HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120103Exhibit A.pdfArcle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE Definitions No Reliance on Idao Power Waranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Term and Operaion Date Purchase and Sale of Net Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Envirnmental Attbutes Facilty and Interconnection Metering and Telemetr Records Operations Indemnification and Insurce Force Majeure Liabilty; Dedication Several Obligations Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governmental Authorization Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severabilty Counterpars Entire Agreement Signs Appendix A Appendix B AppendixC AppendixD AppendixE Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV SQlar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (Solar Prject - Grer th 100 kW) Project Name: Grand View Solar II Project Number: THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this _ day of 2011 between (Seller), and IDAHO POWEßêbMPANY, an Idao corpration (Idao:',- :'-:l;. '. '~"" Power), hereinafer someties referrd to collectively as "ParêŠ~oT individualy as '.Par."''ir:(-(,; WITNSSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, constct, own, ßiin and,;~ an electi~g~eration facilty; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell,ar&l~O Power is wili¡ng\o purchas, firm ei~èh-ic energy produced n"'~ . by the Seller's Facilty. THEREFORE, InC9JlsideratioítQfthe mu~çp~ønan and'~~ments hereinafr set fort, the As use in this Agreement and the'allendices attched hereto, the following terms shall have the following.'iieaings: Paries agree as follows: 1.1 "Base Energ" _ Mmi:tbly,Jj~tÊnergy less th 110% of the monthly Net Energy Amount as specified " 1, in paragraph 6.2 of this Agrement less any Net Energy that is determined to be Surplus Energy as speified within this Agreement. 1.2 "Business Days" _ means any calendar day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, New Year Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other NERC recognized holiday. 1.3 '.Commission" - The Idao Public Utilties Commission. -1- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 1.4 "Contrct Yea - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calenda date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafer. 1.5 "Delay Liquidated Damages" - Damages payable to Idao Power as calculated in pargrph 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.8. 1.6 "Delay Period" - All days past the Scheduled Operation Date until the earlier of the date (a) Seller's Facility achieves the Operation Date and (b) this Agreement is terminated. l.7 "Delay Price" - The current month's Mid..Columbia Market Ep.er Cost minus the curent month' s Light Load Energy Price specified in Appendix E ofths:Agreem~t. If this caculation results in a value less than 0, the result of this calculation wil be O. 1.8 "Designated Dispatch Facilty" - Idaho Power'ltSystes Operations Group"gr any subsequent group designate by Idaho Power. 1.9 "Environmental Attibutes" means anyanda.I credits, benefits, emissions reductions, offsets, and allowances, howsoever entitled, atibutable to the, gep~ration froin~e Facilty, and its avoided emission of pollutats. EnvlromieI1aAttbutes inctlJ~e butar not liiited to: (1) any avoided emission of pollutats to the air,~()il or water such as sUlfu oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) an4¡G:te,rP9IIutats;(2.).~yavôidedemissions of carbon dioxide (C02), methane (CH4), nitrous"':'''-:'';'''''''''''''3:'''' '"",.; ',- " "'.' ",":.', ", o~4t,,.,liydrofluorocar~tlns, perfltîorocarbons, sulfu hexafluoride and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) that hável)een determinediPy.the Unite Nations Intergovernental Panel on Climate Change, or otherwise 6y.law, to contrbute, W the actual or potential threat of altering the Eart's climate by trpping heat in ihe,atlosph~~~ (3) the reportng rights to these avoided emissions, such as REC Reportg Rights. REClteporting Rights are the right of a REC Purchaser to report the ownership of accumulated RECs in compliance with federal or stte law, if applicable, and to a federal or stte agency or any other par at the REC Purchaser's discretion, and include without limitation those REC Reporting Rights accruing under Section 1605(b) of The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and any present or A voided emissions mayor may not have any value for GHG compliance puroses. Althoug avoided emissions ar included in the list of Environmental Attbutes, this inclusion does not create any right to use those avoided emissions to comply with any GHG regulatory progr. -2- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Onl future federal, state, or local law, regulaton or bil, and internatonal or foreign emissions tring program. RECs ar accumulated on a MWh basis and one REC represents the Environmental Attibutes associated with one (1) MWh of Energy. Envirnmenta Attbutes do not include (i) any energy, capacity, reliabilty or other power attbutes from the Facilty, (ii) production ta credits associated with the constrction or opeon of the Facilty and other fiancial incentives in the form of credts, reductions, or allowances associated with the Facilty that ar apl'licable to a stte or federal income taation obligation, (ii) the cash grnt in lieu of the investmeni ~ crdit pursuant to Section 1603 of the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act of2009;;;df(iv)';'~ission reuction credits encumbered or used by the Facilty for compliance with 10ca~l!tåte, or federal oper~g and/or air quality permits 1.10 "Facilty" - That electrc generation facilty dê~~lbed in Appendix B oftli~'Ã~ment. 1.11 "First Energy Date" _ The day cOßl~ncing at OO:Oîh9urs~,M()urtain Time, foiîö~g the day tht/:;' :'--" ." Seller has satisfied the requiremenil;ør.Arle IV and thè$Uer begins delivering energy to the Idao,;W";- :1"': Power electrcal system at the Point ot~liveryr" 1.12 "Forced Outage" -ll'P#ira¡'QF,,t~tal reducti~~. Energy to the POirÌt'~~'l)elive~:':~~;b) Idaho .:¡,......,.-.. ,." a);,:~~"~~iltlC,~ ca~~èity to produce and/or deliver Net.'. ',' ... abilty to accept Net Energ at the Point of DeliveryJor'Jlon-econoiri~rea$ì1~!';~S~å¡R~ult ofÎ~lio Power or Facilty: 1) equipment failur which was'¡i the re~uitdt.ii~gligenc~'ibJiaCko;'~têl':i~e maintenance, or 2) respondiJlg to a transmission providèr'c\lrtilment ord&;ôr 3) unpiled preventative maintenance to repair equipment that left unrepaired,~Öuld result in fiilfue of eqriipment prior to the planned maintenance period, or 4) planned maintenance or c6hstrction dF,IDe Facility or electrical lines required to serve this Facilty or 5) if Idaho Power determinês"tl't.~~ilment, interrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries is necessar because of line constction, electrcal system maintence requirements, or electcal system reliabilty emergencies on its system, as allowed within the GIA. The Paries shall make commercially reasnable effort to perorm unplanned preventative maint~nance during periods of low wind availabilty. 1.13 "Generator Interconnection Agrement' or GIA" - The Generator Interconnecion Agreement is the interconnection agrement complete and executed by the Pares. -3- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 1.14 "Generator Interconnecon Process" -Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a sae and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrcal Practces and national safet standads. Completion of this process results in a Generator Interconnection Agrement. 1.15 .'Heavy Load Hours" - The daily hours beginning at 7:00 am, ending at 1 i :00 pm Mountain Time, (i 6 hours) excluding all hours on all Sundays, New Year Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thansgiving and Chrstas. 1.6 "Light Load Hours" - The daily hours beginning at i 1:00pm, el1ding at 7:00 am Mountain Time (8 hours), plus all other hour on all Sundays, New Yea Day, MemoriàI Pay, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thangiving and Christmas. 1. i 7 "Losses" - The loss of electrcal ene~gy expressed in Iqlow.attliours (kWh) occ~ as a result of the transformation and transmission ofeìieigy between the Metering Point and the Point of Delivery. The calculation formula for such Losses wil be as sPeified in Appe)ldix B of this Agreement. 1.18 "Market Energy ReferncéPice" - Eighty"'fjve perceIlt (85%),9fthe Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost. 1. 9 "MateriahBiih" - A Default(pargraph,19 .2.1) sl1bject to pargrph 19.2.2. l.20 "MaXum Capacity Amount'- The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facilty wil be as specified in Appe. B of this Agreemeiit. 1.21 "Meterng :Buiment" - That ~uipment spcified in the GlA required to measur, record and telemeter bi-directional power flows beteen the Seller's Facilty and Idaho Power's system at the Point of Delivery. 1.22 "Metering Point" - The physica point at which certin Metering Equipment is located to enable accurte measurement of bi-directional power flows required to determine Net Energy and Surplus Energy for ths Facilty that provides all necessar data to administer this Agreement. 