HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110601Kline Di.pdfRECEIVED 2011 JUN -1 PM 2: ld BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF I DAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. CASE NO. IPC-E-II-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF WARREN KLINE 1 Q.Please state your name and business address. 2 A.My name is Warren Kline and my business 3 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. 4 Q.What is your position at Idaho Power Company 5 ("Idaho Power" or "Company")? 6 A.I am the Vice President of Customer 7 Operations. 8 Q.Please outline your business experience. 9 A.I began working full time in the electric 10 utility industry at Idaho Power over 37 years ago, soon 11 after I graduated from high school. For the last six years 12 I have been an officer of the Company. I joined the 13 Company in 1973 in the customer service department and have 14 spent the majority of my career with the Company in the 15 customer service and field operations areas. I became a 16 member of the Company's senior leadership team in 1989 when 17 I was named Division Accounting Manager. Since then, I 18 have held positions of increasing responsibility, including 19 Customer Service Manager, General Manager of Customer 20 Service and Metering, General Manager of Regional 21 Operations, and Vice President of Customer Service and 22 Regional Operations. In 2010, I was promoted to my current 23 position as Vice President of Customer Operations. 24 Q.What educational opportunities have you had 25 while at Idaho Power? KLINE, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 A.While at Idaho Power, I have attended many 2 utility management training programs, including the 3 Uni versi ty of Idaho's Utili ty Executive Course, which I 4 completed in 1989. 5 Q.What are your duties as Vice President of 6 Customer Operations? 7 A.I am responsible for the planning, directing, 8 and strategic oversight of all acti vi ties wi thin the 9 Customer Operations organization. 10 Q.Please describe the Customer Operations 11 organization. 12 A.The Customer Operations organization wi thin 13 Idaho Power is comprised of approximately 600 employees 14 that are engaged in all of the acti vi ties that provide 15 direct service to the Company's customers and communi ties. 16 Specifically, my organization includes Customer Service, 17 Customer Relations and Energy Efficiency, Metering, 18 Regional Operations, Regional Operations Support, Community 19 Relations, and Smart Grid Proj ects. All of the acti vi ties 20 that directly service the customer are in this 21 organization, which allows the employees in the 22 organization to achieve synergies and work together in a 23 seamless manner. The Customer Operations organization 24 exists to provide excellent service to customers in the 25 KLINE, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 most cost efficient way possible, while still maintaining a 2 strong commitment to safety. 3 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this 4 proceeding? 5 A.I will briefly describe some recent changes in 6 the Customer Operations organization and then I will 7 discuss various ini tiati ves that the Company has and is 8 undertaking to provide superior customer service, pursue 9 efficiencies in its operations, and enhance customer 10 choices. Specifically, my testimony will focus on 11 activities in the following areas of the Company that 12 impact customer satisfaction:(1) Customer Operations 13 reorganization; (2) Mobile Workforce Management; (3) 14 Advanced Metering Infrastructure; (4) Smart Grid Proj ects; 15 (5) Energy Efficiency; (6) Customer Relations; and (7) 16 Customer Service. 17 I . CUSTOMER OPERATIONS REORGAIZATION 18 Q. What has Idaho Power done recently to improve 19 customer-focused operations? 20 A.One of the actions Idaho Power implemented was 21 a reorganization of its regional operations. 22 Q.Why was this effort undertaken? 23 A.Due to the slowdown of the Idaho economy, the 24 Company has reassessed its organization and restructured 25 its regional leadership in order to provide for the current KLINE, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 needs of its customers and the communi ties Idaho Power 2 serves. 3 Technology investments in Advanced Metering 4 Infrastructure ("AMI") and Mobile Workforce Management 5 systems have allowed the Company to adjust its workforce, 6 alter its procedures, and focus on areas of interaction 7 with customers. Organizational changes were initiated to 8 leverage the efficiencies associated with new technologies 9 and enhance customer service. This reorganization 10 permitted the Company to better align and adjust employee 11 counts property wide. By better realigning employee to 12 customer ratios, the Company can monitor and ensure that 13 adequate resources are available to respond to customers. 