HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111110Corrections to IRP.pdfIHO PAIER -An IDACORP Company ..J..1 L -,..‘,J JASON B.WILLIAMS . ‘,- Corporate Counsel -.L. jwiIIiamsidahopower.com November 9,2011 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D.Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Re:Case No.IPC-E-11-11 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S 2011 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN (“IRP’9 Dear Ms.Jewell: By this letter,Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power”or “Company”)hereby corrects errors made.in the filed version of its 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”).The errors were discovered during the course of responding to data requests submiffed to Idaho Power by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon Staff.Specifically,the Company inadvertently included an amount for an allowance for funds used during construction (“AFUDC”)twice in the capital cost estimate for the Boardman to Hemingway Project (“B2H”).When calculating the levelized cost of production for the IRP,AFUDC was calculated on the estimated Idaho Power share of 28 percent that already included an estimate for AFUDC.To correct this error,the Company must remove $31 million of AFUDC from the proposed capital costs of B2H. This correction impacts three pages of the IRP:page 77 of the main document and pages 82 and 83 of Appendix C —Technical Appendix.On page 77,the change occurs in Figure 6.9,which reduces the line labeled as “Transmission-Boardman to Hemingway (450 MW)”from $83 to $81.On page 82 of Appendix C,the change occurs at the line labeled “Boardman to Hemingway”and at the column labeled “Total Investment $IkW”wherein the amount is reduced from $580 to $510.Lastly,the change on page 83 of Appendix C occurs at the line labeled “Transmission-Boardman to Hemingway (450 MW)”and at the column labeled “Cost of Capital,”which results in a reduction from $19 to $16,and at the column labeled “Total Cost per MWh,”which results in a reduction from $83 to $81.This correction does not have a material impact on the results of Idaho Power’s 2011 IRP. Because portfolio 1-3 Boardman to Hemingway was previously selected as the preferred 122 W.Idaho St.(83702) P.O.Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 Jean D.Jewell November 9,2011 Page 2 portfolio,the removal of the additional AFUDC from the B2H cost estimate lowers the total cost of the already selected least-cost portfolio. Idaho Power is attaching hereto the three corrected pages of the IRP.It would be unduly burdensome and expensive to reprint Idaho Power’s 2011 IRP for the sole purpose of correcting these three minor errors.That said,Idaho Power will update its website to include these corrected pages so that on a going forward basis,parties or interested persons accessing the IRP on-line at the Company’s website will have the most accurate, up-to-date version of the IRP. Please call me if you have any concerns. Verytruyyours, Jon B.Williams JBW:csb Enclosures ,, CD -‘CD C)c)0 CD -I CD CD NCD0.C)00 0-I ’ -I0 C,I 0 C’)0)CD C)0)0)C, -I ’ 0)C,0 -C’) $ pe r MW h DC a p i t a l Co s t C No n - F u e l O& M C Fu e l •E r n i s s i o n Ad d e r s cW h o l e s a l e En e r g y (2 0 - y e a r Le v e l i z e d Mi d - C Pr i c e fr o m AU R O R A ) a0)0 120 CD C-)0300)D II .