HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090807Intervenor Funding Petition.pdf.-,-cc:z-(!-cco Eric L. Olsen, ISB No. 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 RECEIVEr; ZOOS AUG -7 PM 3: 43 l(JA~10 F:tr8!,_h~ UTILITiES COMf.liSSiON Attorneys for Intervenor Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANY'S ) APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE ) OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AN ) NECESSITY FOR THE LANGLEY ) GULCH POWER PLANT ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-09-03 INTERVENOR FUNDING APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. COMES NOW the Idaho Irgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("IIPA"), by and though counsel of record, Eric L. Olsen, and hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for intervenor fuding, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and IDAPA through .165, regarding the expenses and costs associated with IIPA's paricipation in the above referenced matter, as follows: (A) A sumar of the expenses that the LIP A requests to be recovered is broken down into legal fees, consultant fees and other costs and expenses and is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Itemized statements are also included as Attachments 1 and 2 to Exhibit "A" in support of said sumar and are incorporated by reference. APPLICA nON FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGA nON PUMPERS ASSOCIA nON, INC. - i (B) On March 9, 2009, Idaho Power Company ("IPC" or lithe Company") filed an application (the "Application") seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") to constrct the proposed Langley Gulch Power Plant ("Langley Gulch") and asking the Commission to rule on the regulatory treatment of the expenses that IPC would incur in building Langley Gulch. The proceedings were placed on a compressed time frame given IPC' s contractu commitments with respect to the purchase of the tubines for Langley Gulch, with Techncal Hearings just recently concluding on July 16, 2009. IIPA's legal counsel, Eric L. Olsen, and consultant, Anthony J. Yanel, P.E., paricipated fully at the Techncal Hearings, as well as all other critical aspects of this case. The LIP A has asked the Commission to delay its ruling on the Company's CPCN for Langley Gulch for at least 10 months. This requested finding is based upon the direct and live testimony provided by Mr. Yanel at the Techncal Hearngs. Mr. Yanel testified that the underlyig data for the 2006 IRP and the 2008 Updated IRP which formed the basis for the Company's need for Langley Gulch relied on stale data that does not reflect the most recent economic upheavals that have occured in Idaho's economy in the last 9 to 18 months. Mr. Yanel testified that the outlook for Idaho's economy, as with the nation as a whole, is trending downward as a result of the recession. This has resulted in fewer new residential and commercial customers and fewer overall customer counts for residential and commercial customers for IPC than forecast under its 2006 IRP and 2008 Updated IRP, with the associated reduction in forecast load from those non-materializing customers. Mr. Yanel testified that these changes are directly correlated to the decrease in overall energy consumption on the IPC system that has been declining since June of 2008. Yanel Dir., at p24, lls. 11-13. Mr. Yanel fuher testified that the energy and peak demand deficits that IPC was APPLICA nON FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGA nON PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 2 forecasting in 2012 when Langley Gulch was to come online would not materialize in light of the reduced energy consumption. He fuher testified that there would not be any adverse impact to the Company's abilty to serve the system load if the Commission acted upon the IIPA's recommendation to delay its ruling for 10 months due to IPC's abilty to utilze import purchased power and the impact of the changes in the Peak Rewards Program. (C) The expenses and costs incured by IIPA set forth in Exhbit A and accompanying attchments are reasonable in amount and were necessarly incured to paricipate in this case. The expenses and costs were incured in reviewing the Company's filing and intervenor testimony, preparng and reviewing data requests and responses, drafing and filing direct testimony, preparing cross examation questions for various witnesses, and paricipating in the techncal hearngs held by the Commission. Without incurng these expenses and costs, the lIP A would not have been able to fully paricipate in this matter. (D) The costs described in Paragraph (A) above constitute a financial hardship for