HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120201Osborne Comment.pdfOsborne Jersey Farm "'.......~......................j(. ...... ....../.............ft' ....;¡!'i ,~,"" ."i'" ¡l.."... .,v ~ , RECEIV 2Ul2 FEB - T PM it: 31 ':Gem State Pride" IDAHO PUdlΡ'~'" - jI¡ UTIUTIES COMti'¡SSIOI'i February 1,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Via Hand Delivery Re: Case No. IPC-E-II-2j IN THE NfATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COiYfPANY FOR A DETERivflNA nON REGARIDNG THE FIRlv! ENERGY SALES AGREEiYfENT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COJ.vfPAiVYAND DYNAlvflS ENERGY, LLC Dear Commissioners: I have instructed my attorney, ÑIr Steele, to submit the attached objections and comments to this application. As a lifelong Idaho resident, experienced business man, and retired dairy farmer, it is my obligation to contest this proposed energy purchase. Idaho's business climate is one of the most favorable in the nation. But the Dynamis business model, if approved, wil negatively impact our local governents and the ultimate "cost" wil eventually be paid by ratepayers. I favor cost effective renewable energy for Idaho. As we are blessed with some of the greatest natural resources in the world, we pay the lowest electrc rates in the United States. The Dynaris application completely fails any reasonable economic analysis. I urge you to study the financial foundation of ths application. It canot withstand close scrutiny. Respectfully Submitted,7t~/û~~ Hubert Osborne Hubert & Charlene Osborne 4199 E. Switzer Way Nampa, Idaho 83686 Phone (~08) 467-4928 ~RUNFT &. STEELE LAW OFFICES, PLLC John L. Runft I Jon M. Steele RECEIVED 2012 fEB -I PH It: 37 I D ,t; ~"'iOF)U B L I~~ UTILITIES COMMISSION Febru 1,2012 Idaho Public Utilties Commissioners Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Via Hand Delivery Re: Case No. IPC-E-11-25 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DETERMINATION REGARIDNG THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPAN AND DYNAMIS ENERGY, LLC Dear Commssioners: On behalf of Mr. Hubert Osborne, an Idao Power cusomer, I submit the followig objections and comments concerng Cae No. IPC-E-l1-25: 1. There has ben no wae-to-energy plants built in the Unite States for the last 15 yea. See p. 83 athed. ' 2. Idaho ha no rewable energy stdads and no energy plan. See pp. 85-89 atthed. 3. In ths vacuum of leaerp Ida's cities counties and ur renewa distcts have rued to fill th void. See pp. 3-79 athed 4. Our loc governents have sp milions of dollar reg the feaibilty of tehnology th Dyams Energy LLC labls "exprienta." See pp. 17, 59,63,65,68-69, and 70 athed. runftsteele.com Phone: (208) 333-8506 Fax: (208) 343-3246 I Boise. Idaho 83702 In the Alaska Center I 1020 W. Main Street. Suite 400 I Fourth Floor 5. In June of2010 Ada County agreed to pay Dynams alos two millon dollars for the design of a trh-to-energy Prject labeled as "experienta." See pp. 17 and 23; see also, p. 42 (referrg to Ada County's purchae of the design and the sae of the design back to Dyns.) 6. The Eaern Idao Regional Solid Was Distct, whch inludes Clark, Bonneville, Madson and Fremont counties, reta Prision Systms Engineerig to anyz th Dyns Energ 3.0 theral oxidation system technology. Ths report concluded "(tlhere ar many factors in the operation of a plant ths complex tht caot be forese. For ths ren, PSE believes the EIRSWD win be expose to soe risk." In sumar th report concluded that: "Subject to thse ar of uncety and fuer suject to th detal of the informaton provide to PSE by Dyam PSE believes th the Dynams technology is feaible and ha a renable likelioo of being opeble. See, EIRSWD Was to Energ Prject, meetig of Marh 3, 201 1, PSE Independent Anysi Findigs (available online). 7. On October 17,201 I, Nampa City and the Nampa Deelopment Corpration, afer commssionig a $250,00 stdy (see pp. 61-70) were advise by McKi that th Dyns proposa wa not cost-effecve unr the recently revise PUR A power purhaing ra as set by the Idao PUC. See p. 70 atthed. 8. FERC's implementi reguations allow ths Commssion, in settg rates for purchas, to differntiat among varous tehnologies on the bais of the supply charctristcs of suh tehnologies (18 C.F.R. § 292.304c)(3Xn)) and to consider "£tlhe expete or demons reliability of the quaifyg facility." (18 C.F.R. § 292-304eX2Xn)) 9. It is virtly impossible for ths Commssion to determe th reliabilty of the Dyams teology, the economic viability or th feability of ths applicaon ba upn the rerd before the Commsson. 10. Accordig to Dyams the tehnology for ths projec is a pated process and a tre seret See, pp. 22 and 58. i 1. The applicaon conta only a gen description of th Dys technology and Idao Powe spifcay dilai rensibilty for the Dyams tehnology. 12. The application commts Dyams to deliver up to 20MW of non-intermttent energy durg heavy loa hour. Yet, the Dys contrt with Ada County addrsss interrtions or shortalls of wa deliver. See pp. 44-46. 13. In determing the avoided cost of ths application, the Commssion mus also consider the falling prices of nat gas. See pp. 80-81 athed. 14. The Commssion mus al consider the cumulative renewable power generation previously approved Idao Power could have 1,100 MW of wind- powered generation on its system in the nea term tht would exce the mium loas experience on Idao Power's system ths yea. "Cumulatively, ths amount of generation would exce any other single source of generaon - hydr, coal, na ga, or renewables - that exists on Idaho Power's systm. See p. 2 atthed. 15. A waste-to-energy facility ha thee potential sources of revenue. a. Energy saes b. Cret and renewable energ credts See pp. 31, 39 and 50. c. Tipping fee See p. 90. 16. Ada County wi not chae Dyn a tipping fee. See pp. 44 and 46. But Dynams may chage a tipping fee to thd paes (p. 46) and may reuest fees afer the intial term of the Ada County contr See p. 48. 17. The Commssion wil son be enteg additiona Dys applications. Now is the tie for th Commion to scruti the tehnlogy and the real avoided cost of ths applicaon. 18. As a negotiated price, and not a post rate, the rate to be pad Dynams is subject to objection th it is too high. 19. The Dyns avoided cost of $92.36 per MW far exce other renewable energy rates. See p. 91 20. The Dynams application will sadle Idao Power cusomers with additional costs and higher power ra. 21. The Commssion ha the rensibilty to set cost rates tht are jus and renale to Idao Power raepayers, not Dyns. 22. Ths application presents the Commssion with policy and feaibilty questons th reui a technca heag. 23. The modfied prour reuesed by Idao Power doe not see the public interes. Idaho energy policies should be addrss by our stte legislators our IPUC Commssioners and tehnca an fiancial expert. Ths application is drven by locly elected offcials with litte or no knowledge in th spialize ar who ca be eaily inuenced and who ar forcing Idao energy policy into a black hole. Mr. Osborne, on behalf of hiself and other Idao Power ratepayers, pray tht the Commission schedule a techncal heag so th the Commssion ca tae testony and evidence concerng ths application. JMS:kra Enclosurs Sources 1. Attorney Steele letter to Idao Public Utilties Commission pp. 1-2 dated December 15, 201 1 2. Attorney Steele Press Relea: Backdoor Politics: Th Ada pp. 3-5 County Commissioners an Dyis Energy, LLC 3. Attorney Steele Prss Relea: Backdor Politics: The Ada pp.6-7 County Commissioners an Dymis Energy, LLC, Chapter 2 4. Contrct for Professiona Constig Servces Beeen Ada pp. 8-34 County and Dyams Energy, LLC Wher the Fee is Actu Cost with A Guate Maxum Prce 5. Frachise Agreement Beteen Ada County and Dys pp.35-57 Energy, LLC 6. Dyns Energy 3.0 State of the Ar Technology copyrght p.58 2010 Dyams Energy, LLC 7. Cyntha Sewell, Two plans in Idaho coul tu 250 tons of p. 59 trash a day into power for 10,00 homes, Idaho Staesan Febru 15,2011 8. Cyntha Sewell, Eagle compa to build waste-to-energy plan p. 60 in Italy, Idaho Statesman, Jun 9, 2011 9. Minutes frm Speial Meetig of th Nampa Development p. 61 Corpration, Wedesy April 13,2011 10. Miutes from Speial Counil meeg, May 10,2011 pp.62-64 11. Minutes frm the Meetig of the Nampa Development pp.65-67 Corpraon, Wedesy, October 12, 2011 12. Nampa wise to look into waste power plan ida (take poll at pp. 68-69 right), Idaho Prss Tribune, May 12,201 1, htt://ww.idaopress.comJopinon/edtoriaJnapa wise to look... 13. Leer frm McKi to Nampa City Mayor, Tom Dae, p. 70 dated Ocobe 17,2011 14. Jeremy Fugleberg, Compes pla garbage-fled power pp. 71-73 plants in Wyoming, Sta Tribun, May 18,2011. 15. Dynais Energy an Planova Sign Agreement to Constrt pp.74-75 Waste-to-Energy Plans in Braz, Bral Busin Tody, October 11,201 l,htt://bralbusines einnews.comlpr _ news61266321dyn energy and planova... 16. Jeremy Fugeberg, Wyoming garbage-fled power plants pp. 76-77 move forward, Sta-Tribue, Novembe 27, 2011 17. Sven Berg, Projects Spak Discusion on Wase-To Energy pp. 78-79 Technology, Idao Falls Pos Regist, Janua 15,2012 18. Julie Johnn an Mar Chedak Electricity Declines 500ÁJ as pp. 80-81 Shale Spus Natural Gas Glut: Energy, Businesee Janua 19,2012, htt://ww.busineseek.comlnew/2012-01- 19/eleccity-declin-50-as ..... 19. Spokane Was to Energ Facilty, htt://spkae pp. 82-84 wasetonergy.comlastoEny.htm 20. Comments of Idao Power Compay to th Inte Comm pp~ 85-89 on Ene, Envirnmt an Technlogy on th Dr 2012 Idao Energy Plan 21. Tipping fee char p.90 p.9122. Compason of Renewale Energy Raes ~. . RUNFT & STEELE ~ LAW OFFICES# PLLe John L. Runft I Jon M. Sceele Deember 15, 201 1 Mr. Gene Fad Executve As Idao Public Utities Coon 472 W. Washigtn . Bois, il 83702 Mr. Rick Sterlin Sta Engee Idao Public Utiites Comssion472 W. Was Bois, ID 83702 JI HA DELIVRY Re: Cae No. IPC-E-Il-25 INTHMATlOFTHAPPLICATIONOF IDAHO POWER COMPAN FOR A DETRMATION REGARlDNG THE FIR ENERGY SAES AGREEMENT FOR THE SA AN PURCHASE OF ELETRC ENERGY BETN IDAHO POWE COMPANY AND DYNAMIS ENERGY, IL Dear Mr. Fad and Mr. Steli: I rees Mr. Hubert Osborn, an Idao Power cusmer and resident of Cayon COl.mty. Mr. Osborn an a numbe of other Idao Power customers have conc abut the abve-reference aplica Althug PUR A wa inde to encourage the developm of rewale engy teclogies as altees to th us of fossil fuls, th application is prse upn unven tehnology, goveren payment, an ta crdits. The unque characstcs of th aplicaon dierene it frm PUR A quaing facilities. The modified pro reue by Idah Power does no serve th public in Not only is th propo tehnology unroven but the frework of the entie busies modl is prem upo con1 with other public entities whch do not have the abilty to queson the repsentaons ofDyam En, LLC. runftsteele.com Phone: (208) 333-3506 I Fax: (208) 343.3246 I Boise. Idaho 83702 1n the Aluka Center I 1020 W. Main Screet. Suite 400 I Fourth Floor 1 The application stte the contact price will be a negotited prce beteen th utilty an developer. Without knowi the rae the Conusion ha no basis for deteining it to be reanable. Additonay, ths applicaton is inteed to fonnuie a model to be rete in other Idao counes. The public desees to be heard on the energy policy issu pre by ths aplication as the iss involved in ths applicaton wil afect th fu of altetive engy resour in our stae. Th Commion should reque complete tranparency and disclos of al confcts of interest Pleas plae th followig individuals on the Inerestd Pares list 1. Jon M. Steele 2. Hub Osborne jsteele($nfsteele.com blclosbomeÚÙaoI.com Idao Power's request. tht th applicaon be handled by modified prur mus be deed and a hea date scheduled. Jon M. Stele Run & Steele Law Offce, PLLC JMS:kr Cc: Huber Osborne 2 PRESS RELEASE Backdoor Politics: Th Ada County Commissioners and Dynamis Energy, LLC Why would Idaho Power agree to pay Dynamis Energy far more than any other alterative energy prvider? The Idao Public Utilties Commssion has been asked to appove a "deal" between Dynamis Energy, LLC and Idaho Power Company tht will require Idaho Power to pay Dynamis more than twce the going rate for electricity. The Dynamis electrcity is planed to be genered at a proposed trash-to-energy Project located at the Ada County landfll. Whle the public spotlight is now focused upon Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Comsioner, this boondogge orgiated with the Ada County Commssioner. Although Idaho Power has made the application to the Idaho Pulic Utiities Commission for apoval of the Dynamis "deal," a close reading of the Idaho Power paper discloses a less than enthusiasc endorsement. The garbage to energy concept sounds gren and clean and may even be techncally feasible, but it wil be expensive for Idahoan, who have enjoyed the cheaes electc rates in the Unîte States. In June of201 0 the Ada County Comssioners agreed to pay Dynmis alost 2 mion dollas for the design çf a trash-to-energy Project to be built at the Ada County landfil The prar beefit to Ada County is the possibilty of extedig the usefu life of the landfill bècase the Project will incierate garbage rather than bur it. However, une many communities, Ada County has a landfi11 th will provide solid waste disposal for roughly 70 to 100 yeas - the Hidden Hollow Landfilloff of Hil Road. In 2007 Ada County opened a new landfl section, the Nort Ravine Cell, located on 2700 acres of County-owned prper. The Nort Ravine Cell is the replacement landfi11 for the nearly ful Hidden Hollow Lanfill. In 2005, Ada County contrted with Forst Energy to bur the natu byproduct at the Hidden Hollow Landfill - gas - wbìch is used as fuel to generate electcity. Fortistar can generte roughy 3.2 mega-watts of electrcity- enough to power about 2,400 homes. In 2010 Fortar paid Ada County $260,786 for gas produced by rottg garbage which was convered to eleccity and sold to Idaho Power. Yet, the rate paid to Fortstar by Idaho Power is substtialy lower than the rate to be pad Dynamis. Dyis, acding to its website, is composed of .....a group of highly committed prfessionas that are dedicated to clean renewable energy through wase reover sysems." If thei website is to be believed, Dynis is ".. . your best source for value-drven, envionmentally sound, global turnkey wase to energy serces." Dynams owns ",..state-of-the-ar propnetar waste-to-ergy technology." Their .....patented process reduces reliance on fossil fuels, 3 deces harl emssions and provides numerus immeasurable long-ter benefits, cleag a new path toward asustainable and cleaner world." Who can arge with that? In June of2010 Ada County Comissioner Fred Tilman, Sharon M.Ullian and Rick Yzaguir took it upon themselves to sign a contract with Dynams wluch says that Dynis wil design". .. a 250 ton per day waste to energy faciity. .." refered to as the Project. The Dynamis website states that ... "(0 )ne of our 250 ton per day plants produces on average 15 megawatts, which means in theory we can provide power for 14,000 homes." (emphasis added). Betwee July 15 and December 17, 2011, Ada County paid Dyns almost 2 milion dollars. These payments were for the design of the Project. None of these payments purhased any materal or labor or permts that wil be requied to buid the Project. The Dynams. contract does not guantee that the waste to energy Project wil work or even tht the waste to energy Project wil probably work. Rather, the contract states that the alost 2 milion dollar Project design is based upon "exeriental technologies" and th af review of the Projec design Ada County ". . .may not wat to proceed" On November 1, 2011 the Ada Count Comsioners enter into a second agreement with Dys. This time, however, Commsioner Vern Bisterfeldt refued to go along, but majority rued. This ageement alows Dynams to finace the Project, build it, own it, an operate a 54,400 sque foot plant costing $60,000,000 on County land for $1 a year. The County wil deliver 408 tons of wase daly to Dyn at no chge. Dynams wil conver the tras to elecicity whch it plans to sell to Idao Power, which brigs us back to the Idao Power application before the Idaho Public Utilties Comsion. Energy law requies Idaho Power to contrt with Dynams, but not at an inflated pnce which will ultiately be paid by Idaho Power cutomers. This "deal" favors Dynas over Idao Power customers. While science and technology make the Dynams prject possible, science and technology have not mae the Dynamis prject economically feasible. The Ada County Commissioners' rush to contr with Dynams left little tie for any anysis. The drvig forces behid the ru to contract wer governent payments, tax incetives about to expir, and cash. Approval of ths "deal" wil open the flood gates. The Dynams "deal" is based.upon a frchise business model designed to be repeated over and over again with local governents who ar lured into approval by the "clean and green" mantra and the possibilty of ecnomic grwt. Any opposition to the Idao Power application before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ru the nsk of being labeled as anti~clean. anti~gree, and anti-environment But thes are not the issues to be decided. The rea issu is whether we sadde the next generation of Idahoans with obligations that are not ecnomically feasible. The simple question is: Why would Idao Power agee to pay Dynamis far more than any other alternative energy provider? 4 The Idao Public Utiities Commssion is tag comment on the Dyam "deal" though Februry 2,2012. Coents ar acceted via e-mai by accessing the Commssion's homepage at ww.puc.idaho.gov and clickig on "Comments & Queons About a Case." Fil in the cae numbe (IPC-E-11-25) and enter your comments. Comments can al be mailed to P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074 or faxed to (208) 334-3762. Be sue to join the list of "Intereste Paries." The public's only opportnity to expres views on the Dynams "deal" is to submit comments before Febru 2. As of today, ther will be no public hearng for you to attend. Our Pulic Utity Commssoner will read and respect your comments, but only if you beat the Febrary 2 deadline. The full text of the Comission's order in this application, along with other docuents related to ths cas, are avaiable on the Commission's Web site at ww.puc.idaho.gov.Click on "File Room" and then on l'Elecc Cases" an scroll down to the above cae numer. The Ada County Commssioner can be reached at (208) 287-7000. Jon M. Steele Run & Stele Law Offces, PLLC 1020 W. Main St. Ste 400 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 333-9495 5 PRESS RELEASE Backdoor Politics: Ada County Commissioners an Dynamis Energy, LLC Chapter 2 We are all in favor of renewable energy. We favor renewable energy so much that our lawmakers have made it a favored industr. If it's renewable a project receives favorable press, tax statUs, and alI the benefits our lawmakers can dole out. Unforttely, some lawmaker do not know how to idenfy a renewable energy project. The theory behind renewable energy is to encourage clea energy like solar, wid, biomass, geotheral, and landfill gas generors. Typicaly these altertive or renewable energy projects must spend a signfiçant amount of tie and money securig and analyzg the motive force that leads t9 the generation of electncity before they commt to project contracts. The Dyams projec skips the " analysis phase and goes straight to the project contracs. Should the Idaho Public Utilities Co~ssion approve ths "deal" between Dynamis Energy, LLC and Idaho Power Company it would be signng off on technology that has no operational hiory anywhere in the world. The garbagebusess has become big business. The Dynams project, in the reewable energy árena, is huge. Dynamis projects the cost at $60,000,000. Idao Power is obligated by federal energy law to offer to puchase the electrcity that may be generated by the Qyarnis ''pojec,'' even though Idao Power is choking on renewable energy prjects. They have enough wi generation contract in the works to exceed any other . single sour of generation - hydro, coal, natural gas or renewables - that exsts on. Idaho Powers' systems. Ths bQOndoggle assumes the technology wil work. But Dynams has not made that promise to anyone. .In fact, according to Dyns, the technology is "experimental." Idaho Power disclaims any responsibility for the Dynamis technology. The Dynamis "sales pitch" is"that using their "expermental technology" garbage wi not have to be pretreated, sorted or shedç. The problem with the sales pitch is that garage contais "biogenic" materal, such as paper. yard trgs and food waste and "non-biogenic" materal like plastics, rubber, and metals. Incinerating the biogenic materals is good. But incinertig the non-biogenc materals is bad. The non-biogenc materials are considered the same as burning fossil fuels, like coal. Ou Idaho Public Utility Commîssion should take another look at the Dynamis projec. Oter states, like Arizonå, are stggg with the question of wheter trash to energy is a reewable energy source. The Dynamis sales pitch works.' Ada County handed over almost 2 milion dollar and signed a sweetea dea leasing propert to Dynams for 20 yea at $1 a yea. 6 Last week Bonnevile, Madison, Clar and Fremont Counties signed up for the same sweethear deal for $15,000 each. Nampa passed on the sales pitch afer commsionig a $250,000 study. It's time to brng ths boondogge to a halt. The Idaho Public Utilties Commission is takng comment on the Dys "dea" though Februar 2, 2012. Comments are accepted via e-mal by accessing the Commission's homepage at www.puc.idaho.gov and clicking on "Comments & Quesons About a Case." Fil in the case number (iC-E-1l-25) and enter your comments. Comments ca also be maied to P.O. Box 83720, Boise, il 83720-0074 or faxed to (208) 334-3762. The public's only opportnity to express views on the Dynis ~'deal" is to submit comments before Feb:aar 2. As of today, there will be no public hear for you to attd. Our Public Utilty Commissioners wil reOO: and resect your comments, but only if you beat the February 2 deadline. The full text of the Comiission':s order in ths applicaon, along with other docuents related to ths cae, are avaiable on the Commission's Web site atwww.puc.idaho.gov.Click on ''File Room" and then on '~lecc Cases" and scroll down to the above cae number. Be sue to list yourself on the" Inested .eares" list and you wil receive copies of futue filings in this case. The Ada County Commssioner can be reached at (208) 287-7000. Commssioner Vern Bistereldt ha opposed the Dynis deaL. Jon M. Steele Runft & Steele Law Offces, PLLC i 020 W. Man Sl Ste 400 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 333-9495 7 .. . . _. ----..