HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110318Bravo Wind Comments.pdfPeter J. Richardson (~SB # 3195) Gregory M. Adas (jSB # 7454) RICHASON &, q'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Stret I Boise, Idao 83702 I Telephone: (208) 93*-2236 Fax: (208) 938-79041:==== Attorneys for Alpha Kvind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Chalie Wind LLC, ipeita Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC i I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IIN THE MATTE," OF TH APPLICATION (jF IDAHO POWER COMP ANY FO~ A DETERMINATION REGARING AfiIR ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT B . TWEEN IDAHO POWER AND A . PHA WID, LLC i I I IN TH MATTE~ OF Tll APPLICATION (jF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FO~ A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BßTWEEN IDAHO POWER AN Bil VO WIN, LLC ! i IN THE MATTR. OF THE APPLICATION ~F IDAHO POWER COMPANY FO~ A DETERMINATION REGARING A fIR ENRGY SALES AGREEMENT BpTWEEN IDAHO POWER AND CJlIE WI, LLC t: r-~ "¡ ~_..- 11f.17 Prl 5: 12 ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-51 ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIND LLC ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E..IO..52 ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF BRAVO WIND LLC ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO..53 ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF CHAIE WID ) LLC ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND DELTA WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AN ECHO WID, LLC I ) CASE NO. IPC-E..q-54) I) i ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF DE~ TA WIND LLC i i ) CASE NO. IPC-E-ia-55 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) i IiiCOMMENTS OF ECfIO WIN LLC COMES NOW, Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Charlie WVid LLC, Delta Wind i i LLC, and Echo Wind LLC, each of which is managed by Cotterel Winfinergy Center LLC i (collectively the "Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs"), and pursuant to thelIdaho Public Utilties Commission's ("Commission's") Notice of Modified Procedure and Ordlr No. 32188, hereby i fies these Comments in the above-captioned matters.! For the reasons I set fort below, the i Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs respectfly request that the Commiss1on approve the Firm i Energy Sales Agreements ("FESAs") with Idaho Power for each of the fivelprojects. i I The relevant facts for each of these five projects are substatially sii:ilar. Counel for the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs has therefore filed a single set of COm$ents applicable to all five projects to save the Commission and other interested paries from th~ need to review fiveseparate sets of Comments. ¡ iCOMMENTS OF ALPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTAWID LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC I CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 2 I 1 The five Co~erei WindEnergy Center LLCs are each located near Burley, Idaho, and are ¡ INTRODUCTION each quaifyg facllities ("QFs") entitled to contracts with rates set at Idao Power's ful i avoided .costs, undfr the Public Utility Reguatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), as implemented by the I Idaho Public Utilties Commission. Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, , i Delta Wind LLC, ah Echo Wind LLC will have an output of 29.9 megawatt ("MW"), and !i Chalie Wind LLC Will have an output of 27.6 MW. Each will generate 10 average monthy i ! megawatts ("aMW"j or less. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs and their predecessors and ! parent companes b~gan developing these wind projects in 2001, and possess rights to use all i federal, stte, and ikvate lands necessar for the projects. They have proceeded though a I System Impact Stu~y with Idaho Power for interconnection of a larger overall output of 177 ! MW, under a queue !position which the projects stil retan. Interconnection is feasible based on I the existing studies. I , i In tota, the ldevelopers of the five projects have spent approximately $7 millon. The ! I Cotterel WindEnergr Center LLCs' predecessor project was the finalist in Idaho Power's June i. i2009 wid request fqr proposals ("RFP"). í On October ~8, 2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs provided Idaho Power with , í five stadad PURP~ contracts contaning non-Ievelized rates in Order No. 31025, executed by the Cottrel WindE~ergy Center LLCs. Afer Idaho Power, along with A vista Utilities and I Rocky Mountan Power, filed the Joint Motion to Reduce the Published Rate Eligibilty Cap on ! November 5, 2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each filed complaints agaist Idaho COMMENTS OF ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTA WID LLC, AND aCHO WIN LLC CASE NOS. IPC..E-l0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 3 ! ! Power on November 8, 2010, alleging they were entitled to standard PURP.. contracts and Idao Power had uneasonably requied the projects to proceed though unece~sar interconnection ! iand transmission processes in respons to the QFs' contract submitts vthen the QFs already possessed the rights obtaned though Idao Power's Large Generator Intertonnection Process in i its Open Access Transmission Tarff ("OA IT'). Idaho Power and the totterel WindEnergy Center LLCs agreed to stay the complaint proceedings and execute stadaid QF wid contracts. i ! On Friday, December 10, 2010, afer the QFs agreed to proceed throug, Idaho Power's new i interconnection and transmission process in response to Idaho Power's cqntinued insistence to i use that process, Idaho Power provided five executable contracts. The t20tterel WindEnergy I Center LLCs executed the ageements on December 13, 2010, and sent ipem to Idaho Power, I i which executed the originals on December 15, 2010, and fied the con~acts for Commission approval on December 16,2010. On Februar 7, 2011, the Commssion issued Order No. 32176, ~herein it reduced the i eligibilty cap to 100 kilowatts ("kw") for wind and solar QFs, and stated th~ effective date of the i order would be December 14,2010. Idao Power informed the QFs on Febru 23, 2011, that it had incorrectly determined the QFs must proceed through the new transmission process, and j stated it would instead continue the process under Idaho Power's OATT, ~hich is how the QFs , proposed proceeding all along. Because the Cotterel WindEnergy Ce*ter LLCs meet any i grandfathering test for entitlement to the published avoided cost rates, th~ Commission should j COMMENTS OF ALPHA WID LLC, BRAVO WID LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTAWIN LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC . CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-10-55 PAGE 4 i approve all five contacts.2 i LEGAL BACKGROUND i A. The Public Wtility Regilatory Poliçies Act of 1978's Mandatory Purchase Provisions 1 Ths case iilvolves the Commission's implementation of the mandatory purchase i i obligation of PURf A, which requires electrc utilities to purchase power produced by i cogenerators or smaji power producers that obta statu as a QF. 16 U.S.C. § 824a~3(a)(2). i Congress's intent ''l to encourage the promotion and development of renewable energy ! itechnologies as alteijatives to fossil fuels and the constction of new generating facilties by ! electrc utilties." Rpsebud Enterprises, Inc. v. Idaho Pub. Util. Commn., 128 Idaho 609, 613, 917 P.2d 766, 780 d996). "Traditional electrc utilties were reluctat to purchae power from, i iand sell power to, 1-e nontraditiona facilties." FERC v. Mississippi, 456 U.S. 742, 750, 102 i S~Ct. 2126, 2132-2*3 (1982). To overcome ths problem, "§ 210(a) (of PURPA) directs the ! (Federal Energy R~guatory Commission ("FERC")), in consultation with stae reguatory j authorities, to prom~gate such rues as it determes necessar to encourage cogeneration and small power produ9tion, includig rues requiring utilties to offer to sell electrcity to, and purchae electrcity ~om, quaifying cogeneration and small power production facilties." Id, 456 U.S. at 750~51, \02 S.Ct. at 2133. iiiThe price PlfA section 210(b) requies the utilties to pay to QFs in exchange for a i 2 The Cottrel ¡ WindEnergy Center LLCs note that several pares to GNR-E~ 1 0-04 have disputed whether ~ effective date of Order No. 32176 could be retroactively effective on Decembe 14, 2010.1 For puroses of these comments, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs will use December ~4, 2010, as the effective date, without conceding that the Commssion had the authority to mak~ the reduction in the eligibilty cap retroactively effective. i ~~~ ~ = lt' BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA CASE NOS. IPC~E-iO-51, IPC~E-I0-52, IPC-E-10-53, IPC-E-I0~54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 5 I QF's electrcal output is termed the avoided cost rate, which is the cost to iie utilty of producing , the energy itself or purchasing it from an alterntive source. 16 U.S.C. § ~24a-3(b), (d). FERC promulgated reguations requiring utilties to compensate QFs for the utilities' full avoided cost. 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b); Small Power Production and Cogeneratìòn Itcìltìes; Regulatìons Implementìng Sectìon 210 of the Publìc Utìlty Regulatory Polìcy Act ot 1978, 45 Fed. Reg. I 12,214, 12,222-12,223 (Feb. 25, 1980). The U.S. Supreme Cour dire~tly afrmed FERC's , "full-avoided-cost rue," Amerìcan Paper Instìtute, Inc. v. FERC, 461 U~S. 402, 417-18, 103 ! ¡S.Ct. 1921, 1930 (1983), and that rue is stil in effect today. FERC's regulations entitle QFs to long term contract rates set at thelutilties' full avoided I costs at the time the QF commits itself to a legally enforceable obligation~o deliver its project's output. 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b), (d)(2)(ii); JD Wìnd 1, LLC, "Order lenyig 'Request for i íRehearg, Reconsideration or Clarfication,'" 130 FERC , 61,127, , 23 ¡(Febru 19, 2010). Furer, FERC's regulations require utilities to publish "stadad rates" a~ailable for long term ¡ , contracts available to QFs below a state-implemented maximum generatin$ capacity. 18 C.F.R. i § 292.304(c)(1)-(3). The Idaho Commssion requies utilities in Idao to ~ake the rats in the i, i published rate schedule available to QFs that generate less than 10 aMW. fee U.S. Geothermal, Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-04-8, Order No. 2963~, p. 14 (2004). On i 1 Februar 7,2011, however, the Commission reduced the eligibility cap to 1100 kw for wind and solar QFs and stated the effective date of this reduction would be Decembe~ 14,2010. See Order No. 32176, atpp. 11-12. COMMENTS OF ALPHA WILLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHARLIE lrIN LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WID LLC ! CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, ipC-a-1O-55 PAGE 6 ¡ B. PURP A Gr1ndfatherig Criteria When the pU~lished rates chage, or become otherwse unvailable to a QF before the QF I ca obta a contretJ the QF is entitled to grandfathered rates if it can "demonstrate that 'but for' ¡ the actions of (the uplity, the QF) was otherwse entitled to a power purchae contract." Earth Power Resources, I~c. v. Washington Water Power Company, Case No. WWP-E-96-6, Order i No. 27231 (1997) ¡(fidig utilty delayed negotiations and therefore QF was entitled to iI grandfalered rate); fee also Blind Canyon Aquaranch v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC- E-94.1, Order No. 25802 (1994); Snow Mountain Pine v. Maudin, 84 Or. App. 590, 600, 734 i P.2d 1366, 1371 (19~7). ¡The most onerous test the Commssion has ever used for determg grandfather eligibilty is the pre- ~led complaint test. Ths test requies, prior to the effective date of the rate chage, the QF mus~ have obtaed an executed contract, or have fied a meritorious complait at i the Commssion all~ging it is entitled to a contract. See A. W. Brown Co., Inc. v. Idaho Power i ICo., 121 Idaho 812, i 816-18, 828 P.2d 841, 845-47 (1992). The Idaho Supreme Cour has never ! mandated ths test ~ the Commssion's only available way to test whether a QF had effected a í legally enorceable ¡obligation, and the Commssion ha not applied ths onerous pre-filed : complait test consi~tently. See, e.g., Blind Canyon Aquaranch. Order No. 25802; Earth Power I Resources, Inc., Ord~r No. 27231. I i i, COMMENTS OF AtPHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WIN LLC, DELTA WIND LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-10-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-10-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 7 . PROCEDURA AND FACTUAL BACKGRO~ A. Development Overview , Boise-based Windland Inc. began development of the wind ~esource on Cotterel Mountan in 2001. Affdavit of Kevin Simmons, at ~ 3. Windland and S~LL Wind Energy Inc. i ("SWE") entered into a Project Development Agreement in 2003 to Ijointly share in the i development and costs associated with permttg a wid generatig complex of up to 200 MW in capacity. ld. at ~ 4. Although Windland retas a substatial financial ï4terest in the project's success, in 2008, SWE purchased the controllng interest in the project fr~m Windland and has í I been continuing the development, environmenta monitoring and marketin~ of the project. ld at i ~ 5. Since development began in 2001 the development parers have! perormed extensive , I wind data collection and analyses, constrctabilty reviews, an intensive and a very expensive Environmenta Impact Study requied due to the project's location on ~lad managed by the i United States Bureau of Land Management, and other related project develppment activities. ld i at ~ 6. To date, the parers have invested approximately $7 milion. ld ~ ~ 7. They curently , ipossess all real property rights and permts necessar to build the QF prøjects, as well as the ¡ Inecessar local zoning permits. ld at ~~ 9-15. ¡ In addition to a capital investment of close to $300 millon itequied to complete i development of the QFs, the project will provide signficant local benefits in terms of ! ì constrction jobs (approximately 250) and full time jobs (approximately 1 ~), propert taes and other direct benefits for the local economy. ld at ~ 8. COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIN LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, CHAIE WID LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WI LLC i CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-10-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 8 i B. Discussions ""ith Idaho Power prior to PURP A submittal i Because the totterel Mounta wind resource area lies with the Idaho Power's servce i terrtnry and is very hear the Idaho Power transmission system, Windland began discussions with i Idaho Power in 200~. Id. at,ir 20-21. In 2006, SWE bid the Cotterel Mountan Project into, Idaho Power's RFP ¡seeking up to 150 MW of wid energy. Id. at ir 22. Idaho Power did not , select the Cotterel Mounta Project in that RFP, but Idaho Power subsequently solicited a i propo.sal from SWE to sell the development rights to Idaho Power. Id. at ir 23-24. SWE expended tie and ~xpenses to submit a detaled proposal, but Idaho Power never responded to SWE's proposal. Id.l at ir 24-25. ! SWE biddedlthe Cotterel Mountan Project into Idao Power's 2009 RFP, as a 150 MW ! project. Id. at ir 26.1 In late 2009, Idao Power informed SWE that it had selected the Cotterel i Mounta Wind projbct as a short-list bidder. Id. at ir 27. Afer many months of negotiations, it i appeaed to SWE th~t the final contract terms were settled in July 2010. Id. at ir 28. But Idaho Power subsequently ~equested very signficant additiona concessions and ultimately terminated ! the negotiations andiclosed the RFP in sumer 2010. Id. at ir 29. At that time, SWE was still i interested in coiitin~ng the negotiations to reach a final agreement. Id. at ir 30. i IiThough the tears, Windland and SWE have been engaged in the interconnection process I iwith Idao Power's I interconnection and transmission personnel though Idaho Power's Large Generator Interconnection Process under its OATT. Id. at ir 31. Idaho Power fist completed an interconnection feas~bilty study on July 1, 2005, which indicated that up to 240 MW could be saely injected into the local tranmis~on system at cost acceptable to the development parers. i COMMTS OF AlPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WIN LLC, AND l1CHO WIND LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 9 . ld. at ~~ 32-33. In October 2009, SWE re-activated the interconnection process with Idao Power for a , project of a reduced size of 177 MW, and was told that because no newl generation had been i proposed in the area since the original Feasibility Study in 2005 Idaho I Power would move 1 directly into the System Impact Study ("SIS") as Generator No. 302. ld. at ~ 34. Idaho Power ! i completed the SiS on March 15,2010, which concluded tht the ful outputlof 177 MW could be i successfuly integrated into the Idao Power Transmission system at the point of interconnection I without signficant modifications to the transmission system. ld at ~ 35.1 The Project entered 1i into a Facilties Study Agreement on April 22, 2010. ld at ~ 36. In Jul~ 2010, Idaho Power ! contacted SWE regarding the Facility Design Study and began to arangb a series of calls to i discuss constrction costs and schedules to meet a December 2012 online dlte. ld at ~ 37. , i C. The Qualifg Facilties' Contracts Submittals i In fall 2010, SWE developed five quaifyng facilties at the Coiterel Mountan Wind i Complex. ld at ~ 38. Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Delta Wind tLC, and Echo Wind i i LLC will each have an output of 29.9 MW, and Charlie Wind LLC will hlve an output of 27.6 i MW. ld at ~ 39. These QFs will each generate 10 megawatts or les~ when the output is averaged over any given month. ld. The generation equipment of each i~ separated by at least ! i one mile at the closest points. ld In October 2010, the five projects wereleach self-certified as qualifying facilties. ld at ~ 40. On October 28,2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs proviaed Idaho Power with !. i five standad PURPA contracts contanig the non-Ievelized rates in OrderlNo. 