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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090619Ottens Direct.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th S1. Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 384-1299 Cell: (208) 484-9980 Fax: (208) 384-8511 RECE\VEtJ 2009 JUN '9 PM 2: 02 \ÐAHO UTILITIES v June 19,2009 Jean Jewell Commission Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washingtn Boise,ID 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-09-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed, please find an original and 13 copies of the direct testimony ofTeri Ottens on behalf of the Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho in the above-referenced proceeding. The testimony is also contaed in the enclosed CD. Sincerely, Brad M. Purdy RECEI D 1 2089 JUNl 9 PH 2: 02 10l\ljO 10' 'B'L"". ,. \¡l\ , ' \) - ,lx", ,,_ , UTILITIES COMf,1ICi;:,JNBrad M. Purdy 2 Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 3 2019 N. 17th S1. 4 Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) 5 (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmpurdy( 6 Attorney for Petitioner Communty Action Parnership 7 Association of Idaho 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 9 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER 10 COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR ACERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC 11 CONVENIENCE AND NECCESITY FOR THE LANGLEY GULCH POWER PLANT ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. ICP-E-09-03 12 13 14 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSmp ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERIOTTENS15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 1 1 2 Q: 3 A: 4 5 Q: 6 A: 7 8 9 Q: 10 11 A: 12 13 14 15 Q: 16 A: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q: I. INTRODUCTION Please state your name and business address. My name is Teri Ottens. I am the Policy Director of the Communty Action Parership Association ofIdaho headquarered at 5400 W. Franin, Suite G, Boise, Idaho, 83705. On whose behalf are you testifying in ths proceeding? The Community Action Parership Association of Idaho ("CAP AI") Board of Directors asked me to present the views of an expert on, and advocate for, low income customers 0 Idaho Power. Please describe CAP AI's organzation and the fuctions it performs, relevant to its involvement in this case. CAP AI is an association of Idao's six Communty Action Parerships, the Communty Council of Idaho and the Canyon County Organzation on Aging, Weatherization and Human Services, all dedicated to promoting self-suffciency through removing the causes and conditions of povert in Idao's communties. What are the Communty Action Parerships? Community Action Parerships ("CAPs") are private, nonprofit organzations that fight povert. Each CAP has a designated service area. Combinng all CAPS, every county in Idaho is served. CAPS design their varous programs to meet the unque needs of communties located within their respective service areas. Not every CAP provides all 0 the following services, but all work with people to promote and support increased self- suffciency. Programs provided by CAPS include: employment preparation and dispatch, education assistace child care, emergency food, senior independence and support, clothing, home weatherization, energy assistace, afordable housing, health care access, and much more. Have you testified before this Commission in other proceedings? DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 2 1 A: 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 A. 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Yes, I have testified on behalf of CAP AI in numerous cases involving Idao Power Company, PacifiCorp, AVISTA, Intermountan Gas, and United Water as well as in multi-utilty proceedings. II. SUMMAY Would you please sumarze your testimony in this proceeding? Yes. CAPAI is concerned about the Company's investment in, and its quest to seek, rate base assurance for, a generation project that will be the largest acquied by Idaho Power since the 1950s. CAP AI is concerned about the rate impact that such a large addition to the Company's rate base will result in and its effect on Idao Power's low-income customers. Specifically, CAP AI questions whether the Company and the Commssion have sufcient information at this point in time to make a determnation whether the proposed Langley Gulch plant is in the public convenience and necessity and whether the relief sought by Idaho Power is fair, just and reasonable. Do you have any exhbits to your testimony? No, I do not. III. THE APPLICATION You seem to express doubt regarding whether the Langley Gulch project is in the public convenience and necessity. Do you have specific, techncal rationale for ths? First, I am not a lawyer, engineer, or economist, so I do not purrt to possess expertise in any of those disciplines and nothng in my testimony should be constred to suggest otherwse. My expertise lies within the area of the needs ofIdiio's poor and, in the context of ths