-.---------..-... . .... . .._. -_..._. i i AGRBNO. ?9 5'a CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND DYNAMIS ENERGY, LLC WHERE THE FEElS ACTUAL COST WITH A GUARTEED MAXIMUM PRICE ADA COUNTY WASTE TO ENERGY PROJECT i-":8 I. II. Ill iv. v. VI VI VI IX x. XI. XI. XI. XI. xv. XV 2 TABLE OF CONTENS REPRESENTATIONS AND WARNTS ........._.__............_...... 1 PRLINARY CONSUTATION, EXINATION, AND REPORT OF OWNER'S CRlERI............................................. i PRELIMNARY DESIGN AN PRICE ESTIMATE ........................... 3 DESIGN FOR CONSmUClION ............................................................. 4 PRCE ESTMA TES t...................................................................:..........u 5 DUTIES DURG BIDDING AN NEGOTIATION ........_.................5 DUTS, OBLIGATIONS, AN REPONSmILITIE DU'G CONSTRUCTION ..IM........li................................................... 5 INE.Y ............~......~..,..............................¡,.......,.............._............ 5 SCDULE........".,.................................................................................. 6 PERSO'NL............................................................................................ 6 PAYMNTS ........"..............".....................l'l..................It.."_......,............. 7 PROJECT RECORD AVAIABILITY AND REENION .........._..9 DUTS, OBLIGATIONS, AN REPONSmlLITIS OF TI OWNER...............................,......................"................"........ 10 MPLIC.ALE LAW .............................................................................. 13 OWNERSHI OF TH CONTRACl DOCUMNTS .............._.......14 SUCCESORS .A ASSIGNS............................................................... 14 Jg XVI. XV. XI xx 3 NO TH PARTY BENEFICIES ................................................., 14 INSURCE .................................~....'l ...."..........................................".... 15 TE.RINATION ..........H....................,".....................................................l 15 ENTI AGREEl\NT ............................................._.......................... 16 íi i 10 AGRET NO. CONTRCT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWNERAND DYNAMS ENERGY, LLC TWS CON¡CT FOR PROFEONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWNR AN CONSULTAN (th "Contrct) is made an enterd into by Ad Cowity, a duy for an exsting county pu to th law and Contituion of the Stat ofIda, (thIlOwer) and Dyamis Energ, LLC, an Idao Limited Liabiity Compa (th "Coulta"). Th prfessional seices requi by this Contrct are to be redeed for a design of a 250 to pe day wate to energy facili1. at th Hidde Honow sata Lanll (thuProjec"). NOW, THORE, in consideraton of the mutu prmies, cots, an agrts sta herin, and for ot go. and valuable coidetion, the sufcienc of which is heby ackwledge, the Ower an th Cosultan agre: ARTICLEL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARIES By executi this. Contrct. the Conulta mak the following exp reon and waanti to th Ower A. The Constat wi be prfessionally quaified to ac in whateer caity requid for th Proect an lied to prctice in tht capaity by all pulic entities having jurdion over the Consult an the Projec; B. The Consultat shal ma all necessar licenes. pets, or oth auorizaon necessar to ac as Conslta for the Projec until the Contat's duti heeu have ben fully satified; c. Th ConsuJtat has bee failar wi an exine th Project site, faci1ti~ exg stn and the local condions under which the Project is to be desiged, cotrcted, and.operated; D. Th Consultat shll pr all doumen and ites reqir by ths Cotrct inlud but not limit to, degn. advce re, neds asseents an all CONTCT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVlCES BETWE OWN AND DYNAM ENGY, LLC. PAGE i ï I i i¡ 1 contract pla and specifications. Such docuen and items shan be accat, coordùed, adequate for consction, suffcient to accomplish the puoses of the Proeet, and shal be in confoimity an comply with all applicable. laws, codes, and regulations. E. Th Conultat assumes ful reponsibilty to th OW for the imprper ac anor omsion (excluding intetion act) of its consultats or othe emloyed or reted by the Conultant in conecon with the Prject, but not fo acts and omissions expesly dircted by the Ower; and F. Conltat shal promptl not Ower of an matenal chge in Consultat's duties for the Projec ARTICLED. PRELINARY CONSULTATION, EXAATION,.AN REPORT OF OWN'S CRERI Ow shal nam a liaison for the Prect. Prior to the primion of the Prlimina Degn as requird by Aricle ni below. tbe Conulta shall firt colt in detal wi the Ower and shan cafully exine any inormtion provided by the Ower coceing 1he Owers puse, concep, desir~ exti faclites, an requireen (the ItOwr's Crte"), includig, but not lid to, th Prelim Ower's Cntea athed here as Ex "B" an any design, constrction, scheing, budg, or operational Projec nee, retrction~ or requiren. Followng such exam the Conultt shl prepar an submit to the Ower a wrtten rep detilig the Consultas undedi of th Owets Critera and identifYng an deign conscton sche budget, op~ or oter prblem or remmndations which may result trm th Ows Critera. The re shall contain a prlina Mate Schedule containg bot a design an costction schede. Th wrtten report of the Coultat sh also include proposed soluton if approprte, addrsi eachar such identified problem. Ow shll re th rep wi the Cosultat in a tiely man. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEENÖWN AN DYNAMS ENGY. LL . PAGE 2 .~I i I J2 6' i ARTICLEIU. PRELIMNARY DESIGN Aft reviewng wit the Ower the wrtten reor reird by Arcle II abve, agreeing upon any proed solutions to identified problems reulting frm the Owners Critera, and in accorce with Aricle IX herof, the Consultan shl dr and submit to the Ower a Prelimin Design for the Prject. Th Prelimina Design shalJ be constent with th Owets Cntera, as, an it modified an shall include al of the followg ta whch aply: A. Prelim pla that deict as appropte, each of th basic aspec of the Prject ineludin& but not nesa1y limited to, the size, locaion an dimion of each st machi~ and component; B. Prliminai plas which depict each exerior view of ea ste, mahie, and component; C. A floor pla for each pad and. cover strtu wit the Projec.and the dimenon thereof, D. Written prelim specificaions, togeter with preliminar plans, if and as necessar or. usfu to the Ow, of the arhitectura eleccal, mechaical geoechca, hyrological, sial, engineerng and, if relevant, other sytem to be inra in the Projec E. A site anaysis of cobuting COty waste strms and environmental coditions, as reuired to complete pargrhs G an H of this Aricle and Coultant's tas desc'b in Aricle IV; F. Idefy exteral utilities, perts, and licenes nesar for plant constnction as rered to colet pagraphs G and H of this Arcle an Consutat's tass des"b in Arcle IV below; G. Develop and submit the Prelimai Engieerng Pla (PER) for th Project to State ofIdao Deparen ofEnviroental Quit; H. Deelopment and submittl of Air Quality Models assocated with the Project to Sttc ofIdao Depaent of Environental Quaity; CONTCT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWN AND DYNS ENGY, LLC.. PAGE 3 ii--13 71 ! ¡ 1. A wrtten description of the equipment and mater to be specified for th Project and the location of same; and 1. Any other douments or thgs necessar or approprte to decribe and depict the Prlim Design and the coonnty of sae with the Ownerls Cnteria (as, and if, modifid as se for above) for the Project. ARTICLE IV. DESIGN FOR CONSTRUCTION Upon wrtten diction frm th Ower, af revewg with the Ower th Prlimin Design requied by Arcle il above, an after incorating any changes or altetins auon or directd by the Ower with resect to the Prmina Deign or wit respect to the Owers Critea, as, and it modifed and in accordce with Arcle IX hereof, the Conulta shall drft and submit to the Ower the Degn for Conston. The Desgn for Contron and Consultan's ta sh include, but shall not necsary be liited to: A. Pla an specfications which descrbe with specicity all sy, element, dei1~ copos, matels, equipment, an oth infonation neessai forconstrti; B. The Desig for Cotrction sha be accue, coordina, and in aU resp adua for costction and shall be in conforit, an com, with all applile law. code, and regulaton; C. Prdu, equipnt and materils sped for us shall be readily available uness wrtt authortionto the contar is given by the Ower D. In prarg the Design for Constron, the Conultat shll retain an exerence, qualified geecical consult to evalua al geotechca cosidertions relatg to th deign and concton of the Project The Consulta shll be reonsible fo designing th Project in accan wi the anes an recommendation of its geotechnca cosulta E. Cosulta shall prepar and submit the Final Engineerg Plan for the Project to State of Idao Deparent of Environmental Quality in order to reive a conston pet for Project; CONTRCT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWNR AND DYNAMIS ENRGY, LLC. PAGE 4 '4 8: F. Consultant shall submit constrction penits to Ada Cou Deelopment Serices Deparent; and G. Consultat shall complete a Power Interconnection Imac Study. '" ARTICL:EV. (RSERVED) ARTICLEVL (RESERVED) ARTICLE VI. (RSERVED) ARTICLEVDL INEMNITY A. In the event the Ower is alleged to be liable in an ma, as a reult of acts, omissions, or negligece of Consultat, the Cosultat shal indet) and hold the Ower haes from and agast all liabilty, clams, loss, cos and expses aning out of, or reultig fr th serices of the. Consltt. In the evet th Ow is alleged to be liable on acount of aleged acts omssions, or negigence or all the (3), of the Cont, the Consultat sha defend such allegaons thoug col chen by th Ow an th Cotat shall bear al costs fee, and expenes of such defene, inclug, but not limited to, aU attorey fees and exp, cou cos, and ex wiess fees and exse; ! i l, , I ~ ! ¡ ~5 B. In the event the Colta is alleged to be liable in an maer, as a resut of acts, omissions, or negence of Owner, th Ower shall indin an hold the Cota hares fr an agains all liabilty, clams loss. cosSt and expenes aring out of; or resultig fr the actons of the Ower. In th event the Consultat is alleged to be liable on account of alleged acts, omissions or negügence, or an the (3), of the Ower, the Ower shal defend such allegatons thugh counl chosen by the Consulta and the Ower shl bea all cos, fees, and expen of such defen including, but not limite to, aU atorn fee and expenses, cou co, and expert witnes fees and expeses; and CONTCl FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEN OWN AND DYNAMS ENERGY, LLC. PAGE S 91 C. In case of negigence or willfu miscondct of both the Consulta and the Ower, or their employees or agents, all costs and fees, including but not li to sttorney fees expenes, cour costs, exert witness fee~ and expens, shall be appooned betee Consulta and Ower accoding to the relative degr of negligence or miscondut with the right of indeity applyig to such proporton. ARTICLEix. SCHDULE Tune is of the essence in the perforce of this Contr. Th scedle of peomiance of Conulta shall be as provide in Exbit C. Such sce, approved by the Ower, shall constitute the schedule for perorce of its dut hereun by the Consulta ARTICLEX. ! I i I ¡ PERSONNEL The Consultat shall assign only qualified personnel to per any serice cong th Projec. At th ti of execution of ths Contrct, the pares ancipa that the followin named individuals will peror those functons indicate: NAM FUCTION Rom Kolb EngiY of Recor ChaArss Cosulting. Engineer DQYe~an Civil Engier So lon as th individuals nad. above remai actively employed or reted by th Consltat, th shall peronn the fuction indicated next to thir names, subject to Ower)s continued reasonable approvaL. I l I .J CONTRCT FOR PROFESIONAL SERVICES BETW OWNR AND DYNAMIS ENRGY. LLC . PAGE 6 ARTICLE XI. PAYMNTS For its assumption and performance of the dutes, obligations, and responsibilities se fort hern, the ConsuJtant shall be paid as follos: A. The Cosultat shal be paid for those serces requied by tl Contr the actl co of seices and expeses decrbed in section C of this Arcle XI, bu in all events not to ex One Millon Nine Hundr Eighty-Seven Thousan Five Hun and no/I 00. DolJar ($1,987,500.00) the Guaranteed Maimwn Price, and provided fuer that act cos paid by Ow wil not exceed the follow dra schedle: July 15,2010 5150,000.00 July 31, 2010 $150,000.00 Augu 31, 2010 $500,000.00 Seember 30, 2010 $500,000.00 Dec 17,2010 $343,750.00 Consultat wiD maintain acoun records in accordane with genrally accepted accoung prciles and pratices. to . substntiate all invoiced amounts. These recods win be available to Owner dug Consultats norm business hous for a peiod of one (I) yea after Consultansfina invoice. Dur that year and theraf, Consultat's records wil be acesible in aceordawith applicable law; B. For the assumption an pe of any duties, obligations, an resposibilties oth than those serics contelated by ths Contr, provided same are fir auor in wrtig by the Ower, the Constat shall be paid as follow: Roger Kob (g $350 pe hour Chas Ars ~ $270 pe hour Doyle Pergande (j 27Q per Ogy: C. Authed Act Costs: Consltan sh be entled to receive payment for the actu cost of the materals and serces descnbed in this Secion X.C and may include ther a map not to exceed 10% to cover overhead and profi, but prvide hower, that Ower shall pa all govement permits and fees diectl with no map addedther: CONTCT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETEN OWNR AND DYNAM ENGY. LL - PAGE 7 -.. 1°1 I I i ! I J7 -111 i i. Printig and reproduction of plans. specifications, and other wrtis or thing; 2. Wages paid for labor in the direct employ of Consultat pride by Consultat for design of the Project; 3. Cost of employee benfits and taxes including but not limite to worker's compenation, unemployen compenation socia secty, health inance and other fringe benefits as reqire by law; 4. Tranporon co reonaly relate to desig of the Prject an apped by Owner in adance; 5. The.coof matialsand suplies incororated into the contrct docuents; 6. The cost of payments to subcontrctrs for work peronedin the deign of th Project; . 7. Perit, fees, licenes test and royalties -requied to complet the scope of serviQe descrbed in the Owner's Criteia as it may be fuher refined in the course of completig the Prject; R.The prum cosL if any, of a peformance bond in the amount of not les than 95% of the Guaranteed Maum Price; and 9. Cots dirtly InCUdbyConsulta in th deign .of the Projec which ar reasonbly inferable frm the Contrt Docuents. On coditon that Consultant obtain a performance bond in the amoun of at lea 95%. of the Guaaneed Maxum Pric Consultant shall be able to add a makup of not more th 15% of the materials and seices described in th Secon XI.C with the excepton that no markup shall be allowed on the cost of the performan bond nor on govementaperits and fee, which .owner shall pay directly. D. If the Cosultat's duties obligations, an resonsibilties are matenay chnged thugh no fault of the Consltat after exection of this Contra and notce has be provided pursant to Pargrh I.F above, compon due to the Consultant shl be equitably adjusted. either upwa or downward; E. As a condition .precedent for any paymen due uner this Aricle XI, the Coultan sha submit at lea once per month. but not more often th fJery two wee. uness oteiwise agred in wrng by the Ower, an invoice to the Ower requestg CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWNR AND DYNAMIS . ENGY, LLC - PAGE 8 !i .-t 121 payent for th ac cost of serices properJyrended and exenes due herder. Th Consultat's invoice shall descrbe with reaonable parculaty each serce rendered, the date .ther( th time exded if such serices were.rendered puuant to Paragrph XI.B, XI.Cor XID herinove, and the per(s) reerig such serce. The Consultas invoice shal be accoed by such documentation or data in suppor of expenes for whih pat is sought as the Owner may reqUir. Each invoice sh bear the sigtu of tlConsltt, which signtue shall contitu the Cosultat's resetion to th Ow th the serces indicated in the invoice have reched the level state have ben proerly añd. tiely perormed as required herin, that the expenses inclued in the inoice have bee reably incur in accce with ths Cotrct th al obligaton of th Consultat coered by pror invoies have bee paid in ful, an that th amout reuested is aiently du and .owi ther being no reon kn to the Consulta "th payment or any porton therof should be witheld. Submission of the Consultats invoice for fil paym shal furter constte the Consuta's reresentation to .the Owner that, up recipt by th Owner of the amount invoiced, allobligations of the Conultat to other. iriludng its cosultants, incud in coection With the Project will be pad in fu;. I F. In the went that the Ower bemes credibly infored that any reentaion .of th Consultant asset for mParagrh XI.E -ae wholly or paly inccuat, the Owner ma withold payen Df sus thn or .in th futu ote due to the Consultat, to thevalueofdieinaccy~ until the inac, and the cause therf; is coct to the Owers reasonable satisfcton; and G. The Ower shal mae paymt to the Consultat of all sus pry invoiced æder th provisions of this. Arcle XL witbintb (30) .days of the Owers receipt of suc invoice. If such payment is no made with th (30) days, interest at th rate of .75% pe month will.be pad, coputed on the outsding'balance. ARTICLEXIL PROJECT RECORD AVAILABILITY AN RETENTION I i I A. AU records relati in any mar whaoeve to the . Prjec or any deignate poon th( which ar in th possession of the .Consltator th Conulta's cootan, shll :be made available .to th Ow for incton and copyg upon wrtten request of the Ower. Additionally, said reds shall be mae avable, upon re by the Owner, to any stte, federl, or other regulatory authories .and an suc autontymay review, in an co such records. Said reords includ, but ar not limite to~ al plans çecifions, submittls, coresdence~ minutes, memorada, tape recdigs, vid~ or othr wrtigs or thgs which docment the Project and its design Said recods ¡ i i I i I H!I ! CONTCT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWNR AN DYNAMS ENERGY, LLC - PAGE'9 , ! 19 . .._.. .. .:--. - - .... ._. '-1 31 I Ii, ¡ .exrelyinlud thos documents rel1ecngthe time .eKpended by the Conltat and its peoielin :peforg the obligations of thisConttand the recors of exens incurd :by :te Consultt:inits peromianceunde :said Contrt. The Conultant shH matainan :protect these reçors for:no less than six (6) yea .aftsubstatial 'completion of:th PrQject .or for any longer per04.of fimeas may be .requiredhy applicable law ,or good engineeng ptce; an ARTICLE XIII. I : i : i. i : I .: I ¡ .B. All public reords .relati in .a maner whatsoever :t ,th Prjec or :an ,deignted pomon :tereof, that are ;in :te posseion of the :Own, 'shal be made avaiable to ihe .consultat for inection and copying upon wrtten :requet ,of-the Constat DUTIES, OBLIGATIONS, AND REPONSIBILITI OF TH OWN A. The Owner 'shalprovíde theConslt with the Owner's Critera; G. The Owner'shal pefon its duties se fort in ths Arcle in a tiely ma d ; I , i i. i, ;1 i ii : I.11.1 ! I I , i I B. The Ow shall revew ,any docents pridebyor:though the Coultatxeuiing the Ownsdecsionan shU :make an irequd decisions; C. The Qiver shan, :at its ow 'expese funìsha kgal tlptionand .any .necessuey 'Of the :reil !propertupn whidi the Pr.oject is situated 0. lResedJ E. IResedJ r.Th Owner shlafor the 'Coosultantaccessto the Prjec site as may be :renably :neces for th :Consultat to ;prope peror its services:Uset ,the Contract Doents; and H. Except for documents :reqlir the Owner's decon :Bsset fGrt in Paragrh X1U.B ,above, the Owers 'leiewofanydoents prepar by the Conult :or .its COJ'ulta sh be solely for th pue of 'deteing Wheter s.uèh documents are geerUyconsistent with ,the Owers 'Cnteria. as, 'and it: modified. No review :of such CONTRCT ,FOR PROFSSIONAL SERVICES BETWEN OWNER AN DYNAMS ENEGY,LLC - PAGE 10 ! 1 '-'20 ,dOQts sha ,reliev ~eConuJ:tat of its reponibilty for the accu~~ adeu.acy, fitn) suítility~ ,or :codinon ,'Of it work proct. ARTICL'E,XlV. ,APPUCAE LAW 'The Ja ~ppliable to ths ,Cotiac ú ihereby ,agreed to ¡be the la of the estae :wer :the lt~jec is 'sitte Aay -eøtrRrsy or .:àlai ,:asin _ of or ;f,elatÍgito ths 'Cotrct or ;bth therf: mut he fi -sômittd 10 meation :by a mediator mut.y acceptable to th ¡pames Gd, if not ,relv.c4 ¡ay medaton" ma)' h.e liàl~y .determined ¡by litigaion. AAy .aon àudl íb ille.d in føiu.DisetCau it Ada Coutyt lâalo. ARTJCLEXV.. :-OWNERIP OFTIl CONTCT .ÐOCUM'lS A. 'Contract Docunts. i~ -The Prliar Report !Pltût iDelgn Des~gn for Co.tion :ad.iotCøt Da.cts Gccllka1ly iincãing,bt ilt lim .,to ihose ,doen plas .a lists ,described ~n £xii '''B;it Mi1 be.cøe ;a :be ¡the :sole ~ 9f di th. 'The (COJtat may main tam ~.Q'pies therf for its a:r4 .u.d for it ii pmessíonal .:eeavnts. 'Th Ower :a the Consuta ;~gr 11 ,¡lam1irá~ ~cerin.g ,ø. desgn wotk piear for the ¡Prtieç .mcludi ¡but lDØt li to, ~, plans ;and .¥Cifcaons an 'Oer 'Contract Doc~l ls w.o ma for~,:a ;all intetl ¡pro:r m ¡Slh wo,theior ¥cst.i th .Ower:at ui tie ,of ¡thei æmpetOß ;irk aaiæoo.'sicl :areø. WQ is not ,COer ,awot mad _lire under ap.Palie Uw, :in ,c.cmdeæiøn foithe ptomies an ;QllÆats ,contaed in this Con !the Cotat ,do hei se117 ilSSig., ;ad !ter to Ower~ its 'successor andasrgis, at 1b tie .of æmietio~ th en_.rgh tie an int ii ad to ite cagbt in th engiri.- ,4eign anà :aèhwork 'an :a ~atiøns :ad \Copyght i8licaton te1æm,g Jher:an any miewa1:an exensions ,thre 2. Th Contret Doents 'ar l10t intended ~ ife Colta for iise \On oter projects ¡b.y,tJ Owner.o :Oera. ..AlY:r ¡by 1le Ow:or by ,thro paes witut -lle wrtt ç,proval of lhe Consultan .ghd be 'at jie :salerik ,onlie Ow :and ll OwnShatl indeify ad S8¥ehmness 1le Coulta fr .an .and .$ liøbil~, cost iêai, 4aes, loses, :and ,ex,enses inctudi~g~atey fee ms.ÏIg out ,of, ,or C.QN FORPWFBSSONAL SERVICES BETWOWNRAN DYNAMS ENGY,LLC - PAGE i 1 ._- -Hi :1 l 1l:¡ I, i I, i _ i. i : I : I I." ,I I i 1 15! ! I :reu1~g ftm,such reuse; pridd. however, that itis Contct ,to )indfYand :save liless shall ¡not :app~y to an reuse ,of docwents xetaied by, or tbgh .a 'contct obtaned :by Ower to .mmplete 'the 'Cnstnetion .mi instaUaton cf the Prject. B. ¡Consultat:sreclo1ogy. ;1 Ownhip 9:f lnte'leot Prqp& Notwithtag it .,ownpof it Contrct Doats ,set fort ;m ,Arcle 1S" Ower :ac1æledges :the proriet ,:t Coitant bas ¡in Consultant's Techo~. "'Csidtant"es 'Teelagy" :Shl )me patet ~ghts mow.