31025, executed COMMENTS OF ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE VVD LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC ; CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-10-55PAGE 10 i by the Cotterel Win~nergy Center LLCs. ld. at ir 41. These five contracts were mior images I of the niost recently! approved wid QF stadard contract at the tinie (from Case No. IPC-E-09- i 25), with the excep~on that the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs' contracts contaned different i project specifics, lqwer rates contaned in Order No. 31025, and a higher delay liquidated daages securty an0unt of $45 per kw consistent with the most recent QF contracts. ld. at ir 42 iI and Exhbits 1 - 5.31 SWE provided a cover letter with each of the contrcts indicating that the i QFs planed to use la single point of interconnection and continue though the interconnection process already in i*ogress under Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. ld. at ir 43 and r Exhbits 1 - 5. SWE also cqntacted Idao Power transmission and interconnection personnel to inform ¡ them of the reduced I overall output of the projects to 147 MW and a change in tubine. ld. at ir j 44. But on Noveni~r 4, 2010, Idao Power sent letters of understadig requirig that SWE ¡ agree, prior to exe~tion of the PURP A agreements, that SWE would proceed though new i interconnection and ¡ transniission processes. ld. at ir 45. Idaho Power's proposed letters of i understadig requied a signatue agreeing to the new process with new milestones to be I, achieved before power purchase contrcts execution, and included draf Network Resource: Integration Study Aleemeìits, and Tranmission Capacity Application Questionnres for each QF. ld at ir 46. . i I3 These Octo~er 28th contracts are atthed as Exhbits 1-5 to the Afdavit of Kevin Simmons. In each of the individua cases, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs have attched only the Exhbit corespondig to the contract at issue in tht case. For example, only the October 28th contratt submitt applicable to the Alpha Wind LLC. project is fied with the Affdavit of Kevin SiJrmons in Case No. IPC-E-10-51. iCOMMNTS OF A~PHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WIND LLC, AND qCHO WIN LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-~0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-1O-55 PAGE 11 Then, on November 5, 2010, Idaho Power, along with Avista ¡Utilities and Rocky Mountan Power, fied the Joint Motion to Reduce the Published Rate Eligibilty Cap. See Case i No. GNR-E-I0-04. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each fied co~plaits against Idaho Power on November 8, 2010, alleging they were entitled to stadard co$racts and that Idahoi Power had insisted on an unecessar interconnection and transmissidn process when the i I projects possessed rights acquired though Generator Interconnection Requ~st No. 302. See Case Nos. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-I0-54, and lPC-E-10-55. The Commssion did not grant the imediate reduction in the published rate eligibilty cap requested i by the Joint Utilties, and on November 19. 2010, Idaho Power and the totterel WindEnergy Center LLCs agreed to stay the complaint proceeding in order to execu~e stadard QF wind i contracts containig the published rates. Affdavit of Kevin Simmons. at ~ 4~. On November 30,2010, Idaho Power tendered a draf contract for tach QF substatially i similar to the QFs' drafts modeled on the IPC-E-09-25 contract and delivered on October 28, , 2010. ¡d. at ~ 50. Idao Power agai insisted in a letter dated December p, 2010, that the QFs i agree to proceed though a different process for securng transmission tq Idao Power's load center from that in the OATT under their existing Generator Interconnectton No. 302. ¡d. at ~ iIi51. Because Idaho Power insisted ths new process was a prerequisite ~ obtaning executed i power sale contracts, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs had pr~viously signed and submitted the November 4,2010 letters of understading, and now each in4ividua QF submitted the Transmission Capacity Application Questonnaire on December 9. 201 O~ ¡d. at ~ 52. ¡ On Friday, December 10, 2010, Idao Power tendered five executabie contracts which i COMMENTS OF ALPHA WI LLC. BRAVO WID LLC, CHAIE tI LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC : CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-B-1O-55 PAGE 12 were substatially *imilar to those submitted by the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs on October 28,2010. 1'f at ir 53. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs executed the agreements on December 13, tOl0, and sent them to Idao Power, which executed the originals on December 15, 2010,land fied the contracts for Commssion approval on December 16,2010. Id at ir 54. On Decembct 21,2010, Idaho Power's PURPA contracts admstration deparent sent letters to each of the QFs asserting that each project must sign a Network Resource Integration , Study Agreement aid submit a deposit of $2,000 by Janua 3, 2011. Id. at ir 55. Idao Power , stated ths was nece$sar under the new transmssion process, outlined in its November 4,2010 ; letters of understaqig, and that if the QFs did not submit the deposit and the agreement by Janua 3, 2011, th~ network transmission request would be withdrawn. Id. at irir 56-57. The letter provided for ~o delay in ths requiement for the intervenig holidays. Id. at ir 57. The , Cotterel WinQEnergl Center LLCs signed the Network Resource Integration Study Agreements i on December 30, 2Ql0, electronically mailed scaned copies to Idaho Power on December 31, 2010, and sent the qriginas by overnght delivery on that same day to ensure that they would arve on Monday, Jtuua 3, 2011. Id at ir 59. The QFs transferred the $2,000 for each QF by wie transfer on Jantf 3, 2011. Id at ir 60. But on Febrt 22, 2011, Idaho Power refuded the $10,000 provided for the new, tranmission study process. Id at ir 61. Idaho Power stated in a letter from its transmission personnel on Febnu 23, 2011, that it approved SWE's chanes from the original Generator i Interconnection req~est of 177 MW to a smaller interconnection of only 148 MW for PURP A COMMENTS OF AlPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WID LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WIN LLC, AND E;CHO WID LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-tO-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 13 j projects, and would proceed with the sae Generator No. 302 under tle Large Generation i Interconnection Procedures of the OATT. Id. at'¡ 62. Ths is the process $WE requested Idaho Power follow for the QFs when SWE fit submitted contracts on October 28, 2010, and the i process each QF alleged it was entitled to follow in the Complaits filed o~ November 8, 2010. Id. at'¡ 63. Idaho Power now apparently agrees that the Cotterel WindEne~gy Center LLCs may proceed though the interconnection process under the OATT. COMMNTS A. The Cotterel WindEnerg Center LLCs each satisfy the grandf~ther tests. There is no question that the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs eaqh entitled themselves to long term contracts with rates set at the published avoided costs prior t9 the reduction in the ,i eligibilty cap, because each obligated itself to a legally enforceable ob~igation to deliver its i project's output before December 14,2010. See 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b), (d)(2)(ii). i Each QF satisfies even the most strgent grandfather test ever use~ by the Commission i because each had a meritorious complaint on file at the Commssion on Ndvember 8, 2010. See A. W Brown Co., Inc., 121 Idaho at 816-18, 828 P.2d at 845-47. Eac~ project's complaint i alleged Idaho Power had unjustifiably refued to accept a binding offer tol enter into a stadard PURP A contract and unjustifiably required each QF to proceed though ~ new interconnection ,i and transmission process, which would delay execution of contracts. See domplaints, at,¡'¡ 7,9, 16, Case Nos. IPC-E-10-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-I0-54,i IPC-E-I0-55. The i ¡ allegations proved meritorious because Idaho Power agreed to exec4ie stadard PURP A contracts. Indeed, each project had even executed Idaho Power's final verlion of the FESAs on i COMMNTS OF ALPHA WID LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WIN LLC, DELTAWID LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC i CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-IO-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-:E-1O-55PAGE 14 . December 13, 2010¡ Affdait of Kevin Simmons, at' 54. That Idaho Power did not sign the agreements until D~cember 15, 2010 makes no difference because Idaho Power provided the ; final FESAs itself pn December 10, 2010, and obviously had no remaing issues with the contract terms. Id ~t , 53. Fller, execution of final ageements by both paries was delayed by Idaho Power's r#Usal to execute the FESAs (expressed in its letter dated November 4,2010) until afer the QFsl agreed to proceed though a different interconnection and tranmission process, which Ida Power itself has subsequently stated to be the incorrect process. Id at " 43-46, 51-52, (j1-63~ Furer, the ~7 milion spei:t on developing the projects and the advanced stage of their , matuty evidences tPeir intent to obligate themselves to the FESAs. See In the Matter of Cassia Wind to Determine ~xemption Status, Case No. IPC-E-05-35, Order No. 29954, pp. 2-4 (2006) (fiding wind QF e~titled to grandfathered rates based on matuty of development of project when it had merely I submittd a completed application for interconnection study, ii:cluding the applicable fee, an~ had performed wind studies, commenced preliminar permtting and licensing activities, tud made efforts to secure sites to place tubines). Prior to the rate change date, the projects' managing company had obtaned interconnection studies establishing the feasibilty to inter~ect output in excess of that needed for the five QFs, Affdavit of Kevin Simmons, at , 35, ~ad obtaed all necessar real propert rights, id at " 9-19, and had II negotiated varous ¥pects of the project with Idaho Power for several years, id. at " 20-54. , Indeed, the Cottel iWindEnergy Center LLCs were matue enough that their predecessor wind resource complex w~s the fial bidder in Idaho Power's 2009 RFP. Id. at" 27-28. COMMNTS OF AtPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA WI LLC, AND EjCHO WID LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 15 Finally, knowledge of the contract terms fuer evidences the int$t of the QFs in ths i í case to obligate themselves prior to the effective date. See In the Matter ¡of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement wi~h Yellowstone Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-I0-22, Order 32104, p. 12 (2010) (approving df grandfathered rates i despite "the apparent lack of any written documentation. . . evidencing tha~ the terms of á power purchase agreement were materially complete (before the rate chager' i~ par because the QF had "familiarty with PUR A projects and the stadard terms of Idao Po'!er's power purchase agreements"). Each of the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs executld stadad PUR A agreements on October 28,2010, a month and a half in advance of Decembtr 14,2010. Affdavit I of Kevin Simmons, at ~ 42 and Exhbits 1-5. The terms of those contracts differed minially from those provided by Idaho Power on December 10,2010, which the QF~ signed on December 13,2010. B. The Contract terms and Idaho Power's most-current wind int~gration study allay the concerns raised in Idaho Power's Application regarding s~stem reliabilty and cost. Idaho Power asserted in each of its Applications that ''the request in Pis Application. . . is made with the specific reservation of rights and incorporation of the averments set fort in the Joint Petition regarding the possible negative effects to the (sic) both the ut~lity and its customers of additional and unettered PURP A QF generation on system reliabilty, tltilty operations, and ! costs of incorporating and integrating such a large penetration level ofPVRPA QF generationi COMMENTS OF ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHARLIE WID LLC, DELTAWIND LLC, AND ECHO WIND LLC : CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-10-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55PAGE 16 ' into the utility's system." Application, at p. 3.4 Because the terms of the FESAs in ths case and the curent wid ~tegration charge protects ratepayers, and because the projects obligated themselves prior to ~e effective date of the eligibilty cap reduction, the QFs submit that Idaho Power's concerns s~oqld not preclude Commssion approval of the contracts. i First, the qommssion should consider the system reliabilty and wind integration discussion in the ¡Nortwest and Intermountan Power Producers Coalition's ("NIPPC") Connents in GNR1E-I0-04. See NIPPC Opening Comments, Case No. GNR-E-I0-04, pp. 13- 16 (Dec. 22, 2010). In those Comments, NIPPC pointed out that, despite Idaho Power's sttements in the Jo~t Motion regRldig 1100 MW being near Idaho Power's minium loads, Idaho Power's own lvnd integration study concluded that even at 1200 MW of wid capacity on the Company's syst~m, wind would reach only 80% of its loads and it would do so only for a few hours per year. ~ee Enernex's Idaho Power 2007 Wind Study, Case No. IPC-E-07-03, p. 34 (Febni 6, 2007). i The settlement that resulted afer conclusion of that wind integration study mae the avoided c~st rates available to wind developers at a rate reduced by $6.50IMWh for projects coming online when Idao Power's cumulative wind power is "501 MWand above." ! See Order No. 3048., at p. 8. There is no upper cap contaned in the order, and Idao Power ha not availed its.elf ofithe opportty since to update its wid integration study. Furer, Idaho Power's wind integr~tion study did not consider the firming ability of any of the Company's 744 4 Because Irlo Power's Applications in Case Nos. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-I0- 53, IPC..E-I0..54, IP(;-E-I0..55 ar substatially the same, these Comments will refer to them interchangeably as ~e the "Application." COMMNTS OF AtPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA WIND LLC, AND ElCHO WID LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-l0-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC-E-1O-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 17 . MW of gas combustion tubine capacity that will be online by the time the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs are online in December 2014. See NIPPC Opening Comments, Case No. GNR-E- 10-04, at p. 15. The Commission should also consider that the rates in these PURPA agreements are lower than those in contracts and self-built projects recently approved for Idaho Power. See NIPPC Reply Comments, Case No. GNR-E-1O-04, pp. 15-20 (Jan. 21, 2011). Furher, the FESAs for each QF conta extensive protections for ratepayers. which address the concerns raised by Idaho Power's application. Idaho Po~er warants that the Agreements comport with the terms and conditions of the varous Commiss~on Orders applicable to PURPA agreements for a wind resource. See Application, at p. 4 (citlig Order Nos. 30415, 30488, 30738 and 31025). According to those orders, the rate in the F~SA for each of the projects is reduced by the Idaho Power's wid integration charge. Order No. 30488, at pp. 8-9. The contracts also contan a Mechancal Availabilty Guaantee, which reqUires reduced payment to the QF if its tubines are unavailable for inexcusable reasons. Id. The ¡contracts require that the QF share in the costs of wind forecastig. Id. The FESAs also provid~ for a reduced rate at ¡times of the day and months of the year when the energy is wort less ta Idaho Power due to demand and regional market conditions. See Order No. 30415. Each QF has selected December 31, 2014, as its Scheduled Operati~n Date, and sections,, 5.3.2 and 5.8.1 of each FESA contans a liquidated damage and securty prøvision of $45 per kw of nameplate capacity for failure to achieve that date. That will requiie the 29.9-MW QFs , (Alpha, Bravo, Delta, and Echo) to each post $1.345 millon, and the 27.6tMW QF (Charlie) to post $1.242 milion as delay default securty afer Commission approval ofthe contracts. COMMENTS OF ALPHA WIND LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WI LLC, DELTA WIN LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-1O-51, IPC-E-1O-52, IPC-E-IO-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-El-I0-55PAGE 18 ' The QFs ha~e accepted the provisions in each Agreement and Idaho Power's approved Schedule 72 regardlg non-compensated curlment or disconnection of the QF for system reliabilty puroses~ Ths provides Idaho Power the right to exercise "non..ompensated curlment" at time~ "when the generation being provided by the Facilty in certn operatig conditions exceeds ~r approaches the minmum load levels of (Idaho Power's) system such that it may have a de~enta effect upon (Idaho Power's) abilty to manage its thermal, hydro, and other resources in otper to meet its obligation to reliably serve loads on its system." Application at pp. 7-8. Thus, eVen if there were evidence that system reliability issues may evolve in the i futue, the contracts ~low Idao Power to tae reasonable steps to ensure system integrty. CONCLUSION For the reaop.s set fort above, Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Chalie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, ald Echo Wind LLC, respectfly request that the Commssion approve the Fir Energy Sales Agreements with Idao Power for each of the five projects. Respectfly submi*d ths 17th day of March 2011, RICHASON & O'LEARY, PLLC l!21 Gregory M. Adams Attorneys for Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Charlie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC COMMENTS OF AtPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WIND LLC, CHAIE WIND LLC, DELTA WID LLC, AND ElCHO WI LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-JO-51, IPC-E-I0-52, IPC..E-I0-53, IPC-E-I0-54, IPC-E-I0-55 PAGE 19 i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY tht on the 17th day of March, 2011, a tre antl correct copy of the withn and foregoing ALPHA WI LLC, BRAVO WI LLC, C~IE WIND LLC, DELTA WID LLC, AN ECHO WI LLC and the AFFIDAVIT OF KEVI SIMMONS was served as shown to the followig pares: Lisa Nordstrom Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwalker(ßidahopower .com Inordstrom(ßidahopower .com (x) U.S. Mai, Postage prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ¡ ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Randy Allphin Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 rallphinffidahopower .com (x) U.S. Mail, Postage :prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Signed ~C! Adams COMMENTS OF ALPHA WID LLC, BRAVO WIN LLC, CHAIE WIN LLC, DELTA WIND LLC, AND ECHO WIN LLC CASE NOS. IPC-E-I0-51, IPC-E-IO-52, IPC-E-I0-53, IPC-E-1O-54, IPC-Jl-l0-55 PAGE 20 . . Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB No: 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938~7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~chards.onandolear.com gresicharsonandolear.com t:.1V' ..2 Attorneys for Alpha Wind, LLC, Bravo Wind, LLC, Charlie Wind, LLC, Delta Wind, LLC, and Echo Wind, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-51 APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO ) THE ENERGY SALES POWER AND ALPHA WID, LLC ) AGREEMENTS FOR ALPHA WIND, ) LLC ) IN TH MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO. POWER AND BRAVO WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA nON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND CHARLIE WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE I ) CASE NO. IPC..E-10-52 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR BRAVO WIND, ) LLC ) ) CASE NO.IPC-E-IO-53 ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR CHARLIE ) WIND, LLC ) CASE NO. IPC..E-10-54 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND DELTA WIND, LLC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND ECHO WID, LLC . ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROV AL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR DELTA WIND, ) LLC ) ) CASE NO.IPC-E-IO-55 ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS ) IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF ) THE ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENTS FOR ECHO WIND, ) LLC ) I, Kevin Simmons, do declare the following and if called to testify, would and could competently testify thereto: 1. I am over the age of 18, and am employed by Shell WindEnergy Inc. in Business Development. 2. I have directly worked on the development of the qualifying facilties known as Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Charlie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC, each of which is managed by Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC (collectively the "Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs"), and I have personal knowledge of the facts set fort in this affidavit based upon my work in the development of these projects. Summary of Development Efforts 3. Development of the Cotterel Mountain Wind Complex ("Complex") was begun by Boise-based Windland Inc. in 2001. 4. Windland and Shell Wind Energy Inc. ("SWE") entered into a Development Agreement in 2003 to jointly share in the development and costs associated with permitting up to AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 2 /" ~ 200 megawatts ("MW") of wind generation at the Complex. 5. Although Windland retains a substantial financial interest in the Complex's success, in 2008, SWE purchased the controllng interest in the Complex from Windland and has been continuing the development, environmental monitoring and marketing of the Complex. 6. Since 2001, the development parers have performed extensive wind data collection and analyses, constrctabilty reviews, an intensive and a very expensive full Environmental Impact Study puruant to the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA"), and other related development activities. 7. To date the parers have invested approximately $7 milion dollar in these matue wind development projects. 8. In addition to a capital investment of close to $300 milion required to complete development of the QFs, the project will provide significant local benefits in tenns of constrction jobs (approximately 250) and full time jobs (approximately 18), property taxes and other direct benefits for the local economy. Real Propert Rights 9. The Cotterel Mountan wind resource area is aligned along the approximately 14- mile-long Cotterel Mountain ridge line. All 5 of the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC QFs are located in this wind resoure area. 10. The associated transmission line rus north of the Complex for i 9 miles to a location nort of the Minidoka substation where it wil tie into Idaho Power's 138 kilovolt ("kv") Minidoka-Adelaide transmission line. 11. The entire Cotterel Mountain Wind resource area within which the QFs wil be located consists of over 5,500 acres, and is comprised primarily of Bureau of Land Management AFFIDA VIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 3 ., .. ("BLM") and Idaho State lands but also includes transmission easements that have been procured from four private landowners. 12. The BLM lands are secured puruant to a right-of-way (49-year lease) granted in August 2006. 13. The necessar lands managed by the State of Idaho are secured by a lease. 14. The four private landowners have granted easements across their respective propertes. 15. All land use rights have been assigned to Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC. Local Zoning Avprovals 16. In 2007, Cassia County granted the managers of the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC a conditional use permit for the building of the necessar transmission line across the private landowners' propert. 17. The wind fars themselves are an approved land use and need no Conditiona Use Permit. 18. Minidoka County grted a Special Use Permit for a transmission and substation easement at the point of interconnection on the Idaho Power transmission line. 19. Both permts have been assigned to Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC. Discussions with Idaho Power for sale of energy and capacity 20. Because the Cotterel Mountain wind resource area lies within the Idaho Power's service territory and is very near the Idaho Power transmission system, Windland and SWE have always considered Idaho Power to be a logical purchaser of the output. 21. Windland began discussions with John Prescott, then Idaho Power's Vice President, Power Supply in 2002, and subsequently with Mr. Prescott's successor, Jim Miler, AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 4 .i then Senior Vice President, Power Supply, in 2004. 22. In 2006, SWE bid the Cotterel Mountan Project into Idaho Power's request for proposals ("RFP") seeking up to iso MW of wid energy. 23. Idaho Power did not select the Cotterel Mountan Project in that RFP. 24. Idaho Power subsequently solicited a proposal from the project in 2007, to sell the development rights to Idaho Power, and the parers expended time and expense to submit a detailed proposaL. 25. Idaho Power never responded to the proposal to sell the development rights to the wind resource area. 26. SWE bidded the Cotterel Mountain Project into Idaho Power's 2009 RFP, as a 150 MW project. 27. Idaho Power inormed SWE in October 2009 that it had selected the Cotterel Mountan Wind project as the short-list bidder. 28. SWE engaged in many months of negotiations, and it appeared to SWE that the final contrct terms were settled in July 2010. 29. Idaho Power subsequently requested very signficant additional concessions and ultimately terminated the negotiations in August 2010. 30. At the time the negotiations ceased, SWE was stil interested in continuing the negotiations to reach a final agreement. Project Interconnection and Transmission 31. Windland and SWE have been engaged in the interconnection process with Idaho Power's interconnection and transmission personnel for years though Idaho Power's Large Generator Interconnection Process under its Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OA IT"). AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGES 32. Idaho Power assigned Generator Interconnection No. 302, and Idaho Power first completed an interconnection feasibilty study on July 1,2005. 33. The results of that study indicated that up to 240 MW could be safely injected into the local trsmission system at cost acceptable to the development parners. 34. In October 2009, SWE re-activated the interconnection process with Idaho Power for a project of a reuced size of 177 MW, and was told that because no new generation had been proposed in the area since the original Feaibilty Study in 2005 Idaho Power would move directly into the System Impact Study ("SIS"). 35. Idaho Power completed the SIS on March 15,2010, which concluded that the full output of 177 MW could be successfully integrated into the Idaho Power Transmission system at the point of interconnection without signficant modifications to the transmission system. 36. The Project entered into a Facilities Study Agreement on April 22,2010. 37. In July 2010, Idaho Power contacted SWE regarding the Facility Design Study and began to arange a series of calls to discuss constrction costs and schedules to meet a December 2012 online date. Qualifing Facilty Contract Requests 38. In fall 2010, SWE decided to exercise its rights under the mandatory purhase provisions of the Public Utilties Regulatory Policies Act of i 978 to sell the output under long~ term contracts with Idaho Power. 39. SWE developed five projects for a cumulative output of less tha it bid into the RFPs. Alpha Wind LLC, Bravo Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC will each have an output of 29.9 megawatts ("MW"), and Charlie Wind LLC wil have an output of 27.6 MW. These QFs are developed to each generate 10 megawatts or less when the output is AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 6 averaged over any given month. The generation equipment of each QF is separated by at least one mile at the closest points. 40. In October 2010, the five projects were each self-certified as qualifying facilties. 41. On October 28, 2010, the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs provided Idaho Power with five standard PURP A contrcts containing the non-Ievelized rates in Order No. 31025, executed by the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs. 42. These five contrcts were mirror images of the most recently approved wind QF stadad contrct at the time (from Case No. IPC-E-09-25), with the exception that the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs' contracts contained different project specifics, lower rates contaned in Order No. 31025, and a higher delay liquidated damages security amount of $45 per kilowatt ("kw") consistent with the most recent QF contracts. I have attached tre and correct copies of the October 28,2010 contrct submittals as Exhibits 1-5 to this afdavit. 43. SWE provided a cover leter with each of the contracts submitted indicating that the QFs planed to use a single point of interconnection and continue thugh the interconnection process already in progress for Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. 44. SWE also contacted Idaho Power transmission and interconnection personnel to inform them of the reduced overall output of the projects to 147 MW and a change in tubine. 45. On November 4i 2010, Idaho Power sent letters of understanding requiring that SWE agree, prior to execution of the PURP A agreements, that SWE would proceed though new interconnection and transmission processes. 46. Idaho Power's proposed letters of understading required a signature agreeing to the new process with new milestones to be achieved before power purchase contracts execution, and included draft Network Resource Integration Study Agreements, and Transmission Capacity AFFIDA VIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 7 ., Application Questionnaires for each QF. 47. Then, on November 5,2010, Idao Power, along with Avista Utilties and Rocky Mountain Power, filed the Joint Motion to Reduce the Published Rate Eligibilty Cap. 48. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs each filed complaints against Idaho Power on November 8, 2010, alleging they were entitled to standard contracts and that Idaho Power had insisted on an unecessar interconnection and transmission process when the projects possessed rights acquired though Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. The Commission docketed the complait cases as Case Nos. IPC~E-I0-51, IPC~E-I0.j2, IPC~E~10- 53, IPC-E-1O-54,andIPC-E-IO-55. 49. After the Commission did not grant the immedate reduction in the published rate eligibilty cap requested by the Joint Utilties, on November 19, 2010, Idaho Power and the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs agreed to stay the complaint proceeding and execute standard QF wind contracts containing the published rates. 50. On November 30, 2010, Idaho Power provided 5 dr contracts substatially similar to the QFs' drafts modeled on the IPC-E-09-25 contract and delivered by SWE on October 28,2010. 51. Idaho Power again insisted in a letter dated December 7, 2010, that the QFs agree to proceed through a different process for securng transmission to Idaho Power's load center from that in the OA IT under their existig Generator Interconnection No. 302. 52. Because Idaho Power insisted this new process was a prerequisite to obtaining executed power sale contracts, SWE had previously signed and submitted the November 4, 2010 letters of understanding, and now each individual QFs submitted the Transmission Capacity Application Questionnaire on December 9,2010. AFFIDA vir OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 8 53. On Friday, December 10, 2.010, Idaho Power tendered five executable contrts which were substantially similar to those submitted by the Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs on October 28,2010. 54. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs executed the agreements on December 13, 2010, and sent them to Idaho Power, which executed the originals on December 15, 2010, and filed the contracts for Commssion approval on December 16,2010. 55. On December 21, 2010, Idaho Power's PURPA contracts administration deparent sent letters to each of the QFs asserting that each project must sign a Network Resource Integration Study Agreement and submit a deposit of $2,000 by Janua 3, 2011. 56. Idaho Power stated this was necessar under the new transmission process, outlined in its November 4,2010 letters of understanding, to study the abilty to designate each project as a network resource. 57. Idaho Power's December 21 letter stated that if the QFs did not submit the deposit and the agrement by Januar 3, 2011, the network transmission request would be withdrwn. The letter provided for no delay in ths requiement for the intervening holidays. 58. I understood this neW process implemented under PURP A to be different from the process under which SWE had been proceeding pursuant to the OATT. 59. The Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCs signed the Network Resource Integration Study Agreements on December 30,2010, electronically mailed scaned copies to Idaho Power on December 31, 2010, and sent the originals by overnight delivery on that same day to ensure that they would arive on Monday, Januar 3, 2011. 60. The QFs transferred the $2,000 for each QF by wire trasfer on Januar 3, 2011. 61. Subsequently, on Februar 22, 2011, Idaho Power refunded the $10,000 provided AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 9 for the new transmission study process. 62. Idaho Power stated in a letter from its transmission personnel on Februar 23, 2011, that it approved SWE's changes from the original Generator Interconnection request of 177 MW to a smaller interconnection of only 148 MW for PURP A projects, and would proceed with the same Project No. 302 under the Large Generation Interconnection Procedures of the OATT. 63. This is the process SWE requested Idaho Power follow for the QFs when SWE first submitted contracts on October 28, 2010, and the process SWE alleged it was entitled to follow in the Complaits filed on November 8, 2010. 64. I understand that ths OATT process will analyze Idao Power's abilty to bring the output to native load and identify whether any network upgrades are requied, and that Idaho Power now agrees with SWE's position tht the Cotterel WindEnergy Center QFs may proceed though the interconnectìon process under the 0 A TT. AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 10 ~ I declare under penalty of perjur under the laws of the United States and under laws of the state of Texas that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED this J 5 day of March 2011. By ¡LL.~~ ~ Kevin Simions ", AFFIDA VlT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 11 '.. STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ss. COUNTYOF ~r ) On ths \ CSth day of March 2011, before me, a Notar Public in and for the State of Texas, personaly appeared Kevin Simmons, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed ths instrent and acknowledged it to be his fre and voluntar act and deed for the uses and puroses mentioned in the instrent. IN WITNESS WHREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above wrtten. NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Texas ReSidingat~,Teí My Commission expires ~i '1 )11 AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS PAGE 12 t;. l 20,1. i ...... BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-52 BRAVO WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.1 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-51 FOR EXHIBIT NO.1 ~..;:-j 'lOp U"nLUiif1tlrr 17 5 12",: i .. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-I0-52 BRAVO WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.2 OCTOBER 28,2010 PURPA CONTRACT SUBMITTAL FOR BRAVO WIND LLC 8 '"fll ,f', í ("1I,DI-,...'Of s '~rln ,', I ~. f2.v. I' October 28, 2010 Via Hand Deliver)' Randy Allphin PUR A Contracts Administrator Idaho Power Company 121 W. Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Bravo Wind LLC PURPA PPA Submittal Dear Mr. Allphin: I write on behf of Bravo Wind LLC to request tht Idaho Power counter-sign the enclosed power purhae agrement (pP A) for Bravo Wind LLC to sell the output of its wind energy facilty to Idaho Powe as a qualifying facilty (QF) under the Public Utilties Regatory Policy Act of 1978 (PUR A). Bravo Wind LLC intends for this submittl to fully obligate itself to the enclosed stadard PPA executed by Bravo Wind LLC to opete as a QF uner 10 averge monthly megawatt (aMW. I have also enclosed the Fonn 556 Notice of Self Certification as a QF filed yesterday by Bravo Wind LLC with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commssion. As you may be awa, Idaho Power has already engaged in extensiv negtiations l'egarding a larger, single ptoject with Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC at the wid site on Cotterel Mountan near Burley, Idaho. Coterl WindEnergy Center LLC is the parnt company of Bravo Wind LLC, and as such is tl'anSfelTing to Bravo Wind LLC the development righ necessa to perfonn under the enclosed PP A. Thus, Idah Power should be awae of ths site and that it is matu and ready to be developed. The enclosed PURP A PPA contain the standad rates, tenus, and conditions approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Comission (Commssion) for projects that will deliver uner 1 OaMW. Those tenns include the rates in efft today (Order No. 31025) with the daily and seasonality load shape price adjustmnts (Order No. 30415), as well as the wind integration charge, mechanical availabilty guartee, and wind forecasting and cost shring provisions (Order No. 30488). For consistency with Idaho Powe's PPAs, the enclosed Bravo Wind LLC PPA copied the terms and conditions from the most recently approved PUR A wiiid PPA for a project under 10 aM -- the Idaho Winds LLC PPA, which is on ñle at the Commission in Cas No. IPCE-09-25. Other than the Bravo Wind LLC's design and site specifics, the only difference from the Idaho Winds LtC PPA is that of the price and the amount of delay securty. The price schedules in th enclosed .. . Mr. Allphi October 28, 2010 Page 2 PPA ar derived from the non.levelized rate schedule in Order No. 31025 (not Order No. 30744 as in the Idaho Winds LLC PPA). Additionally, the prce scheules include a reduction of $6.50/ MWh for the wid integrtion charge durin all hours and all year, as we assume that Idaho Power will be using the $6.501M chage at the relevant times per the wid integration charge calculation formula approved in Order No. 30488. Bravo Wind LLC intends to obligate itself only to the approprate rates utlizing that formula. Finaly, Bravo Wind LLC undertands that Idaho Power has begu requiring a delay secuity of $45/k, while the Idaho Winds LLC PPA executed a little over a year ago utilzed only a $20/k delay sectuity. To avoid conflict, Bravo Wind LLC intends to obligate itslf to the $451kw delay securty, and has included that amount in the enclosed PPA. Bravo Wind LLC wil be near four other PUR A QFs -- Alpha Wind LLC, Chalie Wind LLC, Delta Wind LLC, and Echo Wind LLC. Bravo Wind LLC wil have its own meter to report generation to Idaho Power, but each of the five QFs wi interconnect to Idaho Power's systein at the sie point of interconnection with the four other QFs. That point of interconnction will be th point sted under Lage Generator Request No. 302. That request sed trasmission access for up to 177 MW of capacity for Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLC. Thus, there should be no issues with Idao Power's abilty to accept and integate the i 47.2 MW of cumulative output of Bravo Wind LLC and the four oter nearby QFs. I look forwar to hearing back frm you at your earliest convenience. Very trly yours,t£tb~ DickWiUiams President Bravo Win LLC " .. I. n. m. IV. v. VI VIT. vm IX. x. XI. XI. X1.Xl. XV. XV. XV.XV.XIxx XXXXxx.XX. XX.XX.XX. XXm.XX. FI BNOY SA AGREEM ')11_1__,.1BETWEN _u . IDAHO POWE COMPANY AN BRAVO WI LLC TABE OF CONTIAre Detion No Reli on Ida Powe W Co to Ae ofBngyTem an ~ Da Pu an Sae of Net En Pu Pr an Met of PayentEuta AtfFacili an Inn Me an TelemRecOponI:on an In Forc Maeu Li, DeonSe Obligaons Waive Choce of La an Venue Di an DeultGove.AutmtnOr an AsModcaon TaxesNot Addtion Ter an CondtionsSeertyCoBn Ag Sig App AApBAppCAppDApE -1- 17i ¡ pi,,:cl.