HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130115Comment.pdf1PC-EI'7 NET METERING PROPOSED CHANGES RE CE! zm JAN 14 PM 3: 33 I have been a participant of the Idaho Power net metering program for 5 years now, and am very concerned about the proposed changes My system consists of a 25 KW wind tuiiha I5 K- micro hydro system, and a 1.9 KW solar array, all grid tied with no battery generating capacity of less then 6 KW. All spring, summer, and fall, my system produces more power then I use during those months. I of course "bank" these excess (more on that term 'excess" later) KWH's within Idaho Power's system, with the full expectation that this power that I produced will be available to me during the winter months, when the short solar days result in much less PV power, and my micro hydro system is shut down due to freezing issues. My home also uses more power during this exact same time period I am producing less. To date, it has worked out great, I make a big dent in my annual production of power, and make it through the winter coasting on my credits. I have included some past copies of my power statements to illustrate how this has worked for me Keep in mind this happened only with an investment by myself of approximately $30,000.00 in the combined systems. Plus there are some ongoing maintenance issues with the hydro and wind systems, this also costs me money and time. So, I am not really getting something for nothing, just some return on my investment. This next point is important: I did not do this to bill Idaho Power, to sell my power to them and receive a check, I did it to supply my own energy needs. Idaho Power gets my excess power during the same time period their system is being taxed the most, during the summer months with their associated cooling and irrigation loads. I have NEVER planned to sell my excess power to them, and while I understand their needs to make a profit while keeping the costs down, I cannot understand how the current program (as far as my size of system) costs them anything. I am a retired senior citizen, who invested in this equipment with the understanding it would offset my future power bills, if they get all the changes they want, my bill would rise by some (I'm not sure how to do the math here,) but according to the cost analysis done by Idaho Power's own Patti Best (email printed and enclosed), my billing would go from having about a $100.00 positive credit annually to a bill of almost $600.00! Please keep in mind I am willing to GIVE this $100.00 annual credit to Idaho Power, if I have no choice. BUT, I WILL NEVER EXPECT THEM TO CUT ME CHECK FOR THIS, and I believe this is their main complaint. Especially with the big wind farms! This brings up the most offensive thing about the proposed changes, the cutoff date of December 31 st, where any excess credits will be forfeited to Idaho Power. I firmly believe this is an arbitrary date, chosen simply for it's "end of the year" neatness. It 4otally ignores the fact, due to the much greater production of PV and micro hydro systems during the summer months. This is like telling a hay farmer that you the farmer, will be required to hand over whatever hay you have left at a certain time of the year to the property landlord. Now if this was in the spring, after you fed your own livestock and sold your excess all fall and winter at the most lucrative prices, you would not complain, much. BUT, if right after your last cutting, when your hay barn is bursting with the hay from your years labor, you then had to hand over your "excess ....... well you can see my point. No problem though right? He can still get hay, but now he has to buy it back (after GIVING it to them) at full retail price. With the 12-31 cut off date, I and others with small renewable energy systems would get the rug pulled out from under us right at the worst possible time, when we have our largest excess (hopefully) banked and right when our production falls off! So, IF Idaho Power can somehow make the case that we small producers (less then 25 KH systems), are some how costing them money and they need to seize our hard produced and costly (for the equipment) homemade power to re-sell to others, let them Set the cut off date to THE END OF MARCH, NOT THE END OF DECEMBER! This would be eminently fairer, and I for one would not have a problem with it. From a technical standpoint, there is absolutely no reason that this could not be done. The usual fiscal practice of simply using the end of the calendar year as the cutoff date is unacceptable. I have included a few copies of my bills from them, showing how an end of the calendar year cut off date would cripple my systems economics, and resulting in my giving several hundred dollars worth of my power to them free of charge for them to re- sell, and then I'd be buying power at the full retail rate from them to get me through the rest of the winter! After the major investment in the needed renewable energy equipment, and the ongoing maintenance of same, it is a slap in the face to have Idaho Power seize my "excess" on Dec. 31 I should mention that my home is all electric, as I knew I would be meeting much if not all of my own power needs, if I had known that this change was a possibility I would have gotten a propane furnace, water heater etc.,. NOT electric, too late now. To sum up: 1.I don't care if they don't want to write me a check for my excess power, (which as you can see from the copy of my latest bill, my credit is now up to $528.82, but that is not on an annual basis, that took 5 years to build up) I will never ask them to. That is, I will never ask them too unless they get all the changes they want, then I will (one time, and not feel guilty about it) as over 500 bucks is too much to just give them! Plus I would need the money to pay my new powerbill! 