¡1iow, ltde secret, 'invetion proc.,sse, loulas meto.doogies :ad..any .c~~ted maâls, wJieier tO not pattale, necear a ,tletù tor :te maufctu lise, or :sale of pm that ;a .cov.e iby ~a y,aii da ;of one ¡or moe issued, 'exie~ ,or une.e4 patets ltted for \1e Witi iO 00 lhe Dyaiis .1.,0 waste..to..eiergy1echnò.io,g~ Ower ;ape l1at Consuta owns ¡aU rit, tile" ,and ':Íes in :an to iColtat":s Tedolagy,an ~ierovemeitB itr., as øfithe 4a of conception, to 'Coltt:s1'~èbnt0B.1 ad :à in1leet1t pr.pem ilgbts \teij pr-e'ded ibweer, :suc amthd ewns1ip .sba :not interfer 'with Own''S :Oerip ,of the ,Cootrct Do.cuei ,acqu fin ~SeiQr x. VA ,l):tl fr ¡use øfée '1~d1o.æ iLicense¡granted ;înSecton X;V.8.2ihei. 2 ljcese. C.oaUitat .bere~y ¡gr. IS it Owne an ,exckiv.~ ,er 'Íitvocabte, &I1J paid-up. røalty4ìtee, right :and. 1Jense te me .Conlilta'.s 'Teëølegyas ;eonèJ in 4ie ,Contract Docuen (the ~Teclolqg Licæsery. for uti:izmg :suCh to ,devélop .il Prec lI it idemi :appraprate. Juy ~iicese teA d ,.1.::.. iS "". 'V'T ,n '. ..&..., ,L_ it.:~,._JI ..~ ,. ct ~i:"". ,,,1.gr.a.14 ,un. er '.iIWI , e"",olonA;¥,.i~ -:kÙ'l \u :CIIUllu.u :l aIY ,ooJe.. uwm~s i.e Consultant's ':fecbilogy cotaied m 6e ¡COJct Documents to be 4ev.elop.eì ,at ,the Ow~s Hidden Hollow :Santa Laadti1'.Th PRes ;qrthat:an ~;ieeD iteclog grted herby wUl inot be ticd in mty ,other 1mnte:Of :fer 8l9 ,:ohe;l ..!ioeo.ns. .3li2iice ,gf ¥idlation. Ower agrees lO pt,otntly Mtfy !te Consultant in wrting 'Of :ay mfn.gement ior Glsappropraton :o claim '.of inft,gement .of ;third ¡par dghts in r-espet.øf;ay of 'Consultat~s 'Techology !relate to the !Ueens.e issued heieiii (to Whêh Owi becomes awaiean wiU piori4e:the Cor.sulan wi :aiq and :a:11 evidene in its ¡possession, if ;any, .ofsuch inmngcmtori' m~ppmpon. I i: i I : I ¡, . ! 4- D:q -of COQPeratioo. ik;te eYt ,of ay infrgeen:O misçprêlon .or claim ,of iinfr,gement øl 1ltd pa rlghts in æsedof lhc. cønu:it8t~s TedQlogy, the 'U01il-tan wtll JÀIw-e \the irgbt it det Jln :appioJriat 'C0W' . !,. , ! CON'CTf10R PROFESONALSER:ViæS BiEN;(¡)WNERAND DmA:MI lERG, LLC - PAGE 12 ~.,, . . ¡ ¡ 42 16j I of .acoo to enow ,Of -defen Coultat's 'Techology .or ;othere abate the 1nmngeent ,of ,mi~pprpriatin theret, to tae (or refrain frm tain) ap,prl)rlte 'acon :t ence or iie:fend 'CQnsultat~.g Technology, :aii, in ¡the even tht 1h ConsuLtant .elec to tak' acton, ito \Contrl .any imgaíon or ;Øtber et,forcemeit ,aeion~ ¡to -ent lnto ,or ;pit the :setemen ,of any 'such litigaon 'O! .any ,oter ie.irme :aon .,it :reeo to Ca11ltant:s 'fechnol~gy, æid tø l,ec¥e an xet any monetai daa.ges. :seteneit, tQalties ;Ø :other ,reçover :aring &om :sue ¡itgation ør .oth .efoit. ,acion. Owner wiD. use !leaable effø: to ;coa.er.e wjlh ;the Cønsùltat atite COns1Úta'.g :epene, in :any littption ,or Jcnfr.einnt .acti under (bis :&econ X.V.B.4'an Owner Mil join as;a pa 10 MY such ¡Iittgationor nth ;enor£ent ael1on;as eqUi by taw at \tb 'Coiltant',s ;s ~expcne. :Consultat :shd inemn!f :and høld baless Owner iagamst .:ay æici :àli losses .ai!\gout ,of m m ~lation to (ì) ¡any :stl l'~, .' :1 rl.. ri l d ("'\ n.._ ~.... ~1" +.,..~y__..mi '.v. ¡~1 'VM'ner 10 ,-ul'lSl:itlt ,an. '. H: 'Vwet JO'lllIt as ,a l'''.1 ¡w ;suøh liígeOlM ,other eiitOcemt '.on, Wheh lasses may ¡Del. without 11mltafion" ,payment by .Ower of æf ;f pat legal :costs :as :1 I'sutt 'cif Owner .joiÐ.g:JS ;a,.a io.sèh fiû:ption ueneit :ac.øn C.. JPt :a C1i P.rvlSio. Ownr :and Coaùlt :agr 'ji th deSiøi .øfib Piectim.!teCon ;Jocumen uea ~y it COOtm :a~ta ~hii~gíes. Ow af ie an :at .!i 4iscæøn ma not w.t . ¡to . ¡pø..ed ~it1 p.uni and ii~ ",the 'Prje. Constat, after iitiew ,aM 1m ¡its dioroll ~ want it ¡pDCee4 iÎB th. åbse :fAr Ow's decisin ita preed Owner and Consulta therfo eaer into a iml1y 1Iv.àilale ¡pm :aid .eál! l.P.t 9.je.Ower may cqu. :at ii discreton Conlìltat 1' purdas th Cotmet Døents and lheT-eolQly Uce ifm Ow (~1h ""ht Opon' ¡at ¡the agi ~po !Put Option .Nee. The P;J Optio 'shall he iapo 'Compldi 'or tea iof:1is ()trac( wlli~ 'occur 's.ooer, ad 'sWtI :eGiiiiue for a ¡period ¡of36:S days lheiatter (t "?ut ()ptøn Pdii. tu :tir) th ¡Put Qpion is ,exercised :or;Q) Constlumt ,exses .4 ¡pcron 'unde;t iC Option. The Piut Qptitm Peiød may be ~ded upon mutal =Nieet of !tpar i. fut opt!D fimit. Conta sha'l pay Owne '.an ..ammmt eqwl to *e amounts od frßm Ada Cou ,uner Anèle XI ((the ,.~ht O,pon .e.nDeut'. The Put Opton Payeat is :due andpayahie within lNl\et t~) a1enardays :of Ower ,lae ¡8 Wttt noce !ßfits mtentto :exerclse the PÐt 'Option m the United State Mim, :cifed .muæcipt ;rested, .addrse to Coosti:hat, p~ge preaid. 3.. es;! Optln. Cmililtan:S hav.e if i-igh hut not the .obLigaton, to COnlCT FO!Pi~øÆSsio.NA SERVICES BE' ¡OWR.Ai DYNAM eæGY~ ULC- PAGE l3 23 purchae th Contract :Docuents ~and the 'feclmtio,gy Licene from 'Owner ,(the ;'~:ai Optiøii") at itc'agred up.on Call Option P1.ice. The 'Call Opton .Sh bagi 'Uptn :c.ompletion,or termnation ;of this c.ontmct, Wbchev.er .QçeUf .sone, :a conue for'a perod ¡of 365 .day. ,(the '"Cll Optîon Period"). umess i(a) the Put Option is ,exercised and paid ¡in fili, ,or ;~) ~utOp.fion 'fer.1he Call Op'Ûon Period :may be extnded \Up.on mutulageementøf-ti pattes. .4~ eaU.,9onlayient. tCORsultant shaU pay Ow an .amouteq lO !the amowits drawn from A-da Comt ,un .Aicle XIíthc ¡'''All OptiOI' ~a.,rntn.). The ,Cd Optin :Payment is due :a pa,yable W:itbin Ninety it9D) çalenda ilay ¡of Conultat placing 1\ wrtten notîce of its imtent to :exois theCttH Option ¡in the Uàite ;States MaU, .:etied.re jreceîpt',reçiuested~ :adresse.d ¡to (Owe~, p~g. ~paìd. AR'lICLEXV :SUCCESRS .ANA'SSIGNS The Coultat shal nat ;a ¡its ri,g ihe.öer, exepng it rit m paent, önor .sh~lllt del~gate miy,of it dlSes li.eiler wi \t wren .cnsen .of ih Owner. :Sijec to 1hepro'ron of th hmtelyprceg æneaèh ¡pat hereI0 bins itsf: it :8uc.ceør,:a~g1, 1Wlcp re.esental'.e :to ;t iOer 'and to :te succes :asSgn .ti il :iesentatIves c.f:sueh other )pa. . ART:lCLE .XVI. N01l PARTY iBENDCl'S .. A. ~g ootaii fhensha1lcrate ;am relationShp'~ ,contidw ;or éeiise. mth 'or _, ttghts infaVt ô!. ;any d¡'id ipai; B. 'Th ¡psence ¡Q1 4utîes ,of Coiiu.ta-s and Owiets perl :a ;a .coin :sît, wheter ,as .oo-site aiitativ.e ¡or mhise, :do not make ~iØfOi 'or fheîr ¡rreentaves or peon :i ~ way respible fo the ètiestht lbêang to 1h ~Gntmcti ëCtrtors ,or other iene!L md do \tt relie:te '£Otnon amaet ..t. l~R1 f"'i." ''l1'" "i,.f 'd "i.,1'~" ,.I ..:_ L.~t 'I:_:'_JI¡or.a ,Oliier ,enu.:;¡ 0 '.weir ;øv-.i~gatGns uUfes ian, fePOlUWIles, m.. 'Utmig, 'l: no ~ 10 :any iheà.or 'safet prtions iequ'i by .s iCon0l wott ,Contats .aid Owets peroil .b::e n08uthorty to ¡exeie :alY iContr):oV.e any ,con.oo cootr or ,ot æ~ gr it ;eiçaye.es in .eomi with 'ih work Dr :a lith ,or CON'fCTFOR. JP.WF£SSIONAL:SEltViCB lBETWEB IOW'ER AN DYNS ElGY. Ui . P.AGE 14 n!i I I ¡ ! I-_...~ :safet precon and have no ,duty for inpecti~g, :noting,obserg, .cg, 'or ,f,.epormgon heth or .safety .de:iencies Df1h cotrtion òcontraem(s) -or !oter :enty at any øtpeon at:t :sit -:ecept ,their own peronel. 'The presence of Coltas ,ØI OwnefB peomel .at.a 'Constrction ::lite is for the pur.ose 'of:pnmding to Ower 11 greate ~gr Dfænñdence :tat the .complet wok will :conor to the iCøotrae Ðøcwnnt an di 4l intgdty Df th ¡desig ,c.oncep.! reflected iii 1h Contct Doents nas tee ¡mplemen and pteserv.ed by .te ,costctn ¡conor~); '.and .ART,ICLXWII. '.'I~_s;n'D .. -rveE.:J.!l: :.U'~~.. lie .Conulshan have ~and maîn insUIce ,at :al1 ti 008 Conis in .efec and ,for the :stted peods af fi :coileloD of,the Projec in accdance Wi th ;rírmets ;ofEXbît.1\ '8ehe l1erto :an mcorora:1erei by refernce. ARDCLEXI TERMATJlGN Ã. Bithr paheto ma .teina ti ;Co !Upon ~givùi 'sev ;(1) das wten :n,tø &e ,o.ther.m the -e itt:s .-etpai:SbsfiaiyMlsto peor its_..._'1 ""L't f' ,. &.-1. ,i._...ma.w: 'w~gauon ;se~ !W.I il\~m; B.. 'Tis Contr may be ~teate by th Owerwith ,cRle tipæ gyen fl, ~days 'wrtt ßOe to the Cmstant. hi b e:æt ,il su :i1temtî Without caus lh '0W :sllp.ayfhe CßIulta for d :Sices feded ¡prr ito ib teûion, plus :any ~eDes iid an wiaí .Wlidi 'WOlld oihise liepayib1e li-eded In.such e.vet ¡th (Jonmta sht pmmp1¡y :sùbmit 'to tØiOwner its mvoice for finá. ¡paymeit whíèh 1avoice:Sl cøniw:th the provisio Df .AcleXf :a ,c. Unles ternated, the )tølm ()its 'Contrct shàl ¡be ,fr tl effctve ,date heiof miti timl iCOmp1etîon 'Of til &ities ;r,eumed her .cCT fOR!PRï.FES:SIONAl SBRV'ilCES QEWEENOWN:ERAND DmAMl ENeRY" u.c - PAGE 15 1.S' i !i I I i1 ï i ii I i i j i i ! i i! ;1 i. : ---Js ..- ..------ '-.'---'-- ARTICLEXK ENTIR AGREEME Th 'Conct ,contus the entire and ,exclusive agr :beteen the :pames wi reference to the Projectaad:supersdes :~y :anda1 pror cøUIicatis, msc.uslons, ß~., miertadígs, or ,~ements. This iCotmct:Sll beeffec ,on ,the '.dae.execid by th 1apa to exte it ifl:1:t'ieed ~OWN Boam orAda 'C.unty Commisioner8y~ By.: ,~,?'~ Sham M. ~Commsíoi .. .By; "onc ArmST: ~j' ,. It --.,~~"'.;b';~Dawd:Niw ,,' .:&CountyClet OON'C'fOll.P.RSSlONALSE1lViCB BET OWNER AND iDmAMS ÐlGY"Ui~t'ÅGE 1,6 1'9: i ~ ;1 i I ¡ i , I : ¡ 11 ; I . I\ ¡ ¡ I ; i ¡ ! ¡ i ¡ ii, ! I, .~ ; ; Ii j , ! ¡ I; : i : i ! .¡ . : Ii I ! i i ; i : I¡ i ! ;, I , !; ii I ---d6 CONSULTAN ,£~ Š..ZDI-C Date ceectl :f!- =-t!úo-tf :&/... .~ ~t'l '~J..1 ,ß. ~"'''t .e:r:..:r ,Il"", L By: 1ltle.: Addrss~ STATE OF ;IDAHO .) ) ,ss. 'COI 'Df Ada ~ . . 20 i1), befor .m a Nota PUbi~ ¡p.eronàllyapp-e 1 t\ 'QèA " ',' l . . - Ikv. ..or Idenifed to me tø be ike ,eOO ,et,n êho..fiovaQ d the iCoiortion ' t :eecute ii :ime 'Dr the ,erfl Wb exec die mstent ,em behalf of 13.aicl ¡corporation, ;aad aèlle(tged 10 me \t :sch.icon ,executed itle'sam ~0.'1. Q.....~.2 ' ,,' . '. Nma Pùbtìc mr Idaho,C A"C.I~ TiÐmmSS1Di.xpir ~ ~ 'I J '~.iL 1 :i,s:l4 CON! F.ORPR'OFESfONAL :SERViES BEl' ()ERAN UmA' iE~ u:C- ,PAGE 11 20' , I i I i , I. -t . i I !; j Îi i I i-4 EXJA 2il i l i í i INSURANCE.& BONDING '. A. Consilam;:at 1ts :sle 'eJcns.e,sha1 ,prore :ad mantain m. fu for and eff.ect 1nsurimce writtn by :a insucecoan ;or ,cDmpaies witl .Bt"s irag('S) øf A VIU ,ør bett. AU insrace ceOJpanies.m ¡be authoried to do business in ¡th 'State ,øi.idaho~ ~yr..eqWn;g insunce hee1n, Ada ¡Coimty ,dos inotrer.ese th .covege ,an rimits ¡are necessarily ailefæte to proteà 'C.oDSultaat, 'and ;sliêh ico~ge and 1is :sbal not be deemed .as Jl ilimitat10n ion (;onSu'ltant'.s 1:1ability \Ußder 'dic ¡indemties lmnte ;to .Ada County ii this amtrct. B.. iCefieat 'Df lInsuance ..evidecing b ic~ges ired hei:m :s1l ibe ¡proide ito Ada ;County ¡piier to ite 'sta .date d th ¡pee. AU -ceificat ,mu be siged by :a authoriø lleprseJta1ve ;gf CODSultatèl:s lIuranee ieer :and must stte tbat the iîssui. æ~p.af., :its Agnts 'or ;ræsenta\Ves wUI provid Ada Cci lt (0) day wim notiçe ¡prior ~ aay policies beingeaneed ;o mate~y I.C~. ReirJ .celic.ates 'Or lbnâers must he .,roded to Ada Co.unty :a .m1mmmn .gf ñMe (5) ,days prior ito 't efecve :date m th irewal. ¡fbiers are ,used tt~ mus ~be '1epJaced by ;aplopnai hlrace .cerfites no more .than ;timy 00) days .after.the .eff.ove 4ate. C~ Ceilicates :s)¡l be maHe.d to.: ; i ¡ ¡ 11! i J i i. .. ii'i I Î: i. i: I : ~ Dav.e Lqgan, iD.ic.tor Ada ICounty 'QprafioRS '200W.ìFr-ont Stret. 3rd floor Boise" idaho $31Jl2.;1.l00 ! I i ¡ D. :Certificates .must ,eYÎdence .the fol1owii:gmimmu :coverages l.Workers' Compensation insurce meetig ;tle :stamtoryr.uii:ents of '.lie State 'oflôabo. . , j : Iì I I 'SliOOlOOO each accident '$501,006 pdlicy Jimi '$l()Q;OO eacl eeloye i I I H I 2. Emplayers:' Lj.abnity insurae fotowiigamounts Bod lij\ui: .by Accîdent: 1O_.4~'I.. iI_d i.. '0'DuWii inlJtn 'UJ.i . ilease: Boly IRJUry ~y Diseae: providing limits :ofiia:bînty :in ;te OONTCffO fBOFESSIDAL SBlWCES BETWE OWNANO DYAMS £NGY, Li'- EQiiI A 2S '221! 3.. 'Commercial Geoe.rcal.LlabDity insuane.pr.vi~g 'lmits ,of liàb:iity m ,th followÎlg :amunts" with - :aJ~gate ;applyii .separatelyon a .Iiier project' basis: Oenerin Agg;a.: l'roáuett,Co~p1eted Operaoll Aggregate.: P at & JI.A ,.... ii_" L. :t~l'lv: -er ' nuY,J.I!UsmgiuJtU'Y ¡ iaui.d~J: Each Oecuce: :PirO~ge; $2.'OÐØJ)OO $2,~~;OOØ :$l"i(OO,.OOO $11 iI~ !o. J\. 'IjlJll; lJ~ $ :S~OO if! Th Coerw Ge1.Liàty (''COC") msure pOq':S be wt'l ßn ,an ;'X.eme:ce~ !f ,and :sball ,cøv liabm ;aning fwm pres qii:atons !id~dent 'contcto ¡poduct., æmlete. '.opetion~ pena mju.. af.sini iat" ,and 1iàbiUty asmcâ mier,an inureél ;CÐl1~iiud.n. it liabity of ;arther .assued m ,8 æntet)..A(la Cmity mid 'its e1eae.d io1iîâh, ~, ønployees, :scceso :a assl.gn sa be mcmded as AUitooaJ ~ii&Uds mide th COL ,with ;te Addifiona1 kiurd endo pr.ojd~g æ¥eie forC~piete Opatons. .4..BUSo.ss Mtomobile Ulliility Û1mane ¡ptordig lb.om~y iij and ¡pop damage iliailit (10y~ge fo oot tess 1h :$I,_JOOO .eh ,acdentit. Busines Âliamàbtl iL1abtlity insurance éal be wr mi a !Sarif ISO fl fo 'or:a eqvalen foan" ,mYidi icoverge for llbiity aising ;ot ;Qf;owed" hî~:o ll0foowned vehiêles in oonectimi 'wi ltis C1lntrt. : Ii i ~ I ~ ¡. ,: , ;1" i ! S.. .frofessiollallibUil; insurace with limits mi\lOI.\l :ian$1.tØ.oV,Q6f. ¡per .claim an '$i;l~Ð.ØJø :igpe,gate" n~g Ada ,Coim" ;as :a :addtind na iD. If i1 ince q:uird !by 6ûs (Secon iS ,obtained thu¡1 .. "Claims Mad" pdq:., ths æ~or its replacement :Shal ba :8.r.a¥e date ßf æt lateåan theme.eiton of ithls Ottmct 1juè 5nsrance Mil :~piaet sba'l:a1 provide ,a :m1nîmum. of five('5~ 'Yea iexeaded ~ ,c(W~iae" iO i.e mamum tí iUnd'if 'Stat !Of idai 'sta ß;f limtaon lor ,clims mide this tCOv.ele,wlúcbevr is grater, :afer ¡th :8ees ¡ar !l ¡povided underitis Contr. 16. Com.erdal Umbr.eHa Uabílit insurnce piidig fubîiifN çover~e of $l,¡'f~;OÐ() eaèh .ac.ene ~an Sl~OO0.70ml :aggr~gate w.i.a meted 1iit not to exc :$.f.ll"OOlini Commeria Untbilla Liabîiity pmieyimust includ ,in its :Sèhedi4e of Undetymg Inances policlesprvidiEg i;Gvcege :as øes.be in~s:2 thmuJli j .:iìbov.e. I; !. I i 1-'2 CONmC'fF-OP&O.PSSIONAiL :SERViC BETEN OWNANDYNAMSEN~. U:- EX A 23j I i E. lEch M COBSUIt'j ;subcontraet~, independent contrctor, ;and ;supplier :sha) prcie and ~mantain 'equivalt insurance ;cÐvege .as descried in ,subparAgçli 1 ,thugh '5 ahv.an.ceriticates .eYdencír mih wv.~ge ¡must be prnted 'to ,the ¡Cou bef.o the ostiontior" iadc;ndentcontre:tors, ¡or supplier ;R perttd mi th :siteof the!prje. Lf th ~ubcontior .inependent contrrs, ,an :supplier de::ot ;bawe \t .requi-ed iisuranee COBsultaDf~s policies must prvide equivalen .cverage f'Or the oS1:lbcontretors, iadependencontrtors" :ad :suppHers iad thei wotk. F. Bonding,forlh'¡s prect:SJ be:3 !guar frm :QonSlltant.in ,a form ,reasonhly satisfactry ~ Ad 'Countyl:,S Risk 'Managdiat Constant Wil1 fatl~y 'conplet the taSks iiiid in 1bis Cotrae. , ! : I : i ! i ! 1 ! i i : I ! ! I I : I ¡ i i i ; I : i i I i : ! ¡ iI. i : :1 : I II , i I . ii'¡ ilNnCTMR PROfESSIQNAL SEiVlCESBE'fWEEN(¡)W!ER AN DYS emGY.. LtC.. ¡EXHlff fA : ii '3'0 EXHIBB PRELIMY OWNER'S ,CRITERI FOR mDENHOLLOW :SANTARY 'LA.FILLWASTE TO ENERGY PLAT :DESIGN 1. A Waste ,to Enel'8Y Plant o.f:nct less than2S0'to 'per tday ~apaci; 2.. Th design for the ftj.eot mtlt be :scalab:le to site ,requirems for inslatoo 'of addítîona æpi:ty; 3. Nominal waste pieption reuirq, :l-e.~ ,no :advc.e tiiymg .or ,grnâig, !1Iless æqair ~~y:Ste :l.genclesor makeup 'ofmbøim VI.aste :sttea 4. No jP0mng of 'Waste ~equd, 'ok ihan ,remov.å "of large .ctrction ,debti ~æi~; i. 'Can:a and pro,crly ;desttay boisehld -electics ínlud teleVsion and .commoito; :6" Be ~je must requir iRO 5t't tmsSion equiimenøter .than lime ¡¡jdoA; 1.1. Pmjec must be e1igi"bie for &e § 3i603 ìF.edel Tax Rete or Rewâble &i Cem:fcate, :8.. The IPrajeet must \twa mes .Withom additîanequipment Dr post .rccton mOñcooj i~t Cm~ent ç. G:dahe DEQ issi:gappmpri ,engiees irqxs ~and pemits, ConsUta mus .~on:ie1e !te DeSÎ,§ :a Canstmnon D.tN on \te :sChede q1led for APpiieaioo tor Fe4ll Tax Rebae tØ iRenea1i1e £netgy iCeriticate in l& ;calnda yea; l'6. The PrÐjeeniust hav.e :a ,en ¡enert~g caty of ,at ,least1Mth. '.w1ìièh ,as ,a \Was*~amB1U w11li(f5~ßOO Brul,peund; 1 LThe Prjeot must ;be ~lian with ;eleccàl power 'Cgeeration -iuirents ,of läa P,ow,e ;and tt idao Public Utlites Cßmmssiorr; 12. Th PrOjeet'"s eXhau must meet (or ¡exceed air qulit d1sehtqe ;reqements nf ldaOB; COf.OR.JP.RF£SSJDNALSBVlCES BETWN OWNER AN DmA'S ENV" UI- £X1BlfJB "24¡ I . I, II . . ¡ i I . : ¡ ! ¡ I i I. .! t ! ~ ! , : i : ii ;. , ; ¡ , . . . " i _... ..._J 31 . ~. ...~ ... __... . _._.___ . ....._ 6- ___._ . __ _ . ~._ "__._ ..~.____ ...... ._..._-_. -------_... ....._- - - .__._-----251 13. The Pi;ect.;s ,was 'as ;ay¡proouct mus be .caple;Of, 'and be ~gulaoi '.comliant w,i, :being !landfUled.m th Hidden Holow San Ladfil Nor 1Ravine 'Cell; '4.. The!Pee iD1st be de9tgn.to be fmanceåble !by, and im ,oornplia wit,. the reuients ,of the idao .E Resurce Author, in whdI ;or .111 at lea 11 maten ¡par; l'5.,Coiisuta must identif all exte iuûlties, pemiîts,and liceses necessar for plant ænsdiii; 16. COÐsutat mi f1evdOP .ad :submit 11 ¡Preim .Eagineerg Pla :10 the Idaho DEQJßo1ateuhan October,3,O~ :2£110; 11~ Cmta must .Q:vêløp :mid :submit iMr ¡Quàlity Mods to the ildå DEQ no late fl.-- ..n-.~_ 3't¡1h "'1AiI¡G.,UIAU 'V\.UiIj". ,tj" ~~t1" t8.Const íMust ;Sùit :8 ¡Fini~gmeePl te,the ldà DEQ no lat tßæi Novemer U1h ,,:201\0 mid. 19..'Thc CosiIi must ,dw.elop .,a ¡complet \Compo pro.mt list ,an ,pos esat fo ~e faeïlty no aate i'l Ocber :3Ð,2tao. . i .1 i i i ì': . ; . : I ; I . i , i I : ¡ I ! I : i 'I ¡ I~ i I , ! i: . I ; I! í¡ : 1 ;¡ i. 1 i : i 1 L I i OGinltACT:FORi'B()FES,Sl':)NALSERWCESBETW OWN AND DY ÐIGY..lU-1ExæBn~ ß ---~J . .. 2.61 1 I EXHlBITC PROJECT TlMELlNE i I. i ¡ i I d ~ Ii i i ! i i :1 ¡ ¡ 1i ,! .,I! ! I . ¡ I ¡ i ; ! ,OONnOOJl!P'OS.SINALSBRWCBS BE'fN OW!BRANOmAWS iEGV.iLLC ~ EXæIT.C ;1 ~ ¡ 31 .. " ~ " . . ~ . . . ~ . , . _ . - _ . , . " ; - ' 7 - 5 - ' * . - . ' * 7 - ' - - . . _ . ~ . . . . . . . " ' . . . . " . . W " . . _ . . " . " . . t o A OY N A M 1 S EN ' Ë R . G Y .; Ad a C Ö U i i t y P r o j ê c l T i m e l l n é iJ ö t i l T i m e l t l a ~ b y M ö i i Û l ~. _ . . . . . . . . - Lë d : !Ü Ë - õ y . Ê i g y Aê " ~ C ô I Ì t ) Pi U : O ñ s t ë t ò l ' i t M l i i .. . . _ . . . . . . . . " ' : . _ . . : - - - . " ~ ~ , . - n m - : ' - - Q ' - " - - _ . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . , M~ t h " = ~ ~ J . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . 2 ~ - . T . : : . = - ~ ~ ~ . _ : . 1 ~ : . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . .. . ~ ~ . - . ~ - . . 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" . - . . = ¡ ' 7 ' t = : . - = = : ~ . ~ : = = ~ ~ . = = = : ~ . : _ - = = : = : : = = = : . . . . , . . . . . n _ t t t 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ : : . : . g : : . : = - . . : . - ~ ~ : _ _ . _ . _ m . . _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ M . ~ /,r ,.. ",.'" /f...-;' t-/': _~.f"" ,/ AGREE:MENTNO.939S li l -' FRAcmE AGREMENT BETWEN ADA COUN AN DYNAMIS ENRGY, LLC BIDEN HOLLO!V WASTE TO ENEGY PROJECT PROJECT NO. 35 36 LA,I. WASE TO ENRGY FR AGREMET THI FRCHSE AGREEMT, dated as of th _ day of , 2011 ("Franch Agrent"). is by and been Dyns Energy LLC, an Idao limted liilty compay (the '~racbie"), and Ada County, Idao, a dul organze an existing county under th laws and constution of the State of ldao(tle "County"). RECITAL AM FIINGS A. County own and operates County's Facilty at which Couty collects, plas~ compresses, and cover Muncipal Solid Waste. B. County prvied an opporty to th private sector to provie new tehnologies applicable to recyclig, wast reuction and engy prdution fr Muncipal Solid Was an to that end solicited an received proposal. C, Franc.se submittd a prposal to design. contrct. operat, an matai a wast to energy faclity located at Counits Facilty, which wa accept by Comity. D. The Boar deerined to enter ino negotatons wi Fiachisee, which ha reulte in th Frachse Agreement. E. As par of that iiegotiaton th Boad deted to pay Frase to design a wase to energy failty, whch deign righ. an intellectu propert the County would own subjec to pmces by Franhisee. F. Durg th period of ths Franclue Ageement Franch ha aged to ta a miun average of 408 tons of Muncipa Solid Waste pe caenda day deliered to its wae to energy facilty at no chare to County for the purose of seurg a long- te suply offul for electrc pow generaton. .County and Frachise have aged tht Frachisee may be allowed to ta more. G. Fra1isee has made arangements and will be responsible for cODStrting, operag. and maitag th wae to enrgy facilty. H. The Boar has detrmined that signcat benefts to all Ada County resdents ca be obtaied if th amount of wase being acepted and compacted in it ladfls ca be reuced an a stady electrc powe suply provded. 1. County an Franchisee have mutally agree that Frachisee's Facilities will fit upon an sh be located on the Premises. LANFIL WASTE TO ENRGY FRANCIE AGREEME - 1n:I8ÐIl\ynis ibi:iSl aønt. elell.