HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101027Petition to Intervene.pdfr-r:: Peter J. Richardson (lSB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (lSB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boíse, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~richardsonandoleary.com greg~ríchardsonandoleary.com ZßinfJC121 PM 3: \ 2 \ Di,H(j UT\LìTìES Attorneys for the Industríal Customers of Idaho Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR ) ACCEPTANCEOF ITS 2011 RETIREMENT )BENEFITS PACKAGE ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-1O-25 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER COMES NOW, The Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power ("ICIP"), hereínafier referred to as "Intervenor," and pursuat to thís Commíssíon's Rules of Procedure, Rule 71 IDAPA hereby petítíons the Commíssíon for leave to íntervene hereín and to appear and parícípate hereín as a par, and as grounds therefore states: 1. The name and address of ths Intervenor ís: Industríal Customers of Idaho Power c/o Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th St P.O. Box 7218 Boíse, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 1 PETITION TO INTERVENE IPC-E-I0-25 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~richardsonandolear.com Copíes of all pleadíngs, productíon requests, productíon responses, commíssíon orders, and other documents should be províded to: Dr. Don Readíng 6070 Híl Road Boíse, Idaho 83703 Telephone: (208) 342-1700 Fax: (208) 383-0401 dreadíng~míndspríng.com Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boíse, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~ríchardsonandolear.com greg~ríchardsonandolear .com 2. Thís Intervenor, ICIP, ís an uncorporated assocíatíon of Schedule 19 customers of Idaho Power Company. All ICIP members receíve electríc utílíty servíces from Idaho Power Company. ICIP c1aíms a dírect and substantíal ínterest ín thís proceedíng ín that íts members' rates for servíce from Idaho Power Company may be affected by the outcome of thís proceedíng. 3. Thís Intervenor, ín íts capacíty as a representatíve ofíndustríal customers íntends to parícípate hereín as a part, and íf necessar, to íntroduce evídence, cross-examíne wítnesses, call and examíne wítnesses, and be heard ín argument. The nature and qualíty of evídence whích thís Intervenor wíl íntroduce ís dependent upon the natue and effect of other evídence ín thís proceedíng. 4. Wíthout the opportíty to íntervene hereín, thís Intervenor would be wíthout adequate means of parícípatíon ín thís proceedíng whích may have a materíal ímpact on íts electríc rates and terms and condítíons of servíce. WHEREFORE, the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power respectfully requests that thís 2 PETITION TO INTERVENE IPC-E-I0-25 Commíssíon grant íts Petítíon to Intervene ín these proceedíngs and to appear and parícípate ín all matters as may be necessar and appropríate; and to present evídence, call and examíne wítnesses, present arguent and to othelWse fully parícípate ín these proceedíngs. DATED thís 27th day of October, 2010. RICHARDSON AND O'LEARY, PLLC By: er J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Attorneys for the Industral Customers of Idaho Power 3 PETITION TO INTERVENE IPC-E-I0-25 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thís 27th day of October, 2010, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoíng PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER to be served by the method índícated below, and addressed to the followíng: Jean Jewell Idaho Publíc Utíltíes Commíssíon 472 West Wasilngton Street (83702) Post Office Box 83720 Boíse, Idaho 83720-0074 ( ) U.S. Maíl, Postage Prepaíd (x) Hand Delívered ( ) Overníght Maíl ( ) Facsímíle ( ) Electroníc Maíl Lísa Nordstrom Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boíse, Idaho 83707 (x) U.S. Maíl, Postage Prepaíd ( ) Hand Delívered ( ) Overnght Maíl ( ) Facsímíle ( ) Electroníc Maíl Gregory W. Saíd Tím Tatum Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boíse, ID 83707 (x) U.S. Maíl, Postage Prepaíd ( ) Hand Delívered ( ) Overníght Maíl ( ) Facsímíle ( ) Electroníc Maíl Sígned 0J l\ CU4\ t Nína M. Curís CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1