HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130125Tamarack Energy Comments.pdf._.rJ Michael C. Creamer [ISB No. 40301 C GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 'flh1 t: 12 rnt .3 (.0 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 DHC) PUELL ryl~ Office: (208) 388-1200 T1IT COMMSSJ: Fax: (208) 388-1300 CD mcc@@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Tamarack Energy Partnership BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TARIFF ADVICE NO. Case No.: IPC-E-12-28 12-13 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO UPDATE SCHEDULE 89. COMMENTS OF TAMARACK ENERGY PARTNERSHIP Tamarack Energy Partnership ("Tamarack"), by and through its attorneys of record, Givens Pursley LLP, and pursuant to Commission Order No. 32708, submits the following comments in the above-captioned matter. INTRODUCTION The issue before the Commission is whether the effective date of Idaho Power Company's ("Idaho Power") Schedule 89 tariff should beJune 1, 2010 or January 1, 2012. The unit avoided energy cost contained in Schedule 89 is used to calculate the monthly payments made by Idaho Power under certain vintage power sales agreements ("PSA"), including a PSA entered into between Idaho Power and Tamarack in 1981. A copy of the Tamarack PSA is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.1 Idaho Power has proposed a January 1, 2012 effective date for the revised Schedule 89 because that was the effective date of its last general rate case in IPC-E- 11- 08 (the "2011 GRC"). 1 The Tamarack PSA was subsequently amended but not with respect to any of the issues raised in this proceeding. The amendment therefore is not included with Exhibit 1. For the reasons discussed below, Tamarack's position is that the effective date should be June 1, 2010 to coincide with the effective date of Commission Order 31093 approving an increase in certain of Idaho Power's base rates, including the base level of its net power supply expense ("NPSE"), in the context of a power cost adjustment ("PCA") proceeding. IPC-E- 10-12 (the "2010 PCA"). Certain early Commission orders have indicated that the level of payments to qualifying facilities ("QF") under vintage PSAs such as Tamarack's are to be adjusted when Idaho Power's variable energy costs are determined in a GRC. Tamarack believes, however, that the intent of the Tamarack PSA and the policy of the Commission as reflected in its orders implementing PURPA are to provide for payments to QFs reflecting Idaho Power's actual avoided costs at the point in time when those avoided costs are known and determined regardless of whether they are determined in a GRC. Here, that determination occurred in the context of the 2010 PCA and not the subsequent 2011 GRC. It also is significant that but for negotiations between Idaho Power, its customers and Commission staff in the fall of 2009 that led to a stipulated rate case moratorium, Idaho Power would have filed a GRC in 2009, which would have put new rates—including the current base level for NP SE—in place effective June 1, 2010. Instead, the stipulated moratorium had the effect of postponing the filing of a GRC to 2011. Despite the moratorium, however, the parties agreed to, and the Commission approved prospectively, an increase in Idaho Power's base level for NPSE to be used in the 2010 PCA and next GRC. Tamarack has been provided what Idaho Power characterizes as its "unaudited" calculations of what the power purchase payments to Tamarack should have been from January to December of 2012 under the revised Schedule 89, and what they would total for the period from June 1, 2010 to December 31,2011 if the Commission agrees that June 1, 2010 should be the effective date for Schedule 89. Tamarack does not disagree with those calculations. A Page 2 of 13 spreadsheet setting out these calculations, including actual payments to Tamarack made by Idaho Power during this period, and reflecting what the payments would have been had the energy payment component been revised to reflect the increased base level NPSE approved by the Commission effective as of June 1, 2010 is attached to these Comments as Exhibit 2. BACKGROUND 1. The Commission's Treatment of Avoided Costs Commission orders from the early 1980s reflect the frustration that initial implementation of PURPA's mandatory requirements generated for the Commission, utilities and QFs. Following hearings in the summer of 1980, the Commission issued Order 15746, Case No. P- 300-12, summarizing its analysis for rulemaking with respect to cogeneration and small power producers ("CSPP") under PURPA. A central focus of the Commission's analysis was the issue of avoided costs. After first noting that PURPA provided that state commissions "may" require a utility to pay its own avoided cost when purchasing power from CSPPs, the Commission endorsed "the policy of having each utility pay its full avoided cost when purchasing power from cogenerators and small power producers." Order 15746 at 4. For CSPPs like Tamarack, who contracted to deliver energy on a firm basis, the capacity component of the utility's avoided costs (and its power purchase payments) was fixed for the life of the PSA, but the utility's variable costs, including fuel and variable operation and maintenance costs, were to fluctuate during the contract term to reflect changes in those variable costs when and to the extent they occurred. This approach was intended to minimize potential overpayments and underpayments to CSPPs, particularly those contracting with Idaho Power, whose avoided energy costs fluctuate more than other Idaho electric utilities due to its limited hydro storage capacity. Idaho Power appears particularly sensitive to fluctuations in avoided energy costs. Allowing energy payments derived from annual estimation of avoided costs may obligate the Company to payments in excess of the Page of 13 actual avoided costs. Conversely, annual estimates of avoided energy costs may also allow the QF too little. Underpayments are likely to occur from this scheme during poor water years or during nearly every year for those facilities whose production coincides with the months of high avoided energy costs. In the long run, a policy based on Idaho Power's estimated avoided costs at delivery time reduces the financial risk to both the utility and the QF. Order 15746 at 18-19. Thus, at the conclusion of the initial phase of its review in Case No. P-300-12 the Commission had concluded that utilities would be required to pay their full avoided costs for energy purchased from CSPPs and the payments would be based on the utility's estimated avoided costs at the time of energy delivery to reduce financial risk to both the utility and the CSPP. With the foregoing policy in place, four months later the Commission took up the remaining issues surrounding approval of the several utilities' rates, tariffs and standard contracts for CSPPs in Order 16025, Case No. P-300-12. The Commission determined that a base load coal plant was the typical unit which Idaho Power could defer as a result of generation supplied by CSPPs, and it designated Valmy Unit No. 2 to be the surrogate unit for determining Idaho Power's avoided costs. Order 16025 at 6. After noting that it had not yet chosen a methodology for updating the energy component of avoided costs for those CSPPs receiving both capacity and energy payments, the Commission set out that methodology for both firm and as-available contracts in an attached appendix to Order 16025. There the Commission determined that while the capacity cost paid to the CSPP would be fixed over the contract life, "the energy rate will be periodically adjusted to reflect current coal costs." Table B to the appendix sets out the 1981 unit avoided energy costs for both Idaho Power and Washington Water Power, and provided that "These cost figures will be updated annually to reflect the current price of coal." Order 16025 at A-4. Page 4 of 13 The 1981 Tamarack PSA was developed and executed by the parties with these principles in mind. In 1983, Idaho Power applied to the Commission for approval of revised rates and tariffs for purchase of power from CSPPs. These rates were derived from a proposed new methodology that Idaho Power intended would replace the one established in Case No. P-300-12 and described above. See Order 18190, Case No. U-1006-200. A key difference in the methodology was the proposed use of Idaho Power's weighted average construction costs for a mix of hydro and thermal resources in lieu of costs associated with a single thermal unit. The Commission determined to use average system production costs for existing plant rather than average construction costs for projected plant. It also held that variable energy costs "will be updated at the end of each general rate case," with the proviso that "this change in method of calculation of variable energy costs will be prospective only. It will not apply to contracts already signed under previous Orders' methods."2 Order 18190 at 13. Order 18190 also stated that a separate variable cost update would be required for contracts signed under the previous orders' methods and would be based on the running costs of Valmy I, "again as contained in general rate cases under recognized normalization methods." Id. Presumably it is this statement on which Mr. Walker, counsel for Idaho Power, bases the premise that "[b]ased on previous Commission orders, the pricing under Schedule 89 is to be adjusted as a result of an Idaho Power general rate case ("GRC") proceeding where net power supply expenses change." November 28, 2012 transmittal letter from Donovan Walker to Jean Jewell Re: Tariff Advice No. 12-13, Case No. IPC-E-1 1-08, Compliance Filing Schedule 89. 2. The Tamarack PSA and Payments Received. 