~ t::E '.1 'l"" V' i.: 101210 " ~ FI ENRGY SALES AGREEM (10 aM or Le) Prect Name: Bravo Win .Prjec Prject Numbe THS AGREEMENT, ente into on ths __ day o:f~(I16beBlVO WIN LLC (Seller), an IDAHO POWER COMPAN, an Ida corpraon (J~Powe), hetìner sometes refered to collecvely as "Pares" or inviuaYas "~~." WHRB,Seller win d. co~ own, in_~at.~eetr.ç~_øi failty; an WHRES, Seller wishes to se, an Idao Power is wilin to pu fieleøc ener produce by the Seller's Facilty. THREORE, In considon of th mut covents an ~~;~(_f_ th Pares ag as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINQNS As us in ths Agrment an th appedice atthe her, th follow te shn have th followi meags: 1.1 "A valabiltv Short Prce" - Th curt month's Mid-oluibi Ma En CO mius th cur month's Al Hour Enegy Prce spfied in pa 7.3 of ths Agt. Iftl caculation re in a vaue les th 15.00 MillsIwh th re shl be 1'5.00 MilsIwh. 1.2 "Bus Days" - me any caen day that is no a Sat, a Suy, or a NEC recgnze holiday. 1.3 "Cacul Net Engy Amunt" - A monty esti, ~. and do~ fè tbfa by Seller, reewed and acd by the. Buyer th is th cacul in 11iniui enei -2- 101210 deive (~ in Kwh) fo ea'in wi tu~toed fo th Fac to deine th tota ~ th th Pac.~haeàever to Ido Powe du tht mo ba up: (1) ea wi tu N~ Ca~ (2) Sufcient Pr Mov avle fø us by ea wi tu du th ~J (3) in ofPor maeu (4) sce4 ~ or (5) in of F0i o... aø le Lo an St Use If th du of an evait eh as it 3, 4 or 5 ab.(~ on ~ iDYi ocan inviua wi tu) la fo le th l 5 niDUte. tl.t1evll willii be oo in 1h æI. Th Se sb coll an man ac da to su this caculatæ an shl ke this da for a minimum of 3 yea. 1.4 ~" - Th Idaho Pulic Uties Comission. 1.5 "Q Yea - Th pe ceie ea ca yea on th sa ca da as the Op Da an èA 36 days th. 1.6 "Dey LiguiM J?" - Da payable to Ida Powe as cacuat in pagr 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 as 5.6. i.7 "Dey Pe¡od" - Al days pa th Sdul Option Da untl th Seer's Facty aces th Op Da 1.8 "J ft" - Th et ii~s Mi-Clumbi Maet En Cost m.inus th cu mo's Al HoEi Pr sp ii ~ 7.3 of ths Ag Iftls cacuon re ina v.ie _ .Q, thæst oftb~wi be O. i.9 "D&' Dismeb FactY - Ida Pow's Sys Opons Gr, or an su grup ~ by Ida PoW$. 1. 10 ~~ Jà" - th dae st in th openg pah of ths Fir Ener Sales Agen reprti th da up whh this Fir Ene Sales Agt wa fuy execut by bo Pares. 1.11 "F~ - Th el geon failty debe in App B of th Ag 1.12 "F Jì Pa" - th da ooin at 00:01 hour Moun T~ f011wi th da th SeDer ba sasfi th re of Arcle IV and th Seer be deeia eagy to Ida Power's sy at th Poin of Deliver. - 3- 101210 1.13 "Foro Ou" - a paal or to re of a) th Fac's ca to pr anor deliver Net Ei to th Poit of De t or b) Ida Powes abty to ac.Net Ene at th Poin of Deve for no-e æa as a ret oflda Pow or Fac 1) eq fa which wa mt th re of neglge or lac of prvetati ma:r or 2) Te to a trn prvi cut or or 3) unplæm prenve maten to re equi tht left um wod reul in fa C1 eqpmen pror to th phme mace pe~4) plaed ma or coon of th Facty or eleccali re to se 1hs~Fac. 11 Pares sha mae coerly ree ef to peor th unla prenve maen dur peod of low wi availailty. 1.14 '4l!eayy Lo Jl" - Th daly hour beginn at 07:00 am mu at 1 i zO pmMo Timet (16 hou) exclud all hour on al Sunys, New Yea Day, Me Da, FOu of.ñ, Lar Day, Thvi an Ch. i .15 4'Inmet lp" - Elec en Seller do not inte to gei.~r~ î$ inrepaçuary debe in pa 7.S of th Ag 1. i 6 "Intennn fsilties" - Al equipm spifed in.lda Powe4s Sê~ n. i .17 '41ni Cg Deiign" - Th pr by whh Id Po co thuø no or ave de conon th Faeilty win ge at no more than 10 aVe MW pe mont an is thore eligible to be pad th pu rate in a(;coit'necnvith Coon Ol No. 29632. 1.18 "Light LQHour" - The daly hour beg at 11:00 pm en at 07:00 am MoIn Time (8 hour), plus all oth hour on all Sunys, New Yea Day, Me Day, FoUn of Jul, Labor Day, Thsgivi and Ch. 1.19 "Losses" -th Inss ofelec en ex.inkiowa ho (kWh) ocuras a ret of th trormtion an trsson of en beee th Metg Point an th point th FacHty's ener is dever to th Ida Powe elecca sym. Th loss ~n fOla wi be as sp in Ap B of ths Ag .4 - 101210 i.io "l '3'lml' Rrçe" - Eiglfi'V pet (ISOAt) of th Mid-lum Mat EnCo 1.21 c'll ~" - A Defaul (ph 19.21) suec to pa 19.2.2. 1.2 "MsiB ~ Ai - ti ma caty (M of th Fac will be as sp in Ap B of ths Ag 1.23 "~ AYiJùr - th petae amount cacu by Se within S days af th en øf ea mo of th Facty's m.y ac Net en divide by th Facty's CacuI Net En Am fw th ape mo Any da due as a re of th Seller fain shor of th Me Avalail Gu for ea mont sh be de in acrd with pa 6.4.4. 1.24 ~ Aya ~" sh be as def in pa 6.4. 1.25 "~~' - Al eq speed in Scule 72, th Agt an an aditou eq sp in Ap B reui to me rerd an teem bi-dtioo powa fl fr th Sells Facit at th Mete Point 1.26 "~ Poin - Th physca poin at whch the Met Eqpm is loe th enles ac meemet of th Tes En ~ Net Ene delive to Idaho Power at th Poin of Delive fothi Fac th prvide all ne da to adnis th Ag 1.21 ~ ~:B Co - Th mo wegh av of th daly on-pe an off-p Dow Jo MiColumbi In (Dw Jon Mid-C In) prce fo non-fi en. If th Dow Jon Mkbi In pr is di by th.re ag, bo Pares wi mut ag up a iet in, whch is similar to th Dow Jon Mid-Clumbi In. Th se æp iì wi be ee with otsimil ag an a oommy us in by th elec inus. 1.28 ~ Çg - Tl1ù-l el quanit asgn by th de to a ge an it pr mover or ot pi of ele eq suh as tr an ciui brer un st cond expr in ams, kiovolt-am, kiowa, volt or ot ap unts. Usuy inca on a naepla athe to th individu mae or device. - 5- 10/2310 1.29 "Net fAgy" - Al of th elecc engy pr by th Fac, le St Use, les Lo expre in kiowa homs (kWh) deliver to Ida Power at th Poin of Delive. Sub10 th term of th Agren Sener cots to deliver al Net Ene to Ida Powe at the Poi Qf Deliver for the fu te of th Ag. Net En do not inlud Iner En. i.30 "On Da" - Th da comm at 00:01 hOU Mounta Time, follwi th day th al requien ofpa 5.2 hae be complet 1.31 "Poit of'Dever" - Th locon sped in Apix B, wh Ida Powe's an th Seler's elecca facities ar innned an th ener frm this Facil is deveed to Ida Powe. 1.32 "Prt:e fm" - Thos prace, me an eqpmen that are coyan . ordinay us in elecca en an opon to op elc equit lawñly, saly, deply, effcitly an ecnomicay. 1.33 ~heulè Qm Dae" - Th dae spfied in Ap B wh Se ançi acevi th Opon Da. In eslishg ths da it is ex th th Sell rely de ths da ba up th be known inoron in re to equipm avit aa conson scedes. 1.34 "Sdule 72" - Ida Power's TarNo 101, Sche 72 or it suscesas apved by the ComlUission. Th Seer sh be reble to pay al co of intennon an inteon of ths Faeity in th Ida Power elecca sysem as sp wi Sc 11 an th Agent 1.35 "8e" - Th th peod ideed in paph 6.2.1 of th Ag. 1.36 "Sye ;tacil" - Adti or al of trisson anor di.l:,am trformer as deribe in Schedule 72. 1 37 "Sta U " Ct..tb.us . ..i.~... "U~K""'T ..i..:. se - ~lC en IS to op equt i. is~--;l U ~ W.lse relat to th pron of elety by th Facty. -6- 10/2310 1.38 ~ Pf Meyer - me wi sp th is (1) equa to or gr th th geon umt's ~sp minimum levls re for th ge un to pr en an (2) eq tD or i. th ~ ~ unts man-sp maum les at wh thpa un ca sa pr en. 1.39 ,.~ - AU Nè :&pr by th Seer's Faclity an deliveed by th F4C to th Ida Powe el sy pror to th Opon Date. 1.40 "I9t QBqfllf~ -tb to eo of st eqpm an apur. i .41 ."'. ~ ~ FQ. - A fo of en dees frm th Facili prvide by an Ida Powe adinist wi fo modL. Th Facli shl be rensòle for an ~ po of th toW co of th førn¡ mo as sp in Ap E. ARTICL U: NO RET.ANCE ON IDAHO PQWB 2.1 "'J~m_ØI - &lwman _ re to Id Bow th in ea in th ~ an.1l ~~ by th Se of th obipt se fo he Sele ha ~_ ad deltønniMth it is ca of peiii li aÐ _ no reli up th.. .. ...:.... ......:v.;.:..'..;..:..;.: '-,C'i':. :' ._ ._ _." _. .......: ._. .. .... ........ _ .mt ~or ~oflda Pow in con wi th tr_ ~ by th~ 2.2 Wl ~ Em - Al prfeons or ex inludin, but no li to, eJne al an ac tht Séller ma ha conste or relied on in un th tr ootp by t1s Agt have be solely th of Seller. ARTICLß il: W AR~ 3.1 No Wmøty ii Wihn.lm.- Aa re" ~.o fàur to re Sell's de sp~ eq. or fa sb DO be an ene. or.a confi by Idah Pow an Id fewe maes no ~auanes .es Of implied re an as of Sells degn ~.eq.._or~ inud _ not limte to, sa, du" reit,staiø caity, ad or ec febi. -7 - 101210 3.2 ~. Fe. 8t - Se wa th th Fac is a '~ Faeli,": as th te is us an dened in i 3 CPR 29.20 i et se. Af in qnea se1m wi ta suÅ¡t as may be reui to mata the Facty's Qu Fac st dt tb 'te of this Ag an Seller's faiur to maintn Qu Facty st wi be a maial Br of th Agrent ARTICLE IV: CONDIDONS TO ACCEPAHQB.Ø!lItlI 4.1 Prr to the Fir En Da an as a cotion ofJda Pow's ac ofde~ of engy :fm the Seer, Seller shall: 4.1. i Submprto Ida Powe 1h an li, peuriits or ap ne fo Sel1's opeon have be obta fr aplicale fed, st or loc auriti includng, bu not limte to evide of compliace with Sub B, 13 CPR 292.1 . se. as a Qu Fa.. 4.1.2 009D of ~l - Sub to Id Powe an Opon Le signed by an atrny admitt to pr an in lO st in th St of Ida ~.an ~ di Se~s li~ pemit an apova as se før in pa 4. i. i abarlegyand val Iæu ar held in tbna oftbSeller an ba on a l'e ~ i'ew, counl is ofØi ~pmon th Sell is in su oopli wi sa pe as of th da of th ()on Le. Th Opon Le wi be in a fo acle to Ida Powe an wi acwl th th atey re th opinn un th Ida Powe is relyig on sad o,on lda Powe's acce of th form wi no be uny withld Th Opon Le wi be io by an shall be inteed in accord wi th lega opinon ac of th Amca Ba Asia Sen of Bus Law (1991). 4.13 Iiti Ca làimm - Sut to Ida Powe su da as Ida Powe ma renably reui to pe tl IB Cap De Su da wi inlwl Ou_be lite to,.Namiai Cap, eq ~ prmoerda Ì'mte.~. noim anor avere op degn cotion an Ston Use da Upn re of ths inoron Jd Pow wi re th prvide da ar if ne. re adon dè to colete th Intial Cait De iiøaon within a rele ti - 8- 1013110 Ifll Ma Cøty.sp in Ap B oftb Ag an the aimri ~ Na~rag of th invidua geon un at tl Fac is le th 10 MW, th Se sh sut deled mauf-spc, ver da of th Nam C8ty ra of th ac indua genon unts to be ined at th Facility. Upo veon by Idaho Powe th th da prvide eshe th co nala ra of th ge unts to be in at th Facilty is les th i 0 MW, it wi be de th th Seller ha sasñ th Inti Caty Deminan for ths Facilty. 4.1.4 Nala ~ - Sub to Idaho Power mauf's an enri doumon th eslis th Namla Cap of eah invidua geon unt th is in wi th ea Fae. Upo ret of ths da Ida Powe sh re th prde daam ~ if th Na Ca sp is rele ba up th ma~s sp ge ra for th spifc genraon unts. 4.1.5 Eagi's Ceg - Subt an execut Engine's Cercaon of De &, Co Me an an Engi's Ceon of Opaton an Mai (O&M) Policy as de in Comssion Or 00.21690. Th ceca wi be in th form spfied in Ap C bu may be IMed to th ex ne to regni7.e th diffen endili prdi th ce 4.1.6 ~ - Sub wr prf to Idao Powe of al in reui in Are XI. 4.1.7 ~9U - Prvide wr coon fr Id Powe's delive bu un th Seer ha sa al inecon reuits. 4.1.& ~lt Ilan T~Se Rem- 4.1.8. i Prvide al da re by th Ida Powe delive bu unt to enle the Seers Facty to be deig as a ne re. 4.1 .8.2 Reve co fr th Ida Powe delive busin unt th th Seller~ s Facty ha be degn as a net reur. 4. i .8.3 Prvi all da re fo Ida Powe to su a Traission Sece Reque (T for th Sele's Facty. -9- 1012310 Reve co:f Idao Pothùi TSR ha be gm in suient caity to met or exce th Ma Ca an th Seller ha pad an coSt ~ with any rets of th TSR. 4. i.9 Wntt Açc - Reue an obt wr eo fr rtlah Po'tha al cotions to ac of en have be fued. Suc wrtt confn sh be pI withn a coiay reble ti following th Seller's re an will not be uily withld by Idao Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AN QPTION DAm 5.1 Ter - Subject to th prvi of pn 5.2 be, thAg shU be~e on th da fi wrtt an shl cotiue in full forc an eff for apeio oftM (20 ~ Yea frm the Opon Da. 5.2 () Pa - Th Op Da may oc on af th Faeit ha~a1 øfØí followi: a) Achieved th Fir Enegy Da. b) Commion apva of this Agrent in a form acle to Id Pow ha be reived. c) Seller ba deed to Ida Power's saon th th Facli is cole and able to prvi engy in a consst ree an sae man. d) Seller ha reue an Option Da fr Ida Powe in a wrtt fo. e) Sell ha ~ved wrtt confmaton û: Id8 Pøw oft, Op Da. Th confon win not be umnay wi by Ida Power. 5.3 () I) Delay - Seler shal ca th Facility to acve th Opon Da on or be th Scheded Opon Da. 5.3. i If th Opon Da oe af dl Sd Op. Da 1m oa or 'pror to 90 days pa th Scheed Opon Da, Seller sh pay lda Pmr Dey liui -10 - 10i10 Da ~ at th en of ~ ca mo a& th Sc Op Da as follws: De Li Da ar eq to (( cut month's Inti yea mony Net Engy Am as specilW in paa. 6.2,1 ~ by th.mmbe of da in th cu mo) lIulli bf ., mi of da in th Dey Pe in th cunen mo) mulli by th Cdien mo's Delay Pr. S.l.2 IftbOpaton Da do no oc withn ni (90) days followi th Sced Opon Da th Sell sh pay Ida Power Dey Liquda Da in adtion to thox pr~inpæ 53.1, ceculated as follws: For-fi dola ($45) multilied by th Maximum Ca amunt with th Maxum Caty ~Uttbeag~inkW. 5.4 IfSd fa to adeve th Opaton Da wi ni (90) days af th Sced Op Da an Sell ha ma no co rele effrt to deelop th Facty, Id Pa wilhami' tl ~ Iftf Seer is mag coiay rele efor to deop tbPE, IdPoWè Sh no temitt ths Ag an adon Delay Dames beii thca inS3.1 an 5.3.2 wi be cacuàt an payale monty us th delay da ca debe in 5.3.1 abve fo al days exce 90 days pa th Scheuled Opon Da imt $i _as th Sc ~ th Op Da or un tenaon oftb. Agen. If kl P: dein th th Sele is DO loo mang coly re efrt to c:lop th Fac Ida Pow _11 tena. th Agt 5.5 SèsbU pa lda Powe any cacute Delay Liquidaed Dam with 7 days of wh Ida ~owe ca an pi any Deay Liquida Dam billi to the Seer. Sell's fa to pa th da wiØìn th spifed ti wi be a Ma Br of ths Agr an Id Po'1 ma dr fu :l th De Seur prvi by th Selle in an amun eq to th caul Dey Liui Da -11. 1012310 5.6 The pa ag th th da Id Pow would in du 1. dê in th Fåalit achievi th Option Da on or beor the Scheuled Opoi Da woud be diffét of imsible to prct with cety, an th th Delay Liqudaed Da ar an appr apoximaton of suh da. 5.7 With th (30) days oftl da ofa Comn Or as speain Arle XX apths Agt; Seller sb po li seur ("Dey Se) in a for as dêbein Apdi D eq to or exce the amunt cacuat in pah 5.7. i. Paiui 1: post ths De Sety in th ti sp abve wil be a Ma Breh of th Ag an Idaho Pow ma tenate ths Agrent. 5.7.1 Fort-five dolla ($45) mutiplied by th Max Ca Â. with th Maum Caity Am bein me in kW. In th event (a) Seller provide Ida PoWe wn cecaon &a (1) a genon incton ager spfY a scheul th wi enle tis Facty tn ace th Opraon Da no la th th Scul Option Da ha be ~ 8l. th.~_~ al reui inectin co or (2) a genon inon agt is suti ~i- an al ma cost of inteon have be ideti an ag up an (b) th Se is in compli with al te an condtion of th geon intei:ti~. th ~J Sety cacul in acrd wi pa 5.7.1 will be reuc by te. pecet (10%). If th Se ha mcved a reucon in th.~ Dey ~as sp in pa S.7.i.1 an su (l) at Seer"s reue th gen in ~ sp in pah is re and as a re th FaèwilI not æhev it ~on Da by th Scheed Opon Date or (2) if the Seller do no maicoli wì th ~on intemion agt, th ful amun of th Delay Se as caWC in ~ S~1. l wü be suec to reinen an wil be due an owig wi 15 Bl. ~ fr th da Jdæ Powe reue reinen. Faiur to tiy ree th Delay Se wi be a Mateal Bre of th Agen -12- 10i10 S.7.2 Id Pow shall re~ an reni se post heer af al cacu De ~ ~ar pa ii fu to Ida Powe an th eaer of (I) 30 days af th Opaloi Da ba be ae or (~) 30 da af th teiiiina of th Agt AlnCLE VI: PYæM ANMI,E OF NEI.iNGY 6.1 De MS Aim. öfFM- Ðtte wh ei pa's pefor. is excu as pr'lèlt It Pow wi pu.a Sell wi sell al of th Net en to Ida Powe at th Poi &fDewr.. AU ~ £n pr by th Facil wi al be delive by th seer to id Po at th Poin ofDder. At no ti wi th to amwi of Net En anor Ii Ene~ ~ by th Fac _ delive by th Se to th Poi ofDelivei exce th Ma1DJm Caty. An 6.2 l!1iâ1s - SèiB-Î1 to pi an deliver Net En in th folowi rD~. T. a: shiJ be oo wi th Meca A valabifi Gu. 6.2.1 Ia Yea Moth Ne Eg Amiins: Sen 1 Mo Marc kWH 7,06,00 Apri Ma 6,498,00 6,70,06~i Jul AUlst Noember Dember 4,75,101 5))7,87 6,447,481 7,06,00 Seas 3 JunSeterócr Janury Febry TQtlkWH's 6,286,024 5,228,259 S,713,545 6,76&876 6,38,00 63,042,941 -13 - 10i10 6.3 Unl excu by an ev of For Majeu, Seßer"s fi to delive Ne ~gy in any Cotr yea in an am eq to at lea te pet (1 (),4) of th su of th In ye Møy Net Energy Amoun as sped in pa 6.2 sh constu an ev of defa 6.4 Mecial Availa ~ - Af the Opatoæ Da ha be esli th Facil sh achieve a minimm mothy Mechaiça A va of 85% fQl th Fac _ea mon du the fu te of th Agrme (th "Mecanca Avaiabty Gu"). p.uuæto achieve th Mechaca Avaibi Gu sh ret in Id Powe ~ating dø as spfied in pah 6.4.4. 6.4.1 At th sae ti th Se prvi th Mony Powe Pr an Ava Rep (Appdi A), th Sell shl prvide and ce th caculation of the Faety's cu:r month's Mec Avai. The Seller shall iii_ a.s~øf al ui~ us,. cacuat th Calcula Net engy ammitinudin but no limite to: (a) Fo Outa~(b) li Majenr event, (c) wid sp an th impa of ge ou an (c) sced mai an Staon Use inormon. 6.4.2 The Seller sh maint an ret for th yeas deed doon su th monthy cacultion of the Facilty's Mechanica Avaab. 6.4.3 Ida Powe shan have th rit to reviw an audi th doenon su th cacuaton of th Facilty's Me Avait at rele ti at th Seller's off 6.4.4 If th cur mo's Mec Availabil is les th th Mecca Ava Guate, daes shl be eq to: ((85 perc of the mon's Cacul Net En Amt) mimlS th mo's ac net ene delivees) mulplie by th Avala sh Pr. 6.4.5 Any da çacu in pah 6.4.4 win be off ag th cu mont's engy paymt. If an unpa bala re af th da ar off agnst th en paym the Se shl pay in ful th reai ba within 30 das of the dae of th invoic. -14 - 1 0IS11 0 AiI1YJ: PlJ PBÇE AN,MElHOl) OF PAXM 7.1 Ht Lo li.fl - Foran Net en re dur Hea Lo Hour, Ida Po.. 'W lBth..1e en pr in ac with Commiss Or 3 i 025, 30738 an adus.m.