HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111229Complaint.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers RECEI i7 t"''\ì..."! ' (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564.83701 201 i DEC 29 AM 10: 56 Boise, Idaho 83702 Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miler December 29, 2011 Via Hand Delivery Jean Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utities Commssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Hoku Materials, Inc. v. Idaho Power /I~L-L -/ J- i~ Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fig in the above matter, please fid an orial and seven (J) copies of Hoku Materis, Inco's Complat Contestig Termation of Servce. Kidly retu a fie staped copy to me. Very Truy Yours, McDevitt & Mier IL~L Dean J. Mier DJM/hh EncL. ORIGINAL. Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) Chas. F. McDevitt (ISB No. 835) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, il 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 joe(gcdevitt-miller.com RECEt inn DEC 29 IHî 10: 56 1:-1\. Ii Attorneys for Hoku Materials, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION Complainant, CaseNo. / ie -E -J 1- 2 ~ COMPLAIT CONTESTING TERMINATION OF SERVICE HOKU MATERIALS, INC., v. IDAHO POWER'COMPAN, Respondent. COMES NOW Hoku Materials, Inc., pursuat to RP 600-606, and for a complaint againt Idaho Power Company, complais and alleges as follows, to wit: 1. Hoku Materials, Inc:, ("Hoku") is a special contract customer of Idao Power Company ("Idaho Power"), pursuat to that certin Amended and Restated Electrc Service Agreement (AESA) between Idaho Power Company and Hoku Materials, a tre copy of which is atthed hereto as Exhbit A. 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is Idaho Power's invoice for electrc servce in the month of November, 2011. As reflected by the invoice, Hoku's actu consumption durng that month was 220 KW of demand and 46,167 KWH of energy. Hoku anticipates tht its actual consumption in the month of December will be approximately the same as in November. The remaider of COMPLAINT CONTESTING TERMINATION OF SERVICE-l l l ~ (" , charges reflected on the November invoice are contrtu mium payments required by the AESA, even though Hoku does not curently consume any amounts of electrc power approachig the contractu minums. Hoku is contemplating the filing of an action at the Commission to contest the required contractu minimum adjustments. 3. Pursuant to a demand previously made by Idaho Power, Hoku has deposited with Idaho Power the sum of Four Milion Dollars ($4,000,000) as securty for payment of invoices. Without waivig any claims or defenses, Hoku by ths pleading, consents that Idaho Power may drw upon the deposit to satisfy amounts claied to be due under the November invoice, Exhibit B. 4. Termnation of service would cause material har to Hoku. In paricular, Hoku would be required to cease most plant commssionig activities, and could not safely store process chemicals on-site. If Hoku canot complete the commssionig of its plant or store process chemicals on-site, then the eventual operation of Hoku's plant will be delayed indefinitely. These delays would seriously impair Hoku's abilty to fud its operations and reta its approximately 160 staff members in Pocatello. In addition, Hoku has invested approximately $600 millon in the constrction of its facilties, including piping systems, pumps, motors, and sensitive electronic equipment that must be kept from freezing. If service is terminated, these high value systems may freeze, causing irreparable and material damage to Hoku's plant assets. Any damage would need to be repaied, at additional cost, prior to continuig with the commissioning and operation of the plant. 