HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100323Comments.pdfBenjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) Idao Conservtion League PO Box 844 710 N. 6th St Boise, ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahocon servation .org RE't~ 2010 HßR 2~J.,01 v PM 2' 20.11 .., . ... Attorney/Energy Advocate for Idao Conservtion League BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTIITS COMMSSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-09-28 AUTHORITY TO CONVRT SCHEDULE 54-) FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT - FROM A ) COMMENTS OF THE IDAHO PILOT SCHEDULE TO AN ONGOING, ) CONSERVATION LEAGUEPERMENT SCHEDULE. ) ) ) COMES NOW Idaho Conseration League ("ICL"), pursuat to Rule 203 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (the "Commission") and the Commission's Notice of Modified Procedure served Febru 23rd, 2010, filing these comments on Idaho Power Company's ("Idao Power") application to convert the Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") from a pilot schedule to a peranent rate schedule. The Commission granted ICL's request to intervene in this Case by Order No. 30975 issued Januar 5, 2010. INTODUCTION In this case, Idaho Power asks the Commission to authorize changing the FCA from a thee-year pilot program to a permanent rate schedule. Durng the thee-year FCA pilot progr the PUC Staff, Idaho Power, and the Commission addressed some problems with the FCA mechanism. However, significat unesolved issues remain including: (1) how to accurtely measure the reduction in energy use attbutable to Idao Power's effort; (2) how to address the conflcting price signal sent to rate payers when their educed energy consumption results in a rate increase; (3) how to ensure Idao Power uses consistent, verified, and auditable data in computing the FCA; and (4) whether to allocate the FCA to the Residential and Small General Service Classes together or separately. Assuming the Commission authorizes the FCA as a permanent rate schedule, several more issues arse including: (1) determlning the impact of newly implemented usage based rate designs; (2) developing an effective, simple, and accurate incentive mechanism; and (3) continuing to ensure Idao Power is aggressively pursuing all cost effective energy effciency and DSM investments. ICL believes the FCA is an important tool for aligning the intere$ts ofIdao Power shareholders and ratepayers. ICL also believes the Commission should play an active role in continuing to refine the FCA mechanism. Because removing the financial disincentive to invest in energy effciency and DSM is critical, ICL strongly encourages the Cnmmission to approve the continuation of the FCA program as either an extended pilot progr, or a peranent program. However, importt and complex issues with the FCA and reHited progrs remain unesolved, therefore ICL believes the Commission, Idao Power, and the public would benefit from new docket to tae a comprehensive look at the FCA mechanism, the anual FCA adjustment rates, and the related pedormance based incentive program. mSTORY OF IDAHO POWER'S FIXD COST ADJUSTMENT MECHASM The Commission approved the FCA Pilot Progr on March 12, '2007 in Order No. 30267, Case No. IPC-E-04-15. At that time, the Commission explained f'promotion of cost- effective energy efficiency and demand-side management (DSM), we flld, is an integral part of Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - March 23, 2010 2 least-cost electric service." Order No. 30267 at 13. The FCA "removes a Company-identified financial disincentive to energy efficiency and DSM investment" by reducing the dependence on stable kilowatt-hour sales to assure recovery of fixed costs. According to the Commission, decoupling fixed costs from energy sales should assure more stabilty in fixed costs recovery and result in Idao Power being indifferent to reduced energy consumption and demand. The other half of this quid pro quo is a commitment by Idao Power to "demonstrte an enhanced commitment to energy efficiency and DSM." Ill at 14. To faciltate this quid pro quo, on March 12, 2007 the Commission issued Order No. 30268 in Case No. IPC-E-06-32 approving a Performance-Based Demand-Side Management Incentive Program. Because the FCA only removes the financial disincentive to invest in energy demand reduction, the Incentive Program was intended to provide a positive incentive to encourage investment by Idaho Power. Although they supported the progrm overall, the Idaho PUC Staff identified seven technical diffculties with the Incentive Program. Dug the pilot period, the PUC Staff and Idaho Power could not resolve these technical diffculties. On May 14 2009, the Commission ended the incentive program in Order No. 30806 issued in Case Number IPC-E-09-04 because devising and administering a reasonably objective