HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130204Comments (11 Total).pdfJean Jewell From: secretary Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 5:17 PM To: Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Comments for IPC-E-12-27 From: Julia and Ron GarrettFSMTP:JULlARONGARRETTäMSN.CQMJ Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 5:17:53 PM To: secretary Cc: Julia and Ron Garrett Subject: Comments for IPC-E-12-27 Auto forwarded by a Rule Case No. IPC-E-12-27 Name Ron Garrett Address 5110 S. Latigo Drive City Boise State Idaho Zip 83709 Phone Number 208-794-6159 Email Address juliarongarrethmsn .com Name of utility Idaho Power Acknowledged per Comment Form for the Commission I started installing a 3kw PV system in November. I had reached 80% completion by Dec.5, 2012 when I received a notice from Idaho power stating that I basically was wasting my time and money(lots of time and money)if they get their proposal passed by the IPUC. Just the one item to increase my monthly fees by 400+% will kill any chance for me to ever recover my investment. I retired because of the economy failing and the stagnant recovery. I used a big portion of my retirement funds to install this system for two reasons. First was to help with my power bills through my retirement years and also to be a better steward of the environment. One of the other issues with Mr. Larkin's comments about having to pass on the costs of the 354 net meter customers to the customers that are not is totally false and a LIE. I paid a $100.00 application fee up front to Idaho Power. I finished the project and IP changed the meter on Dec.24th. They spent less than one hour at my site to inspect the operation of my inverter and to swap out the meter. (The meter is the same as anyone else's but is programmed to register in or out for net metering) The $100 bucks should have covered that and then some. They(Idaho Power)have "0" zero dollars invested in my PV system and have zero costs to pass on to other customers. My subdivision was built in 1974. Any infrastructure costs have been paid back many times over by now. If there would have been any further infrastructure cost I would have had to pay them, not Idaho Power. Mr. Larkin has failed to tell the public that and many other things that he has conveniently left out. He was right up front with the expansion numbers(Patting self on back) that are the only thing about there proposal that makes any sense at all. If this proposal is even considered by the PUC there needs to be a public hearing. I have some good questions for Mr. Larkin. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Ron Garrett Ron Garrett (208) 794-6159 Jean Jewell From: Jean Jewell Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 9:30 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Net Metering From: Leslie Manookian [mailto: neiIandleslieme.com ] Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 11:23 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: Net Metering Dear Ms. Jewell, I attempted to submit my comments via the web but kept getting a failure message so here are my comments in an email. Thank you for your time and consideration, Leslie Manookain State your comment or ask your question: [Submit Comment] Dear IPUC, I am writing regarding the suggested changes to net metering. These changes are plain wrong headed. Unless the intent of these proposed changes is to kill or strongly discourage citizens from investing in clean sources of energy, then they make no sense. I don't doubt that IPC does want to do away with individuals getting off the grid or benefitting from producing their own energy but as a corporation granted a monopoly, that is too bad and it is your job to make sure that what IPC does is fair to all. IPC should be paying energy generators a market rate for the energy they produce whether they be small individual producers or larger producers. They need to pay this on a regular basis, not wipe it away at year end. They need to be in the business of helping clean up our air and environment and working with the citizens of Idaho, not against them. There is no way that this can be interpreted as good for Idahoans and the net metering suggestions should be rejected. IPC should also not be permitted to change the terms on agreements of this nature retroactively where citizens have invested private funds on the basis of expected rates, return on investments, and other terms. Thank you for your time. Jean Jewell From: secretary Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 10:46 AM To: Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Comment on Case IPC-E-12-27 From: Steve White[SMTP:STEVEBERKELEYINC.COM1 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 10:46:15 AM To: secretary Subject: Comment on Case IPC-E-12-27 Auto forwarded by a Rule Hi, I'm submitting this to you by email as your online submission option hasn't been working since Saturday. I acknowledge that this submission is a matter of public record. In my comment submitted 2/2/13, I urged adoption of a policy to protect the rights of net metering customers--as Idaho is one of only seven states not to have such a policy. In the interim while we wait on such a policy to be enacted by the legislature, it is the responsibility of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to protect those rights. One argument put forth by Idaho Power in this rate case is that this would shift fixed costs somehow equitably to net metering customers (an argument that is absolutely wrongheaded). In this same case, they ask that credits that the net metering customers build up during the course of a year expire at the end of the year. This is analogous to a person saving money in a bank account for later use; for a bank to suggest that it would take away the money at the end of each year would have bank regulators threatening to shut it down. I find it highly ironic that Idaho Power uses some false notion of "equity," to ladle up extra costs on net metering customers, while not noticing the gross inequity of taking kilowatt hour credits away at year end without just compensation. Let's examine the notion that net metering customers are not paying their "fair share," of fixed costs of the transmission and distribution network. The fact that net metering customers are paying the same base charge of $5/month as regular customers is somehow insufficient in the company's position. Idaho Power suggests that the fixed costs of maintaining the grid for net metering customers are higher. This makes no sense whatsoever. A net metering customer is drawing less power from the grid in general, and most critically during times of peak demand--that customer is at least reducing his/her net power needs, or even putting power back on the grid--in either case, that customer is less of a burden on the grid than a regular customer. Consider what's happening to the power during times where the net metering customer is producing more than he/she is consuming, and power is flowing back onto the grid. Electrons flow in the path of least resistance; thus, that power would flow over to a neighbor's home that was drawing power from the grid at that time. The burden on the grid is exceptionally low--measured in feet, not the miles that a regular customer would be drawing power from a generating plant. In summary, it seems much more logical that net metering customers should pay a lower fixed fee than regular customers given their lower burden on the grid, versus the higher charge that Idaho Power speciously suggests. Distributed generation that net metering customers provide makes the grid stronger, lowering line losses while also lowering the chance that Idaho Power will have to buy power from other utilities during the peak load season. Net metering customers should be rewarded for providing those benefits of distributed generation to the grid--at a minimum, they should not be penalized, like this rate case tries to do from multiple angles. This email may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use or copying of this email or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. Ifyou received this email in error, please advise our office ('by return email or otherwise,) immediately. Jean Jewell From: suebow©adelphia.net Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 4:20 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Sue Bowser follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Sue Bowser Address: 2203 E Lakeside Av City: Coeur d Alene State: Idaho Zip: 83814 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: suebow(@adelphia.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power needs to encourage solar power not disable it through exorbitant monthly charges and useless credits! The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is Jean Jewell From: Jean Jewell Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 9:12 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Consumer Assistance Form, Possible comment for IPC-E-12-27 Original Message----- From: ransomd(@q.com [rnailto: ransomdq . corn] Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2013 1:29 AM To: Front; Beverly Barker Subject: Consumer Assistance Form Consumer Assistance Form submitted by david ransom follows: Name: david ransom Contact E-Mail: ransomdg.com Daytime Telephone: 2083840973 Home Address: 3525 s. norfolk way City: boise State: Id Zipcode: 83706 If this concerns a Business, Business Name: ransom rentals Business Address: way Business Phone: 2083840973 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Have you utility regarding your concern?: No Please describe your question or complaint briefly: 3525 s. norfolk contacted the Please keep the metering system as it is in the current wording. Especially important for solar power success is the buy back system for electricity and the affordability of solar power. David Ransom The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/``cons/`€€cons.html IP address is cons 2 Jean Jewell From: jaybrahe@me.com Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:52 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Jay Brahe follows: Case Number: IFC-E-R-27 Name: Jay Brahe Address: City: boise State: Id Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: 1aybraheme.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I will vigorously will work to voice opposition to this change. This thinking is not long term and not a good strategy for long term energy consumption for individuals, our state, or our country. There is no question that public utilities will need to adjust their business model to adapt to new and more efficient energy technology. The buy back program was in line with this attitude. I'm disappointed that the Commission felt compelled to capitulate to short term interests. Sincerely, Jay Brahe The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/€ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is 3 Jean Jewell From: sdbennerl@cabteone.net Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2013 1:38 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Steven Benner follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Steven Benner Address: City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83706 Daytime Telephone: 2084229729 Contact E-Mail: sdbennerl (@cableone.