HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120112final_order_no_32434.pdfOffice of the Secretar Service Date Januar 12,2012 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPROPRIATE ) DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS FROM THE ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-17 SALE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S S02 ) EMISSION ALLOWANCES IN CALENDAR )YEAR 2011 ) ORDER NO. 32434 ) On September 19, 2011, Idaho Power Company fied its report ("Report") on the Company's sale of sulfur dioxide (S02) emission allowances in 2011. The Company says it expects to receive $21,756 in net proceeds from the sale (after deducting brokerage fees of $1,554), and that it will account for the proceeds using the interim accounting method that the Commission approved in Order 29852. On October 26,2011, the Commission issued a Notice of Reportotice of Modified Procedure setting a November 16, 2011 comment deadline. See Order No. 32385. The Commission's Staff submitted the only comments in the case. BACKGROUND A. The S02 Program Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 establishes a national plan to reduce acid rain. 42 U.S.C. §§ 7651, et seq. The plan's centerpiece is the incentive- or market- based "cap and trade" S02 emission program. Under this program, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) caps the total amount of S02 emissions allowed nationwide. The EPA then allocates S02 emission allowances to thermal power plant owners based on the cap. Each allowance authorizes a plant owner to emit one ton of S02. Order No. 29852 at 1. Each year a plant owner must hold sufficient allowances to cover actual S02 emissions. If a plant owner has insufficient allowances to cover its anual emissions, it must buy additional allowances or be fined and forced to surender future year allowances to cover the shortfall. A plant owner with surlus S02 allowances in a given year either may save or sell them. S02 emission allowances are fully marketable commodities and can be traded on the open market or in special EPA-sponsored auctions. Idaho Power has an ownership interest in thee thermal power plants in the western United States that receive S02 allowances from EPA. Id ORDER NO. 32434 1 B. Prior Commission Orders The Commission has previously issued Orders related to the sale of Idaho Power's surlus 802 emission allowances. These include, without limitation, the following Orders. In 2005, the Commission authorized Idaho Power to sell the Company's surlus 802 emission allowances. See Order No. 29852. The Commission required Idaho Power to report the 802 sale proceeds within 60 days of receipt. Id. In 2006, the Commission ordered the Company to include 802 allowance sales proceeds in the Company's anual Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") as an offset to reduce the level of PCA rates. See Order No. 30041. The Commission decided that, like the then-approved PCA sharing arangement, "90% of the net proceeds (were) to be passed onto customers, and 10% (were) . . . to be retained as a shareholder benefit." Id. In 2009, the Commission modified Idaho Power's PCA ftechanism by changing the customer/shareholder power purchase cost-benefit allocation to 95%/5%. See Order No. 30715. In 2011, the Commission applied this change to allocating net proceeds from the Company's sale of 802 emissions allowances during the 2010 calendar year. Thus, 95% ofIdaho'sjurisdictional share of the net sale proceeds, including ta effects, was allocated to customers, and the remaining 5% was allocated to shareholders. See Order No. 32162. THE REPORT The Company reported that it sold or contracted to sell 6,216 surlus 802 emission allowances in 2011. The Company expects to receive $21,756 in net proceeds from the sale (after deducting brokerage fees of $1,554). Report at 2. The Company wil account for the proceeds using the same interim accounting method that the Commission approved in Order No. 29852. Id. at 3. The Company said the Commission previously authorized it to record proceeds net of income taes and transaction fees from futue 802 allowances sales in the PCA for puroses of calculating interest. However, for tax reasons the Company believes it is more appropriate to record the gross benefits (less transaction costs) of the sale of excess 802 allowances. The Company said that if 802 allowance sales exist and the PCA's sharing mechanisms are triggered, customers will benefit by earing interest on the gross amount of the income from sales. Id. at 2-3. ORDER NO. 32434 2 The Company said it will fie a subsequent report that includes contracts for the sale of surlus S02 emission allowances entered into after the instant report was fied. Id. at 3. STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff commented that, in Order No. 29852, the Commission authorized Idaho Power to sell the Company's surplus S02 emission allowances and required the Company to report the S02 sale proceeds within 60 days of receipt. Staff Comments at 2. In 2006, the Commission directed the Company to include S02 allowance sales proceeds in the Company's anual PCA as an offset to reduce the level of PCA rates, subject to the sharing mechanism already in place for the PCA. Id (citing Order No. 30041). Staff reviewed the present Report and verified that the Company had accurately booked the S02 sales transactions. See Staff Comments at 2. Staff agreed with the Company that if S02 allowance sales exist and the PCA' s sharng mechanisms are triggered, customers will benefit by earning interest on the gross amount of the income from the S02 allowances instead of the net amount. Staff also agreed with the Company that tax and interest impacts are appropriately established within the PCA calculation, and Staff recommended that the Company continue to book S02 revenues as booked in 2011. Id at 2-3. Staff said the market for S02 allowances, the number of allowances sold, and revenues from the sale of allowances have declined. Id. Staff said the Company had only one S02 allowance sale this year, and that the Company sold less than one-third of its available allowances. Id. at 3. Staff said that the S02 reporting process is now fairly routine. Staff also noted that the Commission has never specifically required the Company to file an S02 report as a docket apar from the monthly PCA filing. Staff said it believes a separate S02 reporting case is unecessary and recommended that, going forward, Idaho Power should submit any such report concurent with its monthly PCA fiing. Id. Staff commented that $500,000 in fuds reserved for an Idaho Energy Education Program in 2008 continue to be utilzed. See Case No. IPC-E-08-11. As of August 31, 2011, fuds of just under $100,000 continue to be available. Staff said the remaining balance will be used to purchase additional Energy Wise classroom kits for the 2011-2012 school year, and two additional SEE-related kits for iSTEM lending libraries in Meridian and Twin Falls. ORDER NO. 32434 3 In sum, Staff recommended that the customers' share of S02 proceeds be passed through the PCA in its entirety for the curent year. Staff said this will modestly decrease net power costs subject to recovery through the PCA. Staff fuher recommended that the Company submit subsequent reports on the proceeds from excess S02 allowances concurent with the monthly PCA report that conforms to the 60-day notification window. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION After reviewing our prior Orders and the comments in this case, we find that the appropriate disposition of the CY 2011 S02 proceeds is to pass the customers' share of the Idaho jurisdictional allocation of those proceeds, plus any applicable interest, through the PCA to offset the Company's deferred PCA balance. Applying the S02 proceeds in the PCA mechansm appropriately benefits all Idaho Power customers. In addition, we believe the S02 reporting process has become fairly routine, and that reports need not be filed as a separate case outside the monthly PCA fiing. We find it reasonable for the Company to submit any futue S02 reports concurent with its monthly PCA filings. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company shall pass the customers' share of the Idaho jurisdictional allocation of the CY 2011 S02 proceeds, plus any applicable interest, through the PCA to offset the Company's PCA deferral balance this year. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company shall submit subsequent reports on the proceeds from excess S02 allowances concurent with the monthly PCA report that conforms to the 60-day notification window. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this case may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this case. Within seven (7) days afer any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross- petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61-626. ORDER NO. 32434 4 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission at Boise, Idaho this ¡:;-r day of Januar 2012. ~ , PRESIDENT .",.~ MACK A. REDFORD, ~ d&4 M. ŠÌ H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST:~D~ j D. Jewel~ ommission Secretar O:IPC-E-II-17_kk ORDER NO. 32434 5