HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130709Comment.pdfJean Jewell From:js_webet@hotmail.com Sent:Friday,July 05,2013 10:34 PM To:Erik Jorgensen;Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:js_weber@hotmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:John Weber Name:John Weber Case Number:IPC-E-12-27 Email:js weber(hotmail.com Telephone: Address:6508 W Everett St Boise ID,83704 Name of Utility Company:IPC Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Dear Commissioners, Thank you for your timely ruling in this case.It seems like a livable compromise. I am somewhat confused why you ruled the credits would be in kWhs instead of dollars (as thePUCstaffpointedoutwasthemostfair,in staff testimony).I believe in at least 3 past cases,precedence was set in valuing kWhs.The value of a kwh is not always the same.The PUC approved valuing summer kWhs and non-summer kwhs differently.The PUC approved valuing kWhsontheamountusedwithtieredrates.The PUC approved valuing kWhs differently based on the time of day.I agree with all of these past ruling as they send price signals to customers more closely reflecting actual costs of generation.This current ruling seems to be taking astepbackwardsbysayingthevalueofakwhisthesameregardlessofwhattimeofyearor time of day it was generated. Idaho Power,even with the old method,can make a much higher than normal rate of return on purchased power from net-metering customers.These examples are based on a residential solar net-metering customer in the summer time.It is my understanding that most of these customersarecreditedbackatthelowestStandardrate(7.84 cents per kwh).Idaho Power credits the net-metering customer 7.84 cents per kWh and that power is sold to another house next totheirhouselikelyat9.58 cents per kWh or even 11.52 cents per kwh using the Standard Rate.If the house next door is using time of day metering it could be as high as 12.04 cents perkwh.So,for no capital investment on Idaho Power’s part they could be receiving a rate ofreturnoffthepowergeneratedbyasolarnet-metering customer in the range of 22%-53%.Theyreceivethisrateofreturnwhenthenextdoorhousepaysitselectricbill.Idaho Power caninvestthismoneyastheylike.The solar net-metering customer just receives a credit,without interest.I believe a dollar credit is the most fair and as the examples show IdahoPowerstillreceivesanabovenormalrateofreturnfornothinginvested. I also believe because of past rulings,net-metering customers should be able to participateintimeofdaybilling. Thank you for your consideration for future cases. Unique Identifier: 1