HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090916Response to Answer.pdfSep 16 09 12:00p ett Jameson p.' O9 -/tOO5 ffn H RECEIVErl 'r. i Lfctk, P(11C Fro p1 ve1'etrA1 OVt 2009 SEP 16 PM 2: 23 IDAHO UTILITIES COj1'SjQN ratt NO, iPC&O92 FAX a-paes p epsc Aswer o E x h I t'Jkr 8p es psa-9 o4 Exh1bi C, fr1Cçt1( I pae xib D y le +ø 'p JePP Fox w 0 Y-, HOWO I1L k Exhlhi'f 7,*! 7pc1s I i I h CJLtctt •1 ThI Sep 16 08 12:01p E•ett Jameson p.2 r/ f Respnse To Avwer to*t ido-ko Powe'c From the Desk of Ed Jameson September 11, 2009 State of Idaho PUC Case No. IPC-E-09-23 Dear PUC Board, Please find exhibits A, B, C, D and E enclosed. My water heater failing in early 2009 set off a whole chain of unanticipated events. As a 70 year old person living on diminished Social Security and pension due to early disability retirement; I'm forced to count my pennies constantly. I called Idaho Power telling them of the problem. I made arrangements to pay them $30 per month. In March [Not prior to March, as on page 2 of the Answer] we would make arrangements for a larger monthly payment plan in order to retire my balance in a few months. Remember: I had to "find" nearly $1000 for the water heater job through January, February and March pension monies. I couldn't do that in just Jan and Feb. The person, with whom I spoke, did not tell me or explain to me of their "Level Payment Plan." It would have made sense had they done so. [The reason being: I'm not stupid!] The $30 monthly payment agreement for Jan., Feb and March was just arbitrary. It could just as easily have been made the $56 required for the LPP. So for just $26/month additional, which I could have paid, they just came over and disconnected me, a 17 year customer of this company! Other than my monthly power bill statement, which showed an increasing [and expected] amount owed to them; IP never sent we any other notices. Why would they? We made arrangements for me to pay them, I knew I owed them money and they knew we had an "agreement." They had no reasons to send me warnings. They did not send a final "disconnect" notice or place a call to me about imminent disconnection. We had an agreement to negotiate a payment arrangement in March. In retrospect I see that to IP March means March 01; to me, March means: during the month of March. On item II, Answer page 3; IP discusses the procedure used during my disconnection. One outstanding point I will present to this board will involve Exhibit A for witness A]. My witness will be Mr. Chris Hechs of Idaho PUC. Shortly after my initial contact with the PUC and Mr. Hechs, be spoke with IP re: my disconnection. The person he spoke with right after the event said that the "Meter Specialist" didn't knock on my door or leave any notice at my house. I find this quite interesting because on Answer page 4, fourth sentence from the bottom; the MS is "ADAMANT' that he knocked on my door that day. I've got two adult German Shepherds that were in the house at the time of the disconnection. Had they been outside, I would have been warned by their barking and perhaps the disconnection could have been avoided. Had someone knocked on my door with them inside, I obviously would have been warned! It seems that the MS has a memory that gets better with time. However, my witness, Mr. Hechs, would disagree. Because I respect what we are trying to do here, not just for me but for other older folks, I refuse to combat the IP legal team by compromising the truth in order to make a point! Sep 16 09 12:01p E•ett Jameson P.3 Page 2 r WC 0 59 -2 3 With the above information submitted to this board, I accompany it with Exhibit B 1mm Dr. Ostermiller, Exhibit C from McCall Hospital Emergency Room and Exhibit D from Gayle Eaton, psychologist and RN. These three sources of respected care-givers describe the condition in which the recklessness of IP has left me. I read somewhere long ago that when you arbitrarily attack someone [physically or emotionally] you attack his history as a human being. You cannot control what the results will be because you don't know the person's emotional structure. We're all different. - (know what it is to see unbelievable pain because I've seen it and I have it every day of my life, hence my early disability retirement. That is all in me every second of my life and everything that happens to me filters through it to determine, instantaneously, how much I'm gonna hurt. So when IP shut me off, they picked me; I didn't pick them! Item III Answer page 6 describes my first dealings with IP's money policy. [Real, real slow out; but real, real fast in] On Answer page 8, IP states that I didn't notify them of my TV blowing up until 08-13-2007. The blast was instantaneous! I called I? within minutes of my outage and informed them of my TV. I just didn't call for paperwork reporting damage for a few days. In retrospect, why was it even a concern? They weren't going to pay me for six months for my loss, anyway. The reason I enclose my Exhibit E is two-fold. #1) This board can infer from the feel of the letter from Howard Industries that Mr. Foxworth and I have spoken a few times [maybe six] in the past. IP actually had me call Howard Industries and Mr. Foxworth [on my dime, by the way] to negotiate money for replacement of my TV. I spoke with him and others at the company many times because IP told me to do so if I wanted my money. Answer page 9, second sentence down says, IP would reimburse the affected customers as a "goodwill" gesture for damages caused by the "defective Transformer." They then mention that I didn't retain the damaged TV. The TV smelled like burned wire, terrible. I pulled it outside immediately and it sat there for months for their examination until it froze to the ground. I broke it loose and took it to the dump. The last sentence on Item IV. Answer page 9 reads: "Idaho Power went beyond what was legally required of the company when it paid claims for which it was not ultimately responsible in an effort to give customers a timely resolution." They call making customers wait six months for their money, "timely." If they weren't so pathetically feeble and inherently insincere, these people might find good paying, productive jobs in the legal community. By the way, I mentioned above that I enclose my Exhibit E for a two fold purpose. I just wnted you to see how gullibleI i.y when I let them talk me into doing their bill cqlctio work for them with [çward Ijistries. I admit it, though, don't I? Everett Jamethi( New Meadows, 1p 83654 (Pages 4 through 15 of Mr. Jameson's Response to Idaho Power Company's Answer were redacted for privacy reasons) Sep 16 09 12:09p E rett Jameson P'16 • Page lofi Ed Jameson /V IL! CcLSe O.. From: Jeff Foxworth [jfox©howard-ind.com ] Cl:PC- E -09-23 Sent Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:16 AM To: LX Subject: CCAM # 25968 Mr. Jameson Nice talking to you again this morning. I ran your question by management and was told to refer you to Lisa Nordstrom with Idaho power Company. Her phone number is 208-388-5825 Thanks,, Jeff Foxworth Howard Industries Sales Manager 601-422-1420 9/10/2009