14 II. MOBILE WORKORCE MAAGEMNT 15 Q.What is Mobile Workforce Management ("MWM")? 16 A.MWM is a software tool that automates and 17 optimizes daily field processes and workflows in real time 18 across Idaho Power's service area, resulting in increased 19 efficiencies and higher customer satisfaction. Field 20 personnel have Mobile Data Terminals ("laptops") in their 21 vehicles that are connected via cellular or satellite 22 technology which relays their location to Mobile Workforce 23 Operators ("Operators") so they can be dispatched most 24 efficiently. 25 Q.When was MWM implemented? KLINE, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 A.MWM was implemented in November of 2008. 2 Q.How do customers see benefits from the MWM 3 tool? 4 A.If a customer needs a same day order or has an 5 outage, the Operator can locate the closest employee with 6 the appropriate skill set to complete the order and 7 dispatch him/her to the site. Field personnel who receive 8 the order also receive the exact location on their laptop 9 and can travel directly to the site without further 10 investigation. The MWM system helps Company employees meet 11 customers' expectations by completing the jobs as promised 12 in a timely manner. 13 Another benefit of the MWM system is that when field 14 personnel are at a customer's location to disconnect 15 service, they have current and complete information that 16 enables them to discuss payment arrangements with the 17 customer at their home or business. This eliminates the 18 need for the customer to call the Customer Service Center 19 to discuss payment arrangements at that point in time. If 20 the payment is made before field personnel are in route, 21 the disconnection event is canceled. 22 Q.What efficiencies have been gained as a result 23 of this process automation? 24 A.Before MWM, when new meters were installed, 25 the meter number was written on a piece of paper and then KLINE, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 entered into the customer system manually, which created 2 two points for possible errors. MWM allows the field 3 personnel to scan in the meter number as it is installed, 4 eliminating both recording and input errors. 5 Throughout the day, orders are completed and the 6 Customer Information System is updated electronically, 7 showing in real time the status of an account. Before MWM, 8 the orders were entered as completed at the end of the day 9 after the field personnel brought them back to the office. 10 Before the implementation of MWM, orders were 11 printed in the regional offices and manually sorted. Now 12 orders are being sorted automatically by the MWM system and 13 deli vered to the laptops during the evening. When the 14 employees arrive at work the following morning, their 15 orders are already sequenced, efficiently routed, and ready 16 to work. 17 By transi tioning to a more automated system, 18 employees are more efficient and more accurate, and 19 employee costs are reduced. 20 III. ADVANCED METERING INFRTRUCTUR PROJECT 21 Q. Please briefly describe the Advanced Metering 22 Infrastructure proj ect. 23 A.In January 2009, the Company began a project 24 to install AMI, including smart meters, for customers 25 across its service area. This technology provides enhanced KLINE, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 customer and environmental benefits, reduces operating 2 costs associated with meter reading, and improves meter 3 reading accuracy, outage monitoring, and service 4 restoration. 5 Q.What type of AMI technology is the Company 6 deploying? 7 A.After years of extensive technology testing 8 and piloting, Idaho Power determined that power line 9 carrier ("PLC") technology was the best functional and 10 economic fit given the Company's customer density and 11 service area. Wi th this technology, Idaho Power will be 12 able to deploy AMI to more than 99 percent of its Idaho 13 customers. The Company has found the two-way PLC 14 technology to be relatively easy to deploy, robust, 15 reliable, and meets functional needs at a reasonable cost. 16 Q.What is the current status of AMI deployment 17 at Idaho Power? 18 A.As of the end of April 2011, the Company is 28 19 months into a 36-month AMI meter deployment plan that began 20 in January of 2009. The Company has installed 363,600 21 smart meters as part of this phase of AMI deployment. When 22 added to the previous deployment of 28,000 smart meters in 23 Emmett and McCall, the total deployment of smart meters is 24 at 391,600 or 80 percent of Idaho Power's customer base. 25 Once the new meters are installed, it is typically only a KLINE, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 1 matter of days before customers have the option to view 2 their energy consumption data on the Company's secure 3 website. Idaho Power is on schedule to complete the 4 approximately 106,000 meter installations remaining by the 5 end of 2011 and costs are coming in as proj ected in the 6 Company's original filing with the Idaho Public Utili ties 7 Commission ("Commission"). 