5. Because the Hoku manufactung facilty is not yet operational and producing revenue, Hoku must draw on varous reserves or loans to pay monthy operating costs, including payments under the AESA. Ths can result in Hoku experiencing cash flow shortes at any COMPLAIN CONTESTING TERMINATION OF SERVICE-2 paricular time. Prior to Idao Power's issuace of the Notice of Termnation, representatives of Hoku advised representatives of Idaho Power that curent cash flow shortage was such that payment of the November invoice could not be made until Janua, 2012. Idao Power issued its Notice of Termination, nonetheless. WHREFORE, termination of servce is not in the public's interest and pursuant to RP 605 the Commission should stay termnation. DATED ths ~ day of December, 2011. HOKU MATERILS, INC BY:~~\~:~iler Attorney for Hoku Materials, Inc. COMPLAINT CONTESTING TERMINATION OF SERVICE-3 VERIFICATION STATE OF ) : 58 County of __ ) Scott Paul, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the CEO of Hoku Materials Inc.,that he has read the foregoing Complaint and knows the contents thereof and that the same are true to Ihe be,t of hi, koowledge and heli~ Scott Paul SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ day of . ,2011.~ Notar Public .J=-_ -------- ResidinlVt" 71mssion Exp: P(ÜI;( /jl l/f/l/ul !1fJ/1M/l1dlltILI/¡(j1tr COMPLAINT CONTESTING TERMINATION OF SERVICF;-4 State of Hawaii City & County of Honolulu ____J On 12/28/11 b I" Sharn A. Higa. eiore me, (here insert "orne of "oiury) personally appeared Scott Paul (ilomeM afSigner(s)) personally knO\..n to me (or proved to me on the basis of satistàctory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instniinent and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/herllheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisr11er/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, e~ecuted the instniinent. aiid a/lciiil seal. Sigiiatiire .'~(SEAL) \\\\1\\11("i ,\1... , -~ l ?~:: .~ r-SHARON A. HlGA expiration Date: May 11, 201My C()llimissioii expires: ________..__._ ,- ",'"\~I,. ;,:j¡¡Il\..\...¡;\\ This area for Offcial Notarial Seal NOTARY PUBLIC CERTIFICATION # Pages: 6 Judicial Circuit First _ Doc. Date:Undated at time of nomrization Notary Name: Doc. Description: Service Sharon A. Higa Complaint Contesting Temiination of q:., ",' "".'Noiary Signature: .~(&7L------------~----~~=~=-".\ Date: 12/28/1 I ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 10-1770 (HI) (Rev. 7/09) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~ t of December, 2011, I caused to be served, via email and telecopy, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 jjewell¡gpuc.state.id. us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) POBox 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 lnordstrom¡gidahopower.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Email ~..~ ..~ ..~Ù ~ù r( McDEVITT & MILLER LLP BY~\~¡lR COMPLAINT CONTESTING TERMINATION OF SERVICE-5 AMENDED AND RE:STATED ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND HOKU MATERIALS, INC THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ("Agreement") is executed on June 19, 2009, by HOKU MATERIALS, INC, a Delaware Corporation ("Hoku") and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho Corporation ("Idaho Powef). . In consideration of the mutual covenants. hereinafter set forth, the parties hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1 - SPECIAL CONTRACT 1.1 This Agreement is a Special Contract as described in Idaho Powets Schedule 19. This Agreement supercedes and replaces the Agreement for Electric Service between the parties dated September 17, 2008. SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS When used in this Agreement: 2.1. "Commission" shall mean the Idaho Public Utilities Commission or its successor agency. 2.2. "Construction Agreemenl shall mean that certain Agreement for Construction of Hoku Electric Substation and Associated Facilties dated as of December 28, 2007, by and between Hoku and Idaho Power, as such may be amended from time to time. 2.3. "Contract Load Factor" shall mean 90 percent for purposes of establishing the energy blocks for monthly billng. 2.4. "Embedded Date" shall mean December 1, 2013. 2.5. "Embedded Rate" shall mean the demand and energ. rates detailed in the Company's then-effective Schedule 19T. 2.6. "Exce Demand" shall mean the average kilowatts supplied during the coincident 15-cnsecutive-minute period of maximum use each day, adjusted for Power Factor, which exceeds the Total Contrct Demand. 