HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091109Request for Funding.pdfMichael C. Creamer, ISB #4030 Conley E. Ward, ISB # 1683 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock St. Post Offce Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Telephone: 208-388-1200 Facsimile: 208-388-1300 10495-C703799 JDO RECEIVED 2U09 NOV -9 PM 3: 27 IOi\HO PUßLiC UTILITIES COMMiSSION Attorneys for Interenors The Building Contrctors Association of Southwester Idaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H LINE EXTENSION TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INERVENOR FUNDING The Building Contractors Association of Southwester Idaho ('Building Contractors"), by and though its attorneys of record, Givens Puley LLP, and pursuat to Idaho Code §61-617 A and IDAP A - 165, respectfuly makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion ("Commission") for interenor fuding in the above-captioned matter. This application is timely, as it is made within fouree days of the date of filing of the last brief in ths matter, which was October 27, 200. REQUEST FOR INERVENOR FUING 1. A sumar and itemzed statements of the Building Contrctors' legal and consultant expenses for which it seeks recover is attached as Attchment A. BUILING CONTRACTORS ASIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUDING - Page 1 2. The Building Contractors' Developer's Council Subcommittee and staffwere actively involved with legal counsel and Dr. Richard Slaughter in evaluating Idaho Power Company's ("Company") proposed changes to its line extension taff, and the economic impacts those changes would have on both the Building Contrctors' member and the public in southwest Idaho. Although this case involved only one set of tarffs, the factual and policy issues raised were complex and important. Orginally this matter was deeed by the paries and the Commission as appropriate for decision on modified procedure upon submission of comments responding to the Company's application and direct testimony. Order 30719. As later became apparent, however, the technical and legal issues related to the Company's requested amendments, as they affected the Buildig Contractors' members and members' customer and the Company, ultimately waranted a technical hearng and additional briefing by the Company and Interenors. Order 30883. Consistently thoughout this proceeding, Building Contrctors sought findings and conclusions by the Commission that new customers were entitled to a level of per-customer Company investment in distrbution facilities on a par with existing customer; which, based on calculated embedded costs, was approximately $1,232 pe customer. In comparson, although Staff computed the $1,232 embedded cost amount, it did not oppose the per-transformer charge serng as the sole Company investment. 3. Because of his familiarty with Idaho Power's rate strcture generally and its line extension tarff specifically, having testified before the Commission in Case No. IPC- E-95-18, Dr. Richard Slaughter was retained as the Building Contrctors' consultant and exper witness in support of the Building Contrctors' written comments and to provide testimony to and before the Commission. Dr. Slaughter's experence and testimony sered to establish an historical and BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FORINTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 2 factual foundation concerng the Company's existing Rule H Tarff its embedded distrbution costs, and the actual sources of increasing costs of serice to the Company. His testimony also provided a counterbalancing crtique of the Company's and Staffs asserons on these important issues. Dr. Slaughter presented reasonable and factually supported opinions in rebuttal of the Compay's asseron that line extensions costs to see new customer were a soure of upward pressure on rates that would be alleviated by approval of the Company's propose tarff amendments. Dr. Slaughter also provided relevant testimony addressing the potential effects of the propose tarff amendments on energy demand, use and achievabilty of the Commission's conseration goals, which are perinent to the Commission's considertion of whether the tarff amendments would be adver to the public interest. Beyond merely crticizing the proposed tarff Dr. Slaughter offered reasnable alteratives for the Commission's considertion under alterative allowance/refud and strct allowance approaches. Dr. Slaughter challenge the Staffs calculations of the Company's proposed investment in distrbution facilities. He presented evidence indicatig that the proposed investment to sere new reidential customers-approved by Staff-falls far short of the Company's investment to serve existing residential customer for all but the smallest new developments. Dr. Slaughter also distinguished the difference betwee inflation and growth as they affect Company costs. The Building Contrctors' comments and testimony emphasized an issue of public policy affecting the general boy of electrc consumer-namely the extent to which growth does or ought to pay for itself though electrc rates generally and thugh line extension charges speifically. Building Contractors urged the Commssion to look beyond the phrase "grwt should pay for itself," to inquire into the real causes of increased costs, and to crtically evaluate BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 3 the extent to which new customers are being asked to pay more than existing customers, and whether such a policy encourages existing customers to consume more energy rather than conserve it. No other pary, including Staff addressed these issues squarely. The Commission's Order 30883 granting in par Building Contactors' request for reconsideration implicitly, if not explicitly, recognzed that Building Contrctors had identified importt issues that waranted fuer testimony and briefig by the pares and considertion by the Commission. Based on the foregoing, Building Contractors have materally contrbuted to this proceeing and the Comission's consideration of the merts of the Company's tarff amendment application. 4. The Building Contrctors' expenses and costs incurred in this case, as summarzed in Exhbit A, total $60,965.25.1 This includes $40,017.50 for legal fee (166.3 hour), $19,926.66 for consultant fees (113.12 hours) and $1,021.09 in copy charges. Ofthis total, $28,386.35 in legal expenses and costs and consultant expenses and costs were incured in the initial proceeings, and the balance of $32,578.90 have subsequently bee incurred in connection with seeking and obtaining reconsideration, prepartion of testimony, preparng for and parcipating in the technical hearng, and preparation of a post-hearng brief. These expenses all were reasonable and necessary. They include expenses incured to retreve and review Commission files regarding the Company's last Rule H tarff revision case that had been moved to the State Archives. They also include time and expene reviewing comments, testimony and documents submitted by other paries, the draftng of Building Contractors' own testimony, comments, peitions and briefs, request for reconsideration, Building Contractors recognzes tht Idaho Code § 6 I -6 I 7 A limits the amount awardable as intervenor funding to $25,000. BUILING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FORINTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 4 preparation for and paricipation in the October 20th technical hearng, and prearation of Building Contractors' post-hearng brief. 5. Building Contactors is a non-profit association that relies on voluntar memberhip and voluntar contrbutions to fud its opetions and promote the interests of its member builder, contrctors and developer. All of the Building Contrctors' opeations expenses, including building, employee, membe mailngs and parcipation in lega or administrtive proceedings such as ths case, are paid from these voluntar contrbutions. The costs and expenses sumarzed in Attachment A have be a signficant financial burden for Buildig Contrctors. Curently, voluntar contrbutions have dropped signficantly due to the strggling economy generly and the depressed local real estate sector specifically. Because of the reductions in Building Contrctors' income, it recently has had to impose signficant budget cuts and mandatory days off for its staff Building Contrors continues to solicit member contrbutions to cover its general operating costs and the costs of its interention and active parcipation in this proceeding. The Commission has previously recognized Building Contractors as eligible for interenor fuding in Case No. IPC-E-95- i 8 (involving a Rule H Tarff amendment), where the Building Contractors incued $14,250.00 in legal fees and $12,207.50 in consultant fees. There the Commission authorized interenor fuding in the maximum statutory amount of $25,00 payable from rates charged to the class that it deeed was priarly benefittednamely, lots within subdivisions that require line extensions. Case No. IPC-E-95-18, Order No. 26780 at 19 (a copy of Order 26780 as obtained from the Commission's online Order Archive is attached as Attchment B). BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASCIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 5 Building Contractors submits that its appearance in ths case was for the benefit of developer and owner of lots withn subdivisions reuing line extenions, and that an appropriate mechanism exists to provide for the Company's recover of an interenor fuding award to the Building Contractors, as has previously been implemented by