HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101108Complaint.pdf~r.~l"ATTORNEYS AT LAW Peter Richardson Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 pete tli t ichardso nandol eary. com P.O. Box n18 Boise.1D 83707 - 515 N. 27th Sr. Boise, ID 83702 November 8, 2010 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, 1083702 CASE NO.:¡C -Î5 -iØ-3~ Dear Ms. Jewell: 191DNHV -8 PM 2:.26 We are enclosing an Original and seven (7) copies of the FORMAL COMPLAINT OF BRAVO WIND, LLC vs IDAHO POWER COMPANY. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely,~WA~\ Nina M. Curtis Administrative Assistant to Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary PLLC Peter J. Richardson (ISB # 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB # 7454) Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter(frichardsonandolear.com greg(frichardsonandolear.com R. i:rFl .-i- ",¿J_ lOIO NOV -8 PM 2: 26 IDAHO UTiLITIES Attorneys for Complainant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Bravo Wind, LLC, Complainant, vs. ) ) Case No. :s-G-It)- 3.3 ) ) FORML COMPLAINT ) ) ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. 1 INTRODUCTION 2 This is a formal complaint filed by Bravo Wind, LLC with the Idaho Public Utilties 3 Commission (the "Commission") pursuat to Idaho Administrative Rules Bravo 4 Wind, LLC requested that Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") execute a stadard Public 5 Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURP A") power purchase agreement ("PP A") for 6 qualifying facilities ("QFs") under 1 0 average monthly mega-watts ("aMW") for Bravo Wind, 7 LLC's renewable energy QF. Because Idaho Power has not negotiated in good faith in response 8 to Bravo Wind, LLC's attempt to obligate itself to the terms ofa standard PPA at the published 9 avoided cost rates, Bravo Wind, LLC respectfully requests that the Commission issue a 10 declaratory judgment that Bravo Wind, LLC is entitled to such a PP A and fuher requests that Page 1 - FORMAL COMPLAINT 1 the Commission order Idaho Power to enter into a PP A at the rates in effect on the date of this 2 filing (errata to Order No. 31025). 3 PRELIMINARY MATTERS 4 Copies of all pleadings and other correspondence in this matter should be served upon 5 counsel for Bravo Wind, LLC at: 6 Peter J. Richardson7 Gregory M. Adams8 Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC9 515 N. 27th Street10 P.O. Box 7218n Boise, Idaho 8370212 Telephone: (208) 938-790113 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter(frichardsonandolear .com14 greg(frichardsonandoleary.com 15 16 In support of this Complaint, Bravo Wind, LLC alleges as follows: 17 IDENTITY OF PARTIES 18 1.Idaho Power is an Idaho Corporation with its principal place of business at 1221 19 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. Idaho Power Company is an electric company and a 20 public utility subject to the jurisdiction and regulation of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 21 pursuat to LC. § 61-129. Idaho Power is subject to the jursdiction of the Commission, the 22 Public Utility Commission of Oregon, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 23 ("FERC"). 24 2.Bravo Wind, LLC is a Delaware limited liabilty company, duly registered to 25 conduct business in the State ofIdaho. Bravo Wind, LLC's address is Bravo Wind, LLC, c/o 26 Cotterel WindEnergy Center, LLC, 150 N. Dairy Ashford, Building C, Suite 356D, Houston, 27 Texas 77079. Bravo Wind, LLC has the rights to develop and dispose of the output of the Bravo Page 2 - FORMAL COMPLAINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Wind, LLC wind project, which is a qualifying facility under the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. JURISDICTION 3. This case involves PURPA's avoided cost provisions and FERC implementing regulations thereto, which PURPA directs states to implement. See 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3 (a)-(g); FERC v. Mississippi, 456 U.S. 742, 751 (1982). In Idaho, the Commission possesses jursdiction over complaints regarding rates of public utilities, including PURPA rates. LC. §§ 61-129, -501. -502, -503, -612; see also Afton Energy Inc. v. Idaho Power Co., 111 Idaho 925, 929, 729 P. 2d 400, 404 (1986). The Commission has jurisdiction to issue declaratory judgments regarding utilty contracts pursuant Idaho's Declaratory Judgment Act, LC. § 10-1203. See Utah Power and Light v. Idaho Pub. Utilties Commission, 112 Idaho 10, 12, 730 P.2d 930,932 (1986). APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS 4. Section 210 ofPURPA requires electric utilities to purchase power produced by small power producers that obtain QF status under section 201. 