2.7. "Excess Energy" shall mean any kilowatt-hours of energy supplied to the Hoku Facilty during the monthly billng period as measured by the metering equipment located at the Points of Delivery that exceeds the sum of the First Block Energy and the Second Block Energy. 2.8. "Firs Block Contract Demand" shall mean the monthly number of kilowatts Idaho Power has agreed to make available to the Hoku Facilit in accordance with the Scheduled Contract Demand in Section 6. 1 EXHIBIT A PAGE10Fl0 2.9. "First Block Energy" shall mean the kilowatt-hour determined by multiplying the First Block Contract Demand by the number of hours in the billng period multiplied by the Contract Load Factor. 2.10. "Hoku Facilit shall mean the Hoku Polysilicon Production complex located on One Hoku Way, Pocatello, Idaho. 2.11. "Interconection Facites" shall mean all facilities which are reasonably required by Prunt Elecrica Praice and the National Electric Safety Code to interconnect and deliver elctl poer and energy to the Hoku Facilty, including, but not limited to, trnsmission facilties, substation facilties and metering equipment. 2.12. "Minimum Biled Energy" shall mean the number of kilowatt-hours determined by multiplying. 50% of the Total Contract Demand for the biling month by the number of hours in the billng month at the Contract Load Factor. . 2.13. "Points of Delivery shall mean the locations specified in paragraph 5.2 where the electrical facilities owned by Hoku are interconnected to the electrical facilities owned by Idaho Power and where power and energy are delivered by Idaho Power for the purpose of providing elecrical service for the operations of the Hoku Facilty. 2.14. "Power Factot' shaH mean the percentage obtained by dividing the maximum demand recorded in kW by the corresponding kilovolt-ampere (kVa) demand established by Hoku. 2.15. "Prudent Electrical Practices" shall mean those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electical engineering and utility operation to operate electrica equipment and deliver electric power and energy with safety, dependabilty, effciency and economy. . 2.16. "Schedule 19" shall mean the Company's then effective Idaho Retail Tariff Schedule 19T. 2.17. "Schedle 32" shall mean the Hoku tariff schedule of rates and charges or its successor schedules. 2.18. "Scheduled Contract Demand" is defined in Section 6.1.1 below. 2.19. "Second Block Contract Demand. shall mean 25;000 kilowatts. 2.20. "Second Block Energy" shall mean. the total kilowatt-hours supplied to the Hoku Facilty during the monthly biling period as measured by the metering equipment locaed at the Points of Delivery less the First Block Energy, but no greater than 25,000 kilowatts multiplied by the number of hours in the biling period multiplied by the Contract Load Factor. 2.21. "Total Contrct Demand" shall mean the sum of the First Block Contract Demand and the Second Block Contract Demand as specifed in Section 6, and as such may be modified pursuant to Section 6.2 below. 2.22. "Transformer Losses. shall mean energy losses resulting when a transformer changes the voltage level of altemating current electricity. Transformer losses wil be accounted for in the initial metering installation. 2 EXHIBIT A PAGE20Fl0 SECTION 3 - TERM OF AGREEMENT . 3.1. This Agreement shall become effective as provided in paragraph 15.1 and remain in effect through the Embedded Date and will be automaticafly renewed thereafter until either Hoku or Idaho Power terminates this Agreement as provided in paragraph.4.1. 3.2 It is the intention of the parties that following the Embedded Date, the parties shall enter into a new Special Contract whereby Hoku shall pay energy and demand rates that are equal to the lesser of the then-applicable Schedule 19 rate or the average of the contract rates in Idaho Powets then-effective other "Special ContractsD, These Special Contract rates will remain in effect on an intenm basis until the next final Commission order in a general rate case proceeding. 