2.Don't mix up their main beef with the big wind farms and the large private hydroelectric plant owners with us little guys, set a system cap of 25 KW generating capacity system, below that, leave us alone, we are too small to bother with, keep the program as is. We are not hurting them or their stockholders, and we help (a very small amount, granted) their system in the summer months. 3.If they absolutely have to set a date where we hand over our excess power to them for no compensation, not even a charitable tax donation receipt, make that date the end of March, this is the most critical point and cannot be overstated. Thank you Tom Simko 245 N. Bonneville Rd. Inkom, Idaho 83245 simkot@ida.net 208-716-0400 7 Page 1 of 1 Tom Simko From: "Becia, Celeste" <CBecia©idahopowercom> To: <simkot@ida net> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 10:27 AM Subject: Simko rate analysis Tom; Patti did some analysis of your current vs proposed bill under the new tariff. Please note that our analysis is set up for solar generation only, so this is a very rough estimate. If you have any questions, you can call the net metering number at 388.2559 after next Tuesday. Celeste Becia From: Best, Patti Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 10:08 AM To: Beda, Celeste Subject: Tom Simko The calculator is developed for solar. I made assumptions as to a 20% capacity factor for wind and 50% hydro. Those may be high. If Tom has better data on production from his wind turbine and his hydro unit-especially month to month, that would be appreciated. Also, information on how his home uses energy would help too. Have there been any major changes since he went from Rate 01 to Rate 84? (Under rate 01, total energy use was fairly low and I would be curious to see how he uses energy today.) Patti Idaho Power Legal Disclaimer This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. 1/8/2013 NNW- IDAHO -POWER. P.11 IOACORP Company www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: P0 BOX 70, Boise, ID 83707. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) or (800) 488-6151. Se habla espanot. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: TOM SIMKO Account Number: - Billing Date: 11126/2012 Print Date: 11/26/2012 Page I of 2 Account Activity Due Date Please Pay 12/1112012 $0.00 PreviousBalance .....................................................................................$528.82 CR Payments - Thank You .............................................................................$0.00 BalanceForward ......................................................................................$52&82 CR Current Charges $7.07 Account Balance $521.75 CR Please Note: Any unpaid balances will be assessed a monthly charge of one percent (1%) for Idaho customers. Any credit due to a rebelling will be applied to future billings or can be refunded upon customer request. Returned checks may be resubmitted electronically for payment. Cheeks remaining unpaid wilt be charged a $20 fee. Consider joining Idaho Power in supporting Project Share, a valuable community service that uses voluntary contributions to assist individuals and families who need help paying their energy bills during the winter heating season. To make a pledge, visit our Web site (www.idahopower.com ) or mark the appropriate box on the back of the pay stub. V 1! P!JHO PNER An IDACORP Company www.idahopower.com Questions? Contact us at: P0 BOX 10, Boise, ID 83707. Or Call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) or (800) 488-6151. Se habla español. For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 am. to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: TOM SIMKO Account Number: 110MMIVW Billing Date: 11/26/2012 Print Date: 11/26/2012 Pagc2of 2 Service Agreement No: J Next Read Date: 12/21/2012 Service Location: $ BONNEVILLE RD/INKOM. ID Meter Number Service Period From To Number of Days Reading Type Meter Readings Previous Current Meter Constant kWh Used 502A77400204_j 10119/12 1 11121/12 33 Regular 93640 93664 1 24 Billing kW BLC 9 0 Residential 10/1912012 - 11/21/2012 33 days Rate Schedule Service Charge .................................................................................$5.00 184R - $.Qfl72355..per kWJL Annual Adjustment Mechanism ...........................................................$0.07 Energy Efficiency Services .................................................................$0.27 FederalColumbia River Benefits Supplied by BPA $0.01 CR Current Charges - Electric Service $7.07 CR = Credit kWh =Kilowatt-hour PCA =Power Cost Adjustment kW = Kilowatt BLC =Basic Load Capacity G Generation Your Electric If Use Pattern <0 29.3 22.3 9.0 .0 M M M .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .7 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12