~ 37 J. Coun desires to provide to the Premses an the Fransee desi to receive at the Pr Muncipa Solid Waste in the quaties an upon th terms and conditions set fort herei 1( Th Boar fids ths franchse to be in th be interests of the public and the solid wa landfll rate payers. NOW, THREORE, for an in consideraton of the premses an the mutu covents herei th paes herto agre. as follows: L DEFONS Th cataed tems usd in ths Frachse Agreement shl hav the meags specfied below: A. Boar sha mean th Board of Ad County Commissioner. B. Commerial Operation Date shal mea the dat the Frachise's Fa.cilty reciv a fina cerficate of occ~ancy and is ready to accept Mw:icipa Solid Was, C. CQuntts Facilty shal mea the Hidden Hollow SaDtå Landfil as descrbe generally in Exhbit A. D. Cmm Indemnitee sh mea County and its offcia, employees, and age. E. Delive Point shall mean the poit at which the entr road to th Prises reches the bounda to the Prises as is fu shown on Exhbit C. F. Efective Date shall me Novem I, 2011. G. Evet of Defaul shall have the meang asbed to it under Section IX of thAgreet. H. ExCes Wase shall mean Coty's Muncipal Solid Waste reeived at the Hidden Hollow Santa lanfill in exces of 572 tos per calendar day. I. For Majeur sh mean acts of God; winds; hurcaes; tornoe; fires; epidemics; landslides; earuas; floods; othr naal catastrophes; sts; lock-outs or other industral distubace; ac of public enemies; acts, failures to act, or order of any kind of any governta authonties ac in their regulatory or judicial capacit; insurecons; milita action;. wa, whther or not it is. decared; sabotage; riot; civil distubace; explosions; or any other cause or event, not reaonably with the contl of the pa clai Force Majeue (other th the fian inabilty of such pa), whch actualy preudes th par frm cang out, in whole or in maal par its obligatons. uner tls Francle Agrment. Nothng in ths provision. is intened to excue any par from performg due to any governenta act. faiur to LAFIL WASTE TO ENGY FRACHISE AGREEMET - 2ii\1flyos hichis agt. clii.ic: 38 act, or order, where it was resonably withn suh par's pow to prevent, coec, anticipate, or guar aganst such act, falure to act or order. J. Frachsee's Facilty shall mea th plant and equipment described in Exhbit D. 1( Franchee Indemtee shall mea Franhisee and its direcors, ofcers, employees, aidagents. L. Good Engieer Prtice shall mean any of the practi methods an acts which compy with manuftuers spcificaons and which in the exercise of reasonle judgmt by an inependent engieerig professiona in light of the fats knwn or which in the exerise of due dilgence, should have been known at the time a decision was ma, would have been expcted to accomplish the desired resut in a maer consisent with reliabilty, safet, envirnmental protection, exditon prjec econonucs and applicable laws and reations for simlar failties in the State of Ido. "Good Eninering PracticeR is Dot inteed to be limited to th considertion of anyone practce, metd or act to th exclusion of al other, but rather is inended to require the consideration of a spectr of possible practices, method or. act which wi yield the most deed and cost-effctve ret. M. Ooveen Authritm shall mea all applicable authonzaons from perts and licenes issued by, consets and approvas of, filings with, notices from, and regiation with any Goverent Enty rmcluding all conitions therf) which ar cunty reire to be obta or may be requi in the fue. N. Gornent Enti sh mea any cour or trbual in any jursdiction or an feer, stte, muncipl, or other govemmentabody, ageny, authorty, deparent, commsion, board, bureau or intrlity. O. Inemfied Par shl mea t.iie par to whom it is claied indemfication is due. P. Indem1.ng Par shal mean th pa from whom indemncation is beingclai. Q. Inal Tmi shal mea the perod of tIe frm the Effctive Date to September 30, 2019. R. ~ shl mea any an all des, clais, damages, liabilties, actions or causes of acton, assessments, deficiencies, judents, cost and expenses, includig, but not limited to, legal fees, expenses, interet, penaItieš, and all amounts paid in invetigation, defens or setlement of any of the foregoing, wheth or not any such dems, clais, or allegatons of thd paies are mertorious. S. Muncipal Solid Waste sha mea tras or garbage consisti of everday items used and then thown away, suc as product pakaging, grs' clippin, fuitue:t clothg, botles, food scrps. newspapes, applices, paint and batteres from haes, LAFI WASTE TO ENRGY FRACllSE AGREEME - 3n:\am liise a¡nl. 1i111.i.ii 39 schools, intitutions and businesses collecte by a muncipa collection serce and deliveed to Countys Facility. T. Procesing Day shall mea those days in which Franchisee's Facilty is processing Muncipal Solid Was. U. Operationa Day shal mea days in which County's Facilty is open for Muncipal Solid Waste Diosal as detered by the Board or its delegee. V. Peron sh mean any geeral parships, lited paerhip, lite liabilty company, coration, joint ventu trt, busness tr coopertive, assoiation. other recogned and valid busines forms, and individuas, ìncludig thei heir, exrs adminstrtors, legal repesentatives, successors, an assigns of such persons wher the contex so adts. W. Preises shall mea the prpert to be leas to Franchsee and generaly descnbed in Exhbit C. X. Reewa Term shl mean a ter of 5 consective fiscal yeas, each fical year commencing on October 1 and ening September 30 of th following calendar year. Y. Timetable sha mean the milestones provided in Exhibit E. Z. Uoaoceotale Waste mean hadous waste as defied in CFR Par 261 or oter hadous, da:erii,.or toxic substace as defed purt to or listed or reguate unde Federa or local law_ AA Weeky Aggrgae shl mea a mium total of 2856 tons of Muncipa Solid Waste accumulated over a. period of se conscutive da.ys commencing at 12:01 a.m Mondy. LAFIL WASTE TO ENGY FRcHSE- AGREEME - 4 n:~l1yiamis !' agren. cilgi3.dOQ 40 n. CONSTRUClON AN OWNRSHI OF FAClTIE A. County Facli. 1. County has cern reponsibilties with respect to the collecton and disposition of Muncipal Solid Waste at County's Faciity. Ea obIigatonof County hereunder is conditioned on the consstency of such obligon with Coimtyls obligations with respect to Mæicipal Solid Was collecton and diosal at County's Facility. County shall in its sole dieton exrcise, operate mange, an presere and amend Comity's intet and rights in and to the Countýs Facil in compliance with applicable rules, reguations and laws applcale to Mmicipal Solid Wase dissal. 2. County will reta ownrship of Coun's Facilty. 3. County will be responsible for an will pay all utlities necess8l to operate CoUI's Facty inependent of th Frchsee. Coun will be reposible for all opeation and mantenace of County's Facilty, excludig the Prses and Frahisee's Facilty. 4. County will be responble for all day-to-day monitorig an secunty of County's Facility. excluding the Preses and FraIsee's Facllity. 5. County's contat person to whom al communications regarg constrction sha be delier, addses or foar, as th ca may be. shal be the Ada County Director of Solid Waste Magemen B. Franee's Facilh'. . 1. Franchi will retan ownhip of Franchise's Facilty, bu not includig th Preses. 2. Franmse wil be responsible for and wi pay all utiliti necsar to operate Frachise's Facity indepent of th County. 3. Frchisee wil, at its sole cost. be reponsible for momtorlng operting repai& upgring, insunng and maitag Franchsee's Facity. 4. Franhiee's us of the Premises and access to Coun's Faclity is restrcted to th constrction operation an maintenae of Francbee's Facilty. S. All Mtmcipa Solid Wase deveed by County to the Deliver Point, not being procesed for imedate use, shall be store indoors. No MUDcipa LAFIL WASTE TO ENRGY FRACH AGREEM - 5 n:\Ianll\am fiiso agnQlnl- deai3.doc 41 Solid Waste shall be alowed to exit the Franchiee's Facility except as wa ash and/or recyclables not processed with Frachisee's Facilty, which may be deposited in a licensed and reated landfill or with anoter compay tht proceses such waste ash and/or recyclables. Exeror stor ofmaterlals and other equipment~ other than M1Uicipal Solid Waste, is alowed with County's aprova, :which shl not imeasonably be witheld. 6. Frachse must opete and maai Frahiee's Facilty to industr stdads usin Goad EngÎeerg Prace. 7. Frchse shall submit for Coun's review an reasnable approval an Options & Maiteance Plan contanig, at a mium, opeatg proceures and maance sta an schedules for Frachsee's Facty wi twve (12) month of th date of ths co an in any even~ pror to the Comercial Operations Date. 8. Desgn of Franchisee's Facilit. a) Coun has entere into a Contract For Professional Serces with Frachee to design a. was to energy plant in Ada Cowty Contr #8952. Frachsee warts an covenan tht it wi prouc plan and specificaons sufcien to obtn ån operate a wae to energy facility consug 408 tons of Muncipa Solid Wase per Processing Day. b) Franchsee has been give a ccfi ri of refual" and a "cal option" to purche the plan an speci,caions produced puruant to Ada County Contr #8952 as is mo fuy described in that cotr. c) County has a "pu optin" to cause Franhisee to pure the pl1l and spcifcations prduce pursuant to Ada County Contrt #8952 as is more fully descrbed in tht contrac 9. Constron of Frachsee's Facilty. a) Franchisee shal be solely responsible for the acquisition. constrtion, intalation ånd operation of Franee.s Facility. b) Frachee's Facilty must be desgned in compliane with the plans and specifications deyeloped by County in Ada County Contract #8952. c) Franchsee shal obtain all necessa Goverenta Autoritions in accordance with: (1) The Timetable se for on Exbit E which inludes specified !Xlestones; LAF1L WASTE TO ENRGY FRCHISE AGREEME - 6 Jl:VandfiMys fuc:is anment . dean.doc 42 (2) Good Enginerg Practce; and (3) Applicable law. d) Prior to the commencement of constrction, Franhiee shal exerise the put option referenced above in secton B( e). 10. Frachisee mus demonstrte to 'te satsfacton of the Board tht it has obtaned, or ha wr commtments for, fiancing for all cost of the Franch's Facilty prior to commencing constrction of Frachi's Facity. 11. County sh lease to Frachise the Premiss upon which to constrt and operte the Franchisee's Facilty for a ter of tw ye and grantFrachisee all access righ necessar and reaonale to consni and operte Frachisee's Facility. Frach is to sub for County's revew and approval (whch apprval shall not be unasnably delayed or wield), all proposed improvemen to the Preises tht Fracmsee proposes to make. 12. Durg the period in which any porton ofFracbisee's Facilties ar bein 01' are reuied to be, constmeted or instae~ Franhie shall provide County, on the fit dat of ea calenda qua, wrtt qualy sttu reports of Frase's progress with repet to su conscton or inlation. as well as the sttus of any applications for Goveral Autorzaons. Each querly wrttn report prpar by Fraclsee $.all inlud an up to date desption of Frahisee iS progr towa ache'ing th milestnes set fort in th Timetale. 13. If the Frachsee's Facilties have not commenced Commercia Operaons with six (~) months af the da specied thefre on th Timetale, eithr pa may termte this Franchise Agreement upon wrtt noce to th other par. This right of termon shal be County's sole remdy for Franchie's falur to commence commerial operations. 14. Frachisee shl nae a sile conta 'p"e~ wi the authority to make binding decisions on beal of Franchsee, to whom al comm:anicati regaing coiitrction sh be deivered, addresses or forw, as th casmaybe. . is. Coencig Upi;n the date of ths Agreent, County hereby grts to Frachsee a liited licen to acess County's Facil and the Premses in Order to consct, operate and maint Franchise's Facilty. Access is lited to the roadways to the Preises. C. Goveenta Authortion. LAFIL WASTE TO ENRGY FRACHISE AGREEMT ~ 7 n:\dlll\ii Diclse lJen! . clea3.do . 43 1. Each par shl be responsible for the purQfjts own emon critS' and/or offets: as reql.ed, and shal mainta th operona perts necessar or required for its own Facilty. 2. Air quity and constrctin perts necessa to build Frachise's Facilty will be prcured by th Franchiee thugh its engiee of record for the beefit of an in the name of Frachee. m. OPERATIONAL REQUIMENT. A. Delivery of Muncipa Solid Wase 1. Frachise and County sbl use reasnable, good fath efort to coorinate the deliver of Muncipal Solid Waste from County's Faclity to the Delivery Pomt. The County will be responsible for its own costs in delveri Muncipa Solid Wase to the Delivery Point. Franchsee will be resnsible for its own costs in acceng Muncipal Solid Waste at the Deliver Point and trrtng it to Frachsee's Facilty. 2. Frchisee shall be respble for an th costs of deverig wate as and! or reclables frm Franchisee's Facilit to a licens and regute lanll anor oth commerialpar. Should an alternative sour of use fo wase ash and/or reyclables be deteined, County and Franhisee will negotiate in good fath regardig any reguatory reqem impose by a Goveren Entity on the use, trsport and delivery of waste ash and/or reyclables. , . . G~~.~l ,_.,çWp..~rahi~.a..tPpjNfefowa.ash.an~ecclabies.ãélivered to County~s F"aciIity frm Frahie's FaciH. Couty wil not ch Frachise or any comerial t! pa a tipping fee or acss fee to County's Facilty for puroses of reovig as WBe and/or recyclables fromFrachse's Faclity.. Any Housold Hazous Was identied by Frahisee's scrners and removed from the waste stea may be tak by Frchisee to Cou's Househld Hazdous Waste Facilty at no chge. Hazardous Waste (not including Houshold Hazardous Waste) shll be disosed ofin complice with Franhise's Operang PLan 3. Begig on th fi Operationa Day followng th Commercial Opations Date, County sha deüve a mium of 408 and up to S72 ton of Muncipal Solid Waste per Opertional Day to the Delive Point Franchsee shall councate to the Director of Solid Wase the amount of Muncipal Solid Was requid for eaeh Opertional Day. The Pares agre th for puroses of ths Agrement that the delivery of Muncipa Solid Wase will be calculatd as a Weey Aggregate, which will enable the Col1 and Frahisee to coorde the delive and storage of Muncipal Solid Waste to account for an plan for Prssing Days in which the County's Facility is LANDFIL WAS TO ENGY FRCISE AGREEME. 8n.'\ynøm ftclisr. agent olileai.do.c 44 clos such as schedu.ed holidays or planed closues. Frachee may stoc pile no more than 1224 t~fMuncipa Solid Was in an enloed spce onth Premse. . .. ..' 4. Interons or short of Muncipal Solid Was Deliveiy. a) Duing the ter of ths Agreement, Coty wil tae all acions reasonably neces to deliver Muncipal Soli Wase to the Delive P'OIt'..I..ßQItiÐusuis. Coty may'only susped delivenes of Muncipal Solid Wase if: (1) In County's renable opinion the opertion of Franchiee's Facility is havig a. deonsable adverse impact on th opertion of County's Facilit subject to the provisions set fort in section m.A4.f. below; (2) The day is not an Oprationa Day; (3) County determines to unerte matee or reais of Coun's Facilty such th deliver of Munpal Solid Wase to Frachse's Facity will be rendered inasible; or (4) An emergey involvig County's . Facilty as defed in I.C. §31-1608 or an immne or acm vilation of laws codes, rues or permits aplicable to either the Frachiee's or County's Facilty is or will be caused by the operation of Franchise's Facility. b) County must ta al reasonable acons to corct or repai Couty's Facilty so as to end any suspesion of delivery as soon as is reonably possible. c) Excet for emency. siations or unplaned ciumtances th reduce amounts of deliverble Muncipa Solid Wase (as to whch no pror notice is requi), County mus prvide at lea th (3) days notie to Frach~ee pror to any such suspenion. d) Franchise must prompty notify County if Frachisee-s Facilty shuts dovm unentionaly, an Franchisee mus give County at least thee (3) days notice if the Frahisee's Facility is to be taen out of opertion for repa or other reasons. e) In th event of a shortl or an unscheduled or emerency interron of Muncipal Solid Waste deive not aring frm causes related to §1l.A.4(aXl) above, and in order for Franchsee to mitigate the imac of suh on Frhisee, Franchisee may pro frm an alteive soure outide of the boundares of Ada ComI, Muncipal Solid LAFllL WASTE TO ENGY FRCHSE AGREMET - 9 n:Uindtfl\ynll ftalse qmt - cllll.do 45 Wase in an amount sufcient to mae up the deficit in Muncipal Solid Was being delivered frm Ada County. which may be deliverd to Franhiseets Facilty during such an interption. Coun wil not charge Frachisee or the provider of any alteve Muncipal Solid Was a tipping fee. access fee or disposal fe associate with enteg the County's Faclity to deliver su to Franchiee's Facilty..FianchieeniY'ehege~-tl~fai~~.Meipl''' Solid Waste as it dees ap'EOprtemr! :(~oun'ha"Cn:~ .the prbler"eamg"thcÍDerrtion or is othrwse able to make up th deficit. Any ash generated frm alterntive Muncipal Solid Waste may be disposed of in acordce with Secon II.A.2. li f) The County may only suspend deliver of Municpal Solid Waste in accorda with Section 4(a)(1) abo-ve, afr completing the f-allowig: (1) Provide Fraclee with notice of it's intent to supen delivees of Munci Solid Waste withi te (10) das pror to suenon. Such notice sh provide support det of its deterination under Secton 4(a)(1) above; identify with speificity the ascts and/or opertional activies of Frachse's Facilty that is causing the deonstle advee impat on the opetion of the County"s Facity; and, sh prvide prposed corrective action to be imlemete by Franchiee necessai to reediatc the identified caus(s) nod above; and (2) If Frachisee canot complete the corrective action with reaonale effrt in ten (10) days afer delivery of notice un Secon 4(t)(1) abve, County may not suend dever of Muncil Solid Waste if Franchie: (a) Begis corrective action of the cause idetified above with a reonble tie after receipt of notice under Section 4(a)(1) above; (b) Gives' County a Correction Schedule withn a reonae tie af recpt of notice t1de Secton 4(a)91) togeter with evidece reanably satisfactor to the County tht Frahisee ha the capil, all necesa labor, supeion, equipment an mateial to compl the corron as scheuled; an (c) Completes the corrcton as scheduled. B. On-Site QRerations LANFI W ASlE TO ENGY FRCHSE AGREEMT - 10 D:\dfil1is ftis iim. cI.doc 46 1. Frachisee agrees to opera an matain Frnchiseels Facilty durg the Ter of ths Agrent.in accordace with it estblishe opertion protocol an procedues. 2. Franchiee wi provide sucient personnel equipment, and utties for the operation of Fracleets Facilty. . 3. Frachsee shall not be required to reeive, hane, tranportar disose of any Uiicceptle Waste. 4. Th County and Frachee eah resee the right to inect any an all Mucipa Solid Waste or other materal delivered to Frachisee's Facilty for proposed depsit and may reject any Unaeptable Waste 5. Al roads with the County's Facility will be maintaed by th County or its degnted aget so as to provide conveent access to and continued option of Fransee's Facilty, as well as to accommod emergency vehcles. 6. Equpment necessar for opertion of Frchisee's Facili shall be pured by Fransee. 7. Eac Par shall be solely resonsible for th costs of operon, maice, re, taes upon, an insur of its respectve facilties an soely liable for an da or clai caus by th preence of Muncipa Solid Was on or with it reecve properes or facilties. 8. Frachisee and the Coun shal use thei best efort to prompty obtain a power purchase agreeent and a genator ínterconnection agement with Idah Power Corporon and shl sell powr produced by Franchisee's Facilty to Idaho Power Corporation pursuat to th power .pur ageement durg the period of this Agrent. It shall be a condition precedent to continuation of ths Agreeent that Franchiee hae an execud po purhae agreement and a geerator internnection agement witl 6 mont of th efective dat oftb Agreement. C. Complice with Reguations and La~l 1. At al ti duing the te of ths Agment, Frasee sh oprate Frachiee's Facilty in mateal compliance with al applicable licens. pets and approvals. in acrdace with Good Enginrig Practice and al laws, reguons, rues and orders, includg, without litation, the perts issud for Franchie's Facilty. 2. Without limiti the genalty of the foregoing, Franchee shl reai in compliance with all laws. ordces. sttues, perit conditi~ rules, and LAFILL WASTE TO ENRGY FRCHSE AGREME. 11 D:\anlI~ls fils øpmoii. clcll.doc 47 reguations related to wag hours, fai employment practces, anti- discrion, safety an workg conditions and envionenta protetion. 3. Frahisee sha~ at its sole cost and ex opemte and mainta Frachisee's Facilty in a maner'to enure complice with all applicable requiements of federal, sta and loc law, includng, but not lited to, noise regutioos, Ida Stae Depent of Envionmen Quality rules an regution, Cent Distct Heath Deparent rules an reguations, and the Federal Clean Ai Ac. 4, Frachisee sha at its sole cost and expense, make al nessar fi an diigently sek to obta al Goveenta Autortions necesar to provide for and contue the sae and delive of Muncipa Solid Was to th Delive Point and to enable Frachsee to contiue to operate Franhisee's Facilty, The pares shl cooperate with each other in conncton with suh :flings and shl kee eac oth adsed regarg thei progress towa obtaning the neessar autorizaons. Such ft sha include, but not be limte to, ai quality permts, consttion penJts and lan use peits. 5, Frchisee shal take all acton nece to en that its insalaton is in ful compliance with the Couns Facilty's envinmenta peimts and pet requiemnts, including obtaig a new pet(s) or providing al inormation reuid to get Countts CUent permt(s) modied, if necessa, atFrachee's sole ex IV. PURCHA AN SAE A. .Purchase and Sale. 1. On and after the Commrcial Opatons Date, subject to the ters and conditions of ths Franchise Agreeent, County sh sell to Franchisee and deliver to the Deliver Point: and Franchisee shall puihaand take at the Deive Point Muncipa Solid Was equa to or exceeg th WeeyAggegae. Dùågta~ln'1em,..Im~t"lî€'~y chge, fee, payment or other cost for acceptg, bur and dissig of Muncipal Solid Was. Furerore and dur the Initial Tem County wil not chae Franhisee an charge, fee. payment or other cost for delivering Muncipa Solid Waste to Frachiee's Facilty. Af the Initial Ten the Pares will negotiate in good fath to estalish. c.ei. fê to be paid by County to Franee for accepti .buming and dispeg of Municipal Solid Waste at Fransee's Facity. Additionally, if the Pares agee to pay th fee to Frahisee as contemplate in the preceg sentece hereo, the Pares wil also negotite the paymen of a '"hst fee~' to be paid to County by Frachsee for access thugh County's Facilty, use of County's sces, and LAFILL WASTE TO ENGY FRACHIE AGRE - 12 n:\anls m.c!e iirit. cllian.do 48 for us of County's roads withn County's Facilty. Ary fu fee will be subjec to the County duly budgeti an appropriat fuds therfore from reven legally avalable to it for the ensuing and applicable :fal year in which fee will be pad to Frachsee. 2. County, in its sole discretion, may sel an Exces Waste to other or may us su Excess Wase for its own puros. Frachisee sb have a fi right of refual to puhae such Exces Wase on ter equivalent to the term reve by the Coun from a bona fide offer prvided, howeer. Frachi mus exerse its right of refsal with 30 days of notice from County that it has reeived a bona fide offer to purhae Excess Waste an tht Excess Wase is available for purchae. 3. Except for any and all fees and/or chaes conteplate by ths Agreeent th Coun covents and- agrs not to lev or impos any oter fo of ta, fee. surcarge, host fee or. other chge upon Frachse or Franchiee's Faclity for the disposal, hani~ or prossing of Muncipal. Solid Was at Ftchiee's Facilty during the term of the Lea with the exception of taes and fee imposed by law. B. Title to Wase. Coimty waants tbt it bas good and maketale title to, an the rights to sell, al Muniipal Solid Waste to be deivered herun. fre and clear of al liens,encbrces and clas whatsever. Ownerp, title, contrl, liabili and risk of loss with rega to Countts Muncipal Soli Waste shl pass frm Coun to Franchsee at th Delivei Point. C. Deliye Condtions. In no evt shal Coun be obligatd to sel. an deliver.an amoun of CountYs Muncipal Solid Wase in excess of the amount of Muncipa Solid Waste actualy reeived at Couniys Facilty. Coun shl not be obligat to sell Exces Was to Fraise excet as descrbed heei. D. "AS-IS" Cougion; No Wamtie§. With the exception.QJÆ~ii~.i~all Muncipa Solid Waste shall be taen by Franchisee in an Has isO condmon. Frachsee is faiar with the contets of Munio~pal Solid Wase, and unands th its chemca an BTU contet will va from tie to tie, deending on th contents of the Mtmcipal Solid Was. Al wmantis ofmehabili and fiess fO! a pacuar purose an all other wmes. expre or implied. ar excluded frm ths transacon and do not apply to the Muncipal Solid Wase sold 4ereun. E. Tax Crdits. ..,.;-i:.,.:....;.....:."l..