1.23 "Mid-Columbia Market Energy Cost - The monthly weighted averge of the daily on-peak and off- peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for actual occurrng non-firm -4- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purposes Only energy transactions as reported by Dow Jones. Ifthe Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reportg agency, both Pares wil mutully agree upo a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index. The selecte replacement index wil be consistent with other similar agrements and a commonly used index by the electrcal industr. 1.24 "Nameplate Capacity" -The full-load eleccal quatities assigned by the designer to a generator and its prime mover or other piece of electrca equipment, such as trsformers and circuit breakers, under standadized conditions, expressed in ampers, kilovolt-amperes; kilowats, volts or other appropriate units. Usually indicated on a nameplat atthed to thè'irivid'ilmachine or device. 1.25 "Net Energy" - All of the electrc energy produceby the Facilty, léss'Station Use, less Losses,.,' ..." .. . expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) delivered to.jdaho Power at the Point ~fÐeIivery. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Seller comrits to deliveraJl'Net J3íigY to Idaho power at the Point of ". Delivery for the full term of the A~~iretit. 1.26 "Operation Date" _ The day commencÎ4gat O~~¡\ll9ar, MouíÍ1iTime, following the day that all ",),;,1,,:!\c . ....'.¡:"" .:';",.'." ", 'I,requirments of pargrpñ'5;i~ave been cO~l'let9'~?;'¡' ,'.J /;,~, 1.28 "prudent Electrcal Practices" - Those pratices, methods and equipment tht ar commonly and ordinarily Üsedin electrical engieering and operations to operte electric equipment lawfly, safely, dependably, effciently and ecörtumically. 1.29 "Renewable Energy Certate" or "REG' means a certficate, credit, allowance, gren tag, or other trnsferable indicia, howsoever entitled, indicating generaion of renewable energy by the Facilty, and includes all Environmental Attbutes arsing as a result of the generation of electrcity asociated with the REC. One REC represents the Environmental Attibutes associated with the generion of one thousand (1,000) kWh of Net Energy. -5- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 1.30 "Scheduled Operation Date" - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. It is expected that the Scheduled Operation Date provided by the Seller shall be a reasonable estimate of the date that the Seller anticipates that the Seller's Facilty shall achieve the Operation Date. 1.31 "Station Use" - Electrc energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxilar or otherwise related to the production of electrcity by the Facilty. 1.32 "Surlus Energy" - Is (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller'sFacilty and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds l10% of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corrsponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. 9r(2) All Net Energy, produced by the Seller's Facilty and delivered to the Idaho Power electrcal sysìrn in any month where the1'~t Energy delivered for that month is less than 90% of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corrsponding month specifed in pargraph 6.2. or (3) All Net Energýproduced by thSetier's Facilty and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Ofration Date..,-. -. 1.33 "Tota Cost of the Fa:êmtY'~:'The total costof strc'ts,~è4uipmenfånd appurenances. 2.1 SeiiWi,JndeperidentInvestiGtio- Seller warr¡mts and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agrement and the underting by Seller ofthe obligations set fort herein, Seller has investigated and deteraie.~ that it is capaple of performing heremider and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise ofIdahoPower in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agrement. 2.2 Seller Independent Exprts - All professionals or expert including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in underting the trsactions contemplated by ths Agreeent have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE II: WARRTIES 3.1 No Warty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptace or failure to review Seller's design, -6- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only specifications, equipment or facilties shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idao Power an Idaho Power makes no waranties, expressed or implied regaring any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilties, including, but not limited to, safet, durabilty, reliabilty, strengt, capacity, adequay or economic feaibilty. 3.2 Qualifing Facilty Statu - Seller warts tht the Facilty is a "Qulifying Facilty," as that term is used and defined in 18 CFR 292.201 et seq. Aftr initial qualificaon, Seller will tae such steps as may be required to maintain the Facilty's Qualifying Facilty stasldtinng the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintan Qualifying Facility stats WilPbe a Marial Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Facilitj"sQualifying Fa.oilìty staus and associated support and compliance documents at anytme during U~,term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONÐliLlONS TQ ACèBlNCE OF ENERGY 4.l Prior to the First Energy Date and as aC9pditi~:o.fldaho Poweì~;s acceptance of deliveries of energy.__..... ,'C""""",: "'" co,J".' from the Seller undef;~¡,:.&gr~ment, S~i~,~hall:.. ,,' -." '. ..,,-;~.., ." ; ¡ ~(. . 4.1.1 Submit proof!o Idaho P~wer that alIîi~ses, peits or approvals necessar for Seller's operations ha~~ ¡!~n ob~e4 from ap~Hò'able federa, state or local authorities, including, but. '~. nbi'iiititêâto,evideíÍèe:~fcompÎiÎi~~ithStibpa B, 18 CFR 292.201 et seq. as a certified QualifYing FaCilitY; 4.1.2 Òpinion of Counsel..:Submit to'ïaaho Power an Opinion Leter signed by an atorney aditted to practice and in good. stding in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and appr(¡)~àIsas set fort in pargraph 4.1.l abve are legally and validly issued, ar held in the nae of the Seller and, based on a reasnable independent review, counsel is of the opinion that Seller is in substatial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter wil be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and wil acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understads that Idao Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form wil not be unreonably withheld. The Opinion Letr -7- Dra for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only wil be governed by and shall be interpreted in accrdance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4. i .3 Nameplate Capacity - Submit to Idaho Power manufactur's and engineering documentation that establishes the Nameplate Capacity of each individual genertion unit that is included within this entire Facilty and also the total of these components to deterine the Facility Nameplate Capacity mting. Upon receipt of this data Idao Power shall review the provided data and determine if the Nameplate Capacity specified is reasonable based upon the manufactuer's specified generation ratings for the specific genemtion units. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineets Certification of Design & Constrction Adequacy and an Engineer~ Certification of Operatia~ and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No. 216~(). These certificate".: wil be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to .the ,extent necessar to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certcates. 4.1.5 Insurance0,!~uGtrltwrj1;n proof to Idao PO'fet ofal insurance required in Aricle XIII. 4.1.6 Interconneeton - Provide written contiation from Idaho Power's delivery business unit that Sell~r, l:as satisfied aili:tercooection requirments. 4J:;¡,;'"" Network Resoure Designtion - The Seller's Facilty has been designated as a network ;resource capable ordeliveringfi energy up to the amount of the Maximum Capacity. 4.1.8 Writtn Acceptace - Request and obtain wrtten confirmation from Idao Power that all conditions to acceptarce'of energy have been fufilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided withitia,:e,nimercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and wil not be unreasonably witheld by Idao Power. ARTICLE v: TERM AND OPERATION DATE 5.1 Term - Subjectto the provisions of pargraph 5.2 below, this Agrement shall become effecive on the date firs wrtten and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contrt Years -8- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only from the Operation Date. 5.2 Operation Date _ The Opration Date may occu~ only aftr the Facilty has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idao Power's satisfation that the Facilty is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and saéiner. d) Seller has requested an Opration Date fr.pltfòföwer in a wrtten format. e) Seller has received wrtten confill~6n frm Idaho p~~r of the Operion Date. This confirmation wil not be unreasonållY witheld by Idao Power;; 5.3 Operation Date Delay - Seller shiul cause the.f!áCility~',iFacilty") to aéhie',e the Operationlxe "Commercial Opraion") Date onti'~òrethe SChed~t~~Qperation Datelxe "CommercialOperation:. :.,' Date"). Delays in the interconnecion áln"tran~htissi91 networlL'tpgre sty, design and constrction~';;:.:._'" ,'., process that are Dotib~_!iur even~~~Pte¡iibôil:ParielrŠhall not prevent Delay Liquidaed Damages from b~iIig'4ue and O~g as caic~~~.!