HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120314Comments.pdfWELDON B. STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 3283 RECEIVED 2011 MAR '4 PH 2: 58 IDP,H" p.: "'1! 1(':f".,. V . "LJ c~~~,.l.., UTILITIES COr,lMISSION Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W WASHINGTON BOISE ID 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL ) CASE NO. IPC-E-12-05 OF MODIFICATIONS TO SCHEDULES 1,4, ) AND 5 IMPLEMENTING A TIME VARIANT )PRICING PLAN. ) COMMENTS OF THE ) COMMISSION STAFF ) ) COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Weldon B. Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 32466 on February 22, 2012, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On January 19,2012, Idaho Power Company fied a tariff advice proposing numerous modifications to tariffs: Schedule 1 Residential Service, Schedule 4 Residential Service Energy Watch Program, Schedule 5 Residential Service Time-of-Day Program, and the Schedule Index. The changes are proposed in order to implement a Time Variant Pricing (TVP) plan. Idaho Power enclosed its 2012 TVP Rollout Plan with its proposed tariff changes. According to the Company's plan, the goal ofa TVP structure is "to offer customers a choice of pricing plans STAFF COMMENTS 1 MARCH 14,2012 while providing them with better tools to manage their energy usage, to provide the Company with the opportunity to further study the effects of a time variant rate on customers' usage, and to help shape the Company's future communication efforts." TVP Plan, p. 1. During a pilot implementation, the Company wil invite residential customers who have advanced metering infrastructure (AMI or advanced meters) installed and sufficient usage history to participate. The Plan affects two residential time-varant pricing tariffs already in effect: Schedule 5, Time-of-Day pilot and Schedule 4, Energy Watch pilot. The Company proposes to begin a limited offering of the Schedule 5 Time-of-Day rates during 2012 "in order to be able to limit the number of paricipants until Idaho Power's new customer biling and information system is in place and in order to study TVP impacts on customer usage as well as Company costs and revenues." TVP Plan, p. 1-2. Schedule 5 wil be capped at 1,200 customers in the greater Boise area during 2012, and the Company plans to expand the program in 2013. The Time-of-Day plan uses peak and off-peak pricing in the summer and non-summer months, and is designed to send price signals to customers that more closely reflect the cost of service. The Time-of-Day structure "also provides customers the opportunity to tae control of when they use energy and possibly lower their bil by shifting usage to lower cost time periods." TVP Plan, p. 2. Idaho Power is proposing to suspend the curent Schedule 4 Energy Watch pilot tariff for approximately one year. The Company asserts that suspending the Energy Watch tariff and offering only the Time-of-Day Schedule during the first year allows a less confusing phase in of the Plan. TVP plan, p. 3. Idaho Power states that delaying the Energy Watch plan will enable the Company "to evaluate proper integration of a critical peak pricing program with other options provided for the Company's residential customers (i.e., how Energy Watch and the Company's residential demand response program (AIC Cool Credit) can best work together)." Id Due to the proposed modifications to the Time Variant Plan, the Company has proposed numerous minor changes to the Schedule Index. The term "Standard Plan" has been added to Schedule 1 to delineate it from the Company's other residential options. Additionally, several alterations to the Schedule Index have been added to reflect past Commission orders. Staff recommended that the filing be suspended and the tariff advice be treated as an application and processed under Modified Procedure with a 21-day comment period. IDAP A Some of the proposed modifications are relatively minor, but some proposed alterations to the Time Variant Program are substantive and warant fuher review. STAFF COMMENTS 2 MARCH 14,2012 Furthermore, the Company is proposing major modifications to the Energy Watch and Time-of- Use programs, particularly relating to selecting participant criteria. Proceeding by modified procedure allows interested parties an opportunity to provide comment and the Company an opportunity to provide additional information for the programs' considerable programmatic modifications. STAFF REVIEW Staffhas reviewed the 2012 TVP Rollout Plan and the proposed modifications to Idaho Power's Time Variant pilot tariff schedules. The Company states that the Plan wil "provide the Company with the opportunity to fuher study the effects of a time variant rate on customers' usage, and to help shape the Company's future communication efforts" and it wil also "provide an opportunity to evaluate the impact of this new rate offering on Company revenues and costs." p. 1. Furhermore, Time-of-Day is "designed to send price signals to customers that more closely reflect the costs of serving those customers." p. 2. Staff finds the Plan is consistent with Commission Order No. 30292: "time-of-use pricing pilots are important programs with potential benefits to both customers and the Company" and that "these programs wil continue to be operated with the expectation that time-variant pricing wil be implemented system wide." Schedule 5: Time-or-Day The Company proposes several tariff modifications to Schedule 5 including: · Expansion of program from the Emmett Valley to all residential customers, · Caps program paricipation to 1 ,200 metered service points, · Paricipants wil be placed on the Schedule within seven business days of the request rather than at the next scheduled meter reading, · Paricipant cancellation applicable at the most recent meter read date, · Incorporates six specific holidays to the off-peak pricing for the summer and non- summer seasons, · Adds the term "PLAN" to the end of the title, · Renames summer on-peak to "peak", and · Renames non-summer mid-peak to "peak." STAFF COMMENTS 3 MARCH 14,2012 Staff believes most of the tariff modifications are minor changes and do not materially affect customers. Staff wil focus its comments on the expansion of the program, including limited enrollment for 2012. Accompanying the proposed taiff changes is a 2012 Time Variant Rollout Plan. The voluntar Time-of-Day plan