the Company pursuant to the Commssion's directive in Order26780. CONCLUSION The expenses that Building Contractors have incurred are reasonable given its substantial effort and participation in ths proceeing. These expenses were incurd to advance policies that benefit Building Contrctors' members and the public at large. Building Contrctors have materally contrbuted to the decision in this case and to the public debate about issues of population growth and energy costs and the appropriate allocation of those costs as between new customers and the Company's existing ratepayer. Its position differed materally from that of any other par and from the Staffs position, and raised issues of concer to the general body of ratepayers. Parcipation in this case has been, and continues to be, a financial hardship for Building Contractors. Building Contractors respectfully request that the Commission exercise its discretion to accept and grant ths request finding that Building Contractors is entitled to interenor fuding in the maxum amount peritted by law, to be paid from the class of customers primarily affected and benefitted-namely, lots within subdivisions that require line extensions. Inasmuch as Idaho Code §61-6 i 7 A allows this cost to be a business expense in the Company's next rate case, Building Contractors respectfully submits that granting this request is not prejudicial to the Company. BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 6 DATED this 9th day of November, 2009. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP ichael C. Creamer Attorneys for Intervenor The Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho BUILING CONTRCTORS ASSOIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FORINTERVENOR FUNDING-Page 7 ATTACHMENT A SUMMARY OF EXENSE INCURRED BY BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION Of SOUTHWESTERN IDAH IN CASE NO. IPC.E-0.22 1 Legl Fees Michael C. Creamer (Parner) Elizbeth M. Ooick (Associate) Justin M. Frein (Associate) Tami Kruger (Paral) Subtotals Hours 152.0 5.5 3.0 5.8 166.3 $38,000.00 $ 852.50 $ 585.00 $ 58.00 $40,017.50 Costs: Copies $ 1.021.09 Totl Work and Costs 2 Cosultat Richard Slaughter 113.12 $41,038.59 $19.926.66 TOTAL FEES AND EXPENSES:$60,965.25 BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 8 Building Contractors AAlation of Soutbwntem Idaho / Line Extensio Tarif ( 1045/1 ) Da 10 TyP Hors Rate Amoun Deption 211209 MCC Fee 0.50 25.00 125.0 Melig will J. Ria and J. Kunz. 2110à09 MC Fee 2,30 250.00 575.00 Re.. lP pladin; researc prr tarf pree an teti re an eda nolîce of slJwtlo oI_ei. 21111209 MCC Fee 4.40 250.0 1,100.00 Conlnu re of IPU orders OI pr IP tanlf revisis; re_ st an part!e Ìf p'iOr prooelnS; fo docu 10 J. Kunz; COiiíf Olla ci fis OI lie exlØsiosfn st arves: tile noic of suslìlli of 00. 211112 TLK FGI J.6O 100.0 JaG.OO Com.8lçe wi M. er teg &,"; trwl iom Idaho Slte Hl1D1 ~y: t$ fils; obai cciíe of sti; oof/le wi i. Ctllet cal 10 R HOse (arst). 2/121 MCC m 4.00 25.00 1.000.00 Review LPC dome pie lo and attend mell wi elnl 21121 Tl Fee 1.10 100.00 100,00 TialOlfrom Idah Hìslcal SOet fi I$vi$W 40_1$. 2/1Jl MCC m 0.10 25.00 115.0 Review an f_rd 1!' sopplol discoer responses; tepha cal to Kr couel; le caie C. War. 211712 MCC ~0.40 25,0(100.00 IÑI r"'ew of dlse repose fro 1P; ~ With J. Kui re Arn.2/18100 MC i=1.60 25.00 315.00 Tel 00er wi K. Sasser: teona ooen wi C, Ward: iela conler will J. Kunz; ta.,ne confell wih R. SI..; foi (fi.ls; la cOlerne will R. Slaught. 2/19/ MCC Fee VIO 25,00 600.00 Pnre fOt !Mti and meet wi R. S1aughler k, ou i$~lanalis to N$ 10 lP lI flng.2f MC Fee 0.30 250,00 75.00 Review IPUCLIP docmesfdÎ ffOlseS.214J MC Fee O.a 250.00 200.00 Reew eamomlc re: COIl wi R. sii. OQnc wit J. Ku2I MC Fee 1.10 25000 275.00 Tele COnf~l\ wi R. SlIe coo prearlion 01 requ far pruc; fur1fllI of NA9Cic res; r~ie $\ of peng lesl 2I12 MCC Fee 3,60 250.00 900.00 T ei.. coler wi R. S11e dra requeSlfOt prUCio; lete eole wi t. Notr. att lo 1P; -ie coer wi K. Sasser allP; tele co"'eWi!l inen coo..el; draf and ii reqsl for einstl 01 ti.3I00 MC Fee OAO 25000 100.00 Reew ¡PUC website ofice co ra ia ag pump po on ii _nsn twil. 31101209 MC Fe 0.50 250.00 125.00 Rlew AC cont: revi sl decision 1'; llieplne oo wilh K. &; drcospcl to J. Kl and R. Slate re: exte of cont pe,3l MC Fe 0.50 250.00 125.0 Reew and foi id Powil COmp tens to W41' COlllrac1O AsialiGsReest fo Prdu of Do.311J2 I.MO Fee 1.10 155.00 110.50 ~eanih IdlJ Po Oa$ ning AI 25h fi.Ji1J2 MC Fe 0.40 250.00 100J)(Corrnden wî R Slater; cooe leae terkl Po CoanyG\II T.ail Fir,4I l.Fee 1.3 155.00 201.50 Co rerchi kfll Pt case re Au 25t1 h.4I MC Fe 3.li 25.00 950.00 Telepne cofe wi R. $lr; I$"ie plead and discove responce.4J l.Fe 0.60 155.00 93.00 Meet with U, Creamer to diacu relWh I$su; contue I'eang låa/ Po easerey.li Ayust 25 II...oI MC Fee 2.00 250.00 700.00 Meat wil R. Slaugter; ra LPC OTer.4~ I.Fe 2.50 155.00 33.50 Re_ ion clms file at ih cortse lo cl ~ Idho Po. and August 25 we: meet with iv Crea to di$: i: reea sum.4100 MC Fee 0.20 25.00 50.00 Telee cor- wi R. Slugte. 4I10J00 MC Faa 1.0 250.00 275.00 Reew ancllíl R. Slauglll 11Iti iilehone coen with R. Slll 100rd holl pr irlon3Úon to R. Slugte.411/200 MC Fee 6.00 250.00 1,500.0 Reew anc edit dtft têS. If13100 MC Fee 3,90 250.00 915.00 Telepe eo-. wi R. Slugte f' -'se ley; ..in with R. Slaier telone cofe wil C. War; fuit reie of SIllelt1l. 4114100 MC Fe 0.40 250.00 100.00 Rev ple 4I6J MC Fee 2.70 250.00 675.0 Re all lo drft telÍl; coordiiitl fí same. 41712 MCC Fee 680 250.00 1.100.00 R..~ all ii~ Slaur tini: drft comes :ippsmmg same; 1'_ hihwy dl. convent.4I MCC Fe 0.50 250.00 125.00 Reie all foiwrd IlA and Highway Dilrs' coments reie IPU docl shéel411J2 MC Fee 0,80 25000 200.00 Re9W ¡PUC staf comme "'~ cal II R. Slau.4/6J MC FM 0.40 25.00 100.00 Telep coferce wit R. Slaug19r.4/7l2 MC Fe 0.40 250.00 100.0 Re an mp to code t9 iesi to $taff _1$.4~ MC Fee 0,90 250.00 225.0 Rev_ and torwll dtft coants; kiphe cofei witl R. Slaugh be\l drrespo. 4l00 MC Fee 3.90 25.00 915.00 Reiew and edit dt coonts; folW to C. War ;id R Slt; teon co wit R. Slaugte. 51112 MC Fee 0,80 zr.OO 20.0 Reiew ¡?Co rey coMent an fo to clint anclO R. Slgh",r.5/112 MC Fe 0.30 250.00 75.0 Reie all ftRd to coOl fn J. Ku Iele¡ion caito K sasse at lP (tw). 5119100 MC Fee 0.30 250.00 75.00 Telepe cofece wil R. SlaUlte.5t MC Fe 0.'0 250.00 100.00 Re R. Slug COde71200 MC FIN 0.50 250,00 125.00 R/lie ordr.1I0i MC Fe 4.00 25.00 1.00,00 Dn '$que fo jnl_ fInd7/3/ MC Fe 1.10 25.00 275,00 Tel cofeen wih J. Ku te co wit L Noai at idah Pc Co.; iial an il reest /o ~ flndln; IflephOl col\no wt K Sa allP re same.714100 MC Fe 0.40 250.00 100,00 Tele coleretco wit R. ~; cod will J. Kun7/15/00 MC Fe 2,40 25.00 6000 Prep_lo ai attnd rnee Wi R SIaer inil$le Of IPUC Il II dlsona í_: loe klo SI Co desions re sam,7/16J MC Fe 6,60 250,00 1.650.00 Reie lie aii taff docke tøhOn.e conf wi R. Slhtr: tephe oo wi J. Kuz.7117100 MC Fee 1.50 250.00 375.00 Meal wil R. Slaught comispon will R. SI and J. Ku7l200 MC F~5.80 250.00 1.450,00 Rll Slte noté; tèf~e coer wih R. Ste __ng wih Bu ContracaAsillin: lßtl confence wil C. Ward; ti dt1I pe fo ÆCOM 71212 MC Fe 6.5 250.00 1.25,00 Ora petl fo r9C.7~2 MC Fe 6.20 250.00 1.560.00 COnÌlue dtaffg peit fo r&eaion: file YMø; -i peíl lor reerlin l~ed by nlgy dI; ta8lho coce wi M. JOon. cofl fo ni dist. 7~2 MC Fee 0.2 250.00 50,00 ~ and to Iltiy c1Slt llIiAs 10. remiad7~2 MC Fee 0.50 250.00 125.00 Prelím .e.ie of 1PC respo to tl for _airat.7/320 IIC Fe 0.20 2Sö.00 5liOO Funh"r r..ie of IPC 'lte. BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUDING - Page 9 6I09 MeC Fee 0.30 250.00 15.00 Coisp wih diem re reconsidenti of IPUC cr...8"21 MeG F.0.00 260.00 125.00 Re IPU case fie on wøe 10 dQÌl ilal\ of peoilng petl tene confernce wi K. Sas""r at !P; io sla upte io cliets.8119109 MeC Fee 0.90 25.00 22.00 Re an Ioiwar !PC ~ on iwidrati.1l09 MeC Fee 0.40 25.00 100.00 T ei~ confnc wilb R. SluØ'er: leepll call io e. Ward re IP _side orer. 8121/20 MeC Fee 0.00 250.00 200.0 COon with R. SlauQhte ben cullo of teallmy and key øoôna re "alowMces' v. ~'"vet" leepll cX8fe wl S. Sper, COllel l' ACHO r. rectl foiw correøonde re same to J. Kunz 814120 Mee Fee 1.00 25.00 250.00 Telne oooiereno wilt R. Slaughie; tehon conference with e. Ward; iølepl coleWlll J. Kuii te cortnco wit R. Slaugti.812/2009 MCe Fee 0.40 25.00 100.0 Comspcnd wilh R. Slle. 812712009 Mee F9I 1.50 aw.OO 375.0 Reviltw dlfl Slagi lemanv; Ol.sp Wl AC lIelng wilt R. siaie. 81281209 MeC Fee 0.10 250.00 25.00 Telehone confrece will R. $Iaughle; telene coreco wil S. Spear al ACO. 81311209 MOC Fee 5.50 250-0 1,37s,O OraMit R. $l¡ile \Gmollon rering; lIøhone cofl with R. Slaughfr. 9111209 MCe Fee 2.00 250.00 500.00 Review PUC otd: aiied meng wil M. Warle & eosel lo Highy Di$lr1s; telEphonacoerenc Wl R. Slglter.9J120g MOe Fee 3.20 25.00 800.00 Telehone ooernc wí R. Slaughte re an forward draft tetimony on recsiderati 10Dr. Slghte and 10 eø. 90319 MOC Ñ!O.JO 250.00 75.0 CoIt fw _ie an edill of lestmony.9I9 MO Fee 0.30 25.00 75.00 Rev and fo IPO decian t9 ie for inKVenr fun9/10J09 MeC Foe 2.0 250.00 55.00 Con: ri of R. Slte I$tiny. 9/111209 MOC Fe 4,70 25.00 1,175.00 Rnall an fife 8C ley on runsidørllon lnll nM of ACHD brifig. 9/1712009 MCC Foe 0,20 250.0 50.00 Re and fai ¡PUC no 01 ol'llumen an leenic heatg. 90181009 MCC Fe 0.5 250.00 125.00 Cordnate hei appeaneduling; t.ioo conferce with L Nordlr telephoconElen will R. Siau.91212009 MC Fee 0:70 250.00 175,00 Re ll forrcllPCo bref repondin 10 highway distc on reOlsiderli: forw sae to clnt and R. Slhlr far re. 9/8100 MCC Fe"0.00 25.00 225.00 Re ¡!' fl$pOl'l llst and Ioiwailo d;"nl: revie Slaughte tæli emil eichan wilh R. S1uglter re IPeo argumen.10/ MC F!l 0.40 25.00 100.00 Telephne conerC6 wil S. Sø"arc wi AC t1lehone eonfeet with R. Slaugr; re1l ACHD moio to sle: ro motn io clnt an R. Staughlr.10112 Me F!l 1.40 250.00 3500 Re plding, tetimony anc Ol grting reeonSidOti in ¡latn for meet wi R. Slauhter to ouin Slaugh dire !lty on Alsideron.101OO MO Fee 0.10 250.00 2500 Ooollna19 meetng wilb R. Slaugr.101 MC Fee 3.50 250.00 675.00 Cont¡/1uh'9 rev of Pieadngs an leslimony: mMlin wi R. Slii¡¡ter io pr fo TechnicHell10J31 JMF Fee 3.00 195.00 58.00 Prpaon lo an atdari at 01' aiumenl; foø co_lins wi M. Cramr an MikeWar 10J9t00 MCC Fee 9.00 25.00 2.250.00 Re pre41e tetiny an cots; prare quliorong for lPeo wilne; pr Slatent of p0 tee oo wi R, ~ie re lSlJany and re crossexrnti. lW20l9 MOC Fee 5.00 25.00 1.50.00 Pre lo ano Illendr1 in IPUC Teehni Hearg an reerati re lin exlnans, 1W20100 TI Fee 0.40 100.00 40.00 Prre dOum to hearÎlg.10131009 MO Felt 0.20 25(1-00 50.00 Cconnate wi C. SU Ie dreft trnscript; review sa: lelell.. conferce wit C, Buc re painti illel in dra lInscrpt101619 MCC Fee 4.90 250.00 1.225.00 orlt po.ii_1n ll: teeph& coreC6 wil R. Slate re ¡l05Hiear brng ísues and argumet 10/7129 MCC Fee 5.00 250.00 1.250.00 Finze an fi poseati bri wi !pUC an se an parls.TotF9_166.30 $40.17.0 BUIING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 10 Rk6ãi Slaughter Asciate 9ó Hinlsu Blvd ~,ldaoo l\ Invoice Mr. Joe Kutz BCASWl 6206 N DiscoveryWay, Sute A Bòíse,lD 83713 TIme bile at $175 pe horCaw læm tPCE-æ22 (RuI!l..t!l 2/1612009 Revie filings and pror testimony 211712009 Review lPea propoal 211 712009 Meeting with BCAWJ 2118/2009 Company testimony 2.19/2009 Preøarefor meeting M. Creamerl meetin 2/19/2009 T. Jones, data on Dìs. cos; R. Stet~ng 211 91200 IPea worlpers 212012009 Protion lel,ests 2120/2009 Indation of contributon to rate base 2121/2009 Staffproc:eton reests 2/23/2009 Data for refud indeation; prelimary scping of argument 212512009 Meetng with Ric Sterling; plan production reue~t 21Z612009 Pruction reqest 212:712009 Conf. on pruction n!1,8St, M. Creamer; edit rest 212:712009 Info rest, Joe Kunz 3/1012009 ACI- Comments 3/11/2009 Line e~tension contrats 3/12/2009 Line extension contracts 3/17/2009 Drft comts 3120/2009 rpco Pro. Reqest reponse - staff 3123/2009 IPCO Pro. reu&5t. respose. IBC 3123/2009 Diitize IPeò spradheet 3/27/2009 Comnts draft 3/3012009 IPeo cost data 3/31/2009 Cost alocatio IP'E-08' 1 0 3/31/2009 Cosult on IPC.£.08.1 0; D. Readin 4/1/200 Write cots 412/200 Infltion se 413/2009 Confeenc wI M. Creaeer 414/2009 Drft tesimony 4/612009 Testimo 4110/200 Testimo RSA, Inc. io Rsl 22 m 2t 345.%3email: ridwd~li.eu IlIN: 82.0462 TIme 2:00 1:12 1:15 4:18 2:48 1:12 0~42 1:06 1:00 1:00 2:00 1:36 1:24 0:480:- 0:18 0:42 0:48 0:32 0:24 0:36 0:30 0:42 2:42 1:54 1:30 1:00 0:18 2:$7 0:35 4:34 2:30 May 20. 200 Fee 350.00 210.00 218.75 752.50 490.00 210.00 122.50 192.50 175.00 175.00 350.00 280.00 245.00 140.00 17.50 52.50 122.50 140.00 93.33 70.00 105.00 87.50 122.50 472.50 332.50 262.50 175.00 SZ.s 516.25 102.08 799.17 437.50 BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 11 4/1 3/2009 Tesimony edits/additon; meet wI Cream 4/14/2009 Edits; call to IPUC 4/15/2009 Edits and chft fil to GP 4/1612009 Proof testimony and exhibits 4fT 712009 Final change Mike Creame 412412009 Staff comments 4126/Z009 Review staff again for err; call M. Cremer 412712009 Draft rense to staff 4/30LZ009 Reisions to cometio; confernce wíh !'. Creamer 5/19/2009 IPe reply commets 5/1912009 Review IPCo rely commnts 5/2012009 Email on IPCo comment Toei Plea remit 3:48 2:12 3:24 2:18 1:00 1:36 0:36 4:18 0:48 0:06 0:25 0:30 665.00 385.00 595.00 402.50 175.00 280.00 105.00 752.50 140.00 17.50 72.9Z ole 65:30 $11.46.50 $11,46250 BUILING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 12 Richd Slaghter Assotes 907 Haon Blvd Boie, Id 8302 Invoice !vIc. Joe Kun BCASWI 6206 N Dìovei Way, Suite A Boise, ID 83713 Time bi at 5175 pe horDaæ tt~ iPC-E-Q8-22 (RUle Hl 711 5/200 Re data for appe 711612oo9 Den sprevew; M. Creaer 7/1712009 M. Cream; draf technial iss 7/21/2009 Review apal petn 7/2212009 Rev of petiion an chrt; telepho metis Mie Crea Tota Pl rem RSA, Inc. 20S 8512 Pax20S 34963em ii~.: EI: 82-026 Augt 20, 200 nne Fe 0:30 2:32 3:48 3:30 1:20 $87.50 $443.33 $665.00 $612.50 $233.33 $2041.6611:40 $2,041.66 BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 13 Ricl Slaughter Assotes 9I Haa Blv &i1d 8370 RSA, Inc. 20 &512 Pax20 3496em~coEI: 82-0 In'l'"ice Mr. JoeKun BCASWI 6206 N Disver Way, Suite A Bois, IDIB113 Octob 21, 2009 TIme bi at $175 pe homDate It IPC-E..22 (Rule H) 812012009 Rev Commissin orde 81241200 Ben draft of tesmoy 812512009 Write testimony 8/26/l00 Review an edt 8/27/l00 Metin; M. Creamer 8/31/2009 Testmony qutions, Creamer 9/1/Z00star Crame chang 9/21200 Crear revedts; ¡Peo FERC data 9/41200 Crear commnts on testimony rens 9/10/l00 Creamr revsions for fiing 9/111200 Conference and fina revew for fiing 91281200 sad rev 10/91200 Prep for conf., cont. wI M. Creame 10113/2009 PU Hearing on road agnc 10/1 91200 Prepe for hearing 1012012009 PU Hearng 1 01261200 Creamr telephone; Notes for tlnal briefing 10127/2009 Rellew Creame brief; conference Total TIme Fee 0:45 2:00 4:06 2:06 1:12 0:36 0:12 3:00 1:48 1:42 0:3 0:5 4:12 2:45 4:06 4:00 1:30 1:12 36:42 $131.25 $350.00 $717.50 $367.50 $210.00 $105.00 $35.00 $525.00 $315.00 $297.50 $105.00 $157.50 $735.00 $481.25 $717.50 $700.00 $262.50 $210.00 $6,42.50 Pl remit $6,422.50 BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 14 ATTACHMENT B BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF NEW TARFF PROVISIONS RELATING TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLMENTS OR ALTERATIONS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-95-18 ORDER NO. 26780 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 BUILDING CONTRACfORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWSTERN IDAHO.S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 15 i. PROCEDURAL HISTORY 1 II. IDAHO POWER'S PROPOSAL 3 III. IMPACT OF SUPREME COURT DECISION ON APPLICATION 6 IV. ISSUES RAISED BY APPLICATION 11 A. Motion to Reopen the Record 11 B. Averge Unit Costs v. Work Order Costs 12 C. Allowances 14 D. Refud Policy 16 E. Engineerng Charge & General Overhead 17 F. Omitted Sectons and Serice Attachment Charge 18 V. INTERVENORFUNDING 19 VI. ULTIMATE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 21 ORDER 21 (Footer A: ORDER NO. 26780 -i-) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF NEW TARIFF PROVISIONS RELATING TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLMENTS OR ALTERATIONS. ) ) ) ) BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FORINTERVENOR FUNDING-Page 16 ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-95-18 ORDER NO. 26780 INODUCTION Idaho Power Company fied an Application for approval of modifications to its Tarff No. 101, Rule H, providing for charges for the constrction of distrbution line instalations or altertions. Idaho Power proposes to shift more of the cost of new serce attachments and distrbution line installations or altertions from the system revenue requirement to new customers requesting the constrction. The Commission held several hearngs in this matter in Boise and Pocatello, Idaho, as well as post hearng briefing. In this Order we conclude that Idaho Power's Application is not precluded by the Supreme Cour decsion in Boise Water, infra. We grt Idaho Power's Application for modification to its Rule H Tarff. Specifically, we approve the change from average unit cost to work order costs, approve a slight change to the allowances, modify the refund policy, approve changes to the engineerng charge and overhead fees and address other miscellaneous provisions of the tarff We furter grant the Building Contrctor's motion for interenor fuding. I. PROCEDURA HISTORY On December 8, 1995, Idaho Power filed an Application for approval of modifications to its Tarff No. 101, Rule H. Idaho Power proposes to shift more of the cost of new serice attachments and distrbution line installations or alterations from the system revenue requirement to the new customer or customer creating the expenditues by requirig contrbutions for new service attachments and/or distrbution line installations or altertions. On Januar 3, 1996, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Workshop. At the request of the applicant, Commission Staff conducted sever workshops with representatives of Idaho Power and membe of the public to discuss the Application and alterative proposals. Workshops were held on Janua 23, Febru 15, and Marh 19, 1996 in Boise, Idaho and on March 26, 1996 in Pocatello, Idaho. The following paries were designated as interenors to ths case: Idaho Buildig Contrctors Association (Building Contractors) represented by Dean J. Miler, Esq.; Amercan Hertage, Inc. represented by Douglas Balfour, Esq.; Life Style Homes and Building Contrctors of Southeast Idaho represented by Dars Ells; Mountain par Estates represented by Cynthia Ells; and Industral Customer of Idaho Power represented by Peter Richardson, Esq. The petitioner, Idaho Power, was represented by Lar Ripley, Esq. and the Commission Staffwas reresented by Susan E. Hamlin, Esq. BUIDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 17 On Febru 12, 1996, the Building Contractors fied a Motion with the Commission to dismiss the Application fied by Idaho Power. The Building Contractors argued that the Application was a collateral attack upon