HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130604Comment.pdf1rP-E-,2.-7 Jean Jewell From:Jean Jewell Sent;Tuesday,June 04,2013 11:35 AM To:Jean Jewell Subject:FW:Case Comment Form:Carol Stirling Original Message From:carolstirlinwä)yahoo.com [mailto:carolstirlingjBvahoo.com] Sent:Tuesday,June 04,2013 11:16 AM To:Erik Jorgensen;Front Cc:carolstirlinWaiyahoo.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Carol Stirling Name:Carol Stirling Email:carolstirlingyahoo.com Telephone:208-908-7890 Address:7233 W Cascade Dr. Boise ID,83704 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Co. Acknowledge public record:True Comment:OPPOSING IPC PROPOSAL TO THE NET METERING SERVICE CONTRACTS As a customer of IdahoPower,I am very concerned about the new IPC proposal to change the net metering servicecontracts.I have no ax to grind as I have no solar panels or windmills on my house but Iknowthisnewproposalwilldiscouragepeoplefrominvestinginalternativeenergyfortheirhomes,farms,businesses,etc.Decreasing our fossil fuel usage should be our number onepriority. Global warming is real,as we see the evidence every day in the news with ice caps melting,extreme weather patterns,sea levels rising and more.We have waited too long to take careofthisproblemoftheearth’s temperature rising at a faster rate than normal due to humanactivities.Let’s not continue down this road any longer.Idaho Power’s proposal isunconscionableandgoinginthewrongdirectionforsustainingahealthyinhabitableplanet. Unique Identifier: 1