LIP A. LIP A currently has approximately $55,000.00 in the ban with outstanding accounts payable from paricipation in ths case and other concurrent cases totaling approximately $45,000.00. LIP A is an Idaho nonprofit corporation that was organzed in 1968 to represent agrcultual interests in electric utilty rate matters affecting farers in southern and central Idaho. lIP A relies solely upon dues and contributions voluntaily paid by members, together with intervenor fuding, to support activities. Each year mailings are sent to approximately 7,500 Idaho Irigators (approximately two-thrds in the IPC service area and one-third in the Rocky Mountain Power service area), soliciting anual dues. lIP A recommends that members make volunta contributions based on acres irrgated or horsepower per pump. Member contributions have been falling APPLICA nON FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGA nON PUMPERS ASSOCIA nON, INC. - 3 presumably due to the curent depressed economy, increased operating costs and threats relating to water right protection issues. From member contrbutions LIP A must pay all expenses, which generally include mailing expenses, meeting expenses and shared office space in Boise, Idaho, in addition to the expenses relating to paricipation in rate cases. The Executive Director, Lyn Tominaga, is the only par-time paid employee, receiving a retaner plus expenses for offce space, offce equipment, and secretaral services. Offcers and directors are elected anually and serve without compensation. It has been and continues to be a financial hardship for LIP A to fully paricipate in ths case. As a result of financial constraints, paricipation in ths case has been selective and, primarly, on a limited basis. (E) The testimony that the LIP A provided and positions that the lIP A has urged the Commission to adopt materially differed from the testimony and positions put forth by Commission Staf. Mr. Yanel compared the actual new residential and commercial customer counts for 2008 with those predicted under the 2006 IRP and the 2008 Updated IRP to look at curent trends that affected the need for Langley Gulch. This, coupled with the curent economic data that Mr. Yanel provided from the Idaho Division of Financial management, showed that is was very questionable whether IPC would encounter the forecast customer growth and energy loads contained in the IRPs that formed the basis for IPC's Application. This is born out by the trend since May of 2008 that overall energy sold by IPC is decreasing, not growing, as pointed out by Mr. YaneL. This is contrar to IRPs' forecasts that form the basis for the need for Laney Gulch. Furher, Mr. Yanel pointed out that IPC' s load forecasts used since the 2006 IRP have been inconsistent in that they now arificially limit the import of purchased power to meet resource deficits to meet peak demand. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 4 Whereas there was no such limit in the 2006 IRP load forecasts. The LIP A also pointed out on cross- examination that IPC used to model meeting any energy deficits though utilization of its peaker unts, but that it has now changed that policy in the most recent load forecasts and taes the position that the peakers canot be used to met any base load deficits. These recent changes in how IPC does its load forecasting all appear to be manufactued to support the need for Langley Gulch and heighten the dire consequences of not meeting forecast load if ths resource is delayed for any period of time. Based on the above, the lIP A believes that its recommendation that the Commission delay its decision on the Application until more up to date load forecasts are available differed materially from the positions taken by the Staff and have materially assisted the Commission in making its decision on this matter. (F) The IIPA's recommendation of seeking to delay the Commission's decision on the Application benefits all customer classes. It ensures that the Commission has all the necessar information before it to make this historic decision. It also amounts to customer rate savings in the the net present value cost of Langley Gulch is reduced and the costs associated with the project are not put into rate base sooner than is needed. (G) LIP A represents the irrgation class of customers under Schedule 24. Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the LIP A is a qualifyng intervenor and should be entitled to an award of costs of intervention in the maximum amount allowable pursuat to Idaho Code § 61-617A and IDAPA through .165. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 5 DATED this the 7th day of August, 2009. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED BY~~-I ERIC L. 0 E APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on ths 7th day of August, 2009, I served a tre, correct and complete copy of the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc.'s Application for Intervenor Funding to each of the following, via U.S. Mail or private courier, e-mail or hand delivery, as indicated below: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 jjeweiicmpuc.state.id. us Baron L. Kline/Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho St./P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 bklinecmidahopower.com lnordstromcmidahopower .com Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Lear 515 N. 27th Street/.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 petecmrichardsonandolear.com Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 scott. woodburcmpuc. idaho. gov Don Reading Ben Johnson & Associates 6070 Hil Road Boise, ID 83703 dreadingcmmindspring.com U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 7 Ken Miler Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Allance P.O. Box 1731 Boise, il 83701 kmilercmsnakeriveralliance.org Betsy Bridge Idaho Conservation League 710 Nort Sixth Street Boise, il 83701 bbridgecmwildidaho.org Susan K. Ackerman Northwest Intermountan Power Producers Coalition 9883 NW Nottge Dr. Portland, OR 97229 susan.k.ackermancmcomcast.net U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered ~./~ERïN ~ APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 8 EXHIBIT" A" SUMMARY OF EXPENSES INCURRD BY IRRGATORS IN CASE NO. IPC-E-09-03 1. Legal Fees: Eric L. Olsen (Parer): 80.2 ~ $185.00 per hour $15,658.00 Jason E. Flaig (Associate): .60 hrs ~ $135.00 per hour $ 81.00 Costs: Postage and travel $ 856.62 Total Legal Fees:$16.514.62 2. Consultant Fees: Anthony J. Yanel: 242 hrs ~ $125 per hour $30,250.00 Costs: Meals and travel $ 1,618.05 Total Consultant Fees:$31,868.05 TOTAL FEES AND EXPENSES:$48,382.67 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 9 Attachment 1 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 10 00 DescriptionCI~d 00:: Apr 23 8 Review hourly system loads durg the sumer to see when peaks occur and the need for a new base load unt; review 2008 Demand-Side Management report for alternatives to Langley Gulch; review 2008 Updated Integrated Resource Plan to see how Langley Gulch fits into the plan. 24 6 Review testimonies ofBokenkamp,Gale, Smith, and Porter in the Langley Gulch case; continue to review use of gas fired plants durng Febru of2008 in order to discern how the company is using peakng versus base load unts. May 18 7 Review 2006 IRP and 2008 Updated IRP as well as all appendix in order to understand the changes in growt that were projected; determine how the projected growth fit with the historic loads and assess how changes should have occured because of the recession. 19 5 Review the Aurora Electrc Market Model simulation outputs associated with Idaho Power's benchmark proposal as contained in the Response to Invenergy Request 37 as it pertained to the cost and the energy associated with total resources, market purchases and market sales durng each of the projected years. 20 5 Review the Aurora Electrc Market Model simulation outputs associated with the Invenergy proposal as contaned in the Response to Invenergy Request 35 as it pertained to the cost and the energy associated with tota resources, market purchases and market sales durng each of the projected years. 21 4 Review 2008 Updated IRP for Idaho Power and see how it relates to conditions that exist today; review data responses to the Industral customers and to Invenergy regarding considerations of varous factors for building the plant. 26 7 Review 2008 Updated IR for Idaho Power and see how it relates to conditions that exist today; review data responses to the Industral customers and to Invenergy regarding considerations of varous factors for building the plant. 27 4 Review Langley Gulch fiing and search out data for futue prices of energy for the sumer months at COB and elsewhere. 28 4 Review draft motion of joint interveners; teleconference with Irrgation Executive Committee; review power cost data in order to define how gas unts are now being used to supplement supply. June 1 6 Review varous aspects of the Langley Gulch proposal and the varous Aurora model outputs provided by the Company; discussion with the Staff; development of interrogatories in order to determine what the impact of Langley Gulch is on the Net Power Costs and see how this is impacted by the Irgation Peak Rewards 2 6 Review aspects of the Langley Gulch proposal dealing with the need for quick action; review historic cases over the last 10 years where the Company also requested quick action; paricipate in conference call with other interveners. 