~"4....1. Cen Federal-an State Tax Credts (collectively "Tax Credts") are curntly avalable to an entity th own operates and sells electrcity frm an electrca fality that uses Muncipal Solid Waste as fuL. Frachise will tae al commerally reonable acons to monet or us thse varous Tax Crts if Fraclee's Facilty quifies. LAFILL WAS TO ENGY FRCHSE AGRENT - 13 n:\I.idfiis tiandu _mrment. c1oiu.dCK 49 2. To the extent other Tax Credts asociated with use of Muncipal Solid Wase are available or become avaiable du th Franchise Agreement penod, any suc credts realzed from ths project will be the proper of the Coun. Furerret an sale or trer of the credits asigned to th County as pa of ths Franhise Agreement mu fist be authonze and approved by the Boad of Ada County Commssioners. 3. Francl wi mak full disclosur to County concernng the amoun an reipt of any value rezed or income derived or potentialy to be derved by Frachiee from ta credits or gren tags (Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) as those bets or that inormation is/are obtaed and in al evnts no later th 30 days afer ~~ 'lnormti~Th valll..o-r beneftis r~iv:ed. ._'" -. . '," ........ . .';.... -.,' .' . -', V. TERM A. Ter. Th term of ths Franhise Agreement shall be the.Jnitial Td an any . Renewal Ter uness terd as provided elsewhere Îr. Ss FrachiseAgrent B. Reewal Teg. The pares may renew ths Franchise Agreement fer four real ters upon a mutally execut wrting. . C. Ealy Teron. Franchise an County may tein ths Franchse Agreement ea by a mutualy executd wnting. VI REPRESENTATIONS AN WARRIE OF BOTH PARTIE Eah pa warts and rereents to tle other that: A. Stadig. It is duly orgazed, valdly exstig and in good standing uner the Jaws of . the ste in which it is faned an has all requisite power and auority to own its propert an asset an execute and deliver th Frachse Agrement and peorm its obligations heeuder. B. Authority. The execution, deliver and performe of ths Franse Ageet have be duly auorize by, or ar in accrdce with its organtiona inents; this Franchise Agreent ha been duly exeuted and delivered for the respctve pa by the signtories so authonzed; and ths Franhise Ageeent constute its legal, vad and biding obliation, enforceale against it in acdance with the term heref subject to the banptcy, inolvecy, frudulent conveyce, tranfer, reorgantion and silar laws relatg to or afectig the pares rights generly, an genera pñciples ofeqty. LANDFILL WASTE TO ENGY FRCHISE AGREEM - 14 n;\lanfill\ ficlise agrimt- clenJ.cloe 50 C. No Co:gents. No approval. autonzaon, order or consent of or declaron, reatn or filing with any goveenta auonty is reui fo th valid exection, delivery and perormance under ths Franhi Agreemt by such par except as have been duy obtaied or made. D. No CoDfiet. The exection, delivery and perormance of th Frache Ageent wil not 1. confict with or violate an provision of such par's corpora chr. arcles, by-laws, parerslup or lited liablit company ageement or other orgtion docents; 2. coct with, violate or result in a breah of any constuon, law, judgent, reaton or order ofan goverenta authnty applicable to suc par or 3. confict with, violate or result in a breach of or constitue a deft unde, any agent. Franhi Agreement or intrent to which it is à pa or by which it or its preres may be boun or afected or crte or cause th imposition of any mortgage, pledge, lien. secty interest or other encumbrace unde any ter or conditon of any mortga~ indentue or othr ageemen or int as to whch such pa or any of its prpertes ar bound or afeced. E. Litigation. There is no action suit or proedg, at law or in equity, or offcial invegaton before. or by any co or goverenal authorlty,penng or to the be of such pasIaowledge, theane agaist it, whern an anticipate decision, ruing or fiding would matenally adversely afec th peronnance of its obligations hereder or the perormce of its obligaons under the transations contplated herby or adversly matenallyafeet the vaIdity or enforceabilty of ths Frachie Agrment There is no outsding order. wrt, injuncton, decr, judgment or awa by any cour, aritration pael or. other Goerenta Entity agait or afectig it, its busess, opeaton, or propees, or that may adversely mateally afect th permce of its obligatons herunde. Vß. ASSIGNM A. Assigmt of Frachise Agrent Neither pa may traner or asig t1 Frahi Agrement to any Persn without th prior wrttn consent of the ot. B. Assign by Franchsee. Notwthstding Section VILA.. Frasee may assgn all or subsaly al of its inteests heruner to a Peron only if (i) ih~,,:~' as alL of.ji~.Q.~_Ji~¡I;iJl..J~r!t!.!~dct~ed1Ó County, and (ü) County is reaonably satisfied that such assignèè meets the ficial an reatory reuiements necesar .to underte assumption of Franchisee's obligations hereder. Upon Coun's wntten approval of the assignent from th LANFIL WASTE TO ENGY FRCHSE AGREMENT -15n:\lIlt1l1ldyi fn a¡eii- i:ea.do 51 dat of such asignent an asption, Frache shall be released in full from al such obligatioi:s. c. Succesrs an Assgn. Th Frachise Agrement sha1linure to th bent of and shal be bindin upon Frase and County and their autorized successors an assign. Any trer of any right, tie or interest in County"s Facilties to a th par mus requie th thrd par to be bound to ths Frachise Agremnt accorin to its tenn. VLI. INEMCATION A Indmnification by County. With resect to clais which do not relati: to polluton. contanation or releas of cheicas, and which arse from the County's ownerhip and/or operation of the Site an Coun's Facilty, County shal indemfy, defend ånd hold haress Frahisee Indemntee agai any and all Loss retig from or ar out of: 1. Axy breh of any repsentaon or waranty made by County in this Franchse Agrent or any cercat or documentfushed put hereo by County; 2.AIy brh or non~fullent of any covean or agent made by COlm.ty in ths Frachse Agrem; or 3. Perso injury to or deat of any peron caused by the negligence, . gross negligece. or misconduct of COlUty ~ any of its Afiates or any of their employees, agents or contrtors Notwthstanin th foregoing, no Franchisee Indemntee shal be entitled to inemnty hereunder for an Losses to th ex caed by any negligent act or omission or miconduct of any Franchi Indemntee, or any breach of ths Franchse Agrent byFrch B. IndemfiçationbyFrachise. With. respect to clais which arise from Frachise's ownhip and/or opetion of Frachsee's Facilty, including haarous wae, Frach shal indemnify, defend and hold hares County Indemtees agans any and all Losses resulting frm or arsing out of: 1. A:y breach of any reesentation or waanty made by Frachee in th Frachse Agreement or any certfica or docwnents fthed pit herein to Fransee; 2. Any breach or non-fulment of any conveyace or agreement made by Frachsee in ths Franchse Ageeent; or LANFILL WASTE TO ENRGY FRCmSE AGRENT - 16 n:\II1II\YDis 1tcho IIcmt. cl0i.iJoo 52 3. Peronal injur to or deat of an person caused by the neglgece, gross negen or miconduc of Franse, any of its subcontactos, afats, or any of thir employees, agents or contctois. 4. Franchse agres to indemn and hold harles the Couty frm an ag any and all Loss, whether forseeable or unoreeele. dirctl orindiectly arsing out of, in resect to. or in connection wi ex) the trsporton to or from or the presence, use, generaton, storage, releas, thtened releas or disposa of Hazdous Material by any Par on, mi, or on the Premises or in Franchiee's Facilty afer Franche taes posssion of the Prees an completes constrction of the Fransee's Facity. Notwthtandi the foregoin, no County Intee shal be entitled to indemty hereuder for any Losses to the exnt caused by any negligent act or omission. or miconduct of any County Inemtee, or any brch of ths Franchise Agreeent by ColUty. C. Reeae from Indem. County's compliance with applicale rues reguions and laws applicable to municipal solid waste fàcilities whch interfes with or cases dages to Frachsee is agreed to be a non¥compensable even to Frae an Franchisee hereby. waves, forgives an releass Coun from any loss in whateer fo which might be occasone thery. D. Indefication by Frachsee's Signator. Frachisee's Signtory sha inem, defend an hold haess Coun Indetees against any and al Losses resulti frm or arsing out of any breach of any represetation or waty made by Frachsee in th Frachse Agen or in any cercate or douments fuhed to County pursuat to ths Frache Agreeent: E. Notic of Claims. If an Inemned Par believes that it ha sufer or incui or wi su or incu any Losses for which it is entitled to indecation unde this Arcle VI. such Indeed pa shal notify the Indemng Par with reonae prmptess and pacularty in light of the circumce then exstg. The faiur of any Indemed Par to give an notice required by ths Secton shl not afec any of such pas nghts under ths Arcle vm, except to the extt that such fai is prejudicial to the nghts of the Indeed par or to the abilty of the Indemng Par to defend. F. Th Par Clais. 1.' If an Indemfied Par gives notice to the Inemg Par of a claim or other proeeding by a thrd par under Arcle VIII.. herf. the Indemg Par wil be entitled to asume th defee of such clai or proeding with comil reonaly satifactory to th Indemfied Par. unes (i) the Indemfyg Par is also a par to such clai or prceing and the LAFIL WASTE TO ENEGY FRCfSE AGREEMT. 17 R;\iitilJ\b hnclisc aiit. cleii.do 53 Inemed Par deers in good faith that joint representation would be inppropnate, or (ii) the Inemning Par fa to provide reasonable assuance to the Indemed Par of its ficial capacity to defend su olai or.proceding and provide indcaon with resct to suc clai or proceeding. ' 2. Af notice. from th Indeming Par to the Indemned Par of its election to assme the defense of such clam or proceedigs the Indefyg Par wil not, as long as it digenty conducts such defee, be liable to the Infied Par for any reonable fees of oth counselor any other expens.with resp to th defense of such claim or prong, in each ca subsequently ined by th Inemnfied Par in connection with the defene of such cl or prceeing, othr than reonable costs of invesgaon. 3. If the Inemnfyg Par assumes the defen of a claI or proceeding: (i) no compromise or setement of suc clai may be effecd by the Indemnfyg Par wiout the Indeed Pa's consent, uness the sole reief proided is montar daages that are paid in full by the Inemng Par; an (ii) the Inemed Par will hae no liailty with repect to any copromise or seement of suc cl efeced wiut its COnt. 4. Ifnotice is given to an Inemfyg Pa of the commencement of any cla or proceedg and the indemning Par does not, with te (l0) days aft th Indemed Pa notice is gives give notice to th Indemnfied Par of its election to ase the defense of su clai or predig. the Inemifying Par will be boud by any detenaon made in such claim or procedi or any compromise or seement effecte by the Indered Par; provided that th Indemfied Par shal give the Inemnfyg Pa adance notice of my Proposed compronue or setement. G. hidernni:fcation Rights Not Exclusive. Thenghts to indemcatin set fort in th Arcle vm ar not intended to be exclusive of an other righ or remedy otherse avaiable. Al righs hereunder shall be cuultive and in addition to all other rights an remedies. H. Surval. Any obligation of indemnty owed by a par hereto sh suve th tetion of ths Frachi Agreeent. I. Insce. Frasee shal obtai an provide proof of insuce as descrbed in ExbitF. IX EVENIS OF DEFAULT AND REMEIE A. Event of Default Defed. &y one' or more of the followig shal be an "Event of Default" under th Franchise Agement: LAFnL WASTE TO ENRGY FRCHISE AGRENT - 18 n:\l\iiiJ frdiise aønt. clui.4oc 54 1. Faiur by County or Frachse to pay any amount due on the date specified th suh paymnt is du and payable which faiur shl have conued for a .~' ,.- J1eri'Oil'-eftb1'(3O buess days af 1Nttn notice of such faiure sha bave been given to the defaulti par by th non-defauti par. 2. Faiure by County or Frchisee to obsere or pernn to a mate extet any covenant. condition, or agreement on their par to be obs or performd hereunr, oth th a payment defaut by County or Franchisee as desribed in the foregoing subsecton IX.A.L, for a period of th (30) days af the nondeftig pa ha given wrtt notice specifyg such faiure. reqesti that it be remedied, an stg th it is a notice of defaul provided. however, tht if the default is suh that it canot be corected with th applicable peod, it shall not constitute an even of deft until niet (90) days afer said defult if corrective acon is initte by the pa in deft withn te (10) days afr the non-defaultig Pars notice an digetly pursud i,til the defaut is correct. The foregoin notwthding. th defultig par shal remn liable to the oth pa for any damage inurd dur th period begig on th date on which th faiure of perorance occured though the date on which performce is cud. 3. Th institution by County or Frachsee of proceedings to be adjudcaed banpt or inolvent, or the consent by it to the instution of banptcy or invency proceeclgsagait it, or th filin of a petition or an or conse seng rerganzation or relief Ui,der the federal Banptcy Code or any oth applicable federa or stte law. or the cosent by it to the filing of such peton or to the appointmt of a reiver, liquiator.. asignee, tr or simlar offcia or. the mak by it of an assignent for the beefi of critors, or the admsion by it in wrting of its inabilty to pay it debts generaly as they become due, or the tag of acion by any of thm in fuance of any suc action. The foroing notwthstanding, if any such proceedig is dimissed withn niety (90) days, such proceengs shl not cre a default under ths Frachse Agement. 4. k.y material brch of any reresentation mad in this Fracb Ageeent by a par. B. Force Maeu. If by reason of Force Majeure either par is unable in whole or in matal par to cm out the obligatons on its pa contaed in ths Frachise Agrmet such tht the defu1t prviions of Section IX.A apply, (oter than Countys an Frchiee's obligaon referred to in subsecton IXA.l), such par shal not be deemed in default dur the nity (90) days of th continuce of such inbilty, prvided that LANFI WASTE TO ENERGY FRACHISE AGRE - 19 n:\llll\yills fii:sc~t - clii.doli 55 1. The par unble to car out its obligations, with five (5) business days afer the occnce of th event of Force Majeue. gives the oth pa wrtt notice descbing th parculs of su occurence; 2. The susnsion of perormace shal be of no grater scope and of no longer duron th is required by the event of Force Majeure and shall not in any event be longe than a niety (90) calen day period; 3. No obligations of the par unable to car out its obligations which arose prior to the occe caing the supenion of performance shall be excusd as a l"esult of suc occurence; an 4. Th non~performg pa shal use its bes efort 10 remedy with al reaonable dispatch the cause or causes preventing it from caryi out. its obligations. C. Terna Remedies on Default In addition to any other right. or reedy of the pares. . Franhisee and County sha each have t.1- right, by notice to the other pa in accordace wi the provision herin, to tete ths Franluse Agreement if the other pa commts an Event of Default. D. No ~ed,Y Exclusive, No remey provided herein is exolusive of an other avaiable remdy or remedies uner law or in equity. Eo Atey' Fee and Expenes. A defti par heer shall reimburse the other pa for its reasnable expenses incured for the collec of amounts payable unr ths Frach Agreeent or the enforcement of peronnance or observce of any obligation or agrment on th pa of the par in defaut, inludig, but not limited to. reasonble attorneys. fe. F. Waiver, To the exent permitt by law, no delay or omission to exerise any right or remedy of a par her shal impai my suc right or.powe or shal be cons1nd.to be a waive therof, but any such right an powe may be exersed from ti to time and as oft as may be expedient. Any actal waiver shall be in wrti and signed by the par againt whom It is to opete. In order to entitle either par to exerise any rey herunr, it shall not be necssar to give any notice other than as may be reui in ths Frachise Agreèment. If any covent contaed in ths Franche Agrent should be breached by either par and therer waved by the other pa. such waiver sh be limited to th parcular brech so waive im shl not be deemd to wave any other breach under ths Franchise Agrment. G. Lintion on Remedes. No provision hereof shal be consted to impose any perna or peunar liilty upon any offcer or employe of Frachi or County. No pa shall be liable for any indict, special. consquential exemplar or putive das by ren of a clai brought on the basis of ths Franchise Agrment. Frachiee herby irrvocably waives, for itself and any entity or peson claiing by or thugh Frachsee inclusve of my Franchisee Indetee, any clai for loss, LAFIL WASTE TO ENGY FRCmSE AGREME - 20 a:\Il1amis _c:is I&IICll- çJca.doc 56 dae or comPnsaton based on any alegaon of daage to any equipmnt. component or system of Frahiee or an Fracmsee Indetee caus by us of Muncipal Solid Waste with such equipment, component or sytem uness suh loss or dage is caused by County's misconuct or neence. x. MISCELLAOUS A. Notice. All notces, cercate, coents or other commcaions reuied or pertted to be give or mad under ths Frachse Agrement shal be in wrti and shall be deemed propely sered (i) if by. han delivery, telecopy or other facimle 1Ismssion, on th day and at the tie on which delivered to th intended recipient at th addrss or telecpier number set fort in ths Franchi Agrent; (ii). if by mal, on the thrd business day afr the day on which deosited in the Unite Stas certed or registere maL, postage .prd, re receipt reqd, addesse to the inteded recipient at its addrss set fort in ths Franchie Agren or. (üi) if by Federal Expess or other reutble exress mai serce for overnight delive. onthe next buss day afer delive to sun exress mail serce, addrssed to . the intended recipien at its address set fo in ths Fracluse Agreeen Al notices requird or perittd to be seed upn either pa hereder will be directed to: !fto Fr: Dy En. LLCclo C. Lloyd Mahy 776 E. Riverde Drive, Suite iso Eae, ID 83616 !fto Comity: Board of Ada County Commsioners 200 W. Front Stee Boise, lD 83702 With a copy to: Ada Coty Solid Was 200 Wes Front Stret Boise, ID 83702 Frachse and Coun may, by notice given hereunder, desgnate any fu or diernt addresse or telecopy numbers to. which notice, certcates, or other communcations shal be set B. Non-Dedication of Facilities. Neither par dedicates any par of any facilit own or opeed by it for the proucton of elecicity to the public geneally and LANFILL WASTE TO ENGY FRCHISE AGRE - 21lL"\llll,.ii 1i agrt. c!.do 57 :,", ',"',:'.:-":'"': " .. .' ~r.. J. ,,","¡: ,:~ t':,..,.,~, .~t~. ..'. ... ~ . -:,..:~, ~~;¿ -: ..;:::.i . ,i.~.;'Ò:'&ir.¡ ..;. C LE A N ENE R G y'\:.;Ef~1(t~iff~lti,i~;~~.~~~t~~¡:1 FROM THE WORLD'S WASTE 'bxNÆtvr.t-'$?~~:d:: p:.\.N.;.l3::,R\'.:G:, :;/Y1j';;'J;;.: WASE CONTACTIHOMECOMPANYTECHNOLOGENVIROMENTAL 3.0 State of the Art Technology Latus .assist you~~~Dyamis Energy's 3.0 wast-toenergy technology for convering wa to energy represets a more environmentaHy sound option that is far supe to earlier 2.0 waste removal and energy creation proces. Ou pateted processes and trade secret reduce reßce on fon fuels decrease harmful emissons, and proe numerous immesurable long-term beneft51 creating IInew pa tord a sustinable and cleaner world.o Did you know? DIFRENTTI · No pr-treatment of waste Is required · No exensive emisson handling sytems are reired to meet reulations · Modular design, alls plant to scle as community grows · "Redalms recylable materials · Reual ash Is recyed an usd In concte or rod aggregte · Technology allows tactIcal deployment of modular units · Wide spet of wast stams can be usd · Reliable low ai system with few moving part · Redu reianæ on fol fuels for energ generation Q" ~i" .- - :~~l. '.f ",,' Accoring to the United sta Environmental Protction Ageny, U.s. residents, businees,. and Institutons produce approximately 4.62 pounds of was per person, per day. Tht is in exces of 240 million tons or l'SW per ye.,or tNich the highest perentae of that amount Is dl~posd of In ou landfil's. OU Proces Our tecnoogies utilize a contrled (starved) airgasificatlon proæss, which thermally convert wast product Into a combusble gas, Th unique modular design allows fo application flexibilty, simple Instllation, and ease of operation. With capadties frm 5 to 2000 tons per 12-15 hors of wast processing, our systems are Ideal for small municipalities and Indutries, as wen as large-sle wast disposl applications. By adding thermal reovery equipment, we are able to prouce heat, power and power recoery of up to 50 MW (enough energ to serv a small rul community may be possibl for the largr systems. Th Dyl1mis 3.0 tecnolog actively mitigates many potental emion problems such as particulates, NOx, many toxic volatlle metls and dloilns/funs. Howevr, our systms can Incorprate either dry or wet saubbers or other emission abatemen systems to neutralize acid gass and absrt oter dangerous by-duc, such as merc, depending on the waste type desyed. The combuon of the primaiy gase in the secondary combustion sytem is usually sudent to eliminate toxic gases at levels exæedlng U.S. EPA limit. Because th Dymls 3.0 system require no pre-treatmen of waste and has few movIng part, it has many advantages over other thrml tratment syems. Its durable, simple desin is easy to instll an operate. Onæ the system Is loaded it reuires minimal optor attention and th has lower labor co. Th modular design allows for flexibilty In application to meet capadties frm 5 to ovr 2000 tons per 12-15 hours. In addition, beca use of the technology employed, very little fuel is reuired to begin and sustaincobuson. The fodation of th Dynamis design Is simpl, yet utilizes stte-othe-art technology allowing fo a robus and effcient sym whch is bo operational and maintenance frendly. At the same time, th system is highly resourcefu for energy production and the environment. Follow us on .i r"'--'~"'="~~~~'" ','" i.'"." ",' '.. i ,". ':'-.1'Copyright 2010 Dynamis Energy, LLe. All Rigt Reserv ::':"'....:.: .:.:~ ..