HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111114ICL Comments.pdfBenjamin Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise, ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idaoconservation.org RECEIVED 2011 NOV 14 P~1 4: 41 UTI Attorney for Idao Conservtion League BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTES COMMISSION IN THE MA'IR OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANYS 2011 INTEGRATED )RESOURCE PLAN ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-ll-ll COMMENTS OF TH IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE COMES NOW the Idaho Conservation League (ICL) with the following comments on Idao Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan. ICL is a member of the IR Advisory Committee. As an IRP AC member, ICL paricipated in developing this plan and provided both wrtten and verbal comments thoughout the process. ICL commends Idaho Power for the inclusive process used to develop this IR. On the whole, the 2011 IRP is a reasonably fair discusion of the curent and future state of affairs for Idao Power. Below we highight a few issues the Commission should consider when reviewing and accepting this plan. In accepting the Rocky Mountai Power 2011 IRP the Commission stated: ((It is the ongoing planning process that we acknowledge, not the conclusions or results."! Accordigly, ICL's comments below focus on the process sued to evauate different resource options and develop an integrted plan. Energy Effciency The process used to analyze the potential for energy effciency programs, both existing and i Order No 32351 at 9. ICL Comments on Idao power 2011 IR 1 November 14,2011 new, does not place these resource on equa footing with supply side resources. In reviewig the potential for existing and new energy effciency resources the 2011 IRP ((placed primary emphasis on the first five years (2011 -20 1 5) when reviewig progr potential; then future progr performance was assumed to be held constant at 2015 levels, unless known codes and standads or other mitigating circumstances jusifed raping the progr down early."2 The process of lookig ahead only five year and then asuming no furher growth in progrs is unlike any other resource type. The IRP does not look at the potential to develop simple cycle combustion turbines by 215 and then asume no furher growth. Instead, the IRP weigh the costs and risks and plans to acquie additional supply resources in the future accordig to the least-cost, least-risk mantra. ICL encourges the Commission to adopt the Rocky Mounta Power planning process of identifyg the cost effective level of energy efficiency as par of the resource portfolios. Another example of the unequa treatment of energ efficiency is found in the analysis of vaous resource costs. The IRP calculates that existing progrs have a levelized cost of 3.6 cents per kwh and new progrs cost 5.1 cents per kwh.3 But these levetized costs never appear when the Company considers new resources options meet load requiements. 4 In this instance, energy effciency is not just on an unequa playig field, it is not on the field at alL. Ths process fais to find the leas cost, least risk mix of resources. Whe energy efficiency is clearly the least cost resource, there is some risk associated with it. Foremost is some uncertaity is whether it is a sufficiently reliable and avaiable resource. The 2009 DSM Potential Study by Nexant documents substantial amounts of economic energy efficiency potential yet to be acquied ICL commented on the 2009 IRP that the ((Commission should diect Idao Power to redouble its efforts in the 2011 IRP to achieve the economic 2 IRP at 38. 3Idat40-42. 4 See Fogue 6.9 at page 77, ICL Comments on Idaho power 2011 IRP 2 November 14,2011 potential for DSM documented in the Nexant report."5 In response, the Commission stated ((In addition to economic barers there are also non-economic barers. An identification of barers would be helpful in explaiing and understanding the Companys efforts and strategy to close the gap between economic potential and achievable potential."6 The 2011 IRP mentions in a single paragraph the non-economic barers includig "understandig of behaviors and decisions that residential customers make in regads to energy efficiency investments(.J"7 The remaider of this paragraph notes continued use of process evauations to understand these barers. ICL submits that merely mentioning barers and future evauations is an insufficient process for explaiing Idaho Power's efforts and strategy to acquie all cost effective energy effciency. A more important risk factor is the impact of not acquig cost effective energ efficiency. Idaho Power includes ((DSM varabilty' as a risk factor when evauating al of the potential resource portfolio options.s Ths analysis shows that not acquig DSM has a larer negative consequence than positive consequence for ratepayers. If Idaho Power has a low level of DSM acquisition the cost of every portfolio wil increas by $49-$61 milion. But if Idao Power achieves a high level of DSM the cost for each portfolio could decrease by $118 - $119 milion. The faiure to achieve a high level of DSM wi negatively affect ratepayers regadless of any portfolio option. Accordingly, the IRP planning process should include a robust strateg to ensure Idao power acquires all cost effective energy effciency. Carbon Issues Planning for the risk of future carbon reguation is another important par of the resource planning process. There are essentialy two ways to mitigate the risk of future caron reguation; 5 Order No. 32042 at 5. 