2 Commission has made various changes and refinements to the treatment of avoided costs and calculation of payments in PSAs over the years, but they have not affected the calculation of payments under the limited number of PSAs of the Tamarack vintage. Page 5 of 13 Tamarack's predecessor in interest, Evergreen Energy, Inc., entered into a 35-year PSA with Idaho Power on September 16, 1981, electing to deliver energy under "Option 4—Firm Energy and Dispatchable resource Capacity." As such, the methodology for determining the payments for energy by reference to the Valmy coal unit applied to this PSA, and Tamarack's monthly payment from Idaho Power includes a fixed capacity component and a variable energy component. Appendix A, Table 2 to the Tamarack PSA sets out the levelized avoided capacity costs based on the operation date and contract term. The unit avoided energy costs are "as specified in [Idaho Power's] Tariff Schedule 89 on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission." The Tamarack PSA defines "Unit Avoided Energy Cost" as "[t]he sum of variable costs associated with the specific generating unit or project designated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as the basis for determination of avoided Capacity cost. Variable costs include fuel costs and operation and maintenance expenses which vary with the designated unit's or project's generation." Tamarack PSA at 4. The Tamarack PSA did not contemplate that the Unit Avoided Energy Cost component of payments was necessarily dependent on determination in a GRC.3 Payments to Tamarack for energy delivered have been periodically adjusted to reflect changes to Idaho Power's variable energy costs for the Valmy unit as determined by the Commission from time to time in GRCs. In the instant case, however, the adjustment in base level NPSE to account for increased energy costs, including increased coal costs for the Valmy unit, occurred through the 2010 PCA. No corresponding adjustment was made to payments to Tamarack under its PSA, however. Indeed, it apparently was not until well after the 2011 GRC had been concluded that it occurred to anyone that Idaho Power's Schedule 89 needed to be revised, giving rise to the issue of what effective date should apply. By comparison, the Tamarack PSA defines "Current Capacity Cost" as the "$/kw Capacity cost from the most recent schedule of Capacity costs being published by [Idaho Power] and on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission." Tamarack PSA at 2. Page 6 of 13 The energy component of payments Tamarack actually received between June 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012 are set out under the heading "Energy Payment" in the attached Exhibit 2. The energy component of payments Tamarack would have received based on the unit avoided energy cost reflected in the pending Schedule 89 also are set out in Exhibit 2 under the heading "Total Revised Energy Payment." Idaho Power and Tamarack agree that based on the calculations and numbers shown in Exhibit 2, Idaho Power has underpaid Tamarack $183,185.41 for the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Tamarack urges that Schedule 89 should be revised to be effective as of June 1, 2010. As a consequence, and in addition to the $183,185.41, Tamarack is also owed $274,245.82, consisting of $106,591.93 for the period from June 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 and $167,653.89 for the year 2011. 3. Circumstances Surrounding the Establishment of Idaho Power's NPSE in the 2010 PCA When the Commission first addressed rates for energy purchased from CSPPs in the early 1980s and for some time thereafter, Idaho Power GRCs were routine. One Idaho Power executive has characterized the company's rate case activity/regulatory agenda during this period as "considerable" and "active." See Case No. IPC-E-09-30, Direct Testimony of John R. Gale, Idaho Power Company, pp. 7, 8 ("Gale Testimony"). Except for more recent instances (i.e., 1995 and 2009)4 , GRCs continued to be routinely filed by Idaho Power. In the early 1980s there also was no established PCA mechanism.5 The annual PCA mechanism was developed to better account for the dramatic fluctuations in Idaho Power's energy costs year-to-year. See IPC-E-92- 25, Order 24086 at 2. 4 Tamarack understands that a rate case "moratorium" first appeared in the mid-1990s by stipulation of parties. Order 26216, Case No. IPC-E-95-1 1. A rate moratorium approach was taken again in 2009 as discussed below. The PCA mechanism was first adopted by the Commission in Order 24806, Case No. IPC-E-92-25. Page 7 of 13 a.The Contemplated 2009 GRC and Stipulated Settlement In August of 2009, Idaho Power filed a notice of intent to file a GRC by the end of October 2009. In subsequent meetings among Idaho Power, Commission Staff and representatives of Idaho Power customers a stipulation was reached by which, among other things, Idaho Power would seek Commission approval to accelerate amortization of its accumulated deferred investment tax credits ("ADITC") to help the company achieve an actual 9.5% return on equity. In addition, the parties stipulated that Idaho Power would request Commission approval of a change to the base level for NPSE to be used prospectively for both its base rates and PCA calculations in the impending 2010 PCA. This component of the stipulation was intended to accommodate Idaho Power's asserted need for "some additional general rate relief," by addressing the "largest single element of [Idaho Power's] unmitigated revenue requirement." See Case No. IPC-E-09-30, Gale Testimony, pp. 10, 13. The parties also agreed that Idaho Power and its customers would share in any PCA rate reduction according to an agreed-upon formula. See Application of Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-09-30. In return, Idaho Power agreed not to file its contemplated GRC. Had the stipulation not been reached and ultimately approved by the Commission, Idaho Power's intended GRC would have been filed, and absent unforeseen circumstances, Idaho Power expected the new general rates would have been in effect by June 1, 2010. See Case No. IPC-E-09-30, Gale Testimony, p. 10. b.Approval of the Stipulation and Proposed Base Level NPSE Increase The Commission approved the stipulation on January 13, 2010 in Order 30978. The following week Idaho Power filed its application seeking approval of an increase in its base level of NPSE by $78.4 million.6 IPC-E-10-01. A base level NPSE of approximately $147 million had previously been authorized in Idaho Power's 2008 GRC, IPC-E-08-10. Idaho Power Page 8 of 13 contended that the increased NPSE was in part the result of increased coal costs, which accounted for approximately 43% of the proposed base level NPSE increase. According to Idaho Power witness Scott Wright, since the 2008 GRC "[t]he cost of coal burned at the Valmy plant has increased, thereby increasing the fuel cost portion of power from the plant from $24.12 per MWh to $30.44 per MWh." Case No. IPC-E-10-01, Direct Testimony of Scott L. Wright, Idaho Power Company, p. 8. The Commission accepted the $63,701,694 increase in base level NPSE outside of a GRC as a "working number" for the upcoming 2010 PCA filing. The final calculation and determination was deferred to the 2010 PCA to allow for further consideration of Idaho Power's coal costs associated with its Bridger plant. Order 31042 at 8. c. The 2O1OPCA When the 2010 PCA case was filed in April 2010, as Case No. IPC-E-10-12, Idaho Power requested an order approving its proposed quantification of the 2010 PCA and approving an increase in base rates per the stipulation, including the $63,701,694 increase in base level NPSE approved in Case No. IPC-E-09-30. One effect of the two proposed rate adjustments would be a decrease in revenue requirement to be recovered from customer rates (i.e., a net customer rate reduction) of approximately $58 million to be reflected in revised customer class schedules. Case No. IPC-E-10-12, Application at 1; Direct Testimony of Timothy B. Tatum, Idaho Power Company, April 15, 2010, p.12, and Exh. Nos. 2, 3. After reviewing additional information and comments filed by the parties concerning Idaho Power's Bridger coal costs, the Commission re-affirmed the $63,701,694 increase in base level NPSE that had been conditionally approved in Case No. IPC-E-09-30. Order 31093 at 14. The Commission further directed that Idaho Power file updated tariffs so that the rate decrease from the PCA and the increase in base rates would take effect on the same date (i.e., June 1, 6 Subsequently agreed to be reduced to $63,701,694. Page 9 of 13 2010). Id. at 16 and Attachment A. Significantly, pursuant to the approved stipulation, Idaho Power and its customers each shared in the approximately $147 million of PCA revenue reduction, allowing approximately $58 million to be credited to reducing customer rates by 6.5% and $88 million ($64 million of which were attributable to increased energy costs) to be put into Idaho Power's base rates. d. The 2O11GRC In June of 2011 Idaho Power initiated its most recent GRC proposing an increase in base rates by 9.9% and asking its rate increase to become effective on January 1, 2012. IPC-E-1 1-08. The base levels for power supply expenses requested and ultimately approved in the 2011 GRC were unchanged from the 2010 level approved by Orders 31042 and 31093, which again, took effect as of June 1, 2010. As far as Tamarack is aware, the 2010 PCA is the only proceeding in which the Commission has adjusted Idaho Power's base rates outside of a GRC. The reason this was done was to facilitate settlement and "establish a new normalized net power supply expense level for both the Power Cost Adjustment and base rates." Idaho Power believed this level of rate relief was necessary to allow it to agree to a GRC moratorium. Case No. IPC-E-09-30, Gale Testimony, pp. 6-17. STATEMENT OF POSITION The 1981 Tamarack PSA was drafted to comport with the Commission's directives that utilities purchasing energy from CSPPs were required to pay their full avoided cost, and that a CSPP opting to enter into a firm energy contract was to receive levelized capacity payments and variable energy payments for energy delivered. The Commission concluded that "in the long 7 See Case No. IPC-E-1 1-08, Direct Testimony of Timothy E. Tatum, Idaho Power Company, June 1, 2011 p. 4 ("Second, Mr. Said instructed me to hold normalized total power supply expenses and other Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") accounts to 2010 levels approved by Order No. 31042 with adjustments to recognize revenues from Hoku Materials, Inc. ("Hoku") and projected demand response incentive payments." (Emphasis added). Page 10 of 13 run, a policy based on Idaho Power's estimated avoided costs at delivery time reduces the financial risk to both the utility and the QF" due to the significant fluctuations in Idaho Power's energy costs both seasonally and year-to-year. Order 15746 at 19. As such, the Commission, Tamarack, Idaho Power and the Tamarack PSA all contemplated that energy payments to Tamarack would be adjusted to coincide as nearly as possible with Idaho Power's actual avoided energy costs as and when they were periodically determined by the Commission. In 1981 the mechanism by which those fluctuating energy costs could be routinely accounted for and incorporated into computations of payments to be made to CSPPs by Idaho Power was the GRC. Since then, the annual PCA mechanism has developed, and as was demonstrated in 2010, the annual PCA also can also be a mechanism by which Idaho Power's base level NPSE (and avoided energy costs) are identified and adjusted. Here that occurred by stipulation of parties and approval by the Commission. If effect is to be given to the