HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120110Application.pdf2011 PM 2:51 IDAHO UTILITIES COMM LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel Inordstromtãidahopower.com December 29, 2011 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ~ An lDACORP Company I pc..e -/?--03 Re: Tariff Advice No. 11-05 Annual Compliance Filing to Update Charges and Credits under Rule H, New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations Dear Ms. Jewell: Idaho Power Company hereby submits proposed cost updates to the charges and credits outlined in Rule H, New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations. This is the annual compliance filing to update Rule H charges and credits as required by Idaho Public Utiliies Commission Order Nos. 30853 and 30955. The following tariff sheets identify the proposed cost updates, a newly proposed Overhead Service Attachment Charge for Non-Residence, and some housekeeping edits: First Revised Sheet No. H-1 First Revised Sheet No. H-3 First Revised Sheet No. H-5 First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Third Revised Sheet No. H-7 Third Revised Sheet No. H-8 Third Revised Sheet No. H-9 First Revised Sheet No. H-10 Third Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancelling Cancellng Cancellng Cancelling Cancelling Cancelling Cancelling Cancelling Cancelling Original Sheet No. H-1 Original Sheet No. H-3 Original Sheet No. H-5 Original Sheet No. H-6 Second Revised Sheet No. H-8 Second Revised Sheet No. H-8 Second Revised Sheet No. H-9 Original Sheet No. H-10 Second Revised Sheet No. H-11 The cost estimation methodology used to update the charges and credits is the same methodology the Company utilzed in previous annual filings, with one exception. In this filing, the Company is proposing to remove metering costs from the calculation of single phase and three phase allowances. It has come to the Company's attention that metering costs are not charged on Rule H work orders, and therefore, no offset is needed in the determination of Company-funded allowances. In other words, all metering costs on Rule H work orders are recorded as a "no-charge" and are recovered through base rates rather than on individual work orders. As a result, past allowance amounts were overstated by the cost of metering equipment: $71.00 - $85.00 for single phase and $270.00 - $292.00 for three phase. P.O. !lox 70 (!l:mm 1221 W. Idaho !it. llo):¡(!. 10 83702 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary December 29,2011 Page 2 Overall, the Company's overhead costs went down slightly while material costs increased resulting in an average increase in Rule H charges of 3.2 percent. The proposed updates to Company-funded allowance amounts decreased on average by 2.6 percent primarily as a result of the metering cost correction mentioned above. All proposed cost updates are summarized in Attachment NO.1 of this advice filing. In addition to updating the charges and credits under Rule H, the Company is proposing to add a new charge to the Other Charges section of Rule H in order to provide customers a consistent charge for overhead services to non-residence structures. The costs associated with these service attachment requests rarely vary between customers, and therefore, a flat charge is appropriate. The proposed Overhead Service Attachment Charge for Non-Residence of $181.00 will charge customers more consistently and reduce overhead costs for the Company by eliminating the need to develop individual work orders each time a request is made for overhead service attachments for non-residences. A complete definition of the proposed charge is included with this filing. The Company is also proposing housekeeping edits which are identified in the enclosed tariff sheets. One of the edits proposes to correct the definition of Terminal Facilities to indicate that underground service wire is not included in Terminal Facilities. Instead, applicants or additional applicants pay underground charges as set forth in Section 4 of Rule H. In addition, the Company is proposing to add Schedule 3 to the preamble of Rule H, clarify the calculation of Vested Interest Charges by adding the defined term Connected Load, and correct a reference to Section 8.a. The Company respectfully requests that the proposed updates are approved by March 1, 2012, and become effective March 15, 2012. The Company is requesting a 14- day implementation period to update computer systems and prepare new communication materials. If you have any questions regarding this tariff advice, please contact Scott Sparks at 388-2742 or ssparksß?idahopower .com. Sincerely,~P/f~ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:kkt Enclosures ccw/enc:Greg Said RAFile Legal File Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-1 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-1I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS This rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1,3,4,5,7,9, 19,24,45, and 46 that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilities. New construction beyond the Point of Delivery for Schedule 9 or Schedule 19 is subject to the provisions for facilities charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilties, or to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature. 1. Definitions Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from an existing section of distribution facilities with a Vested Interest. Alteration is any change or proposed change to existing distribution facilities. An alteration may include Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion, and/or removaL. Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from distribution facilities that are free and clear of any Vested Interest. Application is a request by an Applicant or Additional Applicant for new electric service from the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require the Applicant or Additional Applicant to sign a written application. Company Betterment is that portion of the Work Order Cost of a Line Installation and/or Alteration that provides a benefit to the Company not required by the Applicant or Additional Applicant. Increases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. If, however, in the Company's discretion, it is determined that the additional Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant, even though less than 100 kilowatts, is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a part of a development or project which will add a load greater than 100 kilowatts, the Company wil not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW rating of the electric loads connected for commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. Connected Load for residences is considered to be 25 kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences. Conversion is a request by a customer to replace overhead facilities with underground facilities. Cost Quote is a written cost estimate provided by the Company that must be signed and paid by the Applicant or Additional Applicant prior to the start of construction. Cost Quotes are derived from Work Order Cost estimates. Easement is the Company's legal right to use the real property of another for the purpose of installing or locating electric facilities. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-3 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-3I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Relocation is a change in the location of existing distribution facilities. Residence is a structure built primarily for permanent domestic dwelling. Dwellings where tenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, such as hotels, motels, camps, lodges, clubs, and structures built for storage or parking do not qualify as a Residence. Service Attachment is the interconnection between the Company's distribution system and the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's Point of Delivery. Standard Terminal Facilities are the overhead Terminal Facilties the Company considers to be most commonly installed for overhead single phase and three phase services. Single phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installing one overhead service conductor and one 25 kVA transformer to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Three phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and three 15 kVA transformers to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Subdivision is the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more parts for the purpose of transferring ownership or for the construction of improvements thereon that is lawfully recognized, platted and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. Temporary Line Installation is a Line Installation for electric service of 18 calendar months or less in duration. Temporary Service Attachment is a Service Attachment to a customer-provided temporary pole which typically furnishes electric service for construction. Terminal Facilities include transformer, meter, overhead service conductor, or underground conduit (where applicable). These facilities are not eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Underground Service Attachment Charge is the non-refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever new underground service is required by a customer attaching to the Company's distribution system. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-5 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-5I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions a. Cost Information. The Company will provide preliminary cost information addressing in the charges contained in this rule, to potential Applicants and/or Additional Applicants. This preliminary information wil not be considered a formal Cost Quote and wil not be binding on the Company or Applicant but rather wil assist the Applicant or Additional Applicant in the decision to request a formal Cost Quote. Upon receiving a request for a formal Cost Quote, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will be required to prepay non- refundable engineering costs to the Company. A Cost Quote will be binding in accordance with its terms. b. Ownership. The Company will own all distribution line facilities and retain all rights to them. c. Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Company wil construct, own, operate, and maintain lines only along public streets, roads, and highways that the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lands and private property across which rights-of- way or easements satisfactory to the Company wil be obtained at the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's expense. d. Removals. The Company reserves the right to remove any distribution facilities that have not been used for 1-year. Facilities shall be removed only after providing 60 days written notice to the last customer of record and the owner of the property served. e. Property Specifications. Applicants or Additional Applicants must provide the Company with final property specifications as required and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. These specifications may include but are not limited to: recorded plat maps, utilty easements, final construction grades, property pins and proof of ownership. f. Undeveloped Subdivisions. When electric service is not provided to the individual spaces or lots within a Subdivision, the Subdivision wil be classified as undeveloped. g. Mobile Home Courts. Owners of mobile home courts will install, own, operate, and maintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter loops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery. h. Conditions for Start of Construction. Construction of Line Installations and Alterations will not be scheduled until the Applicant or Additional Applicant pays the appropriate charges to the Company. i. Terms of Payment. All payments listed under this section will be paid to the Company in cash, a minimum of 30 days and no more than 120 days, prior to the start of Company construction, unless mutually agreed otherwise. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-6I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions (Continued) j. Interest on Payment. If the Company does not start construction on a Line Installation or Alteration within 30 days after receipt of the construction payment, the Company will compute interest on the payment amount beginning on the 31st day and ending once Company construction actually begins. Interest will be computed at the rate applicable under the Company's Rule L. If this computation results in a value of $10.00 or more, the Company wil pay such interest to the Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider. An Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider may request to delay the start of construction beyond 30 days after receipt of payment in which case the Company wil not compute or pay interest. k. Fire Protection Facilities. The Company will provide service to Fire Protection Facilities when the Applicant pays the full costs of the Line Installation including Terminal Facilities, less Company Betterment. These costs are not subject to a Line Installation Allowance, but are eligible for Vested Interest Refunds under Section 8.a. i. Customer Provided Trench Digging and BackfiL. The Company wil, at its discretion, allow an Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider to provide trench digging and backfilL. In a joint trench, backfil must be provided by the Company. Costs of customer- provided trench and backfil wil be removed from or not included in the Cost Quote and will not be subject to refund. 