8 Q. Please describe customer acceptance of the AMI 9 deployment. 10 A. Overall feedback from customers has been 11 positive. Because the PLC technology can be installed with 12 a simple meter exchange and provide data to the utility and 13 customer in a matter of days, the benefits to customers are 14 almost immediate and the installation can be done without 15 interruption in the normal billing processes. 16 The Company has endeavored to make the deployment of 17 AMI a posi ti ve experience for its customers by providing 18 them with information ahead of deployment, answering 19 individual's concerns one-on-one, and by planning and 20 executing the project on schedule without impacting the 21 normal billing process. 22 Q.Specifically, how does this technology benefit 23 customers? 24 A.Customers with smart meters have access to 25 their detailed energy usage, thus enabling them to be more KLINE, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 informed about their energy consumption and to make wiser 2 chpices about their energy usage. The cost of generating 3 electricity can vary dramatically based on the energy 4 source, time of year, market conditions, and even the time 5 of day. Wi th the AMI system Idaho Power can record energy 6 usage on an hourly basis; in the past it could only record 7 total monthly consumption. The recording and management of 8 hourly energy consumption data is the basis for the 9 Company's ability to provide customers with access to 10 detailed data about their individual energy consumption and 11 enables Idaho Power to offer more flexible energy pricing 12 options in the future. 13 In addition to the metering benefits, the AMI system 14 supports direct load control by providing commands and 15 confirmation of the action performed by devices installed 16 on customer-owned equipment, such as air conditioners or 17 irrigation pumps. As part of a demand response program, 18 direct load control is used to reduce peak load and help 19 reduce the need for more costly generation resources. 20 The AMI system will also provide valuable outage 21 scoping and restoration data, enabling Idaho Power to 22 improve outage response and ensure complete restoration of 23 service faster. 24 Q.What other benefits do customers receive as a 25 result of AMI deployment? KLINE, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 A.As a result of deploying AMI, Idaho Power has 2 virtually eliminated billing estimations and meter read 3 errors, thus also reducing billing errors and bill 4 corrections. Customers can monitor their energy 5 consumption on the Company's website and the pre-bill 6 information enables them to take more control of their 7 energy usage and potentially reduce their bill by managing 8 their energy consumption. 9 The Company has found that the data from smart 10 meters is helpful in resolving customer billing issues and 11 is a great tool to educate customers on their individual 12 energy consumption patterns and history. 13 Many customers find the AMI system less intrusive 14 than the manual meter reading process because meter 15 specialists no longer need to access customers' property on 16 a monthly basis. Issues with animals, fences, gates, and 17 property access occur much less frequently than with a 18 monthly manual meter reading process. 19 The environmental benefits from AMI are significant. 20 The Company will remove 75 vehicles from service and 21 eliminate the need to drive more than a million miles a 22 year. This will reduce Idaho Power's carbon footprint, 23 fuel consumption, and roadway congestion. 24 Even though Idaho Power has not fully integrated the 25 AMI system with the outage management system ("OMS") at KLINE, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 this time, the Company has used the system in specific 2 instances to assist in service restoration and 3 confirmation. Once fully integrated with OMS, the system 4 will provide valuable data about outage scope and 5 restoration confirmation that will result in more efficient 6 and timely restoration of power to its customers. 7 Idaho Power was able to leverage the AMI proj ect to 8 obtain American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding 9 through the United States Department of Energy ("DOE") for 10 a Smart Grid Investment Grant ("SGIG") of $47 million at no 11 direct cost to customers. 12 iv. SMAT GRID PROJECTS 13 Q.Please describe the Smart Grid initiative at 14 Idaho Power. 15 A.On June 25, 2009, the DOE announced the SGIG 16 funding opportunity and the Company submitted an 17 application. This application proposed an integrated 18 multi-system proj ect centered around customer service. The 19 application requested funding for $47 million with the 20 Company's matching funds of $47 million coming from the 21 existing AMI project investment. In October 2009, the 22 Company was notified that its Smart Grid proposal was one 23 of 100 in the country selected to receive a matching grant. 