HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090505Petition for Reconsideration.pdfc:: " t!--0:o Eric L. Olsen, ISB #4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, ClùTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 PE u 2D09 ~fAY -L¡ Pl1 Ll: 39 Attorneys for parintervenor Idaho Irigation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO THE IRRGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRA. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-23 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PROPOSAL RECOVER THE ANAL COST OF THE PROGRAM IN THE PCA. IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ("LIP A"), by and through its attorneys, hereby respectfully petition the Commission for reconsideration of Order No. 30771, dated April 13, 2009, issued in the above case (the "Order") pursuat to RP's 70-76,161-165, and 331-333 and Idaho Code §§ 61-617A and 61-626. BACKGROUND Ths case stems from the stipulation that the paries entered into and that the Commission approved in IPC E-07-08. See Order No. 30508. Specifically, the stipulation provided, among other thgs, that Idaho Power Company ("IPC") and the lIPA would implement a workig group prior to June 19,2009, to (a) design and implement at new dispatchable irrgation demand response program and (b) develop and IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 1 review the methodology used in determng the amount of incentive payments for the Peak Rewards Program and the new dispatchable program paricipants. See IPC E-07-08 Stipulation, at 5. The first meeting was held on June 11,2009, at IPC's facilties in Heybur, Idaho. Representatives from IPC, LIP A, and Commission Staff were in attendance, along with local farers. From this meeting IPC prepared a proposal that outlined the terms of the new dispatchable program and pricing of the incentives for it and the existing Peak Rewards Program. A series of conference calls were then held to review and comment on the terms of these programs and pricing matters in August through October. These conference calls were all attended by IPC, LIP A, and Commission Staff representatives and they resulted in the Stipulation among the paries that was fied in this matter on November 10,2009 (the "Stipulation"). Concurently, the lIPA fied comments in support of the Stipulation. On December 3, 2008, the Commssion issued Order Nos. 30686 and 30694. Order 30686 dealt with the merits of the changes to the Peak Rewards Program and provided it would proceed under modified procedure and required that comments be filed with the Commission withn 14 days of its date. Order 30694 dealt with IPC's request this case dealing with its desire to recover the costs associated with revisions to the Peak Rewards Program under the PCA. An intervention deadline was given for ths bi- fucated portion of the proceedings. Given the bifucation, the lIP A did not intervene pursuat to Order No. 30694 because it was unsure procedurally whether it needed to formally intervene under the circumstaces because it was a par to the Stipulation and had already filed comments at the time of the filing of ths case. IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 2 Prior to the deadline for submittg comments pursuant to Order No. 30686, the LIP A filed its Application for Intervenor Funding on December 16, 2008 (the "Application") so that the Commission could consider the application with its ruling on the Peak Rewards Program changes. On Januar 14,2009, the Commssion issued Order No. 30717 which approved the changes to the Peak Rewards Program. However, this order did not address the lIPA's Application. lIPA's legal counsel spoke to Commission Staff about ths issue on Januar 15, 2009, and was told that the Commssion was deferring its ruling on the Application pending the closing of the case. On Februar 10,2009, lIPA representatives paricipated with IPC and Commission Staff representatives on a conference call to address the fuding issue of the changes to the Peak Rewards Program. IPC, lIPA, and Commission Staff were the only paries paricipating because no one else had intervened in ths par of the case. Subsequently, IPC gave up the idea of recovering the cost of the Peak Rewards Programs through the PCA and filed a Motion to Close Case on March 10, 2009. The lIPA fied its Response to this motion on March 20, 2009 stating that it did not object to the closing of the case, but asked that the Commission rule on its Application. On Apri113, 2009, the Commission issued the Order denying the lIPA's Application on the basis that (1) the LIP A was not properly considered an "Intervenor" in this case and/or (2) that the informal nature of the proceedings did not provide the Commssion with a record suffcient to make the required findings for an award of intervenor fuding. See Order No. 30771 at 2-3. IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC.'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 3 ARGUMENT Given the policy behind the Intervenor Funding Statute to "encourage participation at all stages of all proceedings before" the Commission and in light of the precedence of the Commission making awards of intervenor fuding made in prior, similar cases, the LIP A respectfuly believes that the Commssion has erred in denying its Application in this Case. LC. § 61-617A(1) (emphasis added). As such, the lIPA respectively requests that the Commssion reconsider its denial of its Application in ths case on the following bases. First, the Commission has made awards of intervenor fuding to the IIP A on prior cases that were processed under modified procedure and no intervention deadline was order by the Commssion. In IPC-E-03-05, the IIPA filed comments on the PCA objecting to IPC's use of certain normalized sales data makng certin calculations under the PCA which the Commssion found to be materiaL. Other issues were also contested by Commission Sta and the Industral Customers of Idaho Power ("Industrial Customers"). Rather than hold technical hearings, a settlement