~ !':.,::::'. i oft i 1128/201l 6:49 P'!s -~- ----.... - - C"'ef~+\?'~~ ~.~New Trick in Idaho (November 20111 If you have car insurance and drive 25 milday or less you bettr read this...1m1l__ Din801it r' ,,,"HalfOfI ~~'~.~fA ining~ Club ri iry, hQFI fOl'rr¡nfi~,-,. -----..---.."".__.'__n_._.________._.__..__._..__._____.._.._....,_______._ ;j ,¡~i.ldahoStatesman.com ":g¡~'S ;;1 weasm: i' IIWS "NO INFOMATION ~Uve çamer'l.CostnJeton "* rue Wed Thull 0. ~-e"'h SO I Low 31 49129 482S J6119 CUlTnt: 47"~.." ~~, , Subbe servlm .1 D\ ÔII !!tasman News SPor Business Poitics Oplnlon Enterainment i.les Outdtx Jobs Cars Hom Retas Classlfed Find n 5av SEARCH: ~! , ,S!RQl Web Search powered by YAHOOI SEARCH QUIK LINKS: ai Bois Sl mob' . Daar lM ~ HIh s&bpo' FB stat Ho_ Rnii", Hews:-I.Naws aek here fo smrt shopping: Dally des, loel copos, groc coupns, sign i. for a del newslaiir & more Two plants in Idao could turn 250 tons of trash a day into power for 10,000.homes El CYI SEEL - cmsewelholWl8man.comCøbt: C :tll Idho SttenPl: 0215/11 IiCp- Lands lIS th CO are fi up an the marc Is on to InSl renebl ene eos. Ad Couny buJe about 2,00 lOs of trash _iy da alll FoUi land- lrlI Eagle buinessm lld Mahffey seii u tusl ju walin to beme cillll lI. 'Sui ou waste is !h se-dib8 thin iu do,' sa Mahiy, CEO of Oyl1mls Energ, whic alady .has bu s p/ to tu trsh Into pOWII in Alka. (1 No. 1 di.bit it, he sald. Is alays up for debate) Birng trh _Ye a mo mes for futre genrans and !h dllBing lth pu harm me gas int th air. "E'I ton r: wasll alream we procssa ia on ton lhe COty doll ha to bi.' Maha iiid. No Dym hOpe ita fnt tw p1nt In 1l Low 48 wit ils æw teog wi be bulh Ylr In Ada Coir an In Clar Co in IIst Ida. NOT Nt OLDL ININERATOR Dyis Enrgy says Is Ilce ca rii to r:lras in ll ho In a sm pi r:uh an a 911 thI ca beconv In IlIlY. "Paa lh dii wanl an inor in thir back yárd. Th god, be lI's no wha we ma,' saidMah. "T tehno is !Jlfti. nolnlnloll" Instea of bu~ Ui waste, he sas, ii is i- ii achmt witho ox Tht br don th marlallnlt el ll fann a ga, wh ca be bur to spin li an cme eny. Ab 96 pe of th wate is diilr by th presa. 'We wi hs wr li reslual maiB going in the 18i, If an: IB Dyn oñ priiidnt Pete Joli. Th sa hir tIncy lero prllus auempts 10tu trsh int Poer. Eve aQ ininerats pruc em !h mu be 'SCbb&d by an eiel1Ne pros. TI gailtl di bece ii waill is sup..- Iiala, na llll. 'It Is kind or 11. lJ coi1: said Johnsn. DI:INI: l"et "",øe 20f3 ~ iI IHi!nf.i~~. ij~if~. Da _Id I Zd Stat..msn A comør Shl IoBd ,lt Toll 0'_ at tiAda CoOlty i.nd on Monday. A new tunaloll could SODn dIVrt mo.. thn i tent of the tn.hcDmlng to the Iand ØI day and US t to creat sIlt. g SeellJPhQllorles RELATED DOCUMENTS See how the wasteo-energy gasUlcacn plant would wo ELSIWI! Lern mor about Dynams Enery ADDmONAL INFTION HOWrrWOlJWOKK WlTH COUN Ad COunty 188 Ju agre 10 lese DyneiH1di Ho Iadll prlJ fo $1 a ye fa 20 years. In ei, Dynarr wlll1ka 250lans of trall a dav - abut 15 pe of th da haul Oynam. \\ buld, 0\,, and operat\h 54.4Iliiot p/ The Iandl benelis beus il does no ha II bury ai manage the wa cug don on \h need forf\re- and C0 - el'l:iamiiOl. Ma Count COim Sh Ulm saidlIe pm "w_ us big dGlar down !heroad by no .co lIand th Iandil at a Get the Deall findøsave :: Local Deals,!;:-¡:~Prins Plus $5 OFF Custom Picle Frlln1ii .' ~ . ~ I 'Guter Helme FREE GurRSn .' ; i. a.'6 Oa Vine Air . lid 20% off Air Du CI Find mo great deals! findnsave.Jdhostateman.com Idah Staesman Top Jobs ". Factry Chemist THE AMALGAATED SUGAR COMPANY LLC US-ID3:agle PelToleum Engineer Petrglyph US-ID-6oise Cåsh¡e":-- - Goldy's BlslTo US-ID-Boise Micrso Technical Instructr MCT Leap Fox Learning Find a Job Keynls: ". See More Top lObs iii~Jijiff. Loatn:.. -- Ii 11/2812 i i 6:40 P~l9 2of3 New Trick in Idaho - ~--~--- -~7 ¡ ,.,._,~~",-v~,~ r -- --- (November 2011) If you have car insurance and drive 25 milday or les you better read this...nluriOIl.Ccmilils.ørg Dine Cut fcr¡pr:: Hal~ On' ~n~;'i;gt.~ciuä"'t r1. W:lE! fixtTl.riiaII Uve caerlü: Costn tc100 .. Til Woo Thu~ C'~~HI 50 I Low 31 49139 4S12S 36119Cunlt: 47" .;!. ""', gll:Qa¡:¡¡I'¡11i , ,. ii Subii1bcr ""iy'..'i ciiiOOMlt itan "," dahoStatesman.com 'S #1 wesrræ fO NES AND INFORMTION New Sport Business Poltla Opinion Entnment Ufestyles Outdoors Jobs Cars Homes Rentals C1assilleds Find n Save SEARCH: ~I . SEARCH Web 5eareh powred by YAHOO! SEARCH QUICK UIUI: æ. eoIse Stt'l f'Qtball . PiY Care !lrw fa "Ion stool FB st HDIY BBZllI' _s"lh_Click here for smrt shoppln\i: DaDy deals, local cou¡i, ,,cear copons, sign up for a deal newsleter & more Eagle company to build wase-to-energy plant In Italy av Cv_ Sewel- C'wellGhoesmPued: 06/9/11 3 im Eagle-based Dymi Ene wil start costructin lhi stmmr in Loaiy, Italy. 10 buld a wastetonery plant tht wli gasif mual solid walle 10 genrale lIem end elclici. "Ts wll be ou firs pi in ElIope, an wli seNe as a sprngrd for more pla íi Ilaly and th ElIopean Unill U C. lld Mehaff, ~lrml and CEO of Oynø Ene. said in a pres riease. Oynamis is workin 10 secure permit from ldlho Derten of ErMnmei Qllli to blld similr wasenergy plans In e ane Clerk contes. iG St. AI Ph ~I! stiy CoWe wå ll ii ask ii yc I'n an ia. Sam _ rr be ie1' eI~ In .. il or In lI nrpar.,Cl ti ar pn peÐl aicks or oI lnai.~r ar el la 118 aut lD reWl.R8 dI wil be iIkl 00 no fl Olri miy be.. you disq6e ..Il ui cc!~_--Ii .b 1 pe lke Nil Ad New Comment 1 Type YOll conr hee. Rø l. is inab. !Ð Sh_ìi 0 commets rSõìtbY"ñiS M So ii I! ei s BS Mi ning re ca W¡ vs Bose Sla Idaho id II en Iquo ni soon Pol sa an Ie supot1 lh sudon that Boi ma's disappeara se ye &g was foul plll Po ei 8Uii In Boise bull burglacs Ma face fal ch Tn eiu rmng Inclent .eng sash re keeps up li ag lads Co d'Jl Q8 eo 10 Id foU le NF WIekl2: Idli oania TRNFIC AL: Ch In lIøt wi blo lane 0( ConeClr In Boise reßld Id hell ÌI IImu discse mai iIUan Uian In ii past _.. .- Get the Deall findøsave , ,i Local Deals, S1!'~ - PO$talAnn $8 OFF FedPS ; ~ l: J...Bateries Plus cwatch Battry & Installatlon- Qry$1.99 l. G'I'M J's UltImae Hand Car Was FREE CAR WASH.' Find more gre c1als! IInånse.ldahostatesmn.com Idaho Stman Top Jobs :i FãetÕrV cieIšt THE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANY lLC US-tO-Eagle Petroleum Engineer Petroglyph US-lD-Bolse~ Goldys Bistro US-tO-Boise ,iiiëlõoon: Tech'ñicai Instructor Mè leap Fox learilng .. see More TOp JObs ,Find a Job i.l!f!llPIi :~~_.,!:~~.. -,,-~d~_,tÇ!!\~_.i 1112812011 6:39 ~O e e e. SPECI METIG OF TH NAMA DEVEOPMENT CORPORATION . wedesday Aprl1~,.2011 City of Nampa 411 3ri Steet Soth ~~ Dan Nogaes calle th ing 10 orøer ~t 1:00 pi. The roll wa ta with Ma 11e, Davi Ferand, Stehen Kr Dan Nogales. Cuis Hom and Nick Treinen prii.Pam Whit wa absent. . . Mclpstn eotrad for Economic Devoomei ProJed . Beth meek tok a brefmome to follow up on.a couple of ite from the prous :ming. Bè Jn ba bo refe to leter regardig house bi19Saa. So discssion follow Bet Int.upte th board tht on thi contrct ftm..McKin&tr olarification was ma that th placemt of th site be within th Urb Rewa dict, and tht boar could refer to th Mcstr webs for informtion regaÌ' their bakgun and hist. Be liek reew with the bo tht th othe concem ftm the bo wa th fesibili oftb prect an tht David Naccarat ft McKintr woul be cog ths with two basic sample roug pro- for using th inortiOI on what th City of Nam ha avalable. Beth meek inford th bo tha reseves fr bo McK an Dymis were pr to discuss any quetion or COCl for th'prt. Davd Nacarto from McKintr tok some tie io revew wht McKi comp doe an their invvet y¡ th City. DaVid Naccar talkd about th relansip With Dyams Enegy Ild the plans fo th prect which wa presen at the . . prous meg. Discussion followed. Qutions frm th ND bo member weø addessed by David Naarto fr McKistr and or Lloyd Mahey CEO and chairii fr Dynnùs.Ch Dan :Nogle reminded the boad tht at th pror nietg ther was quti as to wher or no CosiiiOler David Fernd should 'Vte on this proec or not Chir Dan Noges op ths up for the board. to dede if Dad Ferand: should reue hielf from thv~. No moti wa made an Davi Ferd wa alowed to vote on th prjec. Soé more diseon fonowed in regad to the prje Mar Thome nie th moton to enga in a . con1r with McK indus for th ecomc devlopment projec so tht du digene cabe doe towad th prject to ¡et to th nex stP. seconded by Curtis Hom. A roll cal vote Tre.K and Ferd voted No, Hoer. Nogales an Tnom voted Yes Chair Dan . Nopes stte .tht the voe wa tied and in tht evt. the vote failed. Cu Hom ma möon to adjc:5imd meetig, sc:coded by Stephe Kren Vote ta motionèaed . The meg wa adjOlled at 2:05pm. Apped th 4 day of 201'. ~~~,e/i~ . Chain.' :mcr &'R~. 61 SPECIA COUNCIL May 10,2011 The Maor caled the meetin to order at 8:00 a.m. at the Fir Training Ceter. Th roll of th Council was taken with Councilmembers Homer, Krn, White and Thorn. Also present were dearent head and other st member. Cit Treasurer Debora Spile addred the Council on the phone situaton at Central Service. She exlained that there has bee an increed volume of calls due to the irrigation bils an a new policy that was implemented on not tug off domestc water from October thru Febru. The phone system at Centr Servces does not have the capacity to hanle all of the calls th are coming in. Budig Safet and Facilites Directo De Davis induc David Nacca with McKinst Esoo Inc. Mr. Naccaato intruce Lloyd Mahy who is the Charman and CEO ofDy Ener. Mr. Maffey gave a preentaon on Turnig tie World's Waste into Reewable Energ explaning that there is a grwing interes in integrd wase management and madated rewable ener stda and a concern with globa wain and reducing the ca fo. Th Dynais Technlogy is proven an imroed tecnology and it uss thl oxidation systm (gasifica), not incineron.and is high effciency, high powe outpt and.ha been field tes and prven. Mr. Maey went on to explain how the process works is gasification tecolog at high tempere wi substial energ prouctn frm waste dispal to clean reewleen. Finance Dirctor Vik Chadler preente two ways th th City may fud the request doUar for the Was to Energy Feaib Anysis. Economc Direct Cliff Long presented a sta report explaing tht in his five yea at the Cit of Nam there have been few prospects with th potential to bring jobs and investents to our community as the wase-to-eergy project you ar currently cosidenng. When conscted, this prjec will change the course of Nampa's ecnomy and shpe our fure for yeas to come. He expsed his support of the feasibilty ansis and to reuest assistance in fuding its implementaon. Th opportnities for the City's workforce, the impacts to local businesses and the potetial revenue stream to the City are a few of the positive attbute this project would provide. In addition, the eonstnction of the failit would provide Nampa with an ecnomic development advantage over other communities in locally produce "green" electncity and pross steam to fuel new and existng industies. This "energy indepndence" would help the Cit be compeitive for futu manufactring, food processing and high-teh opponities. The first step in achieving this vision is to determine its feasibilty. By fuding a re world "reality check", the City can find out if Nampa has the necessar components to make this projec happen. If the results come bak positive, the Cit has the bais to partner with privat sector developers to build and operae a successful facilty in our community. Witout this validatiOl however, private setor paers wil invest their capital elsewhere-in communities tht have 62 Special Council Ma 10,2011 done their homework to miize risk. Ths analysis is an invetment in our comunity. It is not gurate but it represets a small expenditu with the potetial for huge rewads to our citizens. He hope the City would conside the issue carefully and supprt fudig for ths analysis. MOVE by Homer an SECONDED to authorie the Mayor to sign a Projec Development Agment with McKstr Essentlon Inc.lDynaqmis Energy in the amount of$l00,OOO.OO for the Was to Energ Feaibility Analysis as reuest. The Mayor aske all in favo say AYE with Councilmeibers Whte, Thme and Homer votig AYE - NAY Kr. The Mayor declared the MOTON CARD David Nac prnte the McKinstr Enegy Conation & Facilty Imprvement Plan exlai that McKinstr was selectd as ESCO Parer in Marh of2010. They have permed an Invest Gre Energy Audit on the of the Cities major facilties the Idaho Cete, Reion Cete and the Civic Cente. The City is cuntly implementing energy savings an failty imprement meaur with th balane of available AR fu. Th ke elent to success ar tenica, cotual, ecomc, finanial political and environmenta. Th is a Judicia Conftion Projet and with Judcial confon of the prjec it wil provide the comun with $3m in ener savings and inastu hnrovements. This is the fit pa of a multi-pha capit an inct improveent pla. The plan includ ther strage, ligh, HV AC and cols new event sign new roofs and new boilers. Vik Chadler presnte a su of the caita improvement plan for all fu inludig the it ft th McKinst Plan. Ms. Chadler then wen on to explain th pehaps the Council would coder a one peent incre in th elec frchise fee to have a reenue sour to fu some of the capita mate pla It wa th Counl's decision to author th Finance Direcr to prent a request to the City Attey to change the Elecc Franch Ordina by reordi the teology on what the fees collect may be use for and to possibly leave the percntage taen bla and have th Ordinace preste to Council fur considetion at a late date. Ms. Ch preted the Seond Qua Fincia Repor for Mach 31,2011. Gene Fund: Cas on ba remains farly consistnt at Marh 31 copa to preious yeas; our prim liabilty at Ma 31 is acru payroll, which we hae just sted doing on a regular bais to. give fiial staents more accury; a dereing :f baance of over a milion dolla each yea for th pa tw yea is as budget. Tody we have extly 25% of budgetd exdies in our fud ba as is our policy, for emergent us an ca flow purposes. If we had other capita fudig, 15% or so would be reasnale. Without oth capita funding, we reuire a tolof25% fur emert unbudgeted nees, which I usaly capit ites. The longer we ar unable to buget for caital its, th more :fuent and sigficant beome the unbudgeted nee. $3.8 millon of the ft baance is on loan to Nampa Developent Corpraton (NC) so our emergency fud is non-exist. Wegenery agree tht we must no buget any furter us of th fud bae for op an we must fid a reenue source for fuding capita ite. The la li of the Geera Fund indies the sttu of revenues and expenditure at Marh 31 fo the pa the years. In 200 the us of$L.4 milon of reerves is what fored us to imlemen layoff and cutb Today a num of $127.717 in a $40 millon budget incate how closely we ar budgeng. Revenue ar Pag 2 63 Special Council May 10,2011 generlly as budgetd includin the Sta Revenue Sharing, which came in Aprl theror is not included her. No budet adjusten is nec for revenue. Expeditu ar very tight and emgent need wil likely reui another budget amendment th summer. Ful budget might be Ok: The recent flood acally helped us wit computer replacements. The following Speial Revenue Funds are those funds that get a significant par of their fuing fr fees. It is not requed th they ar self.supprtg although they may be for operatons, if not capital itms. Stmt & Traffc: Revenues ar shy due to timg and expendies ar un buget due to capita and operaonal prjecs that ar seonl. Libra Cemete. Aiiort and Rereon Center: ar doing well in al categories by trg to curl exnditu to math revenues. Golf Coures have seona revenues, althoug th spri is dow by $80,OOO:f 20 I O. Civic Cente is slighly over in operations us ma by revenues. Th Ido Cente will be sigcantl over budget this yea due to fewer tourg coer competition for feer shows and les discron income frm the lol ecoomy. They will use al of thir fud balance this year. Enterise Fun are reuied to be totaly suppored from fee including capital items. Water & Sewer have not exed capital and significant operonal budgets. Sanitation wil not have bad debt applied unl year end The only buget for Capitl Funds is related to the 13% in Impact Fee CIP th is the city's reibilty for grwt with the nex decae. The total is $1.8 milion or $180,000 per yea for 10 yeas. Ou selffunded ince plans continue to meet the minimum requirents for .:fd bala an to mee th anual obligation with curt revenues. Ths is a healthy situation for the City. Gr fu should reflec equal revenues and exnditu except for tiing diferenes. HU and the Neigbood Stabiiztion Prgram reains very challening for cas flow and contiue fung. The cah flow is slightly bett th reported las qua an thir tea is worl on documention that should smooth the ca flow is before the en of th next qu. Of prar concerns is the postponement of fundig for any capita itms in the Gen an Special Revenue Funds. The longer we put otfthis funding the more common wi be emergent ne. With a short tie ths wil become a cah flow prblem. Over budget ar tight and exditures ar ve close to budget. Vik Chandler preste the Cos Allocation plan sttig that the General Fud pays for suppor seces and that some transfers ar made to th Geer Fund for serces and th the ful cot of seices is unwn witut a co allocon pla. Exples were presente Points of decision for enterprise funds wer adopt fee to fu ful cost of servce or identify funding sources to add to revenue for fu cot of seice or adjust the suppor seices provided. The decisions points on speia Revenue Funds are identify ful cost of serice as in~kind revenue and expenses tht fully off one anoter and/or charge a % of support to trer to Genral Fund th the budget proes. Th Mayor adjoume th meeing at 11 :45 8.m. PASSED 1hs 16th day of May, 2011./"',-;;-j /1 _(~-~~/ MAYORAlTT:() , -J.. cki\4'"' t Ç)I~"/1¡J CIT CLERK Page 3 64 MEEING OF THE NAMPA DEVEOPMENT COORATION Wednesay, Octber 12, 2011 Cit of Nampa 411lrd Stret Sout Chairman Dan Nogales calted the meeting to order at 3:09 pm. Roll was taken with: COMMISSIONES PRESENT: Chair Dan Nogales, Vice-hair Curtis Homer, len Willams, Martin Thome, Stephen I(re, David Ferdnand COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Pam White AGENDA Krn made a motion to add the appointment of the new secretary to the agenda, seconded by Thorne. Vote taen. Motion passd. MINUT Chairman Dan Nogales called for a motion for the apprval of the minutes. Curtis Homer midi a motion to approv the minutes from September 7, 2.011 and september 19,2011, secoded by Len Williams. David FerdInand abstained from voing on the September 19, 2011 minutes, as he was absent. Vote taken. Motion passed. MCKNS WASE TO ENER REPOR McKinsry reported on the Waste to EneTI proect. McKnstr has surpassd the $100,00 aflocated by the Oly for Phase 1 of the study, and McKinstry Is absorbing any additional cos above $100,0. MclClnstryrecommends that the CIy not move forward Into Phase 2 of the project due tothe volume of Nampa's waste and curnt PURPA rates. McKinsry wiH continue to move ford with the stuy, at no additional cost. PUBUCSAm BUIlING REPORT Ke Fisher preend updates on the Public Safety Buiding. Ken negotiated with LCA to ensure that Le wit ext its oversight of the project from December 5, 2011 to December 30, 2011 at no additnal cost to NDC. 65 Chairmn Noiales asked leial counsel to look over the warranties proided by the floorini manufacturer for the Public Safety Building In reference to Chanie Order #8. Kren made a moio to appro Change Order #8, totaling $27,00, seconded by Thorne. Roll call vote taken with all voting yes. Motion passed. There will be a Public Safet Building tour for the Commissioners on. November 9, 2011. STEE RECOUCTON UPDATE Cliff Long updated the Commissioners on the potntial road construction projec at Sll Ave, gll Ave, and 1st St. South, surrounding the Public Safet Building. Cliff recommended the Commissioner not move forwrd with Improvements or reconstructns unti sprin as the sainlS are not as great as antidpated. Cliff Long will contact the appropriate parties to delay the project until spring. FINANAL REPORT AND APPROVAL OF PAYABS Beth lneck reported on the deposit and check details for NOC. Homer made a motion to approve the finance report and the paybles as presented, seconded by Ferdinand. Motion passed. INC PROJECT Beth Inecl presentd an informal proposal from a smal retail based project, valued at $300,000, intrested In the privte ir¡stment Incentive proided by NDC. The CommIssioners re.iterated, as preousl decided, not to exend financial Incntves to single tenant retail project under $3,00,000. Kren exied at 4:53 pm. RF COMEE UPDATE Bet Ineck reported on the RFQ project and presented the current marketing brochure. Be wil have a more comprehensive document for the Commissioners at the November NOC meeting. APPOINTMEN OF SECRETARY 66 Ferdinand made a motion to appoint Ali Schisler as seretary to the NOC Board and to authorize her usage of the NDC credit caret. Seconded by Thorne, Roll call vote was taken with all presnt voing yes. Motion passd. UBRY REPORT Barry Myers, Nampa Publlc library Trustee, presented his monthly report. LEGA CONSEL Legal Couns was present at the meetins. but had nothing to report. EXECUTI SESSION At 5:01 pm Chairman Nogales called for a motion to move Into executive Sesson. Motion made by Thme to move into Executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 (1) (c) to discuss land acquilton, seconded by Homer. A roll call vote was taken with all members presnt vatlns yes. At 5:39 pm, Thrne moved to conclude the executive Session during which discussion was held reprdina Land Acquisition pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 (1) (c). No decisions were made or action taken, sended by Ferdinand. Vote taken. Motion passed. ADRNMENT Moion was made bV Wiliams to adjourn the meeting at 5:41 pm, second by Ferdinand. Motion pa. Approedihls q day of 2011. S" --~ ~.g j? AL-, Chirman :~ Secretary 67 Nampa wise to look into waste power plat idea (ta poll at rit) -... htt://ww.idaopre.com/opinion/editoriaVnampa-wise-to-look-in.. Nampa wise to look'into waste power plant idea (take poll at right) Posted: Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:00 am Nampa has taken a smar fist step toward what could ultiately brig in millions of dollars to the city, while at the same time tu garbage that would otherwise fill up landfil space into energy. The City Council wisely voted 3..1 to spend $100,000 on a feasibility study for a private plant that would tu city garbage into electcity. If the plan moves forward, it would cost the city's urban renewal agency an additiona $150,000. The expenditues were of concern to Councilman Stephen Kren, who worred about spendig