HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100106Intervenor Funding Petition.pdf4'.. "!+- EI\/REC .IF BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO~~~ PM 4: ,9 IN THE MATTEER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER TO AMORTIZE ADDITIONAL ACCUMULATED DEFERRL INCOME TAX CREDIT AND APPROVING A RATE CASE MORATORIUM ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-09-30 ) ) CAPAlS APPLICATION ) FOR INTERVENOR ) FUNDING ) ) ) COMES NOW, Applicant Community Action Partnership Association ofIdaho (CAPAI) and, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and Rules 161-165 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, petitions this Commission for an award of intervenor fuding in the above-captioned proceeding. Rule 161 Requirements Idaho Power is a regulated, electrc public utilty with gross Idaho intrastate, anual revenues exceeding three milion, five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000.00). (01) Itemized list of Expenses Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, an itemized list of all expenses incured by CAPAI in this proceeding is attched hereto as Exhibit "A." CAPAI also points out that, as set forth in the prefied, direct testimony ofTen Ottens, this proceeding has taken a procedural path that, most likely, is the first of its kind. IDAPA states, in par: 164. TIME TO APPLY (Rule 164). Unless otherwise provided by order, an intervenor requesting intervenor fuding must apply no later than foureen (14) days after the last 1 evidentiary hearing in a proceeding or the deadline for submitting briefs, proposed orders or statements of position, whichever is last. Because of the unique procedural nature of this case, it is not entirely clear when the foureen (14) day period would commence. For example, Order No. 30960 states that depending on input regarding the Settlement Stipulation the Commission might, in its discretion, set this case for formal hearing. In addition, though Order No 30960 does not provide for responsive comments or testimony, Idaho Power filed responsive testimony to the Idaho Conservation League's comments. Though CAPAI does not object to this, it merely ilustrates that the time at which the foureen (14) day period to file an application for intervenor fuding is not yet known with certinty. If the original comment deadline of December 22,2009 is indeed the date by which the foureen day deadline commenced, then today is the deadline for filing an Application for fuding and, to possibly err on the side of caution, CAP AI hereby submits its Application on this day. Thus, CAP AI simply wishes to point out that should this matter proceed to hearng or require additional, significant work, the amount of expenses and costs might require amendment. (02) Statement of Proposed Findings The proposed findings and recommendations of CAP AI are set forth in the direct, prefied testimony of Teri Ottens and interwoven throughout the settlement stipulation to which CAP AI was a signatory. The Stipulation largely speaks for itself and CAP AI wil not endeavor to summarize it. Though, as briefly discussed below, CAPAI had a disagreement with certain other paries, including the Commission Staff regarding the proper procedure by which to craf and execute the Stipulation, CAP AI supports the general substance of the Settlement and believes that it is in the best interests of Idaho Power's low-income customers. (03) Statement Showing Costs 2 CAP AI submits that the costs and fees incured in this case, and set forth in Exhibit "A," are reasonable in amount. As stated in the testimony of Teri Ottens, CAPAI fully paricipated in every settlement discussion conducted in this case and provided input throughout the process. In addition to the numerous meetings conducted, there were significant other forms of communication, analysis, side bar discussions and other activities that required considerable work on the par of CAP AI personnel and its legal counsel. (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-profit corporation overseeing a number of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of poverty throughout Idaho. CAP AI's fuding for any given effort might come from a different varety of sources, including governental. Many of those funding sources, however, are unpredictable and impose conditions or limitations on the scope and natue of work eligible for fuding. CAP AI, therefore, has relatively little "discretionary" fuds available and what little exists must cover a variety of competing projects. CAP AI has incurred considerable expense paricipating in this very importt proceeding. There are numerous other examples of projects worthy of CAP AI's involvement but for which funding is unavailable. Thus, were it not for the availabilty of intervenor fuds and past awards by ths Commission, CAP AI would not be able tp paricipate in cases before ths Commission leaving a gap not likely to be filled by any other entity. Even with intervenor fuding, participation in Commission cases constitutes a significant financial hardship because CAP AI must pay its expenses as they are incurred, not if and when intervenor fuding becomes available. (05) Statement of Difference The procedural handling of this case created numerous quandaries. Non-signatory paricipants to the settlement discussions are not prohibited from commenting on any aspect of 3 the Settlement Stipulation. Signatories, however, are somewhat limited from doing so. Specifically, Section IV(9) of the Stipulation states, in part, that "other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessar for a Pary to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and wil not be admissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding." CAP AI fully recognizes its obligation to honor this provision, but because IDAP A requires that an applicant for funding must have taen a materially different position than that of the Commission Staff, in order to "explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation," and because the Idaho Conservation League and the Snake River Allance fully addressed the issue in their comments CAPAI notes that it took a materially different position from the Commission Staff regarding the procedure by which the Stipulation was crafted, executed, and put before the public. As ICL and Snake River noted, the procedure utilized arguably contains shortcomings and sets a precedent that might be regrettble. Suffce it to say that CAP AI vociferously and frequently raised procedural concerns during the course of the settlement meetings. The Commission Staff took a different viewpoint. Nothing in the preceding paragraph should be construed to suggest that CAP AI does not continue to support the Settlement Stipulation. CAPAI believes, however, that the procedure employed should be carefully examined for the purpose of future cases. CAP AI respectfully urges the Commission to approve the Settlement Stipulation but consider providing guidance for future reference. 4 06) Statement of Recommendation To a large extent, the Settlement Stipulation, and how it benefits the general body of ratepayers, speaks for itself. Due to the restriction on interpreting or explaining the Stipulation, CAP AI notes the obvious benefit of a rate moratorium. There were many other issues and considerations that the paricipants took into serious consideration and an attempt to fuly explain them might prove self-defeating. Rule 162(6) directs that a given applicant for intervenor fuding explain why their paricular recommendation or position addresses issues of concern to the general body of ratepayers. Because the majority of paricipants signed the Stipulation it, essentially provides the reasons why the Stipulation addresses areas of concern to the general body of ratepayers. Also, it is fair to say that each signatory had slightly different reasons for why it supported the Stipulation and why those reasons are of concern to the general body of ratepayers. Because of the restraint on positions taen or statements made, it would seem to violate the confidentiality provision of the Stipulation to discuss any paricular pary's list of reasons why the Stipulation is in the interests of all ratepayers. (07) Statement Showing Class of Customer To the extent that CAPAI represents a specific Rocky Mountain Power customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, this 5th day of Januar, 2009. ~;£/'ì .._- 2=. ., _ .......... t~BradMP~""~ 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on Januar 5th, 2009, I caused the APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING on the following via email attachment, to be followed by hard copy, U.S. Postage. Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Peter J. Richardson 515 North 27th St. P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 Eric L. Olson P.O. Box 1391 201 E. Center Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 Kur J. Boehm 36 East Seventh St., Suite 1510 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Conley Ward 60 1 West Banock St. P.O. Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701-2720 Arhur Perr Bruder U.S. Dept. of Energy LOOO Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20585 Ken Miler Snake River Allance P.O. Box 1731 Boise,ID 83701 Betsy Bridge Idaho Conservation League 710 North Sixth St. 6 . . P.O. Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 )~:-~cQ=: Brad M. Purdy , ... 7 ~ . .. EXHIBIT" A" ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocopies/postage $45.00 Total Costs $45.00 Fees: Legal (Brad M. Purdy - 29.23 hours ê $130.00/h.)$3,800.00 $450.00Expert(Teri Ottens - 10 hours ê $45.00/h.) Total Fees:$4,250.00 Total Expenses:$4,295.00 8