and was precluded by Commssion Order No. 26216. Among other things, Order No. 26216 authorized a rate moratorium and provided that base rates could not be changed prior to January 1, 2000, subject to cern exceptions. On March 5, 1996, the Commssion conducted an oral argument on the Motion. The Commssion issued Order No. 26364 on March 13, 1996, denying the Building Contractors' Motion to Dismiss on the grounds that the proposed line extension fees are not base rates, and therefore, the proposed changes to the line extension tarff are not precluded by Order No. 26216. On April 4, 1996, the Commission issued Notice of Scheduling and Notice of Hearings. Due to a substantial revision in the original Application, the Commission conducted bifucated technical hearngs. During the first hearng on June 25, 1996, Idaho Power presented its revised position in the form of testimony, and Interenors and Staff had an opportnity to cross-examine the Company's witnesses. Durng the second hearg held on Augut 6, Staffand Building Contractors presented testimony and all pares had an opportty to present rebuttal testimony. The Commission also conducted public hearngs on this matter on July 11, 1996 in Pocatello, Idaho, and on August 6, 1996 in Boise, Idaho. On July 19, 1996, the Commission issued Order No. 26522 scheduling post hearng briefings in this case. All paries of record were invited to file post hearng briefings addressing the issue raised by the Supreme Cour decision in Building Contractors Association v. ¡PUC and Boise Water Corporation, 128 Idaho 534, 916 P.2d 1259 (1996). Post hearng briefs were due September 5, 1996, and responsive briefs were due September 12, 1996. Idaho Power, the Commission Staff and the Building Contractors fied post hearng briefs addressing the issue raised by the Commission. On September 12, 1996, the Building Contractors fied a Petition for Interenor Funding. On September 26, 1996, Idaho Power fied a response to the Building Contrctors' Petition. On September 30, 1996, Idaho Power filed a Motion to reopen the record for receipt of an Affdavit to correct an eror the Company had discovered in the proposed line extension allowance for thee phase serice to Schedule 7, Schedule 9 and Schedule 24 customers. On October 3, 1996, Staffresponded to Idaho Power Company's Motion to Reopen the Record and indicated that it agreed with augmentation of the record by the affidavit fied by the Company. No other pares fied a response to Idao Power Company's Motion. II. IDAHO POWER'S PROPOSAL Idaho Power's Application for approval of modifications to its Tarff No. 101, Rule H, proposes to increase the percentage of the cost of new serce attachments and distrbution line instalations or alterations paid by the new customer(s) requesting the construction. The Company's revisions to its line extension policy affect only new distrbution facilities sering new customers. The Company suggests that the costs. of facilties built specìfically for the benefit of specific customers should be the responsibilty of those customers and should not be passed along to other customer in the system revenue requirement. Tr. at 6. The Company also BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING-Page 18 proposes that transmission, substation, and genertion costs be viewed as system-related rather than customer-specific. Tr. at 7. The Company's proposed changes to its Rule H tarff therefore, addresses only new distrbution facilties required to sere only the new customer. The Company sumarzes the major changes to the Ru1e H tarff as follows: 1. Provide allowances for terinal facilities, but not line extenions. 2. Use work order cost estimates rather than average unit costs. 3. Create separte charges for serce attachments (not refudable), line installations (refudable), and vested interests (refudable). 4. Create miscellaneous, nonrefudable charges. 5. Revise the line installation methodology for subdivisions. 6. Create a new refud methodology. Tr. at 7-8. The Company asser that it filed its application for approval of these new tarff charges (hereafter "line extension charges") because "the anticipated revenues from the new customer are not suffcient to cover the costs of new distrbution facilties." Tr. at 6, lines 13-15. Idaho Power explains that when it absorbs costs associated with constrcting new distrbution facilities, the end result is upward pressure on all customers' rates through an incrased overall revenue requirement. The Company posits that the current constrction allowances allow too much of the cost of new distrbution facilties to be shifted to other customer who do not utilize the facilties that generted those costs. Tr. at 6. The fees that the Company has proposed to increase are directly attbuted to specfic customers. Under the Company's proposal, the difference betwee the averge cost of new distrbution facilities that is now being recovered thugh rates and the total costs of bringing distrbution serce to new development wil be paid by those reuestig the extension of facilities. Idaho Power argues that this wil keep all customer on a level playig field, because everone pays the average rate base embedded in rates. To the extent that the costs of newer installations excee the average cost included in rates, that additional cost is paid by the customer who requested it. Commission Staff Staff agrees that the Company's investment in facilities for each new customer should be equa to the embedded costs of the same facilities used to calculate rates, and those costs in excess of embedded costs should be borne by the cuomer requesting serce thugh a one-time capital BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 19 contrbution. Staff recommends that the costs of new terinal facilties and line extensions needed to serve new customers be paid by the customer who cause those costs to be incured. Staff proposes that the Company reduce its share of the investment in new distrbution and terinal facilities to recover actual customer connection costs not curently recovered though rates, thereby relieving the upward pressure on rates caused by the curent line extension policy. Tr. at 276. Building Contractors The Building Contractors oppose any changes to the Rule H tarff The Building Contractors argue that there is no rationale for the proposed changes in Rule H other than an implied asserion that customers with existing serce should be protected from inflation relative to customers with new service. They argue that the proposed rule in conjunction with the regulation may result in Idaho Power being able to collect revenues on assets for which the Company bore no investment risk, and that the proposed rule change would have a significant negative effective on developers in the short-term and on taxpayers in the long-ter with little offsetting benefit. Tr. at 187-189. Building Contractors also claim that the proposed changes wil result in double biling of customers and increased prices for new home constrction. Essentially the contractors oppose the Application as a whole, as well as the change to the allowance recommendation and the averge unit costs. No other pary fied direct testimony with the Commission. Public Testimony Many realtors and contractors testified durng the public hearngs in Pocatello and Boise. They expressed concerns that the changes could impact new home prices. They generally believe that if changes to Rule H are approved, many buyer wil be edged out of the market. Mr. Bil Goodnight testified as a ratepayer durng the June 25 hearng. He supports the changes to the tarff. He argues that the general body of ratepayers should not pay for these increased costs. The public policy issues raised by the Application and the pares are addressed in the following sections. III. IMPACT OF SUPREME COURT DECISION ON APPLICATION On March 5, 1996, the Idaho Supreme Court issued its opinion in Building Contractors Association v. ¡PUC and Boise Water Corp., 128 Idaho 534, 916 P.2d 1259(1996), (Boise Water) relating to whether the Commission's decision to IncreaseUnited Water's (formerly BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 20 Boise Water) hookup fees to reflect higher cost marginal resources was discrminatory to new customers who must pay the higher fee. The Cour invalidated increased fees that recovered a portion of new plant cost from new customer stating that "(t)o the extent the fee increase disproportionately allocates new plant facility costs solely to Boise Water customer connecting new serice from July 25, 1994, forward, the increase unawfully discriminates against the new customer." Boise Water, 916 P.2d at 1260. On July 19, 1996, the Commission issued Order No. 26522 inviting paries to this case to explain by brief whether or to what extent Idaho Power's proposed charges for new serice attachment and distrbution line installation are affected by the Supreme Cour's ruling in Boise Water. The statutory frework within which the Commission is authorized to set rates is found in Title 61, Chapter 3 and 5 of the Idaho Code. Idaho Code § 61-502 provides, in penent par: Deterination ofrates.-Whenever the commission, after a hearng...shall find that the rates,...( or) charges or classifications, ...collected by any public utility for any serice or product or commodity,...are unjust, uneasonable, discrminatory or preferential, or in any wise in violation of any provision oflaw, or that such rates,...