Commission's policies governing the Tamarack PSA and to the parties' understanding in entering into a PSA developed pursuant to those policies, then payments to Tamarack are to be adjusted as and to the extent that Idaho Power's actual avoided costs are identified and determined in a rate proceeding. Whether that occurs in a GRC or PCA makes no difference. Here, Idaho Power's base level NP SE was adjusted upward in the 2010 PCA, in large part to reflect the significant increase in coal costs at its Valmy, Bridger and Boardman coal generating plants. The new rate was approved by the Commission effective as of June 1, 2010 and has remained the effective base level rate ever since. The stipulation and order that permitted this base rate adjustment outside of a GRC allowed Idaho Power customers and Idaho Power to share in a $147 million PCA rate reduction effective as of June 1, 2010. In this light it is difficult to contemplate why Tamarack would not also be afforded the benefit under its Page 11 of 13 contract of the adjusted base level NPSE, which reflected Idaho Power's actual avoided costs as of June 1, 2010. The $274,245.828 at issue for Tamarack here is relatively small compared with the $147 million Idaho Power and its customers shared through the 2010 PCA. As a percentage of the $58 million returned to Idaho Power customers through resulting rate adjustments, it might be compared to hardly more than a rounding error. But it is significant to Tamarack. Of course, Tamarack should receive payments under its PSA reflecting Idaho Power's increased unit avoided energy costs as of June 1, 2010, not because the amount is relatively small, or simply because it would seem fair to allow Tamarack to benefit from the same circumstances that permitted Idaho Power and its customers to avoid a GRC in 2010. Tamarack should receive payments under its PSA reflecting Idaho Power's increased unit avoided energy costs as of June 1, 2010 because the Tamarack PSA and prior Commission orders require Idaho Power to purchase energy at its full avoided cost as and when those costs are determined and incorporated into Idaho Power's own rates. CONCLUSION For the reasons stated above, Tamarack urges the Commission to direct Idaho Power to revise and file its Schedule 89 tariff to be effective as of June 1, 2012, and to remit to Tamarack $457,431.23 reflecting the additional amount Tamarack is owed under its PSA for the period from June 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012, of which $274,245.82 is for the period from June 1, 2010 through December 31, 2011. Respectfully submitted this 25th day of January, 2013. GIVENS RS By Michael C. Creamer 8 Not including the $183,185.41 underpayment that is not in dispute. Page 12 of 13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 25th day of January, 2013, the foregoing was filed, served, and copied as follows: DOCUMENT FILED: Jean D. Jewell, Commission Secretary U. S. Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission 0 Hand Delivered 472 West Washington Street Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83702- 0074 Facsimile Facsimile: 208-334-3762 E-mail SERVICE COPIES TO: Donovan Walker E U. S. Mail Idaho Power Company LI Hand Delivered P0 Box 70 El Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83707---70 fl Facsimile dwalker@idahopower.com E-mail Michael C. Creamer Page 13 of 13 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-12-28 TAMARACK ENERGY PARTNERSHIP EXHIBIT NO. 1 EXHiBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 1 of 41 IDAHO POWER COMPANY POWER SALES AGREEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE NO DESCRIPTION __ I Definitions II Term II) Sale of Power IV Purchase Price irid Method of Payment V Facility, Interconnection end Metering Requirements VI Oaration Protection and MaThthninC VII Liability and Usurnnce \'flI Land Rights IX Force Mn3eure X Liebility, Diieetion Xi Sev*rI ObIi;.iioas XII Waiver XIII Choice of Laws XIV Govcrnmantl Jurisdjton and Authorization XV Disputes XVI Successors and Astons XV1 I Modification XVIII Notices XIX Additional Terms and Conditions APPENDIX A APPENDIX A TABLE 1 APPENDIX A - TABLE 2 APPENDIX 8 APPIINDIX C APPENDIX D I PAGE 4 5 6 9 12 14 15 16 16 17 17 •17 17 18 19 19 19 ExHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 2 of 41 IPCo Facility M______ POWER SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN EN ENERGY INg AND IDANO POWER COMPANY THIS AGREEMENT, Entered into on this 16th day of September, 1981, is between ever Inc a(n) itsbc çporatIon., hereinafter refereed to as "Seller", and Idaho Power Company, e corpora- tion, hereinafter referred to as 'Idaho". W I T N E S S E T I WHEREAS, $ulk,r owns or will own and operate a Cogeneration Facility or Small Power Production Facility with generating capacity of not more than 10,000 kilowatts and WHEREAS Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho wishes to purchase, electric power from the Facility, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agt'ee- mts here1aftcr set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1: DFrNlrloNS As used in this Aroenion* and the appendices and schedules attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: p1y - The AtAlity of the facility to deliver electric power, eprcssod In kilowatts ("kw'), to the point of delivery. "Contra pacjy" - That Capacity Identified In Article Ill of this Aaroament except as otherwise changed as provided herein. ExmBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 3 of 41 -2- pJj, The price in S/kw-year set forth In Article 1V( B) of thi A9recrnent, Termination" The early termination of this 4greement. "Current jncit Cost" - The6/kw-year Capacity cost from the most recent schedule of Capacity costs being published by Idaho and on file with the Idaho Public Utilities C*ncn. C!ti!.i - A reduction in the amount of Capacity provided or to be provided tinder this Agreemont listch FaaHj,> -, Idaho's local dispatching center. For purposes of this A9reemnt,The wJt_cL% tocatodirjajj,çinho Is the i>ainated Dispatch Facility ror the Seller. Oispa - That condition of the Facility whereby, through engineering design, Installed equipment, and operating conditions and proce- dures, the Facility may be callud upon by Idaho to provide the Contract Capacity at any time other than periods of Scheduled Maintenance or Forced FiHty That generation facility described In Article Ill of this Agreement. - ,\imy outayo caused by mechanical or electrical equipment failure that either fully or partially curtails the electrical output of the Facility,. fAt " iketric enc"gy, expressed in kilowatt hours (kwh"), guaranteed to be delivered Liy Seller to Idaho In the quantities and at the times specified In this Agreement. EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 4 of 41 .3.. lnterconnaction Facilities" All facilities required to be Installed solely to interconnect and deliver power from Sellers generation to Idaho's system, including, but not limited to, connection, transforina- tior, switching, metering, relaying communications and safety equipment, "Non-Firm norgy" - Electric energy, expressed in kwh to be delivered by Soller to Idaho on a when, as, and if available basis. "Point(s ) or ,eiity" - The location(s) specified in Appendix B, whore Idaho's and Seller's electrical facilities are interconnected. Upon mutual agreement more than one Point of Delivery may be established. rj Do" The day commencing at 0001 hours, following the day during which all features and equipment of the Facility and the Inter- connection Facilities htvc reiichej a degree of completion and reliability, such that they are capable of operating simultaneously to delivery power continuously into Idaho's system; provided that the Operation Date may occur only after such degree of completion and reliability has been demonstrated to Idaho's satisfaction which must be confirmed by Idaho in writing. Seller shall have the duty to obtain the confirmation from Idaho; however, such confirmation shall not be unreaonnbIy withheld by Idaho. Piactices" - Those practices, methods and equipment that are cornmnnly ustd in prudent electrical engineering and opeintons to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependabi- lity, efficiency and economy. JILd tdMaint*nce" - The periods of time during which the Facility is shut down for routine maintenance operations with the advance approval of Idaho, as provided in Article VI(J) hereof. EXHIBIT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 5 of 41 -4, SBISILI Fi1it Interconnection Facilities furnished and owned by Idaho at Seller's request or because such facilities are necessary additions and/or modifications to idahos system, including eqipmafl re- quired to protect Idaho's system. som Avoided Ener9y ço - The incremental variable coat of electric onery on Idaho's system. Variable costs include ful' costs and operating and maintenante coats which vary with output of thermal plants, firm power purchases and spot mnrkct purchases. "UnitLed Ln1kMy Cost" - The sum of the v t'Ible costs associ- ated with the specific genarating unit or project designated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as the basis for the determination of avoided Capacity cost, Variable costs inciuJc fuel costs and operation and mainte- nance expenses which very with the designated unit's or project's generation. ARTICLE ll TERM This Agreement shall become effective on the data first above written, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of thi rty-flve(3)oars. from the, Operation Date s ending on May 31, 2018. ARTICLE 1W SALE OF POWER (A) Seller areoi to deliver and sell and Idaho agrees to accept and purchase the eqerpy or energy and Capacity from Seller's Facility, In accordance with Appontihc A snd the Option specified below (Seller to initial Option 1. 