proceeding, how a large electrc rate increase will impact Idaho Power's low-income customers. I honestly do not know if Langley Gulch is in the public convenience and necessity and whether it would result in fair, just and reasonable rates. I adamantly believe, nonetheless, that in order to make these decisions, the Commission DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 24 25 must be equipped with as much relevant inormation as is reasonably possible to obta within an acceptable timeframe. I submit that the Commission is faced with a balancing act of comparg the risks associated with deferrg a ruing on the Company's application until additional information is available, to the advantage of possessing such additiona information. Are you suggesting that the proposed Langley Gulch project would not help Idaho Power to meet futue load growt? No, it appears that no par disputes that Langley Gulch, as proposed, should be more than adequate to meet futue load growt, for at least the nea to medium term futue. The analysis, however, does not end there. One does not need to be an expert in these matters to embrace the obvious proposition that a reguated public utilty should, among other things, make every attempt to pursue least cost alternatives, best suited to meet the needs in question, when it does acquire new resources, thereby minimizing increases to rates. Indeed, this is one of the fudaenta puroses of the Integrated Resource Planing process; to identify the relative costs of varous resource alternatives. Is it your position that Langley Gulch does not constitute the least cost alternative to meet the Company's perceived capacity deficit as it contends in its application and supporting testimonies? Again, I lack suffcient expertise and/or knowledge to testify with authority whether Langley Gulch is the most suitable alternative, from a cost and other stadpoint, for meeting Idaho Power's projected capacity deficit, or when tht date will occur. Moreover, CAP AI believes that Idaho Power is genuinely concerned about, and taes quite seriously, its legal obligation to serve its customers, and to make sensible decisions in planing how to acquie suffcient resources to comply with that legal obligation now and in the futue. CAP AI was graciously allowed to intervene late in ths proceeding DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 4 and, therefore, did not sign on to the joint intervenors' motion to stay the application. Nonetheless, as the Commssion noted durg a decision meeting conducted to address the motion to stay, the points raised by the motion go to the merits of the application and are now fully on the table. Based on the brief filed in support of the intervenors' motion, and my review of the Company's application and supporting testimonies, it seems apparent, from a layperson's point of view, that the other intervenors have ariculated legitimate concerns regarding the overall merits of the Application and, without the benefit of additional information, whether Langley Gulch is the best means, at this junctue, to meet imment system load growth. If you are not takng a specific position regarding whether Langley Gulch should be constrcted at ths point in time, then what is the purose of your testimony in this case? The best response I can provide to that question is to use Idaho Power's own words when it characterized the joint intervenors' motion as a collection of "what ifs." Response to Joint Motion at p. 2. The same characterization could be applied to the assumptions built into Idaho Power's load forecasting, it's projected date of capacity deficit, whether there are more suitable resources available to meet load growt, and so on. Again, I do not possess the knowledge or expertse to argue with authority whether Idaho Power's load forecasting methodology and the assumptions built into that methodology are appropriate. It strkes me as inherently logical, however, that the more inormation that the Company, the Commission, and all paries have, the better able the collective group is to assess whether Langley Gulch is the generation resource of choice to meet the Company's load growth. There is obvious risk in not meeting the Company's futue capacity requiements to avoi blackouts. Do you perceive other risks that the Commission faces in ruing on Idaho 25 Power's application in ths case? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Q. 24 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 5 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 24 25 Yes. First, it canot be overstated that the Commission cares an awesome responsibil to ensure that Idaho Power's customers are not, literally, left in the dark. The importce of attempting to engage in the most accurate load forecasting possible, however, and to fuly and faily analyze all alternatives to Langley Gulch, also canot be overstated. Thus, the Company's application poses two risks. With an estimated cost of $247 millon, Langley Gulch will constitute approximately one-four of Idaho Power's entire rate bae. Ths is the single largest investment that would be made by Idaho Power since the Hell's Canyon complex some 50 years ago. Natually, the rate impact ofan investment of ths magntude, which disproportionately afects the poor, is tremendous. CAP AI is uncert as to the precise amount of increase to residential rates tht Langley Gulch will result in, and concedes that any alternative resource, or collection of resources to meet load growth, will also have an upward impact on rates. The sheer magntude of Langley Gulch's estimated cost, however, warants a very carefu analysis of whether there might be considerably cheaper, and equally viable, alternatives available. Thus, the other side of the equation tht I speak of is that if Langley Gulch is not the least cost alterntive for meeting future load growt, and given the imediate, irreversible ratebasing assurance that Idaho Power seeks in ths case, then ratepayers could be saddle with unecessarly excessive rates for many years to come. This too, constitutes a serio risk. So, what would you have the Commssion do in weighing the two priar risks presented by Idaho Power's application? Again, I propose that the arguents made in support of the joint intervenors' motion to stay the application, at least for some reasonable time, be seriously considered and that the assumptions built into the Company's assessment of the need for Langley Gulch, be carefuly scrutinized. Specifically, the other intervenors have raised, among others, the DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. 25 following questions regarding the merits of Langley Gulch including, among others, the following: Is Langley Gulch the least cost alternative for meeting futue load growt? Has the Company engaged in a fair bid procurement process resulting in the least cost for constructing Langley Gulch? Has Idaho Power pursued other alternatives such as demand side management programs aggressively enough? Has Idao Power factored in the reduction in load demand that existing and futue DSM programs will have? Has the Company considered impending or existing state and federal legislation regarding greenhouse gas emissions, and whatever action the Company will tae in response to a recent shareholder resolution regarding gas emissions that might increase the relative costs of a thermal plant such as Langley Gulch? Is Langley Gulch appropriate in light of renewable portolio stadards that I am told might be legislated and enforced upon the Company, and so on? What are the ramifications of failing to aggressively pursue demand side maagement progrs and the effect that ths has on the perceived viabilty of Langley Gulch? Regarding demand-side alternatives, it is my understading that Idaho Power is a ''tn peaking" utilty in terms of its load. Tht is, the utilty's highest demands come in the sumer (due largely to irrgation and air conditioning) and in the witer (due largely to electric space heating). One advantage that a revised IRP might provide is a revelation whether increased investment in residential demand side mangement programs, such as the Company's cost-effective, low-income weatherization program, are being fuly exploited and, if not, might a more aggressive approach to such DSM programs shave the peaks off the sumer and winter loads in a more cost-effective maner than Langley Gulch? Would you please provide an example of what you are referrng to? DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 7 One example pertns to the Company's low-income weatherization program. Accordig to CAP AI's records, all low-income weatherization programs fuded by Idaho's thee largest public electric utilities (i.e., Idaho Power, Rocky Mountain Power and A VISTA) served only 10% of all LIHEAP eligible residences in the most recent year for which information is available. In recent cases, including the Commission-initiated energy affordabilty case (Case No. GNR-U-08-1), Idaho Power has characterized its low- income weatherization program as a very cost-effective DSM resource. Ths is merely one example of what the Company itself deems to be a relatively cost-effective DSM resoure that, arguably, is not being fuly taen advantage of. Whle an increased investment in the Company's low-income weatherization program is hardly a surogate for a large generation plant such as Langley Gulch, it is an example of just one of a number of potentially low-cost, DSM alternatives that the Commission could analyze though the IR process at the end of this year. Another example is the changes to the Irrgator's Peak Rewards Programs. A thorough analysis of Langley Gulch that contains the additional information mentioned above might demonstrate that a combination of DSM measures, retooling of existing thermal generation plants (e.g., converting simple cycle gas tubines to combined cycle), and other measures, will prove to be the least cost means to meet load growth. In their motion to stay, the other intervenors in this case urge the Commission to defer a ruing on Langley Gulch in order to obtan additional information. What is CAP AI's position in ths regard? As stated, CAPAI did not join in the motion to stay. Just