that much money on somethg that could ultimately fal though. Sure, the plan could fail to pan out. That's always possible. But anyone who sta a business will tell you that you have to be wiling to tae calculated risks once in a while - and you have to spend money to make money. And when you consider the good thgs such a facility could bring - includig the revenue it would generate - and look at what's happening just down 1-84, it's a wise investment. Power generated by the plant would be sold to Idao Power and would brig in an estimated $1 million a year to Nampa. The operation would also generate abut $700,000 anually in propert taes to urban renewal, which could help pay for a new librar. The plant would be built nort of the Treasure Valley Maretplace. Prvate company McKin would build the plant and it would use technology developed by Dynamis Energy of Eagle. A year ago, Dymanis signed an agrment with Ada County to convert that county's municipal solid t of2 ILL 1120129:48 pie Nampa wise to loo in waste power plant idea (tae poll at right) .... htt://ww.idahopres.comlopinonledtoriaJampa-wie-to-look-in... waste (household trh and ties) into electricity. The company says its method of convertg waste to energ does not involve bug it, so there wouldn't be stin smoke billowing out everywhere. Accordi to an arcle published in Boise State's student newspaper The Arbiter, Dyamis CEO Lloyd Mahafey says the waste is heated in a chaber without oxygen and the matena1 is broken into elements that form a gas, which ca be converted into energy. When you consider the potential benefits - millions of dollars comin in to the city, less waste piling up and less dependence on others for our energy - it's wort risking the $100,000 to look into. 2of2 1111/20129:48 PE 'Ocbe 17, 2011 ni :HoQrae ¡Mayr Tom :Dale Ci ,of iNampa iIelahe !Nampa ,Q1ty Hall 411 '3nl Stre'SQ :Nar:pa, to :83651 ¡RE: Recton 'on Phase '1 :Mun'icipalSolidwaTo ¡Ene. feasibiity;stdy :Deiir ¡Mayo :Dale: Mcnstry ¡remins committ to Ji:vetiing :te pob16ty ,for ~lTplementi"':a municipal solid was it ,erer (MS)faCility that will ¡prde sustinable ,ener :and ecoomic ~pit ifor ithe iat ¡of :Nanipa :and ¡Its :pattipaAQ ¡parters. Pe oiir r.meeng, 'we have ,elec imet tø ¡pr to 'Phase 2 ioftthssty, '\Antl :s,uctime ¡that we cam iidemtifyadditional 'wasevoliimes ,t. wUl make a ilarge MSWi ¡pImt:C- efedtlnGertl æaAttesed IPURPA :por ¡puFdsImg 'rate as set ¡by Idaho :PUc. This iBVgatii: ¡Int .adl1lona1 :wast 'Vtlmes ¡is being ¡prsued ,at iour 'EÐse ,As 'YO ¡kn:te :Phase 1 i:eport : I ,. :. . ' "to 'æst the 'Oty ,aU4am.ii '$100;000 :upon ¡copletion. :Howr, ,our tendlegparter" Dy.maÐ1is iEmeFgY, :ti vøhmere to ,absrb ,lie ,cost ($4,OOO):tattbey imarred fo itili$ir ¡pcrtOIi iG ,tle wør!k to ,devetopamd ¡Impleent ¡the :~liei Report. The !benefal !retílt to'fhe ,Ci ¡is ,a d,eose;toa tol :of '$6,00. "In :8(ålltJom, !MetKims ilias 'elected to ~poor.e iinviCag tJe (!itv d îNam,pa ¡for tliisamount i1Jlntil'we ¡have the ,oP,uAity to iimvstigat .oI\waste :stmsfuntber. l1hank yo ,fa 'YOW" ,s~p,po':and ,commitme itD .this Plijec. ,As:tb ¡ESCO (Eely:Senlæ 'Compamy) ¡part ;totieCi ¡Of INaAipa.we :a'fi:mttat ;Nar,pa iis am exmple 'fo iøtl:er dtles 1!at ,are lOng ,for :mnovti ;andstlstlrnable ,solutions ,im ,this ineweæmomy - ,onesthst if() .om :Imtel'te commulilt ¡partmelShips'arnd ;pblie-pii1atecopeian. IlokfOlni to ¡many 'years ,of ,rerding 'CQllaboratln. iBe.aardJ ;1\ J l' ",,-,,;--f- '..J)J(' / ,",,_, .",_,~':;': '. .Da'C. !Naccrato :Buness iDevopi: Mamager Cc: cClifloRg, :Direr - 'Namp.a Ðelapment .Cor:poraton UØY iMabati,CEO - :Oynamis ,Energy 9S'weBamoCk'St,S.ule80 ,.18_ JÐ8.3'K 2C8344.2781.f'AX'20834;5837 Walin,ton '. :Oregon - Idti-COra - ¡Minne.. Wlsan 70 Home I News I State and Regional News I State and Regional News Companies plan garbage-fueled power plants in Wyomig . Stoiy . Discussion Companies pla gabage-fueled power plants in Wyoming By JEREMY FUGLEBERG Sta-Tribune energy reporter trib.com I Posted: Wednesday, May 18,2011 6:00 am I (23) Comments Font Size: Default font size Larger font size . Otvet . Related Links · Related: American Renewable Energy Associates - developer of waste- to-energy plants near Guerny and Cheyenne · Related: Dynam Energy - developer of waste- to-energy plat in Rirton Wyoming's gabage, usually somethg to be dumped and buried, wil get a new life feeding sma, modular power plants located near citis around the state, under plans from two companes. Guerney-based American Renewable Energy Asociates plants to break ground within a couple of months for plats in Guernsey and Cheyenne that convert solid waste Ùlto electricit, according to company representative. The company is eyeing sites near Giette and on the Wind Rier India Reservation. Meanwhile, Idaho-based Dynam Energy is in talks for simil facilties in Rierton and Cokevile and plans to conduct a feasibilty study for the Riverton facilty in cooperation with the Fremont County Commsion and the county's soli wase district. Both companies pla to intall relatily snian, modular facilties that burn the waste and tu most of it into a gas. That gas fies boilers, whose steam drives turbines that produce electricity.. .. ,. for sale. - "' The process is used in Europe and at sites in Florida, Caliorni and Oregon, but the facilties are lof4 111281201 i 2:27 PI11 htlP://V'ib 'com¡ews/si.ie~and-temonaiicompanies-pi an-ga- tul'" new to this par of the nation. "Municipal waste is a great source of energy that we're just thowing away," said Rick Fawcett,di 7' who represents Dynam Energy for its Wyoming projects. The rush for garbage power is not 'ust due to the desire to stop wastig waste. The push for new plants is lagely due to piring tå: break a an expected hike in the price of electricity generated by small produ'said. A sizble tax break offered though the federal economic stimulus package expires at the end of. i012. ~d waste-tõ-enetgy developers are expecting a2014 hike in the rates power companes wi pay for the electricity produced from small producers - a rate tied to the price of natural gas, he said. So both producers are pushing forward wit plas to break ground this year. American Renewable Energy Associates spokeswoman Heather Foster said the company plans to have both its Guernsey and Cheyenne plants in operation before the end of2012. Dynamis Energy expects to break ground before the end of the year on its Riverton facil. Each of the American Renewable Energy Associates' $30 milon plants wil stand on 3.3 acres and wil process up to 300 tons of garbage a day, enough to create 13.5 megawatts õf electrcitY,s~ To put tht in perspectiv, the Dave Johnton coal-fied power plant near Glenrock is rated at just more than ~OO meg~=- The plats wil each create 170 construction jobs and 50 full-tie positions when put into operation. The Cheyenne plant is located in an "industril par" of the city, and the Guernsey plant wil be located 3.5 mies west of the cit. The town is working to build up a full range of housing options for construction workers and future employees of the plant, including reconditioned houses, portable homes, and higher-end dwellig: for single failes, said Bruce Heimbuck, communty development coorditor for the Guernsey Economic and Tourism Development Corp. "I think it fits in real well" Heimbuck said of the plat. "It's green energy, should be a low impact. It gis vibilty to the economic base and puts faies in the schools. It's stable, long-term and viable." The Dyamis facilties are slightly smaller, producing 7 to 10 megawatt of power from 125 to 250 tons of solid waste each day, Fawcett said. The plants, which wil be permtted through the ai quality and solid and hazardous waste divions of the Wyomig Departent ofEnVIonmental Qulity, produce few emisions and use 20f4 11/28/2011 2:27 Pl'2 . htt://ttib'com¡news¡state-aodïeg¡onal/compan¡es-pian-gaage fUl'" water produced from the waste gasifcation process, said Claudia Teeters, Wyomig projects admtrator for American Renewable Energy Associates. The facilties provide a way to use waste that would otherwise pile up in ladfi, savig space and puttg new electrcit into the power grid from garbage, which naturally produces gas as it decomposes. "Harvestig gas from it is just natue's wayoftaking that material and decomposing it into a ga," said Fawcett, with Dynamis Energy. "What we're just doing is acceleratig that." Along with th plat construction, American Renewable Energy Associates is developing an accredited curriculum for workers, to be taught though the Univrsit of Wyoming, Eastern Wyoming College and Laame County Commun College, Foster said. The curriculum could be used to tr workers for both the company's plats in Wyoming and future locations elsewhere, as well as similar facilties owned by other companies, she said. In the meantime, the company is negotiatig deals to get waste from surroundig communties. aJ arangig power purchase agreements for the output from the plants.., "We've got a couple of buyers we're negotitig with rigt now," Foster said. Reach Jeremy Fugleberg at 307-266-0623 or jeremy.fugleberg(trib.com. Read hi blog at http://trib.com/newslopinion/logsooml and follow him on Twitter: (gerenegy. Coig20l i tr.co An ri rerv Th materil may no be pulished, broaas, rewrien or redíbiited. Posted in State-and-regionai Energy on Wednesday, May 18, 20116:00 am Updated: 4:01 pm. I Tags: Guernsey, Waste Management, Biomass, Electricity, Cheyenne, Renewable Energy, Waste-to-energy, Envionment, Idaho, Amercan Renewable Energy Associates Share This Story Print Email ShareThis Other Stories . How many dead eagles? · Developers seek to li bird deaths · California is battleground for Wyoming wind · Power lines key to new Wyoming wind energy projects . The sales pitch · Wyoming snowpack drops slightly to 101 percent · Jackson hospital tuns offfrer durg holidays · Buyer nixes deal for controversial Wyomig natual gas assets 30f4 1112812011 2:27 P~3 Dyam Ener an Plaov Sign Agrment to Constct Wastet.. htt//brazusiness.einews.comlp_news/612664321dyams-r... THIS IS A SERVICE OF (¡ DIGITAL NEWS PROVIDER IBRAIL BUSINESS TODAY POWERFUL REAL-TIME NEWS TRACKING SERVICE BY EIN NEWS r- .v I Home I New by Topic I Editor's Picks II Search fo news I Ç5 ~ PRESSWIRE Submit news Share I Dynamis Energy and Planova Sign Agreement to Construct Waste-to-Energy Plants in Brazil PRNewswire EAGLE, Idaho, Oct 11, 2011/PRNewswire/-- Dynamis Energ (ww.dynamisenergy.com) and Planova (ww.planova.com.br) today launched a partership to pursue opportunities in South America's growng waste management markt Under th agrement, the companies will work together to build and manage waste-to-Energy facilties in Brazil, Argentina and Peru. (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/pmhl01103231SF70656LOGO) C. Lloyd Mahaffy, Chairman and CEO of Dynamis Energy .. said, "Planova's positin in the market offers us both a #--~ substantial opportunity for groth. At every level of business l) '¡/ N A j\/1 I S and government. Brazl has set ambitious goals for creating a . .. '. . waste management infrastructre that balances economic and E I' t: H. C 'l environmental needs. we look forwrd to making waste-ta-Energy facilities a significant part of that infrastructre." Dynamis Energy's 3.0 Waste-to-Energy Technology is a state of the art patent pending modular system with the ability to process a wide spectrum of waste streams, uses very lite fuel per cycle, and procss waste in a very effcient manner, while maintaining very low emissons. These attributes were key factors in the selection of Dynamis tecnology by Planova. Chairman of Planova Holding, Mr. sergio Macedo Facchini said, "Today we begin a new venture to meet Brazil's environmental, energy, and waste management needs. Dynamis 10t5 1/1112012 9:33 pB Dynam Ener and Plaova Sign Agent to Contrct Waste-too. htt://bbusines.einews.comlr_news/612664321dynams-er... THIS IS A SERVICE OF ~ DIGITAL NEWS PROVIDER economy with world-class waste management systems. II About Dynamls Energy, lLC Dynamis Energy is a leading provider of Advanced Thermal 3.0 Technology used to reccle municial and other solid wastes to provide sustainable economic and environmental beefits. Dynamis Energy is base in Eagle, Idaho and designs, builds, owns and operates fixed and mobile Wsstewto-Energy plants. Dynamis Enèrgy currently has projects underwy in Norh America, South America, the Caribbean, and Europe. ww.dynamisenergy.com About Planova Planova, founded in 1975 is based in Sao Paulo, is engaged in works of engineering, procurement, constuction and industrial assembly construction with the quality level that meets the nees and expectations of its cHent segments in oil and gas, petrochemical, power generation, steel, pulp and paper, metllurgy, sugar and alcohol production, procing and recling. ww.planova.com.br SOURCE Dynamis Energy, LLC RINS and Renewable Fuels ww.burkoj.com Get your questions on RINS and renewable fuel questions answered Thermal energi ww.açclona.com/ener World leader in clean technologies Present in aU main technologies Bridge Monitoring ww.smaTtrtures.com Bridge and Strctural Health Monitoring - contact usl Survalent Technology WW.8urlentcom 50 years of utlity automation. Your gateway to the Smart Grid. AdChoices i¡ 2of5 1111120129:33 pit Home I News I State and Regional News I State and Regiona News Wyomig garbage-fueled power plants move forward . Story . Disussion Wyoming gabage-fueled power plats move forward By JERE FUGLEBERGStar-Tribune energy report tr.com I Posted: Sunday, November 27,2011 2:00 pm I (2) Comments Font Siz: Defauh font size Lager font size . 1 rel . Recommend 6 rendatlons. Sign Up to see lMat your friends recomnd Thee garba-fuled power plats in Wyomig are movig ahead, although one appears held up by dicussion wit county offcials. Two of the plants are planned for the state's southast comer - one in Guernsey and one in Cheyenne. The thd is plaed for Rirtn. Whe progrss on American Renewable Energy Associates' two projects in southeast Wyoming may not seem obvious to the publi, plans for both the Guernsey and Cheyenn plants are proceedin at a steady clip, sa spokeswoma Heather Foster. "We're stil on schedule for the 2012 openig date for our plants," she said. The Guensey plat wil process 150 tons of garbag a day and produce 9 megawatts, whe. the Cheyenne plant wil process 200 tons per day and produce 13 megawatt, Foster said; The Guernsey-based company has obtaied rights to the technlogy it needs for the plants, which wil convert the gabage into a gas tht fies boilers, whose steam drives turbines tht produce electrcity for sale, Foster said. The company is working wit the Wyoming Departent of Envionmental Qua for necessar perms, closin in on fudi for the projects' constrctin as wen as possible buyers for the power produced. It has alo receivd an interconnection stdy, a key step in determg how the plants wi ti into the power grid. "Tht stuy came back extemely favorable for us," Foster sa. In Rirtn, thgs aren't movig quite as swly, said Rick Fawcett. He's the owner ofIdaho-based Clean MowitaIn Energy which helps commune~ct sites for such projects, as well the Wyomig-- lof3 1213/201 13:58 P~6 hUP: ¡Nib 'com¡ews¡siaie-and-regionai/wminggarbage- fUl eápo'" representati for Dynamis Energy, i;hich own a waste-to-energy technology. Fawcett met with the Fremont County Commsion and the board of the county's solid waste cüposal ditrict on Tuesday to discus the project. He sai the waste disposal board committed to figug out the cost of wase disposal to th county - a key step in determig the value of garbage to be sold for use by the waste-to-energy plat inad of goin to a landf "Unti those questns are answered) it's real difcult for them to mae a decision if putting in th plant is a savigs to thm," Fawcett said. "Our position all along is that th should reduce their cost of disosaL, and if it doesn't, they shouldn't do it." Fremont County Commioner Travi Becker said the board, whose members are appointed by the commission, must determe the. diposal cost of the waste to negotite a sales prie wi: Dynamis. The plat woul't cost the taayers any money to build or operate, and if a good deal is made, taxpayers could save money on waste disposal and extend the li of their landfil, he said. Butflst there needs to be less confion and better communication. ~'Y ou've got to have the. communicatin lies open, and 1'm not sure those lies were quite open in at least one side's vision of it," he said. "I'm hoping, now that we had th meetig yesterdy, that a litte more understadig is there." The board should have disposal cost ready by Janua, Becker said. Fawcett seemed frtrted but cautiously hopefu about the futu of the project. "It's not by any means dead, but there's certainly no decisions made about whether we're going to do it or not, eiter on their part of our par" Fawcett said. Reach Jeremy Fuglberg at 307-266~0623 or jeremy.fugleberg~trò.coni Read hi blog at htt://trib.com/ews/opinonllogsoom/ and follow him on Twittr: (qerenergy. c~ 20IJ trca An rislll reered 1I malll no be piiblibed 1i1si rewrien or rediõuled. Posted in State-and-regional, Energy, Updates on Sunday, November 27, 2011 2:00pm Updated: 8:11 pm. I Tags: Waste Maagement, Gurnsey, Heather Foster, Rick Fawcett, Waste-to-energy, Landf Amerian Renewable Energy Associates, Travi Becker, Wyoming Deparent. Of Envionmenta Quality, Clean Mountain Energy, Waste-to-energy Technology, Dynais Energy, Fremont County, Jeremy Fugleberg Share This Story Print Email ShareTh Other Stories . Wyoming wid tower plant delayed until next year · Wyoming gaery dilays art from Soviet Union era 20f3 121312011 3:58 P~7 PROJECTS SPARK DISCUSSION ON WASlE-lO-ENERGY TECHNOLOGY JAN 15. 2Q12 - SVEN BERG - IDAHO FALLS POST REG ISTER By signing a franchise agreement Thursday, Bonnevile, Madison, Clark and Fremont counties moved Dynamis Energy one step closer to building a wastei-to-energy plant in Dubois. But no everyone is convinced the project wil take root. While discussion oftlie Dubois plant has been minimal so far, controversy surrounds a much larier version of it that's planned for Ada County. Critics of the proposed Ada County project object to the way both the county and Dynamis have handled the process of moving it forward. They question the lack of a bidding process and the county's outlay of nearly $2 milion for the plant1s design. They wonder (f Ada County ever wil receive a benefit in return. 'The Dynamis contract does not gua rantee that the waste-to-energy project wil work or even that the waste-to-energy project wil probably work,1I Boise attorney Jon Steele wrote in a statement released Friday. IIWhile science and technology make the Oynamis project possible, science and technology have not made the Dynamis project e,onomically feasible. II David Frazier, who runs the news website Boise Guardian, said he, tooi is not sold on Dynamis' claims that its technology is viable. "The whole thing is pie in the sky at this pointi" Frazier said. "Itls fair to say that Dynamis is seeking ratepayer funding and Ada County taxpayerfunding for unproven technology," Frazier said. Dynamis proposes to use bins with closely controlled temperatures and pressures to heat household garbage. That process causes the iarbaee to release a synthetic ias that can be used as fuel. The fuel gas is then burned to boil water, prod ucine steam, which turns a turbine and prod uees an electrical current. At maximum capacity, the Ada County plant is projected to produce as much as 22 meiawatts. The Dubois plant has a maximum capacity of 4 megawatts. Producini the synthetic ias is the hard part. One of the reasons Dynamls chose this technology was the advantage of not requiring pretreatment, such assortingorgrinding, of the iarbagei said Rick Fawcett, who is working throughhis company, Whisper Mountain, helping Dynamis piece toiether its Dubois project. But the fact that household ¡arbaie often Is very wet and contains a huee, unpredletablerange of Items further complicates the gas-production side, said Robert Cherry, a senior research engineer for Idaho National Laboratory "People can discard all kinds of problematic materials like car batteries, tree branches and rocks," Cherry said via email. "These can Interfere with processing. II So far, no waste-to-energ plant built exactly to the Dynamis model is operational anywhere in the world. Dynamls hopes to bnng online at least four plants, including those in Dubois and Ada County, around 20t4, Fawcett said. A plant that features the Dynamis garbage-gasification concept has beenoperatlni In Barrow, Alaskai since 1996, Fawcett said. That plant doesn1t produce electricity, but Fawcett said it does produce synthetic gas. Once you have the gas, using it to make electricity is a simple, time-tested process. 78 Page two The four eastern Idaho counties that are collaborating in Dynamis' Dubois project also have contributed money - about $15(000 each. Part of that money has paid for a feasibility stud. yand some attorney fees. But it's smail change next to the nearly $2 milion Ada County has committed to the Dynamis project. Another question is how much eustomers wil have to pay for electricity produced at the Ada County plant. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission Is considering a proposal for Dynamis to sell power produced there for $92.53 per megawatt hour. That's more expe nsive than Idaho Power's low-tier electricityi but it reflects the price the utility would pay another electricity provider if it were not buying from Dynamisi said Randy Lobbi utilities divisIon administrator for the commission. 79 Electricity Declines 50% as Shae Spurs Natual Gas Glut: Energy - Businessweek--Page 1 of3 IDw new FREE iPad epp now Electricity Declines 50% as Shale Spurs Natural Gas Glut: Energy _., 1" 202. lI AM ES. _ 3 . _ &6 . Sh_ 9 . 1. Øu_l5i:. e-¡.I'ii By Jui Jon il Ma Chia Jan. 17 (Blomb).. A shale-dii glut of natal gas has cut elootriclly prices for the U.S. por Induii by 50 per an reuce invetm in cotler sourcs 01 enrg. IMlh abunnt ne supplies of ga making it 1Ie cleapest opll for ne po genertin, th farg U.s. Wlnd-ner producer, Ne Energy Inc., ha shelv plns for ne U.S. Wind pro nex yerend Exlon Corp. caed or plans to expan tw nuclear plants. MIigan utility eMS Eny Corp. 