HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121212Comments.pdf December 12,2012 28170EC 12 AN 8:1 4 5 Idaho Public Utilites Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 PUC Commissioners and staff, ID -.h U P U L.J. iT LIT I OMMlS:... I request a public hearing on case No. IPC-E-12-27 Net Metering Service. We need a full airing of all the issues in this case. Issue examples: -Idaho Power's relationship to the atmosphere. Idaho Power's Jim Bridger coal-fired plant burns 8 to 9 million tons of coal annually. Valmy, Boardman, Danskin, Bennett Mountain, and Langley Gulch all add to the carbon dioxide concentration in our air. It appears Idaho Power is part of the problem not part of the solution regarding CO2 concentrations. -Idaho Power's relationship to renewable energy. They appear to be against it as demonstrated by their opposition to further wind farms and the fact that they did not build the 1 Mw photovoltaic array that was discussed in the last Integrated Resource Plan. -Problems of burning fossil fuel, for example acidification of the Oceans, melting of the ice packs, rising sea levels, warming oceans. -The motives of net metering customers. Why do they sink thousands of dollars into a rooftop photovoltaic array with little hope of recovering their costs? -The expense of photovoltaic arrays. My 3.7 Kw photovoltaic array cost me $18,000. Society benefits from the clean energy it generates; society should pay for it. -Net metering as conservation motivation. The desire to achieve a zero power bill motivates some of us to use less energy. -Germany's feed-in tariff policies promote renewable energy. Germany has about 31,000 megawatts of photovoltaics. -Idaho Power gets .a return on investment of about 8%; renewable energy producers. should also get an attractive return on investment. -Idaho Power's inadequate(non-existant) solar program What would an adequate Photovoltaic program look like? Should it be paid for with the money generated from the "Energy Efficiency Services" add-on to our power bills? Or perhaps we should adopt a German-style feed-in tariff policy. Or perhaps simply increase the rate paid for renewable energy. -Net metering customers are part of the solution to our carbon dioxide concentration problem. They should be encouraged; not punished with additional charges and fees. -"If it ain't broke; don't fix it" The net metering program causes no fmancial suffering for Idaho Power's regular service customers. What is the motive for Idaho Power requesting the changes in IPC-E-12-27? -The deep personal disappointed that these changes cause. It was fun to reduce my family power consumption in order to get the "prize" of a zero power bill. Idaho Power is taking away the fun of going solar. Sincerely, Reed Burkholder phone: 323-8355 6105 Twin Springs Drive Boise, Idaho 83709 Jean Jewell From: smithland8@hotmail.com Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 9:23 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUG Comment Form A Comment from Steve Smith follows: Case Number: IPC-E-12-27 Name: Steve Smith Address: P0 Box 2 City: Swan Lake State: Idaho Zip: 83281 Daytime Telephone: 208-317-2829 Contact E-Mail: smithland8 (@hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: Thank you for this forum to comment on Idaho Powers Proposal and Request. This is a two edge sword that is more like blackmail than a Proposal. The doubling of the Generating Capacity of Non Utility Power is, in my opinion, a small contribution to the Public Good. A non competitive Public Power Company should be doing this type of thing all along to keep their special status. Net Metering in Idaho is just a window dressing to the PURPA law anyway and to interrupt this proposal as a generous gift to customers is a fish hook for the request for more money for the Power Company and another blow to Net Metering in Idaho. What exactly are these â€Potential Inequalitya€ costs that a Net Metered Customer doesnã€TMt recover? How is this going to help the Standard Service Customer (SSC) by adding 4 times the Service charge and a new Basic Load Charge for only the Net Metering Customers? Here are 3 Real Inequalities that Net Metering Customers do not get credit for: 1)Avoided Costs of Transmission from out of state Power Plants including Construction Costs. 2)Peak Power Rates that are not one KW for one KW. 3)Demand Side Management costs. In summary: Power Companies that are not still in the Dark ages factor in Net Metered Power for future demand and Distributed Generation. Our states neighbors have not only learned how to utilize diverse power sources but are developing standards and technology to deal with some of the problems that occur with putting consumer generated power in to the overall mix. Idaho Power is having a tough time with non typical power sources but they are blaming all their problems on 2 or 3% of the total power mix. The more one looks into the debate over the PURPA laws one only sees Partisan Politics as the underlining issue. This Request should be denied. Idaho Power may want to study how other Power Providers make Net Metering work. Steve Smith The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is 1