- I 32 % $ 8 1 j 32 % $ 8 9 I I 32 % $ 9 0 __ J 32 % $1 0 6 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 % $1 0 7 • 65 % $1 0 8 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 % $1 0 9 1 93 % $1 1 1 - 92 % $1 1 6 J 92 . 0 % $1 1 7 92 % $1 2 4 28 % $1 3 0 •1 I - -. - z _ F.’ )C -o -o0)CDCD —.J Tr a n s m i s s i o n — B o a r d n i a n to He m i n g w a y (4 5 0 MW ) V\ f l n d (1 0 0 MW ) Win d Ma g i c Va l l e y (1 0 0 MW ) Wi n d Ea s t e r n Or e g o n (1 0 0 MW ) CC C T 2x 1 (5 4 0 MW ) CC C T lx i (2 7 0 MW ) So l a r — S a l t Po w e r To w e r (1 0 0 MW ) CH P (1 0 0 MW ) Ge o t h e r m a l Or e g o n (2 6 MW ) Ge o t h e r m a l Ne v a d a (2 6 MW ) Ge o t h e r m a l Id a h o (2 6 MW ) So l a r — P a r a b o l i c Tr o u g h w/ E n e r g y St o r a g e (1 5 0 MW ) Lo w Dr o p / S m a l l Hy d r o Ne w (1 0 MW ) So l a r — F l a t Pl a t e PV (1 MW ) Pu l v e r i z e d Co a l (7 5 0 MW ) Pu m p St o r a g e (2 5 MW ) So l a r — C o n c e n t r a t i n g PV (1 MW ) So l a r — P a r a b o l i c Tr o u g h No St o r a g e ( 1 5 0 MW ) IG C C (5 5 0 MW ) IG C C wi t h Ca r b o n Se q u e s t r a t i o n (3 8 0 MW ) Ad v a n c e d Nu c l e a r (3 8 0 MW ) SC C T — L a r g e Ae r o (1 0 0 MW ) SC C T — I n d u s t r i a l Fr a m e (1 7 0 MW ) SC C T — S m a I I Ae r o (4 7 MW ) Re c i p r o c a t i n g En g i n e s (2 5 MW ) Ir r i g a t i o n De m a n d Re s p o n s e Re s i d e n t i a l De m a n d Re s p o n s e Co m m e r c i a l / I n d u s t r i a l De m a n d Re a p on s e Di s t r i b u t e d Ge n e r a t i o n — L o a d Sh e d (1 0 MW ) Di s t r i b u t e d Ge n e r a t i o n — G r i d Sy n c (1 5 MW ) I I 45 % $1 4 4 I 17 % $1 5 0 88 . 0 % $1 5 4 52 % $1 5 5 z 22 % $1 7 1 11 8 % $1 7 7 85 % $1 7 9 • 85 % $1 9 1 T 85 % $2 2 9 — 10 % $2 8 6 — 6% $3 1 6 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8% $3 1 9 I $4 4 9 $0 $2 5 $5 0 $7 5 $1 0 0 $1 2 5 $7 2 9 $7 6 6 $1 , 0 8 5 $1 5 0 $1 7 5 $2 0 0 $2 2 5 $2 5 0 $2 7 5 $3 0 0 $3 2 5 $3 5 0 $3 7 5 9) -a 0)D DCD -UCD 0a rT0 CDC.)0)Cl)C’) Supply-Side Resource Data Idaho Power Company Cost In puts and Operating Assumptions (All costs in 2011 dollars) Plant Plant Total Total Fixed Varibale HeatCapacityCapitalTranmissionCapitalInvestmentO&M O&M Emissions RateSupply-Side Resources (MW)($IkW)1 Capital $IkW $(kW $/kW2 SIkW3 $IlcW $IMWIi Btu!kWh Wind 100 $1,450 $283 $1,733 $1,840 $35 $1 $0 NA Wind MagicValley 100 $1,450 $298 $1,748 $1,856 $35 $1 $0 NA Wind Eastern Oregon 100 $1,450 $672 $2,122 $2,253 $35 $1 $0 NA Geothermal Nevada 26 $6,250 $231 $6,481 S7,115 $136 $5 SO NA Geothermal Oregon 26 $6,250 $135 $6,385 $7,010 $136 $5 $0 NA Geothermal Idaho 26 $6,250 $665 $6,915 $7,592 $136 $5 $0 NA Solar—ParabolicTrough 150 $2,115 $258 $2,373 $2,737 $122 $0 $0 NA Solar—Parabolic Trough,12 hrs energy NAstorage150$3562 $258 $3,820 $4,407 $79 $0 $0 Solar—Molten Salt Power Tower,6.9 hrs NAenergystorage100$3,220 $258 $3,478 $4,012 $55 $0 $0 Solar—Flat Plate PV (Distributed)1 $3,750 $0 $3,750 $3,816 $25 $0 $0 NA Solar—Concentrating PV 5 $6,171 $50 $6,221 $6,443 $12 $0 $0 NA Low Drop/Small Hydro New 10 $4,000 $50 $4,050 $4,672 $14 $3 $0 NA Pumped Storage 25 