24 Because the Company was already pursuing AMI to exchange 25 existing traditional meters with smart meters, no KLINE, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 additional costs will be borne by customers up to $47 2 million of spend above AMI costs. This $47 million of 3 "free infrastructure" has required significant Company 4 effort to manage, but provides substantial benefits to 5 customers. 6 Q.Please briefly describe the Smart Grid 7 proj ects the Company is working on. 8 A.The Company is pursuing multiple proj ects that 9 comprise the Smart Grid initiative. The proj ects are 10 generally characterized and grouped as "customer systems," 11 which are projects that will provide customer access to 12 smart meter information and programs enabled by the Smart 13 Grid, and "operations systems," which are electric 14 infrastructure improvement proj ects that are necessary to 15 fully enable the Smart Grid. My testimony will focus on 16 the customer systems proj ects described below. 17 Customer Information System ("CIS").. 18 This proj ect upgrades and enhances existing functions of 19 the CIS as well as adds key capabilities that facilitate 20 more flexible pricing options, a stronger integration with 21 both the AMI system, and OMS, and improved operational 22 efficiency. 23 .Energy Use Advising Tool. This tool 24 will improve the detailed AMI usage analysis capability of 25 Idaho Power's current Energy Tools as well as add new KLINE, DI 12 Idaho Power Company 1 features for both customers and Customer Service 2 Representatives ("CSRs"). Customers will be able to see 3 their "bill to date," providing useful information on the 4 costs and pattern of energy consumption since the last bill 5 was prepared. CSRs will have enhanced usage and bill 6 analysis information that will allow them to provide more 7 detailed information to customers in order to help them 8 understand their usage and how it affects their bills. 9 .Meter and Customer Data Warehouse. 10 This project will create a secure analytic database to 11 store meter and customer data that can be used for 12 reporting and analysis, and a more efficient data 13 reposi tory to enhance the efficiency of detailed data 14 viewing for customers and CSRs. 15 Q.How will customers benefit from the Smart Grid 16 initiative at Idaho Power? 17 A.The Smart Grid proj ects will provide 18 measurable results. Customers will have more detailed 19 information about how they use energy so they can be more 20 energy efficient. Advanced technology will also help 21 improve system reliability and reduce outage impacts on 22 customers. In addition to all of the benefits described 23 above, the receipt of the SGIG allows Idaho Power to pursue 24 projects now with little or no investment cost borne by 25 KLINE, DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 customers rather than later when all investments would have 2 been borne by customers. 3 V. ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4 Q.How does the Company define energy efficiency 5 for purposes of this case? 6 A.Energy efficiency refers to the Company's 7 acti vi ties involved with energy efficiency, demand 8 response, and its associated outreach and education 9 initiatives. 10 Q.What is the Company's goal or philosophy 11 towards energy efficiency and demand response? 12 A.The Company is on record in numerous filings 13 before the Commission and in other public forums affirming 14 its commitment to pursue all cost-effective energy 15 efficiency and demand response. 16 Q.How does the Company view energy efficiency 17 and demand response? 18 A.Cost-effecti ve energy efficiency and demand 19 response programs are the Company's resource of choice - 20 both from a cost standpoint and from an environmental 21 perspective. The cleanest, most efficient resource in the 22 Company's portfolio is the one it does not have to build. 23 The Company believes that cost-effective energy efficiency 24 and demand response should be pursued aggressively. 25 KLINE, DI 14 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Please describe the progress made by the 2 Company in providing energy efficiency and demand response 3 programs. 4 A.The Company's Demand-Side Management 2010 5 Annual Report was filed with the Commission on March 15, 6 2011. As noted in the Annual Report, Idaho Power offers 20 7 energy efficiency and outreach programs and three demand 8 response programs with program options for every maj or 9 customer class. Energy savings from energy efficiency 10 acti vi ties increased on a system-wide basis by 46 percent 11 as compared to 2008. Overall energy efficiency and demand 12 response activities in 2010 resulted in a 358 megawatt peak 13 reduction and 187,626 megawatt-hours in energy savings. 