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: This proposal seeks to solve a problem that doesn't exist and will seriously dampen the momentum that the renewable energy movement has developed in Idaho. Idaho Power is sending the message to the rest of the country, no solar, no wind, no renewables in Idaho. This is a bad idea. In Idaho Power's letter they state: some net metering customers will pay more, some will pay less. Did they ever demonstrate a scenario where a customer would pay less? There is none. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is Jean Jewell From: steve©berkeleyinc.com Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 10:20 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUG Comment Form A Comment from Stephen White follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Stephen White Address: 1518 Knights Dr City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83712 Daytime Telephone: 208 853 6980 Contact E-Mail: steve (@berkeleyinc.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: In my finance career, I have seen proposals with unsupported or overly aggressive assumptions, but this rate case--a blatant effort to penalize net metering customers certainly ranks as the most egregious. Customers who use less of a commodity should pay less. That's the way it works in business. If I decide to economize on flour purchases at the grocery store, I'm not asked to pay a higher fixed fee when I shop there in the future. The grocery store also has fixed costs, but it doesn't try to allocate a higher share of those costs to one or two groups of customers. Net metering customers use less power from the electrical grid because they made an investment so they could be more independent and produce most of their own energy. They should not be penalized for being less of a burden on the grid; indeed, if anything, they should be encouraged to do so. Every time a net metering customer ties into the grid, it reduces the need for: (1)Idaho Power to buy expensive power off the regional grid at high prices; (2)expensive transmission lines like the one Idaho Power is proposing to build from Boardman to Hemingway; and (3)investment in additional capital plant, whether it be scrubbers for coal-fired generation in neighboring states or natural gas fired generation. Every time a net metered customer ties into the grid, it is good for all electrical customers--period. All customers win as more net metered customers come onto the grid. Idaho is one of only seven states which does not have a policy in place that protects net metering customers from abusive practices like this proposal. We need to put a policy in place immediately so that Idaho Power is sent a clear, strong message that no longer will this type of activity be tolerated. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.htrnl IP address is 5 Jean Jewell From: millrjane 2003yahoo.com Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:56 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Dwight Miller follows: Case Number: Name: Dwight Miller Address: 234 Saddle Ridge Road City: White Bird State: Idaho Zip: 83554 Daytime Telephone: 208-839-2745 Contact E-Mail: millrjane 2003(vahoo.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho county Light&Power Co-op Acknowledge: Please describe your comment briefly: I have been seriously considering going solar for years now. The only drawback has been finding qualified people to haelp with out getting ripped off. Ther has been more times that I have lost power for hours and or minutes during the winter and especially in the summer. Definitely not very reliable,especiaaly when you have timers to help feed livestock. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is Jean Jewell From: warbler9@earthlink.net Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 3:26 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Amy Burkholder follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Amy Burkholder Address: 20 Burks Lane City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83716 Daytime Telephone: 2083311312 Contact E-Mail: warbler9@earthlink.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I support solar energy in Idaho. Please deny Idaho Power's attempt to 'stick it to' those using and wanting to use solar power. Please check out Germany for a country that has made great strides using solar energy. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/€€€`ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is 7 Jean Jewell From: jmeagher@spro.net Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 3:05 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from John Meagher follows: Case Number: IPC -E-12-27 Name: John Meagher Address: City: Boise State: ID Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: imeagher(spro.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I have considered installing solar panels on my soon to be paid off home in Boise and the net metering issue, if Idaho Power prevails would or could be a deal breaker. Admittedly, I'm on the green side of things and have owned a solar water heater during the Carter Admin in an all electric home in Boise. It functioned and lasted much longer than the life expectancy of the unit. I as truly impressed as to the reduction of cost and kilowatts used to heat water for household use. Solar works. Please send the message to investor held Idaho Power, your greed is duly noted, leave the little guy alone and stand by the existing system in place presently. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 1