2, 3 or 1..) EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 6 of 41 4' -5- Qn 1 - Non-Firm Energy - estimated avoided energy cost; - 2 - Non-Firm Energy - Avoided energy cost at time of delivery; - Q 3 - Firm Energy and non-Dispatchable resource Capacity; X Optjpn Firm Energy and Dispfltchbe resource Capacity. By selecting Option 4, Seller agrees to provide energy in an amount estimated to be 139,748 kilowatt-hours per year, The Con- - tract Capacity $hell be ,,4,942kl$w1L s. (B)Seller's Facility is described aa. Make ,-Electric Machinery Modal Serial No .J1440, fuel or energy source Biomass having a nameplate ouLput rating of 9Q kw (kvs), and 2400/4160 volts, _oo phase, GO hertz, (C)Seller's rocmity is ltc'd at the Pro- duct;, Inc. facility in, rack Idaho , and the scheduled Operation Date of the Facility is June 1, 1083, ARTICLE IV: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT (A),ncj,gy. Idaho shil pay Seller monthly for energy delivered and accepted at the Avoided lncrgy Cost rota specified in for the Option selected. (B)jpjJjy. if Sullur elects to supply Capacity. Seller shall be paid for Capacity , made evnil.ible to Idaho in Accordance with Appendix A for the Option selectd. The appt1ceIIq Contract Capacity Price for pur- poses of computing Capacity payments is $3 1 0 per kIlowatt-year, except as may be adjusted as providod in Appendix A or Appendix C. The Contract Capacity Price i* derivod from Table 24 Appendix A. Idaho's obligation to pay Seller for Capacity furnished to Idaho shell commence as of the Oper- ation Date. EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 7 of 41 4 'I Payments For the Capacity provkied in the contract year will be made in twelve (I2) equal monthly amounts based on the Contract Capacity Price set forth in this Agrcamt'nt multiplied by the Contract Capacity. ARTICLE V: FACILITY, INTERCONNECTION AND MTEfUNG REtJIREMENTS (A)ScIlar shall design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility. Seller agrees to meet reasonable Idaho requirements for those portions of the Sliers Facility and equipment generating or transmitting electrical power and for any other equipment which directly affects Idaho's system. To aid in'determination of Compliance with Idaho's requirements, Seller ahll stibmit its Facility and equipment specifications to Idaho for review, Soltor shall not be Interconnected withIdaho's system unless Sailer receives Idaho's written acceptance of all Facility specifica- tions. All changes in spocifications, Including new or additions) equipment, shall similarly be subject to Idaho's acceptance, Idaho's acceptance of Seller's specifications shall not be construed as confirming or endorsing the design, or as a warranty of safety, durability, or reliability of the Facility. Idaho shall not, by reason of any review, acceptance, or failure to i'oview, be responsitie for the Facility, Including but not limited to the strength, details of design, adequacy or Capelty thereof, nor shall Idaho's acceptarCC be deemed to be an endorsement of any Facility. (B)Seller sl*Il construct, Install, own and rnehttsln lntercon- noction Facilities as required (or Idaho to receive energy on energy and Capacity from Seller's Facility, Seller's ln'tsrconnectiofl Facilities shall ExmrnT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-2$ COMMENTS, Tt1c&i.&cK Page 8 of 41 be of a size to accoinodate the delivery of the energy or energy and capa- city designated in Pt'agrophs 111(A) and VI(F) of this Agreement. Setter shalt allow Idaho to review the adequacy of all protective devices and to establish requirements for settings and periodic maintenance end testing of protective devices. At Seller's request, ideho will construct, install, own and maintain the !torc0nnect1on Faculties as Special Facilities. If Seller requests Idaho to Install Special Facilities or if Idaho determines that It Is necessary to install Spciel Facilities, Seller shall reimburse Idaho for its costs relating to those Spacial Facilities In accordance with the terms and conditions of Appendix B--"Spcil Facilities and Point(s) of Delivery and Metering" (C) Idaho shil provide, Install and maintain motors to be lo- cated at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho. If required by Idaho, motoring will also Include measurement of kilovar-hours and secondary meters at locations within Seller's Facility, agreed to by both parties. All motor equipment, installation, ownership and administration costs, therefore shall be horns by Seller, Including costs incurred by Idaho for Inspecting and testing such equipment at Idaho's actual cost of providing this eulpineat and services, Appendix 0-- "Standards for Interconnection and Metering" describes the metering son- figurations Idaho will utilize. (0) Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, metering will be provided for recording net output of the Facility and will be separate from metering of Seller's load. Idoho'n sates to Seller shell continue to be metered in accordance with the terms of the service agreement, If any, existing between the pirttes, end/or otherwise in accordance with tariffs filed and approved by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction. ExHmrr No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 9 of 41 (E)The point of metering for energy or energy and Capacity to Idaho's system shaH be at the location described in Appendix B. (F)All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only upon occasions when the meters are to be inspected, tasted or adjusted. Idaho shall, at Salters expense, inspect and test all meters upon their Installation and nt least once every two years theroaftor. If requested to do to by Seller, Idaho shall inspect or test a meter more freiventIy than every two years, but the expanse of such inspection or test shall be paid by Seller unless upon being Inspected or tested the meter Is found to register inaccurately by more than two percent of full scale. Each Party shall give reasonable notice of th flino WhUn any Inspection or test shall take place to the other Party, and that Party may have representatives present at the test or Inspection. If a motor is found to be inaccurate or defective, It shell be adjusted, repaired, or replaced, at Idaho's expanse, In order to provide accurate metering, If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent from the measurement madeby the standard meter used in the tat, adjustment shall be made correc- ting all measurements Tncdc by the Inaccurate motor for: (1) the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made, If the parlqd can be determinad or if not ( the period Immediately preceding the test of the meter euaI to one-half the time from the date of the last previous t*t of the meter; provided, that the period covered by the correction shall not exceed ab months. EXHIBIT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 10 of 41 Each Party, tifter reasonable notice to (he other Party, shall have the right of access to all meie*'lng and related records. VI: OPERATION. PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE (A) Seller shall operate and maintain the Facility and Seller furnished interconnection Facilities in accordance with Appendix D--Stan- dards for Interconnection and hiolaring, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electric Safety Code as modified from time to, time, and any other applicable local, State and Federal codes. If, in the opinion of Idaho, Setter's oparetion of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise edvercly effect Idaho's equipment or personnel, or those of other Setters or tdnh0' othor customers. Idaho may physically Interrupt the flow of energy from the Facility or take such other stops as Idaho deems appropriate. (13) Idaho shell, at all tunas, and under all conditions, control the intertie between Seller's Facility and Idaho'* system. This control will be accomplished by the Seller's installation of lnterconnetlon Fad' HUes which will purmit Idaho to remotely control the operation of the Intertie, These Interconnection Facilities and their operation are more particularly described in Appendix B. (C)Solier shall provide and maintain adequate protective eqUip- inent sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility. (D)Seller' shall use Its best efforts to minimize voltage swings and to maintain voltage lvols acceptable to Idaho. Idaho may, upon one hundred eighty (ICO) days' notice to Seller, change Its nominal operating voltage level by more then ten percent (lOt) at the Point(s) of Delivery, EXHIBIT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 11 of 41 in which ease Seller shall modify, at Idaho's expense, Snllers equipment as necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. (E)Seller ag'ces that in the event of and during a period of a shortage of energy or energy and Capacity on Idaho's system as declared by Idaho in Its solo discretion, Seiler thall, at Idaho's request and within the limits of roortabIa safety requirements as determined by Seller, use its best efforts to provide requested energy or energy and Capacity, and shall, if necessary, delay any scheduled shutdown of the Facility. In the event ldai,* requests a delay of a scheduled shutdown and as a result of complying with this request, Seller incurs unavoidable liabilities for scheduled maintenance services to be provided by third parties, Idaho agrees to reimburse Seller for its Payment of such liabilities. (F)Seller shall limit both kilowatt and reactive kilovolt- ampere flows through this Point of Delivery so that the vector sum of such flows shall not at any one time exceed not aplicabIe kilovolt amperes. Additionally, Seller shall maintain a power factor at the Point of Delivery of not icas than ninety-five percent (90) lagging. In the event that Seller shall fail to limit real and reactive flows or to maintain the required power factor as herein provided, Idaho may, In addition to any other remedy available at law or In equity, require the Seller to compensate Idaho for vors supplied by Idaho, install adequate oapaeltars or, if required for safety, or system stability, physically interrupt all service and interconnections without prior, notice and without liability therefor. (G)Seller shall report monthly to the Designated Dispatch Facility the times, by hour and minute, of opening and closing his generator breaker and the corresponding kwh motor reading at the time of opening as wall as ciosinl the breaker. EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 CoMMENTs, TAMARACK Page 12 of 41 on Idaho and Seller shell maintain appropriate operating communica- tions through Idaho's Designated Dispatch Facility. These conmunicstkns are described in Appendix D. (H)Idaho shall not be obligated to accept, and Idaho may re- quire Salter to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of energy or energy and Capacity if Idaho determines that curtailment, interruption or reduc- tion is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, operating conditions on Its system, or as otherwise required by by Prudent Electrical Practices. Except in the event of force mejeure, if the requires, pursuant to this prevision, a curtailment, interruption or reduction of energy deliveries that c,co'ds twnty Jays froin the twontyfirst day of such interruption, curtailment or reduction until Idaho notifies Seller that. it Is ready to accept full energy deliveries, Seller will be deemed, for purposes of determining the monthly energy payment, to be delivering energy at the same average rate as Seller was delivering energy for the 30 day period immediately preceding the curtailment, interruption or reduction. (I)In the