14 Since 2008, the Company has substantially increased the 15 amount of dollars spent on energy efficiency. For example, 16 in 2008, energy efficiency program expenses were about $21 17 million, while in 2010 the Company spent approximately $46 18 million. Over 70 percent of 2010 expenses were in the form 19 of program incentives paid to customers. 20 Q.Are there any other benefits outside energy 21 saving and demand reduction that you consider to be a good 22 outcome of Idaho Power's programs? 23 A.Yes. These programs, along with the Company's 24 education outreach and customer energy usage information, 25 provide more opportunities for customer engagement in their KLINE, DI 15 Idaho Power Company 1 energy choices. For example, through the Company's 2 outreach programs, the customer has opportunities to learn 3 about their energy consumption and how to use energy more 4 efficiently. Using the Company's energy usage presentment 5 tools, customers can see how their hourly energy usage is 6 affected by their energy management decisions and the 7 products they use in their homes and businesses. 8 Q.What is the source of funding for the 9 Company's energy efficiency activities? 10 A.The maj ori ty of the funding for energy 11 efficiency is from the Idaho and Oregon Energy Efficiency 12 Riders ("Rider") with a lesser amount funded through base 13 rates. 14 Q .What programs are funded through base rates? 15 A.Idaho Power funds its low income 16 weatherization program called Weatherization Assistance for 17 Qualified Customers through base rates in compliance with 18 Commission Order No. 29505. 19 Q.Does the Company participate in or offer 20 efficiency-related activities other than the programs you 21 mentioned? 22 A.Yes. The Company sponsors and participates in 23 many organizations and community events that are directly 24 related to energy efficiency efforts. For example, the 25 Company is an active participant in the Northwest Power and KLINE, DI 16 Idaho Power Company 1 Conservation Council's Regional Technical Forum, Northwest 2 Energy Efficiency Alliance, and the Consortium for Energy 3 Efficiency. Company staff participate in many trade shows 4 and community events such as the Idaho Green Expo, home and 5 garden shows, agricultural shows, and have presented to 6 many various civic and community groups as well as area 7 employers at their employee meetings. 8 Q.Is there opportunity for public input to the 9 Company's energy efficiency planning process? 10 A.Yes. Idaho Power relies on the input of the 11 Energy Efficiency Advisory Group ("EEAG") to provide 12 customer and public interest guidance on energy efficiency 13 program design and implementation strategies. Currently, 14 the EEAG consists of 14 members from across Idaho Power's 15 service area and the Pacific Northwest. Members represent 16 a cross-section of customers, including individuals from 17 the residential, industrial, commercial, and irrigation 18 sectors, as well as representatives for senior citizens, 1 9 individuals with limited income, environmental 20 organizations, state agencies, public utility regulatory 21 commissions, and Idaho Power. 22 The EEAG meets several times a year and has been 23 instrumental in the development of Idaho Power's programs 24 and studies since 2002. During the meetings, Idaho Power 25 requests recommendations and input on new program KLINE, DI 17 Idaho Power Company 1 proposals, marketing methods, and specific measure details; 2 provides a status update on the Rider funding and expenses; 3 provides updates about ongoing programs and projects; and 4 supplies general information on energy efficiency and 5 demand response issues. Idaho Power relies on and values 6 input from the EEAG to provide a broad customer and public 7 interest review and perspective of energy efficiency and 8 demand response programs and expenses. 9 Q.Are Idaho Power's energy efficiency programs 10 proving to be successful? 11 A.Yes. Each program offered has provided 12 benefits to customers and to the Company. Many programs 13 provide monetary incentives to customers for participation, 14 while others target educational efforts and long-term 15 energy saving opportunities. Increased participation in 16 the Company's programs benefits all customers by using 17 resources wisely and avoiding or delaying development of 18 supply-side resources. 19 Q.Do Idaho Power's energy efficiency acti vi ties 20 affect customer satisfaction? 21 A.Yes. Results of the Company's customer 22 satisfaction surveys have shown a steady increase in 23 customer satisfaction over recent years as the percentage 24 of customers who have a positive perception of the 25 Company's conservation efforts increased from 39 percent in KLINE, DI 18 Idaho Power Company 1 early 2003 to 57 percent in late 2010. This represents a 2 46 percent increase in posi ti ve customer perception in the 3 past seven years. 