¡n accor~~e with this Agreement. 5.3.1 If the Operation Dàte,Qc6ur'å:r,the Sclietuled Opeation Date but on or prior to ninet (90) Oêlay Liquidàtëd Damages are equal to ((Current month's Initial Year Net Energy Amouåt~s~ecified in pargrph 6.2.1 divided by the number of days in the currnt month) multiplied by the number of days in the Delay Period in the curnt month) multiplied by the curent month's Delay Prce. 5.3.2 If the Operation Date does not occur within ninety (90) days following the Scheduled Operation Date, the Seller shall pay Idao Power Delay Liquidaed Damages in addition to those provided in pargrph 5.3.1, calculated as follows: -9- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Fort five dollars ($45) multiplied by the Maximum Capacity with the Maximum Capacity being measured in kW.fxe "Delay Liquidated Damages"J 5.4 If Seller fails to achieve the Operation Date within ninety (90) days following the Scheduled Operation Date, such failure wil be a Material Breach and Idaho Power may terminate this Agrement at any time until the Seller cures the Material Breach. Additional Delay Liquidated Damages beyond those calculated in 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 wil be calculated and payable using the Delay Liquidated Damage calculation described in 5.3.1 above for all days exceeing 90 days past the Scheduled Operation Date until such time as the Seller cures this Material Breach or Idaho Power terminates this Agreement. 5.5 Seller shall pay Idaho Power any calculated DelayDamages or Delay Liquidated Damages within seven (7) days of when Idaho Power calculates and presents any Delay Damages or Delay Liquidated Damages bilings to the Seller. Seller's failure to pay these damages withn the specified time wil be a Material Breach of this Agrement and Idaho Power shall clw funds from the Delay Security provided by the Seller in an amount equal to the caculate Delay Damages or Delay Liquidated Damages. 5.6 The Paries agre tl;iatthedaages Idaho Pqwer woúld incur due to delay in the Facilty achieving the Operation Date on or ,pefore the Scheduled Opion Date would be diffcult or impossible to predict with ce~t¥lÓ'i;d thatth~. Delay Liquidated Damages are an appropriate approximation of such daòages. 5.7 Pror to'1le Seller executiii this Agrement, the Seller shall have: TFa) Filed for interconnection and is in compliane with all payments and requirements of the Genertion Interconnection Process. b) Received and accepted an interconnection feasibilty stdy for this Facilty. c) Provided all information required to enable this project to be an Idaho Power designated network resource. d) Acknowledged responsibilty for all interconnection costs including any costs associated with acquiring adequate firm transmission capacity to enable the project to be classified as an Idaho Power firm network resource. If final interconnection -10- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only or transmission stdies ar not complet at the time the Seller executes this Agrment, the Seller undertads that the Seller's obligations to pay Damages and Liquidate Damages associate wi the projects failure to achieve the Operation Date by the Scheduled Opertion Dat as specified in this Agreeent is DOt relieved by final interconnection or trsmission processes and schedules. 5.8 Within thirt (30) days of the date of a final non-appealable Commission Order as specified in Article XXI approving this Agreement, the Seller shall post liquid' s,curty ("Delay Security") in a form as described in Appendix D equal to or exceeing the an:iÒuiit'cåQulated in pargraph 5.8.1. Failur to post this Delay Securty in the time specified~vJwil be a Matëi Breach of this Agrement and Idaho Power may terminate this Agreement. . 5.8.1 Delay. Security The greater of fort five ($45') multìpliëd by the Maxnium Capacity with the Maximum Capacity beingtneâŠüld.i kW. In the event Seller prÓyides iila Power~tth certification that (1) a generation;", i:; interÇìi~ÔIlJigreee~(~~cifyii:å ~he4uie that'wil enable this Facilty to achieve...,": . _ .",: ...::: :ti -;,:.. the Opration Dáteno later tl~d~e Scheduled Operation Date has bee completed and ,.,the Sel1êrñ:aspaidállreqriiied int~nnection costs, or (2) a generation interconnection agrement is substatially cotnplete and all material costs of interconnection have been identified~d agree'qpon and the Seller is in compliance with all terms and conditions of~ generaon interconnection agreement, the Delay Security calculated in accorda~with paraph 5.8.1 will be reduced by ten percent (lO%). ':" If the S~iifuhas reeived a reduction in the calculated Delay Security as specified in paragraph and subsequently (1) at Seller's request, the generation interconnection agrement specified in paragraph 5.8.1. is revised and asa result the Facilty wil not achieve its Operation Date by the Scheduled Opration Date or (2) if the Seller does not maintin compliance with the generation interconnection agreement, the full amount of the Delay Security as calculated in paragrph 5.8.1 wil be subject to -11- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only reinstatement and wil be due and owing within five (5) Business Days from the date Idaho Power requests reinstatement. Failure to timely reinstate the Delay Security wil be a Material Breh of this Agreement. 5.8.2 Idaho Power shall release any remaining security posted hereunder afer all calculated Delay Damages and/or Delay Liquidated Damages ar paid in full to Idaho Power and the earlier of, 1) thirt (30) days after the Operation Date has been achieved, or 2) sixt (60) days after the Agrement has been terminated. 5.9 Progress Reports. Within ten (10) Business Days afr the end of each calenda month following the approval of this Agreement until the OperationDÌ:te is achieved, Seller shall submit progrss report to Idaho Power on the development and construction of the Facilty. ARTI~LE';~: PURCHÄSE ANDSÅtE'OF NET'ENERGY 6.1 Delivery and Acceptce of Net Energy - Excet when either Par's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power,Wil purchae and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at :,. ~- ;~ .,' '.; theP~int of DeIivery.:Net Energy produced by the Facilty and delivered by the Seller at any moment in time to 'the Point of Deliveiy that exces the Maximum Capacity Amount wil be a Material Breach of this Agreement.. 6.2 Net Energy Amount- Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Initial Yea Monthly Net Energy Amounts: Month kWh Season 1 March April May -l2- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purpses Only Season 2 July August November December Sean 3 June September October Januar Febru ;, "f. 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts - SelIer;(~jnitially provide Idaho power with one year of monthly generation esimates (¥i~~iaì Y ea' N4~thly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine ai:~Very three months there:fer provide Idao Power with',:" ,y~'.,~ , ':',' '. ": an additional three months of forward generaion estimates beyond'those generation estmates~.~~ .', ..'~'" previously provided. This:ñiforation wil be,p:rV1ded to Idaho Powetby wrtten notice in MonthlyNet Energy Amounts . trt'jl timelY..manner, Idaho Power wil use the most recently,. ~:;~,. provided 3 m.atÇhing møítbs of the Iiitial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in .-:' Parag,aph 6.2.1 f~;tienext 3~Ónths of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's~dlustent of Net Energy Amount No lat.eth the Operation Date, by wrtten notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with pargraph 25.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 9th month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (1) the Seller may not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragrph 25.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5th day -13- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely writtn notice of changed amounts wil be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energy Amount- If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 12.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragrph 12.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is not unreasonably rejected by Idåho Power, the Net Energy Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 for the specific montn in whiçh the reduction or suspension under pargraph i 2.2.1 or 12.3.l occurs wil be reduced in accordance with the following: Where: NEA '= Current Month's Net Energy Amount (paragraph 6.2) SGU a.) Ifldaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as speified in pargrph 12.2.l this value will be equal to the percentage of curtlment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied,by the TOU as defined below. b.) If the Selletdeclàrš a SuspetJSÌon of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 12.3.1 this value will be the sum of thê individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that ar impacted by the circumstaces causingtleSelIer to delar a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. TGU = Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation uoitsat this Facilty as specified in Appendix B of this agreêrrent. RSH _ Act. hour the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragrph i 2.2.1 or 12.3. i TH Actual total hours in the curent month Resulting formula being: Adjusted Net Energy '= NEA Amount - (( SOU X NEA ) X ( RSHTGU TH ) ) -l4. Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculatons for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused frm accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension of Energy. 6.3 Unless excused by an event of Force Majeur, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energ in any Contrct Year in an amount equal to at leat ten percent (LOOIO) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in parph 6.2 shall constitute an event.ofdefault. ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE A~MEnlD OF PAYMENT 7.1 Heavy Load Purchase Price - For all Base En~gf;d~ived during H~åvy Load Hours, Idaho Power will pay the non-Ievelized Heavy Load Purchase PriSe as specified in Appendix F.; 7.2 Light Load Purchase Price - For all.J3ase Energy reived.~ng Light Load Hours, Idaho Power wil pay the non-Ievelized Light Load PuhaiRii~ as speified~in Appendix F. 7.3 Surplus Energy Price _ For all Surplus åi,gy,.Idahø:;,a,ewer shallp~y to the Seller the lower of the current month's ~,ket Ener~.,R.ference ~§e or,~e"LiglítP9ii Puchase Price.. " ," :,/", .,-~ ." ,: ' . "". -. ':', 7.4 Payment Due Date ~,4Undisputed;Energy pa~;)1ts, less any payments due to Idao Power wil be disbured Joth Seller.~~'3Ó.¡~s):Qf the~aW which Idaho Power reeives and accep the documentation of the. monthly Net Energy actuly delivere to Idaho Power as specified in AppendijA. 7.5 Continuin~ Jurisdiction of theêommission . This Agrement is a special contrt and, as such, the rates, terms and conditioJl.~pntaqeajn this Agreement wil be constred in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilties Commission an Aftn Energy Inc., 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d 427 (1984), Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilties Commission, 107 Idaho l122, 695 P.2d i 261 (1985), Afton Energy Inc. v. Idao Power Company, 111 Idaho 925, 729 P.2d 400 (1986), Section 210 of the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 CFR §292.303-308 -15- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE VII: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTBUTES 8.1 Under this Agreement, ownership of Green Tags and Renewable Energy Certificate (RECs), or the equivalent environmental attibutes, directly associated with the production of energy from the Sellets Facilty sold to Idao Power wil be governed by any and all applicable Federal or State laws and/or any regulatory body or agency deemed to have autority to regulate these Environmental Attibutes or to implement Federal and/or State laws regarding th same. ARTICLE IX: FACILITY AND INRCONNECTION 9.1 Design of Facility - Seller wil design, constrct, install, own, operatêand maintan the Facilty and any Seller-owned interconnection facilties so as to allow safe and reliable generaon and delivery of Net Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for thefuH term of the Agreement. 9.2 Interconnecion Facilties - The interëonneeton of this FaciHty to the Idaho Power electical system wil be in compliance with the GIA. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with interconnection of this Facilty as spepified in the GIA. ARTICLE X: METERIOAND TELEMETRY - .':... 10.1 Mettig~idaho Power shall, 'for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering '.;;:¡:',,\ Equipment to be located ata mutually aged upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with the GlA. The Metering Equipment wil be at the location and the tye required to measut,record and report the Facilty's Net Energy, Station Use, and maximum energy deliveries (k W) at the "Pdiit ôfDelivery in a manner to provide Idao Power adequate energy measurment data to adinister this Agreement and to integrate this Facilty's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. 10.2 Telemetr - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Sellets expese communications and telemetr equipment which wil be capable of providing Idao Power with continuous instantaeous telemetr of Sellets Net Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho -16- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Powers Designate Dispath Facilty. ARTICLE XI - RECORDS 11.1 Maintenance of Records _ Seller shall maintan at the Facilty or such oter location mutually acceptable to the Paries adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content acceptable to Idaho Power. 11.2 Inspection _ Either Par, afer reasonable notice to the other Par, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspet and audit any or all gene1"it'¡N~ Energy, Staon Use, and maximum generation (kW) records pertining to the Sellets!liilty. ARTICLE Xm:()PERA TIONS 12.1 Communications - Idaho Power æid,tbe Seller shallii~~in appropriate operaimg communications through Idaho Power's Designat Di.~t¿iil,~ility in acg()i.ce with Appendix A of this Agreement. 12 .2 Energy Acceptace - 12.2.1 Idaho Powet'shall bè'excused fro1'~g andpayig for Net Energy which would have ,,/ :. otherwise been.produce4l& the FaciltYlld delivere by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it l,s preventeCl from 'doing so'bý,~ evertt¡of Force Majeure, Force Outage or temporar.. .....' .'- .": ,-,;,::."..: ::- ¡ ::'"'i¡"'" disconnection of the FaciHty"in accordance with the GIA. If, for reasons other th an event of. ,,-. ;'i,..f." :', .,'(':~.-; Force Majeure, a t~porarais~nnection as specified within the GIA exceeds twenty (20) days, b~~ing with ,the twenty-first day of such interrption, curtilment or reduction, Seller wil be deemedJo~delivering Net Energ at a rate equivalent to the pro rat daly average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. This pro rata daily average wil be adjusted to reflect the lost energy production due to time of day, weather conditions and any other factors that would have impacted the Facilties abilty to generate energy durng this period of interrption, curilment or reuction of the Sellers abilty to deliver energy to Idaho Power. Idao Power wil notify Seller when the interrption, curtlment or reduction is terminated. -17- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 12.2.2 If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility is unsafe or may otherwise adversly affect Idaho Powets equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may temporarily disconnect the Facilty from Idaho Power's trsmission/distrbution system as specified within the GIA or tae such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 12.2.3 Under no circumstances wil the Seller deliver Net Energy from the Facilty to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maimum Capacity Amount at any moment in time. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount wil be a Material Breach of ths Agreement. 12.2.4 If Idaho Power is unable to accept the energy from this Facility and is not excused from accepting the Facilty's en~rgy, Idaho Power'sdaiages shall be Iimitea,to only the contract value of the estimated energy that Idao Power wasanable to accept. Idaho Power wil have no responsibilty to pay for any othercosts, lost ,revenue or consequential damages the Facilty may incur. 12.3 Seller Declard Suspension of Energy Deliveries l2.3.1 i.,the$eller's FaciJityexperiences a Forc Outage due to equipment failure which is not cause by aievent of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative "maintenance of th'eSeller's Fai;ilty, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in pargraph 12.3í;71?elow, temporanly suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to Idaho Power from the Facilty or from individual generaton unites) within the Facilty impacted by the Forced Outage for a period of not lèss"than 48 hours to correct the Forced Outae condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries wil begin at the st of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 12.3.2 and wil continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurr, the Net Energy Amount wil be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. -18- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Dicussion Purposes Only 12.3.2 If the Seller desires to initiate a Declard Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paraph 12.3.1, the Seller wil notify the Designated Dispatch Facilty by telephone. The beginning hour of the Delar Suspension of Energ Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour afr making telephone contact wi Idaho Power. The Seller wil, within 24 hours after the telephone contat, provide Idao Power a wrttn notice in accordance with Aricle XXV that wil contain the beginning hour and durtion of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions thatcåused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Powefwill reiew the documentaon provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's accep'tce of the describeForced Outae as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as speifed in paråph 12.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's Forced Outage ašiaracceptâ1'e Forced Outage'Wll be based upon the clear documentation provid~"'bythe Seller thatil Forced Outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by negiect'~~~¡i~'.