tagets customers with a higher usage pattern (considered average or above average usage) in the greater Boise metro area that have 12 months of AMI data. With a 1,200 paricipant cap during the rollout period, the Company states that no Schedule 1 customer wil be denied from Schedule 5 except net metering and rental customers. The Company concedes their current customer biling and information system is the primar impediment to expanding the Time-of-Day rate structure beyond 1,200 paricipants for 2012. However, a new biling system is scheduled to be online at the end of the year that wil presumably provide the means to expand paricipation going forward. Previously, 76 Emmett valley customers were enrolled on Schedule 5. Staff believes that given the curent situation, the 1,200 paricipant cap is sufficient for the Company to analyze the program. The Company included in its TVP plan an analysis of possible revenue impacts to the Company for new Schedule 5 customers. By comparing Schedule 1 and 5 rates to a 250 randomly selected test group, and assuming no change in energy usage, the annual biled amount for an average customer would be $24.43 lower by switching to Schedule 5. The largest anual biled savings within the test group is $651.25. The results demonstrated that 97% of the test group wil see 9% (+/-) annual bil impact with no change in usage. The Company and Staff recognize that, absent a mandatory program, customers whose bils decrease with Time-of-Day rates are more likely to voluntarily enrolL. Under this scenario, the Company estimates a decrease in revenue of a range of $1.03 to $651.25 ($1,200 to $781,500 for 1,200 paricipants). An Energy Use Advising Tool wil be made available on Idaho Power's website to help customers determine the bil impacts from switching to Schedule 5 based on historical usage data. Staff is concerned that if paricipants are mainly those who financially benefit from the rate structure without adjusting consumptive behavior ("structural winners"), the result would be revenue erosion from the residential class with no discernible system benefits. The Company states that it wil conduct a comprehensive financial and usage analysis to create a true-up mechanism. p.9. Staff recommends a full evaluation report be submitted to the Commission prior to the Company revising or expanding its residential time variant pricing tarffs. The evaluation should address the goals stated in the rollout plan and a customer surey STAFF COMMENTS 4 MARCH 14,2012 including, but not limited to, behavioral data (i.e. changes in customer consumption and consumption patterns), any increases in customer-initiated energy efficiency measures, Company performance, and financial impacts. The analysis must be mindful that the voluntar program targets a specific demographic, and thus the results may not be representative of the Company's residential sector as a whole. Schedule 4: Energy Watch The Company proposes several taff modifications to Schedule 4 including: · Suspension of the program, and · Adds the term "PLAN" to the end of the title. The Company proposes to suspend Schedule 4, Energy Watch Program for approximately one year. The Company states that the suspension of Schedule 4 wil lessen the confusion for customers while rollng out an expanded Time-of-Day pilot program. p.2. Staff believes the temporary suspension of Schedule 4 is unfortunate. Schedule 4 has been a successful resource for peak load reduction, even with relatively small paricipation (45 in the Emmett Valley in 2011). As stated in the Company's 2009 Time Variant anual report (the last anual report fied) for the Emmett Valley, "customers substantially reduced their load during the Energy Watch events" (p. 4) and that customers are "clearly...reducing their usage during Energy Watch events" (p. 6). The report concluded "Energy Watch program paricipants appear to reduce load during the Energy Watch events while it appears that Time-of-Day program paricipants do not engage in load shifting" (p. 11) i . The Energy Watch program clearly sends strong pricing signals to decrease consumption during critical peak events. While Staff views the Energy Watch program suspension as unfortunate, Staff recognizes that there is value in customers becoming more comfortable with a new rate design before adding an additional layer of complexity. Staff expects that the Company wil reinstate the program in 2013. 1 During 2009, the Time Variant program consisted of 49 Energy Watch paricipants and 79 Time-of-Day paricipants. The number of paricipating customers in 201 1 for Energy Watch declined to 45 customers and 76 for Time-of-Day. Based on data provided by Idaho Power (see Attachment A), Schedule 4 customers shifted between one-third to one-half of their demand off peak. STAFF COMMENTS 5 MARCH 14,2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the Company's Application to implement its 2012 TVP Rollout Plan. The 2012 TVP Rollout Plan wil expand Schedule 5, Time-of-Day Program to 1,200 paricipants and temporarily suspend Schedule 4, Energy Watch. Staff recommends a full evaluation be performed and submitted to the Commission for approval prior to the Company revising its residential time varant pricing programs. Finally, Staff recommends approval of the updated schedule index. Respectfully submitted this \ t #-day of March 2012. ~~Weldon B. Stut Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Nikki Karavich Bryan Lanspery Daniel Klein i:umisc:commentslipce i 2. 5wsnkbldk comments. doc STAFF COMMENTS 6 MARCH 14,2012 Lo a d R e d u c t i o n f r o m I P C E n e r g y W a t c h P r o g r a m , 2 0 1 1 ~~ 6 5 o e n ( " ~ ~S ' ~ : : ¡; t t ~ ~ ;: ( " z ¡ : IV 0 0 i 3 3' t l '" 3 : : a ~ g n ~ tl ¡ ¡ t T _ i - o I V .. i IV 0 VI 20 1 1 E n e r g y W a t c h E v e n t D a t e s 11 5 10 5 95 85 75 55 45 35 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- - 7 / 6 / 2 0 1 1 .. . . . . 7 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 1 - 7 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 14TH DAY OF MARCH 2012, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-12-05, BY E-MAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. BOX 70 BOISE IDAHO 83707 E-MAIL: Inordstrom(ßidahopower.com GREGORYWSAID IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. BOX 70 BOISE IDAHO 83707 E-MAIL: gsaid(ßidahopower.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE