HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130426Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: belizards@msn.com Sent: Friday, April 26, 20136:14 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Brian & Tiedji Baker follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Brian & Tiedji Baker Address: 116 Willoway Dr City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83705 Daytime Telephone: 208-343-2323 Contact E-Mail: belizards(msn.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Hello, My wife and I recently bought a piece of property and have begun designing a new home. With the high cost of energy, both monitary and environmental, we will be building a home with many green features. Although the plans are not complete, one of our first purchases was 22 PV solar panels. We got a great deal on the panels. Much of the reason they were so cheap was the potential change in net metering reduced demand for solar in our area. It got me thinking. If Idaho Power needs more energy, they build a new gas power plant, charge their rate payers for the cost and impact everyone's air quality whether they want it or not. It seems odd, if a home owner puts a 'net zero' system on their roof, under the new system, they would have to pay Idaho Power $250 dollars a year for nothing more than a meter and the cost of monthly billing (Something I would have anyway at only $5 per month). Even if I added power to the 'grid', Idaho Power would charge someone else for my power. Power for which I incurred a cost to create, without reimbursement from rate payers. I would be subsidizing Idaho Power. Let alone the fact a solar system is demand specific, doesn't pollute, nor depletes natural resources. In a nut shell Idaho Power will make more money for doing less, and sell power they didn't produce at full price. Worse yet, they would keep all unused power 'credits' at the end of the year! If that were the case it would be worthwhile for a homeowner to heat their home with electric space heaters in an effort to end up 'even' at the end of the year. At least I would use less natural gas. Logical, but silly. I would like to think Solar Power is part of our energy solution, not a burden. Although the current system is not perfect, it works. Please do not approve the proposed changes to 'Net Metering'. Thank You for your time and consideration, 1 Brian & Tiedji Baker 116 Wifloway Dr. Boise, ID 83705 The form submitted on http://www .puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/€€ipuc.html IP address is