4 Q.Does Idaho Power support any programs for 5 customers who are having difficulty paying their 6 electricity bill? 7 A.Yes. Proj ect Share is a year-round energy 8 assistance program which was started by Idaho Power in 9 1982. It is administered by the Salvation Army. Proj ect 10 Share is funded by customer donations and Company 11 shareholder funds. In addition, other utilities 12 participate in this program with Idaho Power. Grants from 13 this program can be used for the payment of electricity and 14 gas bills, as well as wood, propane, oil, or coal heat. 15 During the last program year, more than 6,300 16 individuals in Idaho Power's communities benefited from 17 Proj ect Share to keep their homes warm during cold winter 18 months and cool during hot summer days. In the last five 19 program years ending May 31, 2010, Idaho Power customers 20 have contributed approximately $950,000 and shareholders 21 have contributed approximately $350,000 to the program. In 22 the 2009 and 2010 program years, Company shareholder 23 contributions increased significantly as customer 24 contributions decreased to ensure that funding would not 25 decline during a challenging economic climate. KLINE, DI 19 Idaho Power Company 1 VI . CUSTOMER RELATIONS 2 Q.What is the Company's overall approach to 3 customer relations? 4 A.Idaho Power's vision is to be regarded as an 5 exceptional utility. In order to accomplish this, the 6 Company must provide superior and satisfying customer 7 service that addresses its customers' needs and 8 expectations. 9 Q.How does the Company determine the focus for 10 improving customer relations? 11 A.The Company continually focuses on ways to 12 improve its relationships with customers by assessing 13 customer perception of the Company, identifying performance 14 gaps based on customer response, and exploring industry 15 best practices to address those gaps. 16 Q.What is presently being done to address areas 17 with opportunity for improvement? 18 A.The Company's strategy for addressing areas of 19 improvement involves integrating customer input into its 20 processes, systems, and culture while utilizing technology 21 to improve service. For example, acti vi ties supporting 22 this strategy include focusing on improving system 23 reliability and offering more automated customer service 24 options. 25 KLINE, DI 20 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Please describe Idaho Power's continuing 2 practice of surveying its customers regarding their levels 3 of satisfaction with the Company. 4 A. Idaho Power has contracted with Burke, Inc. 5 ("Burke") to conduct quarterly customer relationship 6 surveys since 1995. Burke is a full-service customer 7 market research and decision support company headquartered 8 in Cincinnati, Ohio, with regional offices throughout the 9 United States. These Burke surveys represent Idaho Power's 10 primary customer satisfaction research.In addition to the 11 Burke surveys, Idaho Power acquires the results of the 12 annual J. D. Power and Associates Electric Utility 13 Residential Customer Satisfaction Study ("J. D. Power 14 Study"). The J. D. Power Study is used primarily as a 15 benchmark to other electric utili ties. Idaho Power ranked 16 in the top quartile of the 121 utili ties in the 2010 J. D. 17 Power Study. As its name implies, the J. D. Power Study is 18 for residential customers only, as the number of Idaho 19 Power commercial customers is not large enough at this 20 point in time to qualify for a subscription to the J. D. 21 Power and Associates Electric Utility Commercial Customer 22 Satisfaction Study. Idaho Power also utilizes customer 23 focus groups for proj ect-specific quali tati ve research when 24 the situation is appropriate. 25 KLINE, DI 21 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Please describe the Company's customer 2 satisfaction performance results in recent years. 3 A.I am proud to say that based on the Burke 4 surveys, Idaho Power customers' satisfaction remains at a 5 consistently high level. In addition, the Company is 6 experiencing levels of customer satisfaction that are 7 significantly higher than when it began measuring in 1995. 8 Results of the 2010 J.D. Power Study also reflected very 9 consistent performance by Idaho Power with regard to 10 residential customer satisfaction. 11 Q.Please summarize the Burke methodology and the 12 resulting information made available to the Company. 13 A.On a quarterly basis, Idaho Power receives 14 results from Burke based on customer interviews. Quarterly 15 results include an overall index score, referred to as the 16 Customer Relationship Index ("CRI"), as well as more 1 7 detailed information in the form of average response data 18 collected for numerous questions in six general categories: 19 (1) Company Image, (2) Quality of Service, (3) Cost and 20 Pricing, (4 ) Responsiveness to Customers, (5) 21 Communication, and (6) Billing and Payment. 