Òiyi~ck of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's FaciltYl "\, 12.4 Scheduled Maintenance - On or before Januar'~lst of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed iiaitenace scKedul'öfši~ifcant Fácmty maintenance for that calenda year and Idao PowêràÌd SeIlerrsIDl1 mutuållyagree as tcilievacceptabilty of the proposed schedule. The Paries determination as to the abceptabilty of,the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will tae into consideratihliPrdent Electr'tal Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Par shallunreasonably withhold accptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 12.5 Maintenance Coordinatbrt';;the Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent pratical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaeously. 12.6 Contact Prior to Curtilment - Idaho Power wil make a reaonable attmpt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to interrpt interconnection or curil deliveries from the Seller's Facilty. Seller understads that in the case of emergency circumstance, real time operaions of the electrical system, and/or unplaned events Idao Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to -19- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only interrption, curtlment, or reduction of electrcal energy deliveries to Idaho Power. ARTICLE XII: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURNCE 13.1 Indemnification - Each Par shall agree to hold harless and to indemnify the other Par, its offcers, agents, afliates, subsidiaries, parnt company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liabilty to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to propert, proximately caused by the indemnifying Par's (a) constrction, ownership, operaion olinaintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Par's works or facilties used in connection withtbis Agreement, or (b) negligent or intentional acts, errors or omissions. The indemnifying Par shall, on the other Par's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covere by this indemnity. Tle indemifying Par sha1l pay all documented costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incured by tbeother Par in en()rcing this indemnity. 13.2 Insurance - During the term ofthis..gtment, Seller shallsecure and continuously carr the following insurance coverage: 13.2.1 ComprehensiV'è.,~neral LiabiItylrsurance',ft)r,both bodily injury and propert damage with limits equito $l,OOO,OÔO, each occurence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurce shall,he cOllistent with current Insurance Industr Utilty practices for similar propert~ 13 .2.2 The above insuraae covere shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best CÖtJpay rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) AD .endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable~'lld (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liabilty reduced without ten (l 0) days' prior wrtten notice to Idao Power. 13.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paagraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power a cerficate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. -20- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purposes Only l3.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - If the insurace covere requir by pargraph 13.2 shall lapse for any reasn, Seller wil immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice wil advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taing to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XIV: FORCE MAUR 14.1 As used in this Agrment, "Force Majeur" or "an eveötofForce Majeur" meas any cause beyond the contrl of the Seller or of Idaho Power which,"'Q:espite the exeìise of due dilgence, such Par is unable to prevent or overcme. Force Maje~,¡includes, but is not liníitèd,to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilties, civil strfe, strikes and '0t4er laboi;dì"rbances, eaquaes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes ítr,j'ia\\"ar regulation b~~rig afer the Effectivé Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such på couli'iit reasonablY. have been expected to avoid and by the _ ":",:: !'" ""'¡¡¿,'., - ;'.' (~:::- '::~.:. '.. - ::.~-~~' -': exercise of due dilgence;it~hall be unåble.Jo over~~ If eithør:~ar is rendered wholly or in par unable to perfonr.'itg obligatidrs' under thi~I;~~ment beè~J~ê of an event of Force Majeure, both.' ".' ::.,-,.,: Paries shall be excuseå.frnm wbát~werperformårce is afected by the event of Force MajeUre, provided that: ,( 1) Then()n;;~rformtng 'par shall, as soon as is reasonably possible afr the occurence of the Force..Majeure, give the other Par wrttn notice describing the particulars of . the occurrence. (2) The su.~nsiön of performance shall be of no grater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Forc Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Par which arose before the ocurence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurence shall be excused as a result of such occurnce. -21- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only ARTICLE XV: LIABILITY; DEDICATION 15.1 Limitation of Liabilty. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any stadard of care with reference to, or any liabilty to any person not a Par to this Agreement. Neither par shall be liable to the other for any indirect, speial, consequential, nor punitive damages, except as expressly authorized by this Agrement. Consequential damages wil include, but not be limited to, the value of any environmental attibutes. 15.2 Dedication. No undertaking by one Par to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Par's system or any porton thereof to the Par or the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corpration or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XVI: SEVERA OBLIGATIONS 16.1 Except where specifically stated in this Agrement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Pares are intédedto'be several andnotjointtJ côl1e~tive. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be constred to create an association, trst, parership or joint venture or impose a trst or parership'luty, obligation or liabilty on or with regard to either Par. Eah Par shall be ';. iJlat~idtiiiy and ~é*erly liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE XVII: WAIVER 17.1 Any waiver at åny tie by either Par of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other mattrs arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XVII: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 18.1 This Agreement shall be consted and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 18.2 Venue for any litigation arsing out of or related to this Agreement wil lie in the Distict Cour of the -22- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purposes Only Four Judicial Distrct of Idao in and for the County of Ada. ARTICLE XIX: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 19.1 Disputes _ All disputes related to or arsing under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the interpretaion of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, wil be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 19.2 Notice of Default 19.2.1 Defaults. If either Paryfails to perform ary øfthe terms or conditions of this Agreement (an .'event of default'), the non defaul'tg par shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Par, specifying thê'.lDanner in which such default occur. If the defaulting Par shall fail to cure such default withiîithe sixty (60) days aftet seryice of such notice, or if the defaulting parr~aSønably demonstratêšto the other Par that the default can be cured within a commerciaRyreaSoRlig1ci time butnatwithin such sixty (60) day period and then failsJo:i.illgeptly pursue:¡.~ch cur,,\heitbe noliÇlfaultig Par may, at its option,,,__ .': -,,0' ',;: .';-,,:," ).. "",.; "" 19.2.2 termii1'le this Agreeaint and/or pneits legal or equitable remedies. Material BreAAiies -'The .notice and"cl, provisions in pargrph 19.2.1 do not apply to defaults;i~ntifed.in.this Agreêine:it,a M~teriai Breaches. Mateial Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. 19.3 Secur for . Performance _ Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agrement, Sellel",wtll provide idao Power with the following: 19.3.1 Insurance ..lMd&.ce of compliance with the provisions of pagraph 13.2; If Seller fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurce coverage has been replaced or reinsted; 19.3.2 Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) year after the Operation Date, Seller wil supply Idao Power with a Certfication of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O&M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idao, which Certification of -23- Dra for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Ongoing 0 & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate wil be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and 19.3.3 Licenses and Permits - During the full ter of this Agrement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in pargraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. In addition, Seller wil supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fift Contract Year, Seller will update the documentaion described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller falsftö m~iI1tain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1. or to provide tlie documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permittng agency. ARTICLE XX: GOVERNNTAL AUTHORlA TION 20.1 This Agreement is subject::tothe jurisdicton of those governmenta 'agencies having control over either Par of this Agreement. 