3. Line Installation Charges If a Line Installation is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a partially refundable Line Installation Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Line Installation Allowances identified in Section 7. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No. H-7I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 4. Service Attachment Charges a. Overhead Service Attachment Charge. If an overhead Service Attachment is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Service Attachment allowances identified in Section 7. b. Underground Service Attachment Charge. Each Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge for attaching new Terminal Facilities to the Company's distribution system. The Company will determine the location and maximum length of service cable. i. Single Phase 400 Amps or Less Underground Service Cable (Base charge plus Distance charge) Base charge from: underground overhead including 2" riser overhead including 3" riser $ 41.00 $415.00 $572.00 Distance charge (per foot) Company Installed Facilities with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 7.08 $ 7.58 $10.09 Customer Provided Trench & Conduit with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 2.36 $ 2.99 $ 3.99 ii. All Three Phase and Single Phase Greater than 400 Amps If a three phase or single phase underground Service Attachment greater than 400 amps is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non- refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost. IDAHO Issued - December 29, 2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. H-8 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No. H-8I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Vested Interest Charges Additional Applicants connecting to a vested portion of a Line Installation wil pay a Vested Interest Charge to be refunded to the Vested Interest Holder. Additional applicants wil have two payment options: Option One - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by this equation: Vested Interest Charge = A x B x C where; A = Load Ratio: Additional Applicant's Connected Load divided by the sum of Additional Applicant's Connected Load and Vested Interest Holder's load. B = Distance Ratio: Additional Applicant's distance divided by original distance. C = Vested Interest Holder's unrefunded contribution Option Two - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay the current Vested Interest, in which case the Additional Applicant wil become the Vested Interest Holder and, as such, wil become eligible to receive Vested Interest Refunds in accordance with Section 8.a. If Option One is selected, the Additional Applicant has no Vested Interest and the previous Vested Interest Holder remains the Vested Interest Holder. The Vested Interest Holder's Vested Interest will be reduced by the newest Additional Applicant's payment. The Vested Interest Charge will not exceed the sum of the Vested Interests in the Line Installation. If an Additional Applicant connects to a portion of a vested Line Installation which was established under a prior rule or schedule, the Vested Interest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the Additional Applicant. 6. Other Charges a. Alteration Charges. If an Applicant or Additional Applicant requests a Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion or removal of Company facilities, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable charge equal to the Cost Quote. b. Engineering Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil be required to prepay all engineering costs for Line Installations and/or Alterations greater than 16 estimated hours. Estimates equal to or less than 16 hours wil be biled to the Applicant or Additional Applicant as part of the construction costs, or after the engineering is completed in instances where construction is not requested. Engineering charges will be calculated at $64.00 per hour. IDAHO Issued - December 29, 2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. H-9 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No. H-9I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) c. Engineering Charges for Agencies and Taxing Districts of the State of Idaho. Under the authority of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of Idaho may invoke its right to decline to pay engineering charges until the engineering services have been performed and biled to the agency or taxing district. Any state agency or taxing district that claims it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code §67 -2302 must notify Idaho Power of such claim at the time Idaho Power requests prepayment of the engineering charges. Idaho Power may require that the state agency or taxing district's claim be in writing. If the state agency or taxing district that has invoked the provisions of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302 does not pay the engineering charges within the 60 day period as provided in that statute, all the provisions of that statute wil apply. d. Joint Trench Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers wil pay the Company for trench and backfill costs included in the Cost Quote. In the event the Company is able to defray any of the trench and backfil costs by sharing a trench with other utilities, the cost reduction wil be included in the Cost Quote. e. Overhead Service Attachment Charge for Non-Residence. Applicants or Additional Applicants requesting service to a residential propert (Schedules 1, 3, 4, 5) for purposes other than serving a Residence wil pay a service connection charge of $181.00. This charge only applies to non-residences (shop, garage, etc) where there is an existing overhead transformer within 100' of the non-residence structure. f. Rights-of-Way and Easement Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil be responsible for any costs associated with the acquisition of rights-of-way or easements. g. Temporary Line Installation Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil pay the installation and removal costs of providing Temporary Line Installations. h. Temporary Service Attachment Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay for Temporary Service Attachments as follows: i. Underground - $41.00 The Customer-provided pole must be set within two linear feet of the Company's existing transformer or junction box. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-10 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-10I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) h. Temporary Service Attachment Charge (Continued) ii. Overhead - $181.00 The Customer-provided pole shall be set in a location that does not require more than 100 feet of #2 aluminum service conductor that can be readily attached to the permanent location by merely relocating it. The electrical facilities provided by the Customer on the pole shall be properly grounded, electrically safe, meet all clearance requirements, and ready for connection to Company facilities. The Customer shall obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments and wil provide copies or verification to the Company as required. The above conditions must be satisfied before the service wil be attached. i. Temporary Service Return Trip Charge. If the conditions stated in Section 6.f. of this rule are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a Temporary Service Return Trip Charge of $41.00 will be assessed each time Company personnel are dispatched to the job site, but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. j. Unusual Conditions Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers will pay the Company the additional costs associated with any Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote. This payment, or portion thereof, will be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered. In the event that the estimate of the Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote is equal to or greater than $10,000, the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider may either pay for the Unusual Conditions or may furnish an Irrevocable Letter of Credit drawn on a local bank or local branch office issued in the name of Idaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions. Upon completion of that portion of the project which included an Unusual Conditions estimate, Idaho Power Company wil bil the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established in the Irrevocable Letter of Credit. The Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider wil have 15 days from the issuance of the Unusual Conditions billing to make payment. If the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider fails to pay the Unusual Conditions bill within 15 days, Idaho Power wil request payment from the bank. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No. H-11I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) k. Underground Service Return Trip Charge. When a residential Customer agrees to supply the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $68.00 wil be assessed each time the Company's installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer's request, but is unable to complete the cable installation and energize the service. 7. Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances The Company will contribute an allowance toward the Terminal Facilities and Line Installation costs necessary for Line Installations and/or Service Attachments. Allowances are based on the cost of providing and installng Standard Terminal Facilities for single phase and three phase services. a. Allowances for Overhead and Underground Line Installations and Overhead Service Attachments Class of Service Maximum Allowance per Service Residential: Schedules 1, 3, 4, 5 Non-residence $1,802.00 Cost of new meter only Non-residential: Schedules 7,9,24 Single Phase Three Phase $1,802.00 $3,549.00 Large Power Service Schedule 19 Case-By-Case b. Allowances for Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects Developers of Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects wil receive a $1,802.00 allowance for each single phase transformer installed within a development and a $3,549.00 allowance for each three phase transformer installed within a development. Subdividers wil be eligible to receive allowances for Line Installations inside residential and non-residential subdivisions. IDAHO Issued - December 29,2011 Effective - March 15, 2012 Advice No. 11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-1 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS This rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1, ~ 4,5, 7, 9, 19,24,45, and 46 that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilties. New construction beyond the Point of Delivery for Schedule 9 or Schedule 19 is subject to the provisions for facilties charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilities, or to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature. 1. Definitions Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from an existing section of distribution facilties with a Vested Interest. Alteration is any change or proposed change to existing distribution facilities. An alteration may include Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion, and/or removaL. Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from distribution facilities that are free and clear of any Vested Interest. Application is a request by an Applicant or Additional Applicant for new electric service from the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require the Applicant or Additional Applicant to sign a written application. Company. Betterment is that portion of the Work Order Cost of a Line Installation and/or Alteration that provides a benefit to the Company not required by the Applicant or Additional Applicant. Increases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. If, however, in the Company's discretion, it is determined that the additional Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant, even though less than 100 kilowatts, is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a part of a development or project which will add a load greater than 100 kilowatts, the Company wil not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW rating of the electric loads connected for commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. Connected Load for residences is considered to be 25 kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences. Conversion is a request by a customer to replace overhead facilities with underground facilties. Cost Quote is a written cost estimate provided by the Company that must be signed and paid by the Applicant or Additional Applicant prior to the start of construction. Cost Quotes are derived from Work Order Cost estimates. Easement is the Company's legal right to use the real property of another for the purpose of installng or locating electric facilties. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued -_ NO'lember 27December 29, 200011 John R Ga!eGregory W, Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective -Qber- March 415, 200012 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho ¡IdahO Power Company . I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-3 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Relocation is a change in the location of existing distribution facilities. Residence is a structure built primarily for permanent domestic dwelling. Dwellngs where tenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, such as hotels, motels, camps, lodges, clubs, and structures built for storage or parking do not qualify as a Residence. Service Attachment is the interconnection between the Company's distribution system and the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's Point of Delivery. Standard Terminal Facilities are the overhead Terminal Facilties the Company considers to be most commonly installed for overhead single phase and three phase services. Single phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and one 25 kVA transformer to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Three phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and three 15 kVA transformers to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Subdivision is the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more parts for the purpose of transferring ownership or for the construction of improvements thereon that is lawfully recognized, platted and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. Temporary Line Installation is a Line Installation for electric service of 18 calendar months or less in duration. Temporary Service Attachment is a Service Attachment to a customer-provided temporary pole which typically furnishes electric service for construction. Terminal Facilities include transformer, meter, overhead service conductor, or underground service cable and conduit (where applicable). These facilities are not eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Underground Service Attachment Charge is the non-refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever new underground service is required by a customer attaching to the Company's distribution system. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued - November 27December 29, 200011 John R GaleGregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory AffairsEffective - ~March 200912 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-5 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions a. Cost Information. The Company wil provide preliminary cost information addressing in the charges contained in this rule, to potential Applicants and/or Additional Applicants. This preliminary information wil not be considered a formal Cost Quote and wil not be binding on the Company or Applicant but rather wil assist the Applicant or Additional Applicant in the decision to request a formal Cost Quote. Upon receiving a request for a formal Cost Quote, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will be required to prepay non- refundable engineering costs to the Company. A Cost Quote wil be binding in accordance with its terms. b. Ownership. The Company wil own all distribution line facilities and retain all rights to them. c. Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Company wil construct, own, operate, and maintain lines only along public streets, roads, and highways that the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lands and private property across which rights-of- way or easements satisfactory to the Company wil be obtained at the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's expense. d. Removals. The Company reserves the right to remove any distribution facilities that have not been used for 1-year. Facilities shall be removed only after providing 60 days written notice to the last customer of record and the owner of the property served. e. Property Specifications. Applicants or Additional Applicants must provide the Company with final property specifications as required and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. These specifications may include but are not limited to: recorded plat maps, utilty easements, final construction grades, propert pins and proof of ownership. f. Undeveloped Subdivisions. When electric service is not provided to the individual spaces or lots within a Subdivision, the Subdivision wil be classified as undeveloped. g. Mobile Home Courts. Owners of mobile home courts will install, own, operate, and maintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter loops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery. h. Conditions for Start of Construction. Construction of Line Installations and Alterations will not be scheduled until the Applicant or Additional Applicant pays the appropriate charges to the Company. i. Terms of Payment. All payments listed under this section wil be paid to the Company in cash, a minimum of 30 days and no more than 120 days, prior to the start of Company construction, unless mutually agreed otherwise. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued - November 27December 29, 20W11John R GaleGregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - DecemberMarch 415, 200012 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Cancels Original Sheet No. H-6I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions (Continued) j. Interest on Payment. If the Company does not start construction on a Line Installation or Alteration within 30 days after receipt of the construction payment, the Company will compute interest on the payment amount beginning on the 31st day and ending once Company construction actually begins. Interest wil be computed at the rate applicable under the Company's Rule L. If this computation results in a value of $10.00 or more, the Company will pay such interest to the Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider. An Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider may request to delay the start of construction beyond 30 days after receipt of payment in which case the Company wil not compute or pay interest. k. Fire Protection Facilities. The Company wil provide service to Fire Protection Facilities when the Applicant pays the full costs of the Line Installation including Terminal Facilities, less Company Betterment. These costs are not subject to a Line Installation Allowance, but are eligible for Vested Interest Refunds under Section ~s!.a. i. Customer Provided Trench Digging and BackfilL. The Company will, at its discretion, allow an Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider to provide trench digging and backfilL. In a joint trench, backfill must be provided by the Company. Costs of customer- provided trench and backfill wil be removed from or not included in the Cost Quote and will not be subject to refund. 3. Line Installation Charges If a Line Installation is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a partially refundable Line Installation Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Line Installation Allowances identified in Section 7. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued - November 27December 29, 200011John R GaleGregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - Oecember 1 March 15, 200012 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company SeooRdThírd Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 ~Second Revised Sheet No. H-7 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 4. Service Attachment Charges a. Overhead Service Attachment Charge. If an overhead Service Attachment is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Service Attachment allowances identified in Section 7. b. Underground Service Attachment Charge. Each Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge for attaching new Terminal Facilities to the Company's distribution system. The Company wil determine the location and maximum length of service cable. i. Single Phase 400 Amps or Less Underground Service Cable (Base charge plus Distance charge) Base charge from: underground overhead including 2" riser overhead including 3" riser $ 41.00 $3915.00 $M572.00 Distance charge (per foot) Company Installed Facilities with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ &:7.08$ ~7.58$4-10.09 Customer Provided Trench & Conduit with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 2:2.36 $ $ 4,3.99 ii. All Three Phase and Single Phase Greater than 400 Amps If a three phase or single phase underground Service Attachment greater than 400 amps is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non- refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost. IDAHO Issued - December 2930, 201Q.1 Effective - March 15, 201 Advice No. Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Genera! ManagerVice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Revised Sheet No. H-8 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 .¡Second Revised Sheet No. H-8 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Vested Interest Charges Additional Applicants connecting to a vested portion of a Line Installation wil pay a Vested Interest Charge to be refunded to the Vested Interest Holder. Additional applicants wil have two payment options: Option One - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by this equation: Vested Interest Charge = A x B x C where; A = Load Ratio: Additional Applicant's Connected Uoad divided by the sum of Additional Applicant's Connected Uoad and Vested Interest Holder's load. B = Distance Ratio: Additional Applicant's distance divided by original distance. C = Vested Interest Holder's unrefunded contribution Option Two - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay the current Vested Interest, in which case the Additional Applicant wil become the Vested Interest Holder and, as such, will become eligible to receive Vested Interest Refunds in accordance with Section 8.a. If Option One is selected, the Additional Applicant has no Vested Interest and the previous Vested Interest Holder remains the Vested Interest Holder. The Vested Interest Holder's Vested Interest will be reduced by the newest Additional Applicant's payment. The Vested Interest Charge will not exceed the sum of the Vested Interests in the Line Installation. If an Additional Applicant connects to a portion of a vested Line Installation which was established under a prior rule or schedule, the Vested Interest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the Additional Applicant. 6. Other Charges a. Alteration Charges. If an Applicant or Additional Applicant requests a Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion or removal of Company facilities, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable charge equal to the Cost Quote. b. Engineering Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil be required to prepay all engineering costs for Line Installations and/or Alterations greater than 16 estimated hours. Estimates equal to or less than 16 hours wil be biled to the Applicant or Additional Applicant as part of the construction costs, or after the engineering is completed in instances where construction is not requested. Engineering charges wil be calculated at $~64.00 per hour. IDAHO Issued - December 20101 Effective - March 15,201 Advice No. Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, General ManagerVice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company SeoondThird Revised Sheet No. H-9 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 F1Second Revised Sheet No. H-9 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) c. Engineering Charges for Agencies and Taxing Districts of the State of Idaho. Under the authority of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of Idaho may invoke its right to decline to pay engineering charges until the engineering services have been performed and biled to the agency or taxing district. Any state agency or taxing district that claims it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code §67 -2302 must notify Idaho Power of such claim at the time Idaho Power requests prepayment of the engineering charges. Idaho Power may require that the state agency or taxing district's claim be in writing. If the state agency or taxing district that has invoked the provisions of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302 does not pay the engineering charges within the 60 day period as provided in that statute, all the provisions of that statute wil apply. iQ. Joint Trench Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers wil pay theCompany for trench and backfill costs included in the Cost Quote. In the event the Company is able to defray any of the trench and backfil costs by sharing a trench with other utilties, the cost reduction will be included in the Cost Quote. an existing overhead transformer within 100' of the non-residence structure. Rights-of-Way and Easement Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil be responsible for any costs associated with the acquisition of rights-of-way or easements. ego Temporary Line Installation Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil pay the installation and removal costs of providing Temporary Line Installations. Temporary Service Attachment Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil pay for Temporary Service Attachments as follows: i. Underground - $41.00 The Customer-provided pole must be set within two linear feet of the Company's existing transformer or junction box. IDAHOIssued - December 201Gl Effective - March 15, 201.t,i Advice No. Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, General ManagerVice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-10 I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-10 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) n. Temporary Service Attachment Charge (Continued) ii. Overhead - $180.00181.00 The Customer-provided pole shall be set in a location that does not require more than 100 feet of #2 aluminum service conductor that can be readily attached to the permanent location by merely relocating it. The electrical facilties provided by the Customer on the pole shall be properly grounded, electrically safe, meet all clearance requirements, and ready for connection to Company facilities. The Customer shall obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments and wil provide copies or verification to the Company as required. The above conditions must be satisfied before the service will be attached. ffi. Temporary Service Return Trip Charge. If the conditions stated in Section 6.f. of this rule are not satisfied prior to the Customets request for temporary service, a Temporary Service Return Trip Charge of $41.00 will be assessed each time Company personnel are dispatched to the job site, but are unable to connect the service. The charge wil be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. hi Unusual Conditions Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers will pay the Company the additional costs associated with any Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote. This payment, or portion thereof, wil be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered. In the event that the estimate of the Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote is equal to or greater than $10,000, the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider may either pay for the Unusual Conditions or may furnish an Irrevocable Letter of Credit drawn on a local bank or local branch office issued in the name of Idaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions. Upon completion of that portion of the project which included an Unusual Conditions estimate, Idaho Power Company wil bill the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established in the Irrevocable Letter of Credit. The Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider wil have 15 days from the issuance of the Unusual Conditions billng to make payment. If the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider fails to pay the Unusual Conditions bil within 15 days, Idaho Power wil request payment from the bank. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued - November 27December 29, 200011 John R GaleGregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - 200012 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 11-05 Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-10 1. Joint ¡renon Cnaffe. Applieants, Additional Applíeants, and sYÐdividers will f'ay t140 GaA1ßBny fat troncn and bBckfill casts inclydcd in ina Cost Q!:€lto. In t14€l ovant t140 Comßany is aÐlo to dsfray any of tno trenøh and Ðacl4i1 costs by snaring a trench viith otnor ytilitilSs, this is€lst rodleeti€lR wil BO inel!ådod in U;¡S Cest Q!åoto. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued - November 27December 29, 200011 John R GaleGregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - 200012 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Mfecond Revised Sheet No. H-11 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) JK Underground Service Return Trip Charge. When a residential Customer agrees to supply the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $68.00 wil be assessed each time the Company's installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer's request, but is unable to complete the cable installation and energize the service. 7. Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances The Company wil contribute an allowance toward the Terminal Facilities and Line Installation costs necessary for Line Installations and/or Service Attachments. Allowances are based on the cost of providing and installing Standard Terminal Facilities for single phase and three phase services. a. Allowances for Overhead and Underground Line Installations and Overhead Service Attachments Class of Service Maximum Allowance per Service Residential: Schedules 1, .1 4, 5 Non-residence $1,803.001,802.00 Cost of new meter only Non-residential: Schedules 7, 9, 24 Single Phase Three Phase $1,803.001,802.00 $3,744.003,549.00 Large Power Service Schedule 19 Case-By-Case b. Allowances for Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects Developers of Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects will receive a $~1,802.00 allowance for each single phase transformer installed within a development and a $3,3,549.00 allowance for each three phase transformer installed within a development. Subdividers wil be eligible to receive allowances for Line Installations inside residential and non-residential subdivisions. IDAHO Issued - December 293G, 20101 Effective - March 15, 2014-2- Advice No. 4-11-05 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, General ManagerVice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho ATTACHMENT NO.1 Rule H: New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations 2012 Update Summary -Idaho Existing Proposed 2011 2012 Difference Underground Service Attachment Charges (Rule H Section 4.b.i) Base Charge Underground $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ 0.00 2" riser $ 399.00 $ 415.00 $16.00 3" riser $ 542.00 $ 572.00 $ 30.00 Distance Charge (per foot) Company Installed 1/0 $6.94 $ 7.08 $ 0.14 4/0 $ 7.57 $ 7.58 $ 0.01 350 $ 9.64 $10.09 $0.45 Customer Provided Trench & Conduit 1/0 $2.04 $ 2.36 $ 0.32 4/0 $ 2.67 $ 2.99 $0.32 350 $ 4.11 $ 3.99 ($ 0.12) Other Charges (Rule H Section 6) Engineering Charge $ 62.00 $ 64.00 $ 2.00 Temporary Service Attachment Charge Underground $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ 0.00 Overhead $ 180.00 $ 181.00 $1.00 Temporary Service Return Trip Charge $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ 0.00 Underground Service Return Trip Charge $ 68.00 $ 68.00 $ 0.00 Overhead Service Attachment Charge for Non-Residence $ 181.00 NA Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances (Rule H Section 7.a) Residential Schedule 1, 4, 5 $ 1,803.00 $1,802.00 ($ 1.00) Non-residential Schedules 7,9,24 Single Phase $ 1,803.00 $ 1,802.00 ($ 1.00)Three Phase $ 3,744.00 $ 3,549.00 ($ 195.00) Rule H: New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations 2012 Update to Charges and Credits · Idaho All costs were calculated using Passport inventory and cost program. Design number 90122 was used to provide a single design number for consistency and accuracy. A summary of all costs is shown below. 