HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110315Comments.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: joshbeardall~gmail.com Monday, March 14, 2011 1 :06 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Josh Beardall follows: Case Number: IPC-10-E-59/IPC-10-E-60 (Rainbow Ranch Wind/Rainbow West Wind) Name: Josh Beardall Address: Ci ty: Rexburg State: Idaho Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: joshbeardall~gmail.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: My name is Josh Beardall. I have been an Idaho resident for my entire 25 year life. Though I am young, I am a very driven and progress oriented person. Throughout my life I have watched renewable energy become a valuable resource allover the World. I feel like the United States has been a bit behind the curve when it comes to renewables, especially wind. I am writing you this today concerning two projects: (1) Rainbow Ranch Wind, (2) Rainbow West Wind. I have been personally and professionally involved with these projects since their birth. It seems there is infinite opposition from the powers that be when one is trying to put projects like these together. Somehow by the grace of God we have seemingly trudged through all opposition, there is though sometimes it has been neck deep. There is one thing I want to convey before I get into the speci fics of why I believe these PPA i S should be approved. Our team is not interested in having a negative, rough road (fight) type of story. We want to look back on this and say that our team and the utilities came together to find a solution that benefits us the consumer, the planet now, and the future. These two projects are very unique in how they are structured from a financial/investment prospective as well as the overall business model. Other states such as Minnesota successfully installed projects like these and it has proven to work very well for the landowner as well as the local community. Rainbow Ranch Wind and Rainbow West Wind are not the typical wind proj ects that you see in Idaho. Normally, a developer comes in and ties up the land via land lease with a rancher or farmer, puts all the necessary pieces together, then flips the project to the so called "giants" of the wind industry. The "Giants i then can come in with all of their resources and horse power and get the project/projects to commercial operation. They bring in the equity, the long term money, and contractors from out of state (or even out of country) to build these projects. All the profits go elsewhere and don i t stimulate the local economy much at all, besides maybe some property tax. Which don't get me wrong, prop. tax is worth something; but imagine a pair of proj ects totally geared towards stimulating the local economy. Local tax equity to local bank financing all the way down to local contractors and even turbines made in the USA. Also it is actually owned by the rancher who currently runs a cattle operation on it to this day. All of that literally brings a tear to my eye to think of how the trickledown effect will help so many people not just in Cassia County but all around the state of Idaho. It would prove that a business plan that involves a local rancher actually owning their own wind project can and will work and help the local community tremendously. We can break the typical business and 1 ownership structures of wind projects in Idaho with these two projects and we can stop watching $$ flow out of our state and out of our country for that matter. Let's just face it, the better the middle class rancher, the local contractor, the banker or whomever, the better a large circle of people around them grow and do better as well. To me that sounds like economic stimulation. It's music to my ears as a young business man trying to do my part to help the economy. In addition to all the benefits previously noted, there are countless environmental reasons as to why we should install as many wind turbines, hydro dams, geothermal plants, and solar panels as we can. I am young, but I remember a day when the United States was the ultimate power house when it came to many things. In my eyes we still are in many areas but there are a few we have fallen behind in: ECONOMY and RENEWABLE ENERGY. President Obama said, in the most recent state of the union. We have to step our game up and be more innovative and creative and begin to find new ways to grow small business and focus more on education. We have planned from day one to put a new research center. A center with dormitories and all the tech trimmings needed for local schools and universities to study turbines, wind forecasting, energy storage, weather, and a whole list of other educational benefits. We would love nothing more than to help further educate my generation and my children i s generation on usage of the clean resources and to use knowledge given to us by God to its full potential. In Addition to all of the positive things about these two projects, the bottom line is that these two PPA'S were signed before December 14th by our team, and signed on December 14th by the utility. The odd thing about it is that they waited tell the 16th to submit them to you ~ the ¡PUC. There is something not right about this. All parties involved know it. In closing, please approve these proj ects for the reasons listed as well as for our planet. I' m fairly confident that the earth will be able to absorb more of the same garbage and gasses we are putting in the air we breathe and the land we eat & drink for at least for the rest of my life. I am not so sure that it is resilient enough to handle it at the rate pollution and population is growing throughout my children i s and their children i s lives. If we don i t start being as innovative as possible right now then who will? Like IBM said 'let i s build a smarter planet' and let' s work together to find solutions... I trust the IPUC will take all things into consideration on these two projects and make the correct ethical decision. Respectfully, Josh Beardall (Rainbow Ranch Wind/Rainbow West Wind)208.419.9510 Joshbeardall~gmail. com The form submitted on http://www. puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 2 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: bdbeardall~q.com Tuesday, March 15, 2011 2:59 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Bryce B. follows: Case Number: IPC-10-E-59/IPC-10-E-60 Name: Bryce B. Address: p.o.box 695 City: Rexburg State: Idaho Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: bdbeardall~g.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: To whom it may concern; The rainbow ranch wind projects need their PPA contracts to be approved. These projects are the vision of a local cattle rancher on his private property, which will remain a dual use property. Cattle ranching and clean and green energy! The location of the said projects will not affect any home owners or neighboring land owners. These wind farms can only be viewed as a positive impact on IDAHO'S economy, and as a leader for clean energy projects as far as breaking the standard mold they are usually built with. All of the contractors, turbines, and financing, are produced in the U. S. not many wind projects get put together like that, especially in Idaho. This project is going to employ 100' s of local people during the pre-construction process as well as the actual construction process, and will require many full time jobs for Idaho residents as well as incredible learning opportunities for local students in the future. I i m in total support of these wind projects. Please approve these contracts. Bryce B. Rexburg, ID. 208.356.4345 The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is - -------- -- -- - - - - --- - - --- - - --- - -- - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: piketeinert~appraisal-resource. com Monday, March 14,201111:21 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Pike Teinert follows: Case Number: .zPc.-£ -/0 -5"1 :;Pc.-f5 -10 - ~O Name: Pike Teinert J Address: City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: piketeinert~appraisal-resource.com Name of Utility Company: Idao Power COmpany Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Your approval of the American Wind Group' s community wind energy projects at Rainbow Ranch is critical for the local community and Idaho rate payers. These two community renewable energy projects are Idaho owned, the local land owners are helping develop the projects and they will be part owners when the two projects are complete and operating. These two projects offer a significant benefit to the Southern Idaho regional economy. The Rainbow Ranch projects also provide locations for additional renewable resources like solar, and bio-fuel and these and possibly other future renewable projects will already have grid connections and some delivery capacity from the Rainbow Ranch site. Overall, these and other renewable energy projects throughout Idaho provide new and more grid capacity for Idaho Power and offer some relief for Idaho Power's constrained delivery system. Idaho currently imports more energy than it exports thus making it an energy dependent state. Communi ty wind farms help Idaho move towards energy independence and allows Idaho to better control its energy future. Existing nuclear capacity in the US may be negatively impacted by Japan's nuclear problems subsequent to the recent earthquake. Now is not the time for Idaho to scale back qpportuni ty to increase its proven renewable wind energy capacity. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: hcarpent~atcnet. net Tuesday, March 15, 20117:57 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Heber Carpenter follows: Case Number: IPC-E-10-59 RAINBOW RANCH WIND Name: Heber Carpenter Address: Box 617 City: Malta State: ID Zip: 83342 Daytime Telephone: 208-645-2211 Contact E-Mail: hcarpent~atcnet.net Name of Utility Company: Raft River Rural Electric Co-op Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: To Whom it may concern: Raft River Rural Electric is the electrical utility which serves the area that the above mentioned projects are located. We would like to offer our support for both of these local projects and the economic development that it would bring to the area. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 1