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $5,768 $10 $6 $0 NA SCCT—SmallAeroderivative 47 $1,050 $13 $1,063 $1,126 $13 $4 $15 9,370 SCCT—LargeAeroderivative 100 $1,130 $111 $1,241 $1,314 $8 $5 $11 8800 SCCT—lndustrial Frame 170 $610 $136 $746 $790 $4 $2 $19 11870 CCCT(lxl)F Class 270 $1,120 $96 $1,216 $1,380 $7 $2 $11 6,800 CCCT (2x1)F Class 540 $1050 $78 $1,128 $1,280 $12 $2 $11 6,800 CHP/Co-Generation 100 $1,860 $28 $1,888 $2,008 $8 $5 $0 9,200 Reciprocating Engines 25 $1,150 $134 $1,284 $1,354 $13 $10 $13 9700 Distributed Generation (Option 1/1) Load shed 10 $0 SO SO SO $60 $0 $0 9,050 Distributed Generation (Option #2) Grid synchronized 15 $0 $160 $160 $160 $60 $0 $0 9,050 Conventional Scrubbed Coal 600 $2,223 $730 $2,953 $3,499 $5 $28 $34 9,200 IGCC 550 $2,569 $730 $3,299 $4,026 $3 $40 $34 8,765 IGCC w/carbon sequestration 380 $3,776 $730 $4,506 $5,498 $5 $47 $7 10781 Advanced Nuclear 250 $3,820 $283 $4,103 $5,965 $1 $92 SO 10,488 Boardman to Hemingway 450 $0 $510 $510 $510 $1 SO SO NA Solar—Flat Plate PV (Utility)1 $3,750 $0 $3750 $3,816 $25 $0 $0 NA Plant costs include engineering development costs,generating and ancillary equipment purchase,and installation costs,as well as balance of plant construction.2 Total Investment includes capital costs and AFUDC. Fixed O&M excludes property taxes and insurance (separately calculated within the levelized resource cost analysis) Page 82 2011 Integrated Resource Plan—Appendix C Idaho Power Company Supply-Side Resource Data Levelized Cost of Production 30-Year Levelized Cost of Production (at stated capacity factors) TotalCostofNon-Fuel Wholesale Emission Cost per CapacitySupply-Side Resources Capital O&M1 Fuel Energy Adders MWh1 Factor Advanced Nuclear (380 MW)$85 $137 $8 $0 $0 $229 85% CCCT lxi (270 MW)$26 $6 $65 $0 $11 $108 65% CCCT 2x1 (540 MW)$24 $7 $65 $0 $11 $107 65% CHP (100 MW)$26 $10 $74 $0 SO $111 93% Distributed Generation—Grid Sync (15 MW)$1,690 $8,478 $0 $0 $0 $10,168 0% Distributed Generation—Load Shed (10 MW)$0 $8,478 $0 $0 $0 $8,478 0% Geothermal Idaho (26 MW)$99 $25 $0 $0 $0 $124 92% Geothermal Nevada (26 MW)$93 $24 SO SO $0 5117 92%Geothermal Oregon (26 MW)$92 $24 $0 $0 $0 $116 92% 10CC (550 MW)$57 $61 $27 $0 $34 $179 85% IGCC w/Carbon Sequestration (380 MW)$78 $74 $33 $0 $7 $191 85% Low Drop/Small Hydro New (10 MW)$125 $19 SO $0 $0 $144 45% Pulvenzed Coal (750 MW)$48 $44 $28 $0 $34 $154 88% Pumped Storage (25 MW)$134 $21 $0 $0 $0 $155 52% Reciprocating Engines (25 MW)$272 $70 $93 $0 $13 $449 6% SCCT—Industrial Frame (170 MW)$159 $25 $114 $0 $19 $316 6% SCCT—LargeAero (100 MW)$158 $32 $85 $0 $11 $286 10% SCCT—Smsll Aero (47 MW>$170 $45 $90 $0 $15 $319 8%Solar—Concentrating PV (1 MW)$135 $36 $0 $0 $0 $171 22% Solar—Flat Plate PV (1 MW)$105 $46 $0 $0 $0 $150 17% Solar—Parabolic Trough No Storage (150 MW)$56 $122 $0 $0 $0 $177 18% Solar—Parabolic Trough,with Energy Storage (150 MW)$70 $60 SO $0 SO 5130 28% Solar—Salt Power Tower (100 MW)$64 $45 $0 $0 $0 $109 28% Transrnission—Boardman to Hemingway (450 MW)$16 $1 $0 $64 $0 $81 32% Wind (100 MW)$69 $20 $0 SO $0 $89 32% Wind Eastern Oregon (100 MW)$85 $21 $0 $0 $0 $106 32% Wind Magic Valley (100 MW)$70 $20 $0 $0 $0 $90 32% Includes emissions costs. 2011 Integrated Resource Plan—Appendix C Page 83