HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111219Comments.pdfJean Jewell
Monday, December 19, 2011 3:36 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from Paul l. Alldredge follows:
Case Number: IPC-E-11-2S
Name: Paul l. Alld redge
Ci ty: Caldwell
State: Idaho
Zip: 836ØS
Daytime Telephone: 2Ø84S99482
Contact E-Mail: paul.alld~gmail.com
Name of utility Company: self
Acknowledge: acknowledge
Please describe your comment briefly:
I have read the letter from Mr. Runft who represents Mr. Osborne in this matter and would
also ask this case to be an open meeting as I am concerned about the subsidized levels of co-
generation and the costs to ratepayer's. This project as well as nearly all wind projects
and other co-generation projects would never stand on their own merits w/o subsidies and
inflated rates. Further, I am concerned about the recent F ERC ruling on Bonneville Power
where they are forced to take co-generated power even when the Columbia River systems
providing ample water for the needs of BPA; even when the system is full and spilling with
water for hydro-power. Rate payers get stuck paying inflated prices for electricity in the
final analysis.
This meeting needs to be open to public comment. I appreciate IPUC has to do a balancing act
and watch out for the interests of all parties in this matter. Rate payer's need to be a
part of this process.
The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html
IP address is
Jean Jewell
ddgm(§cableone. net
Monday, December 19, 2011 7:28 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from D .l. Maitland follows:
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Case Number: IPC '!:-t/-;;S
Name: D.l. Maitland
Address: 2112 Ray Ave.
Ci ty: Caldwell
State: Idaho
Zip: 836e5
Daytime Telephone: 2e8 459 9385
Contact E-Mail: ddg~cableone.net
Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power
Please describe your comment briefly:
I ask that that any hearing with Idaho Power and Dynamis be open to the public as the rate
payers will be paying for this project. I feel that this application is premised upon
unproven technology, government payments, and tax credits.
I therefore would like to be notified of any hearing.
D.l. Maitland
The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html
IP address is
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