HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110718ICL Comments.pdfRECEI fì"~J Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 bott~idaoconservtion.org 2un JUt '8 AM 8= 59 Attorney for the Idao Conservtion Le BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBliC UTITIES COMMISSION IN TH MATIR OF TH APPliCATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A PRUDENCY DETERMINATION OF ENERGY EFFICmNCY RIDER FUNDS SPENT IN 2010 ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-ll-05 COMMENTS OF TH IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE The Idao Conservtion Leage (ICL) believes that Idao Powets 2010 DSM expenditures are prudent. Idao Power's DSM 2010 Annual Repor Supplement 1: Cost Effectiveness demonstrates that each progr achieved a costlbenefit ratio greater tha one. The DSM Annua Report appear to satisfy the cntena contaied in the Memorandum of Understanding for Pruency Determination of DSM Expenditurs entered into by the PUC Staff and Idao's three investor owned utilties. Whe ICL believ that, going forwd, Idao Power should adopt additional measures and improve its customer engagement method, the purse of this DSM prudency revew ca is to look back at past spendig. The Ida Power DSM 2010 Annual Report, as a whole, revals the Company has prudently acquid 187,626 MWh of energ savigs and 336 MWof demand reduction capacity. Whe ICL believs Idao Powets 2010 DSM spendig was prudent we have two specific comments: COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEGUE 1 July 15,2011 1. Idao Power us four tess to denstrate cost effecivenes and al the pros pa the three most relevat tests. The PUC Staff, in Attachment 1 of the DSM MOU, expects ((that al progs and individua measures should have the goal of cost effectiveness from the total reurce, utilty, and paricipat persctive."! The DSM 2010 Report, Supplement 1, demonstrates that Idao Power ha achived thi goal. The total reurce cost tes (TRC) ((reflecs the total benefits and costs to al cusomers (paricipants and non-paricipats) in the (utilty) servce terntory."2 The utilty cost test (UTC) ((cacultes the costs and benefits of the prog from the persive of. . . the utilty implementing the progr."3 The paicipant cost test (PCT) ((ass the costs and benefits from the perspective of the cusomer instalg the measure."" A cost/benefit ratio greater tha 1.0 under each of thes tess means the pro is prudent for the utilty and ratepayers both those who paicipate and those who do not. Ida Power also includes the ratepayer impact measur test (RIM), which examines "the potential impact the energ effciency progr ha on rates overa."5 Whe some pros do have an RIM ratio of less than one, thi is no reason to find any of these progrs imprudent. A RIM ratio below 1.0 reveals that, al else being equa, DSM spndig may caus utilty rates to ns. But th test does not reveal whether individua cuomer bils wi increase. As explaied by the National Action Plan for Energ Effciency "Te RIM may be negtive, even at the same time as average bils decrease (as ! Memorandum of Understandingfor Prudency Determintion of DSM Expenditures at 9, Order No.3 i 039. 2 National Action Plan for Energy Effciency, Understanding Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Effciency Programs: Best Practices, Technical Methods, and Emerging Issues for Policy-Makers at 3-7 (November 2008).3 Id, at 3-6 (NAPEE calls this test the progr adinistrtor cost test in recgnition that some dsm progs ar ru by third paies, not just utilties.)4 Id, at 3-5. 5 Id. COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEGUE 2 July 15,2011 evauated using the (UCT)). Therefore, policy-makers have to decide whether to emphas customer bils by using the (UCT) or customer rates by using the RIM.''6 ICL submits that the proper policy is to focus on reducing ratepayer bils, not utilty rates since the bil is where ratepayers feel the pa. 2. Idao Power has made great stndes in acquig energ savigs but substantial potential remais unmet. Ths Commission recently stated: ((Idao Power should continue to purue al cost effective DSM - even in exces of the Energ Efficiency Rider." Order 32245 at 5. The DSM 2010 report demonstrates yet aga, that energ efficiency and demand response are the least cost resources avaable to provide ratepaye with the benefits of our electncity dnven society. The Company's own potential study, preformed by Nextant in 2009, shows a substantial gap between the economic potential and the achievble potential.7 Desite being diected to purue al cost effective DSM, and studies revealing substantial unmet economic potential, the discusion of futur pro plans in the DSM 2010 report doe not explai whether these chages wi close the gap. ICL raed the issue of the unreslve gap between economic and achievle potential in our comments on Idao Power's 2009 IRP. In response, thi Commison stated, ((not all effciency and DSM measures ca be acquied cost effectively" due to "economic and non-economic barers" Order No. 32042 at 19. Furher "(a)n identification of barers would be helpful in explaiing and undersandig the Compay's efforts and strategy to close the gap beween economic and achievble poential." Id at 19 - 20. The DSM 2010 report does demonstrate curnt pros are cos effectiv, but it 6Id. at 6-4.7 Nexant, Idaho Power Demand Side Management Potential Study at 3- 1 (residential), 4-2 (comerial). 5- 1 - 5-2 (industral), (Augut 14,2009). COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEGUE 3 July 15,2011 doe not dius potentia baers or the Compay's plan to close the gap between achievable and economic potential. Th Commission should instruct Idao Power to address thes barers and the strategy to over come them in each DSM annua report. The 2011 IRP doe mention possible barers includig: "One chalenge the Compay wi continue to face going forward is to incras its undersandig of behaviors and decisions that residentia cuomers make in reds to energ efficiency invesments(.)'J1 ICL acknowledges the present case is about the prudency of DSM spndig in 2010, not necy about future progs. However, as stated above, the DSM 2010 report demonstrates that al the curent progs ar cost effective from a vaety of stakeholder perspectives. In fact, severa progrs have benefits far exceedig the costs, such as the Home Improvement Progr with a PCT of 2.55, TRC of 4.85, and UCT of 9.64.9 With results lie these, it is impruent of Idao Power to not continue thi progr. The DSM MOU doe requie Idao Power to identify futur process chages. MOU at 4. Accordigly, thi Commision should order Idao Power to improve its proess in order to expand cusomer paricipation in progrs where the benefits greatly excee the costs. WHEREFORE, ICL respctfuly requests the Commission consider these comments. DATED thi 15thdayofJuly2011. Rea:intled~ Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion Leagu 8 Idaho Power 2011 IR at 40 (Jun, 20 i i ) 9 Idaho Power DSM 2010 Report, Supplement 1, at 33. COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEGUE 4 July 15,2011 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certif that on this 15th day of July, 2011, true and corrct copies of the foregoing COMMENTS were delivred to the followig persons via the method of servce noted: U.S. Mai: Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Ongial and seen copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Jason B. Wiliams Lisa D. Nordstrom Idao Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Darene Nemnich Greg Said Idao Power Compay P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Peter J. Richardsn Gregory M. Adas Richardson & O'Le, PLL 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 Dr. Don Readig 6070 Hil Road Boise, ID 83703 a ft~, Benjamin J. Oto COMMENT OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEGUE 5 July 15,2011