3 7 Review econometric data developed by the state ofIdaho; review 2006 IRP as well as 2008 IRP update to determne what assumptions were used in the decision to go with the Langley Gulch plant as indicated in the Company's testimony. 4 6 Review Idaho April 2009 econometrc forecast; review data requests from the last rate case to glean data to be used/requested such as the bil frequency data by month in the Staf data request. 5 7 Review forecasting data from the Idao Office of Management with that used in the 2006 and the 2008 updated IRP's by Idaho Power; read the 2006 and 2008 updates to determine what historic data was actuly used; review responses to production requests ofInvenergy. 8 Review 2008 IRP for detals when load data was gathered for inclusion in the IRP, review discovery responses to determine when information was gathered for forecast loads to be incorporated into the IRP's; review data responses to narow down the responses that will be useful for testimony. 8 9 Begin comparsons of data regarding statewide housing stars and end of year customers that are in the Company's varous documents such as the FERC Form 1 and the 2006 IRP; determine that a specific percentage of statewide housing stars does not equate well to IPCo's year end residential customer figues; consider other alternatives to define changes in IPCo data. 10 7 Review data responses that most reflect forecasting of load and the company's treatment of this data; review the company's response to Staff request 84 which lists new (larger) energy usage, but gives no support or basis for the change in 11 8 Develop information dealing with projected load growth from the two IRP's; combine with information from the Idaho Economic Forecast from the State of Idaho; begin to wrte testimony. 12 8 Continue to develop testimony regarding the results of the two IRP's as they apply to the load forecasts that were incorporate; develop testimony regarding the results of the Idaho Economic Forecast and how this differs with the forecast data used by Idaho power before the economic downtu occured. 15 8 Review the 2009 IRP data, the December 2008 updated forecast, and the May 2009 updated forecast; compare information with 2008 Updated forecast; develop comparsons and analyze changes per the change in the economy. 16 8 Write testimony regarding the impact or lack there of on the new forecasts that were made in either the 2009 IRP or the updates to it. 17 8 Using data that was provided in the last thee forecasts, determine what was changing with respect to the supply resources; evaluate grading the tyes of changes as well as the magnitude of these changes. 18 8 Write testimony regarding the changes in supply resources; review impacts of changes in the purchase power and why it was changed; wrte testimony on the impact of Langley Gulch operations and surlus sales; wrte testimony regarding the irrgation peak rewards program; discussion with other intervener witnesses. 19 7 Work testimony into final form; review for errors and tyos; incorporate Olsen's comment into new draf of the testimony. 22 2 Review testimony of Staff witnesses Sterling, Carlock, and Hars 23 3 Review the two testimonies of Dr. Don Reading; compare with what I have done in areas where he taes a slightly different direction. July 3 4 Review rebuttal testimony of Company witnesses Smith, Pengily, Porter, Gale, and Bokenkamp; outline possible areas of cross-examination. 6 6 Review testimony of Company witness Mace as well as his exhibits; begin to wrte cross-examination questions for Company witness Bokenkamp; review Fokekamp's direct testimony as well as previous IRPs. 7 8 Continue to work on cross-examination of Mace and Bokenkamp; wrte questions and discussions and send to Olsen. 8 6 Review Mace's testimony for direction on where the Company may tr to cross- examine me; check the sources and the data he used so that I would be fuly familiar with his basis. 9 5 Review varous data responses from the Company and tr to correlate the various load facts it had for Langley Gulch under different senaros; review the varous forecasts used by the Company and why it changed the values that it assigned to the non-firm purchases in the different filings that were made over the last few 10 7 Prepare for hearng; review all case material and determine what I needed to take to Boise; review some of the data responses from the Company and try to determine what was the basis of the rebuttal that the Company filed regarding my testimony; coordinate testimony and cross-examination thoughts with the other paries. 