(or) charges or classifications are insuffcient, the commission shall deterine the just, reasonable or suffcient rates,... ( or) charges, classifications, rules, regulations, practices or contracts to be thereafter obsered and in force and shall fix the same by order as hereafter provided, . . . . Idaho Code § 61-503 provides: Power to investigate and fix rates and regulations.- The commission shall have power, upon a hearng,... to investigate a single rate,...charge, (or) classification,...of any public utility, and to establish new rates,...charges, (or) classifications,...in lieu therf. Finally, Idaho Code § 61-315 provides: Discrimination and preference prohibited.-No public utilty shall, as to. rates, chages, serce, facilities or in any other rest, make or grt any preferce or advantage to any corpration or person or subject any corpration or peron to any prejudice or disadvantage. No public utility shall establish or maintain any uneasonable differce as to rates, charges, serce, facilities or BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 21 in any other respect, either as between localities or as between classes of serce. The commission shall have the power to deterine any question of fact arsing under this secion. The Supreme Cour explained in Idaho State Homebuilders v. Washington Water Power, 107 Idaho 415, 690 P.2d 530 (1984), that not all differences in rates and charges between different classes of customers is unlawful discrimination. The Cour explained: Not all differences in a utility's rates and charges as between different classes of customers constitute unlawful discrmination or preference under the strctues of Idaho Code § 61-315. A reasonable classification of utility customer may justify the setting of different rates and charges for the different classes of customers. Utah Idaho Sugar Company v. Intermountain Gas, 100 Idaho 368, 597 P.2d 1058 (1979). Any such difference (discrmination) in a utilty's rates and charges must be justified by a corresponding classification of customer that is based upon factors such as cost of serice, quantity of electrcity used, differences in conditions of servce, or the time, nature and pattern of the use. Utah Idaho Sugar Company v. Intermountain Gas, supra. We have found justification for rate discrmination as between customer within a schedule and as between customers in different schedules. Grindstone Butte Mutual Canal Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 102 Idaho 175,627 P.2d 804 (1981); Utah Idaho Sugar Company v. Intermountain Gas Company, supra. Homebuilders, 107 Idaho at 420. These factors, cost of service, quantity of electrcity used, differences in conditions of serce, or the time, natue and patter of use, are guidelines the Supreme Cour has set for the Commission to use to evaluate whether there is a reasonable justification for setting different rates and charges for different classes of customers. Thus, the issue in ths case becomes whether the increased charges associated with the Rule H line extension policy unreasonably discriminate against new customers. Commission Staff Staff believes that the proposed line extension charges in ths case do not unawfully discriminate against new customers. Staff points out that unlike the hookup fees at issue in Boise Water, Idaho Power's proposed line extenion chages are designated to recover quantifiable costs related to identifiable plant used to sere only those cutomer who pay the charges. Therefore, in Staffs opinion, the charges do not unawfully discrminate against new customers and the holding of Boise Water is inapplicable. Idaho Power Idaho Power's position is similar to the Staffs position in that the Idaho Supreme Cour has recognzed the difference between investment required to sere new customers and investment required for the system. Idaho Power points out that the Idaho Supreme Cour has ruled that a system investment should be borne by all the system's customer, i.e., a new generation soure, a BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FORINTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 22 new water treatment plant like in Boise Water. On the other hand, if the new investment is solely to provide servce to new customers, then the Commission is authorized to require that the new customers bear the cost of that new investment. Relying on Idaho State Homebuilders v. Washington Water Power, Id., Idaho Power states that the Court clearly made a distinction between system investment, as was the investment in Boise Water, and distrbution investment as was the case in Washington Water Power. Idaho Power further alleges that in the present proceeding before the Commission Idaho Power's proposed charge is for new investment required for extended distrbution facilities. Therefore, Idaho Power argues that the Commission may lawfully authorize such a charge. Building Contractors The Building Contractors argue that Boise Water stood for the premise that there should be no discrmination between old and new customer. The Building Contractors allege that the Cour prohibited a pricing scheme that assigns costs to new customer in the absence of clear proofthat new customers are the cause of higher costs. The Building Contrctors conclude that the charges in Idaho Power's Application are prohibited by Boise Water and the Commission should reject the Proposed Rule H. Discussion We find that the hookup fees that were at issue in Boise Water are fudamentally differt from the line extension charges in this case. In Boise Water, the Court strck down increases in hookup fees because they '4disproportionately allocate new plant facility costs" to new customer. Boise Water, 916 P.2d at 1260. The facts associated with the hookup fees in Boise Water, however, are significantly different from the facts of this case. In Boise Water the utilty constrcted a water treatment plant at a cost of $16 milion puruant to the federal Safe Drinkng Water Act. Boise Water Company subsequently applied to the Commission to increase its rates and its hookup fees for new customer to offset the cost of the water treatment plant. In order to minimize futue general rate increases, Boise Water proposed increaing its hookup fee to reflect the higher marginal cost of its backbone resources. In Order No. 25640, issued July 19, 1994, the Commission approved a 29.59% general rate increase and increased the hookup fees for residential customers to $1,200, an average of the cost per customer of a well and a water treatment plant. The Commission reasoned that, because the cost of supply for a new serice connection vared greatly depending on whether the water supply came from a well or a water treatment plant, it was reasnable to use an averge of the two costs, plus an amount for storage and pumping water. The Commission reasoned that its decision would help protect existing ratepayer from the costs asociated with growt and "ensur that growt pays for itself." Order No. 25640 at 31. On appeal, the Supreme Cour addressed the issue of whether in allocating theincreased cost of new supply to new customers via increas hookup fees, the Commission reguarly purued its BUIDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN. IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 23 authority to set nondiscriminatory rates as required by Idaho Code §§ 61-301,61-315, -502, and -503. The Court held that the hookup fees approved by the Commission unawfuly discrminated against Boise Water's new customer. The Cour explained: Like the facts in Homebuilders, the patter, natue, and time of Boise Water customers' usage did not change on July 25, 1994, nor did the conditions of servce. Id. at 421,690 P.2d at 356. Similarly, the quantity of water used by Boise Water's individual customers before July 25, 1994, does not differ from the quantity used by individual customers added to the system after that date. Id. Thus, as in Homebuilders, the focus of this case is whether the cost of servce differ between the two classes. The cost of servicing all Boise Water customers has increased, due in part to passage of the Safe Drnkng Water Act, limitations on the availabilty of water, and inflationar factors. While it is true that the cost of servce has increased, the cost has increased proportionately for each Boise Water customer. There is no difference in the cost of serce between customers who connected to Boise Water's system before July 25, 1994, and those who have connected or wil connect to the system from that date forward. Each new customer that has come into the system at any time has contrbuted to the need for new facilties. No parcular group of customers should bear the burden of additional expense occasioned by changes in federal law that impose new water quality standards. To the extent that the new hookup fee are based on an allocation of the incremental cost of new plant constrction required by growth and by the Safe Drinking Act solely to new customers, the fees unawfully discrminate between old and new customer in violation of section 61-315 of the Idaho Code. Boise Water, 916 P.2d at 1268. The Court went on to explain that the increased hookup fees to Boise Water customers contained an incremental or marginal capital investment cost of new plant constrction. The Court noted that the Building Contractors Assciation (also a par to ths proceeing), "concede that hookup fees may be charged and need to be increased incrementally from time to time to reflect such factors as inflation." Id., 916P .2d at 1267. This is another factal distinction between Boise. Water and ths case. As Staff explains in direct testimony, it believes that the increased charges associated with the Rule H line extenion policy are caused by many factors, including