~\I Coón Or 30415 for Heavy Lo Hour en deve, an adus in ac wi Commss Or 304 for th wi inte cha and with se fa apped: t! lM Pttt' Pr Yea 2011 2012 2013 2014 205 2016 2017 2018 20920 20120 203202020 20720 2020 20120 203 2~ Sê 1-(7.50)ll 40.02 4276 45.36 48.16 51.16 52.89 54.59 56.43 58.25 60.12 62.34 6465 67.05 ..55 72.14 74.35 16.62 78.96 81.38 83.87 87.2 90.15 93.19 96.34 Seaoo2 - (120.00) Ml 69.45 13.93 78.18 82.74 87.64 90.46 93.2 96.25 99.21 10227 105.90 109.67 113.59 117.66 121.90 125.49 129.20 133.03 136.97 141:04 146.51 151.30 156.26 161.39 Seasoo3- (100.00) Mi 56.80 60.52 64.06 61.87 71.95 74.30 76.61 79.12 81.59 84.14 87.16 90.31 93.57 96.97 100.50 103.49 106.58 109.n 113.06 116.45 121.01 125.00 129.13 133.41 -15- 1013110 72 Light Lo Pi Prce - For al Net En reve dug Li Lo H~ Idao Power wi pay th non-leveli en pr in ac with ~ Oi.3102, 3073&_ adjus in acrdnc wi Comon Or 30415 for Ligh Lo Hou Ene deli~_ adjus in acrdance with Con Or 30488 fo th wi in~aton:c an wi seizaon fa aplied: l.ht lqa Purc Pr Sen 1- (73.5Ok) 5e2- (120.00%) Yea Mill§Wb 2011 34.67 2012 37.41 2013 40.01 2014 42.81 2015 45.81 2016 47.54 2017 49~24 2018 51.08 2019 52.90 2020 54.77 2021 56.99 202 59.30 2023 61.70 2024 64.20 2025 66.79 202 68.99 2027 71.27 2028 73,61 2029 76.03 203 78.52 2031 81.87 203284.80 2033 81.84 20a490.98 Mjl 60.72 65.19 69.44 74.00 78.91 81.73 84.50 87.51 90.47 93.53 97.16 100.93 104.85 108.92 113.16 116.76 120.47 124.29 128.24 132.31 137.77 142.56 147.52 15266 Se 3- (100.00) Wl§ 49.52 53.24 56.78 60.59 64.67 67.02 69.33 71.84 74.31 76.86 79.88 83.03 86.29 89.69 93.22 96.21 99.30 102.49 105.78 109.17 113.73 117.72 121.85 126.13 -16- 10i10 7.3 AU lf 1à.P¡ - Th pr tQ be us in th ca ofth8urlu Engy Prce an Dey ~ shl be thnole ener prce in acrdane with co Or 3102, 30'738 an adus in acee with coon Or 30488 for the wi inon ch an wi senalizon fac apped: t\ ti PYM' Pr Y,. 201 202 203 204 2015 2016 2017 2018 2092t 2020 20 20420202fæa 20. 2O 20120 2020 seasonS- (100.00) MI 31.64 40.38 4298 45.78 48.78 æ~1 52.21 54.05 5686 57.74 59.96 6227 64.67 61.17 69.16 71.96 74.24 7&58 n-o 81.49 84.84 87.77 90.81 93.95 Mi 66.57 70.04 74..29 78.85 88.1$ 86.58 89.35 92.36 95.~ 98.38 102.01 105.78 109.7i 113.77 118.01 121.fJ 125.31 12SiM 13309 137.16 142.62 147.41 15237 157.51 Mi5U 57.28 60.82 64.63 68.71 71.08 73.37 75.88 78.35 80.90 83.92 87.01 9O.S3 93.73 97.26 100.25 103.35 106.53 109.82 113.21 117.77 121.76 125.89 130.17 -17 - 1013110 7.4 Sumøs EQ Prce - Foran Smplu Ener~ Ida Powe shl paur1l seth cu mOl's Ma Engy Refeen Prce or th AIl ho ~ Pr sp in pa 7.3, whcher is lowe. 7.5 liver En - 7.5. i Inver Engy is elecc en produc by th Fac ~ ex in kWh wh th Seer delivers to Ida Pow at th Point ofDe1ive th exIO"OO kW by th hour in th spfic month in which th en wa delive (For exale Janua cota 744 hours. 744 hour ties 10,00 kW ==7,440,00 kWh En deliver in 1anua in ~ of 7 ,44,00 kWh in ths example wou be Inert En.) 7.5.2 Although Seer in to degn an ope th Footy to gen!at l).m,or _ 10 avere MW an thfore do no in to ge IiiveF., Idah Powewül ac Inver Engy th doe not exce th Maum Ca A. bu wi not pU or pa for Invert Enegy. 7.6 Paymt,D Da - En paymen~ les th Win Bngy Pron For M Cost Allocon (MCA) desbe in Ap E an any ot payn du Ida Pow~ wi be disbu to th Se within 30 days of th da whch Ida Powe~reve an ~the doumtaon of th monthy Mec Availe Guee an th Net Engy acly de to Idao Power as spified in App A. 7.7 COlUifl'l Jur oftl Qmil- Ths Ag.is.a:sp eoan 8&.. th ra~ te an cotion cota in ths Ag wi be ~ in ae wi lM Power CPmy v. lgl Puiç Uties Cooa an Af Er'l g., 107 Ida 7S1, 693 P.2d 427 (1984), Ida PowerÇoyv.lda Puc Utj Coroisg 107 Idao 1122, 695 P.2 i 261 (1985), Af ßn In. v. Ida Power C9mpY4 i 1 1 Ida 92, 72 P2 400 (l986) Se 210 of the Pulic Utiliti Regry Policie Act of 1978 an i 8 CPR §!92.303-308. ARTICLE vm: ENONMA, ATf 8.1 Ida Power waves any clai to ownp of Envinm Attbu. Ei Attbu inlud, bu ar not limite to, Gr Tag, Gr Cer Ren En Cr -18 - 10110 (R) aù Tmd~ Ce (TCs) di asat wi th pr of en tr 1à s,'s Fac. AlUÇ IX FAClW AN J.OOQN .9.1 1) oiflelì. - Se wi de ~ in own ... ma th Fac an any Seerwi ~n F~sø as to$Üw sa an re ~ an dever of Ne EI an li En to th Idao Pow Poin of Delive for th fu te of th.Å 9.2 J~ if- Bxl1 spy pr fal in 1h ~ th re ~ F~ wi be in ao with Sche 72, th Geon Inecon Pr an l. B. Th SeUer is~é roal'co as with ths eqpm as sp in Sce 12 aa tl Ga ~ ~ in bu BO Jim to intì co ~ by IcWPo fQ ~co in co an 0I moy Id Powe op an mate exes. A&TlCLE X: MEmI AN TETRY 10.1 l4ig - kW Powe sb for th &C of Se, prvi, in, an in Meg an Tel ~. to be ~at a m:Uh:laUy ag upn loo to re an aw powe tl to It p~ m ~ widi Ag an 8ce 72. 'T Me ia wi be at th lo _ th ty re te me re an re tlFadiy's - £n, St ..1D~ ~ .aainim ~ del. (kW) at th Poi ofDeve in a ma to prvide Ida Powe ad en ~ da to adistil Agt an to iB 1l Fac's. eu ~QD in tl Ida POV elec sy. 10.2~y Id Pow wi ~ op* an matain at Se's ex meg, c:~ an tele e. whch wi be ca ofprdi ida Powe with co ii te of se' s Net En an lner En pruc an delive to th Ida Pc'W PQ a(De to lda Power's Degn Di Facil. -19- 10i10 ARTICLE XI - RERp i 1.1 Maenanr.e ofR. Seller sh mantin at th Facty or su ot loc mutually acIe to th Paes ad to ge Net En, Ston Use Im ~ an maum geon (lW) re in a form an co reme by lda :PòW. 11.2 lDon - Either Par, af renale noce to th oter pa, shl hae th rigJ~~ no bu hour, to in an au any or al geon Net ED, Staon Use, Inve eiigy an maxum geon (lW) re peining to th Sell's Fac. t\TIÇL.xi: 0PERDcæl 12.1 ComQB..-ld PO' an th Se shn maìøt apop opg comuæs tB~ Id powers Degn Di Pad in atèeWith ~ A of ths Agt. 12.2 ~'Ace- 12~2. i Ida Pow sball be èX ño acan payi for Net En or oong Inve &e wb wod ha otse be prby & Fac an delìer'òy 1h Sell to th Poi of Delier, if it is prte fr ci SO by an 'ew of Force ìr~F~ Oue or te dimiOn òfth Fàeilty in ~ 'W ~1'. It fo re ot th an eveø.cfFor ma or a Fo Ou a tepoa: ~ìrll~72 exce Twe (20) das, be wi th tw-f da of su ~&i ei or reucon Seller 'W be de1D be deliV Net En at a ra ea.alto di pr ra da1y aver of th amouts sp for th aplicae mont in ~ 6.2. 14 ~.mn lO Seller wh th in cu or reon is tiiD 12.2.2 If in th reNe op of Ida Powe, Ses Ðp otthFac or in Facll is ~ or ma ot adly af Jdà Po's .eqpm pel or sece to it cus Ida Pow may tepoil di th Faclity fr Ida Power's transmisson/distbuon sy as sp wi Sc 72 ortae su ot re st as Ida powe de ap. -20- 10i10 12.2 Uml DO Øxmi wi th Se deli Ne. :Egy an Ji En ft th Fac to th PòimofDeJivei in an amou th exce th Mamn Ca Am at aø mo in ti. Sell's faur to limit devees to th maum Ca Amount will be a Ma Bæ of th Ag. 12.3 St ~ - On ot beor Jan 3 i of ea caen ye, Sell sb sut a wii ~~ sc of sign Faclity m. fo th caen ye an Ida Powe an Sell sb mutly ag as to th actaty of th prpo schee. The Pa deÎNti as to th ae ofdl Se's ti fo sced nice wi tae in ~ Pr Elecca Pr Ida Powe sy reuiem.an th Seer's pr sd. Nei Pa shl unly withld ac of th prpo mase 12.4 Mi..C ~ - Th Seller an Ida Powe sh, to th ex pr, co th reè lin an 'Fac maii sce su tha th oc siulusy. 12.5 Cn Pr to CDJm - kI Pewe wi ma a rena au to CO th seer pr to em it ri to ii th inon ot cu devees tom th Sell's Fadty. ~tr ~ th in th ca of emy cice re time opon of th eleetricasy, anor un even Ida Powe may no be able to prde no to th Seller pr to iì~ eu or te of elecca engy delive to Id Power. ARDCLB XW: ~ACTQNAN INSJJE i 3.1 hifi Ea Pa sh ag to hold haes an to in th oth Pa, its of ag afliat, su~ pm- coy an emloy ag al los, da, ex an li to tb pe fo iiur to or de of pen or inur to pr, prxily caus by th ~ pa's co own, opon or matece of, or by faur of, any su p&'$ wo or faes us in co with th Ag. The in Par sh, on th of Pa's re de any su as a cla cover by this inty. Th infy Pa shn pa all do co, inlud renale at fee th ma be Ûl by th otPa in en th inemnity. - 21- 10i10 13.2 ~- dug th te ofdn Ag Seer sh seam ~ ea th foUow in coer: 13.2. I Coprehenve Geer Liailty In for bo boy ~ ai ~ dage wi li eq to $1,00,00, eah oc, combi sin limi 13.2.2 Th abve in cover sb be pla wi an msuiimce co with ø A,M. Be Copay rag of A- or be an sh inlud: (a) An en nain Id Pow as an ad in an los paye as apcale, an (b) A prvion sting th such polic shaU not be oaled or th lim of liWlty reuc without si (60) days' pror wrtt no to Ida Powe. 13.3 Seer to Prvi Ce otIpng - As re in pa 4.1.6 herg _ ~ th, Seller sha fu Ido Power a ce of ÎD to wi th enents re lh evin th cove as se fo ab. 13.4 Segto No id PowegfLo ofCeveg - If th Îl oove ~l)y pah 13.2 shll la for any re Seller wi immely noti Ida Pow m ~. Th notice will advi Idao Powe of th spifc re for th la an th *p Seer is ta to rein the covere. Failur to prvi th no an to expetious re or relac th cover wil constu a Ma Br of th Ag. ARTICLE XI: FORCE MA 14.1 As us in this Agr "For Ma" or "an ev ofFor Maele" niSV ~ beond th cotrl of th Seller or of Ida Powe wh dete tlexerseof du dii~, _h pa is unle to prent or ove. For Ma in~ bu is no li to" ac of Go ~floo st, wa ho, civl ste, stes an ot Ja ~.~~, 1k lightn epidecs sata or ch in law or reon oc af th Efve Da, whch by th exerise of due diige, it sh be unle to over. If ei pa is rede whlly or in -22- 1013110 pa un to pe its obligaOl uatb ~ be of an ev of For Ma, bo Pa sb be ex fr wDcr pe is af by th even of For Maeu, prvide 1b (1) Th nopelÍDnning Par "1, as SO as is rey poble af th oc of th Fot maeu, give th oth Par wrtt notce desbig th pøou of th OOien (2) Th~ ofpefo shll be of no gr sc an of no lo duon th is ie by th ev of For Maeu. (3) ~o obi~ ofei Par wh arbe th ~ .ca th suon ofpe ad whch co au sh .ha.be id. pe be su 0C shU be ex as a ret of su occe. ARTIW XV LIAIITY WICATlON 15.1 Nothing in th ~ shll be am to cr an du to, any st of ca With reai tQ, or any lili to any pe no a Par to th Agr. No un by on pa to th ød un aa prvi of ths .At sh co th decaooof th Par's syst or any po th to th ot Par or to th public or af th st of Ida Pow as an~ pu td ~ or se as an in in or en. ARUCl£ XY Siw QllAlONS 16.1 ~ whe-sp.. intb ~ to be Otse, th dues, obligaon an J.oftlPaa:ùi to be seer an no jo or collecve. Noting cota in ths Ag sb eR be ~ to tm an ason tr pa or joi vent" or jtltp a tror ~sb du, 'abipi or li oi or wi re to ei Pa. Ea pa sbll be inviy an se~ liale for it ow obligaon un ths Ag -23- 101210 ARTILE XV: WJ\ 17.1 Any waiver at any ti by ei pa of it ngh wi re to a det un 1b Ag or with re to any oth ma ar in co with dns Ag shll not be de a waver with re to any suue de or ot ma. ARTICLE XV CHOICE OF LAWi AN..~ i 8. i Ths Agrt shl be co an in in acrd wi th law of th Sta of Ida withut referece to its chice of law prvi. i 8.2 Vom for any Imon .is ooêf ortelat 10 thø Agêê1\lie in th Di oo of th Fom Judci Dist of Ida in an for th Co of Ada ARTICL XI: DISPUTS AN OOAl1I i 9.1 Di - Al diut rela to or ar un th Ag iolud bu not li to th inteton of th te an coøftb ~ wi be su.to'th Ca . for resoluton. 19.2 Not qfl;ñw - 19.2.1 I;fauit If ei Pa fa to peor any of the ie_ or co oith.ÂglB (an "event of default', th no Pa sb ca notice in wnti to be gien to th defa Par, sp th ma in whch su deul ocur. If th defaul Par shan fa to cure suh det with th si (60) days af se of su ~:or ifth~.'Paty renaly dens to th ot Pa &a th deult ca be~:w a~ rele ti but no.witb Slh ~ (60) da pe an 1: fate dipt"'~ th~ th non-tiii pa ma., at it op tein dds ~._/f)luit. m- equitale reedies. 19.2.2 Ma B~ - Th noce an cur prvion in pah 19.2.1 do no aply to defats inentitied in this Ag as Ma Brhes. Ma Brhe mu be cur as extiouly as poble folowg oc of the br. -24- 10l10 i9~3 ~iI ~ - Prørto di Opon Da and tb fo the fu te oftb ~ .wi wi pivi fd.Pwe with th follwi: 19.3.1 Ips - Evî of comp wi th prviions of pa 13.2. If Seer fa to oo, M'faur wm be a ma Br an ma on be cu by Sell sulyi evdece .. b lU ~ cove ha be reac or re; i~.3.2 BtMr'$ ~ - Eve th (3) yea af th Opon Da Sell wi suy läo Po with a eecs of Onin Opaton an Maintenanc (O-M) fr a ~ Prfe Ei li in th St of Idao, whch Ceca of Onoin O&M shll be in 1f form spifi in Ap C. Seer's faur to suy the reui ce will be an ev of defa Suc a detma only be cu by Séprviding the reui ceca; an 19.3.3 1) _ feiP - Du th fu !eim of th A¡ Seller sb mantn coia wi al pemit an lice debe in pa 4.1.1 of th Agren In addition, Se wi su Jda Powe with ~ of an ne or adti pets or lice. At le ever fift Co Yea; Sell wi up th doon debe in pa 4.1.1. If at any ti Se.fì 10 mè coli wi th pets an lice de in pa 4.1.1 or to prvi th.~ ~ by th pa su faur will be an even of det an may gi be ai by Se suUi to IdPow ~de of eolice fr th pett agcy. AKXX: QOYEAL A\lQBtUIIN 20.1 TI A. is suec to th juron of thse goveren ages havi contrl ov ei Par of th Agt. AßuçLE XX: COMMIQ ORDER 21.1 1lAg sh be finaly efecve upn th Cosson's ap of al te an pr hef wi eh or coti an delaon th all paymts to be mae to Selerhe sh be al as pry in ex for rang pu. ARDCLxx SUCCBRS AN ASNS -25- 10i10 22.1 Th Ag an al of th te an prns befshl be .lm up~'im to th bet of th repeve sussors an asgn of th Paes he, excepttl no asgnDui ~ by eith Par sh beme effecve withut th wr co of bo Pa beng fi obned. Suc co sh not be unly withld. Notwth th ~ any ~ wb.Id Power may conslida, or in whch it ma me or to whch it may co or tr ~'Y al of its electrc utity as sh aumacaly, withut fu ac an wi ne of eo or apva by th Seller, suc to al of Ida Powe's righ,. obJi.oi an in un ths Agrt. Ths arcle sha not prent a ficin enty with terde or ~ ri ~ exeris al righ an rees avaie to it uner law or co Idaho Powe shall mwe.tl. to be noed by th fig enty th is exer suh righ or reed. ARTICL XX: MOIFCATION 23.1 No modcaon to th Agen sh be vad unes it is writing ai signed by both Pa an subsuey apved by the Cosson ARTIÇL XX: It\ 24.1 Ea pa shal pa beor deliuey aU taes an ot go~ dt whid, if faled tD be pa vv due, could ret in a lien upo th Fac or th Iion Fadti. ARTIÇL XX: NQTICES 25.1 All wrtt notice un this Agrtsbll be died as follws an shl be coer delivered whe faed e-maled ancoed with det in the U.S. Mal, fi-cla, poe pr as follows: ~26~ 10i10 To Se BnVèWmrLLAtt: Op MaC/ Co Win Ct LLI5ö N. Da Asnl Budìg C, Su 356 Ho TX 71079 Pl 832-337-2555 Em: 4åçkÊlUamiKu'cg Ql ~.m: v~ Pr~ Pow SuplyId ~ Coy PO Bo io Bo lda 83707 Em: iinm:dU~we¡.ço To Ida Powe Eit Pa ma cl th cot pe anor ad inor li ab, by prvidig wdtte no fr an au pe repmlcnCin th Par. -21- 101210 ARTICLE XX: ADNAL TE'AN CQNDS 26.1 Ths Agen inlud th foll apf wlar~heheo__i~ by reere: ApxA -AppB -AppdiC -AppD -AppE - Monty Pow PrÐi an A wity Rert Fac an Point ofnever En's Ceficaon Form of Liqui SeWin En Pron Foreing ARTICLE XX= SEYiIL 27.1 Th invalidity or unenorty of any te or prvi of1hs Agren shl no af th vaidity or enorc of any te or prvion an th Agt shIl be ce in all ot re as if th invald or unorle te or prviion wee omtt ARDCLEXX= ÇO~MTS 28.1 Ths Ag iny be exec in tw or more ~..~of.bs"ll be~ed. orgi bUt all of whch toet sh co one an th sai~ ARTICLE XX EN AQR 29.1 Ths Agrent cotu th en Agt of th Par co the subj maer hef and su al pror or contporaus or or wrtt agen be th Pa conc th sujec ma hef. -28- 10110 IN W1 Wf~ 11 Pali ha ca th Ag to be exec inth æe Ra oi th da se fe beI!h_~ By Da Da~~ -29- -- W"1I.Pif~ 101310 APPENIXA A-I MONTY POWE PRODUCTION AN AVAIABILUPR.T At th en of eah mo th fonow re d. will be su to: ldaPoweCoy Att: ~on an Smal Powe Prodii P o Box 70 Bois, . lda.$3707 Th me regs req on ths re wil be th reags on th Ida Pow Met Eqpm meg th Facilty's to en pron dever to Ida Powe an Staon Usae an th ma ge en (lW) as re on th Mee Eq anor an ot re engy measemts to aduay adinst th Ag Th do sb be th doen to enle Idao Power to be th en paen caon an paym pr. Th me reings on th re sh no be us to ca th ac paymt, bu in wi be a ch of th auma me reg inoron th wi be gat as desbe in ite A-2 beow: Ths re sh also inlud th Sell's cacuon of th Meehaca Availaty. - 30- 10i10 I.... Pller C..,.y~....8mhw~ MO¥lQWDPION AN AVAB,AliI RBRT PiNa: Mont Prje Nube: Yea Ad Ci Pho Numbe Sta Zi- p .~Mi £ rfnNe Fac Ston StaQi Usa l1Me Nu Ea ofMÐB kWh Me I_iug ~ofMotWhMet.~: Ti Me Co kWh fo th Mo: Me De kW .,."1 ~Aya~ GllSe Caat Mè Ava As sp in th A¡ th Se sh inlud wi ths mo re a SlUDDa st of1b M~ca Avail oftb Facil fo th ca month. Th summa shl inlu $$ as to howlh Seller caai ths vaue an su of th F~ då us in th ea Ida Powe an th Se shll wo to to muty de a su re th pr'1b re if Ida Powe re th ri to re th de da us in thca 8$ al. wi th A¡ Sjgi Da -31- 101210 A-2 AUTMATE METE REING COLLECTON PR.OCESS Monthy, Ida Powe wi us th pr Met an Tel eq an pr to ÇOUee th me re inor ño th Ida Powe pr Me Eq th me th Net Enegy an en delive to suy Ston Use futh Fac re at 12:00 AM (Mght) of th las day of th month. Th mete inorn collec will inlud bu no be li to eigy pron St g~ 1l maum ge powe (lW) an any ot re engy inms to adly admiBi th Agent. A-3 ROUT REPORTIGIgg POM;.Çg lDorm Daly &i ~~ii Ca daily by 10 a m.,.l=l3&432B or l=83S1023 anIæveth fonowig inormti: · Pr Idti - Pr Na an PrNuibe · Cu Met Reag· Es Geaton for th cu day · Es Genaton for th ne day Pim mi !Igpl! J? gutes Cal 1 -IQO34S- 13 i 9 ai leae th followi inomian: · Prec Idetificaon - Pr Nam ai Prjec Num· Apxi ti out oc Es day an ti of prjec co ba oi Se', Qm Ii 24-H9 fi Op ÇpNa: Te:èpho Num Cell Phne: Prie On C9 In Telepne Nu: -32- 10J10 APPENIXB FACILY AN POIN OF DELIVRY PROJCT NO. BroWmdLLC B-1 DERION OF FACIIT (M i1 .~ rn tI Y ÅR co (b lea 0I úi of al ge imt3 tQ be mc bliñ FtJ.) . Th Fad Wi co of 13 Sie wi tu with invi ge na ra of2.3 MW'. êB-l; föa toutFad geat na ra of29:9M, with a mawn Fac ou.of29.9 MW. Eah~ mihe a ie poer caty (V AR ca) of 1,114 kV Ar deveed (l to 1,114 kV Ar conm (lea. Seller an Id Powe may mutly .. to ~ an ti pr to th Opon Da, a diffen matmer anor mo 'w tu prtl tl ~ ~.railig oft1 FàO do no exce 30 MW. If th.Se wi to su dien wi tuin, th Sell sha prvide deed sptiofth pr ~ wi tu to Idaho Po. Ida Pow wil th reew th de .iD an ei.~ or re th .Ses pr substD wi:t. Ida P01 ~ of_~ .....tm wi be ieui Ðy bo eorm th th ~ isabto ~__._ Slti wi tu an 1h th sutuwi tu ar ac UÐ th Ag Ony af Jda Pows ac of th sutu wi tu _U th Seer be allo to iD th sutu wi tu, whch ac sh not be~ywithkt -33- 10i10 B-2 LOCATION OF FACIU Nea: Burley, ID Sen: 13&24 Townhi: II is Ra WE. Co: Qi ID Seon: 7,3&19 Town: IllS Ra: R26E Co Ça ID Deon ofhion Loon: Oisite in Se 25, Ti 1 St R2SA FJmote Cmm, Ida. li with an ex Ida Powe 138 kV dill ti~ Bxpoof innnon to be de as pa of th Ida Powe ~ bu tmt~'$innnon sty pr. Nea Ida Powe S~ ~~ B-3SCHBDULED FIT ENOY AN OPETION DATE Sener ba sele Oc 31, 2014 as the 'Scul Fir Ell ~, Seerli selæ De 31, 26l4a th ~~ Dä. In makng th seons Sell re th ad teing of th Fac aa complet of an reui in pa 5.2oft1s ~ mu. ~ pr toth prject be grte an Op !). B-4 MA CAACIT AMOUN: ths va wi le29;' MW~is~wi& vaQC pr by th Seer to Jà Powet in ~Wi ~72. Tb.~ is th nm engy (M th poall coul be deve by 1b ~sFtdto th Idàh Pow.de sy at an mot in ti. B-5 POIN OF DELIVRY "Poin of Delivery me unes ot ag by bo Pa: th poin of wh 1l Seler's Facilty's engy is deliver to th Ida Poweeleea sy. Schee72 wi de th spfic Poin of Deive for th Facilty. 