'êeled aj2 bUG col piañl ~lIfiI'Aeiiiv a time of'lo naturalgas pric IinirtiîÔ expanded shale- supplie: accrdin. to a compa slmenl - MirrOl li gas market, whoesale eIci price have droped more tlan 50 ~t on avage sin 2~ and abut 10 percnt during the four ..am of 2011. acrd to a Jan. 11 rearch report by Aih Prabu, a New York-bsed creit analyst With Standar & Pos Finaal Sei LlC. Plce in li Wêt hub' 01 P.. IntenneCUon LLC, the iargt whoese market in the U.S., cllned to about $39 per megawatt hour by Decembe 2011fr $87 in the fist quartr of 2008. .. Po pruces' prots ar de by cheap gaa beus elri prng histrilly has !lan Dnked to the gas market. As prfi margins slk from faHii pric, more genrat ar expe to pcpone or abandon col, nuclear and wid prjets decons that may slow the shift to clea fo of enrg and slpe th indust for decas to coe, Mark Pruitt, a Chlcao-cased Indepedent Industr consultant said In a telephone Intervew. Po Eaings Imp Nal gas fell toay on inY8or cocerns th mild Winte weaher In the U.S. will dap demad. Natura gas for February deivery feD 18.2 cents. or 6.8 pet, to $2.488 pe million Brish thrmal unit on th New York Mercile Exhange, the lowt seemet price since March 2002.-- - 'You're Iorl the ea$ celing evry time na1Uial- gas prlC8 drop: said Prit foer direct of the Ilinois Power Agnc, which negol po. purce agr fo the st's utlities. Pri deline ar exte to hurt fort-quartr 2011 earnigs and continue to dep profits through 2012, Angle Storonski, a New York Citybaed uf~ltes analy wi Macuai! Caitl US Inc., sad in a Jan. 11 rese note. Hardest hi Will be indpedent por producers in unregulated stales such as Texs and lUinois, which do't have the prlens given regulated u1ies wher si anow a cein le of prts. 60 Perct Decline The Stnd & Pos ildepet power produce Index which grops Consteat Enrg Group Inc, NRG Ener Inc and AES Corp., ha fallen 60 pet sinc the begilnin of 200, cored with a 14 pert dro for Iie Standard & POOr's SOO Index. acrding to da comp by Blomberg. lO gas pr drain 1119 momentum fr a resurglng nucl Industr long be last yea meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ich plant In Japan, said Paul Patn, a Ne Yor Cit-b utlit analyst wi GJenrockAsocite LLC. No applions 10 build ne rect have!lei fid with feeral reulal 8i June 2009. Exel, ti lares U.S. nucr oper, cale plal1 last summe to bo capaci at tw nuclear piants in Ilinois and Pennsylia af analying ecno fats, Mai Murp, a spkesm fe Chicbaae Exllon, said in an e-mell. CMS Eners ceed col plt. plnne fo Bay Cit. Micigan, would have showsed 1Ie net polluIcontr tehnology for caturing and storng caki emiSIon Wn Ex~Sl Sls- Inrs alS ar coo on wind invent becaus of falin por prces, a lac of trnsision Infraructure and th posibili thiñ feeral S\bsdie may expie ne year. T. Boone Pickns, one 01 wind powr's biges booste decd to fo on prog gas-fuel c n ts a r caceling plans "'r a texs wind farÏ in 2010. 'Bo slUse wInd bein a ke part 01 Am's enrg future," Jay Rosser, a spokesan for Pickens, sad in an e-maU. "Naturei.gas prt wil ultmaly rise and make wind li mo copeitve in the proces. . htt://www.businesswe.comlnews/2012-01-19/electricity-declies-50-as-shale-spurs-nat...1121120 12 80 Electrcity Declies 50% as Shale Spurs Natual Gas Glut: Energy - Busssweek Page 2 of3 NeiEra dld/ll inUd new u.s. wi prjela in Ill1lnacl fore for 2013. Le Hay. chief exve ofll of the Juno Beach, Florida-based cony, sa in a Novr confnc ca wl investors. Nexra's wind exanfon after 2012L when a federa ta crll fo Wind generors Is expect to expir, Is contingnt upon 'public po supprt,' said Ste Stengel, a spkesman for NexlEra, in a teep/one IntervGW. - .. -..- "Vnd on ll ow wIut Incen1lve Is fa from ecomi unless gas Is norh of $6.50," sald Travis Mille, a Chicgo. baed utilily analys at Mornln_r Inc Shal Gas Bo - U. S. gas sulie have be gro SInc proucrs reamed how to use hyrauric frctring and horntal drillng to tap deposits locd in dense shale ro roation. Gas pr ha ben faling since mfd-20oa, when a global resion sapped ded jus! as drilling accleraed in the gas-rich Marcellus shale In lh eam U.S., acing todalcompllec by Bloom. Gas pric COlad fuiter in la 2011 on concems mild win welher in the U.S. will curb demand for the heatng fuel. Gas is expected to st beow 2011's ave pric of $4.026 fo th net tw years, prt at arond $3.10 per millon British thermal unill fo 2012 and $4 fo 2013, acing to Robert ~eo., äñlñvelmem ban1td in MilwauKe. New Gaa Geration Declnin pow prics may als make it unprfitable for ulñiles to instaH polution contol on older co-Ora plants, adin lD the wave of plant closures tht are expe to relt frm new U.S. Enironmental Proleetn Agncy rules over lIe nex tw to th yers, Pruitt said. As io as 90 gigaw of new generaon, enough capa to Ilght 72 mUDon homes and busines, willli needed by 2015 10 replac reing co plants and me ei deand, acrding to a Nov. 30 researc repo by Hugh Wyna. an analyst at Invement bank sanford C. Bernleln. Chap gas maes It dlmclt fo rival fo of ful to compele, said Sam Brothwell, a senio uilly analy will Bloomberg Industrs, in a lelephone interview_ His, ga!i geerars hav been oie lea expensive to build. ofset by a higher ruel cot Brohwll ead. With gas falfng below $3, 'It make all oIer form of prog elely look les coetitive by comparisn,' he said. Gas Powr Cos .37 an hour In the thir qurt of 2011, wtch wa les pro cancell, alog will a broder swit rr col to gas, wiD leave oie indust wlii feer a1leaUves and its more expo to risng gaa pi1ces, Pru Sl. 'The wa to mae $4 ga $8 gas is lor evne to go ou and buld combin.cy nalura-ga plants,' Michael Morris, non-eculle cIalrmai of Ameri Elecri Po Inc.. sa at tI ind81iy confere in Novmber. "We nee to be catiou about how we go abou this.' "With asssta frm Jim Pol$O and Benjamin Haas In New Yor Edito: Charle Siler, Jessic Reanick.Ault To cola tl reort on ths st: Jul Johnsson in Chica ai.uohssoiibtorg.net; Mark Chedl In sa Francisco at rnedia~OQmbe.net To coia tl edor I9bl fo this st: SUlan Wirrn ai lInw~loollg.net. Re 3 . __ 5$.. 1.Ø_El_. E_ . PiiAf tlCU Like 1l_c...La Typ yor coell hee. Poss._ _..up"l'" .....(R)_,.1__by_lft .. jsta 1i1_1o....NO pr i.? as tløg_..._ ¡1m", iull ogn..i1 has ma.'_II1h.. CdR_i;.""i.øa_rn_. htt://w.businesweek.com!newsI2012-01-191electrcity-declies-50-as-shale-spurs-nat...1121120 i 2 81 Spokane Waste to Energy - Waste to Energ Facilty Page i of3 \\Y Spokane Waste to Energyff wast manat for Spokae Home Disposal Site (hours, ras, map) Recycling Was to Energ Hazrdous Wast Constrcton & Demolition Infonnatln Library About Us Contctll Histrical Data Maor rerl needed for WTE Regional Sym audit Managent enineere version Spokane ME 2008 Dome Compare Wh8ø1abra Facilities Solid Waste Management . .; r Sëarch ". ...,. .., _., .: .,_--___.1 WASTE TO ENERGY FACILITY Mandatory service area: Spokane County 1430.000 ratepayrs Type at contact: FuR serceOperate Wheeabrator 1 Wast Manageent Ownership: Cit of Spokane Financing ($110 mIllon): Revenue Bonds - Mandal debt 10 entie County Departnt of Ecology Grnt ($60 miUion) Start-up: 1991 l:xp.OSft and Revenues for Z009:Cost of Operatlon $17.2 millonJ1 per tom Cos of Ash Disposal $4.1 mUllan ($47 per n)Cos at De mlli TOTAL COSTS O. ¡Ilon Electrcity Revenue ï .41~: Materials Recovery .fmiD NET COST OF OPERA~NS $18.8milliO~ Refuse Combusn: Opertin: 24.hours per day, 7 days per week Process Lines: 2 aioo tos-pef-daY -. Plant maximum ãiy capacit: 800 tos Average thru-put: 720 tons ¡mr day (36 dafi per vs) Feed systm: 2 Qveffeâd re us crnes wi ram feeder Grate design: Von Roll reciprocating Combustion temperare: 25000 F Auxilary fuel: Naturl gas Waste weightreducto~ Annual Greenhou Gas Prouction 600;000,000 Pound C02.. cOa per MWH 448 pounds of total CO2 per Megaw Hour: 1580 pounds of foil C02 I M\/ pls,90 d f'C02M20 IPOun so bio I \I Foss lfaron clJ - Spuk1e Muicipal SolidW'ste 50 6põk ME 199 :- æi45y--. Fossil HC Incineraon energy 40 ~ 135 -.r -I Fossil carbon (% toal carbÐn)15 3l ../- 125 // J~//Fossil HC (Gweigh1) 10 /;-~5 - * 0 .#!lC).,~rf ,i; .Ash handling system: 8emì-ry. viraing pan coveor Materials recovery: 10", agggate. ferrus Air Qualit Control: Type of equipmnt: Dry scrbbers-Fabrlc filters-deNOx (2 units) Energy Production: htt://spokanwatetoenergy.com/WasoEnergy.htm 1120/2012 82 Spokae Wase to Energ - Waste to Energy Facilty Page 2 of3 Type of energy: Electric power Steam ftow to turbine: 188,000 pph C 830 pslg/825° F Heat energy prouced: 125 megawatl Averagø sellable elcticIty output: 16.1 megawatts (141,000 MWhear, 8760 hours In a year) Effciençy; 13% Cooling system: Air cooled condenser Customer: ~get Sound Powr and liht Inc. Facts & Figures: Plant MaxImum Capacity: Equals 800 Tons/day, tw 4001l0n per day boilers. Guaranteed capacity: 248,200 TonsJ., 720 tons/dayEffctve maxImum capacity: 275,00 Tonsl Max capacity reached: 1992, exss hauled to K1ickiat Count Electrical output: 26 megawatt maximum - 20 megawat average - 16 MW sold Turine Speed: 3600 rpm prducng 60 Hert (60 cyessec) Pit DImensions & capaclt:'140' x 50' x 40'; 40' back wall; 4800 tons Receiving flr: 62,000 square fl. or 1.4 acr Stack: 175' tall, preéd concrete seons, contins three ftues Fire Temparatul'250 degrees F Tempeloclt of exIting stack gases: 250 degrees F, 4000 ft per minufi Construction involve: 16,415 cubic yards of cocrte 198,692 cubic yards soil impo 45,251 fet of pipe 3,248 Tons of slmural stee 350,829 feell.445 miles of cable 10,740 fetJ.3 miles of cable tray 2,3961iekl welds Time to consruct 22 months First refuse fire: Septrñer 6, 1991 Refe crane: caacity = 9 tons or 6.5 cuic yards; Typical load = 2-3 tons Comule System: Bailey Netwrk 90 . Cost 110 Milion dolrs, larest capital prject for City of Spokane Owerhip: City of Spokane. Deb reponsbility: Cit of Spokae & Spokane COnty & an municipalities within. Wheelabraor I Waste Managemen Involvement: Design, constct, operte and maIntain for 20 yea at 100% profit margin. Technology: Ash Quantity:~educton by weight of original MSW weight. Ash Disposar~co Regignal Landfill Klickttat County (near Rooset. WA),Ash Trapo:ntalner capacity 15 tons. Conguraion: tw coniners per load, 30 ton per truck, 8-1Q 1rckload~dl!. lntennodal trin container, 25-28 ton caga~. Iron réovery: t54t õ original weight of MSW. Iron is not recovered Wï lraditionallandfng. Built for exñslon: Exnded COnveyors; Big pit; Exra flue in stack; Boile APC tubine nee Air Cooled Condenser: TetaHy dry collng-6 ceDs, 150 HP molars Boiler tube length: Appromately 100 feet, suspeded from roof strclral steel Bag Houa9S: Bag hous contain 3420 bags (1710 per boiler line). Filtering bags ar made of Gore- Tex fabrc. Conous Emssion Monitor: Read every 15 seconds2, 802, Nox, Opaci, CO, TemperarePropert Ara: 52 Acre Similar technology: Spokane Air Pollution Control Authority (SCAPCA)Washinglon Deartment of Ecology (WOE) Spokane Regonal Health Distrct (SRHD). BTUvaluøs: __Garage = 4.800lpound _ Coal = 12,Oõöund ht://spokanewasoenergy.comIastetoEnergy.htm 112012012 83 Spokae Waste to Energy - Waste to Energy Facilty Pla$lc = 14,OOOQIJDd "Tires'" 16,OOOJpound SpOane Vlste to Energy - Advancing intelligent waste managemeni soutios. Web hosted by Osprey Communications. ht://spokaewastetoenergy.comIastetoEnerg.htm Page 3 of3 112012012 84 NIDA~POR~~ AnIDAORP COmiari Comments of Idao Power Company To the Interi Commttee on Energyt Environment and Technology On the Draft 2012 Idao Energy Plan- Membe of the Interim Energy, Envionmen and Tecnology Commttee: Idaho Power apreciates the opprtty to off its comen on the dr 2012 Idah Engy Plan to members of the Intem Energy, Environment and Technology Cottee, and as the larest investor-owned elecc utility in the state, Idaho Power commends member of the Inte Commttee for thei leadership and willingns to help shape the state's ener futu. Idaho Power would also like to comend the Interi Commtt, the Offce of Energy Resurce and the leaip. and member of the Idao Strategic Energy Alliance (ISEA) for the time and enegy tht has been devote to updating the 2007 Idaho Energy Plan. Idaho Power employees are actively involved in the varous ISEA tas fores, and at a board level. Idaho Power's comments are focued on five general area: · emphasizing the strtegic natue of th plan; · energy an ecnomic developt; . tranrtation - the elephant in the room; . conser adocacy; . ener planng vs. energy statistics; and Two specfic commen regarding: . adoon of Intetion Buiding Coes, and · PUR A reguatons and encourgig development of customer-owned reewable genertion. Emphasizing the Stregic Nature of the Energy Plan Idaho Power believes Idao's engy plan should be strategic and diion in natu, as opposed to being overly tactca and precrptive. Intiatives to implement the strategies set for in the plan shoud be evaluated and vetted thugh the legislatue at the time the specifc intiatve is prpoed. The energy bu is changig rapidly and the state's energy plan nes to be capable of ad~g to the changig envinment Ths approach is similar to th Integrate Resure Plang (IR) proces, in which a utity IR is acknowledged or acceted for filig by the Ida Public Utilities Commission (IC), but not approved. The fact that the reure lOO7243.00 2) 1221 W. Idaho SL (83102) P.O.lloH1O Bois&, 10 8;107 85 plan contaed in the lR is not "aproved" prvides the utity and the IPUC with the flexbilty to adap to chgi cicumstaes. Energy and Economic Development The plan identifies "opportties for economic development associated with energy production as well as in serng global energy markets though maufaturig and sece" as one of the thee pillar of Idao's energy futue. l4aho Power b~es there is a stn&ligebet ccs to afordable energy serces and a successfu economic el . . Id oans acess to some 0 e owest eetcity rates in the countr, coupled with the region's abundace of natu resoures, emergig energy-related businesses and related reseach at our state univerities, the Center for Advanced Energy Stues (CABS), Idao National Lab (IN), and the region's quaity of life mae Idaho a natual for energy-relate economic development. Idah Power stngy supprt the concep of aligng the allocation of low cost ener with public benefit valUt; as deiled in secon 4.3 of the draf and it encourages the Inter Cottee to embrac and build on th concet. Ths aproach can be especally successful if the right types of new businesses ar attcted to Idaho and they provide a high ratio of ecnomic benfit to thir energy requirements, helping to P!sere low rate for all customers. In order to suort futu economic developent, in its 2011 IR Idao Power has "ProoSe addg an additional 80 MW of pe-hour load to its load an resour balance begiing with the 2013 IR. "licftestïlng 80 MW of addtional peak-hour capabilty will be aVãIa6e to support bÔI existing an new large load custo. Ido Power stans ready to supprt the eleccal needs of the state's grwing ecnomy, including working with the Interm Committee, member of the legilatu, the Goverr's offce, Depent of Commerce, Offce of Ener Resources and th IPUC, to. craf meanngfu economic development progr. Trasporttion - the Elephat in the Room Wle we beieve that acces to a low cost, reliable supply of electrcity is one of the key to ecnomic development - and Idao Power will contiue to work to ensure its customers have access to an abundant supply oflow cost electrca energy - this is only par of the engy pictre for the averge Idah. As detailed in Table 2.3 on page 56 of the draf the averge Idaho household speds $1,195/yea for electrcity, 27% of their anua energy bi. Compar ths to galie expenditu. The averge houseold spends $2,555/yea on galit; 57% of their anual energy bil.. more than twice as much as they spend on electcity. Th ISEA has identified the nee to establish a task fore on trsprttion to investigae ways to red the averge household's expenditues for gasolie. Idaho Power fuly supports the idea of eslishig a trrttion tas force and encourages the Interm Coiittee to address this isse. With over 582,000 households in Idah, this works out to over $1.4 billon/year on gasline! In fa, dunng 2005 transorttion accounte for the largest petage of Idaho's (QOO72743.00CX; 2l 86 gross grenou ga (OHO) emssion 1. So, if the stat ca implement progr that result inmeangl reduon in gaslie usage thugh conseation an effciency, caooli reginal lad us planng programs an policies to reuce vehicle mies traveled, and devlopment and use of public trsportation where practcable, Idahoans wil be able to reduc their energy expeitus an reduc Idao's GHO emissions. Caroolig or other program that result in a i 0% reduction in fuel expetues could save Idaoans over $140 milion per yea. Consumer Advocac Other coents submitted on the draf 2012 Energy Plan suggest the ne for a consumer advocate offce to repesent residential customer interests. Acknowledgig the imporance of stakolder engaement, Idaho Power does not believe the 2012 Idaho .B Plan, or comments on the Plan, are th appropriate vehcles for debating the pros and cons of establishg an ftding a consuer advocate offce. As a reguiat utiity operting under the junsdiction of the IPUC and the OPUC, Idah Power has some of th lowest residential rates in the countr. This is at least due in par to the dilgence of the IPUC Commissoners and Sta and the reguat overight the provide for Idaho's investr owned utities. With ths in mind, Idaho Power encourges the Inter Comtte to focus on the strategic issues identified in the plan and work to maxize the efecvenes of any additional energy related progrs or expenditues. Ener Plang vs. Energy Statistics The dr 2012 Idaho Energy Plan is aproximately iso pages in lengt. Idao Power encourages the Inte Comtte to consider sepatig th planng and policy components of the plan from the engy statistcs and status sections. Statistics and stat chge quickly - some will be out of date soon af the 2012 Idao Energy Plan is released, but th strategic aspts of th policy shoul be longer lived. With th in mid, Idah Power suggests that the Interi Committee consder ways to addre the enhancing our collective IQ componet of the 2012 Idaho Energy Plan by makng nuerous secons of the draft Plan available in an on-line fomiat tht is updated mor frquetly than once every five year. If implemented, ths change wil reduce the size of the docuent and help to emphasize the strtegic natu'e of the PIan. Intetional Bulding CodS2 Idao Power believes tht it is imprtan for the stte's building codes to rem cuent From ou perectve, it is more effcient to incorporate engy effciency features in buildigs durg their initial costrction thn it is to retrfit an existing buildig. However, we alo recognize that the stte faes a nuber of implementaton issues asociated with updatig the building coes on a reglar bass. Is adtig the updated Interatonal Building Codes ever the years the righ answr? Idaho Power encourages the Interi Commttee to discus the implementation conce with the aproprate state agencies, and to develop a policy recommendation tht taes i ht!p:llwww.dÇ(),idabQ.&ovl!ncdiii34S4~"ghg inventory idaho spOS.pdf, see page iü lOO72743.DO 2) 87 into coideration both th lost opportnities (from an energy efciency perectve) and the implementaton issues to reach a balance solution th addesses the interests of al steholder. PUR A Regulations and Encourging Development of Cuomer-Owned Renewable Generation Project Idaho Power has serous concers regarg the potenal modifications to Action E-7 discussed at the Inte Committee's meetg held on November 3, 2011. Action E-7, as liste in the October 14, 2011 draf of the 2012 Idaho Energy Plan reads as follows: In accordane with federal la, the. Idaho PUC should continue to administer its responsibilities under the Pulic Utility Regulatory Policy Act. Idaho Power has no objecton to the above acon. However, at the November 3M meeg, discusson of potential modifications to this acton tende to gravitate to the language and concets contaned in the 200 Idao Energy Plan (Action E-l6), which reads as follows: The Idah PUC should administer its res'fibilties under the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act in a way that encouages the development of customer- owned renewable generation an combined heat and powr facilties. -- PUR A is not meat to Incent renewable energy projects with the price that is paid to a Qualified Faclity (QF). In fa an incetive prce for QFs is ilegal under PUR A, as PURP A requires prce to be se at the utility's avoided cost, whch is to refec the increnta cost to an elecc utlity of electc energy or capacity or both which, but for the purchase frm the QF, such utlity would generae itse or purchae frm another sottce. See Independent Ener Producers Association v. Californ Public Utilities Comm 'n, 36 F.3d 848, 858 (9t Ci. 1994) ("If pure rates are set at the utilitys avoided cost, consumer ar not forced to subsidize QFs beuse they ar paying the sae amt they would hav paid if the utity had geerted energy itself or purchas energy elsewhere."). The incenve to QF development frm PURA is thefoe not in the price tht a QF is entitled to but in the fact that the utility is require to contract with the QF. See 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a). PURP A reuires that utliy cusmer be econoiically indifferent to the effects of whether power is puhased from a QF or otherse acquired (generated or purchsed) by the utilty. Souther California EdiJon Co., 71 F.E.R.C. P 61,269,1995 WL 327268 (F.E.R.C. 1995) ('''e intention (of PURPA) was to make ratepayers indiffert as to wheter the utiity used mor tradtiona sours of power or the newly-ecoUTaged alteratives."). When the utility is fored ( to buy QF power in exces of ~ tre avoided cost, customer ar no longer indiffernt. \ (00043.DOCX; 2) 88 Conclusion In coclusi~ Ida Power appreciates th opportty to submit thes commen aid we coend the member of the In Commttee on Engy, Envien an Techology for thei leaerp an willngess to ads the ste's energy need. We encourge the Inte Commttee to develop a plan tht is stategic in natue, focusin on the St's energy futu an t1 path we ta to get there. Idaho Power is acvely plag to mee the futu electrcal energy needs of its cutomer and the company stads reay to assit th Inte Comttee in deopment of th 2012 Idaho Energy Plan . Sincerely,4!E#..L Karl E. Bokenp DiretOr Opaton Streg Idah Power Company (OOO7274:J.DOX; i¡ 89 TIPING FEES TIPPING FES WASTE TO ENERGY FACILITY I Spokane See, p. 82 I $68 per ton 90 COMPARON OF RENEWABLE ENRGY RATES FadJ Typ Capaci Price per MW 1.Wase-to-Energy Facity 22 20 yea levelDynprce of$92.65 peMW 2.Lafi ga fa Hidden Hollow # i 3.2MW $48-62MW Hidden Hollow # 2 3.2MW $63.78 MW in 2012 increaing to $124.47 pe MWin2031 3.Hyd Riveride Invesents 1.27MW $53.20 pe MWin2012 Increg to $107.27 pe MWin2032 4.Wind High Mes Ener 40MW 20 year level price of $56.43 peMW 5.Biogas L.7MW $60.24 per Car MWH in 2011 esting to I $90.63 per MWHin2021 91