inflation. Because of the natue of Boise Water's system, it is not possible to deterine whether any customer, new or old, is or wil be sered by a well or a water treatment plant. Ths is the foundation for the Cour's ruling in Boise Water and a crtically distingushing factor betwee Boise Water and this case. Idaho Power's proposed line extension charges are imposed only on those customers who wil be served by the related facilties. Those facilties wil provide serce only to those customer who paid for them. As the Company indicates, transmission, substation BUIDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWSTERN IDAIO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 24 and generation costs are viewed as system-related rather than customer-specific, and those costs were not included as par of the proposed incrased line extenion charge. Most important, the Supreme Cour in Boise Water identified a significant factual distinction betwee Boise Water and the case at hand "The Cour rued that the fees at issue here are not those charged to offset the actual per-customer cost of physically connecting to Boise Water's distrbution system." ld. 1916 P .2d at 1260 (fn. 1.) Indeed, the Homebuilders' Court specifically ruled that costs incured to sere a specific customer or group of customer, such as line extension costs, may be recovered solely from those customers. The Cour held: The intat case presents no factors such as when a nonrecurrg charge is imposed upon new customers because the serice they require demands an extension of existing distrbution or communication lines and a charge is imposed to offset the cost of the utilty's capital investment. 107 Idaho at 421 , (emphasis added). Commission Findings Basd on the above discussion, we find that the charges at issue in this case do not unlawfully discrminate against new customer, that the line extension fee is inherently different frm the hookup fees in Boise Water. We therefore find that the holding of Boise Water does not prohibit a change in the rates at issue here. iv. ISSUES RASED BY APPLICATION A. Motion to Reopen the Record On September 30, 1996, Idaho Power filed a Motion to Reope the Record for the limted purpose of receiving the Affdavit of Gregory W. Said. The Motion was filed due to an eror the Company had discovered in the proposed line extension allowance for three phase serce to Schedule 7 (small general serice) customer, Schedule 9 (large generl service) customer and Schedule 24 (irrgation serice) customer. The Company indicated that the eror resulted in the proposed allowance being significantly understated. The Company also indicated that the proposed allowance for Schedule 1 (residential cutomer) was not affected by the eror. On October 3,1996, Staff responded to Idaho Power's Motion to Reope the Proceengs. Staff indicated that it agreed with augmentation of the recrd by the affdavit filed by the Company. Staff recommended that if the Commission approves ths change, that the Company should be directed to fie corrected tarffs consistent with this change. No other parties filed a response to Idaho Power Company's Motion. We find that paries were given proper notice to the Motion and that no par wil be denied due process by the receipt of the affdavit. We therefore grt Idaho Power's Motion to Reopen the Record for the limited purse of receiving the Affdavit of Gregory W. Said. BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUDING - Page 2S B. Average Unit Costs v. Work Order Costs The average unit cost method now used for deterining the costs of line extensions is based on average installed costs for varous elements ofline extenions. The actual installed cost of each individual line extension can be either higher or lower than the estiated cost as determined by the average unit cost method. The ter "work order costs" refer to an adjusted work order cost, or a work order from which those items for which the cutomer would not be charged have been removed. Adjusted work order costs refer to work order costs less terminal facilities and less any work included as par of the work order not done specifically for the customer, i.e., Company or system betterment. Tr. at 382. The use of average unt costs was intended to simplify and expedite the process of makng cost estimates for new line extensions. Idaho Power The Company has proposed eliminating the average unit cost method and using actu work order costs to determine line extension costs. It believes work order costs more accurately assign specific costs to specific customer. The Company claims that it has streamlined the cost estimating process and that it can do detaled work order costs in an effcient maner. The Company claims that the difference in time required to prepare estimates using either method would not be as significant, and therefore, there is no need for both methods. Tr. at 9. The Company also notes that under the average unit cost method, customers may either under payor over pay for their line extensions. Commission Staff The Staff supports the proposed change frm an averge unt cost method to a work order cost method and notes that the curent average method often results in inaccurate estimates for individual line extensions. Tr. at 297. Staff does recommend, however, that some procedure be implemented to ensure that periodic checks are done between adjusted work order costs and reconciled work order costs so that the Commission can have the assurance that what is booked by the Company, is in fact, close to what is paid by the customer. Adjusted work order costs are cost estimates prior to constrction. Reconciled work order costs are post constrction costs booked by the Company. Staff proposes that the Company charge adjusted work order costs. Tr. at 271. Building Contractors The Building Contrctors oppose the change frm an averge unit cost method to work order cost method. The Building Contractors asser that the work order costs usually exceed the average unit costs by a substantial margin. Tr. at 190. Commissions Findings In the past we have permitted the Company to use averge unt costs because it seemed to simplify and expedite the cost estimating process. We recognze that in some cicumstances averaging may be the only or best method for calculating costs. However, in this case the BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 26 Company believes it can prepare work order estimates specific to each customer just as expeditiously. The Building Contractors claim that work order costs usually exceed average unit costs. Ou review of the record indicates that this is not supported by the record nor the audit of Idaho Power conducted by Staffin 1994. See Case No. IPC-E-94-5. We find that using work order costs rather than average unit costs is an effective means of treating customer individually and fairly, and insuring that one customer does not pay too much for a serice while another pays too little. We also conclude that changing to a work order cost method wil provide an incentive for more economical building practices. Subdivisions with below average costs for electrical facilities wil now pay only their costs and subdivisions with above average costs wil not be subsidized. We fid that using adjusted work order costs rather than average unt costs is fair, just and reasonable. We also find that a perodic audit of the work order costs wil be an effectve way to insure that booked amounts reflect customer payments. Although no part presented a proposal for allowing a developer to hire his own contrctor or requiring the utility to solicit bids, severl public witnesses testified that they thought this would be an effcient way to control costs. We encourage the Company to consider these options. We believe there may mert in the suggestions of the witnesses. We direc the Company to reprt to us withn six months of the date of this Order its analysis of these concers and the feasibilty of allowing developers to hire independent contractors or requiring the Company to solicit bids for ths tye of construction. c. Allowances Idaho Power and Staff are in agreement with regard to the allowances proposed in ths case. The proposed allowances are as follows: 1. Residential (Schedule 1) 100% of cost of terinal facilties No allowance toward cost of line extension 2. Subdivisions Same as individual residential except developer pays in advance for transformers and receives a refud as each new customer is connected in an amount equa to each lot's share of the trsformer costs for the subdivision. 