HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130612Comments (3 Total).pdfTo:Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11 June 2013 P0 Box $3720 Boise,ID 83 720-0074 Case No,IPC-E-12-27 Name:Keith Woodworth City:Caidwell State:Idaho Zip:$3607 Day time phone:(20$)402-4127 Name of Utility:Idaho Power Company Public disclosure:Acknowledged Additional Comments (prey.1/14/13) After reviewing the comments and concerns of the above case’s Interveners,Public, IPUC Staff,and Idaho Powers (IPCo)Rebuttal Testimony,I have the following concerns or comments. 1.fERC.Although no one directly addressed the status of FERC and the issue of payments to Residential Net Metered customers,the “Idaho Conservation League”(ICL)document titled “State Level Data on Net Metering Capacity Limits and Rate Credits”—see attachment shows that Utilities in approximately 33 states “reconcile (pay for excess power).A Technician at FERC stated that generation below 20 mW was or could be exempted.I was then referred to “Legal Council —S.L.Higgenbottom (sp)at (202)502-8564 for additional information.To date,“Legal Council”has not responded.Are 33 states also wrong? 2.Purpose of Net Metering.The purpose as defined by G.W.Said of IPCo (Rebuttal Testimony)is not the same as what I as a customer have used.My goal was to pay for the power that I used and the additional administrative costs with customer generated “Green Power”thus reducing IPCo’need for peak demand “Black Power (carbon based)--and my bill!This has not been easy with an undersized system,wind turbine mechanical problems and now a slightly oversized PV system.Inflation proofing my power bill was always a concern but it was correctly assumed that costs would not decline.With the system as now proposed, I will no longer meet my objective and will be making a kWh donation to IPCo on top of monthly fees which cannot be paid for with kWh credits that IPCo has already billed to my neighbors on the grid-ref:ICL testimony of R.Thomas Beach pg 12 discussion. 3.Anniversary date:Having a “floating date”identified by each customer may be administratively workable but in the long run doesn’t make much sense.Better is a fixed date —or two-for a couple classes of Net Meter customers which approximates the break even point where average residential use equals daytime PV generation.Under the IPCo “roll over/grant”proposal,at this point,the least number of kWh’s would remain on the “average”residents account. 4.Excess credit.During the year when my system produces excess power that is fed back to the IPCo grid,this excess is sold by IPCo to customers within sight of my residence.The value of this electricity is monthly paid to IP.To make excess kWhs a “roll over kWh credit”or “taken kWh number”defeats my reason for investing or participating in the Net Metered program. 5.IPCo,IPUC 2.,9/5.$MW Cap.Initially I questioned the cap doubling in view of the negative impact of IPCo’new proposals.My logic was similar to that of Rick Gilliam’s testimony on behalf of the City of Boise pg7-$.In view of additional information,there does not appear to be a good reason for any cap or at the most a percentage of “peak load”cap.If a cap of this sort is approached,IPCo certainly has the right of appeal to the IPUC for remedy. 6.A Net Metered Customer.At this point,any guess’s as to “what should I do?”are just that.Reviewing the testimony of Courtney R.White on behalf of the Idaho Clean Energy Association,I do fall into the exhibit no.705 group.Exhibit 701 further backs this status up with a —X.+Y (northwest quadrant).Perhaps anyone in the southeast quadrant might have reason to stay with the program depending on how far they are from the XY axis junction.The “way out”5 or so points on these scatter graphs are ??? 