'T Point of Deve ~ by Sch 72 will be an inte pa of ths Agr. -34- 1013110 B- LO If th Ida Powe Me eqpm is cae of mea th ex en delive by th Sd to th Id Pòwe el syst at th Poin of Deliver, no Losse wi be cacu for th Fac. If th Ida Powe Me is un to mea th ex en devees by th Sell to th Id Po e1 sy at th Point ofDeliver, a Loss cacuaton wi be eslis to ~ th en loss (kWh) be th Seller's Faclity an th Ida Powe Point of Deliver. Th los ea wi be iny se at 2OA. of th kWh engy pron re on th Facit ge metdng eqpm At su ti as Seller prvi Ida Powe wi th elec ~ spni (troner loss spcaon, cond si, et) of all of th elcal èepI be th Facil an th Id Powe elecca system, Ida Powe wi confgu a ie lo oaat foul to be a¡ to by both Paes and us to caculat th kWh Lo fo th reniDg te of thA¡ If at an ti du th te of ths Ag Idaho Powe deine th th los cacu do no co reflec th ac kWh los atbu to th e1 eq be th Fac an th Id Power elec ~ Ida Powe may ad th ca an reve adju th prous month's kWh los caons. B-7 MB AN TEBMy Sde 72 wi delline th spc ni an telem reuits fur this Faclity. At th iním th Me :E an .Tele eqen mus be ab to prvide an rerd hoy eagy deve to th Poi of Deliver an any oter en mets reui to ad di Aøee. 1' sp wi inlud bu not be li to eq ~ eq lo Id Powe prde equit, Se pr equit an al co as wi th eqpm de an inon of th Idaho Power prvide eqpm Se wi ar for and mae avle at Sellers co counca cirt(s) compble to Idao Pos coun eqpm an de to Ida Powe us teina at th Ida Pow Fac ea1e of prvi Id Pow with co in inonon on th Facties engy pm. Ida Pow prvi eq will be own an mata by Ida Powe, with to co of pu, in op an mace inludin ad co to be rebu to Ida Powe by th Seer. Paym of th co wi be in acce with Schee 72 -35- 1013110 an th tota me co wi be inlu in th cacuaton of th Montly Op at Ma Chage spe in Sche 72. ~36- 10i10 AfPENlXC ENGINER'S CETIICATION OF OPERTIS & MAANCE POLICY Th un , on be of hilf an . he.iM coecvely re to as "Enne," hey st an ce to th Se as foll: i. Th lSne is a Lioe Prfes Engiii in go st in th Sta of Ida. 2. Th Eñ ha reewe th Engy Saes Ag li "Agrent", be Ida Powe as Buye, an as Sell, da 3. Th tl coge or sm powe pron projec whch is th suec of th AgraD th St is ì. as IP Fac No. an is li refer to as th"P.4. Th th Pr wl is co knwn as the Prje is loc in Seon _Tow_Raø-, Bo Mean County, Ida. 5. l' Engine ie th th Ajt prvide fo th Prjec to fu elec en to Ida Powe for a tw (20) ye pe 6. Th Bn ha SDdi ex in th ~ co an opon of elec pG pWcs oftl sa ty as th Prec 7. 11 Eø ha no ecnoc re to th De Engi of th Prjec 8. Th ERne ha re anór su th reew of th Policy for Opon an Ma ("O for th Pr an it is hi prfeona opon th prvide sad Prjec ha be de an bu to ap st adce to sad O&M Policy wi ret in th Prje's pruc at or ne th de el outut eff an plat fa for a twty (20) ye pe. 9. Th eu reæs th Id8 Pow, in ac with pa 5.2 of th Agen is re on Enne's re an opinon cota in th Sta -37 - 10110 i o. Tht en ce th th ahove st ar cole ti an acur to th be of his knwled an threore se hi ha an se beow. By (p.E. Sta) Da -36- 10110 AlfE1XC ENGI'S CETIICATION OF ONGOING OPERTIONS AN MAANCE Th ui . on be of hi an li collve re to as "Engine," heby st an ce to th 8e as fonow: 1. Th Bn is a Lice Prfe Enne in go smin in th Sta of Ida.2. Th Bn ha rewe th En Sa Agrt, heinaft "Ag", be Id Po as Bi~ an asSe, daed 3. Th th COon or sm po pron prje whch is th sujec of th Ag an tis Stis idefted as IP Fac No. an li re 10 as th "Pjec.4. Th th Pr wh is co kn as th Prjec is loc in Se _Towp_Ra-, Bois Medi Coun, Idao. 5. Th En reze th th Agr prvide fo th Prec to fush elec en to lda Powe fo a tw (20) yea peod. 6. Th En.ha subslJiiø ex in th de coon an opon of elecc popkof1h sa ty as th Prjec 7. '1 En b¥ no eo relaon to th De Engi of th Prjec. 8. Tl Eioe ha ma a physca iDon of sad Prje its opeon an mate re si th las pievòu ce iD. It is En's prfesiona opn, ba on th Pæ's ap, th its oo O&M ha be substiy in ac with sad O& Pol tàa it is in rey go oprang cotion an th if adence to sad O&M Policy co th Prjec wi coue pr at or ne its degn elecca outut efcieny an plan fa fo th rening _ yea of th Ag 9. Th En reze th kl Powe, in ac with pa 5.2 of th Agr is reyq on En's rqio an opon co in th Sta. -39- 10i10 10. Th Engiee ce th th abve st ar complet, tr an aour to th be of hi knwlede an thfor sets hi ba an se below. By (p.E. Stìp) Da -40- 10i10 : APDNJlß .i'S CEIIfCADON OF DESIGN &COSTUClION ADEQACY 'Ii-.sipe , on be of himself an ~ celly re to àS ~~," h.by st an Ge to th Seer as follws: 1. Th Ei isa Lic Prfe En in go st in th St ofIda. 2. Tb Bin. la mi th Fir En Saes Ag heft "Agt", ~ IM Pow as Buye, an as Seller, da 3. Tb th ~ Qf _11 powe pron prec whch is th suec of th Agr an du Sta is id as JP Facty No an is he refe to as th"P. 4. Th th Pr wh is co møwn as th Prec is loc in Seon _TOWip_RBQ-- to, Ida. s. 1b En ~.1i th Ag prvi for th prject to fu elecca en to Id Powe fo a tw (2) ye pe 6. 'I ~ Ji $B ex in th de co an opon of ele po pI_s of th sa ty as th Prec. 7. 11 Eine ha DO ecc relaon to th De En of this Prec an ha mae th an of th pl an specifica iny. &. Th Eane ha re th engi degn an coiion of th Prje inlud th civi wo ele wo ge eq pr mover conveya sy Seller fu ~ Fac an ot Pr faties an equien 9. Tb th Pr ha be co in acrd with sa plan an spca al ap co aa ~ with Pm Elec Prce as th te is debe in thAg -41- 10i10 ~ .. 10. Th th degn an oo of th Pr is su th wi re aa pn opon an mate pr by Se, Th P1 is eale of pemi in ac with th te of th Agr an wi Pr Elecca Pmce fu a tw (20) yepe 11. Th En re tl Id Powe, in ac .wi ~ 5.2 of th Agtin inteco th Prjec wi its syem is relyi on En's ~ an op cont in th Stat. 12. Th En ce th th ab sten ar~ we .aø~ to th &eio hi knwledge an thefore se his ha an se below. By (p.E. Stup) Da -42- 1ot10 . .AP D FOR OF LI SECUR Th Se sI ~vi Id PQwe wi ~ iena!e se Ir su as Ca Es ~. ~ or Le ofCit as th te arde be or oth fo ofliqu fiD8 se ma wouW prvi re aveæs to Ida Powe to sa th DeySety aD '. oi .tv. wi..:- A__+,." ..~:V~ ..~_H1 Fôi th pu of th ap D. th te "Cre Reui sh mea ~ie fi ~JM oftà,ea ~ th seÎDen in mlQn to th te of th obligonia.. ~~ QÎ'~ p~, pi ti an guan anor let òftrt is by av od ~ WiJ1shte or ~ iDest gr ~ ra by St & Poo's ~or Mo'aInves ~ In tb be de to m,ve ac fi~~:,\ "',f''''/ ')~,'\ 1. Ca E: Se -.Se*idJ ~ ~ in _ es ~ es by th Seer ÎlA~ ia., ~ to bo Paeq to lh.De Se or oth reui ~ am (8). ne ~ sà be resonsibl fo al CO an reve any in ea,._..~_.~tJesacs). 2. ~ or Le ofCø ~ '- SlsWlplaa øiin an am eq to th De Sety or ot re se an: (a) a ~ fi a pa th sa th Cr R.ts, in a fo acble to Id Po at its discon or (b) an irocle ~ of Ci in. fo ~ to Ida Powe, in favor of Id Po. The Le of Ci wi be is by a fi iDtu ac to lJ pa. Th ~ sh be ~bl_ aU co ~ wieslisbg an main.th Gu8Ds) or Les) of Ci -43- 10i10 . AlIXE WI ENGY PRODCTON PORBCASTIG As sped in Co Ol 30, Ida Po sh malÌ ota Win~PtUC F~ mol tofor th en pr fW tb Fac an ø1~Fa' wi ge~ Seerædld'Po wi Shar. co ofWin~gyPrØl Forg. Th Facil's sh ofW'md ei ~ F~ isddmm'e as Sp below. Selle she wil not be gr th 0.1 % of th tota en paen ma to Se by Ida Powe du thpr Conn Yea. a. For ev, iooftl ~beng widi 6e. lñ&t Ø:iiilhttillfFi EaIY Da as .sp in Ap of th ~ di W"_~ Pr.. For~yCo AU (MCA)wm'h_"~DY. Se. My W'md ea Jr F~MoyCØ~tMA)5t .". rembu to Idao Powe sh be deuc frm eo pa to th~. · As th vaue of tl o. i % ca of th Fac to ea pa~ wi no 'b la uø th fi Co Yea is ~. at ~\ei oft1fb Cøiti Yea aø prwal 1h exee'flo.i~Cl :i~~tó're 1h o. i % ca an ifdi Fac ha pa tlkHD.ml ~. re wi be includ in eq mo am ovetæ..~yea. 1f1l Faciüt ha no pa th moy aJ th am du Id Pow. wi be adus ~ ad 1hùø ~'wm be de fm.l.ni.... Co ye"s eu pa. b. Du th fi Co ye, as th va Mit Ð.:l%:'eoffhFadcs.tø âi pa will be bo UB ll fi Ce'Y_is;~,:f~ Pb wide th Fae's eaÑ ~ ofthW.Btgy ~ ~co speed in it d ea mo du tl fi Ca Yea" ~~ any overym (pym th exce th ca) in eq møy aøun øv1h en Con Yea. c. Th cost alocon foul debe be wi be re àn re if ne on th la da of any mon in wh th cumve MW na of Wåpr ha -44- 10i0 . ~tlwd~""vø..to Ia PO_be~ by au ae ofdl èe"iiisâ do TilM æø~ wi_ i. ~ th fo hmui to th æt ~ iøug of aU QF wi precto lcWPO\ ~~ is et to.~;raål oftl Fad as iseq " ..e.A..:(ACA)-AFosX (F ITM AD ,A...tM -= ACAI 12 .C- n. ... .~. '.F~lìg Mo Co Al.(MCA) is du an ~iè M¡ PO". l',MCA vd. fi be ne ag an mòy.ei pa""~"ÌQ'_se~ Jf1l .,diii øftl MeA àg ihin ~ ~.$lila~W. ~ l4 Pow, th Fe $h pa t8aauu wi I$.pa iRee. -45- 10/10 .. 11a" t f ê T11Sß2 Se 13: SE ~ S % NE Y.; NE % NE 14Se 24: E %T1SBfSe 7 : All Se 18:NW%;W%NE%; NW14SE %; N%SW%;Lo4 se 19 : N % NW 14 11'l~113"113"2 11~ -. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON~ DC F.. o. r m.. 5: 5 6. Certlfcation of Qualifying Facilty (QF) Status for a Small PowerProduction or Cogeneration Facility OMS Control #I 1902-0075 Expiration 5/3112013 1a Full name of applicant (legal entity on whose behalf qualifying facility status is sought for this fadIity) Bravo Wind LLC ~¡ 1b Applicant ~reet address _....''''''',.- c/o Cotterel tUndEnergy Center LLC ::0 150 N.Dairy Ashford Rd.()Building C,Suite 356 D - . .......,j ('rl 1c City 1d State/province .. Houston TX f,:'l 1e Postal code 1 f Country (If not United States)19 Telephone number 77079 832-337-2537 ,.j::.:- 1h Has the instant fadl!ty ever previously been certified as a QF?Yes 0 No ~ 11 if yes, provide the docket number of the last known QF filing pertaining to this facility:QF ------ 1j Under which certification process Is the applicant makIng this filing? ~Notice of self-certification o Application for CommIssion certificatlon (requires filingC(see note below)fee; see "Filng Fee" section on page 3) 0 Note:a notice of self-certification is a notice by the applicant itself that its facflty complies wIth the reuirements for.p QFstatus.A notice of self-certificatiOn does not establish a proceeding, and the Commission does not review a~ E notice of self-certifcation to verify compUance.See the 'Wat to Expect From the Commission After You FJle"lo section on pagE! 3 for more information.~C 1k What type(s) of OF status is the applicant seeking for Its facilityl (check aU that apply).. C ~ Qualifying small power production facility status o Qualifying cogeneration faclUty status0.-11 What is the purpose and expected effective date(s) of this filing?+J~.~~OrigInal certificatiOn; facilty expected to be Installed by 10/31/14 and to begin operation on 12/31/14-Q.0 Change(s) to a previously certified facility to be effective onQ. oe.Cldentrfy type(s) of change(s) below, and describe change(s) in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) 0 Name change and/or other administrative change(s) 0 Change in ownership 0 Change(s) affecting plant equipment, fuel use, power production capacity and/or cogeneratIon thermal output o Supplement or correction to a previous filing submitted on (describe the supplement or correction In thE! Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) 1m 1.£ any of the following three statements is true, check the box(es) that describE! your situation and complete the form to the extent possible, explaining any special circumstances in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. o The Instant facility complies with the Commission's QF requirements by virtue of a waiver of certain regulationspreviously granted by the Commission in an order dated (specify any other relevant waiver orders in the Miscellaneous setion starting on page 19) o The Instant faclUty would comply with the Commission's QF requirements if a petition for waiver submittedconcurrently with this application is granted The fnmnt facllity complies with the Commission's regulations, but has speCial circumstances, such as the0em ploytent of unique or innovative technologies not contemplated by the strcture of this form, that make the demonstration of compliance via thfs form diffcult or impossible (descrbe In Misc. section starting on p. 19) o (I o o 4) o FERC Form 556 Page 6 - All Facilities 2a Name of contact person 2b Telephone number Kevin Simmons 832-337-2537 2(Whith of the following describes the contact person's relationship to the applicant? (check one) c:o Appllcaht (self)~ Employee, owner or partner of applicant authorized to represent the applicant 0 o Employee of a company affliated with the applicant authorized to represent the applicant on this matter~ tQ o Lawyer, consultant, or other repreentative authorized to represent the applicant on this matterE2dCompány or organization name (Ifapplkant is an Individual, check here and skip to line 2e) 0s.~Cotterel WindEnergy Center LLCc:..t 2e Street address (if same as Applicant, check here and skip to line 3a)0 J9 150 N.Dairy Ashford Rd.c:Building C,Suite 356D0U2fCity 2g State/province Houston TX 2h Postal code 21 Country (if not United States) 77079 3a Facilty náme C Bravo ¡Hnd LLC0.....3b Street address (if a street address does not exist for the facility, check here and skip to line 3c) ~tQU0.. "'c: tQ 3c Geogråphic coordinates: If you indicated that no street address exiSts for your facllty by checking the box In Iirie 3b, C then you must specify the latitude and longitude coordinates of the facility in degrees (to three decimal places).Use0the following formula to convert to decimal degrees from degrees, minutes and seconds:decimal degrees =''¡ to degrees + (mlnutes/60) + (seconds/3600).See the "Geographic Coordinates" section on page 4 for help.(fyouuprovided a street address for your facility in lihe 3b, then specifying the geographic coordinates below is optional.q:.-..0 East(+)t8 North (4o)C longitude 113.468 degrees latitude 42.469 degrees(J t8 West(-)o Soutl'(-):2 P 3d City (If unincorporated, check here and enter nearest city) 0 3e State/province Burlèý Idaho- '0 3f County (or check here for independent city)0 Country (if not United States)to 39u.Cassia Identify the elecric utilties that are contemplated to transact with the facility. Vl 4a Identify utility interconnecting with the facilty(J :e Idaho Power Company-.il.. t8~4b Identify utllties providing wheeling service or check here if none 0'c:,-0..4c Identif utilties purchasing the useful electric power output or check here if noneUtoIdahoPowerCompanyIIc:~4d Identify utlltles proviing supplementary power, backup power, maintenance power, and/or interruptible power ,l-service or check here if none 0 Idaho Power Company o o o o o o FERC Form 556 Page ï - All FacUlties Sa Direct ownership as of effective date or operation date: Identify all direct owners of the facilit holding at least 10 percent equity interest. For each identified owner, also (1) Indicate whether that owner Is an electrc utilty, as defined in section 3(12) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.c. 796(22)), or a holding company, as defined In section 1262(8) of the Public UtUity HoldIng Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.c. 16451 (8)), and (2) for owners which are electric utilities or holding companies, provie the percentage of equity interest in the facilIty held by that owner. If 11 direct owners hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facilty, thên provide the required Informtion for the two direct owners with the largest equity Interest in the fadUty. ~Iectric utility or If Yes, holding % equity Full legal names of direct owners company interest 1)Cotterel WindEnerqy Center LLC Yes 0 No !8 100% 2)Yes 0 No 0 % 3)Yes 0 No 0 % 4)Yes 0 No 0 % 5)Yes 0 NO 0 % 6)Yes 0 No 0 % 7)Yes 0 No 0 % 8)Yes 0 No 0 % C0 9)Yes 0 No 0 %.-..10)Yes 0 ~No 0 % (l0-o Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous secion starting on page 19 if additional space is needed0'"Sb Upstream (i.e., indirect) ownership as of effective date or operation date:Identify all upstream (i.e., indirect) ownersCof the facility that both (1) hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facility, and (2) are electric utlltieS, asn: 0-defined In section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.c. 796(22)), or holding companies, as defined in section...1262(8) of the Public Utilty HoldIng Compay Act of 2005 (42 U.S.c. 16451 (8)). Also provide the percentage of..~equity Interest in the fadlity held by such owers. (Note that, because upstream owners may be subsidiarIes of one (1 another, total percent equity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.)i: ~Check here if no such upstream owners exist. !8 %eaulty Full legl names of electric utility or holding company upstream owners interest 1)%_-.-- 2)%-- 3)%.._--0...._~..¥- 4)% 5)%--.. 6)% '.~.. 7)% 8)% 9)% 10)% o Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 If additiohal space is needed Se Identify the facilty operator Cotterel WindEner9Y Center LLC (I FERC Form SS6 Page 8 - All Facilities ..::C.c:-~ei(Jc:w 6a Describe the primary energy input: (check one maIn category and, if applicable, one subcat~ry) o Biomass (specify) o Landfll gas o Geothermal o Fossil fuel (specify) o Coal (hOt waste) o Fuel all/diesel o Natural gas (not waste) Other fossil fuel o (describe on page 19) 1: Renewable resources (specify) o Hydro power - river o Hydro power - tidal o Hydro power - wave o Solar - photovoltaic o Solar - thermal ¡g Wind o Other renewable resource 0 Other (describe on page 19)(describe on page 19) 6b If you specified "waste" as the primary energy ilipu in line 6a, Indicate the type of waste fuel used: (check one) o Manure digester gas o Municipal solid waste o Sewage digester gas o Wood o Other biomåSs (describe on page 19) o Waste (specify tye below in line 6b) o Waste fuel listed In 18 C.EIl. § 292.202(b) (specify one of the following) o Anthracite culm produced prior to July 23, 1985 o AnthraCite refuse that has an average heat content of 6,000 Btu or less per pound and has an average ash content of 45 percent or more o Bituminous coal refuse that has an average heat content of 9,500 Btu per pound or Jess and has anaverage ash content of 2S percent or more Top or bottom subbituminous coal produced on Federal lands or on Indian lands that has been determined to be waste by the United States Department of the Interiot's Bureau of Land Management o (BlM) or that is located on non-Federal or non-Indian lands outside of BLM's jUrisdiction, provided that the applicant shows that the latter coal Is an extension of that determined by BLM to be w~ste Coa refuse producéd on Federal lands or on Indiarilands that has been determined to be waste by the o BlM or that is located on non~ Federal or non-IndIan lands outside of BlM's Jurlsdlctlon, provided that appllcant shows that the latter is an extension. of that determined by BlM to be waste o lignIte prouced in association with the production of montan wax and lignite that becomes exposedas a result of such a mining operation o Gaseous fuels (except natural gas and synthetic gas from coal) (describe on page 19) Waste natural gas from gas or oil wells (describe on page 19 how the gas meets the requiremehts of 18 o C.F .R. § 2.400 for waste natural gas: indude with your flUng any materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with 18 Cr:.R. § :MOO) o Materials that a government agency has certified for disposal by combustion (describe on page 19) o Heat from éxothermiC reactions (describe oh page 19) 0 Residual heat (describe on page 19) o Used rubber tires 0 Plastic materials 0 Refinery off-gas 0 Petroleum coke Other waste energy input that has little or no commerclal value and exists In the a bsence of the qualifyrig o facility industry (describe in the Miscellaneous secion starting on page 19; indude a discussion of the fuel's lack of commerdal value and existence in the absence of the qualifying facility industry) 6c ProVide the average energy input calculated on a calendar year basis, in terms of Btu/h for the following fossil fuel energy inputs, and provie the related percentage of the total averae annual energy Input to the faility (18 CF.R. § 292.2020)). For any of! or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (18 CF.R. § 292.202(m)). Annual average energy Percentage of total input for specified fuel annual energy input o Btulh 0 % o Biu/h 0 % o Btu/h 0 % Fuel Natural gas Oil-based fuels Coal FERe Form 556 Page 9 - All i:acllitles Indicate the maximum gross and maximum net electriC: poer production capacity of the facility at the polnt(s) of deliveiy by completing the worksheet below. Respond to aU items. If any of the parasitic loads and/or losses identifed in lines 7b through 7e âre negligible, enter zero for those lines. 