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2). FERC rules provide QFs with the option of sellng electricity and capacity to a utilty based on the utility's "avoided costs" at the time the QF incurs a legally enforceable obligation to deliver energy or capacity over a specified term. See 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii). Thus, "a QF, by committing itselfto sell to an electrc utility, also commits the electric utility to buy from the QF; these commitments result either in contracts or in non-contractual, but binding, legally enforceable obligations." JD Wind 1, LLC, "Notice ofIntent Not to Act and Declaratory Order," 129 FERC ~ 61,148, at p. 10-11 (November 19,2009). Page 3 - FORML COMPLAINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FACTUAL BACKGROUND 5. Bravo Wind, LLC, and its predecessors, have been actively engaged in the development of the Bravo Wind, LLC wind project. The project has a nameplate capacity rating of29.9 MW, and is designed to generate no more than 10 average monthly mega-watts. 6. Bravo Wind, LLC, and its predecessors, have made substatial investments in development of the project, and the project is mature and entited to obligate itselfto a long-term PPA for a PURP A QF under 10 aMW entitled to the published rates. 7. Bravo Wind, LLC, and its predecessors, have been in contact with Idaho Power for a substantial amount of time regarding the site and the specifics of interconnection and sale of its output. Bravo Wind, LLC has the rights to interconnect to Idaho Power's system with other QFs, which will all utilize a single point of delivery under Large Generator Interconnection Request No. 302. That request secured interconnection and transmission rights for up to 177 MW of capacity. 8. Bravo Wind, LLC obligated itself to enter into the stadard PURPA PPA at a time when the rates in Order No. 31025 were applicable to its project, by delivering to Idaho Power a stadard PURP A PP A for the project executed by Bravo Wind, LLC. 9. Despite Bravo Wind, LLC's efforts, Idaho Power has acted in bad faith by requiring completion of unecessary interconnection processes and transmission service requests prior to executing the PP A, when Bravo Wind, LLC has the right to use the interconnection and transmission rights secured under Request No. 302. 10. Additionally, afer the close of business on Friday, November 5, 2010, Bravo Wind, LLC leared of Idaho Power's joint petition and motion, with Rocky Mountain Power and Avista Corporation, filed in Commission Case No. GNR-E-1O-04, requesting the Commission Page 4 - FORML COMPLAINT 1 immediately lower the eligibilty cap for published rates from 10 aMW to 100 kilowatts of 2 nameplate capacity. Idaho Power acted in bad faith by failing to notify Bravo Wind, LLC that it 3 would file this Joint Motion to lower the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates prior to 4 executing the PP A submitted by Bravo Wind, LLC. 5 11. Idaho Power provided Bravo Wind, LLC with no advance notice of its intent to 6 request that the Commission make the PP A sought by Bravo Wind, LLC unavailable. 7 LEGAL CLAIM 8 Complainant's Claim for Relief 9 Idaho Power is in violation of PURP A, FERC's regulations and orders, and the 10 Commission's orders by failng to provide Bravo Wind, LLC with a power purchase 11 agreement with published avoided cost rates in Order No. 31025. 12 12. Bravo Wind, LLC re-alleges and incorporates all preceding paragraphs. 13 13. Bravo Wind, LLC has attempted in good faith to engage in negotiations to obtain 14 a fully executed power purchase agreement to deliver energy and capacity to Idaho Power from 15 the Bravo Wind, LLC wind project and provided Idaho Power with an executed PPA for the 16 project. 17 14. Bravo Wind, LLC committed itself to sell energy and capacity from its QF to 18 Idaho Power at a time when the rates in Order No. 31025 were applicable to its QF, LLC, and, 19 consequently? Bravo Wind, LLC committed Idaho Power to buy from the QF at those rates. 20 15. These commitments result in non-contractual, but binding, legally enforceable 21 obligations. 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii); JD Wind 1, LLC, 129 FERC ~ 61,148, at pp. 10-11. 22 16. By negotiating in bad faith and by failing to execute a PP A, Idaho Power is in 23 violation ofPURPA, FERC's implementing regulations, and the Commission's orders. See 16 Page 5 - FORMAL COMPLAINT 1 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2); 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii); Blind Canyon Aquaranch v. Idaho 2 Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-94-1, Order No. 25802 (November 1994). 3 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 4 WHEREFORE, Bravo Wind, LLC respectfully requests that the Commission issue an 5 Order: 6 1.Declaring that Idaho Power is in violation ofPURPA, FERC's implementing 7 regulations, and the Commission's orders. 8 2.Requiring Idaho Power to execute a standard PURP A power purchase agreement 9 with Bravo Wind, LLC at Idaho Power's avoided cost rates on file for QFs under 10 aMW in 10 Order No. 31025. 11 3.Granting any other relief that the Commission deems necessar. 1'): Respectfully submitted this '6 day of November 2010. RICHARDSON AND O'LEARY, PLLC Peter J. Richar son (ISB No: 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Attorneys for Complainant Page 6 - FORMAL COMPLAINT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 8th day of November, 2010, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FORMAL COMPLAINT BY BRAVO WIND, LLC was served by HAND DELIVERY, to: Jean Jewell Commission Secretay Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 Jean.jewell(iuc.idaho. gov~ M.Adams