to liles 13a through 131 belo considering only the energy inputs and outputs attria?le to the topping-cycl portio of yo faa1ity. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear \¥h mas and energy flow values and sytem components are for whichportn (toping or bottoming) of the (jgenrati sytem. l$alrçate the arnuátavraelëteol.1 tñ.~rmal energy output made .åVâIabet9 the ~tts), net of llt'y heat cQlltåd iTt ço!lênsate return or make-up water Btu 13b Indlat the annul aveage ra~Qf net elctcal energy output kW o13c Multip fine 13b by 3A 1 i to convrt from kW to Btuth o BWth 13c Indicate the annual aver,,e rate of m~nici energy output taken directly off of the sh of a prime move for plö5S not direct related to power production (this'ialue Is usußyteo) . 13e MultiPiY line 13d by 2,544 to convert from hp to Btulh hD o Btut '0 13f Indite the annual av~e l'åteof energy inpt frm natul gas and oil Btuth 139 Toppng-cyle operatin valu = 100 * 13a 1(133 + 13c + 13e) 13h Topping-cyeffdencyvale= 100* (0.5*13a + 13c+ 13e) /13f 0%o 0% 131 Complance wltb operating standard Is the opertliig valu shown in line 13g greater tharor equal to 5%1 DVes (t(:mplies WIh operating stndard) 0 No (does not comply with operatlg stndard) 13J DId IIst8åtlon of the facilitY in its current fonn commence on or aft March 13, 19801 o Yes. Your facllty Is subject to the effcienc requirements of 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(a)(2). Demontratecompliance wih the effciency requlrement by responding to line 13k or 13L as applicable, below. o No. Your facility Is exempt from the effclency standard. Skip lines 13k all 131. 13k Complianc with effclency stndard (for low opeating value): If the operating value shown in lie 13g Is less than 15%, then indicate below whether the efciency value shown In line 13h greater than or eql to 45%: o Ye$ (compiles with effclency standard) 0 No (does not comply with effciency standard 131 Compliance with effcincy standard (for high operating value): If the operating value shown In line 13g Is greater than or equal to 15%, then Illlcate below whethe the efency value shown In line 13h Is greater tban or equal to 42.S%: o Yes (complies wIth effdency standard) 0 No (does not comply with effciency standrd) #I FERC Form 556 Page 16 - Bottlng-Cyd Coenertio facl~es Information Required for Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilty If you indiçateln fine 1 Oathat your taC:ility represents bottoming"cycl CQgeneratiotetllnology, thenyO)nùstresp.ond tethe items on pages 16 and 17. Otrwise, ski pages 16 and 17. The thermal energy output of a booming-cycle cogeneration facilit is th energy reate to theprQCess(es) from '0 which at least some of the reje het is then used for poer production. Pursuant to setions 292.2(2(c) and (e) of the Commission's regulatins (18 C.F.R. § 292.202(c) and (e)), the thalenergyoutpt of aqualifying bottoming. cycle (:egeneratlen facility must be useful. In connetion with this requirement descbe the proèeSS(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is usd for poer producton by respondi to Hoes 14aand 14bbelow. 14a Identify and desrIbe each thermal host and each bottomlng-eycle cogeneration process. engaged in by each host. For hosts with multiple bottoming-ccle cogeneration processes, provIde the data for eadi process in separate ros. riasthe~ergy input teName of entity.(thermal host) th~\tlerlll host beenperformIng the prncess from augmef'ted for purposeswhich at least some of the of IncreasIng power reject heat is iisedfor power Thermal hosts relation$hlpto facîKtyprodG(tfn capacity? production Thermal host's pr9cess ty (ifYes,.ê1escribe on p. 19:) (1 ~ ~ +-._ ::E a.O +-+o ::+- 0oa: tt ~ §V) (I~Fc:-~(1V):: 1) Selct thermal host's relationship to facUlty Selet thermal host's process type Selec thermal host's relationship to facility Select thermal hosts process type Select thermal host's relationship to fadtt Select themUlI host's process type o Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section staing on page 19: if additnal space is need YesD NoD 2)YesD No 0 3)YesO No 0 14b Demonstration of usefulness oftl)ermal OUtput: At a minimum, pr~ea.brJe ~~ptl( ~eth pr~e~ identIfied above. In some cases, thIs brief decription is suffJdent to demonstrate usefulness. However, If YØur faclltys proces is not common, andor if theusefukiess of suh themal9l.Lput i~not reisonapIYj~lear, then YQl. must provide additional details as necesary to demonstrate usefulness. Your applion may .ii rèectedand/or addltlonallnformatlon maybe required if an Insufclentshowlngof usefuness Is made. (excepton: If yo have previouslyreceiVe a Commission certifcation approving a spedfcbottoming..cle procesrelated to the instant facility, then ynu need. only provide a brief description oftnat process and. a .referenc;e nY ~teand dQket number to the orclr certifying your facility with the indicated process. Such exemption may not be useêl if any material changes to the proce~slive been made.) If aêlditlonalspaçe is needed, continiie in the Miseiiane9!s seion starting on page 19. , FER For 556 Page 17 - Bottoming-Cyce Cogneration Facilities "C c: Cto 0Ol.-c: .._ to..-r! aQ) -Q. too U fJ. CL_ :: ~..~U '"i ~ ~ c: .