HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111215notice_of_modified_procedure_order_no_32411.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date December 15,2011 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO )CASE NO.IPC-E-1 1-22 EXTEND AND MODIFY ACCOUNTING ) ORDER TO AMORTIZE ADDITIONAL )NOTICE OF ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAX )MODIFIED PROCEDURE CREDITS (ADITC)) )NOTICE OF )COMMENT DEADLINE ) _______________________________ )ORDER NO.32411 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on November 2,2011,Idaho Power Company filed an Application requesting an Order “(1)authorizing the Company to extend its ability to amortize additional accumulated deferred investment tax credits (ADITC)through December 31, 2013,and (2)approving a one-time adjustment applied in 2011 to a sharing provision of the stipulation approved in Order No.30978 to allow one-half of the Company’s share of the Idaho jurisdictional return on equity (ROE)in excess of 10.5 percent to be provided as a customer benefit in the form of a reduction in rates or an offset to amounts that would otherwise be collected from rates.”Application,p.1.ADITC are income tax benefits the Company receives based on the level of plant investment in previous years.ADITC is normally amortized over the book life of the associated plant investment and is used to reduce customer income tax expense during the amortized period.Order No.30978 was issued January 13,2010 in Case No.IPC-E 09-30 approving a stipulation that specifies Company use of ADITC during 2009,2010 and 2011,including a potential for revenue sharing in those years. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that Idaho Power’s Application stated it is necessary to have a signed settlement agreement regarding its proposal on or before December 31,2011,in order to facilitate the timely recording of the Company’s 2011 earnings for financial reporting purposes.The Company requested that its Application be processed by Modified Procedure,and also proposed that a workshop be convened at the offices of the Commission on November 30,2011,so that interested parties could discuss the Company’s proposal.The Commission subsequently issued a Notice of Application,Notice of Intervention Deadline,and Notice of Public Workshop to process the Company’s Application.On November 30,2011,the NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDER NO.32411 1 parties convened a workshop to discuss Idaho Power’s Application.On December 12,2011,a Stipulation signed by Idaho Power,Micron Technology,and Commission Staff was filed with the Commission.The Stipulation extends the arrangement for Idaho Power’s use of ADITC through December 2014. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has determined that the public interest may not require a formal hearing in this matter and will proceed under Modified Procedure pursuant to Rules 201 through 204 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Rules of Procedure,IDAPA Commission notes that Modified Procedure and written comments have proven to be an effective means for obtaining public input and participation. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that any person desiring to state a position on this Application and Stipulation may file a written comment in support or in opposition with the Commission no later than December 20,2011.The comment must contain a statement of reasons supporting the comment. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that persons desiring a hearing must specifically request a hearing in their written comments.Written comments concerning this Application and Stipulation may be mailed to the Commission and Idaho Power at the addresses reflected below: Commission Secretary Lisa D.Nordstrom Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jason B.Williams P0 Box 83720 Idaho Power Company Boise,Idaho 83 720-0074 P0 Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 Street Address for Express Mail:E-Mail:lnordstrom@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahopower.com 472 W.Washington Street Boise,ID 83702-5918 Timothy E.Tatum Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise,ID 83 707-0070 E-mail:ttatum@idahopower.com These comments should contain the case caption and case number shown on the first page of this document.Persons desiring to submit comments via e-mail may do so by accessing the Commission’s home page located at www.puc.idaho.gov.Click the “Comments and Questions” icon,and complete the comment form,using the case number as it appears on the front of this NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDERNO.32411 2 document.These comments must also be sent to Idaho Power at the e-mail addresses listed above. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if no written comments or protests are received within the time limit set,the Commission will consider this matter on its merits and enter its Order without a formal hearing.If written comments are received within the time limit set,the Commission will consider them and,in its discretion,may set the same for formal hearing. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Application and Stipulation have been filed with the Commission and are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission offices or on the Commission’s web site at www.puc.idaho.gov by clicking on “File Room”and then “Electric Cases.” YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this case will be held pursuant to the Commission’s jurisdiction under Title 61 of the Idaho Code and that the Commission may enter any final order consistent with its authority under Title 61. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this matter will be conducted pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Procedure,IDAPA et seq. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Idaho Power Company’s Petition to extend and modify accounting order to amortize additional accumulated deferred income tax credit (ADITC) be processed by Modified Procedure,IDAPA interested in submitting written comments in this matter must do so no later than December 20,2011. NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDERNO.32411 3 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this /‘l’ day of December 2011. PAUL K L1A DER,PRESIDENT sN MACK A.REDFORD,COMM1SSIONER MARSHA H.SMITH,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: /1/7 At4J / Jan D.JewelI’) dômmission Secretary bIs/O:IPCE-11 -22ws2 NOTICE OF MODIFiED PROCEDURE NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDER NO.32411 4