3.3 Service under this Agreement will commence December 1, 2009. SECTION 4 - TERMINATION 4.1 Notice of Termination: After the Embedded Date, either part to this Agreement shall have the nght to terminate this Agreement by delivenng wrtten notice of termination to the other part. The effective date of termination wil be specified in the termination notice, but such effective date cannot be earlier than 12 months after the date of the delivery of the notice of termination. If both parties give notice of termination, the earliest effective date wil prevaiL. If the effecive date of a termination occurs before the new Special Contract is effectve between the Parties as descnbed in Section 3.1 above, then the applicable energy and demand rates shall be the Embedded~~ . I SECTION 5 - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 5.1 Supply Obligation: In accrdance with Prudent Electcal Practice and the provisions of this Agreement, Idaho Power will furnish Hoku's totaJ requirements for electnc power and energy at the Hoku Facilty. Hoku wil not resell any portion of the power and energy fumished under this Agreement. . . 5.2 Points of Delivery: Electc power and energy shaiJ be delivered by Idaho Power at each point generally described as the load side terminals of the substation transforier 13.8 kilovolt disconnect switches at the Hoku Facilty. . 5.3 Adjustment for Transformer Losses: Metering on the load side of the substation transformers wil be adjusted for Transformer Losses. 5.4 Description of Electc Service: Idaho Power shall supply three- phase, 60 hz alternating currnt at nominal 13,800 volt, with a maximum steady state variation of plus or minus five percent (5%) under normal system conditions. Consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power will operate within the capabilty of its existing system to minimize voltage level fluctuations, the normal frequency variation to be within plus or minus 0.05 hz on a 60 hz base. 5.5 Available Capacity: Idaho Power will make power available to Hoku in an amount equal to the kilowatts of Total Contract Demand shown in Section 6.1.1. 3 ExmlTA PAGE 3 OF 10 5.6 Request for Proposals: During the initial term of the agrement, at Hoku's request, Idaho Power wi" use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain proposals to supply power to meet Hoku's summer loads not served by Idaho Power. Idaho Power wil customize such supply request to match Hoku's requirements. These additional purchases are subject to Idaho Powets abilty to deliver the power to Hoku and Hoku's accptance of the prce and terms of the proposals. Hoku is responsible for the full costs of these purchases and any associated transmission and ancilary service expense to transport such purchases to the Hoku Facility, 5.7 Release of First Block Energy: With adequate notiCè and the written consent of Idaho Power, Hoku may reuest a release .of all or part of its First Block Energy purchase commitment in return for crdit on its First Block Energy Charge. The value of the credit wil be determined by mutual agreement and wil take .into consideration the timing of the notice and Idaho Powets abilty to manage any supply commitments made on Hoku's behalf. SECTION 6 - CONTRACT DEMAND 6.1 Contract Demand Provisions prior to the Embedded Date: The following provisions apply during the period of time from December 1, 2009 to the Embedded Date, while Hoku is changing its load at the Hoku Facilty. 6.1.1 Scheduled Contract Demand: Hoku agrees to contract for, and. Idaho Power agrees to provide power made available to the. Hoku Facility in the following amounts expressed in kilowatts (the "Scheduled Contract Demand"): First Bloc Second BlockTime Contrct Contract Period Demand Demand 121112009 - 12131/2009........1,00 25,00 1/1/2010~ 1/31/2010............8,00 25,00 2/1/2010- 2128/2010............17,00 25,000 3/1/2010- 4130/2010............19,00 25,00 511/2010- 611512010............32,00 25,000 611612010- 8/1512010..........18,00 25,00 811612010.. 9/1512010..........42,00 25,00 9/1612010;' 1213112010 .....