event Idaho is required by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to institute curtailment of energy deliveries to its customers, Idaho may require Seller or Seller's fuel supplier, ivcrgreon Forest Pro- ducts, Inc. to curtail its consumption of electricity in the some manner and to the same deyrcmo as other customers within the same customer class who do not own facilities for generating etectricty. U) If Seller elects to deliver energy and Capacity. Seller may shut down the Facility for Scheduled Maintenance of a total period not to exceed thirty (30) days during each contract year. Seller shall submit its EXHJBJT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 13 of 41 proposed maintenance maintenance schedule for each calendar year by the proceeding February 1, and Idaho shell Inform Seller of the acceptability or unaccept- ability of the proposed date(s). To the extent reasonably, posslbIe Seller will attempt to perform Its chedulcd maintenance during Idaho's off-peak months, (March, April, October and November). Seller and Idaho will coordinate, insofar as possible, Seller's periods of Scheduled Main- tenance with any line Construction or maintenance by Idaho that would require a curtailment, interruption or reduction of deliveries of energy under Paragraph (H). AR-Elcu! VII: UAUILITV AND INSURANCE (A)Each Party shall indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, and employees against all loss, damage, expense, and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation, or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used In connection with this Agreement. The Indemnifying Party shell, or th uthr Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indmn1ty. The Indemnifying Party shall pay all costs that may be incurred by the other Party in enforcing this indemnity. (B)Prior to Interconnection of Seller's Facility with Idaho's system, Seller shall, secure aftc.1 itiuousy cerry Insurance coverue as indicated below, LIABILLTj The covarajio provided must include or be equivalent to comprehensive liability insurance policies for both bodily Injury and property damage liability In the following amount** EXUIBIT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 14 of 41 in (a)For Facilities up to 5,000 14lowatt S1 ,000000 combined single limit. (b)For Facilities 5,0OO kilowatts and larger, 85,000,000 cam- bird single limit. Such insurance, shall include an endorsement naming Idaho as an additional Insured insofar as work performed under this 'Agreement Is concerned; a r'oviskmn that such liability pollee shall not be cancelled or their limits of liability reduced without thirty (30) days' written notice to Idaho. 5oller, shall furnish'Idaho, prior to commencing performance hereof, but not less than thirty (30) day* before the scheduled Operation nato, certificates of insurance, to' other with the andors'mrnts required therein. Idaho shall have the right to inspect the original policies of such lnsurcince, (C) Seller agrees to obtain insurance acceptable to Idaho cov- ering property damage or destruction of the Facility and Seller-owned Inter- connection Facilities (insured property) in an amount not less than the cost of replacement of the insured property. Idaho shall be a named Ions payee on all such Insurance pIlcies. Seller' shall promptly notify Idaho of any loss or damage to the insured property. Idaho may make proof of loss if Seller fails to do so within fifteen (I) days of the casualty. Unless the 'parties agree otherwise, Seiler shall repair or replace the Insured property. Procoeds from said casualty insurance policies shell be paid into an escrow account with disbursements from that account to be used solely for rnptilring or replacing the insured Property, In the event the parties agree the Insured property cannot be eonomically repaired or replaced, Seller shall pay, to Idaho, from said escrow account, the amount EXImsIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, Ttit&itci Page 15 of 41 -14- owing under the refund Obligation of seller to Idaho as. set forth In the terms and conditions of Appendix C. The balance In the escrow account, In the event the insured property Is not repaired or replaced, shall become the property of the Seller. ARTICLE V)11;,LAND RIGHTS Seller hereby grants to Idtho for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way rind eiscnicnts to instli, operate, maintain, re- place, and remove Idaho's metering and ether facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller agrees to execute such other grants, deeds or document as Idaho may require to enable it to record such rights-of-way and easements, If any part of the Interconnection Facilities must be Installed on property owned by other than Idaho or Seller, Seller shall, If Idaho is unable to do so without cost to Idaho, procure from the owners thereof all necessary rights-of-way and easements for the construction, operation, maintenance, ond replacement of the Interconnection Facilities upon such property In a form satisfactory to Idaho. At Sailor's request, Idaho shall, to the Oxtent it is legally Able, acquire such .'iphts-of-way at Seller's CoSt, ARTICLE IX: FORCE MAJIJR As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" means unforeseeable causes beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negllgcnc* of the party claiming Force Majeuru, Including, but not limited to govern- mental action, and specifically excludes strikes, walkouts, lookouts or ExHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMINTS, TAMIL&cIc Page 16 of 41 other labor disputes In which Idaho, Seller, Evergreen Forest Products Inc, or their, respective employees participate. if either party is rendered wholly or partly unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of Force Majeure, both parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the Force Majeure to the extent so effected, provided that (A) The non-porforniiiig party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occu renco of the Force Majaurn, give the other party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence; (13) The suspension of performance be of no greater scope and of no longer- duration than Js required by the Force Majeuro; (C) No ohligAtous of either party which arose before the occur- rence causing the suspension of performance shell be excused as a result of the occurrence; and (0) The non-performing party shall use its best efforts to remedy its Inability to perform. This subparagraphs shall not require the settlement of any strike, walkout, lookout or other labor dispute on terms which, In the sole ,iudRrnent of the party Involved In the dispute, are contrary to to its Interest. It is understood and agreed that the settlement of strikes, walkouts, loukouts or ether labor disputes shall be entirely within the discretion of the perty having the difficulty; provided that, In the event of a strike nffcting Seller's Facility, Seller shell use Is best efforts to operate the Facility with management personnel, ARTICLE X: LIABILITY; DEDICATION Nothing in this Agreement ,thntl be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any parson EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 17 of 41 -16- not a Party to this Agreomont. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public, nor affect the status of Idaho as an Independent public utility orporation or Seller as an lndrendont individual or entity. ARTICLE Xi: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Except where specifically steted in this Agreement to be otharwis,, the duties.. obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement sh*li ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership, or Joint venture or lmpus a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability ót or with regard to either Party. each Party shall be Individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE Xli: WAIVER Any waiver at any tinie by either Party of its rights With respect to a default under this Arcement, or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement, shall net be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsrquviii default or other matter. ARTICLE XItl; CHOICE OF LAWS Tills A9reemant shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 18 of4l -11- AfTICLE XIV: GOVERNMENTAL JURISDI,CTION AND AUTHORIZATION This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those govern' mental agencies having control over either Party or this Agreement. This Agreement shall not become effective until all required governmental authorl- zations and permits are first obtained and copies thereof are submitted to Idaho: provided that this Agrement shall not become effective'Unless it, and all provisions thereof, are authorized and permitted by such govern- mental agencies without change or condition. If after this Agreement becomes effective any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Seller requires any change In this Agreement, or imposes any condition or obligation on the Seller for which Seller can show good cause that the condition or obligation renders this Agreement unreasonably burdensome, the Seller may terminate this Agreement, ARTICLE '(V; DISPUTES The Parties hereto recognize and agree that: (A)The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) conferred on the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) the obliga- tion and authority to require Idaho to purchase energy or energy in capacity from qualifying cogenaratlen and small power productionFacilities: and (B)Pursuant to that authority and to promote uniformity among the various electric companies within its jurisdiction, the Commission con- ducted Investigations and held hearings regarding cogeneration - small power production, i3esod on those hearings, the Commission Issud Orders No 15746 and 16026, which Orders, In addition to ostblishing the rates to paid Seller for energy or energy and Capacity, specified the lottn and terms EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 19 of 41 -18- and conditions of standard contracts, including this Agreement and required Idaho to offer this Agreement to Seller and any other owners or owners and operators of Qualifying cogeneration small power production Facilities. (C) in light of these facts the Parties agree that if tha Com- mission determines that any term or conditions of this Agreement or the standard contracts It has required Idaho to offer to Seller and others Is contrary to the public interest, the Commission may modify those terms or conditions and such modifications will be binding on the Parties. It Is further understood and agreed that this Article XV, is not to be construed as permitting Idaho to inquire Into the operation of Seller's Facility or other