3. Small Commerial (Schedule 7) Single Phase: 100% of cost of terinal facilties Thee Phase: 80% of ternal facilties BUIDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUDING - Page 27 4. Large Commercial (Schedule 9) Single Phase: $926 Thee Phase: 80% of terinal facilties 5. Irgation (Schedule 24) Single Phase: $926 Thee Phase: 100% of terinal facilties 6. Industral (Schedule 19) Deterne allowances on a case-by-case basis The Building Contractors oppose any changes to the curent allowances for Schedule 1 customers. The Building Contrctors explain that the "Commission policy for the past 60 years has been to allow some porton of line extenion costs to be recovered in generl rates." Building Contractors Brief at 7. It clais that the allowance changes in the proposed Rule H shift full responsibility for those costs to new customers. Commission Findings All pares in this case seem to agree that the cost of sering new customer is increasing. There is debate, however, about the exact causes of the increasing cost and whether the cost burden should be borne by all customers through a rate increase or by new customers through higher line extension charges. We do not believe it is necessar to deterne the exact cause of higher costs, but we do believe it is important to address the issues raised as a result. In the case of distrbution plant, it is easy to identify the purose for its constrction. Furermore, we believe it is the obligation .of the. Commission to .provide a reasonable and fair method of reverng these increased costs. We fid that new customer are entitled to have the Company provide a level of investment equal to that made to sere existing customer in the same class. Recover of those costs in excess of embedded costs must also be provided for and the impact on the rates of existing customer is an importt par of our consideration. . We also recognize that requiring the payment of all costs above embedded investment from new customers could have severe economic effects. Under the proposed Rule H, the recommended allowances are calculated based on the total embedded cost of distrbution. facilities. The total embedded cost is made up of two components BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING- Page 28 - one portion for terinal facilities, and one porton for line extensions. To the extent that any allowance is ordered, some portion of distrbution cost wil continue to be recovered through rates. Whether the allowance is applied in exact proportions toward the terinal facilities component, the line extension component, or both, is not crticaL. The amount of the allowance is crtical, however. We find it is reasonable to apply the allowance in a maner so as to pay the cost ofterinal facilties first, and apply any remaining amount of the allowance to the line extension portion of the costs. We find that the curent allowances should be reduced somewhat to prevent an unreasonable portion of the line extension costs from being shifted to base rates. The allowances we adopt are shown in Attachment 1 to this Order. We find that they are fair, just and reasonable and represent a reasonable allocation of line extension costs. D. Refund Policy Idaho Power's current refud method, sometimes referred to as the proportional method, includes provisions that allow customers who request a line extension to their propey to collect a refud as other customer hook up to the same line. Refuds are computed using a method that allocates costs based on the lengt of shared line and the ratio of each customer's load. Orginal applicants and subsequent additional applicants are eligible to receive refuds for five year from the date the first customer is connected. Idaho Power claims that this curent system is burdensome and administratively difficult to track. Thus, Idaho Power proposes to change the policy to a first-in first-out method. Using this method, the existing shared load and lengt ratio formula would be retained, but vested interest refunds would be made first to the longest standing vested interest holder until that interest is fully paid, before a refud is paid to any subsequent applicant. Staff proposes to retain the curent policy of vested interest refuds. Staff claims the curent policy is fairer to customer than the Company's proposed first-in first-out method, and that the curent policy is not as burdensome as the Company claims. Staff does recommend, however, that the refud perod be extended to 10 years for platted, undeveloped subdivisions to alleviate complaints from original applicants who become saddled with the entire cost burden when subsequent applicants "wait out" the five-year refund perod. Staff also recommends instituting a minimum refund amount to relieve the Company of administrtive diffculties. The Building Contractors did not take a position on ths policy. Commission Findings The Commission recgnzes the merts in the positions put forth by both the Company and Staff. We believe the proportonal metod is fair, but sympathize with the Company's concers BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 29 regarding the method's administrative complexity. Similar arguments have bee made in another docket, UPL-E-96-4, which is also currently before the Commission. We are not prepared to completely abandon the proportional method in favor of the Company's proposed first-in, first-out method; however, neither are we comfortable orderng that the curent method be retained if it canot easily be administered. Consequently, we order that a new method be implemented, that wil capture the advantages of the curent and the proposed methods and balance the competing objectives of faiess and administrtive complexity. First, a five-year refud perod is reasonable and should be retained, except in the cases of platted, undeveloped subdivisions where we order a 10-year refud perod. Second, we order that the first five customers sharng a common segment of a line extension shall be responsible for the cost of the line. By limiting cost responsibility to five customer and limiting the refud perod to five years, we believe much of the curent administrative diffculty wil be relieved. In order to preserve fairness, we order that length and load ratios continue to be used in deterining each customer's cost responsibility. Finally, to further eliminate incentives for additional customers to wait to connect, the cost responsibilty wil shift from the fit applicant to each successive applicant until each of the first five customer has an equal minimum cost responsibilty. The cost responsibility shall be 100% for the first cutomer and decrease by 20% for each successive customer. Vested interest payments made to the Company by each successive applicant shall, in tum, be refunded by the Company to the most recent previous applicant. Thus, for example, the second customer shall pay 80% of the cost of the shared facilties; that amount shall be refuded to the first customer. The thrd customer shall pay 60% of the cost of the shared facilties; that amount shall be refuded to the second customer. The fourh customer shall pay 40%, to be refuded to the third customer. Finally, the fifth customer shall pay 20%, to be refuded to the fourth customer. We find that this method adequately addresses the concers of the Company and the Staff and is fair and reasonable for customers. We direct Commission Staff to work with the Company to implement this new refund system. E. Engieerig Charge & General Overheads Under the existing Rule H tarff engieerng costs are incorporated in the overhead charged on each work order. The Company currently charges 17% in overhead fees that include constrction engineering and superision, constrction injuries and insurance and constrction accounting. Tr.at 308. Under the new proposal, Idaho Power would itemze engineerig charges. Tr.at 50.. Commission Staff rased the issue of how much the general overhead rate should be reduced if engineerng is charged separately. Idaho Power contends that it wants to separate engineering charges from general overhead costs; however, it does not want to specify the percentage of amount charge. The Company argues that it needs to be able to adjust the engineerng charge periodically as circumstances change. Tr. at 394, lines 1-6. Idaho Power has acknowledged that because the engieerg fee has been separted out, that the generl overhead rate should be reduced. Tr. at 392. Staff has recommended that the overhead charge should be specific in the tarff and has recommended a general overhead rate of 1.5%. Staffs Exhbit 114. BUILING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUESTFORINTERVENOR FUNDING-Page30 The Building Contractors did not take a position on ths issue. Commission's Findings Both Staff and the Company are in agreement that there should be a reduction in the gener overhead rate if engieerng costs are charged separtely. We agree with Staff that both the rate for engineering work and the general overhead rate should be known by customer, and specified in the tarff. We find Staffs recommendation for a 1.5% general overhead rate to be fai, just and reasonable. F. Omitted Sedions and Service Attachment Charge The Commission Staff reommended inclusion of cerain provisions in the proposed Rule H that are in the curent tarffbut were excluded in the Company's proposal. These sections relate to fire protection facilities, local improvement distrcts and interest on constrction payments. The Company agrees that these sections should be included in the revised Rule H and incorporated in the tarffs. Staff also recommended a single charge for the serice attachment charge and noted a difference of $5 between the base charge assessed for underground serce installation where the customer supplies the trench conduit and backfill and the Company supplied underground serce installation. Staff recommended elimnating the difference by moving both base charges to the lower charge. The Company agrees with the establishment of a single-base charge, however, proposes that the base charge that the Company has proposed be averged, resulting in the base charge of $32.50 for underground service from underground lines and $252 for underground serce from overhead lines regardless of who supplies the trench and backfill. Tr. at 378. Staff also suggested that the tarffbe reworded in order to make it easier to understand and administer. The Building Contrctors did not take a position on ths issue. Commission's Findings We adopt Staffs and Idaho Power's recommendation for the inclusion of the omitted section in the proposed Rule H and find that these sections should be included in the tarff fiings. We also