22 Q.What is Idaho Power's primary way of measuring 23 its success in providing customer satisfaction? 24 A.Idaho Power's primary measure for customer 25 satisfaction is the CRI derived by Burke from quarterly KLINE, DI 22 Idaho Power Company 1 customer surveys. The CRI is based on research that is 2 conducted at various points in time throughout the year. 3 This reduces the potential for anyone event or 4 circumstance to have a significant influence, either good 5 or bad, on the overall customer satisfaction levels. It is 6 a statistically reliable measurement of customer opinions 7 and it provides a historical trend that allows the Company 8 to track its performance over time. The CRI is the best 9 single satisfaction measure available to Idaho Power 10 because it depicts the customers' overall attitudes toward 11 the Company in five distinct criteria. The CRI is 12 comprised of five key questions where a rating ranging from 13 zero (very dissatisfied) to four (very satisfied) is given 14 for a maximum of 20 points possible among all five 15 questions. The following are the five criteria questions 16 that are asked in the quarterly customer surveys: 17 (1 )What is your overall level of 18 satisfaction with Idaho Power? 19 (2 )How much do you agree or disagree that 20 the overall quality of the electricity and customer service 21 and support you get from Idaho Power is excellent? 22 (3 )Thinking about the price you pay, how 23 much do you agree or disagree that the overall value of the 24 electricity and customer service and support you get from 25 Idaho Power is excellent? KLINE, DI 23 Idaho Power Company 1 ( 4 )If asked (by a neighbor new to your 2 area, by a company that just moved into the area, by an 3 irrigator new to your area,) how likely would you be to 4 tell them that Idaho Power is a good company to work with? 5 (5 )How much do you agree or disagree that 6 Idaho Power cares about you as a customer and has done 7 everything possible to earn your loyalty? 8 Responses for each customer are totaled and divided 9 by the maximum possible points to establish a percentage 10 CRI score. The CRI can range from a minimum of zero to a 11 maximum of 100 percent. 12 Q.Would you please describe the Company's 13 customer satisfaction performance? 14 A.Idaho Power achieved a CRI of 82.30 for the 12 15 months ending fourth quarter of 2010. According to Burke, 16 a score of 82.30 signifies that overall customers have very 17 strong positive attitudes towards Idaho Power and the level 18 and quality of service it. provides. Overall, the level of 19 customer satisfaction has remained fairly consistent since 20 the 12 months ending fourth quarter of 2008. 21 VII. CUSTOMER SERVICE 22 Q.Would you please briefly describe Idaho 23 Power's customer service organization? 24 A.Idaho Power operates a centralized Customer 25 Service Center ("CSC") that provides customers with full KLINE, DI 24 Idaho Power Company 1 service access to CSRs weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 2 and outage and emergency access to Outage Specialists 3 twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Idaho Power 4 employs bilingual CSRs that provide service to the 5 Company's Spanish-speaking customers. Addi tionally, the 6 Company utilizes a third-party language service to help it 7 communicate with other non-English speaking customers. On 8 average, approximately 1.2 million inbound customer calls 9 are received by the CSC each year. 10 In addition to the services provided by CSRs during 11 business hours and by Outage Specialists 24 hours a day, 7 12 days a week, Idaho Power also provides its customers access 13 to account and outage information 24 hours a day, 7 days a 14 week through an Interactive Voice Response ("IVR") unit. 15 Through the IVR, customers can make payment arrangements; 16 retrieve billing, payment, and meter reading information; 17 sign up for Budget Pay; access energy efficiency and usage 18 information; and receive information on outages. Account 19 access is available 24 hours a day via the Company's secure 20 website. This allows customers the same "self-help" 21 options available through the IVR, plus the ability to 22 start and stop service and engage in an energy usage 23 analysis for their home or small business. 24 Q.Has the CSC experienced an impact from the 25 recent economic downturn? KLINE, DI 25 Idaho Power Company 1 A.Yes. In 2008, the CSC began experiencing an 2 increase in call volume and in particular the volume of 3 calls pertaining to credit and collection acti vi ty. At the 4 same time, the average length of each call increased as 5 customers negatively impacted by the economy found it more 6 difficul t to arrive at a mutually agreeable payment 7 arrangement for their account. As a result of both the 8 increased call volume and the longer average length of each 9 call, customers have experienced an increase in the average 10 hold time. 11 Q.Has Idaho Power's customer satisfaction rating 12 declined as a result of the longer hold times? 