business, nor attempt to bring Seller under the commission's regulation. ARTICLE XVh SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and Inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, save that no assignment hereof by Seller shell become effective without the written consent of Idaho being first obtained. This Article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured tights from exorcising all rights and remedies available to It under law or contract. Idaho shall have the right to be notified by The financing entity that It is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XVII: MODIFICATION No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it Is In writing and signed by both Parties hereto. EXIHBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 20 of4l ARTICLE XVW: NOTICES All written notices under this Agreement shall be directed as follows, and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U S Mall, first-class Postage prepad, as follows To Seller; Evergreen ne'gy, Inc Dcx H New Meadows, Idaho 83654 To Idaho: Vice President, Power Operations Idaho Power Company 1220 Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XIX: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement includes Appendices A, B6 C and 0 which are attached hereto and included by reference. Appendix A - Schedule of Power Purchase Rates Appendix B - Special Facilities and Point(s) of Delivery and Metering Appendix C - Adjustment of Capacity Payments in the Event of Termination or Reduction Appendix 0 - Standards for Interconnection and Metering IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agree- ment to be oxecuted In this respective names as of the data first above written, ExmBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 21 of 41 EVERGREEN ENERGY INC IDAHO POWER COMPANY By f Praiident By Vice Pres tent im EXHIBIT No. 1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 22 of 41 APPENDIX A COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OF POWER PURCHASE PRICES A-i f2ENERALROV1StOWS This schedule of purchase prices shall be the basis UPOfl which Idaho will make Payments to Seller for energy or energy and Capacity de- liveries from Seller's lacilitics under Options 1 2. 3 and 4. (A) Option 1- Non-Firilt Fnery___ Under this Option Idaho will pay Seller for energy delivered and accepted at a rate equal to Idaho's estimated average monthly System Avoided Energy Cost. The System Avoided Energy Cost is the incremental variable coat of electric energy on ldhos system. Variable cots include fuel costs and operating and maintenance expenses which vary with output of thermal plants, firm power prchsses and spot mr at purchases. The System Avoided En&'gy Cost will be estimated for each men h of the year, will be updated annually, and will be filed with the icltho p tjic Utilities Commission. Tha attached Table I shows the ostitimted annue Systom Avoided Energy Cost schedule. The seller will be provided an up ate of Table 1 each year. The amount shown on Table i, includes on aggregate capacity payment of 3 mills per kwh, (8) Qjgn Under this Option ld.,ho will pay Seller for energy delivered and accepted at a rate equal to Idaho's System Avoided Enegy Cost for each month of the year. The System Avoided Energy Cost is the incremental variable cost of electric energy on Idaho's system. Vaj'inbi* costs include APPENDIX A Page 1 of i EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 23 of 41 average fuel cost and operating and maintenance expenses which vary with output of thermal Plants, firm power purchnses and spot market purchases. The System Avoided Energy Cost will be døtormined at the end of each calen- dar month and will be on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Payments for the month will be made on the bask of that months filed (C) 9n3*Firm Enry and gt eicj. Payments under this Option will equal the sum of the Energy Component and Capacity Component described bolow. Tho amount of each component is deter- mined by reference to the attached Table 2. (1)y Corn onpnt, The energy component will be calculated by multiplying the kwh of energy delivered and accepted by the esti- mated annual Unit Avoided energy Cost specified in Table 2. The Unit Avoided Energy Cost is the sum of the variable costs associated with the specific generating unit or project designated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as The basis for the determination of avoided Capacity cost. Variable costs include fuel costs and operating and maintenance expenses which vary with the designated unit's or Project's generation, The Idaho Public Utilities Commission may, by Order, modify the Unit Avoided Enargy Costs. Idaho will file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission a tariff specifying the affective Unit Avoided Energy Cost. (2)The Contract Capacity payment to Seller of a non-blaptachable resource will be based on the Facility's projected long-term average annual energy production in kwh as agred upon by the Parties. That amount will be divided by the product of 8780 hours per year multiplied by 75, thereby producing the Contract Capacity. APPENDIX A Page 2 of 5 ExWIT No.! CASE No. VC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 24 of 41 In order to qualify for a Capacity Payment under this Option 3, the following provisions must be mat: (a)The Contract Capacity must be available for the term of the agreement, (b)Contract Capacity must be available for a minimum of one (1) year. (3) The Contract CapacIty may be adjusted in the ent there Is a change In any of the factors used In calculating the Facility's long-term average annual energy production. Such adjustment mayIn- elude a Capacity Sale Reduction or Contract Termination in accordance with Appendix C. ()) Option 4 flrm Eriargy and 01spatchable esource Capcji. Pay- ments under this Option will equal the sum of the energy component and the Capacity Component described below, The amount of each component is deter- mined by reference to the attached Table 2. ('I) Eneravoipnent. The energy component will be calculated by multiplying the kwh of energy delivered and accepted by the estimated annual Unit Avoided energy Cost specified In Table 2. The Unit Avoided Energy Coat Is the sum of variable cost associated with the specific generating unit or project designated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as the basis for the determination of avoided capacity cost. Variable costs include fuel costa and operating and maintenance epxnses which vary with the designated unit's Or project's generation, The Idaho Public Utilities Commission may, by Order, modify the Unit Avoided energy Cost. Idaho will file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, a tariff specifying the effective Unit Avoided Energy Cost. APPENDIX A Page 3 of 8 ExmBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 25 of 41 (2) Capacity Cornpq. The Contract Capacity payment to a Seller of a Disioatchable Resource will be based on the generating capacity of the Facility as specified by Seller; however, in order to qualify for a Capacity payment under this Option 4, the following provisions must be met (a)The Contract Capacity must be available or actually delivered to Idaho such th,t the energy made available in iily twelve (12) month period or actuliy delivered in such period to Idaho di- vided by 8760 hours in such period Is no less than sixty-five percent (85) of the Contract Capacity to allow for Forced Outages and Scheduled Maintenance, (b)Contract Capacity must be available for a minimum of one (1) year. (3) Seller may increase the Contract Capacity with the written approval of Idaho, and subsequent payments for the additional capacity will be in accordance with the Current Capacity Cost Schedule contained In Appendix A, Table 2. (4) Idaho may derate tile Contract Capacity as a result of appro- priate tests, studies or prior performance. If such dersting occurs after the facility is In operation, it will constitute a Capacity Sale Reduction and will be subject to Appendix C. A-2 ADJ USTMENT TO WNIfkAC CAPACIT Y P .IC The Contract Capacity Price will be adjusted upward to the Cur- rent Capacity Cost as of the Operation Date if the scheduled Operation Date specified In Article 111(C) is nwt. The Current Capacity Cost Schedule, If higher, shall 'be attached to this Agreement and shill supersede Table 2 of APPENDIX A Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT No.! CASE No. !PC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 26 of 41 this Appendix. If the scheduled Operation Osta is not met, the C4ntr3ct Capacity Price specified In Artlo IV will opply. APPENDIX A Page 5 of 5 ExHIBiT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 27 of 41 o 00 &r,plwIx * TABLE I 14 S1rn&TEG AVOIDED EMIflGY COSTS BY 4O1tftS CENTS/Mt - .urnuly 2.20 rebrary ArH 2.33 Ray 2.26 June 2 96 July LBS 41 . 16 As#906t September 3 M October L93 tcvcer 2.5? December (tote: The pflces SEaLad ebOc eswa rkot ?Me total a*i*rE at enerBy purchased by de ?oIco Capany from QVaHlyfn FacitWas does net axeBod 50 average aøgaVeLts. At such as Idaho Pwet Company's purchases from qualitylve Iac;Utics. 50 ova rage ecgewatI.s., men prices vr il be adjusted appropriately.) gI 1 i -4 N 1. N 9 4 C' 1-fli N N a .. fl -4 N 0 C' .4 Owl EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTs, TAMARAcK Page 29 of 41 APPENDIX "B SPECIAL FACILITIES AND POINT(S) OF DELIVERY AND METERING Point The Point of Delivery of anergy from the Seller to Idaho wiLl be the conductor terminations on th6 deadand structure of Idaho's 69 kV line adjacent to the Seller's facility. The Seller shell deliver the energy from the generator, through the transformer, and through a 69 kV oil circuit breaker to the Point of Delivery. The transformer will be 2,400 Volts to 60,000 Volts. The transformer and oil circuit breaker will be owned and niiintain*d by the Seller. 8-2 Meteripg The metering equipment will be on the 2,400 Volt side of the transfor , mar, and will consist of meters, recorder, Instrument transformers, associated wiring, and a building. The mater readings will be adjusted to compensate for energy losses through the transformer. 