'A!TICLEXX:COMMlSSION ORDER 21. TlíS';::'Âgrment sh~irhecomefiîtlly effective' upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisiohsnereof without chage or condition and declartion that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking puroses. ARTICLE XXII: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 22.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the.benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Pares hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Par shall become effective without, the wrtten consent of both Pares being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any par which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may conveyor transfer substatially -24- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purposes Only all of its electc utility assets, shall automatically, without fuer act, and without nee of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all of Idaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This aricle shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contrct. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity tht it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXII: MODIFICA nON \,'';+'' 23.1 No modification to this Agrement shall be valid unlessit:isïn"Wrting and signed by both Paries and::,.' ,',." .,,:" .¿, subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLExliv: TAXS 24.1 Each Par shall pay before delinqi~¥~ all taes and oteigóvemmental charges which, if failed to be .: '.' -r:,-, ' ,', n,ji - .:.~: paid when due, could result in a lienfiPori'tb~:R~ilty or thè;In~rconnection Facilties. ARTICLE XX: NOTICES 25.1 All wpttennotiçes undêr'~"Ägr~tshalI 1!èi,directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when faxeq; ~ëmalêd.apd conf~ with deposit in the U.S. Mail, firs-class, postae'prepaid, as follows:, Tc)"S$1er: Original document to: Telephone: Cell: FAX: E-mail: Copy of document to: -25- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Telephone: Email: To Idao Power: Original document to: Senior Vice President, Power Supply Idaho Power ComparIý POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 837U7 Email: Lgrow~idaopower.com CODY of document to: Either Par may change the cOnt person andloN:îdress infomation listed above, by providing written notice frm an luthorized Person represeIïtig the Par. ARTICLE XX: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 26.1 Equal Employment During performance pursuat to this Agreement, Seller agrees to comply with all applicable equal employment opportity, small business, and afrmative action laws and regulations. All Equal Employment Opportity and affrmative action laws and regulations are hereby incorporated by this reference, including provisions of38 U.S.C. § 4212, Executive Order 11246, as amended, and any subsequent executive orders or other laws or regulations relating to equal opportnity for employment on governent contracts. To the extent this Agreement is covered by Executive Order 11246, the Equal Opportunity Clauses contained in 4l C.F.R. 60-1.4, 41 C.F.R. 60-250.5, and 41 CFR 60-741.5 are incorporated herein by reference. 26.2 This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereo and included by -26- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only reference: Appendix A AppendixB AppendixC AppendixD AppendixE Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facilty and Point of Deliver Engineer's Certifications Forms of Liquid Security Energy Prcing ARTICLE XXVII: SEVERAILITY 27.1 The invalidity or unenforcebilty of any ter or provision ofth~Agrement shall not affect the validity or enforceabilty of any other terms or provisiÇlÐ$~d;lls Agreement shall be consted in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable teripr provision were.omitted. ARTICLE XXViIl;COUNRPARTSL. ,": 28.1 This Agreement maybe execute ii'~9 or more coun(l~L each of which shaUbe deemed an original but all of which together shallconStai~~ Qne and thè;Sae instent ~~;; ARTI,CLE xx~. ENTlAGREEMEN'f". ¡:-, .-:' 29.1 This Agreement constitutes the eqti Agreemetti:~fthe Paries concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes lill pior or conteÍJpotaneouS'pr~ or wrt,n agrements beteen the Paries concerning the subject mattr hereof. . . ,.~:~.- ..(~ -27- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four By Dated Draft for Discussion Purposes Only IN WITNESS WHREOF, The Partes hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set fort below: Idaho Power Company By Lisa A Grow Sr. Vice President, Power Supply Dated "Idaho Power""SeHer" -28- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only APPENDIX A A -1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHIG REPORT At the end of each month the following requi documentaon wil be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Att: Cogeneration and Small Power Production POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The meter redìngs required on this report will be the reacings on the Idao pø",rr Meter Equipment measuring the Facilty's total energy production and Station Usaedelivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (k W) as recorded on the Metering Equipment andlor31Y othe; required energy niurements 10. . ' ,'- adequately administer this Agreement. This,(lóbirnent shall be tne document to enable Idaho Power to begin the energy payment calculation and payment procss, The nieter readings on this report shall not be used to calculate the actul payment, bnt iite~wil be a~Jjeck of 't~aut~ßlated m~er reing information that wil be gathered as described in item, A-2 below: -29- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Idaho Power Company MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AN SWITCHIG REPORT Cogeneration and SmaU Power Production Project Name Month Year Project Number: Address Phone Number: City Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Montli Metered Demand.: Breaker Opening R~ordJ!Tigie Meter ;' *Breaker Opening Reason Codes Lack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced Outage of Facilty Disturbance of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systems Cause Unknown Other (Explain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 State Zip Facilty Output StationJ.Station Usage Metered Maximum Generatin kW Net Generation .. *1 Reason I I i , Breker Closing Record Date Time Meter I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the switching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Part. Signature Date -30- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Dra for Discussion purposes Only A-2 AUTOMATED METER READING COLLECTION PROCESS Monthly, Idaho Power will use the provided Metering and Telemetr equipment and processes to collect the meter reading information from the Idao Power provided Metering Equipment tht measurs the Net Energy and energy delivered to supply Station Use for the Facilty reded at 12:00 AM (Midnight) of the last day of the month.. The meter information collecte wil include but not be limite to enerproduction, Station Use, the maximum generated power (kW) and any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agrement. A-3 ROUTINE REPORTING Once the Facilty has achieved its Operaton Date and has operated in a reliabl~,~d consistent manner for a renable period of time, the Paries may mutully agr to modify ths Rout~~ Reportingrequirement.' . Daily Energy Pré(tu6tônlteportg " ., Idaho Power Cont:t Information Call daily by 10 a.m., 1_800_356_432g:pr;1-800-635-1 093 and leave the following information: . Projectldentificatòn.- Project Name and Project Number .' ,'çurent Mètr,~eading ..... '. . 