13 8 Prepare for hearng; review all case material and determine what I needed to take to Boise; review testimony and make notes as to the source of information; coordinate testimony and cross-examination thoughts with the other paries. 14 9 Travel to Boise; attend hearng; assist in crossexamination. 15 9 Prepare for cross-examination; attend hearg. 16 6 Develop material for Olsen to use regarding the Pioneer plant and its similarties to this case; attend hearng; assist with some cross-examnation regarding my testimony; discussions with Olsen regarding what took place at the case while he 17 20 22 Total 242 8 Travel home; outline thoughts from the hearing that need to be incorporated into the brief. 7 Review the testimonies of priarily Mace and Gale; develop an outline of the arguments that need to be made in order to clarfy the difference between our position and that of the Company's; wrte a draf of brief in the area of the problem with the forecast data used by the company when compared to actual experience. 2 Continue to work on notes and material that may be of value for the brief. Attachment 2 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 11 RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Asociation, Inc. Langley Gulch Power Plant 710.1518539 Client Date Att Rate Hours to Bil Amount Description 710,1518539 3/12/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 CONFERENCE WITH JEF RE: PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR INTERVENTION IN LAGLEY GULCH SITING AND BUILD CASE 710.1518539 3126/2009 JEF 135 0,6 $81.00 DRAFT A PETITION TO INTERVENE; REVIEW IDAHO POWER'S NOTICE OF ACTION RE: THE LANGLEY GULCH POWER PLANT 710.1518539 3/27/2009 ELO 185 0.3 $55.50 FINALIZE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENTION AND SEE THAT SAME IS FILED 710.1518539 4/3/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 REVIEW CONFIDENTIALITY STIPULATION; SIGN AND EMAIL SIGNATURE PAGE TO KLINE; EMAIL YANKEL RE: SAME 710.1518539 4/8/2009 ELO 185 0.5 $92.50 REVIEW LAGLEY GULCH SCHEDULING CONFERENCE ORDER; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH PET RICHARDSON RE: LANGLEY GULCH CASE AND SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 710.1518539 4/9/2009 ELO 185 0.8 $148,00 CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH YANKEL ON LANGLEY GULCH CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 710.1518539 4/1412009 ELO 185 2 $370.00 PREPARE FOR AND ATTEND LAGLEY GULCH; ATTEND SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 710.1518539 4/14/2009 ELO 185 3 $555.00 TRAVEL ONE WAY TO BOISE FOR SCHEDULING CONFERENCE 710.1518539 4/16/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 REVIEW RESPONSES TO STAFF'S DATA REQUESTS RE: LAGLEY GULCH 710.1518539 5/8/2009 ELO 185 0.5 $92.50 REVIEW EMAILS RE: PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT FOR VIEWING BID MATERIALS; SIGN EXHIBITS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SENT OUT 710.1518539 5120/2009 ELO 185 0.4 $74.00 REVIEW AND PREPARE DATA REQUESTS 710.1518539 5/21/2009 ELO 185 0.8 $148,00 REVISE IPPA'S DATA REQUESTS 710.1518539 5/26/2009 ELO 185 2.8 $518.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: LANGLEY GULCH CASE AND UPCOMING CONFERENCE CALL; PREPARE FOR CONFERENCE CALL; PARTICIPATE IN INTERVENOR CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH YANKEL RE: ISSUES RAISED Client Date Att Rate Hours to Bill Amount Decription 710.1518539 5/27/2009 ELO 185 1.3 $240.50 REVIEW DRAT OF PROPOSED MOTION TO STAY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SID ERWIN RE: LAGLEY GULCH CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DEAN STEVENSON RE: CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: COMMENTS ON MOTION 710.1518539 5/28/2009 ELO 185 3.2 $592.00 DRAFT LANGUAGE FOR JOINT MOTION FOR STAY; CONFERENCE CALL WITH EXECUTIVE BOARD RE: UPDATE ON VARIOUS CASES AND LANGLEY GULCH MOTION TO STAY; FINALIZE MOTION LANGUAGE AND EMAIL FOR INCLUSION IN MOTION; REVIEW FINAL JOINT MOTION AND EMAIL PETE RICHARDSON RE: SAME 710.1518539 6/1/2009 ELO 185 1.3 $240.50 REVIEW FILED MOTION AND PRESS RELEASE FOR MOTION TO STAY IPC APPLICATION; PREPARE FOR AND PARTICIPATE IN CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY Re: PLAN OF ACTION ON STIPULATION 710.1518539 61212009 ELO 185 1.1 $203.50 PARTICIPATE IN INTERVENOR CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 710.1518539 61212009 ELO 185 0.4 $74.00 PREPARE SECOND DATA REQUEST AND SEE THAT SAME ARE FILED AND SERVED 710.1518539 6/2/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH BART KLINE RE: SIGNING NDA; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME; SIGN NDA AND EMAIL TO IPC 710.1518539 6/4/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 REVIEW DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SENT OUT; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 710.1518539 6/8/2009 ELO 185 $185.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SCOTT WOODBURY RE: THE INTERVENOR COMMUNICATION ISSUE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME; DRAFT EMAIL RETRACTING THE YANKEL EMAIL 710.1518539 61812009 ELO 185 0.1 $18.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TIM TATUM AND TONY YANKEL RE: CLAIFICATION OF DATA REQUEST 710.1518539 6110/2009 ELO 185 1.8 $333.00 REVIEW IPC DIRECT TESTIMONY IN PREPARTION FOR HEARINGS 710.1518539 6/11/2009 ELO 185 1.4 $259.00 CONTINUE REVIEW OF IPC DIRECT TESTIMONY 710.1518539 6/12/2009 ELO 185 0.5 $92.50 REVIEW IPC'S RESPONSE TO MOTION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS 710.1518539 6/16/2009 ELO 185 1.5 $27750 REVIEW DRAT TESTIMONY OF Y ANKEL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: DRAFT OF TESTIMONY Client Date Att Rate Hours to Bil Amount Description 710.1518539 6/17/2009 ELO 185 2 $370.00 PARTICIPATE IN INTERVENOR CONFERENCE CALL; CONTINUED REVIEW OF YANKEL DRA TESTIMONY 710,1518539 6118/2009 ELO 185 0.9 $166.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVISION OF TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERNECE WITH PETE RICHADSON RE: TESTIMONY POSITIONS; TELEPHONE CONFERNECE WITH YANKEL RE: SAME 710.1518539 6119/2009 ELO 185 2.8 $518.00 FINALIZE YANKElS TESTIMONY AND PREPARE FOR FILING; TELEPHONE CONFERNECE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAE AND SEE THAT SAME IS FILED 710.1518539 6/19/2009 ELO 185 1.4 $259.00 REVIEW TESTIMONY OF INTERVENORS AND STAFF 710.1518539 6/22/2009 ELO 185 1.8 $333.00 CONTINUE REVIEW OF INTERVENOR AND STAFF TESTIMONY 710.1518539 6/29/2009 ELO 185 0.3 $55.50 REVIEW CONFIDENTIAL PORTION OF TESTIMONY OF RICK STERLING 710.1518539 7/2/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY 710.1518539 7/6/2009 ELO 185 0.6 $111.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; REVIEW IPC REBUTTAL TESTIMONY 710.1518539 7/6/2009 ELO 185 1.6 $296.00 REVIEW REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL MACE 710,1518539 7/7/2009 ELO 185 2.8 $518.00 CONTINUE REVIEW OF TESTIMONY IN PREPARTION FOR HEARINGS 710.1518539 7/8/2009 ELO 185 0.2 $37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES FOR CROSS EXAINATION 710.1518539 719/2009 ELO 185 1.6 $296.00 CONTINUE REVIEW OF TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEAING 710.1518539 7/10/2009 ELO 185 1.9 $351.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEARINGS 710.1518539 7/13/2009 ELO 185 8.4 $1,554.00 PREPARE CROSS EXINATION; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH (MULTIPLE) WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 710.1518539 7/14/2009 ELO 185 3.5 $647.50 TRAVEL TO BOISE 710,1518539 7/14/2009 ELO 185 8.3 $1,535.50 PREPARE CROSS EXINATION EXHIBITS; PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEARING 710.1518539 7/1512009 ELO 185 8.5 $1,572.50 PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEAINGS 710.1518539 7/16/2009 ELO 185 1.8 $333.00 PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEARINGS Client Date Att Rate Hours to Bil Amount Description 710,1518539 7/1612009 ELO 185 1.4 $259.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: OUTLINING POST HEARING BRIEF TO MEET FILING DEADLINES; OUTLINE ISSUES FOR POST HEARING BRIEF 710.1518539 7/16/2009 ELO 185 0.1 $18.50 SEE THAT ARTICLE IN SENT TO YANKEL ON PIONEER POWER PLANT 710.1518539 7/17/200 ELO 185 0.5 $92.50 PARTICIPATE IN INTERVENOR CONFERENCE CALL 710.1518539 7/20/2009 ELO 185 2.1 $388.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: POST HEAING BRIEF ISSUES; EMAIL PETE RICHARDSON RE: SAME; ORGANIZE FILE; REVIEW DRAFT OF POST HEAING BRIEF ON DECREASING DEMAD TRENDS 710.1518539 7/21/2009 ELO 185 1.8 $333.00 CONTINUED REVISION OF BRIEF ON FORECAST VERSUS ACTUAL DEMAD; REVIEW YANKElS COMMENTS AND FINALIZE BRIEF SECTION; FORWARDING ON TO PETE RICHARDSON FOR INCLUSION IN JOINT BRIEF 710.1518539 8/7/2009 ELO 185 4 $740.00 PREPARE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING Total for Fees 84.8 $15,658.00 Expenses 710.1518539 6/512009 ELO $15,09 POSTAGE 5/28 - PETER RICHARDSON 710.1518539 6/18/2009 ELO $257.40 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-BOISE - 4/14 710.1518539 6/19/2009 ELO $36,00 COPIES OF YANKEL TESTIMONY FOR FILING WITH THE PUC 710.1518539 7/20/2009 ELO $257.40 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO/BOISE 710.1518539 7/20/2009 ELO $196.48 LODGING AND MEALS 710.1518539 7/20/2009 ELO $94.25 CONFERENCE CALL Total for Expenses $856.62 Togal for Fees & Expenses $16,514.62 o 4