0-3 Seciel Fc1fltJes The construction of approximately 1.000 feet of 6$ kV transmission line, including air break switches, to the deadend structure at the Seller's facility will be provided and owned by Idaho as Special Facilities. B4 hIngctrol A communications circuit will be installed between the generating facility and the Designated Dispatch Facility which will allow the Seller to close the oil circuit breaker only after the Idaho 41s APPENDIX a Page 1 of 2 ExmBrr No.! CASE NO. LPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 30 of 41 patcher has qivc6 permission by operating a control relay. The oil circuit breaker will be so controlled that it can not be closed unless the Idaho dispatcher operates the control relay. All such communica tkn circuits will be provided and maintained by the Seller. B-5 Costs Installation costs of tile.metering equipment is $5,980. lnstaliation and Construction costs of Special Facilities is $22,00. Total amount to be paid to Idaho by the Seller is $28,480. This amount will be paid to Idaho at least 30 days prior to the scheduled commencement of Construction or Installation of the facilities and equipment. In addition to the Installation nnd construction charges specified above, Seller will pay Idaho an operation and maintenance charge of 0.7% per month times the total amount specified above. S-B No later than sixty (GO) days after the Contract Termination data, or the expiration date of this agreement, Idaho will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remai ning value of those Special Facili- ties described In -1 of this Appendix, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho's nearest warehouse, if the Special Facilities will be removed. Idaho may then be invoiced by Seller for the net salvage value estimated by Idaho for the Special Facilities and shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receit of said invoice. Seller shall )love the j,jqjjt to offset the invoice amount •gainst any present or future payments due Idaho. APPENDIX B Page 2 of 2 ExififfiT No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 31 of41 APPENDIX "C" ADJUSTMENT OF CAPACITY PAYMENTS IN THE EVENT OF TERMINATION OR REDUCTION C1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (A) This Appendix shall be applicable in the event there Is a Contract Termination of a Cnpcity Sale Reduction and Seller is receiving Capacity payments, (8) The Parties agree that the amonnt of the payment which Idaho is to make to Seller for Capacity is based on, the agreed value to Idaho of Sellers performance of his obligation to provide Capacity during the full period of the Term OF Agreement, The Parties further agree that In the event Idaho does not receive such full performance by reason of a Contract Termination or a Capacity Sale Reduction, (1) Idaho shall be deemed damaged by reason thereof, (2) it would be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to Idaho resulting therefrom, (3) the reductions, offsets and refund payments as provided In this Appendix, as applicable, are In the nature of adjustments in Capacity prices and liquidated damages, and not a penalty, and are fair and reasonable, and (4) such reductions, offsets and refund payments represent a reasonable endeavor by the Parties to estimate a fair compensation for the reasonable losses that would result from such termination or reduction. (C) Seller shall be invoiced by Idaho for all refund payments due under This Appendix and shall pay such amounts to Idaho within thirty (30) days after the invoice date, APPENDIX Page 1 of 3 ExmBrr No.! CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 32 of 41 (0) Idaho shall have the right to offset any amounts due it against any present or future payments due. Seller. C-2 WAMINATION OR ION DUE TO SELLEIVS FAILURE Except in the event of Force Majeure as defined in Article IX of the Agreement, in the event the Seller fails to provide all or part of the Contract Capacity, such failure shall be grounds for Contract Tenintio or a Capacity Sale Reduction in accordance with the following: (A) Idaho may immediately suspend or reduce the Capacity pay- ments to Seller for a probationary period not to exceed twelve (12) months. (1)if Seller meets or satisfies Idaho that it can meet its minimum Capacity requirements during the probationary period, Idaho shall make a retroactive Capacity paynrnnt for the probationary period and reinstate regular Capacity payments in subsequent years. (2)II Sailor fails to meet its minimum requirements during the probationary period, Idaho may permanently derete the Contract Capacity appropriately or terminate the Capacity purchases, () in the event Idaho terminates Cascity purchases, pursuant to this Section C-2, the following will apply: ('I) If the Contract Capacity Is more than one megawatt, Seller shall refund to Idaho an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the difference between the Capacity Payments already paid by Idaho (based on the original term of the Agreement) and the total Capacity Payments which Would have been paid if the Contract Capacity Price had been based on the period from the Operation Date to the actual date of Termination, APPENDIX C Page 2 of 3 ExHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 33 of 41 (2) If the Contract Capacity Is less than one megawatt, Seller shall refund to Idaho an amount equal to ten percent (10 06) of the difference between the Capacity Payments already paid by Idaho (based on the original term of the Agreement) and the total capacity Payments which would have been paid if the Contract Capacity Price had been based on the period from the Operation Data to the actual data of Termination. (c) If, as a result of a strike, walk-out, lockout or other labor dispute, Sailer will be unable to meet its obligation to provide the Con- tract Capacity, Seller will notify Idaho and Idaho may purchase power from another source to replace the power Seller had agreed to provide. Such replacement power will, for purposes of satisfying Seller's Contract Capacity oblIgation, be deemed to have been delivered by Seller. The Seller will reimburse Idaho for the difference, if any, between the amount which Idaho would have paid to the Seller and the actual cast of the replacement power, including losses, wheeling and load factoring. Idaho will bill Salle,' monthly for the reimbursq,npnt amount. Unless otherwise agreed, Idaho will not be obligated to attempt to procure replacement power for a period longer than six months. In no event will Idaho pay Seller for Capacity not actually provided by Seller. (D) The foregoing rctilodles are not exclusive and Idaho reserves all rights it may have against Seller as a result of SeIlr's failure to perform under this Agreement. APPENDIX C Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 34 of 41 Standards for Interconnection and Metering D-1 GENERAL PROVISIONS It is the policy of Idaho Power Company to permit any owner or operator (Seller) of a qualifying facility to operate his generating equipment In parallel with the Idaho Power Company (Company) electric system, whenever this can be done without adverse affect to the Company equipment or personnel or to our other customers or other Sellers, These guidelines contain the minimum metering, Interconnection, pro- tection, operation, and communications requirements for the safe and effective parallel operation of the Seiler with tile Company system. Although these guide- lines are established to provide a uniform approach for evaluating Sellers generation projects, each lnlarconnc(jon must be examined by the Company Indi- vidually. The Company and the Seller or Sellers engineers will be guided by this document (which is a pert of the appropriate Power or Energy Sales Agree- ment) in planning an interconnection between the Company system and the Seller. The Company may provide limited technical assistance for Sellers, but will not perform any eninoer2ng, construction or repair work on power pro- duction equipment. 0-2 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS All Seller generators lorger than 20 #<VA shell be three-phase genera- tors connected to three-phase circuits unless otherwise approved by the Company. Generators 20 KVA and smaller may be either single-phase or three-phase. Except In certain instances to be determined by tile Company, all Seller's generators shall be Isolated from the Company's system by a transformer. ExmBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 35of4l -2- APPENDIX D The Seller may be required to limit the fault current contribution to the Company system by generator impedenOc, neutral grounding or other means. The Company will not assume any responsibility for protection of the Seller's generator or of any other portion of the Sellers electrical equipment. The Seller is fully responsible for protecting his equipment from faults or disturbances on the Company system. Sellers are hereby notified that certain conditions on the Company's system may cause negative seucnee currents to flow in the Seller's generator. It Is the sole responsibility of the Seller to protect his equipment from ox- cessive negative sequenco currents reverse power flow, and single phasing. Sellers are hereby notified that single or three-phase automatic re- closing devices may be installed on the distribution system. Seller must install a protective device capable of isolating his generation from the line prior to reclosure A check Interlock for synchronizing of the Seller's generator Is required, When required for safety Or system reliability, the Company may requIre that a control circuit be installed at Seller expense. D-3 METERING REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise agree.I by the Parties, metering will be provided for recording net output of the Facility and will be separate from any metering of Sifter's load. MOterIfl9 required will be determined by the Company on a case- by-case basis, but will generally follow the guidelines below EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 36 of 41 APPENDIX 0 (A) Capacity Under 730 KVA A kilowatt-hour demand meter will be installed. () Capacity of 750 KVA and Above Four meters will be installed. These will measure KWi. KW demand, and reactive pover flow to and from the generator. These meters will have pulse outputs to a solid state recorder in order to determine poweP factor and demand. D4 RELAYING AND PROTECTION Certain protective devices (relay, circuit b'eaketa, etc) are required by the Company and must be installed at any location where the Sailer desires to operate generation in parallel with the Company. The purpose of these devices is to promptly remove the Seller's 2enerCtIon whenever a system disturbance occurs so as to protect the 9eneIal public and the Company facilities and per- sonnel from damage or injury due to the energy produced by the Seller's generator. All facilities will require automatic over-current relay protection in addition to that protection rouired by this appendix, section b-5, 0-6, or O-7 as appropriate to the instøllntion. The following stipulations regarding this protective equipment will apply, (A) All protective devkes installed to protect the Company system from Seiler' generation will be approved by the Company () The check out of these devices must be supervised by the Company and subject to the Company's approval. (C) All relay settings on the Interconnection will be approved by the Company. EXHIBIT No.! CASE NO. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 37 of 41 -4.. APPENDIX I) (D) The Seller has full responsibility for the maintenance of his genera- tin and protection equipment. Adequate maintenance records must be main- tamed by the Seller and be available for review by the Company. The Company reserves the right to inspect on demand all protective equipment. Inspection may include tripping of the power circuit breaker by protective relays, if, in the opinion of the Company, the Seller has failed to provide proper maintenance and this failure could adversely impact the Company or other Company customers, the C*pany can require the Seller to cease parallel operation. 0-'5 SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS On synchronous generators, over and under voltage and over and under frequency relays are required to trip the unit when significant differences exist between loads and oanoration, Synchronous generators must be operated with governors. Governor characteristics may be adjusted to at toast 5L droop, Governors are to be operated unrestrained to allow automatic reduction of generation in the event of excessive system frequency. D-6 INDUCTION GENERATORS Overvoltage can become a serious problem when an induction generator is isolated to a portion of a transmission or distribution system. Overvoltage relays shall be provided that will open the generator breaker in the event that the voltage reaches predetermined limits consistent with the overvoltage capa- bUtty of the generator and the system. Underyoltege protection may also be required. On larger upits, undsrfr*quency and overfrequeny relaying may be required, EXHIBIT No.1 CASE NO. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 38 of 41 -5- APPENDIX 0 ( Vars for excitation of the induction generator will need to be supplied from the power system or from capacitors as a component of a static Var source. The Power Sales Agreement provides for compensation to the Company for Vats supplied. 0-7 Dc TO AC CONVERTERS Direct current generators may be operated in parallel with the Company system through a synchronous inverter. The inverter installation will be designed such that a utility system interruption will result in the immediate removal of the inverter power flow to the utility,'Harmonics and/or spurious frequencies ,generated by the Sellers generator-Inverter combinations must be limited to avoid causing any reduction In quality of electric service tuother Sellers or the Company's other customers. D-B SWITCHING REQUIREMENTS (A) The closure of any breaker or other disconnecting device which connects the Facility to deliver power to Idaho's system s, shall be con- trolled by equipment installed by the Seller as a part of its lnterconec- tlon Facilities which will perform the following (1)automatically monitor the status of the electrical system on Idaho's side of the disconnecting device as to voltage, frequency and phase rotation, and; (2)prohibit closure or reconnection until voltage, frequency and phase rot5tion have been within approved limits for a Continuous period of not less Than five () minutes. and; (3)operate so that if Idaho's system is de-energised within ten (10) seconds after the initial closure of the Seller's disconnecting de- vice. Seller's disconnecting dyjø will Immediately open and not ExmBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 39 of 41 APPENDIX D close again until Sotlor has contacted thd Designated Dispatch Faci- lity and received permission to raclose; Disconnection control systems with characteristics varying from those described above may be a ceptabic to Idaho provided that in ldand' judg- ment, they provide sciequate protection consistent with Prudent Utility Practices, (B)All automatic and other disconnection control equipment must be reviewed and approved by Idaho. (C)The Company reserves the right to open and secure by look any disconnecting device without prior notice to Seller for any of the following reasons: C (1)System emergency. (2)IMpaction of the Seller's protective equipment reveals a hazardous condition or lack of maintenance, - (3)Seller's generating equipment interferes with ether customers, other Sellers, or with the Compauys system. (0) Seller shalt maintain a written record of all operating (opening and closing) of the Seller's interconnection with the Company. Each oper- ation will be recorded by the date, hour end minute,, and will include the generator kilowatt hour reading at the time of the operation. This record will be maintained on a monthly basis and tI'e original will be mailed to the Company on the first business day of the following month. The Company will provide the forms necosisry for filing this monthly switching report. (E) Consistent with Prudent Utility Practice. Idaho may require the Seller to Install commttncations circuits which will allow Idaho to remotely control the closIng of the Seller's disconnecting . equipment or require other EXHIBIT No. 1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 40 of 41 * 0 • * 7.. APPENDIX D arrangements limiting the Seller's ability to close its disconnecting equipment without first receiving Idaho's consent. D-9 GENERATION SCHEDULING AND REPORTING (A) For installations under 750 KVA, the Seller shall read his generator kilowatt-hour motor within the 24 hour period following 1200 noon on the last day of each month and he shall, within the period, notify the Desig- nated Dispatch Facility of that meter reading. That kilowatt-hour meter reading shall also be recorded on the monthly switching report that Is mailed to the Company, (8) For installations of 750 I(VA and above, before 1000 A Meach day, the Seller shall provide the Designated Dispatch Facility with an estimate of what the Seller will generate on the following day or days as may be required. In order to maintain a continuous record of energy actually generated and delivered, the Seller shall; by a moans acceptable to the Company, obtain the kilowatt-hour reading at midnight of each clay and shall notify the Designated Dispteh Facility, the following day, of that meter reading Additionally, the kilowatt-hour meter reading, corresponding to midnight at the and of the last day of each month, shall also be recorded on the monthly switching report that is mailed to the Company. The written record of the end-of-the-month meter reading on the monthly switching report will be the basis of payment for energy purchased by the Company from the Seller. EXHIBIT No.1 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 41 of41 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-12-28 TAMARACK ENERGY PARTNERSHIP EXHIBIT NO. 2 ExmBrr No.2 CASE No. IPC-E-12-28 COMMENTS, TAMARACK Page 1 of! Strictly Confidential -Attorney Client Privileged Re-calculation of Updated Rates for Tamarack CSPP Rates As Paid 70% 20% 10% Fixed Variable Total Fixed Variable Total Fixed Variable Total Wt Ave Variable Jan 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0698 0.01036 0.08016 0.0344 0.00863 0.04303 0.02274 22.74 Feb 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0698 0.01036 0.08016 0.0344 0.00863 0.04303 0.02274 22.74 Mar 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0465 0.00690 0.05340 0.02586 0.00634 0.0322 0.02182 21.82 Apr 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0465 0.00690 0.05340 0.02586 0.00634 0.0322 0.02182 21.82 May 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0465 0.00690 0.05340 0.02586 0.00634 0.0322 0.02182 21.82 Jun 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0698 0.01036 0.08016 0.0413 0.01036 0.05166 0.02291 22.91 Jul 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0698 0.01036 0.08016 0.0413 0.01036 0.05166 0.02291 22.91 Aug 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0698 0.01036 0.08016 0.0413 0.01036 0.05166 0.02291 22.91 Sep 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0465 0.00690 0.05340 0.0413 0.01036 0.05166 0.02222 22.22 Oct 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0465 0.00690 0.05340 0.0344 0.00863 0.04303 0.02205 22.05 Nov 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0465 0.00690 0.05340 0.0344 0.00863 0.04303 0.02205 22.05 Dec 0 0.02829 0.02829 0.0698 0.01036 0.08016 0.0344 0.00863 0.04303 0.02274 22.74 Revised Rates at 6/1/2010 70% 22.38% 20% 200 rates 10% 248 Rates Fixed Variable Total Fixed Variable Total Fixed Variable Total Wt Ave Variable Jun-10 0 0c03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Jul-10 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Aug-10 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Sep-10 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.0273 27.30 Oct-10 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02708 27.08 Nov-10 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02708 27.08 Dec-10 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96 Jan-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96 Feb-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96 Mar-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.02586 0.00805 0.03391 0.02679 26.79 Apr-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.02586 0.00805 0.03391 0.02679 26.79 May-l1 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.02586 0.00805 0.03391 0.02679 26.79 Jun-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Jul-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Aug-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Sep-i1 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.0273 27.30 Oct-I1 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02708 27.08 Nov-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02708 27.08 Dec-11 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96 Jan-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96 Feb-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96 Mar-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.02586 0.00805 0.03391 0.02679 26.79 Apr-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.02586 0.00805 0.03391 0.02679 26.79 May-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.02586 0.00805 0.03391 0.02679 26.79 Jun-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Jul-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Aug-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.02818 28.18 Sep-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0413 0.01314 0.05444 0.0273 27.30 Oct-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02708 27.08 Nov-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0465 0.00876 0.05526 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02708 27.08 Dec-12 0 0.03462 0.03462 0.0698 0.01314 0.08294 0.0344 0.01095 0.04535 0.02796 27.96