7a The maximum gross power production capacity at the terminals of the indivdual genèltor(s)under the most favorable anticipated design condItions 29,900 kW 7b Parasitic station power used at the facility to run equipment which is necessary and integral to the poer production procéss (biler feed pumps, fanslblowers, offce or maintenance buildings directly related to the operation of the power generating facìlity, etc.). If th Is facìlity Indudes non- power production processes (for instance, power cbnsumed by a cogeneration facilitys thermal host) , do not indude any power consumed by the non-power producton activities in yourreported parasitic station power. 0 kW 7c Electrial losses in Interconnection transformers o kW 7d Electrical losses in ACiDe conversion equipment, if any o kW 7e Other Intercbnnectlon losses In power lines or facilties (other than transformers and ACiDC conversion equipment) between the terminals of the generator(s) and the point of interconnection with the utility 7f Total dedUètions from gross power production capacity = 7b + 7c + 7d + 7e o kW 0.0 kW 0c:o.-..to E.. J2c: 7g Maximum net power production capacity = 73 - 7f 29,900.0 kW 7h Description of facility and primaiy components: Describe the facility and It operation. Identify aU boilers, heat recovery steam generators, priin movers (any mechanical equipment driving an electric generator), electrical generators, photovoltaic solar equipment, fuel cell equipment and/or other primary power generation equipment used in the facility. Descriptîons of components should indude (as applicable) specifications of the nominal capacities for mechånical output, electrical output, or steam generation of the identified equipment. I=or each piece bf equipment identifed, clearly Indicate how many pieces of that type of equipment are included in the plant, and which components are normally operating or normally in standby mode. Provide a description of how the components ()perate as a system. Applicants for cogeneration facilities do not need to describe operations of systems that are dearl depicted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration facilty's attached mass and heat balance diagram; however, such appllcants should provIde any necessåiy description needed tb undE!rstand the sequential operation of thE! facUity depicted in their mass and heat balance diagram. If additional spacE! is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous sectIon starting on page 19. .~- 'ütou. ,~c.iu ~ The Bravo Wind facility will consist of 13 Siemens SWT-I0l wind turbines with individual generator nameplate readings of 2300 kW each which feed into a common collector system. The individual generating units have reactive power capabilities of 1,114 kVAr lagging and 1,114 kVAR leading. Unless otherwise constrained, the facility will operate during weather conditions favorable to energy production (hub height wind speeds between 4 and 25 mIs, temperatures between -25 and +35 degrees C and during periods ,-there wind turbulence levels would unreasonably fatigue the machines) . While estimated values have been provided in lines 7a - 7f, there is some uncertainty in these numers relating to the degree of possible generator over-efficiency, uncertainty in the length of the collection system, uncertainty in soil electrical properties, whether to assume that there would be time periods when all 13 turbines are operating at full capacity and other considerations. Given that some of these factors could cause a slight over- estimate of actual loss values while others could result in a slight underestimate, we currently take the conservative view that the facility output nameplate will be 29,900 kW. PERC Form 556 Page 10 - 5mall Power Production Information Required for Small Power Production Facility If you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifying small poer production facilty status for your facility, then you muSt respond to the Iteins on this page. Otherwise, skip page 10 Pursuant to 18 CF .R. § 292.204(a), the power production capacity of any small power production facility, together with the power production capacity of any other small power production facilities that use the same energy resource, are ownéd by the same person(s) or its affliates, and are located at the same site, may not e)céed 80 megawatts. To demonstrate compliance with this size liiitation, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this sl:ze limitation under the Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production Incentives Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 1 01 ~57S, 104 Stat. 2834 (1990) as amended by Pub. L 102-46, 1 05 Stat. 249 (1991 )), respond to lines 8a through 8e below (as applicable). 8a Identify any facilities with erectrlcal generating equlptnentlocated within 1 mile of the electrcal generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities identified In lines Sa or 5b, or their affliates, holds at least a 5 percent equity ihterèst. C1 Check here if no such facilties exist.I2 ;uc:V)Facility location Root docket 1#Maximum net power.æ-c:(city or county, state)(If any)Common owner(s)production capacitya.0 E ~1 )QF kWis-0 "-~.-u E 2)QF -kWÕ.----..3)kWc~QF - 0 .._-..--_..-,- o Check here andcontlnue In the Miscellaneous secion starting on page 19 if additional space Is neeed-p V)1'.iu..8b The Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production Incentives Act of 1990 (Incentives Act) provides(¡.~I .1=exemption from the size limitations In 18 CF .R. § 292.204(a) for certain facilities that were certified prior to 1995. Q)Are you seeking exemption from the si:ze limitations in 18 CF.R. § 292.204(a) by virtue of the Incentives Act?U o Yes (continue at line 8c below)I2 No (skip lines 8c through Be) 8e Was the original notice of self-certification or application for Commission certificatkm of the facilty filed on or before December 31, 19941 Yes 0 No 0 8d Did construction of the facility commence on or before December 31, 19991 Yes 0 No 0 8è If you answered No in line 8(, indicate whether reasonable dilgence was exercised toward the compleion of the facility, taking into account all facors relevant to construction? Yes 0 NoD If you answered Yes, provide a brief narrative explanation In the Miscellaneous sèction starting on page 190f the construction timellne (in particular, describe why construction started so log after the facUity was certified) and the diligence exercisd toward completlcm of the facilty. Q)~Pursuant to 18 t.F.R. § 292.204(b), qualifying small power production facUities may use fossil fuels, in miniral U c:amounts, for only the following purposes: ignition; start-up; testing; flame stabilzation; control use¡ alleviation orCQ)prevention of unanticipated equipment outages; and alleviation or prevention of emergencies, directly affecting .æ E..the public heahh, safety, or welfare, whiCh would result from electric power outages.The amount of fossil fuelsa.~used for these purposes may not exceed 25 percent of the total energy input of the facilty during the 12-nonthE'S period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calehdar year thereafter.0 0-U ci Certification of compliance with 18 c.i:.R. § 292.204(b) with respect to uses of fossil fuel:Õ i:9a CICII I2 Applicant certifies that the facility wil use fossil fuels ~xclus¡ve/y for the purposes listed above.0 ::-.Qi 9b Certification of compliance with 18 C.F .R. § 292.204(b) with respect to amount of fossil fuel used annually:1'u :z(¡u.Applicant certifies that the amoutlt of fossil fuel used at the facility wil not, in aggregate, exceed 25 '1=.i ~percent of the total energy input of the facilty during the 12-month period beginning with the date theQ).. U .~ facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. o o FERe Form $56 Page 11 .. Cogeneration Facllities Information Required for Cogeneration Facilty If you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifying cogeneration facility status for your facility, then you must respond to the iteMS on pages 11 through 13. Otherse, skip pages 11 throuh 13 Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 292.202(c), a cogeneration facility produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal A energy (such as heat, or steam) used for industrial, commercial, heating, or coolin.g purposes, through the sequential 'V use of energy. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 292.202(s), "sequential use" of energy means the following: (1) for a toppihg- cycle cogeneration facility, the Use of reject heat ftom a power production process in suffcient amounts in a thermal application or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained in 18 e.F.R. § 292.205(a); or (2) for a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility, the use of at least some reject heat from a thermalapplltation or process for power production. ' i:o+:æQ) §i: .- Q) ..gËu "-- J2æ c: Q) -i: Q)(! 10ø What tye(s) of cogeneration technology does the facility represent? (check all that apply) o Topplng-ecle cogeneration 0 Bottoming-cycle cogeneration 1 Ob To help demonstrate the sequential operation of the cogeneration process, and to support compliance with other requirements such as the operating and effciency standards, include with your filing a mass and heat balance diagram depicng average annual operating conditions. This diagram must Include cettalnltems and meet c:ertaln requirements, as described below. You must check next to the description of each requirement below to certify that you have complied with these requirements. Check to certify compliance with liidlcated requirement o o o o o o o o o o Requirement Diagram must show orientation within system piping and/or ducts of all priMe movers, heat recovery steam generators, boilers, electric generators, aiid condensérs (as applicable), as well as any other primary equipment relevant to the cogeneration process. Any average annual values required to be reported in Jines 10b, 12a, 13a, 13b, 13d, 13f, 14a, 15b, 15d and/or lSf must be computed óver the antiCipated hours of operation. Diagram must specify all fuel Inputs by fuel type and average annual rate in Btuth. Fuel for supplemeiitary firing should be speified separately and clearly labeled. All specific:ations of fuel Inputs should use lower heating values. Diagram must specify average gross electric output In kW or MW for each generator. Diagram must specify average mechanical output (that is, any mechanical energy taken off of the shaft of the prime movers for purposes not directly related to electric power generation) in horsepower, If any. Typically, a cogeneration facility has no mechanical output. At each poliit for which working fluid flow conditions are requIred to be specified (see below), such flow coiidition data must Include mass flow rate On Ib/h or kg/s), temperature (In OF, R,oC or K), absolute pressure (In psla or kPa) and enthalpy (in Btu/lb or kJlkg). Exception: For systems where the working fluid Is liquid only (no vapor at any point in the cycle) and where the type of liquid and speCific heat of that liquid are clearly indicated on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, only mass flow rate aiid temperature (not pressure and enthalpy) nee be specified. For reference, speCIfic heat at standard conditions for pure liquid water is approximately 1.002 Btu/ (lb*R) 01'4.195 kJ/(kg*K). Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at input to and output from each steam turbine or other expansion turbine or back-pressure turbine. Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at delivery to and return from each thermal application. Diagram must specify worklhg fluid flow condItions at make-up water Inputs. fERC förm 556 Page 12. Cogeneration Facilties Q)~ ~ :: :-e ¡g ~ i: ro CL u. E OCro"0 ..¡i: ~ :i (1u. i. C(1~ 01V) 0+- U ãj E E 0CL ~ .=: +- :i :s tJ 0-Q) +-0: :ii. 0o ::o ~N (1 +- C\J w e: I, fu 0 EPAct 2005 cogeneratlon facilities: The Energy Policy Act öf 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a new section 210(n) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), 16 USC 824a-3(n), with addlttonal requirements for any qualifying cogeneration facility that (1) Is seeking to sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneration facility on August 8, 2005, or had not filed a self-certifiction or application for Commission certification of QF status on or before February 1, 2006. These requirements were implemented by the Commission in 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d). Complete the lines below, carefully following the instructions, to demonstrate whether these additional requirènients apply to your cogeneration facility and, if SO, whether your facility coplies with such requirements. 11 a Was your facility operating as a qualifying cogeneratIon facUity on or before August 8, 2005? Yes 0 NoD '0 11 b Was the initial filing seeking certification of your facility (whether a notice of self-ertlttcatlon or an application ,0 forCommlsion certifcation) filed onOt before February 1, 2006? Yes 0 No 0 If the answer to either line 11a or 11b Is Yes, then continue at line 11c below. Otherwise, if the answers to both Iills 11 a and 11 b are No, skip to Iiné 11 e below. 11 c With respect to the design and operation of the facllty, have any changes been implemented on or after 0 Febrary 1, 2006 that affec general plant operation, affect use of thermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plant's capacity on February 1, 2006? o Yes (continue at line 11 d below) No. Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d) at this time. However, it may be D subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facility. At sUêh time, the applicant would need to recertify the facilty to determine ellglbiUty. Skip lines 11 d through 11j. 11 d Does the applicant contend that the changes Identified in line 11 c are not so significant as to make the facilIty ., a "new" cogeneration fadllty that would be subject to the 18 C.F .R. § 292.205(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a description of any relevant changes made to o the facliity (including the purpose of the changes) and a discussion of why the facility should not be considered a "new" cogeneration facilit In light of these changes. Skip lines 11 e through 11 j. No. Applicant stipulates to the fact that It is a "new" cogeneration faciUty (for purposes of determining the o appllcabllity of the requirements of 18 c.F.R. § 292.20S(d)) by virtue of modifiations to the facillty that were Initiated on or after February 2, 2006. Continue below at line 11 e. 11e Will electric energy from the facilty be sold pursuant to sectin 210 ofPURPA? '0 o Yes. The facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilty. You must demonstrate compliance with 18 C.f.R. §292.205(d)(2) by continuing at line 11 f below. No. Applicant êertlfies that energy wil not be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA. Applicant also certfies o its understandIng that it must recertif its facility In order to determine compliance with the requirements of18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d) before selling energy pursuant to section 210 ofPURPA In the future. Skip lines 11f through l1j. 11 f Is the net power production capacity of your cogeneration facllity, as indicated In line 7g above, less than or '0 equal to 5,000 kW? Yes, the net power prodUGtion capacity is less than or equal to 5,000 kW. 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(4) provides a rebuttable presumption that cogeneration facilities of 5,000 kWand smaller capacity comply with the o requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in 18 C.F .R. § 292.205(d)(2). Appl!cantcerifies its understanding that, should the power production capaclty of the facilty increase above 5,000 kW, then the facility must be recertified to (among other things) demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2). Skip lines 11 g through 11j. No, the net power production capacity is greater than 5,000 kW. Demonstrate compliance with the o reqUirements for fundamental use of the facilitys energy output in 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2) by continuing on the next page at line 11 g. FERC Form 556 Page 13 - Cogeneration Facilties -"C QJ:: Q) .EV\ ..=' C_ 0 J9 ~c V'(J .9l E .t: ra .-"C uC ~ :: c:u. 0 "- 1I~ ~ ~ j! Qj c: c:Q) (J ~ g'- U ':: EtT 0~ J: Lt ..(: ::o .eC" ::Ü 0c: :;c. ~w Cl c:wÖ lines 11 9 through 11 k below guide the appllcant through the .process of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for "fundamental use" of the facility's energy output. 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2). only respond to the lines on this page If the Instructions on the previous page direct you to do so. Otherwise, skip this page. 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2) requires that the el&trical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an El'ct 2005 cogeneration fadlity is used fundamentally for industrial, commertial, residential or institutional purpoes and is not Intended fundamentally for safe to an electric utilty, taking into account technological, effciency, economic, and variable thermal ehErgy requirements, as well as state Jaws applicable to sales of elecric energy from a qualifying facility to its host facility. If you were directed on the previous page to respond to the Items on this page, then your facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility that is subject to this "fundamental use" requirement. The Commission's regulations provide a two"pronged approach to demonstrating compliance with the requirements for fundamental use of the facilitys energy output. First, the Commission has established in 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(3) a "fundamental use test" that can be used to demonstrate compliance With 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(.). Under the fundamental use test, a facility is considered to comply with 18 CF.R. § 292.205(d)(2) if at leåst so percent of the fadlitys total annual energy output (Including electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) is used for indstrial, commercial, residential or Institutional purposes. Second, an applicant for a facility that does not pass the fundamental use test may provide a narrative explanation of and support for its contention that the facility nonetheless meets the requirement that the elecrical, thermal, chemical and mechanlcal output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundam.entally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utilty, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifying facility to its host facility. Complete lineS 11g through 11j below to determine compliance with the fundamental use test in 18 C.F.lt § 292.205(d)(3). Complete lines 11 9 through 11 J even ¡fyou do not intend to rely upon the fundamental use test to demotltrtite complklnce with 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2). 