6 ld at 19 - 20. 7 IRP at 39 - 40. 8ld at 102, 105-106. ICL Comments on Idao power 2011 IRP 3 November 14,2011 either reduce the emission of carbon or purchas compliance tools, offsets or options. ICL maitais that directly reducing carn emissions is the be policy and does not support using ratepayer funds to purchas offsets. The only additional information about carbon offsets in the 2011 IRP compared to the 2009 IRP regads the collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchage, ((the sole voluntar GHG reduction and offset tradig platform for North America and Brail."9 Meanwhie directly reducing carbon emissions does not rely in complex financial markets of products. The planning process for directly reducing reliance on carbon emitting resources should begi with a unit-by-unit review on continued investments in Jim Bridger and Valy coal plants. The IRP explains that plant modifications for emission controls at Jim Bridger are planned for 2015,2016,2021, and 2022, and that decisions to upgrde the boilers in units #3 and #4 ((are curently being evaluated."10 But the IRP does not provide any furher details on the costs or risks of this strategy. ICL encourges the Commission to require idao Power to develop an integrted plan using both demand side and supply side resources to avoid these costly expenses and mitigate carbon emission risk in future IRPs. Solar Power As in 2009, the 2011 IRP continues to demonstrte the rising potential for solar to be a least cost, least risk resource. The overrding featue of solar today is the plummeting cost for photovoltaic panels. When assessing the capital cost risk of solar resources the IRP acknowledges the potential for fallng solar prices but then states "Solar-powered resources are also estimated to have substatial potential for increase capital costS."1 1 Robust planning 9 ld at 10. io ld. at 68. II ld at 101. ICL Comments on Idao power 2011 IRP 4 November 14,2011 processes begin with robust data. ICL has not seen any credible analysis that shows solar has "a substatial potential" for rising capital costs. By using the specter of rising capital cost, the IR inaccurately models the risk for solar resources. The IRP does mention that Idaho Power continues to consider a Solar Demonstrtion Project building on the 2009 IRP and solar potential study. While ICL encourges Idaho Power to pursue solar as a resource, the proposed demonstrtion project is not the right direction. The IRP states that par of the fåcilty "would be devoted to testing new PV panel technologies, inverters, and other mounting and tracking systems.,,12 While importt information, this ty of research is already being conducted at universities and labs including the Nation Renewable Energy Research Laboratory. While the IRP review process is tyically focus on planing, not outcomes, in this instance Idaho Power is anouncing its plan to pursue a CPCN for the demonstration project. ICL encourages the Commission to weigh in early in this process. ICL submits a more valuable use ofIdaho Power resources is to addrss issues like interconnection stadads, met metering policies, and integrting distrbuted systems into the Company's larger system. Accordingly, a demonstration project focused on rooftop solar is a beter use ofIdaho Power resources. Hells Canyon Relicensing The IRP report that Idaho Power recorded $153 milion in relicensing costs of Hells Canyon Complex on March 2011 and that "it is not possible to estimate the final total COSt.,,13 Final relicensing could require changes to the operation of the facilties, and thus resolving this process is a major par of the integrated plan for meeting resource needs. ICL encourges the 12ld at 11. 13 ldat 14. ICL Comments on Idaho power 2011 IRP 5 November 14,201 i Commission to require a more robust discussion of the Company's efforts and strtegy to resolve the relicensing process is a timely maner. At the conclusion of the next IR cycle this process wil be in its tenth year. WHEREFORE, ICL respectfuly requests the Commission consider these comments. DATED this 14th day of November 2011. Respectfully submitted,~~. Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservation League ICL Comments on Idao power 2011 IRP 6 November 14,2011 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 14th day of November, 2011 I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVA nON LEAGUE to the followig persons via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Origial and seven copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Electronic Mai: Donova E. Waler Jason B. Wiliams Idao Power Company 1221 West Idao Street Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 dwale~idaopower.com jwiliams~idaopower.com GregW. Said Timothy E. Tatum Idao Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707 gsaid~idaopower.com ttatum~idaopower.com &~4õ ~Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion Leagu ICL Comments on Idaho power 201 1 IRP 7 November 14, 201 1