HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170702Comment.PDFDiane Holt From:terrymaret@gmail.com Sent:Tuesday,August 1,2017 7:06 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Terry Maret Name:Terry Maret Case Number:IPC-E-117-13 Email:terrymaret@gmail.com Telephone:2084843915 Address:4083 Argonaut Boise ID,83709 Name of Utility Company:IPC Comment:We recently installed solar panels to our home to do our part to reduce fossil fuel consumption that hasresultedinglobalwarmingandenormousenvironmentaldamagefrommercuryemissionsandotherairorwaterbornepollutants.Institutions and utilities should be encouraging this move towards alternative energy sources and notpenalizingthosewhofeelwecandobettertosustainourplanetandwayoflife.Idaho Power’s proposal is unfairlysinglingoutsolarcustomers.The Company contends that because net-metering solar customers reduce the number ofkilowatt-hours they purchase from the utility they avoid paying their fair share of fixed costs.But there have alwaysbeendifferenttypesofcustomersthatcostmoreandlesstoserveyetpaythesameratesincludingruralandurbancustomers.Net-metering solar customers also provide power to their neighbors and can help reduce the need forexpensivetransmissionanddistributioninfrastructurenecessarytomoveelectricityfrompowerplantsthatmaybehundredsofmilesaway.If the Company wants to look at cost shifting,they need to take a much broader look at theissueratherthanjustfocusonthetinychangesthatnet-metering may make.For your information,solar now employsmorepeopleintheU.S.electricity generation than oil,coal and gas combined.Idaho needs to pass legislation to offermoreincentivestoencouragesolarsystems...so many new developments without solar...what a shame and missedopportunity.Your proposal may jeopardize this growing industry in Idaho and cast a shadow of uncertainty in themarketplace. I look forward to attending the public hearing on this issue. Terry Maret Boise,Idaho Unique Identifier: 1