'Èstim~ted Gem~tion for tlecwentday . Estimated Generati(m for the nê'Xday Planned and Unplaned Prject outages Call 1-800".345-1319.aid leave the following information: . ProjeJtJ~entification - Project Name and Project Number . Approximate tie outage occurred . Estmated day and time of project coming back online -31- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for. Discussion Purposes Only Seller's Contact Information 24-Hour Project Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contat information Name: Telephone Number: -32- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only APPENDIXB FACILITY AN POINT OF DELIVRY Project Name: Grd View Solar II Project Number: B-1 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY Var Capabilty (Both leading and lagging: Ledingis_ Lagging is Near: B-2 LOCATION OF FACILITY Sections:'IWJship~llge:_ eo~ty: - GPS Coordinates: Description QfInterconnectin:ÇocatÍon:.. Neaest Idaho Power Substation: B-3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENER6Y AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selecteQ as the Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected as the Scheduled Operaion Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facilty and completion of all requirements in parraph 5.2 of this Agrment must be completed prior to the project being grated an Operation Date. -33- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only B-4 MAMU CAPACITY AMOUNT This value wil be which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idao Power electrcal system at any moment in time. B-5 POINT OF DELIVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Pares, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The GIA wil determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facilty. The Point of Delivery identified by the GIA will become an integral par of this Agreement. B-6 LOSSES If the Idao Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Powerelectr¿al systm at the PointofDelivery, no Losses wil be calculated for this Facilty. If the Idao Power Metering Equipment is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Sellertothe Idaho Power electrcal system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation wil be estlrshed to mea.surthe energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facilty and the Idaho Power Point of Delìvery. This loss calculation will be initially set at 2% of the kWh energy production recorded on the FaciItÝgeneration meterig equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrcal equipment specificaons (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc.) of all of the electrcal equipment beteen the Facilty and the Idao Power electrical system, Idaho Power wil configue a revised Losses calculation formula to be agreed to by both paries and used to calculate the kWh losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at any time during the tenn of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh Losses attbuted to the electrcal equipment beeen the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh losses calculations. -34- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only B-7 METERIG AND TELEMETRY The GIA wil determine the specific metering and telemetr requirents for this Facilty. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemeti equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Deliver and any other energy measurments required to administer this Agreement. These specificatons wil include but not be limited to equipment speificaions, equipment location, Idao Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all cost associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idao Power provided equipment. Seller wil arange for and make available at Sellets cost eopimunication circuit(s) compatible with Idao Power's communications equipment and dedic~tÖ Idaho Powerjs ùse terminating at the Idao Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power wit)continuous instantaeousitiformation on the Facilties energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will~ owned and mai.ed by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installatiô~,QP~ration, and man~nance, including administrtive cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Sellèr'. Payriît,()r these CO~ wil be in accordace with the GIA and the total meteri~g'êOSt .~il be iriblùled ,).,!tlè't1lculatiOtf' of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Chargesspecified Îlft1e GIA, B-8 NETWORK RESOURCE DESIGNATION Idaho Power cannotåçcept or pay for generation from this Facilty until a Network Resource Designation (''N'') applianon has béen accepted by Idaho Power's deliver business unit. Federa Energy Regulatnty CommissioJl ("FERC") rules require Idao Power to prepare and submit the NRD. Because much of the;:infol'ation Idao Power needs to prepar the NR is specific to the Seller's, Facilty, Idaho Power's abilty to fie the NRD in a timely maner is contingent upon timely receipt of the required information from the Seller. Prior to Idaho Power beginning the procesS to enable Idaho Power to submit a request for NRD status for this Facilty, the Seller shall have completed all reuirements as specified in Paragraph 5.7 of this Agreement. Seller's faure to provide complete and accurate information in a timely manner can significantly impact Idaho Power's abilty and -35- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only cost to attain the NR designation for the Seller's Facilty and the Seller shall bear the costs of any of these delays that are a result of any action or inaction by the Seller. -36- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purposes Only APPENDlXC ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINENANCE POLICY and , hereinafer collectively referred to as "Engmeer," hereby;states and certifies to the Seller as , on behalf of himself Iherself The underigned follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineerin good stdig in the State Qfldao. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the En~gySales Agreemeiittbeteinafr "Agreement," betee Idaho"",' ' ,.'- ,'" . f -.~':-. power as Buyer, and 3. That the cogenerato:r ~r$taUpower pr~d'ltion proJetwhich is th:ésubject ofthe Agreement and this as Seller, date'.' Statement is identified as Idaho PowerCbmpany (Iò'~~.,i~~ility No. referrd to as the "Project." and is hereinafter 4.That the Project, whiolJ is coimo:n1Y knowras:tlt Project, is located in Section __ Township Rage', Boise Meridian,County, Idaho. 5. That Enginee recognizes thatttie Agreeent prvides for the Prject to fuish electrical energy to 6. That Engineer has substtial experience in the design, constction and operation of electrc power plants of the same type as this Project. year period.Idaho Power for a 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineerhas reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that provided said Project has been desigied and -37- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for. Discussion Purposes Only built to appropriate stadards, adherence to said O&M Policy wil result in the Project's producing at or nea the design electrical outut, effciency and plant factor for a year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with pargraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineers representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, tre and accurate to the best ofhislher knowledge and therefore sets his/her hand and seal below. By (P .E. Stamp) Date -38- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purpses Only APPENDIXC ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AN MAINNANCE The undersigned , on behalf of himselflerself and hereinafer collectively referred to as.'Èngineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Enginee in. good stading inthe State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy SalesA;gTeement, hereinafer "Agreement," beteen Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small powétpròduction project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as Idaho Power Company'(IPCo) F~jJity No.:(.í, ...-. and hereinaftr referred to as the "Project". 4.That the Prject, which is commonly known as the Projec, is located in Section _ TOwnship Range ""'f,:"'" , BoiseMeridian,County, Idao. 5. Tht Engineer recogiiiíes that the Agreement ptevides for the Project to furnish electrcal energy to Idaho Power for a Yea:period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, constrction and operation of electric power plants of the sae type as 1hs Project. 7. That Engineer has no econQiic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. -39- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspetion of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the las previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearce, that its ongoing O&M has been substatially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project wil continue producing at or near its design electrcal output, effciency and plant factor for the remaining year of the Agrment. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Stament. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, tre and accurate to the best of his /her knowledge and therfore sets his/her hand and seal below. By (P .E. Stap) Date -40- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only APPENDIXC ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned , on behaf ofhimself7erelf and hereinafter collectively referrdtQ.i ~~ngineer", hereby states and certifies to Idao Power as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engliee in good standing in tÌeState of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sal~~Agreementhereinafer "Ågrment", between Idao power as Buyer, and as SeIlef,.ilted ;i 3. That the cogeneration or.snall power prtluçtion projècwhich isthesubject of the Agreement an this .. -:':" f- .', Statement, is identified as I~o Power Company ~&)Facilty Nd and is hereinafr referred to as the "'project". 4.That th Project, wb;ich is cortonly known ~tb Project, is locate in Section _ Township Rage , Boise Meridian,County, Idao. s. That Engineerecognizes tlattie Agrement provides for the Project to fuish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a yea period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in tle design, constrction and operation of electrc power plants of the sae type as tlis Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. -41- Dra for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and constction of the Project including the civil work, electrcal work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilties and other Project facilties and equipment. 