7.IPCo’Energy Efficiency Rider.Based on “radio noise”,I’m guessing that this has something to do with IPCo’“we’ll pay you $20.for your old refrigerator so you can save up to $100.per year in future electric costs”.Larkin’Rebuttal Testimony,pg 2 1-22.Under the present system,because I produce enough “green energy”to offset my admin cost and IPCo sells my surplus power to “in sight” neighbors,I don’t “pay a share of the costs....“.Any program that does not address the efficiency of residential produced Green Energy is a flawed program. Speaking only for this residence,we know where the electric switches are and we faithfully use them.Efficiency is more than a high “R”or other energy rating. Respectfully, Keith Woodworth tclaho Conservation League TVA medittot siec ,t,uidard offer between 51)kw and 20 MW t .5%average retail detitand 25kw No Cap 125%olcuslomcr load No Cap 25kwres;300 km non 5%ofaggregatecustonter peak demand I MW 2091,ofctistontcr’s average No Cap annualconsuntptinn Noap 2MW 5%ofElectric Suppliersaggrcgaled custonlcr 25kw rest 1101kw farm;500kw nionltity pe.,k demand 1o2 mm non rca. NoCap 2MW t12Th ofutility’s peak demand duringprior year Itt km ret;tOO km tutu-rca 15%percircuit distribution threshold Ott lathdistributedgeneration0’ 01%of peak demand in 2000 (about 29MW);25kwrca;100 km non-rex5.BMtv ts about .17%olload 5%01ttlility’s peak demand in previous year 40 k,v-lntw 151,ofutility’s most recent peak summer load I MW No Cap 500km 1%ofutility’s retail peak demand during previousyear 25km res;2tXllcse nun-tea 1%ofutility’s single-hour peak load during previous year 30km 115%ofretail peak load 25kw ret;300 kmnon-rca No Cap 6t,Okse 1,501)MW (--ItS!,c.fpeak denrand)2MWor 200%nibaseline attlomer toad 3%of utility’s peak load by class:60km.I mire 2 mm.to nov gov. 0.75%of ulilily’s peak load during previous 1511year No Cal)40 km WA mediumsizestand.ted offer between 5))kmand20 MW 3%ofutility’ssingle-boor peak tctad during 5.00%previous year lannuat limit of t%ofpeak hour) lOOksv Nn Cap NoCap SO kin 1.00%1%of utility’s average monthlypeakdeotand 25 ksv ‘o Statewide capof 295 oftotal peak capacityofall 1MW or 10051,of customer =C utilities in tttestate annual requirements 55 MW 50 MW t MW No limit peciflcd (BPU may limit to 25%of “sized not to exceed ousite peak dcn,andl annual priidiictino” No Cat,9))MW I 00°h Generally lOS of utility’s 2005 demand 10.3’;,25kw rex;2 MW nun-ms (I M%•‘forsviod)tarot biogassl No Cap NoCa1,t viw NCap NoCap 100kw -coot NoCap “sized primarily to nObet”load NoCal)No Cap IOU kinor 25(100 kwh/year NoCap No Cap 25kmrex;2 MW nots-res Ca 50 km res;3MW non-rex;5 MWNoPNitCapspecial t°’(east)351,ofpr-ak load (2 MW reserved for systems 5 MW ‘reasonalsty designed to under 50 kWl meet 00%ofannual luaU” 0.295 of utility’s SCjurisdictional retail peaklt.2ty,0 20 km rca.tOO kin unit-rexdeooandO,r tirevious c,itroslar year ,ola tVA n,ediuo,tier stanslard titter lsetasrvn 30 ksv and 20 MW n/a Green Mountain Energy programs 25 ksv 20%of21017 peak demand for Rocky Moont,titt l’osver 25 kintea;2 MW non-rcs 4%ofutility’s 1996 peakdentatud or peak 4%dcotatid during most recruit calettilar year 5011 kit (svhichcveris greater), t%1%ofutilitiesjuritdictional load in prioryear 20 km ret;550 kin nsn.rts 1)5110’Cureently 0,25%ittutilities 1996 linkdentand,••“iocrntscs 100,5%on 11/2014 100kw No Cap No Cap I MW 3 00”25 civ ret;500 km coma);2 1,1W-“3%of peakdcntattd in prior year indttst NoCap No Cap 20km It,tOO km Can ax t,w 3.40% Seasonal and thur ofday rate atcontract execsttinn,20 yr c,,ntract with 5%annual raite. Monttsly credit at ntin—firm powerrates inttclinite carryover Annual reconcile at avoided costs Granted to utiliryat 12 month ttillingcycle Option for indefittite roll over or rgeoncitc at averagedaytime spot prices Option forlndetinitc toll overor