HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130318Comments (2 Total).pdfJean Jewell From: secretary Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 3:58 PM To: Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Case IPC-E-12-27 From: Mike Jones[SMTP:MIKEJONES(äSEEDIDAHQ.CQM] Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 3:58:23 PM To: secretary Subject: Case IPC-E-12-27 Auto forwarded by a Rule Hello, As an engineer specializing in utility type work, energy related services and sustainable design, I understand what Idaho Power is trying to argue, that residential solar generators are connected via the grid so they should pay an equal share of the distribution cost. However, their recent plan is structured to "kill" renewable technologies in their service territory by gouging customers with excessive net metering fees. IPC had claimed that this is "revenue neutral" but they are obviously moving the money which they will make off their solar generating customers somewhere. Where is it goin? If this was truly about getting solar customers to pay a fair distribution charge, then it should be based on a measurable metric, specifically for the amount they rely on the distribution system. Furthermore, the fact that a for-profit IOU would say that a fraction of 1% of their residential customers need to "pay their fair share of the distribution system" is absurd. That distribution system which this for-profit IOU is making money on is maintained with ratepayer money. If less than 1% of ratepayers (who have been paying Idaho Power bills for years and forced to based on the IPC Monopoly) want to generate their own power, they should be free to use the infrastructure of which they helped pay for and maintain over the years. Please stop [PC from killing solar in our state! (P.S I tried using the form on the puc website but when I hit submit it wouldn't let me, I was told to send my comment to this address) Michael Jones P.E. CEMICPMPILEED AP President SEEDidaho AC 520 West Idaho St #203 I Boise, ID, 83702 Mailing: P.O. Box 190202 1 Boise, ID, 83719 (p)_208-388.4709 (c) 208-297-9960 Jean Jewell From: 5x5design.kimgmail.com Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 10:10AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUG Comment Form A Comment from Kim Sherman-Labrum follows: Case Number: Name: Kim Sherman-Labrum Address: 2327 Annett St. S. City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83705 Daytime Telephone: 2085591979 Contact E-Mail: 5x5design.kiM @gmail.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power customers should not be penalized for producing their own electricity. Our state, like many others is faced with a growing energy crisis and needs to be focused on promoting new and innovative ways to produce clean energy. Sincerely, Kim Sherman-Labrum The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/jpuc1/iuc.htm1 IP address is 1