11 9 Amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy óutput (net of internal generation plant losses and parasitic loads) expected to be used annually for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to an electric utilty MWh 11 h Total amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mee:hanical energy expected to besold to an electric utilty MWh 11 i Percentage of total annual energy output expected to be used for .industrial, A commercial, resldellttal or institutional purposes and not sold to a utilty 'V= 100 * 11 9 /(11 9 + 11 h) 0 % 11j Is the response in line 11 i greater than or equal to 50 percent? Yes. Your facilty complies with 18 C.F.R. § 292.20S(d)(2) by virtue of passing the fundamental use test provided in 18 C.F .R. § 292.205(d)(3). Applicant certifes its understanding that, if it is to rely upon passing o the fundamental use test as a basis for complying with 18 CF.R. § 292.i05(d)(2), then the facility must comply with the fundamental use test both in the 12-month period beginning with the date the facilit first produces electric energy, and in an subsequent e:alendar years. No. Your facility does not pass the fundamental use test. Instead, you must provide In the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a narrative explanation of and support for why your facilty meets the requirement that the electrlcaL thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration faCility Is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not Intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utllty, taking into account technological, effciency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well åS stte laws applicble to sales of electric energy froln a Qf= to its host facilty. Applicants providing a narrative explanation of why their facility should be found to o comply with 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(d)(2) in spite of non-cornpllane:e with the fundamental use test may want to review paragraphs 47 through 61 of order No. 671 (accessible from the Cominisslonfs QF website åt ww.fere:.goVlQF), which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanation. Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above will establish the standard that that facility must comply with, both for the 12-month period begln. Ing with the date the facilty first produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years. See Order No. 671 at paragraph 51. As such, the applicant should make sure that it report appropriate values on lines 11 9 and 11 h above to sere as the relevant annual standard, taking into account expected variations in productfon conditions. FERC Form 556 Page 14 - Topplng~Cyc:e Cogeneration Facilties Information Required for Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facility If you indicated in line lOa that your (acUity represents topping'"de cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on paes 14 and 15. Otherwise, skip pages 14 and 15. The therma.! energy output of a topping.-ede cogeneration facilrty is the net energy made available to an industrial or commercial process or used in a heating or cooling application. Pursuant to sections 292.202(c), (d) and (h) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. §§ 292.202(c), (d) and (ll)), the thermal energy output of a qualifying topping- cycle cogeneration facili must be usefuL.In connection with this requirement, describe the thermal output of the topping-cycle cogeneration facility by responding to lines 12a and 12b beloW. 12aldentify and describe each thermal host, and specify the annual average rate of thermal output made available to each host for each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal output, provide the data for each use in separate rows.Average annual rate of thermal output attributable to use (net of Name of entity (thermal host)'fhermal host's relationship to facilty;heat contained in process taklrig thermal output Thermal host's use of thermal output return or make-up water) 1)Select thermal host's relationship to facilty Select thermal host's use of thermal output Swlh i)Select thermal host's relationship to facility (1 Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/hUSelect thermal host's relationship to facilty~3)Ui Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h0'+' C ::Select thermal host's relationship to fac!lty-a a.4)+'0-::Se.ect thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h ~0 Select thermal host's relationship to faciltyI+n:5)0 E Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/hV\i- ID QJ Select thermal host's relationship to faciltyt:6)c:Select thermal host's use of thermal output atu/h~o Check here and continue In' the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 if additional spaCe Is neededQJV\::12b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output: At a minimum, provide a brief description of each use of the thermal output identified above. In some cases, th is brief description Is suffcient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your fadlltys use of thermal output Is not commoii, andlor If the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably dear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected andlor additional information may be required if an insuffcient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: If you have previously received a CommissIon certification approving a specific use of thermal output related to the Instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that use and a reference by date and doèket number to the order certifying your facility with the Indicated use. Such exemption may not be used if any change creates a material deviation from the previously authorized use.) If additional space is needed, continue In the Miscellaneous secion starting on page 19. (l FERC Form 556 Page 1S - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities Applicants for facilties representing topping-cycle technology must demonstrate compliance with the topping- cycle operating standard and,lf applkable, effciency standard. Section 292.205(a)(1) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. § 292.205(a)(1)) establishes the operating standard for topping..cle cogeneration facilities: the useful thermal energy output must be no less than 5 percent of the total energy output. Section 292.205(a)(2) (18 C.F.R. § 292.205(a)(2)) establishes the effciency standard for topping..de cogeneration facilities for whith installtion commenced on or after March 13, 1980: the useful power output of the fadltty plus one-half the useful therml energy output must (A) be no less than 42.5 percent of the total energy input of I'atural gas and oil to the facilty; al'd (B) if the useful thermal energy output is less than 15 percent of the total energy output of the fadllty. be no less than 45 percent of the total energy input of natural gas and 011 to the fadlity.To demonstrate compliance with the topping-ecle operating and/or efficiency standards, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from the effdency standard based on the date that installation commenced, respond to lines 13a through 131 below. If you Indicated in line ioa that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines 13a through 131 below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the topping-cycle portion of your facilty. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which Mass and energy flow values and system components are for which porton (topping or bottoming) of the cogeneratlon system. 13a Indicate the annual average rate of useful thermal energy output made available "0 to the host(s), net of a.ny heat contaIne In condensate return or make-up water Btu/h C C 1::b Indicate the annual average rate of net elecrical energy output to 0 kW en ..¡ 1::t Multiply line 13b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btulhc:124;::0 Btu/h to Jl 13d Indicate the annual average räte of mechanical energy output taken directly off ""to(J U of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production0.(this value is usually zero)hp0Q)::13e Multiply line 13d by 2,544 to conver from hp to Btu/h(J ~ü 0 Btu/h G G' 13f Indicate the annual average rate of energy input from natural gas and 011 l Btu/h en C 13g Topping-cycle operating value = 100 * 13a 1(13a + 13c+ 13e)C Q)'&~0 % 13h Topping-cycle effciency value == 100 If (0.5*13a + 13c + 13e) 113f i2 lJ 0 % 13i Compliance with operating standard:Is the operating value shown in line 13g greater than or equal to 5%? DYes (complíes with operating standard)0 No (does not comply with operating standard) 13j Did Installation of the facllty In its current form commence Ol' or after March 13, 19801 0 Yes. Your facilit Is subject to the effciency requirements of 18 C.F.R. § 292.205(a)(2). Demonstrate compliance with the effciency requirement by responding to line 13k or 131, as applicable, below. o No. Your facility Is exempt from the effCiency standard.Skip lines 13k and 131. 13k Compliance wih effciency standard (for low operating value):If the operating value shown in line 13g is less thal'15%, then Indicate below whether the effciency value shown in liM 13h greater than or equal to 45%: o Yes (complies with effCiency standard)0 No (does not comply with effciency standard) 131 Compliance with effciency standard (for high operating value):If the operating value shown in line 13g is greater than or equål to 15%. then Indicate below whether the effciency value shown in line 13h is greater than or equal to 42.5%: o Yes (complies with efficiency standard)0 No (does not comply with effciency standard) ., o o o o FERC Form 556 Page 16 - Bottoming..yde Cogeneratin Facilties Information Required for Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility . I(yo Indicated In line lOa th~t your facUity represents bottomlng-ccle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on pages 16 and 17. Otherwise, skip pages 16 and 17 The thermal energy output of a boomlng--le cogeneration facility is the energy related to the process(es) from 0 which at least soe of the reject heat is then used for power production. Pursuant to sections 292.202(c) and (e) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.ER. § 292.202(c) and (e)) , the thermal energy output of a qualifying bottoming- cycle cogeneration facility must be usefuL. In connectlon with this reqtirement, describe the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat Is used for power producion by responding to lines 14a and 14b below. 14a identify and describe each thermal host and each bottoming-cyle cogetieration process engaged in by each host. For hosts with multiple bottoming-cycle cogeneration processes, prOVide the data for each process in separate rows. Has the energy input toName of entity (thermal host) the thermal host beenperforming the process from augmented for purposeswhich at least some of the of increasing power reject heat is used for power Thermal host's relaionship to facility; production capacity?production Thermal host's process type (¡fYes, describe on p. 19) Select thermal host's relationship to facility Yes 0 No 0 Select thermal host's process type Select thermal host's relationship to faCility Yes 0 No 0 Select thermal host's process type Select thermal host's relationship to facility Ves 0 No 0 Select thermal host's process type o Check here and continue in the Mfsceftaneous section starting on page 19 if a~ditional space is needed (1 ~ I gi +-... ::E c. o +-.. ::+- 00_GO to 'õ E V\ CIV\ .. (1 l- .E~(1ti~ 1) 2) 3) 14b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal ouput: At a minimum, provide a bref description of eath process identified above. In some cases, this brief description is suffcient to demonstrate usefuness. However, if your facilitys process Is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output Is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional Information may be required If an insuffcient showIng of usefulness is made. (Exception: If you have previously rKeived a Commission certifcation approving a specific bottomlng-cycle process related to the instant fadlity, then you need only provide a brief description of that process and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifying your facUlty with the indicated process. Such exemption may not be used if any material changes to the process have been made.) If additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page 17 . Bottoming..ycle Cogeneration FaciltIes Applicants for facilities representing bottomIng-CYclE! technolog and for which Installation commenced on or after March 13, 1990 must demonstrate compliance wIth the bottoming-cycle effciency standards. Section 292.205(b) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. § 292.205(b)) establishes the effclency standard for bottoming-cycle cogeneration fatiJtles: the useful power output of the facility must be no less than 4S percent of the energy InpUt of natural gas and oif for supplementary firing. 10 demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle effiency standard (if applicable), or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this standard based on the date that installation of the facilit begn, respond to liMS 1 Sa through 15h below. If you indicated in line 10a that your facilty represents both topping-cycle and bottoming.cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines 15a through 15h below considerig only the energy inputs and outputs "'attibutable to the bottoming-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear c:C which ~ass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion of the cagE!neratlon system (\0 (topping or bottomIng).0'.- c:..';..15a Did installation of the fadlity in its current form commence on or after March 13, 19801 t2 ::u Yes. Your facility is subject to the effCiency requirement of 18 C.F.R. § 292.20S(b).Demonstrate compliance(1 0c.a with the èficiency requirement by responding to lines 15b through 15h below.0 (1 Cl 0 No.Your facility is exempt from the effciency standard.Skip the rest of page 17.::Ü - à ~15b Indicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output i G' kW en 1Sc Multiply line 15b by 3,412 to convert from kW to BtUlhCC...(J 0 Btulh E .0 15d Indicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken direly off0æ:of the shaft of a prime mover fOf purposes not directly related to power productioni:0 W (this value Is usually zero)ho CO 15e Multiply line 15d by 2,544 to conVert from hp to Btulh ! 0 Btulh 1Sf Indicate the annual average rate of supplementary energy input from natural gas or oil Btulh 159 Bottoming-cycle effciency value:: 100 * (1Sc + 1 Se) /1 Sf 0 % 15h Compliance with effciency $tandard:Indicate below whether the effclency value shoWn in line 15g is greater than or equal to 45%: o Yes (complies with effciency standard)0 No (does hOt complywith effidencystandard) 4) (l oo FERC Form 556 Page 18 - All Faclltles Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Applkant must certfy complla nee with and understanding of flling requirements by checking next to each item below and signing at the bottom of this sectIon. Forms with Incomplete Certifcates of Completeness, Accuracy atld Authoritywlll be rejected by the Secretary of the Commission. Signer identified below certifies the following: (check all items and applicable subltems) He or she has read the filing, including any Information contained in any attat:hed documents, such as cogneration ig mass and heat balance diagrams, and any information contained in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, and knows its contents. ~ He or she has provided all of the requIred Information for certification, and the provided information is tlue as stated¡ to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. ig He or she possess full power and authority to sign the flllng; as required by Rule 2005(a)(3) of the Commission's Rules ofPractice and Proedure (18 C.F.R § 385.2005(a)(3)), he or she is one of the following: (check one) o The person on whose behalf the filing Is made ~ An offcer of the corporation, trust. association, or other organized group on behalf of which the filing is made o An Offcer, agent, or employe of the governmental authority, agency, or Instrumentality on behalf of which thefiling is made o A representative qualified to practice before the Commission under Rule 2101 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. § 385.2101) and who possesses authority to sign ~ He or she has reviewed all automatic calculations and agrees with their reslts, unless otherwise noted in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attachments to the utilities with which the facility wil Interconnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities of the states In which theig facility and those utilities reside. See the Required Notice to Public Utilties and State Regulatory Authorities section on page 3 for more information. Provide your signature, address and signature date below. Rule 2005(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. § 385.2oo5(c)) provides that persons filing their docments electronically may use typed characters repreenting his or her name to sign the filed documents. A person flllng this doaiment electronkaUy should sign (by typing his or her name) In the space provided below. Your Signature Your address Date 150 N.Dairy Ashford Road Richard Williams Bldg C-356D,Houston,TX 77079 10/27/2010 Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only:o FERC Form 556 Miscellaneous Use this space to provide any Information for which there was not sufficient space In the previous sections of the form to provlde. For each such item of Information clearly identify the line number that the information belongs to. You may also use this space to provide any additional Information you believe Is relevnt to the certification of your facility. Your response below Is not limited to one page. Additional page(s) wil automatkally be inserted into this form if the length of your response exceeds thè space on this page. Use as many pages as you require. Page 19 - All Facilties F: r:" 2D' ¡ r'ft1R , ï Pl'l 5=1 4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-52 BRAVO WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.3 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-10-53 FOR EXHIBIT NO.3 'ifiH U~n 1"1 P" 5t.ûl~ CIHI'\ 11 ldr"f .-:fL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-52 BRAVO WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.4 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-54 FOR EXHIBIT NO.4 ¡"'~.~ t "'IT, ,Itl~f I 7 PM '.1.1..".! lJ'* If BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-52 BRAVO WIND LLC AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS EXHIBIT NO.5 SEE AFFIDAVIT OF KEVIN SIMMONS FILED IN CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-55 FOR EXHIBIT NO.5