HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081209ICL Comments.pdfDec 08 2008 5: 05PM / ßv ~t'¡otl.~ /r1 Idaho Conservat i on League 208-3440344 y"~ A.V. /1: ~;Id ;, H J p. 1 RCf'FIVFr',.. ''' _. "'" ",' 2000 DEC -8 PM~: 59WWlVØI Co I ea PO Bo 84. Bo. D 88701208.45.89 IDAHO PUBliC UTILITIES COMi\AlSS¡ON Idaho Public Utilities Commssion POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 December 3, 2008 RE: Idaho Conservation League Comments on Idaho Power Advaß~ed Meter Infrastructure Case No. IPC-E-08-16 Dear Commssioners: Than you for the opportity to comment on Idaho Power's reuest to install Advanced Meter Inrastructue (AMI) thoughout its servce terrtory over the next thee year. For thirt~fouryear. the Idaho Conservation League has been Id~o's voice for clean water, clean air, and wildemess-values tht are the foundation to Idahò's extrdina quaity of life. The Idaho Conservation League works to protect these vaues thug citizen actio~ public education, and professional advocacy. As Idaho's largest state-based conservation organization we represent over 9,500 members, many of whom have a deep personal interest in protecting our Clea ai, clean wate, and quality oflife. The Idaho Consaton League (lCL) urges the Idao Public Utility Commssioner (PUC) to grt Idao Power a Cerficate of Public Convenience and Necessity to inl AMI technology. The deployment of AM technology is necessar to modernize our aging electricity infrstcture and wil be immensely beneficial to Idao Powe, ratepyers, and our environment. AMI technology provides energ usage information to customers and utlities. which will help realize greater effciencies in energy consumption on both ends of the electrcity gnd. Ths will drtically improve the impact energy ha on our environment. Idao Power wil be able to more closely lin cusmer pricing with market principles of supply and demand; which wil allow for beter plan for additional energy resources. Additionally, AMI educates consumers on their own energ use and pricing and will, therefore, provide an incentive to become more energy effcient in order to reduce their energ us. Improved planing by Ida Power and more effcient energy use by consumers wil decrease the need for more power plants and trasmiion lines. In tum, fewer power plants will reduce greenhous gas emissions, a major contrbutor to global warming. According to the Energy Inormation AdministrtiolL the elecicity sectr accounts for fort pecent of cabon dioxide emissions, which mean ths industry wil be one of the most affected in combating global warming. The cheapest and quickest method of reducing those emisions is thugh energy effciency, and AM technology is a crucial step to becoming more energy effcient. In addition to the environmental benefits, consumers and Idao Power wil benefit Dec 08 2008 5: 05PM Idaho Conservat i on League 208-3440344 p.2 ficially frm reduced equipment and associated maintenance costs, reuced support expenses, and improved inventory management. AMI wil improve network reliabilty and system responsiveness by detecng outages earlier and enhcing the abilty to locate where an outage has occurd. Deployment of AM technology also reduces costs associate with tritional manual meter reaing and customer biling and improves the accury of biling information due to reducing the number of estimed and eroneoUs meter readings. Than you for the opportty to comment on Idao Power's AMI application. Thisis an opportunty to drastically improve effciency in our energy use, which will lead to a cleaner environment and lower energy cost. Please grant Idaho Power a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to instal AMI technology. If you have questions about our interest in this matter, please contact me at 208-345-6933 ex. 12 or at bbridge(gwildidaho.org. Sincerely,B~ß~--. Energy Effciency Associate