credit at averagebottrly increoteotal costs ,Onnual reconcile at mciii Annttal oplion to roll overor credit ,tt energy sopply rare Annutal recot,cileatamtided cost Monthly credit at l’UCset Tat rate Grant to utitityaflee 12 ntonths Option Grant to utilityat 12 ntonths.TOU Rates tntleliniteroll over Indefinitecull met titdefinite roll over tnde0nite rtill over Indefinite roll over Grant to utitiryafter 12 mouth Isilling cycle Annual rec,,ttcileat ‘ctttttntodityenergy sopply rate’ Varies bysystem and customer !rdcluitc :c!l uvce;fur >2Csv -retad.far !ar;er a!yno-er aapy!y Option for tnonthlyreconcile at retail rate Seasonal and titlteofday rate at contract execution.2(1 yrcontract s’th 5 anrual ruan. C;ranr Credils atavoided critts;Expireat l2 nosotlts Grant Granted to utility at l2 ntanth hilling iteriod tteconcile Credit at avoided costs;annual reconcile Roll Indefinite roll ,tvcr Option option foe tndefioite rollover or a,,nual credit it avoided cost Reconcile Annual reconcileat avoided costs ttcconcile Creditedat anoidesl cost rate;Option for nuoothly rrcn,teile Rrct,ncitc Annual at avoided costs tot pv,hydrm indefinite carry over for wirtd Gramst G,a,,ird to utility at lune I;toot rates Rucotsci!e Monthlyreconcile at av,,idedcosts Rets,i,cile Credit at‘unhundled gen rate”.option for annual reconcile t(cconcilcl Grant Mnnthly credits itt grants to utility ttec,sncile Monthlyrecoticileat relail rate Reconcile Annual reconcile at “price to cotttpare’ Reconcile Avoided costs,nsonthly roll over orpurchase Gratst Grant to vttility on lune I:too rates it/a nk Srasiinal and time orday rate at einmtract execution.20 yrcontract with 3%annual rant. Avoided Reconcile Itt 300 kwh export at“rewards”rate,excess at 50%retail Recottcilel Rca:Grant to utility alIce 12 mtsttths;large comm and industrial -option for avoided costs ttet,uil Grant itt PUC rate Slate Level Dtslss on Net Meterin acitiititits and Rate Credits -- Idahit’s curreit!cait is the losvrst in the nation -0.191,ofpeakloath.tdalsn Poster proposes to revert front tite m;tinstre-ant lsracticeofaplilyiug thr ret;ul rate,tojutin just lOstaten.Twenty five statesapptyaggrcgatecaps rangittg froiti ld:ulio’s Dl’?!,lit Ulal,’t 2rt%of ttrak hod,with ii nseait cap of3.voi;;ofpetS ln.tdt. Stairs are spIt tin svliethcr to impute an aggregatecapon net ttteterittgprogrami.Eighteen states do ito?tip set octet in0.Tsventy One st,itrs applycaps bisect otu tmtitity peak toasts,raitghtg froni lst,iho’s 0.155 ii,Utah’s 2055,svith a itirancap oI3.665h_Eight slims .ipply an iitdividu,ml xystciti cap from 100%to 2101%of nt-site anitu,tl l,sails. z’dt st,itcS exccpt Sottth Dakota,allow ttel ntetcring to balance ntottthlycustomcrloads and credits to accumulatc;tnnually.Fttrly staId,apply the rcgul;tt tctjtl rites.Only 10 applysonte vecsints ofavoided costs. Only t3 states apptyan avoidr,l cost rate to energy credits,svith 32 applyitig the retail rate.States split ott treatmentofanmial eorrgy credits ots eu,tnntrrbills.Thiriy tourstates allow ai,nual reconcili,,tinr,,mostly-.,!avoided ensis.In thisgroup,crcdits severexpire in seventeen States,and seven allow customersto elect rollover orreconciliation.Only ten states ge.uutt annual excessenergy credits l,.ick lottie utility. Capacity Limit Net Excess Generation State Rrtail or Grout,roll Excess Generation CreditsCapStaleorProgramCapas91,of tttility load Project Size Cap Avoided ,Reeniteile 1.50% cost it,cap 53Itt% cost no cap 5.00% nil cap 0.20% 13% 0.10% 5% 1,191% no c;tp t.0O’ti, L0005 113591 no nip 0%(Cost) No Cap ut/a nla hull Reconcile Grant Optioit 01)110)5 Reconcile Optiott l(eccincile Reconcile Grant Oplion Grant Itolt Roll Roll Roll ttoll Grant t{ecitttcile Varic5 Option n/a Alabama Alaska Arirona Arksusos Calitorttia Cntorado Cnnneclicul