9. That the Project has been constrcted in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrcal Practices as that ter is described in the Agrement. 10. That the design and constrction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and with Prudent Electcal Practices for a year period. 11. That Engineer recgnizes that Idaho Power, in acrdce with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, in intercnnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineets representations ánd opinions contained in this Statement. 12. That Engineer certifies that the above staments are complet, tre and accurate to the best of his/er knowledge and therefore sets hisler hand and seal below. By (P.E. Stap) Date -42- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purpses Only APPENDIXD FORMS OF LIQUID SECURTY The Seller shall provide Idaho Power with commercially reasonable security instrments such as Cash Escrow Securty, Guartee or Lettr of Creit as those ters ar defined below or other forms of liquid financial security that would provide readily available cas, to Idaho Power to satisfy the Delay Security requirement and any other security reuirment within this Agreement. For the purose of this Appendix D, the term "creit Requirements" shall mean aceptable financial creitwortiness of the entity provii:g the security inSèit in relation to the ieÍm of the obligation in the reasonable judgment of ldah6~i~et, provided thatäi guantee and/or leter of credit issued by any other entity with a sh()rt-ter or longi.~rm iíiv'eSert grJ~teit rating by Stada & Poor's" ' ,,' '",_.'" ". .:.c. ',:;,_ Corporation or Moody's Inv¿stçrSerices, 'bie. slt1be dee~ to have acceptable financial creditworthiness. 1. Cash Escrow Securty _ Seller sl:all depositfunds in an escrow account established by the Seller in a banking institution acceptable to:both Pares equal to the Delay Securty or any other required securty aiount( s). The Seller shall be responsible for all costs, and receive any interest eared associated withestbIisl:iig and maintaning the escrow account(s). 2. Guarantee or Leter of Credit Security - Seller shall post and maintain in an amount equa to the Delay Securty or any other reuire security amounts: a) a guarty from a part that satisfies the Credit Requirements, in a form acceptable to Idaho Power at its discretion, or b) an irevocable Letter of Credit in a form acceptble to Idaho Power, in favor ofldaho Power. The Lettr of Credit -43- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only will be issued by a financial institution acceptable to both paries. The Seller shall be responsible for all costs associated with establishing and maintaning the Guarantee(s) or Letter(s) of Credit. -44- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purpses Only APPENDIXF MONTHY ENERGY PRICES Mills per Kwh MonthlYear Heavy Load Purchase Price Jan-12 $25.80 Feb-12 $30.70 Mar-12 $27.41 Apr-12 $25.11 May-12 $22.79 Jun-12 $22.93 Jul-12 $30.74 Aug-12 $36.43 Sep-12 $34.89 ., \~~;,_.:(' Oct-12 $36.96 Nov-12 $37.91 Dec-12 $~.\14 Jan-13 $28.97 Feb-13 $33,,75 Mar-13 $29.20 Apr-13 $3Q.36 May-13 $26.07 Jun-13 $23.72, Jul-13 $32.99.. Aug-13 .$40.10 Sep-13 $38.27 Oct-13 $38.03 Nov-13 $40.05 Dec-13 $35.41 Jan-14 $30.99 Feb-14 $35.97 Light Load purchase Price $23.19 $27.50 $21.66 $21.78 $20.20 $21.13 $27.61 $32.25 $30.37 $30.40 $33.23 $2Ef71 $24.61 $28.30 $23.36 $29.27 $23.20 $20.69 $30.50 $34.49 $32.75 $31.67 $34.03 $29.46 $21.90 $30.60 -45- Draft for Discussion purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only $30.84 $29.16 $24.69 $24.99 $35.84 $42.33 $40.92 $42.13 $43.20 $37.94 $33.88 $38.86 $34.42 $31.19 $2527 $27.89 $38.40 $4S.t~ $42.9& $42:37 $43.28 $40.45 $36.13 $40.63 $36.06 $35.83 $29.12 $30.77 $68.89 $75.71 $25.81 $21.87 $21.35 $21.97 $31.33 $36.79 $35.42 $39.72 $3.8.17 $31.00 $27.26 $32.53 $28.86 $24.34 $21.41 $25.10 $35.24 $38.52 $37.30 $34.26 $34.84 $34.26 $29.12 $35.46 $30.00 $33.71 $27.04 $28.00 $6.87 $69.66 -46- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only Feb-19 $73.22 $71.26 $73.35 $70.37 $66.31 $69.31 $64.94 $60.99 $56.89 $60.34 $70.63 $76.92 $74.21 $76.55 $78.31 .... $13.42 $69.15 $11:92 .$67.35 $'3.71 $58.4.9 $60.90 .$73.0:7 . $$1;M $77.43 $76.59 $75.06 $74.76 $71.40 $73.70 $68.64 $65.40 $65.75 $6.20 $61.38 $63.18 $58.89 $53.08 .' $64.04 $5t:â9 . $66.48 $70.51 $70.23 $73.04 $7,1.39 $68.31 $61.27 $65.64 $63.95 $56.58 $56.26 $59.22 $66.57 $74.11 $72.06 $69.89 $66.65 $71.07 $64.36 $67.41 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 -47- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Draft for Discussion Purpses Only $68.53 $68.99 $61.82 $62.57 $74.97 $83.16 $80.32 $78.88 $77.15 $78.59 $74.56 $76.01 $71.12 $66.78 $60.93 $65.61 $78.07 $86.24 $83.34 $85t15 $84.03 $83.26 .... $79.77 $82:43 $74.46 $68.17 $63.58 $68.09 $81.57 $91.49 $64.37 $65.72 $58.53 $58.46 $70.35 $76.29 $74.10 $68.14 $68.86 $74,.57 $68.71 $71.03 $66.10 $57.99 $,6.79 $60.07 $71.87 $79.88 $75.79 $81.66 $76.86 $77.96 $71.39 $74.41 $69.09 $61.51 $60.63 $63.20 $75.94 $85.07 -48- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Sep-21 $87.12 Oct-21 $85.10 Nov-21 $85.44 Dec-21 $88.90 Jan-22 $83.60 Feb-22 $85.06 Mar-22 $77.11 Apr-22 $76.35 May-22 $67.90 Jun-22 $70.69 Jul-22 $84.48 Aug-22 $94.54 Sep-22 $91.12 :;~ - ';;:~! Oct-22 $88.11 Nov-22 $89.86 Dec-22 "$g3.'33',, .: Jan-23 $85.25 Feb-23 $$().38 .',::',.....; Mar-23 ,,$79.58 Apr-23 $'7.,38 May-23 $67:9å, Jun-23 $73.20 Jul-23 . ,,".,.$87.6.4 Aug-23 $9.7:57 Sep-23 $91.97 Oct-23 $96.02 Nov-23 $95.75 Dec-23 $96.72 Jan-24 $89.06 Feb-24 $91.06 $79.77 $78.02 $77.41 $83.37 $75.82 $76.56 '$70.26 $70.63 '$ßß.47 $64J§S, $82.29 $88.07 $81.74 $80.16 $,$1.99";"' -':,;, , -;:;: . ,$86.78 $78.01 $78.67 $70.59 $65.36 $62.41 $69.59 $82.98 $91.00 $82.43 $91.34 $90.74 $87.04 $79.95 $82.14 -;,;" ",,;.:-, -49- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-26 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only $82.11 $76.01 $69.45 $73.23 $90.65 $101.88 $97.10 $95.54 $93.94 $99.35 $91.16 $91.63 $83.60 $82.64 $75.76 $77.55, $94.99 $10$,27 $100.03 $97:t~5 $96.09 $104.18 . $94.31 $9~,56 $88.32 $81.34 $75.72 $81.50 $97.73 $108.93 $73.66 $68.34 $65.53 $71.54 $85.30 $95.62 $88.38 $87.00 $ß.83 $90.89 $81.30 $85.14 $77.71 $76.52 $70.65 $71.43 $89.48 $97.92 $89.91 $88.60 $86.70 $94.40 $87.37 $87.67 $81.64 $76.02 $72.70 $74.43 $93.17 $103.54 -50- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Sep-26 $104.65 Oct-26 $105.27 Nov-26 $106.57 Dec-26 $106.28 Jan-27 $96.05 Feb-27 $97.13 Mar-27 $90.36 Apr-27 $82.86 May-27 $78.59 Jun-27 $84.46 Jul-27 $101.19 Aug-27 $113.52 Sep-27 $108.81 Oct-27 $105.53 Nov-27 $108.53 Dec-27 "$111.5'6, ',' Jan-28 $103.02 Feb-28 $100.54 Mar-28 c",: $92.55 , Apr-28 $SO¡47 May-28 $85:36 Jun-28 $87.80 Jul-28 $104.83 Aug-28 $Tfn17 Sep-28 $111.16 Oct-28 $108.25 Nov-28 $113.74 Dec-28 $114.65 Jan-29 $106.96 Feb-29 $105.96 :.;~. $92.32 $97.10 $94.51 $96.26 $89.50 $90.95 $83.26 $78.50 $74.07 $77:10" $96.62. .$106.64 $98.09 $97.31 ,$$7.50 $103.48 $98.29 $95.03 $86.97 $86.32 $78.91 $78.90 $99.63 $108.29 $97.64 $98.68 $105.54 $108.65 $101.25 $99.00 -51- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only $97.19 $89.16 $84.54 $87.52 $107.33 $121.30 $115.62 $117.30 $117.77 $117.60 $104.47 $102.79 $94.31 $88.67 $85.74 $87.40 $,103.41 $116;13 $111.86 $~;Q9.55 $114,a5 $117.27 $107.0~ $105.28 $96.54 $90.73 $87.71 $89.42 $105.92 $119.01 $91.08 $83.94 $80.05 $83.09 $100.70 $113.99 $104.79 $111.85 $112.05 $115.08 $98.19 $94.99 $89.45 $84.60 $lHAO $81.31 $99.02 $108.11 $102.14 $101.68 $105.63 $110.45 $100.54 $97.24 $91.54 $86.54 $83.25 $83.16 $101.40 $110.75 -52- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Draft for Discussion purpses Only Sep-31 Oct-31 $114.62 $112.24 $117.49 $120.19 $109.56 $107.78 $98.78 $92.80 $89.69 $91.45 $108.44 $121.93 $117.40 $114.95 $120.36 $t23:14:'., $112.31 $l1bA8; . $101.21 $95.04 $91.iU $93.66.. $111.16. $l2s,05 $120.39 $117.86 $123.43 $126.30 $115.08 $113.20 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 $104.61 $104.13 $108.20 $113.17 $102.90 $99.50 ..$93.63 $88.48 ;$85.09 $å5~OO $103.78 $113.42 $107.09 $106.60 ~:;' .".$'1P.79 ,$115.91 $105.45 $101.95 $95.90 $90.60 $87.11 $87.01 $106.36 $116.29 $109.76 $109.26 $113.58 $118.85 $108.02 $104.41 -".' , -53- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only $103.65 $97.30 $94.00 $95.87 $113.89 $128.20 $123.40 $120.80 $126.54 $129.49 $117.94 $115.99 $106.16 $99.62 $96.22 .$98.15 . '$116.71 $131.45 $126.50 $123.82 $129.74 $132.78 $120.82 $118.82 $108.69 $101.95 $98.45 $100.43 $119.55 $134.74 $98.18 $92.72 $89.12 $89.02 $108.96 $119.18 $112.46 $111.94 $116.39 $121.82 $110.66 $106.94 $100.53 $94.90 $91.20 $91.10 $111.63 $122.16 $115.24 $114.70 $119.29 $124.87 $113.32 $109.49 $102.89 $97.09 $93.28 $93.17 $114.32 $125.16 -54- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-36 Draft for Discussion Purposes Only $129.64 $126.88 $132.97 $136.11 $118.03 $117.49 $122.21 $127.96 -55- Draft for Discussion Purposes Only Exhibit A Complaint of Grand View PV Solar Three And Grand View PV Solar Four