HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130910Comment.pdf?-] - /J Wc'e-t)'L7 I have 40 acres I live on outside of Inkom, plenty of room fo: my grid tied micro hydro, PV, and wind systems. I also own a small lot in Pocatello, whefq{ Uage my crane business out of. That lo! besides being small, also is shaded by numerous'tiees arid ottier obstructions, making it unsuitable for a PV installation. The same obstructions also make it a very poor wind turbine site, and there is no water, not to mention no required fall, so micro hydro is a non starter also. As I currently have a credit with Idaho Power of over $500.00, it would be of great benefit to me to be able to transfer some of that credit to my other IP account. ln addition to my credit,I have also just recently installed yet another PV array (3 K\ID, and am due to be inspected on this by IP in a day or so and then it will go online. I did this latest installation partially because of the much lower price of PV made it more affordable, and in anticipation of perhaps a greater need for electricity in the future. Well, I already HAVE a greater need, the crane yard, the problem is I can't transfer my credits. I should mention I have never asked IP for a check, it has never been my intention to try to make money with my over production. Rather, I wanted to defer my own electrical consumption with my own equipment, and right now have accomplished that and thcn some! So....it really sticks in my craw when I have to sit down and write a check out to IP for tho crane yard when I have this large credit on my home account, especially knowing that it would seem to not entail any costs or hassle to them other then a one time re-programing of the way my accounts are sefup. Using my large open space and my own renewable energy system atmy 40 acres to help power my small lot in town would be great, and would sure beat burning Wyoming coal (in part) to power my crane yard! In closing, as a long time net meter customer, I am satisfied with the way things went with the IPUC's recent decision concerning the program. No one wants to see Idaho Power lose money, but I see net meter program being neutal to a plus benefit to them. Their problems with the huge commercial wind farms is another matter entirely! My little nickel and dime system, in it's own small way, has been a benefit to them. The over $500.00 of my credit in their system has of course been sold and/or used by them, moved through their system. My greatest production falls during the time of their greatest system loading, the hot summer months. I am happy to help them out all I can, but letting me transfer any remaining credits to my other account would seem to be a non threat to their bottom line. T* fu,,,L ill:i::' ' APPLY-ING NET METERING TO MULTIPLE SITES ?fj ll QfP -o ri rr n. r.,r*u:.: ilt.i^ -J I:ii .:,.u.b O ro A'Jb^ tu\ ^,,yn 4n lnft\{Y\r.( $