1 Rule H: Section 4.b.i. Service Attachment Charges Underground Service Attachment Charge - Base Charge From Underground: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 1 person & 0.5 hours of travel time $26.90 Connection - 3 wire service to terminal facilities $13.31Cable tag & tie $ 1.04 Total $41.25 Proposed Update.$41.00 2 Underground Service Attachment Charge - Base Charge From Overhead 2" Riser: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 2 persons & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material 2" PVC conduit, 2" metal conduit 30 feet of 1/0 triplex cable for service Nuts, bolts, brackets and washers $ 53.80 $154.57 Total S206.93 $415.30 Proposed Update.$415.00 3 Underground Service Attachment Charge - Base Charge From Overhead 3" Riser: T ravel cost - Labor cost- Material cost - 2 persons & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material 3" PVC conduit, 3" metal conduit 30 feet of 4/0 triplex cable for service Nuts, bolts, brackets and washers $ 53.80 $187.85 Total $330.73 $572.38 Proposed Update-$572.00 4 Underground Service Attachment Charge - Distance Charge Company Installed, 100 feet of 1/0 underground cable: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 5 Man crew & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Connecting 1/0 service cable to transformer Service trench & backfil 30" depth (100 feet) Service cable 1/0 (100 feet) 2" conduit (100 feet) 2" conduit 90 degree bend 2" conduit bell end $ 134.50 $ 572.18 S 155.45 $ 862.13 Total ($153.96) $708.17 Minus the cost of a 100 foot #2 triplex overhead service Proposed Update.$7.08/ft 5 Underground Service Attachment Charge - Distance Charge Company Installed, 100 feet of 4/0 underground cable: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 5 Man crew & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Connecting 4/0 service cable to transformer Service trench & backfill 30" depth (100 feet) Service cable 4/0 (100 feet) 2" conduit (100 feet) 2" conduit 90 degree bend 2" conduit bell end Minus the cost of a 100 foot #2 triplex overhead service Total Proposed Update.$7.58/ft $ 134.50 $ 572.19 $ 205.22 $ 911.91 ($153.96) $ 757.95 6 Underground Service Attachment Charge - Distance Charge Company Installed, 100 feet of 350 underground cable: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 5 Man crew & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Connecting 350 service cable to transformer Service trench & backfil 30" depth (100 feet) Service cable 350 (100 feet) 3" conduit (100 feet) 3" conduit 90 degree bend 3" conduit bell end Minus the cost of a 100 foot #2 triplex overhead service Total Proposed Update.$10.09/ft $ 134.50 $ 657.36 $ 370.77 $1162.63 ($ 153.96) $1008.67 7 Underground Service Attachment Charge - Distance Charge Customer provided trench & conduit, 100 feet of 1/0 underground cable: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 2 persons & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Service cable 1/0 (100 feet) $ 53.80 $ 252.80 S 83.65 $ 390.25 ~153.96) $ 236.29 Minus the cost of a 100 foot #2 triplex overhead service Total Proposed Update.$2.36/ft 8 Underground Service Cable - Distance Charges Customer provided trench & conduit, 100 feet of 4/0 underground cable: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 2 persons & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Service cable 4/0 (100 feet) $ 53.80 $ 250.26 $ 148.42 $ 452.48 í$153.96) $ 298.52 Minus the cost of a 100 foot #2 triplex overhead service Total Proposed Update-$2.99/ft 9 Underground Service Cable - Distance Charges Customer provided trench & conduit, 100 feet of 350 underground cable: Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 2 persons & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Service cable 350 (100 feet) $ 53.80 $ 253.60 $ 245.30 $ 552.70 í$153.96) $ 398.75 Minus the cost of a 100 foot #2 triplex overhead service Total Proposed Update.$3.99/ft 10 Rule H: Section 6 Other Charges b. Engineering Charges Total $38.36/hour $17 .26/hou r S 8.44/hour $64.06/hour Senior Distribution Designer Wages (2011) Benefits (45%, 2011 year-to-date) General Overhead (current 22.00%) Proposed Update.$64.00 per hour f. Temporary Service Attachment Charges i. Underground Material cost - 1 person & 0.5 hours of travel time Connect 3 wire service to terminal facilties Cable tag & tie $26.90 $13.31 $ 1.04 $41.25 T ravel cost - Labor cost- Total Proposed Update.$41.00 11 ii. Overhead Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 1 person & 0.5 hours of travel time Install & connect #2 triplex 100 ft #2 triplex, wedge clamps, nuts, bolts $ 26.90 $ 54.48 $ 99.48 $180.86Total Proposed Update.$181.00 12 g. Temporary Service Return Trip Charge (Overhead) T ravel cost - Labor cost- Material cost - 1 person & 0.5 hours of travel time $26.90 Connecting 3 wire service to terminal facilties $14.35None S 0.00 Total $41.25 Proposed Update -$41.00 13 ¡. Underground Service Return Trip Charge Travel cost- Labor cost- Material cost - 2 persons & 0.5 hours of travel time I nspect service None $53.80 $14.35 .$ 0.00 $68.15Total Proposed Update.$68.00 14 k. Overhead Service Attachment Charge for Non-Residence (New) This charge is for service to a residential property (Schedules 1,3,4, 5) for purposes other than serving a residence. Only non-residences (shop, garage, etc) where there is an existing transformer within 100' of the non- residence structure are eligible for this charge. Travel cost-1 person & 0.5 hours of travel time $26.90 Labor cost-Install & connect #2 triplex $54.48 Material cost -100 ft #2 triplex, wedge clamps, nuts, bolts S 99.48 Total $180.86 Proposed Update-$181.00 15 Rule H: Section 7 Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances Allowances are calculated based on the costs to provide and install standard overhead terminal facilities for 200 amperage single phase and three phase services. Single Phase Allowances: Travel cost- Labor cost- 5 man line crew & 0.5 hours of travel time Installation of material Material cost -Wedge stirrup hot tap Switch arm Switch 25 kVA transformer Transformer bussing Service wire - 125 feet Ground rod (DWS4R4) $ (DBK18) $ (DSCS351) $ (DT25R1) $ (DYS25) $ (D3P2) $ (DGRO) S Total materials Total Proposed Update-$1,802.00 $ 134.50 $ 358.76 32.93 40.34 96.83 959.41 50.48 103.58 25.41 S1,308.98 $1,802.24 16 Three Phase Allowances: Travel cost - Labor cost- 5 man line crew & 0.5 hours of travel time Installing material Material cost -Wedge stirrup hot tap (3) Switch arm Switch (3) Transformer mount 15 kVA transformer (3) Transformer bussing Service wire - 125 feet Ground rod (DWS4R4) (DAA3D) (DSC151) (DCMB) (DT15A2) (DYY151) (D4P2) (DGRO) Total materials Total Proposed Update-$3,549.00 $ 134.50 $1,038.77 $ 98.79 $ 153.93 $ 231.29 $ 256.91 $1,375.11 $ 106.30 $ 127.98 S 25.41 $2,375.72 $3,548.99 17