the same, CAPAI respectfuly urges the Commission to scrutinize whether Idaho Power's assertion that there is insuffcient time for the Commission to defer issuing a ruing on whether to ireversibly 25 commit to ratebasing Langley Gulch is accurate. If the Commssion determnes that ther 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 21 22 A. 23 24 DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 8 is suffcient time to obtan some or all of the additional information identified by the intervenors, then deferrng a ruing on Langley Gulch would seem to be waranted. In addition, the Company's Integrated Resource Planng process is curently on hold. It is my understading that the process will resume in September with a final result estimated close to the end of the year. The IRP process should shed light on some of the assumptions that I understand are incorporated into the viability of Langley Gulch, the possibilty of other, lesser cost alternatives, the accuracy of the estimated capacity deficit date, and so on. Additional time might also provide information such as federa legislation regarding carbon emissions, the effect of the recession on load growt, Idaho Power's actions in response to its shareholders' greenhouse gas resolution and how tht might affect Langley Gulch's place in the Company's IR and, fmally, the implementation of renewable portolio stdards that might be required under state or federal law. CAP AI urges the Commission to consider whether waiting until this additional information is available would try create a risk of blackouts. Are you tang a position as to whether this additional inormation will prove Langley Gulch to not be the least cost alternative for meeting load growt? No, I am not. I am simply expressing concern regarding the long-term rate implications of such a large investment on the Company's low-income customers and concern regarding whether the issues raised by the other intervenors ar being given their due consideration. Again, there is much at stae for all concerned. CAP AI gratly appreciates the careful and fai analysis that it knows the Commission will give ths most importt matter. Finally, does CAP AI have a position regarding Idaho Power's proposal to collect a retu on its investment durng constrtion of Langley Gulch durng the plant's constrction period though the use of Constrction Work In Progress (CWIP)? DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Q. 24 25 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 A. 22 23 24 25 Though it is an issue unelated to the merits of Langley Gulch as an appropriate resource, the Company's application itself seems to suggest that if the Commission believes that Langley Gulch should be given rate base assurance for Langley Gulch, then use of the recently enacted legislation granting such assurance is suffcient without the need for imediate recovery through CWIP. CAP AI agrees with ths concession. iv. CONCLUSION Would you please sumarze your testimony? The importce of this case is equaled by the magnitude of the proposed investment in Langley Gulch. Due to budgeta constraints, CAP AI did not retain a techncal expert in ths case and does not, itself, possess the techncal expertise to weigh in on numerous issues raised by those intervenors who argue in favor of deferrng a ruing on Langley Gulch until additional inormation is available. CAP AI does agree with the other intervenors that it is imperative to carefuly examine whether such lesser cost alternatives exist and whether they can be implemented in time to meet the estimated point of capacity deficit, whatever that might be. Most of all, CAP AI respectfully asks ths Commission to balance the temptation to avoid the distaefu prospect of a capacity deficit against the need to determine whether the perceived point of load deficit is accurate and whether there are more economical means of avoiding that deficit tha Langley Gulch. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 13 -ik i hereby represent that on the /1 day of June, 2009, I have served the foregoing 14 15 docment on the following paries via U.S. Postage and by electronic mail (where available). 16 17 Barton L. Kline Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Compay POBox 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 18 19 20 Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720-0074 21 22 23 Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Lear 515 N. 27th St. Boise, ID 83702 24 25 DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 11 Don Reading 1 6070 Hil Road 2 Boise,ID 83703 3 Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, et al 4 201 E. Center PO Box 1391 5 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 6 Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road 7 Bay Vilage, OH 44140 8 Ken Miler 9 Snake River Alliance PO Box 1731 10 Boise,ID 83701 11 Betsy Bridge Idaho Conservation League 12 710 N. Sixth St. POBox 844 13 Boise,ID 83701 14 Susan K. Ackerman 15 9883 NW Nottge Dr. Portland, OR 97229 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS !J=~ Brad M. Purdy // 12