pedormance-based incentive presented significant challenges durng the pilot period. As par ofthis Order, the Commission declined to open a new docket to fuer develop an incentive mechanism, but encouraged Idaho Power, the Commission Staff, and other interested paries to continue discussions on this topic. While ICL agrees the Incentive Program was flawed, ICL also believes that indifference to reduced energy consumption is an insuffcient goal and the Commission should implement mechanisms that actully encourage investments in energy effciency and DSM. Because Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - Marh 23, 2010 3 devising an appropriate incentive mechanism proves to be complex, ICL believes the Commission should open a new docket to tae a comprehensive look at both sides of the quid pro quo, providing fixed costs recovery stabilty though the FCA and incentfvizing Idaho Power to make fuer commitments to energy effciency and DSM. The FCA pilot program includes anual rate adjustments that "tre up" the difference between fixed cost recovery approved in the latest general rate case and actual fixed costs recovery durng the year. Under the FCA mechanism, if actual sales are less than the forecast in the rate case, Idaho Power wil under recover fixed costs and request a rate increase under the FCA for the following year. If actul sales exceed the forecast, then Idao Power over recovers fixed costs and wil reduce rates for the following year. The FCA applies only to two customer classes, Residential customers on Schedules 1,4, and 5, and Small General Customers on Schedule 7. The Commission approved the first FCA rate adjustment for 2008 though 2009 on May 30, 2008 in Order No. 30556 issued in Case No. IPC-E-08-04. Dug this first yea adjustment, Residential customers increased their average energy use resulting in a FCA reduction of 1.17%. Meanwhile, Small General Service customers reduced their average energy use, resulting in an FCA increase of 7.3%. While the original FCA stipulation called for adjusting each customer class separately, the Staff recommended, and the Commission approved, spreading the FCA across both classes on a per kilowatt hour basis. Overall, the Idaho PUC staff endorsed Idaho Power's requested rate reduction, but the Staff strenuously questioned the fied costs and cost of service models used by Idaho Power because they arose from stipulated settlement of the 2005 General Rate case. The PUC Staff also questioned whether the FCA actually resulted in increased investments in energy effciency and DSM beyond what Idaho Power would have done Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - March 23, 2010 4 anyway. The Commission approved the second year FCA adjustment on May 29, 2009 in Order No. 30827 issued in Case No. IPC-E-09-06. Dung this second year, averge energy consumption per customer fell durg the year, resulting in a FCA increase of 0.42% for Residential and 10.29% for Small General Service customers. Like the prior year, the Commission approved the recommendation of the Staff and Idao Power to spread the FCA increase across both customer classes on a per kilowatt-hour basis. Addressing a major concer expressed by the PUC Staff, the second year FCA adjustment used fixed costs per customers, fixed costs per energy, cost of service models from the General Rate Case No. IPC-E-07-08 completed in the interim. Turing to the issue of the FCA's impact on Idao Power's investment in energy efficiency and DSM, the Staff explained that "it is clear that durng 2008, the Company greatly increased DSM expenditues an significantly enhanced its program offerings." Comments of the PUC Staff in Case No IPC-E-09-06 at 4. After reviewing Idaho Power's 2008 DSM report, the Staff verified the Company's claimed expanded expenditues, progr offergs and projected energy savings. However, the Staff continued to question whetler the reduced energy consumption per customer is attbutable to Idao Power's investments spurd on by the disincentive removed by the FCA, or other factors. According to Staff calculations, only 23% of the reduced energy consumption measured durng the year could be attbuted to energy effciency and DSM investments by Idaho Power, as opposed to other factors like weather or economic activity. Id at 4; Order no. 30827 at 3 n. 1. Looking forward, the Staffalso commented that newly approved tiered rates and rate increases could fuer lead to reduced energy consumption not fairly attbuted to Idao Power's efficiency and DSM investments. Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - Marh 23, 2010 5 On March 16 2010, Idaho Power applied for the third year of the FCA rate adjustments as Case No. IPC-E-IO-07. In this third year, average use per customer declined again, resulting in a FCA increase of 1.57% for Residential Customers and 8.49% for Small General Service Customers. As in prior years, Idao Power offered to spread the FCA impact across both customer classes equally resulting in an overall increase of 1.85%. To calculate the FCA Idao Power used the fixed costs per customer and fixed costs per energy approved by the Commission in the latest general rate case IPC-E-08-1 O. As requested by the Staff in their comments regarding the second year FCA rates, for the third year FCA rates Idaho Power used the most curent weather normalized test year, 2010 - 2011. Turing to the impact of the FCA on energy effciency and DSM investments, Idaho Power explains their portfolio of progrs and measures increased energy savings by 7.6% and reduced peak demand by 28% for a total reduction of 148,256 megawatt hour in 2009. Testimony of Scott D. Sparks at 7, Case No. IPC-E-IO-07. Idao Power now offers 18 energy effciency progrs, including thee added in the past year. Harkening back to the Staff comments in the second year FCA rate adjustment, Idaho Power also refers to "several new priced-based rate designs" intended to encourge effcient energy usage. Ill at 9. Although the exact effectiveness of the FCA program requires fuer exploration by the Staff, Commission, and other paries, this third year FCA adjustment application reveals a continuing expansion of Idao Power's investments in energy effciency and DSM. More directly on point in this case however, the third year FCA rate adjustment request reveals continuing disagreement about some paricular details of the entire FCA mechanism. IDAHO POWER'S APPLICATION TO MAKE THE FCA PERMENT Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - Marh 23, 2010 6 The precise issue under consideration in this docket, IPC-E-09-28, is whether the Commission should authorize Idao Power to change the FCA from a pilot program to a permanent rate schedule. In their application, Idao power explains that durg the pilot program they have increased their investments in energy effciency and reported substatial reuctions in total energy use and peak energy use. In their application Idao Power explains the "tre up mechanism is working as intended" because the Company continues to recover its fixed costs despite varable energy sales. This addresses one half of the quid pro qou identified by the Commission in approving the FCA pilot Program in Order No. 30267, Case No. IPC-E-04-15. Durng the thee-year pilot program the anual FCA rate adjustments have been applied to both Residential and Small general Service customers equally on a per kilowatt hour basis. In their original application to implement to pilot program, Idaho Power intended to calculate and implement the FCA to these customer classes separately. In their application to make the FCA permanent Idaho Power again intends to allocate the F AC to each customer class separtely because this "will provide a distrbution methodology that is more representative of the actul fixed costs recovered by each customer class." Testimony of Scott D. Sparks at 16, Case No. IPC-E-09-28. Finally, Idaho Power requests the Commission no longer require specific documentation regarding their investments in energy effciency and DSM. According to Idaho Power, these.. report are unecessary because their commitment "is now evident." Idaho Power wil continue monthly reporting of the FCA balance and will fie annual rate adjustments to ''te up" their fixed costs recovery. Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - March 23, 2010 7 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S COMMNTS ON TH APPLICATION ICL wholeheartedly aggress with the Commission's statement in the original order approving the FCA pilot program that "promotion of cost-effective energy effciency and demand-side management (DSM), we fid, is an integral par ofleast-cost electrc serice." Order No. 30267 at 13. Because traditional ratemakg ties the utilty's recovery of their fixed costs to the amount of energy sales, the utilty has no incentive to invest in programs that reduce energy sales. The FCA, by decoupling fixed cost recover from energy sales, represents one half of changing this incentive strctue towards achieving the Commission's goal of promoting cost- effective energy efficiency. Essentially, the FCA levels the playing field by making the utilty indifferent to reduction in energy consumption. While it seems that all paries agree the FCA is a good mechanism to promote cost effective investments in energy effciency and DSM, there remain some significant disagreement about paricular details of the mechanism including: (1) how to accurately measure the reduction in energy use attbutable to Idao Power's effort; (2) how to address the conflcting price signal sent to rate payers when their educed energy consumption results in a rate increase; (3) how to ensure Idaho Power uses consistent, verified, and auditable data in computing