HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110830Opposition to Motion.pdfPETER l. RICHARDSON (lSB # 3195) MOLLY O'LEARY (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 RECEIVED 2011 AUG 30 PM 3: 51 Attorneys for Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners, Ltd. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent. ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-20 ) ) GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION ) PARTNERS, LTD'S OPPOSITION TO ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION ) TO DISMISS WITHOUT PRElUDICE ) ) ) ) Complainant vs. GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD, a Colorado limited partnership, COMES NOW, Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners, Ltd. ("Respondent" I"Glenns Ferry"), by and through undersigned counsel, and fies this objection to Idaho Power Companýs Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice, pursuant to Rule 57.03 and Rule 256.04 of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission's Rules of Procedure. BACKGROUND On October 16, 2008, Idaho Power Company fied a "Petition for Declaratory Order and Formal Complaint for Breach of Contract" (herein "Complaint1 with this Commission. In its Complaint, Idaho Power makes certain factual allegations and concludes with a Prayer GLENNS FERRY'S OPPOSITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 1 for Relief in which this Commission is asked to adjudicate whether or not a certain contract has been breached and to further adjudicate that Idaho Power is entitled to an award of damages as a remedy for said alleged breach of contract. A summons was issued by the Commission on October 21 2008, notifying Glenns Ferry that it had 21 days to respond to Idaho Power s complaint. Idaho Power immediately began filing discovery requests. On November 10, 2008, Glenns Ferry filed with the Commission a Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter jurisdiction. Subsequently, on November 14, 2008, Glenns Ferry fied a Motion to Stay Discovery. On November 24, 2008, the parties fied a joint motion regarding scheduling and discovery. On january 13, 2009, Idaho Power fied (1) a brief opposing Glenns Ferrýs Motion to Dismiss and (2) a Request for Oral Argument on the limited issue of whether the Commission has subject matter jurisdiction over the Complaint. Glenns Ferry did not oppose Idaho Power's motion for Oral Argument. The Commission found that "oral argument may be helpful in clarifying the issues that have been raised by the parties in Glenns Ferrýs Motion to Dismiss and responses thereto," and set oral argument on the limited question of its breach of contract subject matter jurisdiction for Tuesday, March 3, 2009. IPC-E-08-20 Notice of Hearing, 02.12.09. Since that time, Glenns Ferry has engaged in good faith settlement negotiations with Idaho Power to no avail, despite repeated efforts and numerous proposals designed to make Idaho Power ratepayers whole without inflicting an unjustifiable penalty on Respondent. At the outset of negotiations, Glenns Ferry advised Commission Staff of such negotiations and no decision on the merits of Respondents Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter GLENNS FERRY'S OPPOSITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 2 jurisdiction has been rendered. Glenns Ferry continued to periodically apprise Commission Staff of its ongoing settlement efforts during the ensuing two-plus years. On june 23rd of this year, Glenns Ferry contacted Commission Staff and requested that the Commission proceed with rendering its decision based on the record before it, due to the failed negotiation efforts. Respondent likewise notified counsel for Complainant that same day of its request to the Commission. Nearly two months later, Idaho Power fied its belated Motion to dismiss its own Complaint, without prejudice. ARGUMENT While Glenns Ferry agrees that Idaho Power's Complaint should be dismissed, it should be dismissed on the merits with prejudice. A Motion to Dismiss without prejudice cannot be granted where the party making the motion has delayed resolution of the matter and where, among other things, the other party has been prejudiced by such delay. The two primary factors in determining whether a dismissal with prejudice is appropriate are "a clear record of delay and ineffective lesser sanctions, which must be bolstered by the presence of at least one "aggravating" factor, including: 1) delay resulting from intentional conduct, 2) delay caused by the plaintiff personally, or 3) delay causing prejudice to the defendant." Lee v. Nickerson, 