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Idao Public Utilties Commssion
P. O. Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0074
ZOIL AUG 23 AM 8: 12
So, it isn't enough that Idaho Power wants us rate payers to pay their employees
retirement pay but now United Water wants us to pay thm for NOT USING water as
they worked so had to have us do.
First of all, it IS NOT the ratepayers responsibility to pay for retirement for any
one except ourselves if we happen to have ajob that offers such a luxur. Many of us
worked jobs that DID NOT OFFR any such lux such as janor and nursing work,
which is what I did at staration pay. I do NOT have the luxuious retirement pay that the
Idaho Power Company wants ME to help pay for. It is Idaho Power Company's
responsibilty to pay whatever they are offering out of THEIR PROFITS, which are
considerable. They ask every year for a rate increase but we who live on half a shoestrig
never see a raise in what little dole we are allowed. Seems Social Security is deemed a
handout that,thou~h we paid into it, we are not supposed to have. Seems you idiots
would ratherYle live in the streets and beg rather tha maintain the homes we worked to
get when we. were able to Ylork.
Now poor Suez Water Company, which IS NOT an AMRICAN company to
begin with wants more profit. They have raised our rates every year since we were taken
off South County Water except for 1 year. Guess they forgot that year. They now charge
us $18.10 even ifwe do not use 1 drop of water. Most times that is 3 times what we pay
for the commodity we are SUPPOSED to get and pay for. For what? Supposedly to
maintain the lines that really they never do here. All they do is dump in tons of
unecessar chlorine and make our once drinable water hader and taste lie garbage. It
most liely is too although they say it is comig from the well we had under South
County Water. Many have had to get softeners and buy bottled water now at much added
expense that we did not have before.
They have hared and haed and hared that we MUST CONSERVE water and
have increased rates to help them profit for no servce to that end. NOW, since people
have let their yards dr up and do not use water poor Suez Water WANTS A20%
RAISE! They wanted less use and now that many people are too daed poor to use
water they want us to now pay MORE so they keep those nice fat profits going. Sorr,
but I was raised in the Eas where you worked to mae a living. Ifwork fell off so did the
pay. There was no such thig then of charging more for no servce. The motto was "An
honest day's work for an honest day's pay".. Now it seems that the motto is "More pay for
no work.~'
I strongly object to payig 1 cent more for water that is already priced too high
just btcaiise soine foreign outfit thins that Americas OWE them since WE
AMRICASNS AR ALL RICH. Wht a laugh! Most ofus are poor or strggling and
have been all along. It is just most of us who are native and not black do the best we can
to care for ourselves but Commissions lie yours seem to th that businesses always
need more money. You seem to th that we who are poor or middle class grow money
on tress in oUr yards and tax us to death. Well, our house gives us no income but drains it
very nicely. Businesses, on the other had, mae money from their buildings from which
they conduct their overpriced businesses with the blessings ofthe governent. It is done
under the guise tht they are creating jobs. Another fallacy and big laugh for few jobs are
created once the utilty is operating. Most increases are wanted to pay already wealthy
stockholders although it is given the disguise of being used to IMPROVE (?)
inastrcture, which never happens.
Disgusted and NOT wealthy old citizen,.~,~¡¿/~
Mrs. Sandra R Hickstein
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Jean Jewell
crgansonia~cableone. net
Sunday, August 21, 2011 7:55 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from craig siler follows:
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Case Number: ipc-e-11-e8
Name: craig siler
Address: rt#2 box 24k
Ci ty: Pocatello
State: Idaho
Zip: 832e2
Daytime Telephone:
Contact E-Mail: crgansonia(ãcableone.net
Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power
Please describe your comment briefly:
I have never seen a puc board that caters to a company like this one concerning Idaho power.
I find it almost commical that a company such as this does not consider equipment upgrades
and projects as a investment in their own company. They think everything they upgrade for
more profits should be paid for by the citizens and users of power in idaho while they pocket
the profits.
With the impementation of the tier rate system hiding behind the notion of saving power has
left Idahoans in a financial burden at both times of the year summer and winter which in a
economy where there is not a pinch being saved anywhere Idahoans are left with no other
choices in summer other than bearing the heat or in the winter freezing to afford these
ridiculous rates approved by the puc.
Lets keep in mind this company so far 2e11 showed se. s million dollar net profit. I believe
they paid there ceo a 8e,eee bonus two years ago which at the time I believe was the start ofthe tier system and on our small acreage our power bill was over 8ee dollars. Equivelently
this small bonus would have heated several of the houses in idaho by dollar figures.
They can give out large bonus figures to high exec i s of the company but want part of a rate
adjustment to offer there employees a better pension plan if I understand this right. This
does not make any sense and should not even come up as a topic with the board. That is the
responsibility of idaho power and not its customers!!!!!!!!!!
Idaho power is fighting wind power in idaho?? For what reason? Because it is tapping in on
their profits? Why is the puc board acting like this is wrong to address other sources of
energy something here is not right.
Raise the res customer service charge from 4 dollars to five dollars? Raise the irrigation
rate 14.8 percent and the large customers 7.3??
The Irrigation rate is laughable. I was told by one of Idaho powers irrigation managers two
years ago that in his opinion there irrigation customers were about price out of the market
and they want a 14.8 rate increase.
We do a small acreage lØ acres. I think we ran a 2Øhp pump 5 irrigation sets and the bill was
45Ø.ØØ dollars for five days pumping. Try to offset this price on the Hay grown on their at
these kinds of rates the way they are currently its a joke.
2ØØØ kwh base is abolutely ridiculous because a family of four cannot save enough energy
through conversation summer or winter to escape the higher rate thus more profits for Idaho
The form submitted on http://ww . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html
IP address is
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Jean Jewell
crgansonia~cableone. net
Sunday, August 21, 2011 8: 13 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from craig siler follows:
--- - --- - - --- - -- - - ---- - --- - - --- - - -- --
Case Number ::1C -£-II-() 't
Name: craig siler
City: Pocatello
State: Idaho
Zip: 832Ø2
Daytime Telephone:
Contact E-Mail: crgansonia~cableone.net
Name of Utility Company: Idaho power
Please describe your comment briefly:
I would like give the puc board a example of the ridculous irrigation rates that Idaho Power
wants to raise by 14.8 percent.
We decided to test our 2Øhp irrigation pump before watering. The water was run to the end of
the line and shut off. Here were the results.
The Meter reads 9 kwh. The charge for the electricity is 42 cents
Service charge 18.18
Energy eff service 4.1Ø
Demand charge 67. 8Ø
Total bill for testing this pump $9Ø. 5Ø
Yes 9Ø. 5a for starting this pump with no irrigation on a small 1Ø acre field. Now you tell me
this is fair to Idaho Customers. This is a small example of Idaho power taking advantage of
its customers.
42 cents for used electricity and a 9Ø. 5Ø charge that about says it all
craig siler
The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc . html
IP address is
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Jean Jewell
Thursday, August 18, 2011 11 :15 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from Cheryl Rae Tussey follows:
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Case Number: rate case # IPC-E-11-Ø8):
Name: Cheryl Rae Tussey
Address: 1131 W. Crest wood Dr.
City: Meridian
State: Idaho
Zip: 83642
Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8-891-1798
Contact E-Mail :
Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power
Acknowledge: acknowledge
Please describe your comment briefly:
How can the PUC be so indifferent to the economic struggle older Idahoans are currenty
suffering as to even consider allowing Idaho Power a rate increase. Please open your eyes and
your hearts to the welfare of the people you represent and deny the rate increase.
The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html
IP address is
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