the FCA; and (4) whether to allocate the FCA to the Residential and Small General Service Classes together or separately. ICL believes the best way to continue encourging investment in energy effciency and DSM is to continue the FCA while convening a workshop to comprehensively address these issues along with developing an appropriate and fair incentive to spur even greater investments. Because the Commission has recognized promoting cost effective investments in effciency is an importt par of providing least cost service, and the Staffhas recognized that the FCA Comments ofICL - IPC-&09-28 - March 23, 2010 8 mechanism has to some degree spured investments that Idaho Power would not have otherwse made, ICL believes the worst outcome in this case would be for the Commission to end the FCA program entirely. If the Commission should decide a workshop is not appropriate, ICL requests that the Commission tae the following actions on Idao Power's application: First, approve continuing the FCA mechanism as at least an extended pilot program. This wil allow additional time to fuer refine and improve this importt mechanism. Second, resolve whether to allocate the FCA across both customer classes or apply it to them separately. By allocating the FCA to both customer classes, Residential customers are asked to cover the forgone fixed cost recovery attbutable to the Small Generl Service customers. As an example of the confusing natue of the issue, in this case Idao Power is requesting to allocate the FCA to customer classes separtely, meawhile in the third yea FCA rate adjustment application fied March 16,2010, Case No. IPC-E-I0-07, Idao Power continues to combine the classes in developing the FCA rate. ICL believes this issue requires fuer development though additional briefing and a hearng to fully resolve this issue. Third, the Commission should deny Idao Power's request to not submit anual reports on their energy effciency and DSM investments. In fact, ICL believes the Commission should do just the opposite and require a more detailed and precise report. Specifically ICL believes the Commission should require Idao power to submit the data the Staff requested in ths case, the monthly actual kilowatt-hour savings attbuted specifically to the residential and small general service customers. Also these anual report should make ever reasonable effort to determine the amount of reduced energy consumption attbutable to Idaho Power's investments as opposed to other factors such as weather or economic activity. Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - March 23, 2010 9 CONCLUSION Durng the thee-year pilot progrm, the FCA has largely fuctioned as intended. While specific issues regarding certin components of the mechanism require fuer development and resolution, ICL believes the FCA continues to be an importt effective tool for encourging cost effective investments in energy effciency and DSM. ICL urges the commission to either extend the pilot period for the FCA mechanism or approve Idaho power's request to make the program permanent. ICL believes the worst outcome of this case would be for the Commission to eliminate the FCA mechanism entirely. Finally, to continue the development of the FCA mechanism and the good results it has spured thus far, ICL urges the Commission to convene a formal workshop to address the FCA, develop an appropriate incentive mechanism, and determine a reporting and verification method the Staff and the public can trst. ICL looks forward to working with all concerned paries to continue refining the financial incentives to ensure vigorous investment in all cost effective energy effciency and DSM options. Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of March 2010, 6& o (ISB # 8292) AttorneyÆnergy Advocate Idao Conservtion League Comments ofICL - IPC-E-09-28 - March 23, 2010 10 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE '. ,f1 r I hereby certify that on this 23rd day of March, 2010 true and correct copies of thtlO llr\R 23 PM ~ foregoing COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE were delivered to the . followig persons via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Origial and seven copies provided) Idaho Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Electronic Mai: Barton 1. Kline Donova E. Waler Idao Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idao 83707-0070 BKline~idahopower.com dwalke~idaopower.com Scott D. Sparks John R Gale Idao Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707 ssparks~idahopower.com rgae~idaopower.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 208-384-1299 bmpurdy~hotmail.com Ken Miler Clean Energy Progr Director Snake River Allance PO Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 kmiller~snakeriveralliance.org ~ Benjamin J. Otto Energ Advocate for Idao Conservtion League