~.57,00 25,00 1/1/2011- 611512011............57,00 25,00 611612011- 811512011..........18,00 25,00 8/1612011- 9/1512011..........42,000 25,00 9/1612011- 1213112011 .......57,00 25,000 1/1/2012- 611512012............57,00 25,00 61612012 - 811512012..........18,00 25,00 Total Contract Demand 26,.00 33,000 42,00 44,00 57,000 43,00 67,00 82,00 82,00 43,000 67,00 82,000 82,000 43,00 4 EXHBIT A PAGE 4 OF 10 8/1612012.. 9/15/2012..........42,00 9/1612012-12/31/2012 .......57,00 1/1/2013-12/1/2013............57,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 67,00 82,00 82,00 6.2 Contract Demand Provisions after Initial Expansion: After the. Embedded Date, Hoku has the option to increase or decrease its Total Contract Demand level as follows: 6.2.1 Increases to Total Contract Demand: Under the terms of this Agreement, Hoku may increase the Total Contract Demand above 82,000 kilowatts by increasing the Firs Block Contract Demand in increments of 1,000 to 10,000 kilowatts per year up to a Total Contract Demand of 175,000 kilowatts. Hoku wil. notify Idaho Power in writing of the additional capacit requirements at least one year in advance, The new Total Contract Demand wil be in effec for a minimum of one year. Increases. to . Total Contract Demand are subject to the availabilty of adequate capacity in Idaho Power's facilties to provide the requested service. 6.2.2 Decreases to Total Contrct Demand: After the Embedded Date, Hoku may decrease the Total Contract Demand by reducing the First Block Contract Demand in decrements of 1,000 kilowatts. Total Contract Demand may not be decreased below 25,000 kilowatts. Hoku wil notify Idaho Power in writing of the decrease in capacity requirements at least one year in advance. The new Total Contract Demand wil be in effect for a minimum of one year. 6.3 Excess Demand: Prior to the Embedded Date, and subject to Section 6.2.1 above, the availabilty of power in exces of the Total Contrct Demand is not guaranteed, and if the average kilowatts supplied at the Hoku Facilty during the 15- consecutive-minute period of maximum use each day, adjusted for power factor, exceeds the Total Contract Demand, Idaho Power may curtail service to the Hoku Facility. Idaho Power reserves the right to install, at any time, at Hoku's expense, any device necessary to protect Idaho Power's system from damage which may be caused by the taking of Excess Demand. Hoku wil be responsible for any damages. to Idaho Power's system or damages to third partie.s resulting from the taking of Excess Demand. Hoku agrees to use its best reasonable efforts to monitor its electric loads and to advise Idaho Power as soon as possible of the potential for. Excess Demand at the Hoku Facilit. Exces Demand will be subject to the Daily Excess Demand Charge and the Monthly Excess Demand Charge specifed in Schedule 32. 6.4 Proration: Bilings. during months that contain a change in the Scheduled Contract Demand will be proraed. SECTION 7 - FACILITIES FOR DELIVERY TO HOKU FACILITY 7~ 1 Additional Facilties: The parties acknowledge that they have separately entered into the Construction Agreement, pursuant to which Hoku is paying Idaho Power to construct the Interconection Facilities necessary to provide the Total Contract Demand under this Agreement. Idaho Power represents and warrants to Hoku that none of the charges set forth in Schedule 32 include any cost reimbursement or adjustment thát is already being paid by Hoku pursuant to the Construction Agreement, and that such Interconnection Facilities are sufcient to supply the Scheduled Contract Demand. To the extent that additional transmission and/or substation Interconnection 5 EXHBIT A PAGE 5 OF 10 Facilities are required to provide additional service pursuant to Section 6.2.1 above, special arrangements wil, be made il" a separate Agreement between Hoku and Idaho Power. 7.2 Operation and Maintenance: Idaho Power will operate and maintain Interconnection Facilities necessar to provide service to the Hoku Facilty. Such Interconnection Facilties include Interconnection Facilties paid for by Hoku, including those paid for by Hoku pursuant to the Construction Agreement. Idaho Power shall operate and maintain such Interconnection Facilties in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices. SECTION 8 - CHGES TO BE PAID BY HOKU TO IDAHO POWER. 