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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081224Petition to Intervene.pdf, RECEIVED 20090E.C 24 AM' 1: 02 Matthew A. Johnson, ISB #7789 Davis F . VanderVelde, ISB #7314 WHITE PETERSON GIGRA Y ROSSMA NYE & NICHOLS, P.A. 5700 East Franin Road, Suite 200 Nmnp~ Idao 83687 Offce: (208) 466-9272 Fax: (208) 466-4405 Attorneys for Intervenor: Association of Canyon County Highway Distrcts BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN TH MATTR OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY ) TO MODIFY ITS RULE H LINE EXTNSION ) TARF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ) ATTACHMNTS AN DISTRUTON LIN )INSTALLATIONS ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INRVENE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CANON COUNYIDGHWAY DISTRICTS NAMA HIGHWAY DISTRCT NO.1, NOTUS-PAR HIGHWAY DISTRCT NO.2, GOLDEN GATE HIGHWAY DISTRCT No. 3, and CANON HIGHWAY DISTRCT No. 4, hereby jointly petition to intervene as The ASSOCIATION OF CANYON COUN HIGHWAY DISTRCTS (ACCHD), an inormal association, in the above-captioned mar pursuat to the Idao Pulic Utilities Commssion Rules of Procedur (IDAPA et seq and the Commssion's November 26, 2008 Notice of Application and Notice of Intervention Deadline. ACCHD requests consideration and grting of ths petition despite untiely filig puruat to IPUCRP 73. The PETIION TO INTERVENE - I ACCHD was not fuly aware of its options on ths matter and was unable to tae action until a reguarly scheduled meeting on December 17, 2008, which was after the intervention filing deadline. The ACCHD does not believe that any par will be prejudiced by its late fiing and the ACCHD's involvement will not unduly broaden the issues. Additionally at ths time ths matter is stil in the early staes and no Notice of Pares has yet been sent out, so allowig ACCHD to petition out-of-time will not signficantly disrupt proceedings. I. In support of this Petition, the ACCHD alleges as follows: 1. The Assocation of Canyon County Highway Distrcts was formed in 1981 as an inormal association for Nmnpa Highway Distct No.1, Notu-Para Highway Distct No.2, Golden Gate Highway Distrct No.3, and Canyon Highway Distrct NO.3 to sha stadads, ideas, and inormation related to their jursdictions with Canyon County. Each of these highway distrcts is duly organze as a boy politic and corpra under Idaho Code Title 40, Chapter 13. 2. The highway distcts each own govern and control public roadways and nght-of- ways with their respetive distrct limts. Under Chapter 13 of Title 40 of the Idaho Code, the highway distrcts are each empowered to supervise, regulate, create, widen, improve, and otherwse control and direct such public roadways. 3. The ACCHD ha a direct and substatial interest in the above captioned mar. The highway distcts' responsibilities for their respetive roadways include maitenance and impvements th require relocation of Idao Power facilties so th such facilties do not interfere with trsporttion, public use, and public safety. Idaho Power's Application seeks to change the relocation rues so th the costs of such relocation would be borne by the highway distncts and local improvement distrcts organzed by the highway distncts. The ACCHD is PETITION TO INTERVE - 2 substatially interested in makg sure that relocation cost are not unaily imposed on the highway distncts. The ACCHD also ha an mt;rest in makng sure that such rue chages do not contravene Idao sttutes and case law. 4. Intervention by the ACCHD will not unduly broaden the issues in ths maer. The highway distrcts' concern relate pnmanly to the proposed changes regardig the definition of thd-par beneficianes, the tratment of local improvement distncts, and allocation of relocation costs. The ACCHD does not seek to intruce additional issues or matters beyond those aleady included in the propose rue chage. 5. Intervention by the ACCHD is in the public interest. The ACCHD highway distncts are responsible for and govern all public nght-of-ways with Canyon County, excet those with muncipalities. The highway distrcts have comments and conces related to the public interest in trffc safety, public nght-of-ways, and public roadways. 6. Intervention by the ACCHD will not cause delay or prejudice to the pares in the above-captioned matt. The ACCHD understad tht ths petition was not tiely with the fouren (14) days requiement of the servce date of PUC Order No. 30687. However the foureen (14) days timeline was quite short for the highway distcts to mae a cooperaive effort on ths matter. The effciency in both tie and costs gaied by a joint petition and cooperative effort will improve the futu proceedings. Additionaly there have not yet been fuer procedings on ths mattr, so the ACCHD petition will not unduly interfere with proceedings in progrss. 7. Intervention by the ACCHD is appropnate to allow the highway distncts to appropnately express cert conce, objections, and protests in relation to the Application in ths matter. PETITION TO INRVENE - 3 t if; 8. The highway distncts wish to maita goo relations with Idao Power and believe that status for the ACCHD as an intervenor will allow for clearer communcations about concern and issues. Dated this 2.Lf day of December, 2008. WHTE PETERSON GIGRA Y ROSSMA NY & NICHOLS, P.A.BY~ Matthew A. Johnon Attorneys for the ACCHD PETITION TO INTERVENE - 4 I ' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certfy that on the 24th day of December, 2008, a tre and corrct copy of the above and foregoing instent was served upon the followig by the method indicate below: Nmnpa Highway Distnct No. 1 P.O. Box 76 Nmnp~ ID 83653 Notus-Par Highway Distnct No.2 POBox 719 Para ID 83660 Golden Gate Highway Distnct No.3 POBox 38 Wilder ID 83676 Canyon Highway Distnct NO.4 15435 Hwy44 Caldwell ID 83607 Lisa D. Nordstrom Baron L. Kline IDAHO POWER COMPAN P.O.Box70 Boise, ID 83707 Michael L. Kur, Esq. Kur J. Boehm, Esq. BOEHM, JUTZ & LOWRY 36 Ea Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinti OH 45202 Jason S. Risch Jeremy P. Pisca Risch Pisc~ PLLC Law and Policy 407 West Jeffersn Stret Boise il 83702 PETITION TO INRVENE - 5 X U.S. Mail Overght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile: L U.S. Mail Overnght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimle: L U.S. Mail Overnght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimle: L U.S. Mail Overnght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile: ~ U.S. Mail Overnght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimle: ~ U.S. Mail Overnght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimle: l -J Scott Sparks Gregory W. Said Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idao Street Boise ID 83702 ~ U.S. Mail Overnght Mail Hand Delivery Facsimile: Jean D. Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commssion POBox 83720 472 W. Washion Street Boise ID 83720-0074 U.S. Mail Overnght Mail -X Hand Delivery Facsimile: ~'T~ Donn MacLean for WHITE PETERSON GIGRAY ROSSMAN NYE & NICHOLS, P.A. PETIION TO INRVENE - 6