HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110210ICL Comments.pdfBenjamin Otto ISB No. 8292 710 N 6th Street PO Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahoconservation.org ¡Çl::("'r~ 1~- --sCi ZOU FEB-9 . Jil,! ¡ ,~. PH 4: 5S U Ìf L f:; r::tf(j'1Il:$ Attorney for Idao Conservtion League BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBliC UTIliTIS COMMISSION IN THE MA ITER OF THE ) APPLIACTION OF IDHAO POWER ) COMPANY REQUESTING APPROVAL )CASE NO. IPC-E-1O-46OF REVISIONS TO THE IRRGA nON ) PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM,) SCHEDULE 23 ) ) COMES NOW, the Idaho Conservation League ("ICL") with the following comments. ICL believes this application represents the correct response to Idhao Power's matung irrgation load control program. We urge the Commission to approve this request. BACKGROUN Idaho Power's irrigation load control program is a highly successful resource to address the Company's primar constraint, meeting system peak demands. Since 2004, progr paricipation has quickly grown both in the number of sites and the total megawatts. Now with 1,512 sites and 160 MW, much of which is remotely dispatchable by Idaho Power, the program is more matue. And like anyting, as this program matues it is importt to continually update the details in order to maximize its value. Curently the irrgation load control program pays paricipants a fixed incentive whether they actually curil loads or not. While this is appropriate when tring to encourage ICL's Comments 1 Februar 9, 2011 paricipation, it is not appropriate for long-term operation of the resource. Just like any supply side resource the irrgation load control program has two values - the value of the abilty to curil irrgation loads when necessar and the value of actually curilng load. Par of the Company's application addresses these dual values and appropriately modifies the program to maximize its overall value Idaho Power and its ratepayers. Last year Idaho Power made another change that helped maximize the value to ratepayers - moving from timer based curailment system to a mostly dispatchable system. While all of the comments from program paricipants thus far argue that any change could reduce paricipation, the events of 2009 tell a different story. Despite makng this major change paricipation increased. ICL encourages the Commission to ignore the vague assertions of a few paricipants and look to the actual events on the ground. Despite previous changes to the progrm, irgators continue to find the progrm attactive. THE PROPOSED CHAGES In this application Idao Power requests five changes, all of which ICL believes are appropriate and in the best interest of ratepayers. 1. Extending the eligible time for interrption by one additional hour will allow the Company to more precisely match system peak. Because this change requires attcting a certin number paricipants to alter their growing operations, ICL support the small bonus incentive proposed for this extended hour. As a caveat, ICL expects that, like the progrm generally, as the extended operation becomes matue the bonus incentive wil no longer be necessar. ICL's Comments 2 Febru 9,2011 2. Changing the incentive strctue from a 100% fixed payment to a fixed/varable payment appropriately addresses the dual value of this matue program. The abilty to curil irrgation loads when necessar is a valuable resource for Idaho Power and ratepayers. It is appropriate to pay a certin amount to irrgators for them to essentially stad by. It is also appropriate to pay a certin amount to irrgators when Idao Power actually curils their loads. What is inappropriate is the curent incentive that pays irrgators the same value regardless of the actual utilzation of the program. Splitting the curent fixed payment to a fixed/varable scheme minimizes costs to ratepayers while maximizing the value to Idaho Power. It minimizes costs by ensurng ratepayers pay the full incentive only durng actul curilments. It maximizes value by incentivizing paricipants to actully curil and thereby receive the payment. While ICL does not have the technical expertise to determine if the specific moneta amounts the Company proposes are appropriate, we do know the Company is proposing the proper incentive strctue. 3. Testing the operation of the load control program once a year is a prudent and effective strategy to ensure reliabilty. Because this test should not occur when the curilment value is large, i.e. when demand is peakng, it is appropriate to not provide the varable incentive payment. Instead, the testing event should be considered par of the stadby value captued in the fixed incentive portion. 4. Modifying Dispatchable Option 3 to ensure Idaho Power only pays for curilments that actually occur is critical to ensure a cost effective, sustainable program. Because under Option 3 paricipants get to nominate a portion of the load that is subject to curilment, Idao Power must have the abilty to accurtely track whether the paricipant actully delivers what they propose to. ICL's Comments 3 Februar 9,2011 5. Opt-out penalties are importt to ensure the amount ofload curilment Idaho Power expects to have available actually comes to frition. Because the penalty provision must be clear and simple for the paricipants, ICt supports the goal of simplifyng the calculation. The penalty wil only work to ensure paricipant performance if individuals are able to quickly determine the cost of the penalty wil outweigh the benefit of opting out. Furer, applying an opt-out penalty to Option 3 is critical to ensure the resource is there when Idaho Power needs it. Similar to our comments regarding the incentive levels, ICL does not have the experise to deterine if the specific moneta amounts are suffcient. And because it is likely very hard to set the proper penalty level, ICL submits the Commission could retain the discretion to review the results of 2011 and adjust the penalty as necessar. CONCLUSION The irrgation load control program has matued since 2004. While the previous incentive strctue properly encouraged initial paricipation, now that the program is more matue the proper incentive strctue should focus on maximizing the value to Idaho Power's ratepayers. ICL believes Idao Power's proposed revisions does just that. WHEREFORE, ICL respectfuly requests the Commission consider these comments. DATED this Sth day of Febru 2011. Respectfuly submitted,~ ¿: e: ¡ Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion League ICL's Comments 4 Febru 9, 2011 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certif that on this 8th day of Febru, 2011 true and correct copies of the foregoing COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATIONìEAGUE were delivered to the followig persons via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Origial and seven copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Electronic Mai: Lisa D. Nordstrom Donovan E. Waler Idao Power Company 1221 West Idao Street Boise, Idao 83707-0070 lnordstrom~idaopower.com dwale~idaopower.com GregW. Said Scott Sparks Idao Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707 gsd~idaopower.com ssparks~idaopower.com Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Baiey, Charered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 E-mai: elo~racinelaw.net Anthony Yankel 29814 Lae Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 Fax: 440-808-1450 E-mai: ton~kei.net á~ Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion League