HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130326Comments (2 Total).pdfJean Jewell From: Alternate—Power—Designs [infoalternatepowerdesigns.com ] Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 3:48 PM To: Jean Jewell Cc: lnordstrom©idahopower.com ; mlarkin@idahopower.com ; gsaididahopower.com; Karl Klein; botto@idahoconservation.org ; ca@powerworks.com ; peter@richardsonandoleary.com ; jsteiner@rtci.net ; boisecityattorneycityothoise.org ; jrh©battfisher.corn; kmiller©snakeriveralliance.org ; joe@mcdevitt-miller.com ; infoalternatepowerdesigns.com Subject: Response: IPC-E-12-27 I Notice of Workshops! Order No. 32767 Attachments: NetMetering IPUC PCC-E-12-27 Public Comments Categorized.pdf Dear Commissioners, In response to notice of Public Workshop Order 32767 concerning IPC-E-12-27 Net Metering case. I'm concerned at how few of the 353 net metering customers have submitted comments as of 3/22/13. This may indicate that many of them may not actively be aware or understand the consequences to them if IPC's request were to be fully implemented. It is easy to overlook or forget about a single letter mailed from IPC on 11/30/12, especially when it didn't have red flags or urgent notice to indicate the detrimental significance to net metering customers. The letter had a very benign introduction saying... "requesting authority to modify its net metering service provisions to facilitate continued growth in the program.". From the public comments posted between 12/06/13 & 3/22/13, I summarized the total number of public comments and assigned them into 5 categories. The data is shown in the attached PDF. The following is a summary of the 290 comments... 197- General Points, comments that are short or simply supportive of green power without details of the IPC case. 39- Detailed Points, comments that address specific details of the case or have other detailed info on net metering. 12- Future Net-Meter Customer, comments that contain relevant detail and likely to become a net metering customer under favorable conditions. 39- Current Net Meter Customer, Comments for people that are currently net metering, most have detailed comments, 2 or 3 are not IPC customers. 3- Installer/Rep, Comments from individuals or company that install net metering systems or represents the interest of them. I would like to suggested that IPC or the IPUC that has the contact information of the net metering customers send additional notices updating them of the recent actions by the IPUC and notifying them of the public workshop. It has been almost 4 months since the net metering customer were mailed notices. Sincerely, Scott Moore Alternate Power Designs, LLC infoa1tematepowerdesigns.com NetMetering IPUC PCC-E-12-27 Public Comments Categorized By Scott Moore (Atlernate Power Designs, LLC) infoaIternatepowerdesigns.com Comment File Total General Point Detailed Point Future NetMeter Current NetMeter Installer I Rep. 012I206COMMENTS(8).PDF Comment Totals 8 2 5 0I2I21000MMENTS(3).PDF 3 1 2 012I2I1COMMENTS(2).PDF 2 2 0121212COMMENTS(2).PDF 2 1 012I213COMMENT(1).PDF 1 20I21217COMMENTS(4).PDF 4 1 1 2 0121218COMMENTS(3)PDF 3 2 01212I9COMMENTS(3).PDF 3 21 012122000MMENT(1).PDF 1 1 0121221COMMENT(1).PDF 1 0I21226COMMENT(1).PDF 1 0121227COMMENT(1).PDF 1 0I30102COMMENT(1).PDF 1 0130I03COMMENT(1).PDF 1 _______ 0130107COMMENT(1).PDF 1 ______ 0I30108COMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 0I30I08COMMENT1(1).PDF 1 ______ 0I30109COMMENTS (3).PDF 3 __ 2 1 013011OCOMMENTS (3).PDF 3 2 ______ 1 0I30IIICOMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 0I301I4COMMENTS(4).PDF 4 1 1 1 1 0I30II5COMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 0I30115COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 2 20130I17COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 20130122COMMENTS(2).PDF 2, 1 201 3O124COMMENTS (3).PDF 3 1 1 20130I25COMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 20130I28COMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 20130I28COMMENT1(1).PDF 1 201 301 29COMMENTS (16).PDF 16 16 20130I29COMMENTS (100).PDF 100 93 4 1 2 20I3013000MMENTS (21).PDF 211 18 1 2 20130131 COMMENTS (19).PDF 19 13 3 1 2 201 30201 COMMENTS (7).PDF 7 5 1 1 20130204COMMENTS(11).PDF ill 6 2 2 1 201 3O2O5COMMENTS (3).PDF 3 2 1 201 3O2O6COMMENTS (3).PDF 3 3 201 3O2O7COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 1 1 201 3O2O8COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 1 1 2013021ICOMMENT(1).PDF I I 20130213COMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 20I30215COMMENT(1).PDF 1 1 201 3021 9COMMENTS (2).PDF 21 1 1 20I3022000MMENT(1).PDF I 20I30221COMMENT(I).PDF I 20I30222COMMENTS (3).PDF 31 1 2 201 3O225COMMENTS (2).PDF 21 2 20130226COMMiNT(1).PDF 1 20130227COMrvi,.JT(1).PDF 1 20130227COMMENT1(l).PDF 1 201 3O228ADDENDUM TO COMMENTS(1).PDF 1 20130228COMMENT(1).PDF 1 201 3O3O5COMMENT(1 ).PDF ___ ______ I 201 3O3O7COMMENTS (2)PDF 2 1 20130311 COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 1 201 3031 3COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 2 201 3031 8COMMENTS (2).PDF 2 1 1 20I303I9COMMENTS(8).PDF 8 6 1 201 3O32OCOMMENTS (10).PDF 101 7 2 1 20I30322COMMENT(1).pdf 1 1 201 3O322COMMENTS (2).pdf 2 1 1 Jean Jewell From: ds2k@msn.com Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 7:49 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Del Dickerson follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Del Dickerson Address: 1035 Beverly Drive City: Eagle State: ID Zip: 83616 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: ds2k(ànsn.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Del Dickerson 1035 Beverly Drive Eagle, ID 83616 22 March 2013 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P0 Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720 Dear Sir, This comment is an addition to the one that I submitted on 12/19/2012. After reading nearly all of the hundreds of comments submitted for consideration in this case, I've not read one that is not in favor of incentivizing green energy development, contrary to the IPC proposal. The 150+ page Larkin testimony attempts to make the case that the 350 current net-metering customers are having such a Draconian effect on the other 495,570 IPC customers (IPC website) that the rates for net-metering customers need to be dramatically increased. You don't need a 150 page document to realize that this is laughable (350/495,570 = 0.07%). Larkin also attempts to make the case that consumer-produced electrons flowing up-stream are not billed fairly because of demand-related issues. It seems to me that it would be a simple matter to calculate how much it costs to build and maintain a connection to the grid, and charge each customer accordingly, regardless of demand. I think that what is actually happening is that the "lights" have come on in the IPC corporate suite, and the bean counters realize that if alternative energy development, especially solar, gains traction in IPC's service area under the current net-metering policy, their bottom line could take a major hit. It's their job to make sure that doesn't happen. Hopefully, the IPUC won't be complicit in this endeavor. 1 Respectfully, Del Dickerson The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/`ipuci/``ipuc.html IP address is