- Q)E .0 °tE~ wot: Appts for falitlesrepreentl btttoming-qletechno and forwh!dlo$tal eoiO' On or ¡aft March 13, 1990 must demonstratecompllaeWih the bottmlng.cy~ effclenstancr4s. SKtn Z92~05() of the somml~lo's regulations (18 (.F.R. § 292.205(b)) establishes the effiency standard for bottoming-cyle fogeneratlonfacllle theusl po outputofthe facllt must be no Ièstha~45 percent of the ener input ofnaurf gas and ()l forsuleentatflng. To derstratecompllnce with the bottomlng effdecy standard (if applible), or to demonstte that your facilty Is exempt from this standard based on the da that lnstallation of the facilit began,repo to lines 15a through 1 sh belOW. k you InlcateØ In line loa thatyo\.t facitlt reeserts bo. toppil'~Ie and boomlng-eyde coeneration tecnolgy, then respod to Ilri 15a through .15h!ilo considring only the .energy Inputs and outpu attributable to the bottoming-cc:e portion of your facilit. Your mass and heat balançe diagram mlJst make cléar which mass and ene flow values and system components are for which portion of the cogeneratloii system (tOfing otbOomÎng). 1 sa Did installation of the facility In Its current form commence on or afr March 13, 19801 DYes. Your facIli Is subject to the ef requmèntof 18 CF.R.§ 292.20S(). Demotrte compiance with the effciency requirement by reonding to line 15b through 15h below. o No Your fadllt is exempt kom. the èfdency standrd. Skp the re ofpage 17. tSblnd"te~the ållUåt averge raeohiet elerical energy output 1 SC Multiply line 1 Sb bY 3,412 to convert from kW to Btul o Btul kW o hD 4) Btulh o (I 1Sd Indicte the ánnu average rate of mechank:l enegy output taken directly off of the shatofaprlmefl for purpses not dlrct related to power productton (this value Is usually zero) 1Se Mtlltlply.lie l5d by2.5ftoconverkomhpto BWlh o Btul 1Sf Indk:~theannul avge rate of suplementary energy Inpu from natural gas oroll 1 Sg Bottmlng-cde efflency value = 100 * (1 Sc + 1 Se) /1 Sf 0% 1 Sh COi:plf8lce \lft effiency standard: Inc.cate belo. whether the effdency Vâlue shown in line 15g is greater than or equal to 45%: o Yes (compiles with efciency standard) 0 No (doe not coply with efden standard) l FERC Form 556 Page 18 - Al Facilits Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Applicant must certlfycompllance with and unnding of filing reuirements by checking nex to. eaçh it.em below and signIng at the bottom of this secion. Forms with incomplete Certificates of Completenes, Acc;uracy an~ Ai.thrlty will be rejected by the seretary of the Commissio. Signer Identlfled below c;ertifles the foRowng: (chk al items and applicable subltems) He or she has read the tilingt induding any information contained In any attac:ned doc:uments,such as coeneration f8 mass and heat balance diagrams, anclany information contained in the MIsceltaneos seclonstrtngoripage 19, and knows it contents, f8 He or she has provided all of the required information for certification, and the provded lnft,rmatloii Is true as .S,ed to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. f8 He or she possess full power and authority to sign the filing; as required by Rule 2005(a)(3) of the C()mmission'sRtleS ofPtactlceand Procedure (18C.F.R. § 3S5.20(a)(3)), he or she is one of thefollowng (çheckone) o The person on whose behalf the filing is made 12 An offer ohhe corporation, trust assciation, Of other organiiedgrouorbehal of wlic'h the filing isrnade o An offcer, agent, or employe of the governmental auhøit, agençYtOf Înst.entaty t,l' be.ialf of whlcfhefiling is made o A representative qualified to practice b~fore the Commissioifunder Rule 21Øl oftheCøn;mLssl()l'!s Rul~ ofPractice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. § 385.2101) and who possesses authority tQ sign f8 He or she has reviewed all automatic calclatios and agrees with thir result, unless oterse noted lfith Miscellaneous section strting on page 19. He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attchments to the utilIties wit which thefalltYwiU iz interc;onnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities Qfthe statesiowhkh thefacìlty and those utilties reside. Se the Require Notleto Public Utiliies and State RegufatoryAuthorles set:tion on page 3 for more information. Provide your signature, address and slgnawre date below. Rule 2OO5(c) of the CommIssion's Rules of Practit:e and Procedure (18 C.F,R. § 38SJOO5(c)) prodes that person flUng their douments electoniclly may ~SEtyPed cfacters representing his or her name to sign the flied documents. A person filing thfs document eleconicalfy shold sign (by typing his or her name) In the space provided below. Your Signature Your adress 150 N. Dairy Ashford Road Bldg C-356D, Houston, TX 77079 Date Richard Williams 10/27/2010 Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only:D , FERC Form 556 Page 19 - Al Facilities- Miscellaneous Usetbt spae to prov any infrmatlòn for whih the was not suffdent space in the previos setion of the for to pr. For each such Item oflnformation de identfthe line number that the Inforatio belos to. You may also use this spa to provide any additional inforation you believe Is releVt to the cerlfcatlonof your facilty. Your repose bel Is not limited to one page. Additional page(s) will automaticlly be insered Into this form If the length of you reponse exceeds the space on this pa!:e. Use as many pages as you require. ii: ll4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-53 CHARLIE WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.4 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-54 FOR EXHIBIT NO.4 L: I,1.i'rl- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-53 CHARLIE WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.5 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-55 FOR EXHIBIT NO.5