146 Idaho 5, 189 P.3d 467, 471 (Idaho 2008); Kugler v. Maguire, No. 36644, P. 3 (Idaho Court of Appeals, Nov. 4, 2010) citing Ashby v. Western CounciL, Lumber Prod 8l Indus. Workers, 117 Idaho 684, 686-87, 791 P.2d 434,436- 37 (1990); see also Adams v. Reed, 138 Idaho 36, 39, 57 P.3d 505, 508 (Ct. App. 2002). GLENNS FERRY'S OPPOSITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 3 In the present case, all three of the alternate "aggravating factors" are present: 1. Prejudice to Respondent: Glenns Ferry has been prejudiced by Idaho Power's conduct, which has resulted in unnecessary legal fees expended in fully litigating the issue of the Commission's subject matter jurisdiction over Idaho Power's breach of contract Complaint, not to mention travel and other costs associated with the protracted settlement negotiations. This prejudice to Glenns Ferry would be further exacerbated by the continued legal uncertinty created by a dismissal of Idaho Power's Complaint without prejudice. In addition, Glenns Ferry would be further prejudiced if it were to have to expend additional resources at some point in the future re-arguing the very issue already fully presented to the Commission for decision; 2. Delay caused by the Complainant: Instead of objecting to Glenns Ferrýs initial Motion to Dismiss for lack of subjec matter jurisdiction, Idaho Power could have withdrawn its Complaint more than two years ago and avoided wasting the Commission's and Glenns Ferrýs time in the interim; and 3. Delay caused by intentional conduct: Idaho Power has steadfastly refused all of Glenns Ferrýs good faith settlement offers and has, instead, engaged in delay tactics such as throwing up red herring arguments regarding an irrelevant change in ownership of Glenns Ferrýs owners during the two-plus years it has dangled Glenns Ferrýs hopes of a business-to-business settlement on the line. Glenns Ferry has been, and continues to be, the "Sellet' under the Firm Energy Sales Agreement ("FESA'1 that is the subject of the parties' dispute. Any change in the ownership of its owners is irrelevant and Idaho Power's claims to the contrary are yet another example of its bad faith attempts to delay resolution of the parties' dispute. In addition, because of the Commission's specialized, albeit limited, jurisdiction there is no option of lesser sanctions against Idaho Power (e.g., a Rule 11 sanction against Idaho Power under the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure, or an award of attorney fees against Idaho Power) for proffering a frivolous argument regarding the Commission's jurisdiction over a breach of contract claim that fles in the face of long-standing Idaho Supreme Court precedent to the contrary, and then filing a liN ever Mind" motion more than two years and untold dollars later. The issue presented to the Commission by Idaho Power's Complaint and GLENNS FERRY'S OPPOSITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 4 Glenns Ferrýs Motion to Dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction has been fully briefed and argued to the Commission, and should be decided on the merits. To do otherwise would be tantamount to approving Idaho Power's waste of the Commission's and Glenns Ferrýs time and resources, and would serve to invite other parties in the future to behave likewise. Given the Commission's and the State of Idaho's limited resources, such a result should not be countenanced. CONCLUSION For the forgoing reasons, Glenns Ferry opposes Idaho Powets Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice and hereby renews its request that Idaho Power's breach of contract Complaint be dismissed by the Commission for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. . DATED this 30th day of August, 2011. Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC GLENNS FERRY'S OPPOSITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 30th day of August, 2011, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: jean jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W Washington Street Boise ID 83702 lean.jewell (g puc.idaho.gov ( ) U.s. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Kristine Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W Washington Street Boise ID 83702 Kris.sasser(g puc.idaho.gov ( ) U.s. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Bruce C jones jones & Schwartz PLLC 1673 N Shoreline Dr Ste 200 (83702) PO Box 7808 Boise ID 83707-7808 bruce(g jonesandschwartzlaw.com (X) U.s. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Signed:Ch ÚJh\ Nina Curtis GLENNS FERRY'S OPPOSITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 6