13 A.Idaho Power's overall customer satisfaction 14 rating has remained high throughout the economic downturn, 15 as reflected in the consistently strong Customer 16 Relationship Index, even though customers have been 17 inconvenienced by the longer hold times. I believe the 18 high quality of our skilled CSRs plays a significant role 19 in overcoming the potentially negative impact longer hold 20 times could have on customer satisfaction and is one of the 21 reasons the Company has maintained its high customer 22 satisfaction scores. 23 Q.Has Idaho Power taken any steps to mitigate 24 the increase in hold times? 25 KLINE, DI 26 Idaho Power Company 1 A.Yes. In July 2010, six additional employees 2 were hired. Five CSRs were hired to answer inbound calls 3 and one Support Specialist was hired to provide technical 4 support to employees. In September 2010, an additional six 5 CSRs were hired. The full benefit of these additional 6 employees was realized beginning in November of last year 7 as they completed their new employee training and gained 8 experience in their roles. 9 Q.Has Idaho Power's CSC continued to be impacted 10 by the economy in 2011? 11 A.Yes it has. The CSC continues to experience 12 the high call volumes, increased average length of call, 13 and longer hold times that began in 2008. 14 Q.Are any steps being taken to ensure adequate 15 personnel are available? 16 A.Yes. In March 2011, the Company once again 17 augmented CSC staffing by adding four temporary employees. 18 The flexibility afforded by using temporary staff allows 19 the Company to closely monitor the call volume and hold 20 times and make adjustments as needed to its staffing level 21 to ensure customer satisfaction is not negatively impacted 22 and costs are appropriately managed. 23 Q.You mentioned Idaho Power was undertaking 24 several customer-oriented initiatives. Do any of these 25 KLINE, DI 27 Idaho Power Company 1 initiatives directly impact the way Idaho Power delivers 2 customer service? 3 A.Yes. The Company is implementing a new 4 Customer Service Call Management System. This system 5 provides several new features to customers including a 6 "virtual hold" option through the IVR and a "call me" 7 option through Idaho Power' s website. In addition, it 8 allows for more sophisticated proactive dialing campaigns, 9 improved efficiency in employee scheduling, greater data 10 analysis capability, and improved quality assurance 11 monitoring. 12 Q.Are there any other customer service 13 initiatives being undertaken? 14 A.Yes. The Company has heard from its customers 15 that they would like a no-fee, on-line bank debiting 16 payment option. In response to this feedback, the Company 17 is developing a no-fee bill payment option to be available 18 to customers who utilize its Account Manager functionality 19 on Idaho Power' s website. This option, which is scheduled 20 to be available in August 2011, will allow customers to 21 schedule no-fee electronic payments from their checking or 22 savings account. This payment option will provide more 23 flexibility and convenience to customers, and is expected 24 to reduce overall payment processing costs as customers who 25 currently use pay stations for same-day payments will have KLINE, DI 28 Idaho Power Company 1 the ability to make those payments without leaving their 2 homes or businesses. 3 Q.You mentioned earlier that Idaho Power is 4 commi tted to providing superior service to its customers. 5 Do you believe the ini tiati ves undertaken wi thin your 6 Customer Operations organization meet this commitment? 7 A.Yes. Idaho Power is committed to providing 8 superior service to its customers in all facets of its 9 business. I believe the organizational changes made over 10 the past few years as well as the initiatives completed and 11 currently underway demonstrate Idaho Power's commitment to 12 its customers to provide superior and satisfying service. 13 Q.In your opinion, should the Company's 14 requested rate increase be viewed as reasonable based upon 15 the Company's customer service and customer satisfaction 16 performance? 17 A.Yes. By providing the Company with fair and 18 timely recovery of its revenue requirement, the Commission 19 will be recognizing that the Company has adequately 20 addressed customer needs and that the Company's investments 21 that support customer service and satisfaction have been 22 appropriately incurred on behalf of customers. 23 Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony in 24 this case? 25 A.Yes, it does. KLINE, DI 29 Idaho Power Company