agree with. the Company and Staffs recommendation of a single-base charge for the serce attachment charge. We find that a base charge for underground serice of $30 and a base charge for overead serice at $255 to be fair, just and reasonable. We also find the tarff should be reworded as suggested by Staff. V. INTERVENOR FUNDING On September 12, 1996, the Building Contrctors filed Petition for Interenor Funding purt to Rule 161-170 of the Commission's Rules of Procedur, IDAP A BUILDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 31 Idaho Code § 61-617 A and Rule 162 of the Commssion's Rules of Procedure provide the framework for awards of intervenor fuding. Section 61-617 A provides that the Commission shall rely upon the following considerations in awaring fuding to a given interenor: (1) whether the intervenor materally contrbuted to the decision redered by the Commission; (2) whether the alleged costs of interention are reasnable in amount and would be a significant financial hardship for the interenor to incur (3) whether the reommendation made by the interenor differed materally from the testimony and exhibits ofthe Commission Staff and (4) whether the testimony and paricipation of the intervenor addressed issues of concern to the general body of users or consumer. The statute furter provides that the total award for all intervening paries combined shall not exceed $25,000 in any proceeding. Rule 162 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure provides the procedural requirements with which an application for interenor fuding must comply. The application must contain: (1) an itemized list of expenses broken down into categories; (2) a statement of the intervenor's proposed finding or recommendation; (3) a statement showing that the costs the interenor wishes to recover are reasonable; (4) a statement explaining why the costs constitute a significant financial hardship for the interenor; (5) a statement showing how the interenor's proposed finding or recommendation differed materally from the testimony and exhbits of the Commssion Staff; (6) a statement showing how the interenor's recommendation or position addressed issues of concern to the general body of utility user or customer; and (7) a statement showing the class of customer on whose behalf the interenor appeared. Finally, Rile 165 provides that the Commission must find that the interenor's presentation materially contrbuted to the Commission's decsion. The Building Contractors allege that its position was materally differt from the Commission's Staff It claims that it addressed issues concering a general body of ratepayers and lead to a more in depth and rigorous examination of cerain issues. The Building Contractors claimed the following fees and costs were incurred in this proceeding: Legal fees: 114 hours at $125 per hour $14,250.00 Consultant fees: 128.5 hour at $95 per hour $12,207.50 Photocopies, trvel to Pocatello and miscellaneous $ 220.00 Total $26,677.50 On September 26, 1996, Idaho Power fied a response to the Building Contractors' Petition for Interenor Funding stating that the Petition should have more detailed itemization, but neverheless, recommending approval of the request and recover from the class that primarly benefitted; i.e., lots within subdivisions that require line extensions. Idaho Power recommends collecting a subdivision lot charge of$I1.00 per lot for one year. BUIDING CONTRCTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - Page 32 Commission Findings The Building Contractors' Petition meets the procedur requirements set fort in Idaho Code § 61-617 A and Rules 161-170 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. The Building Contractors made a suffcient showing of financial hardship, took a position that differed materally frm the Commission Staff and raised issues of concer to the general body of ratepayers. The Building Contractors contrbuted materally to our final decision in this case. Therefore, we find that the amount of interenor fuding requested by the Building Contractors is reasonable and hereby award the amount of $25,000. Idaho Power is required to pay the Building Contractors this amount within twenty-eight (28) days from the serce date of this Order. We adopt Idaho Power's proposal to collect a subdivision lot charge of $11 per lot to be effective as of the date of this Order, to reimburse the Company for the interenor funding award, pursuant to Rule 165 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. This incremental addition to subdivision lot charge shall be removed after beig in effect for one year. VI. ULTIMATE FIINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Idaho Power is a public utilty puruant to Idaho Code §§ 61-119 and 61-129. The Commission has jursdiction over this matter pursuant to Title 61 of the Idaho Code. The Commission grts Idaho Power's motion to reopen the record for receipt of an afdavit. The Commssion also grants Idaho Power's Application for revisions to its Rule H tarff with modifications to the tarff as set forth above. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Idaho Power's Motion to Reopen the Recrd for the limited purse of receiving the Affdavit of Gregory W. Said is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Idaho Power's Application for approval of new tarff provisions relating to new serice attachment and distrbution line installations or altertions is approved with modifications as enumerated above and as shown on Attachment 1. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Idaho Power shall file revised tarffs consistent with this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Pettion for Interenor Funding filed by the Building Contractors is hereby grted in the amount of $25,000. . Idaho Power is direted to pay theses amounts within twenty-eight (28) days frm the serice date of this Order and to assess a subdivision lot charge of $11 per lot effecve for a period of one year. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in ths Order (or in issues fially decded by this Order) or in interlocutory Orer previously issued in this Case No. IPC-E-95-18 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the serce date of this Order with regad to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in ths Case No. IPC-E-95-18. Withn seven (7) days afer any person has petitioned for BUIDING CONTRCTORS ASIATION OF SOUTHWSTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUDING - Page 33 reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61- 626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this Februar 1997. day of RALPH NELSON, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER DENNIS S. HANSEN, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Myra J. Walter Commission Secretary vld/O:IPC-E-95-18.sh3 Descriptive Name: O.N. 26780 - Line Extension Creation Date: 11122/19962:32:16 PM Revision Date: 11111601 12:00:00 AM Author: SHamlin Typist: BSORREL Filename: E:\Common\UT__ ORD\26795.0RD\26780.wp dtSearch 6.03 (6079) BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING-Page 34 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerify that on the 9th day of November, 2009, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon the following individual(s) by the mean indicated: Origial Pius Seven Filed: Jean D. Jewell, Secetar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 oo~oo U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Express Mail Hand Deliver Facsimile Electronic Mail Serve Copie: Lisa D. Nordstm Baron L. Kline Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Inordstrom~idahopower.com bkline(idahopower.com ~ U.S. Mail, postage preaid o Express Mail o Hand Deliver o Facsimile ~ Electronic Mail Scott Sparks Gregory W. Said Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 ssparks~idapower.com gsaid~idahopower.com ~ U.S. Mail, postage praid o Expres Mail o Hand Deliver o Facsimile ~ Electronic Mail Krstine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton POBox 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 krs.saseruc.idaho.gov ~ U.S. Mail, postage prepaid o Express Mail o Hand Deliver o Facsimile ~ Electronic Mail BUIING CONTRACTORS ASIATION OF SOUTWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUDING - Page 35 Matthew A. Johnson Davis F . VanderVelde White, Peteron, Gigray, Rossman, Nye & Nichols, P.A. 5700 E. Franin Rd., Ste. 200 Nampa, ID 83687 mjohnson~whitepeterson.com dvanderelde~whitepeterson.com Attorneys for The City of Nampa and The Association of Canyon County Highway Districts Michael Kur Kur J. Boehm Boehm, Kurz & Lowr 36 E. Seventh St., Ste. 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 mkz~BKLlawfirm.com Kboehm~BKLlawfirm.com Attorneys for The Kroeger Co. Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies, LLC Parkside Tower 215 S. State St., Ste. 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 khiggins~energystrat.com Representing The Kroeger Co. Scott D. Spear Ada County Highway Distrct 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 sspeacqachd.ada.id.us U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Express Mail Hand Deliver Facsimile Electronic Mail U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Express Mail Hand Deliver Facsimile Electrnic Mail u.S. Mail, postage prepaid Express Mail Hand Deliver Facsimile Eleconic Mail u.S. Mail, postage prepaid Express Mail Hand Deliver Facsimile Electronic Mail BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO'S REQUEST FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING.. Page 36