Detnseare Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois ttidinua Iowa Kansas Kentucky L,iuisia,ta Maitto Murylund ,xtos,achu,srtts Siwhigze 5-linnetota Mississippi h-Iis,o,,ri Montana Nebraska Nevada Nesu Huinps)uir Neie lersey Ne,e Mexico New York Nurlh Corolino North Dakota Ohm Oldattonta Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Sm?!),Carolittn SnLitlt Dakota tennrwee texas Utah Vermont Virginia Wusltington Wash DC West Virgi,tia Wisctinsin Lmittn aserage ala Avoided Retail Retail Rel;til Relail Relail Retail Retail Avoided Retail Retail Relail Retail Retail Retail ttetail Retail Retail Retail Varies Rel.i,l Retail n/a Avoided Retail Avoided Itetail Itetail ttetail Avoided Retail Retail Avoided Avoided Avoided Retail Retail Av,,ided tietail Retail Gramtt Retail Optioit Retail Grant Relail Roll Retail Roll Relail Reconcile trt,,il Reconcile Grant to utility 12 tt,,itsttts after generation Option tttr ittdefituite roll overorannaal reconcileat avoided costs Grant to utililyafter 12 months todefinite roll over:retail rate including G,T&D for <tOOk’w<,gen only fur I51W todcflnitc roll over Xcel;nttttttl,ly carryover-annual credit atavutidcd costs. Amtual reconcile at avoided costs Jean Jewell From:nospam2l @outlok.com Sent:Tuesday,June 11,20138:30 PM To:Erik Jorgensen;Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:nospam2l @outlok.com Subject:Case Comment Form:IPC Customer Name:IPC Customer Case Number:IPC-E-12-27 Email:nospam21outlok.corn Telephone: Address:Pocatello Pocatello ID,83201 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:The potential for a $0 power bill is very attractive.I understand that Idaho Power does not want net meter customers to use net metered service as an avenue for revenue generation.I support the proposal of one of the petitioners to still apply financial credits to excess generation and to simply not ever pay out for excess generation.This discourages large amounts of excess production,but still keeps the possibility of a zero dollar power bill (which most will only achieve occasionally,if ever anyway). Ultimately I hope that given the feedback from the public combined with the expert testimony the IPUC will reject the entire application and leave the program as is.I almost wonder if IPC didn’t propose such outlandish changes to the program,that any subsequent proposals or compromises would seem all the more reasonable and acceptable. I am also curious as to how many net metering applications have been processed since this proposal was made public.I heard from one installer that while interest is still high,new applications have dropped off to nothing. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:czamora@capai.org Sent:Tuesday,June 11,2013 5:16 PM To:Erik Jorgensen;Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fad ness Cc:czamora©capai.org Subject:Case Comment Form:Christina Zamora Name:Christina Zamora Case Number:IPC-E-12-27 Email:czamora(capai.org Telephone: Address:5400 W.Franklin Rd.,Suite G Boise Idaho,83705 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Dear Commissioners: I respectfully urge you to consider the impact on small,sustainable businesses and customer choice that Idaho Power’s Application to Modify Net Metering Service will have,both in the short and long term. In Mr.Larkin’s testimony,Exhibit 1,it is clearly illustrated how much interest customers have in controlling their own energy bills while supporting small businesses in their area. These customers are investing their money to support Idaho Power’s system;this investment will reduce the need for investments by Idaho Power that affect all ratepayers. This is an opportunity for the Commission to protect the interests of all customers and small businesses throughout Idaho Power’s service area. Unique Identifier: 1