conference was ordered to allow the paries to work out these issues. The IIP A, Commission Staff and the Industral Customers paricipated in the settlement conference and in subsequent conference calls that ended up in a resolution of the matter. Although, the IIP A had not formally intervened it had fied comments which the commission found were material to the case and the Commission granted the IIPA par status in Order No. 29258. At the conclusion of the proceedings, the IIP A fied an application for intervenor fuding and the Commssion granted par of the IIPA's request in Order No. 29371. IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 4 In IPC-E-04-23, the Commission had order that workshops be held to address issues raised about IPC' s cost of service study in its general rate case IPC- E-04- 23. An intervention deadline was not set by the Commission. A series of workshops where held to address the issues raised in that general rate case on cost of service issues. The workshops resulted in a in a final report being submitted by all the paries to the proceedings. The lIP A filed an application for intervenor fuding for the costs associated with paricipating in these proceedings and the Commission granted that request in par as provided in Order No. 29868. In addressing the award, the Commission relied on the general policy of the Intervenor Funding Statute to "encourage participation at all stages of all proceedings before" before the Commssion. See Order No. 29868 at 3. In this case, the lIP A should be granted pary status due to fact that it was a par to the Stipulation and fied comments in support thereof similar to the procedural situations present in IPC-E-03-05 and IPC-E-04-23. This is due to the fact that the comments were material in assisting the Commission in addressing the changes to the Peak Rewards Program and were relied on by them in issuing its Order No. 30771. As a result, a formal request for intervenor status was not necessar because the IIPA's comments in this case gave all the required information needed under a formal petition for intervention under Rules of Procedure 72 and 73 and the Commission had already indirectly determed that the lIP A was a pary to ths case. In the alternative, the lIP A files concurently herewith a late fied Petition to Intervene in ths case. The petition is made under Rule of Procedure 73 and on the basis that it was not clear whether the LIP A needed to formally intervene to be given pary status in light ofthe fact that it was a par to the Stipulation and that it filed comments in IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 5 support of the Stipulation. Furer, the granting of the LIP A intervenor status would not prejudice any paries to this case in that it does not expand any issues raised and in light of the fact that no other paries who were not already paries to the Stipulation sought to intervene. Also, granting intervention status also comports with the policy behind the Intervenor Funding Statute of encouraging paricipation in all matters and at all stages of the proceedings as was evident when the Commssion issued prior Order Nos. 29371 and 29868. Second, ths is an appropriate proceeding whereby the Commssion can make a determination as to the application of Rules of the Procedure 161 though 165. Specifically, the Commission has made awards of intervenor fuding in similar proceedings such as those ofIPC-E-03-05 and IPC-E-04-23. The record is sufficient in that there was testimony and comments fie and a stipulation presented to the Commission upon which it based its Order No. 30771. If that record is not sufficient to make a ruling on intervenor fuding, then how can it be used as a basis to issue Order No. 307177 It canot, or else the Commission is saying that it acted arbitrarily when it issued Order No. 30717, and that obviously was not the case. Furher, Commission Sta paricipated at all stages of these proceedings and they can assist the Commission in making the determinations of whether the requirements of Rule of Procedure 165 are met. Finally, the intent and purose of the Intervenor Funding Statute is to encourage paricipation in all proceedings and at all stages before the Commssion. LC. § 61- 217 A(1). This includes informal matters as in this case. If the Commission limits the situtions wherein it allows awards of intervenor fuding to only fuly litigated cases and matters, then it is (1) discouraging paries like the IIPA from ever settling cases or IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 6 .~working informally with IPC, other utilities and the Commission Staff and (2) discouraging parties like the LIP A from paricipating in a broader aray of cases because it will not have the financial resources to do so. This frstrates the puroses ofthe Intervenor Funding Statute and will prevent futue of programs like the dispatchable interrption option that was presented in this case and its associated costs savings from ever being presented and considered by the Commission. CONCLUSION For the above reasons, the LIP A respectfully requests that the Commission reconsider its Order No. 30771 and find that the LIP A is a proper par and/or intervenor to this case and rule on the merits of its Application. DATED this 4th day of May, 2009. RACIN, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, ClùTERED By SE Attorney for Pumpers Assn., Inc. IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 7 "' CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on ths 4st day of May, 2009, I served a tre, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the followig, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 j j ewell(iuc. state.id. us U Via Hand Delivery Baron L. Kline Donavan E. Walker Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83720-0070 Inordstrom~idahopower.com bkline~idahopower.com U Via E-MaillU.S.Mail '~~L",ERICL.ON )~ IDAHO IRRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INCo'S PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION - 8