8.1 Rates and Charges: The rates and charges for electrical power, energy.arid other service provided by Idaho Power to the Hoku Facilty are identified by component in Schedule 32. The total amount to be paid by Hoku for electric service to the Hoku Fàcilty will be the sum of the components identified on Schedule 32. 8.2 Power Factor: When the Hoku Facilty's Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use for the monthly biling period, Idaho Power wil determine the Total Billng Demand by multiplying the metered demand in kilowatts by 0.95 an dividing that product by the Power Factor. 8.3 Billng and Meterng Provisions: Idaho Power wil install and maintain suitable metering equiment for each Point of Delivery so that coincident demand and energy consumption can be determined for the billng period. 8.4 First Block Contrct Demand Charge: The First Block Contract Demand Charge is fixed and is not subject to change through the Embedded Date. After the Embedded Date, the Contract Demand Charge is subject to change and revision by order of the Commission. After the Embedded Date, Idaho Power wil advocate for Commission acceptance of the ratemaking treatment for the Special Contract described in Section 3.2 above. 8.5 First Block Energy Charge: The First Block Energy Charge and Excess Energy. Charge are fixed and are not subject to change through the Embedded Date. After the Embedded Date, the Energy Charge and Excess Energy Charge are subject to change and revision by order of the Commission. After the Embedded Date, Idaho Power wil advocate for Commission acceptance of the ratemaking treatment for the Special Contract described in Section 3.2 above. 8.6 Second Block Charges: The Second Block Contract Demand Charge and the Second Block Energy Charge wil increase or decrease uniformly with any base rate change authorized by the Commission that is applicable to Idaho Powets Tariff Schedule 19T through the Embedded Date. After the Embedded Date, the Second Block Contract Demand Charge and the Second Block Energy Charge are subjec to change and revision by order of the Commission. 8.7 Power Cost Adjustment: The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) rate as defined under Idaho Power's Tari Schedule 55 wil be applied to the SeCond Block Energy only. The PCA rate wil not apply to the First Block Energy or to Excess Energy. 8.8 Conservation Program Funding Charge: The Conservation Program Funding Charge as specifed in Idaho Powets Tari Schedule 91 for Schedule 19 wil be applied to the sum of the Second Block Charges, Exces. Demand Charges, 6 ExIBIT A PAGE 6 OF 10 and Excess Energy Charges. Beginning December 1, 2011, the Conseration Program Funding Charge wil also apply to First Block Charges. 8.9 Minimum Energy Charges: Each month Hoku wil be biled for the actal metered kilowatt-hours of energy, but no less than the Minimum Biled Energy amount defined in Section 2.12. SECTION 9 - PAYMENT OF BILLS/SETTLEMENTS 9.1 Biling Data: Hoku shall pay Idaho Power for all services provided under this Agreement. Invoices for payment for elecric services shall be prepared and submitted to Hoku monthly. All invoices or bills shall contain such data as may be réasonably required to substantiate the billng. 9.2 Payment Procedure: All bils or accounts for eleclc serce owed by Hoku to Idaho Power hereunder shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days foiiowing Hoku's receipt of a bil. Payment wil be made by electronic transfer of funds. Idaho Power wil provide Hoku with current ABA routing numbers and other necesary instructions to faciltate the electronic trnsfer of funds. SECTION 10 - ACCESS TO PREMISES 10.1 During the term of this Agreement, and for a reasonable period following termination, Idaho Power shall have access to the Hoku Facility premises at all times for the purposes of reading meters; making installations, repairing and removing Interconnection Facilties and Idaho Power equipment and for other proper purpes hereunder. SECTION 11 - ASSIGNMENT 11.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, legal and personal representatives, succssors and assigns of the parties hereto. SECTION 12 - LIABILITY 12.1 Each party agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other part, its offcers, directors, and employees against and from any and all liabilty, suits, loss, damage, claims, actions, costs, and expenses of any nature, including court costs and attorney's fees, even if such suits or claims are completely groundless, as a result of injury to or death of any person or destruction, loss or damage to propert arising in any way in connection with, or related to, this Agreement, but only to the extent such injury to or death of any person or destruction, loss or damage to propert is not due to the negligence or other breach of legal duty of such other part; provided; however, that each party shall be solely responsible for claims of and payment to it employees for injuries occurrng in connection with their employment or arising out of any workan's compensation law. 12.2 Limitation of Liabilty: Neither part shall, in any event, be liable to . the other for any special, incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages such as, but not limited to, lost profits, revenue or good wil, or interest, whether such loss is based on contract, warranty, negligence, strict liabilty or otherwse. 7 ExBIT A PAGE 7 OF 10 SECTION 13 - MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACT 13.1 This Agreement may not be modifed except by wrting, duly signed by both parties hereto. SECTION 14 - COMMISSION JURISDICTION 14.1 This Agreement and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereunder, shall be subject to (1) Idaho Power's General Rules and Regulations as now or hereafter in effect and on file with the Commission and (2) to the jurisdiction and regulatory authority of the Commission and the laws of the State of Idaho. 14.2 The terms, conditions, and rates set forth in this Agreement and Schedule 32 are subject to the continuing jurisdiction of the Commission. The rates under this Agreement are subject to change and revision by order of the Commission upon a finding, supported by substantial competent evidence, that such rate change or revision is just, fair, reasonable, suffcient, nonpreferential, and nondiscrminatory. It is the parties' intention by such provision that the rate making standards to be used in making any revisions or changes in rates, and the judicial review of any revisions or changes in rates, wil be the same standards that are applicable to Idaho intrastate tarirates. . SECTION 15 - COMMISSION APPROVAL 15.1 This Agreement shall become effective upon the approval by the Commission of all terms and provisions hereof witout change or condition. 8 EXHBIT A PAGE80Fl0 . I ' ~e.e IDAHO POWER COMPANY ~~ù14-t ~~M?yy A-~5 BY ITS HQKU MATERIALS, INC. BY ITS 9 EXHIBIT A :PAGE 9 OF 10 e e IDAH POWER COMPANY BY ITS ~~ I f l ~ ., 9 EXHIBIT A PAGE 10 OF 10 -~.......,,;~c~-ft, _".0i . _......, PLEAE PAY FJOM TH E-MAl. NO QTER INOI WlL 81 se In~I'Wl HO Mals Inc. AI hin Webb Cine Ho Way~Ð83tlia~Qkurim . Dej'ënc~ ~1O'~.~DI!D8 ~uiiNC! 0¡ AingAle ~ (2Ø~ 01111002i:~Q!i.~t~i1i'~1 Sn' Coii Da St 1t 20 . . . .EffCl Peber 1, 20 lI~ Nor 80, 2018 år wl iiutnl be ra lhrær Wi l8hitè 88 pred In pi 4.1 i:~SERviE PF ADED DED ENERêY 111Q111-11131 ~1~. KW ~o KW ,Aï167- KWH 1.t~~~~ 9;.QÓ FJt Bf Conet Deen c~61,00 KWO $2.$.133,è.ò Se Bk Cotract Deman CJie 26.00 KW.$4.63 $116,160.00 Pally ~s P.ma KWG $0.870 $ ~Iy~ Dend KYe)$.5.710 . $. TOTAl DEMA $249,70.0 FI B1ci Ei'rg Cha 26,åO,èO KWH G .Ó.01e6 $1,6,41a Send Sloøk En C~-KWH~$D.o2S .Ex Er Ch -KW 0 $0.088847 $ ~Gy(PC)-KW..¡m $0,00196 $ TOTAl.ENIRGY $1,40,45'få TOTAL 1;Ni;GY ÃPEM $1.~.158.3 COSEVATIN pRoGR FUI'ING _ . s,eJaCHARGE~4.75%$ TOTAL MI0UN DUE . 1".2 'PAYMNT IS DUE 1$ DAYS fQLlOIlNG RECEPT OF INVOICE. WIRE or ACH idhO Po""mpany CHECKS~~W. Fao Ba-Re0u Name Ida Po.CoAU:.Corp Cl~ P,Q,Box447 SaI.C~.UT 8411()047 11~2011 Spai.x- HOKU.Ml . . ". '. ._-_.. .. -.- -_._'....... ..... ". ........- ..~ ...._....... ,. .. 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